HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-10-23, Page 2THE WINGHAM TIMES, OCTOBER 23, 1902,
Aar ABl+ltill D :811t.
1'f. lei, ELLIOTT. Panamint sone P ,eralwrox
THURSDAY. OCT. 33. 190%
In Dreier that every dairyman may be
fully educated up tothe latest phase in
dairying iwprovetnents, the Departineut
Of Agriculture at Ottawa will publish
during the fall aud winter tuoutllli fu11
information regardiug the Methods to be
followed iii improving curing -rooms at
all cheese factories, This will be pre-
pared under the supervision of Mr. J', A.
Ruddick, chief of the dairy division,
who had the direct oversight of the
Government illustration curing -rooms
during the past summer.
Ontario Game LawS.
At the request of Weed. sportsmen,
Trte Tints heiewItl,;, publish an ab
street .ttf thefJlltario gauge laws, giviug
the opeu detea for shooting familier
game in this locality, both dates given
being inclusive in every case: ---
Ducks, Sept. 1st to Deo. 15th.
Geese, aud swans, Sept. 15th to May
Grouse, Sept. 15th to Deo. 15th.
Hares, Sept. 15th to Dec. 15th.
Petrid;e, Sept 15th to Dao. 15th bat
may not be .bought or sold before Sept.
15th, 1905.
Phesants. Sept.luth to Dea. 15th.
Plover, Sept. 15th to Dec. 15'h.
Quail, Oot. 15th to Deo. 15th.
Snipe, Sept. 15th to Dec. loath.
Woodcock. Sept,15th to Dec. 15th.
S.uirreis(black rind grey) Sept.
to Dec. 15th,
Muskrats, Jan. fee to May 1st, but no
muskrat may be shot during the mouth
of April..
Rev. Dr. Chown, of Toronto, sp laking
et the Christina Endeavor convention at
Ottawa, made direct reference to the
impending refereudu:ii ca:npaign. He
declared he had it on absolutely reliable
authority that the Government would if
a large enough vote we •e cast, iptroince
advanced legislation with a view to
abolishing the bar. He also said that
Mr. Ross felt keenly the suspicious atti-
tude of many sincere temperance people
and did not wish to go to his grave udder
the suspicion that he was not true to his
lifelong to nperauce convictions.
Twenty years ago, yes, less than that,
to go to a fall fair was to go out for a
drank and a big time generally. Now-
adays people go out froni the city and.
.cove in from the country to mark the
exhibits,. to see the folks and have a
quiet, friendly time all around. Twenty
years ago, was it not the custom for
reputable business men and professional
men to drop in together about fear or
five in the afternoon, and put them-
selves outside of four or five glasses of
tthe• se of Canada before the six o'clock
bells were heard? Nowadays a business
man would be esteemed as one going to
the devil, commouly speaking, were he
to dream of doing snch a thing. It is
understood that there is still too innch
senseless drinking, but it is equally un-
deniable that pnblie re.ititneat •regards
these,peoale altogether differently now.
• An improved public sentiment and the
solid work done amongst the children
and young people by the temperance so-
cieties are snaking for better things in
the coming gmera,tion "shy Bla:k-
smith," iu Guelyh Mercury.
A Lesson tor Ontario.
The latest animal report of the Mass-
achusetts State Temperance Association
deals at length with the result attained
by temperance workers under a system
of local cpcion. In the various munic-
ipalities a vete is taken each year as to
whether liquor licenses are to he issued
or the sale of liquor prohibited during
the ensuing twelve mouths.
This report is full of inspiration for
Canada workers iu thin, cause of moral
reform, especially for those of Ontario,
so applicable is it to the campaign now
in progress in that province. The tab-
ulated statments afford a remarkable
demonstrationof the steady aud sub-
stantial growth of public sentiment in
favor of the abolition of the bar -room.
These statistics show that even iu the
urban municipalities the temperauce
vote last year registered a percentage of
41, although this includes such strong-
holds of the liquor traffic as the rum-
riddencityof Boston. Even more in-
spiring is the list of 15 cities carried for
no -license out of the total of 34. More-
over, the result in the State at large is
overwhelming in favor of prohibition
no less than 256 towns voting "No" to
but 66 voting "Yes." 9f this aggregate
a total of 144 towns have voted "No"
without a. break since 1881.
