HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-10-23, Page 1•
VOL. XXXI..—NO. 1602.
does , it look
This is the real clothes.
question of to -day, "How does
it look r Some i'rien spend a
lot of money on high-priced
clothing and then don't look
right. Some waste. money. by
not spending enough. The
majority want their clothes
right, and they want to know :
What is right ?
Where can I get it ?
What does it cost ?
Homuth Bros, can give
the answer and make clothes
to fit the most fastidious per-
We have a new up-to-date
stock of Men's, Women's,
Misses', Childs' and Boys'
Boots, at prices to suit all.
• We have a new and well -
assorted stock of Hats, Caps,
Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Neckties,
and great values in Under-
• Pleasure to show you goods.
Homuth Bros.
Ieaned by FRANK PATznson, No. 28 Victoria
street. Wingham. Ont. No witnesses required.
Manitoba Lands.
In order that I might assist those who fre-
quently call enquiring about Manitoba and
North westL ands, I have secured the agency
of the Canadian -American Iinmigration Co.,
of Brandon, Man., and I am now prepared to
show and ()note prices, terms and conditions on
all the lands sableat to sale in Manitoba or tho
North West
There pro many unimproved farms that may
be had et Tory reasonable terms and also
places iu a better state for sale on easy terms
and range in prices to suit anyone.
The property in and about the Canadian Soo
is being rapidly taken up, and there are still a
few fine locations that are within the reach of
any ono who wishes to invest their money in
such property as will return a large increase.
The number of farms on list at this office is
beyond doubt the largest that was ever re-
corded at any previous time to any office and
while the list of farms is large, we also have a
lint of intending, purchasers for farms in this
locality. -
If there is any one who wishes testa' or rent
they will find it to their advantage to cull on
1110. •
In the town of `Vinghnm I can • suis 4nty in-
tending pnrehwrr in else, location or price of
a house. I have some excellent properties for
sale suitable for retii'lilg farmers, also houses*
that are cheep and on such terms that the
present renter would find it to his advantage
to buy and improve a place of his own rather
than pay rent. T. T. MAG-um:,I
lienl Estate and Insurance Agent.
Office over D. M. Gordon's store.
Who Wants a Farm ?
I have
over 4,000 acres of ci e farm lands
for sale, in 50, 75,
100, 150 and 200 acres, lots in
Kinloss, Greenock. Bruce, Kincardine Huron
and Ashfield Townships. Good lands with
good buildings to be sold cheap on easy terms.
Also a good sawmill for sale, almost for a song.
Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in con-
nection) doing a good business, for sale cheap.
A hotel doing good business for stile cheap.
Also a wagonsliop. A general store with large
trade, live village. Also a large amount of
looney to loan at -5 per cent. For further par-
ticulars apply to
Insurance Agent, Holvrood.
$2500000 000 See Halsey .ark's advertisement.
' t Campbell's Headache Wafers guarau-
$2,500,e00 teed'to here headache.
A General Banking Butinees, Trans-
Farmers' Sale Notes Collected, and
advances glade on same.
Drafts bought and sold on all points in
Canada, United States and Europe.
Rupture Specialist
J. Y. Egan, Rupture S
ronto, will again v sit
Hotel, (Wednesd
all day till 7 p. m
6th. This gentle
ialist of To-
y ening) Thursday
ne day only, Nov.
an has been visitipg
our section for the past quarter
century. Write for circular. Sed
in this issue.
allowed odeposits, of `1
un u
and added to principal 30th June and 31st these days. This
December each year. yeti grinning, S
A. E. GIBSON, Manager. ranch pleasure or
. R. Vanstone. Solicitor.
Capital paid up, $2,000,000.00.
Reserve Fund, $1,000,000,00.
President --Jens STUART.
Vice-President—A. G. RA =Y.
• SohAn Wood M.1',,oA.B.L e(Torontol))..P.
General11anager—J. TUIONBUI.L.
Savings Bank—Hours 10 to 3; Saturday, 10
to 1. Deposits of e1 and upwards received. In-
terest allowed, and computed on the 80114 No-
vember and 81st May cacti year and added to
Special Deposits also received at current
rates of interest.
Drafts on Great Britain and the United
States Bought and sold.
Travellers are notified that the Bank of Ham-
ilton and its Breeches iseric airettlnr Batess of
National Provincial Bank of England, Limited,
In any be cashed t without
ehairge or trou-
fist. COII $O1JLTs, Agent
E. L. DICKINSON. Solicitor.
$topg the Cougii
nod works oir the Cold.
fAxittite lerento-Quinine Tablet?' cure a eold In
one tlar, No Cut'e.n0 Pay. Price' 25 cants.
u o
Wear Greer's Shoese
An, ernergoney n
Lodge, A. F. & A
held on Tuesday
tion will be the
meeting. All rue
' Meeting.
eting of Wingham
t., No. 80. will be
(ening *text. Initia-
business before the
]hers are requested to
Fresh oysters nrriving daily; served in
any style, at Jas. McKelvie's,
CA AXON PORTRAIT.—Life size, for
$2.00, at Arm* trong & Co's studio.
