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The Wingham Times, 1902-10-23, Page 4
ot Water kittles Each oneguaranteed to be absolutely perfect... TJTY BRUSHES . IiER GLOVES . , osmium, SHEETING , I`R,INfES,Eto,. Etc.. In fact anything von want in Rubber Goods, we have it at right prices, Colin A. Campbell THE DRUGGIST NEw 5ToRE: Opp., Bank of Hamilton. TO ADVERTISERS. Mr, V. Taylor, operator at the G. T. R. is away for a few days, holidays, Mr.Cre.ig, of Ailsa Craig, is relieving him. Mr, John Murray, who is now worl•ing iu the Locomotive. Works at Ringstou, spent part of the week with. his family in town. Notice of changes must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. ESTABLISHED :871. TIIE WINfiIAM TIMES. Et. R. ELLIOTT, PueLIsIIER AND PROPRIETOR THURSDAY. OCT. 23, 1002. vitiaTECIIVImCH, The collection at the Thanksgiving service ou Thursday night antounted to $9.55, It will be forwarded to the Hos. pital for sick children, in Toronto.. Among those who ate Thanksgiving turkey away frons home were; Dr. Jamison at his home in Barrie; A, D, Beaton with friends at Woodbridge; Mr. and Mrs Fair at her hone ju London, and Miss Martha McClenaghan with friends in Buu^efield, Mr. and Meati, Stalker, of I.neknow were the guests of Mrs. Sherriff on Sue - day. Airs Hamilton, of Vacua, who has been visiting friends in this vicinity re- turned home ou Thursday morning. Rev. S. M. Whaley of Si, Heleus at• tended the services in the Presbyterieu church Sunday evening, Rev. C. 0. Laine of the Methodist church was also in the audience, Holmes Bras. are shipping a oar of hardwood to Brantford. All the threshers had a day oft on Saturday. H. D. Henderson is suffering from a very sore eye. While workiug at his new residence the other day a quantity of lime lodged in his eye, making it very painful. We are pleased to learn that the cui- 'ployers of Mr. Bert Winfield have showu their appreciation of his services by a substantial increase in salary. Miss Bell and Miss McNair of Huron Township visited Mrs. Fisher for a few days. Mr, William Garton returned Satur- day night from Michigau where he has been working all summer. He reports that altho the season was a very wet one there, yet crops were good and farmers prpsperous. Mr. Edward Miller of Toronto; Mr. William Miller of Watford and Miss May Miler of London spent Thanks. giving with Mrs.Thos. Miller. Miss Peaehie Sanderson of Gerrie has beeu visiting her uncle, Rev. .0 0.Kaine. Miss Floreuce Graham, of Wingham is spending a few days in this vicinity tho guest of Miss Addie McClenagan. Favorable weather, able, eloquent, practical sermons, large,iuterested, liber- al congregations and excellent singing were the characteristic feature' of the Presbyterian anniversary held last Sun- day. "Morning and afternoon the eh argil was full, but in the evening the church was peeked to the doors. Rev. W. J. Clarke, of London, although suffering from a severe cold, by his calm, logical persuasive eloquence charmed all who heard him and fully sustained his repu- tation as one of the foremost preachers in Canada. In the morning he chose 1st Chron. 4th 0-10, "And Jabez was more honorable than his brethren and his mother called his naive Jabez saying 'because I bare him with sorrow,' And Jabez called on the Goa of Israel saying 'Oh that thou wouldst bless nee indeed and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with ins and that thou wouldst keep me from evil that it may not grieve me.And God granted him that which he requested. Tho speaker said he had no excuse to offer why the writer turned aside from a chronology to give a biography of one man but he wan ted to draw some lessons from it. In every community there are some men more honorable than their fellows, perilaPe because of physical strength, perhaps because of riches or great natur- al beauty but Jabez stood out because of strength of character. There was about him as about every man a little of his ancestors bat in every man there is something indefinable by philosophy as if God had given to each one a little of the divine. Character is what a man is and is all he eau take out of the world with him. Jabez began his life in sorrow. It may have been national or private sor- row, we know not but from this he got his