The records of the no license cities of
Massachusetts furnish an impressive
object -lesson to the voters of the citie
of Ontario of enhanced material pros
perity and moral progress. The history
of the city of Chambridge is the mos
familiar. No less significant is that of
the cities of Quiney and Waltham.
We Want all the News
We want to publish all, the news of
Hnron county that is fit to print.
We cannot get it unless our readers
help tie,
If you are visiting a friend or a friend
is visiting you. ,If you know of any
deaths, any marriages or any births in
your district. If you know of any
strattse event, any accident; any unusual
happening or any interesting piece of
news -we want to know about it.
Drop us a liue about auvthiug you
would like to see iu print. If it's proper
we will print it.
Pat your name to anything yon write.
We will not publish your name. That
is private to this office. We desire to
get all the news. We care not who it
comes from as long as it is proper news
and interesting to our readers.
Scud in yourur irons. We will put
thein in shape to print and will thank
you for them.
s an.ys: Mr. R. W. Dillon, of the St.
Marys Argus, who spoke on The Church
t sand the Newspaper, announced that he
did not propose to say how Christ would
( run a newspaper. "That has been tried
The Grocers of This
North American Continent
Who Sell Various Brands
of Cereals Foods Use
Malt Breakfast f
In Their Homes,
Howard' K. Jame, of Sun Francisco,
Secretary of California Retail Grocers'
and Merchants' Aie'ociation, write as
follows about (Wit tins and healthful
Malt Breakfast Food.:
"The truest things in the advertise-
ments of Melt Breakfast Peed is that
the'meuifncturers start the goods, and
does rest.'
i es rho e
quality "Little children who tire of everything
in the cereal line will teke up this food
and cling to it with no desire for a
change, much longer than they will any
other food.
"It is n fact that any own youngster,
who has passed by everything I have
been able to find in the market, after a
few days has put the seal of his approv-
al on Malt Breakfast Food to the extent
of insisting upon haviug it three titles
per day, and this condition has lasted
now for over six weeks, during which
time I question it a day has gone by
without his having it for breakfast,
lunch and supper.
"For the old folks, I believe that Malt
Breakfast Food is the most satisfactory
thing on the market; to -day for a weak
or tired stomach, and for that jaded
feeling that occasionally is ours at
breakfast titne.
Deanery Chapter.
The half yearly meeting of the dean-
ery chapter, of Huron, was held in Sea -
forth recently. The clergymen present
were Revd's. Rural Dean Hodgins, of
Seaforth ;Lowe,of. Witiglcam; Edmunds,
of Blyth; Jennings, of Bayfield; T'eue-
vck, of Exeter; Doherty, of Hensall;
Webb, of Brussels; Wright, of Cliutou,
and Messrs. Walker, Hawkins, Scott,
Fox aud Counter, church wardens. The
meeting opened at 11 o'clock a. in., with
the Rural Dean in the chair and Rev. E.
C. Jennings as secretary. The Chapter
continued iu session until after 4 o'clock,
aud a large amount cif. business affecting
the church's work was discussed and
disposed of. It was t resolved to hold
meetings at more frequent intervals iu
every parish for the developement of
missionary zeal and for promotion of
more active christian work. The Rural
Dean, Revd's Lowe and Teuey ck and
Messrs. Scott and Fox were appointed
as an assessment committee. The
clergy were entertaiued to diuuer at the
rectory and a most profitable time was
afterwards spent. The next meeting
will be held at Blyth.
An Aching t'sack
Is the first iudicatioh of kidney disease
and should be taken as a signal of
danger -u waruiug to use Dr. Chase's
Kidney -Liver Pills while yet there is
time to avoid the dreadful pains and
certain fatality of this terrible disease.
There is no guess work, no experiment-
ing when you use this perscriptiou. It
brings relief in a remarkably short
time, and because of its combined action
on liver and kidneys, cures complicated
cases which cannot be reached by any
ordinary treatment.
A Newspaper Men's View.
In its report of the Christian En-
deavor convention at Ottawa the Citizen
Paris pays nearly one-quarter of all
the direct taxes levied iu France.
A professional forger has bean em-
ployed by ono of the Chicago banks as
an expert in the detection of bogus
The 1902 cranberry crop of the United
States is estimated at 725,000 bushels,
against 1,040,000 bushels in 1901.
