The Wingham Times, 1902-10-23, Page 5UNDERWEAR Eli DERPRI IED. OGYS' . LGTHI1PIG
Up .grades in goods ! Down grades it, latices !
rn"e R. 11. Growder Go
'Twill pay you to come to this store often, and you're always
,we'come, We sell everything a roan wears, but shoes. Our
goods are right up to the minute in quality and style ; and
our prices are low.
Overcoats for Alen
'Men's Frieze Overcoats, goad heavy
weight, sizes 36 to 44, reg. $7 for $5,75
'Men's Blue Beaver Cloth Overcoats,
velvet Dollar, tight fitting coat,
sizes 30 to 42, - - 5.00
Men's right•np•to•the-minute Over -
emits, in English meitcm cloth, 43
inches lone, yoke back. velvet mil.
lar. ribbed satin lining, 3hfest slash
ponketq, sizes 35 to 44. Crowder's
price - - , 11.50
Overcoats for 'Youths
'Youth's Grey Frieze Overcoats. sizes
82 to 35. made in latest styles, rag
7.00, for - 5.75
'Youths' Grey Cheviot Overcoats.
sizes 82 to 35, 40 in, long, heavy
satin lining, slash Dockets, good
wearers, regular 10.00, for - 8 50
Youths' English Melton Cloth (hex
back) Overcoats. latest slash pock-
ets, sizes 32 to 34, while they last 10.50
Overcoats for 'Boys
"Boys' Rnssia.n Overcoats, heavy rhrl
body lining, with capote. cizr's 22
to 28, at - 3.75 and 5.75
Boys' Pea Jncketa, sizes 22 to Smith
lame storm collar, heavy lining, 2.75
BOYS' latest style Yoke Overcoats,
sizes 25 to 20. velvet Boiler. slash
pockets. farmers satin lining, 6.00
IOien's 'Underwear
ken's wool fleeced Shirts and Drawers, all
sizes _ .fin
Men's all -wool Shirts end Drawers,all sizes .50
Men's Union Shirts and Drawers • .85
Top Shirts for !Open
Men's nn.•r il• eeelincd Ton Shirts, - .75
Men's all -wool Funnel Shirts, .75 and 1.00
Men's ,levy% gt•cr•, rad black and white Top
Rhirt', worth Sir, for .49
Sale Shit'tt4
Jusr. arrived, n nice assortment of Salem
Shirts. all sIac' from 12 to 18, at .05 to 1.25
]Wen's Sox
Men's all -wool grey Pow, 2 nnir8 for • .25
•Men'o,,1••«kimnortel English Hose, sizos
a;, to 11, with card of yarn attached, - .25
Men's English Cashmere Sox - 25
Snits for nen
10 suits, colors grey, brown, navy,
etc.. sizes 06 to 44. worth 0.50 to
7.50, Crowder's price - $5.00
Men's heavy grey., and bbte Suits,
double.breasted coat, best trim-
mings, weight 7 Ibs, at $1,20 per lb
131nok Curl Cloth Suits for inen,sizes
36 to 44. something really nice, suit
• tnade right, with best trimmings.
price - - 10,00
Snits for Youths
Coronation Cloth Snits for young
men, sizes 31 to 36, good heavy
weight, beat Italian trimmings,
Orowder's price - - 5.75
Youth's Knicker Snits, sizes 29 to 31,
in niee tweed effects, at
Youths' Odd Pants -Sizes 28 to '33, •
good Canadian tweed, your choice .75
Snits for Boys
Boys' all -wool 2 -piece Suits, sizes 22
to 27, for ' - - - , 1.75
Boys' Fancy 3•piece Suits, sizes 22
to 28, made up to data, worth $4,
Crowder's price - - 3.25
Boys' 2 -niece Russian Binuse Suits,
sizes 23 to 30. regular $6,our price 3.75
Boys' Underwear
Boys' fleeced Shirts and Drawers,
.25, .35 and .45
Boys' wool Shirts and Drawers, .25 to .50
Top Shirts for Boys
Boys' moleskin Shirts, nice patterns, , • .50
Boys' wool Top Shirts, nice clnrlc patterns, .50
Boys' heavy flannelette Top Shirts, all sizes .45
Boys' good Braces .10
Youths' nest elastic Web Brae( s, 25
Heaviest Bruen in Huron county .25
Boys' Stockings
Boys' all -wool Stnedcings, all sizes, .22
Bovs' all -wool ribbed Stockings, - .18 to .25
Boss' English Worsted. Hose, sizes 9 to 11,
heavy goods, worth Ole, for - .50
BATS -In Hats we aro right up to the minute.
Colne in and see our latest blacks which will
be in for Saturday's trade.
'TIES -Crowder always has the latest.
CAP'S -Crowder beats them all.
The R. H. 6ROWDLR Go.