name. Merriment is a characteristic of childhood but when very young Jabez learned that life is no merry game but a stern reality. He learned that which some never learn, namely. that he was not man enough to brave the world, and he got from this faith in God to guide him. Faith is'the conscious, constant, continuous belief that God is everywhere and cares for you and me. Jabez learned the best lesson. he made the greatest gain he could have made. His prayer was first for prosperity. This is not wrong. Prosperity is a good thing and poverty has no virtue in itself. The most peculiar thing in the world is the passiou for wealth. But Jabez prayed for prosperity that God might be with him. He prayed for safety. No doubt he thought of his temporal interests as the evening might come and destroy his i property but he wanted power to resist I temptations which. would injure his character: God granted his request. We should ! make his prayer our own daily not lip but heart petition and God will grant ' our requests also. Xn the •evening he chose the words of Mlatt, 11-28. "Comeunto me .a11 ye that hibor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest." Mankind is always dis- satisfied. There is an apparently insati- able longing for something he has not in every man's breast. We crave sympa- thy, love and protection. The happiest hours of life are those when as child or boy or man wo commune soul to soul with those we love. We may dream of bliss, of freedom from labor or from burdens but it comes not by natural means. Men have tried to satisfy their craving for rest in two ways. First by change of position in life. The school- boy looks forward to the blissful time when he can stop school. The boy learning a trade longs to be nbt au em- ployee but an employer. The business man hopes to rest 'when his fortune is made but it is not possible. The long - big for that indefinable something ig still there. They have tried to satisfy it also by a Conhtant, conscious, self•con- twined, self-controlled effort to meet everything es it comes, right in the face, to endure all the trials of life without murmur, to be masters of 1:beir own, seals. Them is something admirable hi. this lint it does not sncoeed. Christ's is the only true %vay of. finding rest. Ho will give it if we seek' it. There is no one creed, no one doctrine, no one me- thod that is elastic enough for all. The PERSONALS, Mr. F. G Sperling was in Walkerton this week on business. Mr. J. E. Swarts is away on a busi- nesstrip to Winuipeg. Mr. Jas. A. Cummings was home from Listowel for the holidays. Mr. W. Fyfe, of Palmerton spent the holiday at his home in town. Mr. C. M. Newans spent the holidays with his family at Londou. Messrs. Charlie Bell and Ken. Chowau spent, Thanksgiving Day in Clinton. Postmaster Fisher was visiting for a few days with friends at Paisley. Mrs. C. Enechtel spent Thanksgiving at her parental home in Lucknow. Miss Euphemia Murdoch, of Lucknow. 'visited at Win. Rober tson's this week. Mrs. W. Dickson, of Hamilton,. was visiting Wingbam friends last week. Miss McTavish, of Blyth, spent Thanksgiving with Miss Tucker. Mr. and Mrs. P. Hill spent last week with friends in Walkerton. Mrs. R. S. McGee, of Owen Sound is visiting with Wingham friends. Mrs. R. Vanstone and Mrs. H. H. Chisholm are visiting in Hamilton. Mr, Frauk Howell, of Woodstock, visited friends in Wingham,over Thanks- giving. Miss Lizzie Gilchrist was the guest of friends iu Lucknow a few days last week. Miss Kate Burns, of Hensall visited with Miss Delaney for a' few days this week. Miss C. Tucker returned home after spending . a month with Oraugeville friends. Mrs. Zurbrigg, of Listowel was visit- ing her sou, Mr. M. E. Znrbrigg for a few days. Mr. Scarr, of Harriston visited with his daughter, Mrs. T. J. Maguire for a few days, Mrs. (Bishop) Baldwin, of London was visiting with Rev. W. and Mrs. Lowe this week. TUE NINGRAII. TIMES, OCTOBER 23) 1902, THOMAS• Oe•ON••NNr•••••• •• 'S mm- HOW RELIEF GAME. An Interesting Stery From an Icelar.