Eight hundred and twenty-two years
was the aggregate age of eleven persons
who died recently at Yarmouth, Eng -
by one lean and you all know how it
The estate of Samuel F. B. Morse, the j ended." Mr Dillon said that mere
inventor of the telegraph, who died more 1 negative goodness was not enough either
than thirty years ago, is slowly Bp. in the churches or papers. "Churches
proaching a settlement. and papers should recognize the imita-
1 tions of one another. Preachers should
, know that a newspaper is a business
11.' PAYS TO-^"---" '
When girls If and 15 years of age can spend 8
or 10 months et
The giant tortoises from the Galla -
pages Islands destined for the Loudon
Zoological Gardens are said by biologists
to be between 2,500 and 3,000 years old.
The University of Nebraska has de-
cided upon a course of study iu forestry,
which will be open to students this year
for the first time.. It is a course of four
-' eve Grey Pains ;l pzopiisitiore Toe many church , people
i• n Left
the "p lc t47" un;their mititjes _.tif:
�1� i socials free of cost,. Church people'
Mr, Ellis Gallant, Paquetville, Glouces- should have more respect for themselves
ter Co., N.B., writes: "I feel it my and not ask something for nothing.
duty to write you, as I have received much They should take a lesson from the ad -
benefit from the use of Dr. Chase's
Kidney -Liver Pills. I was taken three voice agent of a circus in this respect.
years ego with a pain just below the ribs In the news aspect, yon should not ex -
of the left side, and right over the kidney, poet a paper to print long religious
At first it did not cause me much suffering. articles to the exclusion of news and
but a year ago the pain, at times, was very
severe. market reports any more than a Chris-
" After hearing repeatedly of the value tiara coati to spend his whole time in
of Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver fills, I de- prayer meeting. If papers were run as
andlamwell, t an y
tided to make
a trial, and after using two some people want they would be noth-
boxes the pain had completely disappearee9
h ks to this reined I ing but milk and water sheets and ab-
havealso used Dr. Chase's Ointment, and solutely useless."
found it worth its weight in gold. You
mayublish this letter If you like, as it
any induce some other sufferer to profit
by myexperience."
You cannot possibly make a mistake in.
using tr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills for
derangements of the kidneys, liver and
bowels. It has proven itself worthy of
the most hearty endorsement of thous
sna'lz at people. One pill * doe, tie cents
*box, at all dealers, or Edmanaorf, Bata
& Coe Tomato.
Dr, Chase's
ladney.tiver Pies
Canada is � Business
�' .
and immediately after graduation go ont and.
secure, pe>Sitions Int #6 and 17 per week.
We have at the ,>re cent moment palls for five
-nate stenographers and bookkeepers, where
the wu1;et (Merest aro from 05 to 00 per mount '
that eve cannot till, as those prepared are all
engaged. Write for catalogue.
Business Law, Writing, Correspond-
ence, Typewriting, etc., thoroughly
taught by experieueed teachers at the
There, are some Ifteen thousand
Chinamen in Cuba, and since the island
becapne independent there is no law to
prevent their going there from China or
Berlin's newest sporting clnb is " The
Balloon Sport Society," the members of
which for a small subscription will be
able to make long or short aerial trips.
In some German towns children aro
allowed to travel free on the local tram-
way cars if they aro under a certain
height, which is marked on the doors of
the vehicle.
Sixteen Bulgarian officials, including
one judge, have been dismissed front the
government service in consequence of
their having takeu part in the Macedon-
ian congress.
It is estimated by the census office at
Washington that electricity has entered
into the daily life of the United States
to the extent of seven dollars for each
man, woman and child in the Union.
Of this amount three dollars goes to the
electric traction companies, 31.50 to the
electric light concerns, and 65 cents to
the telephone companies. The telegraph
also takes about 50 cents a year from
each of the 75,000,000 people, while the
rest of the seven dollars is charged off to
electric fire alarms, signals and general
A clergyman in a town where improve -
molts were in progress fell into au
excavation one dark night, and finding
it impossible to climb out he called
lustily for hell). An Irishman heard
him and went to the hole. when the
minister explained the trouble and told
who he wag. "Wells I'm in a bit of a
hurray now" tial. Pa "so yet eat sthop
.oft. there tell I Dom beck. Sure ye'11
not be needectuntil day anyveray.