Men's Outfitters. WINGIIAM
,•••••••04••••••••.•0•••0• 0004.000•••••••••.0•••••••
+ in an le o
+ •
. ...
i+ The season for Finnan Haddie has now arrived, and we o
'+* are receiving shipments weekly direct from Nova Scotia.
10 cents per ' pound.
de r--�
Just arrived, another lot of Baking Powder in glass mugs °o
with handle, - 5 cents each
HICKORY BASKETS --We have secured a limited
number of hand -made Hickory Baskets, just the kind for
picking apples.
News From Our
What ' Wideavifake Times Correspo tdoxtts Communicate --- Other
' Items Clipped From Our Exchanges.
W )SST W44 wV ,AN 08111.
Mr, Win, Davidson has sold lot 25, con.
1 to Mr. Robt. Medd for $3,303. The
farut contains. 75 acres.
Mr.Peter Watson,of tips township has
purchased a very fine young Shorthorn
bull from Mr. J. Laidlaw, M. P. of
Mrs. Emigh was visiting with friends
in Parkhill.
A ear of Manitoba wheat has been
received at the Blyth flour mills,
Miss Mary McLaughlin is spending
three months with her brother and
friends in Dutton.
Miss Maud King has gone to Washing-
ton, D. C., where she intends taking a
coarse of training
the national train-
ing school for missionaries and deacon -
Mr. T. R. Wright, of the firm of
Humphrey & Wright, builders and
contractors, London,, was in Blyth last
week, and purchased 325,003 brick from
Mr. Adam Wottlttufer.
Lightning Remedy for Cramps.
Some people have cramps pretty often,
others only now and again. But when
you do have theta it's a mighty snick
relief yon want. Poison's Nerviline
is as suro as death to relieve cramps in
five seconds -it's sustantaneous, just a
few drops in sweetened water and the
pain is gone. Buy a bottle of Nerviline
today. and keep it handy. Nerviline is
a common household necessity and ouly
costs 25 cants.
Dr. Hamilton's Mandrake Pills Cure
Does your•
Liver ever
goon strike?
If so, you should use Iron Tonic
Pills. One pill a dose, 50 pills in
each box; 3 pills a day for seventeen
days, makes you a new man or
They tone the heart, stimulate the
nerves, increase the appetite, and
keep the bowels just right.
These pills eau be had for 250 a
box -Just half -a -cent a dose.
We desire to inform our customers
that we have the very best quality
of Paris Green. Our Paris Green
lave such excellent satisfaction last
year that we obtained the same
quality' again this year. It is per -
fectly fresh and extra strong.
On Wednesday evening of last ween,
a pretty wedding took place at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Todd, when their
second daughter, Miss Lizzie J. was
married to Mr. Herbert H. Thompson of
Sault Ste Marie, Ont. Rev.S.M.Whaley •
performed the ceremony in the presence
of about ave hundred invited guests.
The bride was assisted by her sister, Miss
Charlotte Todd, and toe groom by Mr.
Collins, of Bervie, a cousin of the bride.
Little Flora McDonald, of Wingham,
niece of the bride, was flower girl. A
march was played on the bagpipes by
Mr. D. E. McDonald, of 'Wiugham, as
the bride and groom entered the room.
After the physical needs of the body had
lftien abundantly supplied, a happy even-
ing was spent in dancing, games, etc.
The bride received many handsome and
costly presents. Mr. and Mrs. Tlicmpson
will have the best wishes of a large circle
of friends for their future happiness and
Bow to Beautify the Complexion.
To have a soft, smooth skin,free from
eruptions and pimples. the blood must
be healthy and pure Ferrozone invigor-
ates enfeebled blood, and cleanses it of
fill inlparitie.S and poisons; it brings
color to the lips and cheeks, brilliancy
to the eyes, whitens the teeth and
sweetens the breath. No tonic com-
pares with Ferrozone in rapid action nod
permanent results. Try it. Price 50c.
at druggists or N. C. Polson & Co.,
Kingston, Otit. Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
Dr. Ilamiltou's Pills Cure Headache.
• deux Et$TO{V N,
John and Mrs Wright, of Brussels
spent Sunday at Mrs. Thos Wright's
Mrs. Donald Scott and Miss Ellen
spent Sunday with ,Mrs. Copeland
Len Brown entertained the young
folk of Aiorrisbauk on Tdauksgiviug
Miss Bessie and Maud Mitchell, of
Molesworth spent Thanksgiving with
Miss Kato Wright,
Miss Maggio Taylor and Miss' Elsie
Strahaa returned from Essex last week.
after spending a mouth or so with
Dalton Wismer returned home to
Preston last Thursday, after spending
the summer with his friends at Corrie
and Jamestown.
The court of revision of the voters
lists for fast Wawanosh will be held at
Belgravema Weduesd'ay, October 29th
at 10 o'clocllc a.. m.