- die Settlement. From the I4igberg Vinnipeg, Man. The readers of Loglerg have long been familiar with the virtues of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through the well authenticated ouree published in theca) coluwus each week. Many of our readers are also able to vouch for cures which have come under their own ob- servatiou, This week "Logberg" has received a letter frotu one ut its readers, Mr. B Waltersou,, a prosperous farther living at Bru, iu which he gives his own experience iu the hope that it may bene- fit some other sufferer, Mr. Walterson says: "Some years ago I was suffering se greatly frvtn rheumatism iu toy limbs that I was for a long time unable to do any work. I tried in. many ways to ob- tain a cure, both by patent medicines and medicine prescribed by doctors, but without obtaining any benefit. I , haw Dr.•Willir►ms' Pink Pills advertised in the T:ogborg as being a cnre for this trouble. and determined to give it a trial. I bought a dozeu boxes and be- fore half of them were used I felt a great change for the better, This improve- ment continued from day to day, and before I had used all the pills I was completly cured. Since that time I have never had au attack of this tionble. After this I used the pills in several other cases and no other medicine has been so beneficial to uie. I feel it my duty to publicly give testimony to the merits of this wonderful medicine so others similarly afflicted uray be led to try it." If you are weak or ailiug; if your nerves are tired mud jaded, or your blood is out of condition; you will be wise to use Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which are au nnfailiug euro for all blood and nerve troubles. But be sure you got the gen- uine, with the full name "Dr. 'Williams' Pini: Pills for Pale People" on the wrapper around every box. Sohl by all. mediciue dealers or sent post paid at 50c a box or six boxes for $2 50 by writing direct to the Dr.Williauis' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. YRL•'SBYTERIAN ANNIVERSARY. Mr. Jos. Gray, of Hespeler visited Wingham relatives and friends for a few days during the week. Rev. Mr. Kennedy, of London, visited with his son, Dr. J. P. Kennedy,for the Thanksgiving holidays. Mrs. Alex Ritchie anouuces that she will receive on the secoud and fourth Thursday of every mouth. Mr. Geo. Lamont went to Guelph on Monday and will work in the G. T. R. station at the place. Mr. J. B. Elliott, of Itasca, Wis., is spending a few weeks holidays in town visiting at his theme. Mrs. .McMann, of Listowel visited .` wi:h her dnaehter, Mrs. W. G. Patterson over Thant sg'ving Day. Mrs. Love, of Woodstock. was visiting With her daughter, Mrs. Hollister sey- ;4,et days this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Cody, of Sweaburg were guests of Mr. and Mrs H. M. Tudhopo for the Thanksgiving holidays. Gray? "My hair was falling out and turning gray very fast. But your Hair Vigor stopped the falling and restored the natural color." -Mrs. E. Z. Benomme, Cohoes, N. Y. It's impossible for you not to look old, with the color of seventy years in your hair i Perhaps you are seventy,and you like your gray air! If not, use Ayer's Hair `rigor. In less than a month your gray hair will have all the dark, rich color of youth. at.io a bottte. Afl 611.1030. It year drogrent eitnnot supply you, rrnt es ono dollar and we Will express you a bottle. Be sure and eta the :,ante or your n0areat NxerCes o15te* ti ddrOsn, s. C. A.sr:R CO., Levee,., arae. 4 JOHN KERR., POPULAR STORE `ID`S" N1 KERR PEOPLE'S AzAA oa000000oo000••o0e00e.e•N 0.0001/0000.00000•0110000 lofd••eo•e•e©i00000$0oHo00000 New Linens New Gorsets Rubbers BUTTONBl O ' •CK WING hermit, the crnsader and the monk each found rest in Christ in his own peculiar manner, and so may you and I if wo only seek it earnestly and patiently. In the afternoon the able and eloquent pastor of the church preached from the text Isaiah 32: 8:-" And a num shall be as a hiding -place from the winds and a•covert from the tempest, as a river of water iu a dry place. as the shadow of a great rock in a weary hard". In every branch of work, in science, in art, in history, in law,in medicine and sculpture there have been some men who stood out head and shoulders above their fellow -men. In science we have a Newton, in sculpture an Angelo, in law, a Blackstone. an:l iu medicine a Rnsh. Wo cannot conceive of electricity with- out Edison, of wireless telegraphy with- ont Marconi, of a history of United States withont George Washington. of