Forest City Business and Short-
hand College, - London, Ont.
We have no difficulty it, placing com-
potent pupils in good positious. College
re -opens Sept. 2. Send for Catalogues.
J. W. WESTERVELT. - Pxinoipal.
An Obstinate Case of Eczema.
Mr. W. D. Johnson, Tilsonburg, Ont.'
writes that his father was entirely cured
of a long standing aud obstinate case of
Eczema by the use of Dr. Chase's Oint-
ment. His leg and foot were a mass of
sores that refused to heal and ho suffer-
ed terribly from the itching and sting-
ing. Though he used a great many
remedies and was treated by first-class
doctors no permanent relief was obtained
until he used Dr. Chase's Ointment.
The lag issne of the Ouiaril ' Gazette
contains a notice of the incorporation of
the Huron Mineral Water Co., Ltd., at
St• Joseph, in this country, the capital
stock to be $10,000, and the provisional
direr tors are Louis Victor Bachand,
Eugene Becquerel and Marie Ida Bach-
andr A Montreal M. D. and the chief
French translator in the House of Com -
moue are associated with them.
Farmers should be on the look out for
a couple of alleged swindlers, who are
working an old scheme, under a new
guise. Two men- strangers -claim to
be buying chickens. At each farm
house where they make a purchase they
pay $1 down. For this they receive a
receipt from the farmer. Tho alleged
receipt,howevor,turns.otlto;be a notejon
the bank, and it is alleged that as much
as $500 has been collected. The men
operated all areun4 the vicinity of St.
Marys.only The *ay to prevent frauds
of this kind,, hi to abeOlntely refuse to
sign reccipth or an,ttbing else ;for strati.
Mgt` tial
4 jP1ea.siog,
if But do they Fit?
°' When you taw a suit of t
Clothes they must fit right 1
as well as look ,right,
�0 s
They'll last longer f
and that is whit gives you
tvalue in clothes.
Order your Snit'sor Overcoat p
I i'
imade %y , I
, %
In the Shaw Block atglIMMW•gglg►
BAPTIST g1IURQII-Sabbatli s+rrvlcea at
11 ant, and 7 p xu. $untidy School at
2:30 p in, General prayer meeting
on Wednesday evenings. Rev. J, J. Pat-
terson, B.A.,pastor. W.J.Chapmtul, S. S.
Mn'rtioni T Cut11oII-Sabbath cervices
,d h
at 11 a nu and 7 p In. Sunday School at
2:30 pin. Epworth League every Mon-
day evening, General prayer meeting
on Wednesday evenings. Rev, Richard
Hobbs, pastor. Dr. Towler, S. 5, Sup.
vices at 11 a in and 7 p nl, Sunday
School at 2:90 p n}, General prayer
mooting on Wednesday evenings. Rev.
D, Perri°, pastor and S ':. Superinten-
dent, n
bath services. at 11 a in and 7 p lti. Sun-
day. School at 2:30p n;-. General prayer
. R
meeting on Wednesdayevening. _ niu g of.
Win. Lowe, incumbent. F. Shore, S. S.
Superintendent. •
SALVATION ARMY -Service at 7 and 11
a m and 3 and 8 p en on Sunday, and
every evening during the week at 8
o'clock at the barracks.
POST OFFICE -In Macdonald Block.
Office hours from 8 a iu to 6:30 p m.
Peter Fisher, postmaster.
free reading room in the Town Hall,,
will be open every afternoon from 2 to
5:30 o'clock and every evening from 7 to
9:30 o'clock. Mist Millie Robertson,
WE have just issued a new
and handsomely illus-
trated catalogue, .a copy of
which will be mailed to any
address on request.
Whilst It Illustrates but a small
portion of our stock of Fine Jewelry,
each department of our business is
represented by carefully selected
Our stock of Sterling Silver
for this season is of special
merit. In itere are in-
numerable gifttpieces, mod-
erate in price, artistic in
design, and embodying use-
fulness and durability.
Ryrie !eros.,
Yonge and Adelaide Streets,
TOWN COUNCIL -le. Vaustone, Mayor;
Wm. Hohnes, Tho . Bell, Robt. Mc-
Iudoo, J J. Elliott W. F. 'VanStone,
A. J. Irwin, Coar, illors; J. B. Fer-
guson, Clerk and reasurer; William
Clegg, Assessor, Wm. Robertson, Col-
lector. Board meets first Monday even-
ing in each month at 8 o'clock.