Another old resident of our township
passed away ou Thanksgiving Day in
the person of Jane Walker, beloved wife
of Mr. James R. Reid. Deceased was
aged 72 years. The fnueral took place
on Saturday to the Brick Church
The residents of this community were
pained this week when it became known
that the grim messenger, Death, had in-
vaded tho home Of Mr. Albert Stein, of
the eighth concession, and had taken
away his beloved partner, after an ill-
ness of only five weeks' duration. The
deceashd, whose maiden 1151110 was
Gertrude Tisdale, the eldest daughter of
Mr,<George Tisdale of West Wawanosh,
and wt's in her 24th year. She was a
consistent member of the Donnybrook
Methodist Church and took an active
part iu the work of the church and the
Epworth League, where her services
were highly valued. Nearly three years
ago she was married to Mr. Stein, and
to them have been born two little girls.
the youngest only five weeks old Tho
immediate cause of death was aeneinia.
The funeral took place on Tnesday after-
noon, service being conducted by Rev.
Mr. Coupland of Auburn, and the re-
mains were laid to rest in the Donny-
brook cemetery. To the bereaved
husband, and the small children, the
profound sympathy of the entire com-
munity is extended.
iw oo xJhali it.
Thos Gibson left last wi ti:k for Mdl3itou
Mau„ wilt re he e.f..peeti to . dray for
several months.
Mrs. Ewing of Teest at•>r o rile 1 t n
Mrs. J. linalatuor on Suuttay
Mrs. John Siutnn tt't and family of
Brussel-:wer,3 the gust of tliu formers
parents hast Sunday.
Ms J. 13rethttner and daughter, May
were the guest's of Mrs. A. S. throttle of
IFi,r twich ea Thllakrgivtug day.
Mr. Charles Sin3utorti wa4 at Brus-
sels last weak,
8, B. McKelvie has opened a woolen atone in
Ow Ventral bto:k.
p&Eev. Mr. welts of 1'•.tbe1 is to occupy the pal•
in the Metlitxhat Atelkou bunduy itexr.
Bev. Mr. Anderson has been ill and is now
Way for 0 few holidays.
Mrs. Lowery lwvt d her household effects is to
' Belmore.
1 rs. (1. Tier laud children, wlwo hare been
vi eting til ur iviilvHltun tut a niolltl1. rettlrnetl
honlo 2tnstlay evening.
Mr. 0, !leis was.ut Uiitrr.aton this weelc pn
Miss Mary Hazlewood is expected to leave on
Thursday fur Colorado fur her health,
Mrs. Daniels and daughter of Prestou visited
her sister, MIs. Allow t-, lust Week.
Thus. McKay of Thamesford visited his sister
Mrs. Thos. k'ilmore, lust week. •
Ed. Hazelwood of lotonto was the guestof
his paret.ts here 1055 week, and. teen tett fur
l3Luis h Co withal.
W. H. Kerr of Brussels occupied the pulpit
of the PI'usuytul'isu lil0Ul•e4 uLL inu,skssiving
Our council have let a contract for drawing
gravel w Jima. 1 Unison.
Mr. French of the 4th of Turnberry shipped
a ear ut sorup 11,55 itltutlay.
Our teacher, Miss Purser. ilea resigned her
position, to take ei1.'ret at lite end of 1110 your.
Lev. Mr. McKelvey was 111 Brussels Tuesday
anti tttteadl•d the tuntpel alive WIl>•elltiull.
ltO t{RIS.
Rev. John Holmes has been holding
revival services in the Jackson 'church;
8th line.
The Judge's Court for the revision of
the Voters List in Morris Township will
be held on Tuesday, 2Sth Inst, at the
Township Hall, at 10 a. m.
Miss Maggie A. Gibson, youngest
daughter of Robt. Gibson, formerly of
this township, died recently at her
home in Indian Head, N.' W. T.
J. T. Curtis, formerly teacher in the
Anderson school, 3rd line. has given up
his school at Dorking and has gone to
Schomberg where he teaches three class-
es, Junior and Senior 3rcl and the En-
trance class. -
Robert Sonch, 3rd line, is back from
an. extended trip to Toronto, Whitby
Oshawa, Brockville and other Eastern
points with relatives and friends. It is
40 years since Mr. Solidi moved from
that section to Morris. He noticed many
chaugos and knew comparatively few of
the people.
A letter from Henry Mooney of Wey-
burn, N. W. T., formerly a.well known
resident of Morris, says he threshed over
10,000 bushels of grain from tate stook in
9 days this year. He had 8,3000 bushels
of wheat of'which he sold 7,3000 bushels
at 54 cts. per bushel, giving him a very
tidy sum. They had over 5000 bushels
of oats also.
Oa Monday morning, October 13th the
spirit of Jas. Lauchland took its flight.