Mahommedanism without Mahomet, of Buddhism without Buddha so we can- not conceive of Christianity without Christ. This rock is the ideal man of Israel for whom Isaiah has searched all his life. He stands out as a picture of immortal beauty against a dark - ground sia and misery. It symbolizes three things: A philosophy for roan, (2) shelter, a relief a helper for man and (3) A duty for man. Tho speaker 'urged all his hearers to be men in the fullest sense of the term and to strive to portray in their early lives the ideal pictured in his text. The church was tastily and prettily decorated. Arches of evergreen sur- mounted all the wiudows, while above the dome in front the words "Glory to God in the Highest" stood out iu bold relief. From behind the choir al,ove came the comforting message, "The Lord is in his holy temple." The offer- ing $250 was the largest in the history of giving in Whitechurch and certainly justifies the forward step which the congregation has taken in dispensing with their annual tea meeting The singing by the choir of the church assited by Messrs. John and Angus Gordon of Landsido was the best we have ever .heard at an anniversary in this church. For the fact that it far excelled the last few years much credit is due the leader Mr. R. W. Simpson who spent many hours of painstaking effort in training them. In the morning they rendered the authem"The Lord is my Shepherd" the solo part being taken by Miss Frankie Wilson. In the afternoon they sang "Make a joyful noise" the solo part being taken by Mr. John Gordon. In the evening the andeuce was given a real treat in the singing of the authem "They shall walk in the light." the solo being suug by Mr. Robert Simpson. This anniversary has done much to make the pastor more deservedly popular with his people. HAM OUR GREAT • Clearing Sale Still going an Shylock was the man who wanted a pound of human flesh. There are many Shylocks now, the convales- cent, the consumptive, the sickly child, the pale young woman, all want human flesh and they can get it -take Scott's Emulsion. Scott's Emulsion is flesh and blood, bone and muscle. It feeds the nerves, strengthens the digestive organs and they feed the whole body. For nearly thirty years Scott's Emulsionhas been the great giver of human flesh. • We will send you a couple of ounces free. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists. Toronto, Ontario. Sot. and ecooi; all druggists. Bargains for EVERYONE We have decided to dis- pose ©f our entire stock by private sale until every dol- lar's worth is sold. Goods at Cost ! ! We have received a crate of Import China which we were too late in cancelling, and which consists of some of the following :- -Fruit Sets -Salads -Bread and Butter Plates -Cake Plates -Oval Fruit Dishes -Celery Trays -Table Sets -Cabarets I • •• • • From Ireland, Scotland., France and Austria. A splendid assort- ment of line Table Linen, etc, Table Linen, 45 to 70 in. wide, d bleache half bleached and unbleached, also colored; prices 35c, 45c, 50e, 75e, 90e, $1.00, etc. Table Covers, fine linen, hem- • stitched or'fringed, new pat- • terns, napkins to match. • Prices moderate. •• 0 • • 5 o'clockTea Table Covers, • fire linen. hem - stitched, • • $1,00 to $3.00 each. • • Tray Covers, drawn work and • fringed or hem - stitched, • prices 20e to 51.00 each. • 0 •0 We have 3 only Dinner Sets left, reg. $12.00, for $8.00 9 only Japanese Jardin- iet es at cost price. 0 0 0 • 0 0 • 0 • 0 0 0 • • • `Linen Towels. hem - stitched, o frinned or fringed and knot= i ted ends. • Prises. 20e to 75c per pair. •0 • • • • FA • • • • • • Onions, 'Potatoes, Dry Wood, etc. O •oe� po@©©oeeceet1coeo.eeceo000001069.1100011.60012Oe•0•m00D0060000000060000000000.061 Stand Covers, fine linen, 16 to 18 inches 'wide, 50 inches • lone, drawn work eortters. hem - stitched or knotted fringed ends. Prices 30c, 35e, 40e and 50e. The " Military Hip Cor- set " is the newest Corset on the market. Low waist, perfect fitting, good material. Watch - spring Steels. Come in and see them. For' sale only at this store. PRICE 50 GENTS Short waist Corsets Straight Fi-ont Corsets Bias Cut Corsets Medium Length Corsets Long Waist Corsets • Made by the D. & A. and E. T. Corset Com- panies. None better. Fit and quality guaranteed. PRICES : 40C, 50C, 75C, $I.00, $1 25 The steels used in all our E. T. Corsets are watch - spring steels. You -can't break them ! GIRLS' CORSETS. -- Short waist and medium, perfect fitting, 4oc to 5oc. Girls' Hygeian Waists 25c E You'll want Rubbers now to keep your feet dry, We have a splendid assortment of -Plain Rubbers --Storm Rubbers and -Fine Rubbers for ladies and girls Fine and Heavy Rubbers for men and. boys. Low prices: KEEP WARM We can help you to do so. We are offering splendid value in -Wool Blankets --Wool Sheeting -Wool Underwear -Overcoats -Furs -Wool Hosiery, etc, 1 1 • • • ••• • • • • 2 2 BIG BARGAIN IN COFFEE t We secured a large quantity of • Coffee at a very low price. You • get the benefit of our ' good 2 buying. u Roasted Rio Coffee, per lb, 15e • • •r • • • Mixed Sweet Biscuits, broken. 6 pounds for - 25c • • • • • We pay the highest market prices e for Butter, Eggs, White Beans, .•• yy to only Large Parlor Lamps at cost price. 3 large bars Soap for 25c. 6 packages of Household Ammonia at 25c. 3 pint bottles of Liquid Ammonia for 25c. Bird Seed 7c per lb. Embroideries reg. gc and toc, for 5c per yard, 6 spools of Silko°for 25c. JOHN KERR AOOO ALD BLOCK,JAS. H. KERR • WINCH R G li A M • • • • o • • • n Goetesoseeso••eseoec000s0tl 000000040000500400000000(00 • 6000 000000o•0O0•••000.0• 0 Live Stock Markets. Et Toronto, Oct. 21. -At the Western cattle yards to -day the receipts wore 105 carloads of live stock including 2,000 cattle, 1,900 sheep and lambs, 600 hogs, 40 calves, and a few miloh cows. The following are the quotations: CATTLE. Shippers, per cwt $ 4 50 $ 5 00 Do., light 4' 00 4 25 Butcher, choice .. 4 25 4 75 Butcher,. ordinary to good 3 00 3 50 Butcher, inferior ' 3 20 3 75 Stockers 2 50 3 50 Blinn AND LAMBS. Choice ewes, per cwt... 3 2T 3 40 Yearlings, por cwt.. 3 50 3 75 Spring lambs, each ... 2 50 2 75 Bucks .. 2 00 3 00 MILKERS AND CALVES. Cows, each 25 00 45 00 Calves, each. 2 00 10 00 BOGS. Choice hogs, per cwt6 00 6 10 Light hogs, per cwt5 50 5 85 Heavy hogs, per cwt5 75 6 00 Sows, per cwt 4 00 4 25 Stags 2 00 2 50 ►VINGRA1%i MARKET REPORTS Wingham, Oct. 22. 1002. Corrected every Wednesday afternoon by Cassels & Carr. Flour per 100.1bs.......... 1 65 to 2 50 Fall Wheat 0 63 to 0 65 Spring Wheat, 0 00 to 0 00 Oats, 0 25 to 0 27 Barley 0 35 to 0 40 Peas 0 65 to 0 70 Turkeys, drawn0 03 to 0 10 Geese, "0 05 to 0 06 Ducks, per pair ., , . , 0 60 to 0 75 Chickens .... ...... 0 30 to 0 40 Butter,..... .... ........ 0 16 to 0 16 Eggs per doz 0 16 to 0 16 Wood,per cord 2 00 to 2 60 Hay , per ton........ 7 00 to 8 00 Potatoes, per bushel 0 30 to 0 35 Apples, per bag .....0 25 to 0 40 Tallow per lb Lard ... Dried Apples per lb Wool Live Hogs, per cwt. 0 03 to 0 04 015 to 015 004 to 005 013 to 015 585 to 600 INSURANCE!!! LIFE 1FIRE The Mutual Life COMPNIES 1121111111011111111111111111 Kent Block t rib; We are pushing Fall and Winter Goods, and will make special, prices in Ladies' Fur Coats, Capes, Gauntlets, Collarettes, Caperines ; Men's Far Caps, Gloves, Mitts, Overcoats and Suits. Boys' Clothing is still being sold at half price, In general Dry Goods our goods are up to -date and were well bought. Choice lot of Dress Goods, Silks, Gloves, Trimmings and fancy goods on which much cash can be saved by the buyer. Try here first ; you can't bother us, and we can't be under- sold. Butter, Eggs, Dressed Poultry and Wood wanted. +++++++++++++++++++++++++-'a +++++++++++++++++++++++44+ � + 4 e.>` '1' + CI ot, e { .g. 4.'I'4. 4.4. 3.. `` d �'4. 'r'4.4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 1 4. .1. .r. M 4. 4. 4. 4. of Canada - Examine our Seo rates before in - Purely Canadian -i• ACTUAL RESULTS' suring elsewhere. 4. a THE ,'11, BIG .1 4 ea .Y• Accident LONDON GuAnANTEN AND ACCIDNNT co. Plate Glass THE DOMINION The price of plate glass Issues the latest health is much higher than policies. when yon bought. Do Have you seen them 1 youkeepyburalnsured ABNER COSENS. Faroe Loans at Lowest Rates. i .i. HALSEY PARK Jeweler and Optician. + Headquarters for repairs. ":1-+++4444++++++4-4-44444-4.4444 . 44i.4•41.+++++++++++++44,444.44 BIG BARGAINS IN WATCHES BIG BARGAINS IN RINGS BIG BARGAINS IN SILVERWARE A very large stock to select from and we very cheap all through this month and next. will sell