SCHOOL BOARD. -H. Kerr, (chairman),
Thos. Abraham, J. J. Elliott, J. J.
Homuth, Wm.. Moore, Thos. Bell, Wm.
Button, C. N. Griffin. Secretary, Wm.
Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson:
Meetings second Tuesday evening in each
O L TE zRS.-A. H.
Principal,Miss Brock,
rolds, MisFrquharson, Miss
Cornyn, Miss McLean, Miss Matheson
Miss Reid, and Miss Cummings.
BOARD OF HEALTH -Mayor Vanatone,
(chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg-
ory, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, Sec-
retary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical
Health Officer
J. J. Elliott, V. S.
Honorary Graduate of
Ontario 'Veterinary
lj College.
Office and Infirmary
orner of Victoria and
Minnie Sts. Wingham.
Day and night calls
promptly attended to.
Telephone connection.
The Times Office, Beaver Block
Truss or Strasouti rloN- 1 Weer minuet in
advance, 11.50 if pot so paid. No paper cliseouf
tinned till all arrears etre paid, except at the
option of the publisher.
Anvaati'stxtl RATws, - Legal and ether
casual advertisements 8c per Nmlp1.ariet lata for
first insertion, So per line for each subsequent,
Advertisements in local columns are charged.
10 Cts, per line for first insertion, and 6 cents
per line for each subsequent insertion.
Advertisements of Lent, Found, Strayed,
Farms for bale or to Rent, aud similar, 81.00 for
first month and 50 cents for each subsequent
ONTRAei BATES -The followingable si
C t towe
our rates for the insertion of advertitleneentre
Or specified periods :-
sr io> . 1 YR. 6mo. 3 Mo. •1 xn
One Column $60.011 135.00 115.00 IR +V>
Half Column $80.00
18.00 10.00 4.uu
Quarter Column . 18,00 10.00 6.00 2.00
Advertisements without specific directions
will be inserted till forbid and charged accord -
r ITU gly. adTrans
yunce.ient e4vertiseuients must be paid
THE Jon DEPARTMENT is stocked with an
extensive assortment of all requisites for print-
ing, affording facilities not equalled in the
eonnty for turning cut first class words. Large
type and appropriate cuts for allstyles of Post-
ers, Hand Bills, etc., and the latest styles of
choice fancy type for the finer classes of print-
and anyone having live stock or other
articles they wish to dispose of, should adver
Use the same for sale in the TIMES. Our large
circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if
you do not et a customer. Wo can't guarantee
uarantee1t ore
that you will sell because you may ask m
for the article .r stock than it is worth. Serol
your advertisement to the Trans and try this
plan of disposing of your stock and other
Bell Telephone Company
A new issue cf the SUB-
for the District of Western
Ontario, including t h e
WINGHAM Exchange,
will be issued; early in
September. Orders f p r
new connections. changes
of address, eha.nges of
names, duplicate* entry of
names, etc., should be
placed et once to ensure
their appearance.
Proprietor and Publisher
•T P KENNEDY, M. L.. M. C. P. 5.0
t • Member of the British Medical Associa-
tion. 'Gold Meuallist in Medicine. Special
attention paid to diseases of Women and Child
rule. Office hours -1 to 4 p. m.: 7 to 0 p. ne.
Centre Street
including Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill
Heads, Circulars, &c., &c., executed in the best
style of the art, at moderate prices, and on
short notice.
Booxnn mTNo.-We are pleased to announce
that any Books or Magazines left with us for
Binding, will have our prompt attention
Prices for Binding in any style will be given on
application to
Bel'ore. .rif'''er•. Wood's Phosphodiao,
The Great English Remedy.
Sold and recommended by all
druggists In Canada. Only reit.
able medicine discovered ,Sts
packages #uarantced to cure al)
forms of Sexual Werkness, all effects of abuse
or excess, Mental Worry, Excesnive us. of To-
bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on-eceipt
of price, one package $1, six, is. One zeta yew,
sfz will cure. Pamphlets free to any address.
The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont.
Wood's Phospholine is sold in Wingham by
Colin A. Campbell, A. L. Hamilton, R. A.