He passed away while sitting in his chair
from heart failure. Deceased was a
brother of Mrs. Wm. Shedden and has
been makiug his home with them for
some time past. Mrs, Lauchland died
2 years ago. They have no family.
Mr. Lauchland was born in Scotland and
anent a good many years of his, manhood
ill Michigan. He was kindly disposition -
ed and loved the days of auld lang Syne.
He was in his 81st year.
Judgement in tile Lisgar electlou case
will be given on Uutuber 80. The char-
ges against IIon. Ciift,,rd Sifton and
other leading Liberals have been with-
The triol of the South Oxford election
protest has bae.t adjourned to Deo. 1st
at Woodstock, nod the E est Itlirldlesex
Mei adjourned pt . ()Igo ale Hall for
ar4uuteut, all the evidence being taken.
Get the Most
Out of Your Food
You don't and can't if your stomach
is weak. A weak stomach does not di-
gest all that is ordinarily taken into it.
It gets tired easily, and what it fails to
digest is wasted.
Among the signs of a -weak stomach
are uneasiness after eating, fits of ner-
vous headache, and disagreeable belch-
"I have been troubled with dyspepsia for
years, and tried every remedy I heard of,
but never got anything that gave me relief
until I took Mood's Sarsaparilla. I cannot
praise this medicine too highly for the good
it has done me. I always take it in the
spring and fall and would not be without
it." W. A. NUGENT, Belleville, Ont.
Mood's Sarsaparilla
Strengthens and tones the stomach and
the whole digestive system. '
rSARo'B 1 The Leading Store
And Furs
Ladies' Jackets, Fur Coats,
Caperhies Ruffs, etc.
Our stock in above lines was never so large
and well as'orted. It will be to your
interest to see the goods and get prices
before making your selection.
LADIES' JACKETS -In all the latest styles, well
lined, made to fit and give good satisfaction. Prices
range thus : $3.75. 4.5o, 5.00, 6.00, 7.00, 7,50, 9.00,
$ Io 00, 1 2.00. See our leaders at $6.00 and $7.50
L&DIES' FURS -In great variety and the very best
makes. Caperines in Grey Lamb, Alaska Sable,
Electric Seal, Electric Coney, Astrachan, Greenland
Seal, nicely lined arid trimmed. Prices $3.5o, 4.0o,
$5.00, 6.00, 7.00, 9.00, I o.00, 12.5o, 15,0o, 18.00, etc.
LADIES' RUFFS -In the new shape, from $1.5o up.
See our special lisle at $5.00.
Special value in Ladies' Electric Seal
and Astrachan. Jackets.
° 8. tSARD e& Co.
Opposite Bank of Hamilton Highest price paid far Produce
e rS in
os h
And now in the lead, in price, quality and quantity ! How did we get there ? Simply by turning
out goods at fair prices and dealing honestly with the people. (No fancy prices.) We are pleased
to say that we are in a much better position than ever to supply the wants of the public in our line.
We can't crow about how much money we pulled out of the people in two years. Our prices are too
low for that.
For the next 6o days we are going to give something special in Parlor Suites, Mattresses
and Spring Beds.
100 Mattresses, guaranteed purely sani•
tary, well trade, satin tick, worth
from 4.50 to 5.00, special at 4.00
Fancy tick, sea grass and white cotton
filling, worth 3 50 to 4.00, special at 3.00
A cheaper kind, worth 3,00, for 2.50
We can furnish a Mattress as low as 2.00
(This one Ivo do not carry in stoop) •
Not more than 4 Mattresses to each party at above *rices'
50 Couches -we carry the hest. Special :
$5.00 Couches for $3.00 $8.00 Couches for 0.75
12 00 " 935 14.00't 11.50
20,00 " 17.50 30.00 25.00
$35.00 Loathe: Couches for $31.50
We guarantee to furnish all we advertise.
Just one Couch to each party at above prices.
Parlor Suites
30 Parlor Suites, ail the best quali'y rug,
velotu-e and silk cove:int;-guaranteed-
at special prices.
655.00 Rug Suites for $10.00
45.00 " 35 00
10.00 Veloure Suits 35 00
25 00 " 18.00
18.00 " 15,00
Dow's the time to get a Parlor Suite at a small price.
Just one Suite to each party at above prices.
edroom. Suites
We have 100 Suits ordered, ranging in prices from
$.8 50, 1.2.50, 14 50, 10.50, 18 50.
Also some good quarter oak at reasonable prices.
All prices, from $8.00 up to $60.00.
We admit the above prices are very low. We are satisfied with small profits, as large sales are what
we count oii. Our store is packed full, and thousands of dollars' worth ordered. Deal with us and
you will be the gainer. . We will fill all orders promptly and guarantee every article leaving our store.
Walker Bros. IR Button