Douglass, and J. E. Davis, Druggists.
The undersigned having been restored to
health by simple means, after seeffcrifeg for
several years with to severe lung affection, and
that dread disease Conanenptton, is anxious to
Snake known to his fellow sufferers the means
of cure, To those who desire it, ho will cheer-
fully send (free of charsQ$) a ropy of the pro-
fs>ription used, which they will find a Cute for
Consnrnption, Asttnn Catarrh, Brenda.
the and all throat and lung 1lxalndios, He
Itopn all sufferers will trq. his remedy, as it Is
invaluable. Those desiring°the proscription,
which will Cost them notes, nit, and may prove
e beaming; will pplease,iad read, Rev. ISD.
Anyone sending a stretch and description may
melody ascertain our opinion free whether na
Invention le probably pate•ttabte. Communtca
Mons staidly eonedontlal. Handbook on Patents.
sent tree. Oldest agency for aneurtng atente.
Patents taken through Munn Ft Co. receive
pada/ notice, without enema, In the
Scientific American,
Abandtomely illnftrnted weekly. Lnreest cir-
culation of any scientiao',cursed. Terms 4.'1 a
:four menthe, 81. Sol.ibyall newsdeeheYa..
MONK & Co,3616rcodray, New York
Craneb Office. b.5 li Cf.. Washington. D. 0.
Physician, Surgeon, etc,
Once -Macdonald Block, over J. E. Davis'
Drug Store. Night wills answered at the office.
s cHlsaoL
.,..D.,c.M.,Mc.rs.o Mu,Mn,rar.,Morso.
Ot Hrcw-Chisliohn Block, Josephine street.
IflSiDCNCF-In rear of block, on Patrick St.,
where night calls will be answered.
Private and Company funds to loan at lowest
rate of interest. No commission char ti +1. ort•
gages, town and farm property�bought and
sold. Office, Beaver Bloc. Wingham.
• (Chicago Rocor'd-Ilcrald.)
The children clay :shiver when :ford:
t winds blow,
'There's nudging to nrbitrate" • 1
'1'lu•: lei bite; may cry when the fire*
"There's nothing to arbitrate";
Leel, the stoves be colt w11ou ,the maw,
drifts high,
Lei the frost king bite as; he hurries
Lot the mother Weep as their loved
"There's nothing to arbitrate". .
These arc then whose facts er' sad
sand waft,
But "there's nothing to arbitrate;"
There are breasts from which hope
hue forever gone,
But "there's nothing to nrbitr•ite;'
turning the humble
The c• who aro fur t hu 1
7. t OM g'
May have to itppoal themselves tsome
will the Master; then turn to them
and ray:
'There's nothing to•nrbitratc"f • .
WANTED. -A trustworthy gentleman or lady
in each county to manage business for an old
established house of solid financial standing.
A straight, bona fide weekly cash salnry of
118.00 paid by check each Wednesday with tell
expenses direct from headquarters. Money
advanced for expenses. Manager, 810 Caston
Bldg., Chicago.
ooklyn, New York. �+ J a• 1 JL i.../
6 6
Orman: Meyer Block, Wingham.
IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S.
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania
Dental College and Licentiate of the Roval
College of Dented Surgeons of Ontario. Office
over Post Office, Winglnun.
Office closed every Wednesday afternoon
during June, July and August.
TNT . L.D.S.
New method for painless ex-
traction, No Cocaine.
Special attention to the care and regulation
of childronts teeth. Moderato prices, and all
work carefully and vlcilfully performed. Office
in Beaver Block, Wingham.
Office closed every Wednesday afternoon
during June, July and August.
Wingham, Ont.
There is more Catarrh iu this section
of the country than all' other diseases
put together, and. until the last few
years was supported to be incurable. For
a great many years doctors pronounced
it a local disease, and prescribed local
remedies, and by constantly failing to
cure with local treatment, pronounced
it incurable. Science has proven Ca-
tarrh to be n Constitutional disease, and
therefore requires constitutional treat-
ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, inannfac-
tored by F. .1. Cheney & Co., Toledo,
Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on
the market. It is taken internally in
closes, from ten deeps to a teaspoonful.
It acts directly on the blond and mucous.
surfaces of the system. They offer ono
hundred dollars for any case it fails to
cure. Send for circulars and testimoni-
als, Address F. J. CHENEY, & Co, To-
ledo, Ohin. Sold by druggists, 75o.
Hall's Fancily Pills are the best.
TAS. HENDERSON, Wingham, Ont.
For the Counties of Huron and Bruee. Sales
of Fariu Stock and Implements ri specialty.
All orders left at the TIMES office promptly
attended to.
Tereus reasonable.
A. T. C. M.
Teacher of Piano, Theory end Fletcher Music
Method, Simplex and Kindergarten.
Pupils prepared for Conservatory examina-
Pupils prepared for Conservatory of Music
of London Conservatory of Music, will be pre-
pared after Oct. lst to receive a limited num-
ber of, pupils for instruction on Violin and
Residence -opposite 1t' C. Church, Wingham.
Counterfeit Bills
• The Globe.
Counterfeit S
bills of the Bi k of
Montical and of the Molson's Bank
have turned up in Toronto, lately the
former Laving first appeared in Lind?
say. The Montreal ones are on soft,
greasy paper, quite unlike the good,
crisp genuine bills, and are poorly ex-
ecuted photogravures. They are num-
bered from 900000, up, and can thus be
easily detected from the genuine ones,
which are numbered, only up to 300,-
000. The lioleons' bills aro all of the
.same number, 214,258 .13, and dated
July 2, 1901. They have evidently been
photog'aphed, number on all, while
the Montreal bills have probably been,
numbered with a rubber stamp. The
printing of both forgeries is very bad,
being frequently smudged as though
made an a defective press, The black
ink on both bilis shades 'into a dirty;
grey, and the green tinting of the
Montreal bill is poorly imitated. . ,
and metnber of the Associated Musicians of
Ontario, is prepared to receive a limited num-
ber of pupils for instrttetian on Piano and in
Theon .
Special attention given to pupils preparing
for examinations.
Residence -opposite R. C. Church, Wingham.
London 8 so a.1h.. 810p.m.
Toronto & East 0 a.m0.53 a.m., 0 05p.m.
ginoardine..11.10 a mAR1tIVE'E'1.90ItOM p m..., 8.,.p.m,
Kincardine ....8.130 a.m0.00 a.m.... 3.61 p.m.
London... ... 11.10 a.m.... 7.55 p.m.
Palmerston 11.10 a.m.
Toronto & East 1.40 p.m..,. 8,:'• pan.L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham.
TRAINS mean rota
Toronto and East..,,6.01 a.m... 8.43 p.m,
Teesweter 1.17 p.m....10,9A piny,
eunevR smote
'1'eeswater.., .,857a.m....48.48p.m.
Toronto and H SLIMIER, Agent, Wingham.
Aged Oddfellows' Nome
Upon the invii.a r ion of the Mayor
and Otter Lodge, a committee of the
G.r nasi Lodge of Ontario of the I. 0.
O. F. visited Tillso+nbu:rg .last Friday
to inspect a piece of land that: has
been proposed as a site for the Agert
Oddie}lows' Home whiech the order
proposes establishing within a few
months. The committee was met
at the B. & T. statism by the .Mayor
and several members of Otter Lodge.'
and after they had dined at. the Ar-
lington liotel they were joined by the
members of the Town Coaled l. and the
whole party was driven to the pro-
posed s.ito and to Annandale farm: and
the TiIlean Company's mills. 'The,
committee was composed of Messrs:
C. T. Campbell, M. D.; of London,
Henry White, Mayor of Port Hope,.
J. NV. IH'oyl•;', M. L.A. for North, On-
tario, and W. J. McC'iorsnack, of To-
ronto. They all seemed very favor-
ably impressed with the site and the
town.-Tillsouburg Observer.
The home may be. established in Ox-
ford County and several sites have
already been offered.
For Os•.r Sixty Years.
An Old and Well -Tried Remedy Mrs
Wiuslow's SoothingSyrup has been used
for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers
for their children while teething, with.
perfect success. It soothes the child,
softens the gums, allays all pain, cures
wind colic, and is the best remedy for
diarnccea. It is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists in every part of the
world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its
value is incalculable. Be sure you ask
for Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind.
There is a noted difference
in the style and fit of Pants we
make that always brings peo-
ple back for another pair.
Then thele is the low price
and better quality of cloth put
in thein --cloth that wears
See our new goods and prices.