Bible Soci
Tho annual moeti
Branch Bible Soviet
the Presbyterian ch
evening, eomrnenci
report of the Exeeu
be received and of&t
ensuing year. An
of addresses, runsic
pared, All are
y Meeting.
of the Wiu ha
R fi lu
r will be held in
*rah this,(Thursday)
g at 8 o'clock, The
the Committee will
Hrd1oeto r
c d for the
uteresting program
etc. has been pre•
erdially invited to
W A^TED—A smart bray to learn the
printiug business. Apply at Times
See Israel & Co's. new styles in ladies'
jackets and furs; they show a large us-
Live Stock
Ou Thursday las
shipped a double deJ
t Tt O
O Oi'OIt O. n 1V
of stock left Wit
Robertson sllippin
to Toronto and a
Buffalo. D. Ste
cattle to Toronto
car load of lamb
VauStone will sh
hogs to Toronto
stook day up the 1
found it necessary
to carry the stock l
ley and Lucktlow.
a car load of expor
, W. F VanStone
Ik car load of hogs
ruclay four car loads
rgllam. Burchill and
•a car load of cattle
ar load of lambs to
vart, a car load. of
*rel D. E. McDonald, a
to Buffalo. W. F.
p another car load of
`today'. Monday was
110 and the G. T, R.
to run a special train
rout Kincardine, Rio-
Jolts Si1ie11 shipped
cattle oil Wedues'
Yon get the newest goods iu sntings
and overcoatings et reasonable, prices at.
Geo. Carr's.
MoNEY To LOAN -.at .06. per''Icent.. on
easy terms of repayment. Apply to A.
Dulmage, Kent Block, Winr_rbaiu.
Coal Strike
The coal strike was
clay of last week.
has named a commis:
as an arbitration .
strike began 011 May
15th a convention
local unions voted
has thus lasted Bye
days. The numb
147,000. The a sti
including losses t
railways aIlcl merc
is $130,000,000, of
the men's wages.
Ales it about 20,
troops called ou
ham coal dealers
of coni reach her
weeks.' Farmo
back in the ho
for it will be w
price when the
advise them t
rapidly as pose
the the high pi
settled on Thurs-
osident Roosevelt
'on of six persons
commission. The
eeth and on May
of delegates I s from
o continue it. It
mouths and three
of glen out was
ate of the total cost,
operators, strikers,
ants in the district,
which $28,000,000 is
The number of fatal -
add the number of
10,000. The Wine-
xpect to have a supply
in the course of a few
who are holding wood
s of getting high prices
ling to accept the usual
coal arrives. We would
haul in the wood as
le if they wish to get
MONEY 'Co LOAN.—Money to loan on
notes, and Motes discounted at reason-
able rates. Money advanced on mort-
gages, with privilege of paying at the
end of any year. Notes and :moot -tuts
collected. Office—Beaver Block, Wing.
'I • An Enjoyable
of Kent I' n block
ce sato keeps
A very enjoyabl
ism n lief
1 fives as term o was,
vas l t
e than big wages., church on Thanksgi
Criminal Retur
County Crown At
returns of criminal e
of Huron for the tw
Sept. 30th, 1902, rep
the County Judge's
salting in eight co
acquittals There
work. This is a ria"
idargo and populou4
s for Huron.
orney Lewis, in his
9es 111 the county
ve months ending
its twelve cases 1n
riming Court, re•
evictions and four
was no Sessions
ty good record for
county like Huron,
1)r. Butler, specialist in the diseases
of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes
tested and glasses supplied. Office op-
posite St. Andrew's church, London,
For a We n's Sake.
The opening chap ors of a new story
will appear in our n xt /settee The titl •
is "For a Woman's alto," by Mary E.
Holmes. The stor that is concluded
with this issue has een a very interest•
ing one, and out r ders will find the
new 0110 very en rtaining. Subscribe
for the TIMES no and get the opening
chapters ot the ne v story. We will send
the pager to n v subroribers till 1st
January, 1t:03 fo 100, Or till the 1st of
January, 1004 fo $1.00.
lecture room present
of a vast dining hall,
bring laden with • ho
lectable delicacies cot
c:t51011s. Here the r
roan were fully satis
an adjournment was
torium, where a lite
unfolded by the pas
who acted as chili
piece was given by t
prayer was offered
wash. Miss Brock
recitations, which w
ated. Splendid and n
Were given by Mr. J
'Windsor, anit Rev.
ham. These were
solos by Miss Ried a
gaire. The followin
w is held for the ben
and successful Ba-
in the Methodist
lug evening. The
d the appearauce
three long tablas
e viands and de-
mon to such oc-
tits of the inner
ed, and afterwards
glade to the audi-
ary bill of fare was
or, Rev. R. Hobbs,
man. An opening
o choir, after which
y Rev. N. S. Bur -
ave two very fine
e heartily nppreci-
Ipropriate addresses
11, McConnell, of
. Parte, of Wtng-
intrspersed with
td Mrs. S. A, Ma -
evening a social
fit of the Junior
Cornet Sto
The corner sttiila of
block was laid q t Fred
sealed glass jar oentairi
uewspapers and:the
Toronto anal tilntre
Inents, coins, etc.,
e Laid.
he new Haines
y last. A large
ng the Winghatu
wading papers of
1, official dom-
e placed in the
For Dellnquant
This week we tiro set
to a number of , subs
not yet paid, their sub
We respectfully Y•equ
to make au eildr,4 to s
Epworth League, t le proceeds being
given to the Juni. s. 1'he efforts ot
the ladies of the a lurch in providing
re very hauclsome-
eeds Of the supper
to sooial $7,07.
the entertainnlent w
ly rewardesl, the pro
being $85.45, and Of
ding out accounts
fibers who have
:ripti on for 1902.
t our subseribers
tie their accounts
as 1'011l tl sa b ITheamounts
p. P Y11
are due and we need the money.
Try Dulmage, Keut Block. for wind
proof and storm proof overcoats, They
together 'like leather r
1and are
sold at half price.,
Mr. John Fyfe h
front Brandon, whet
ing for the past feW
returned home
1e had been work-
West Huron
A convention, of tem
in West Huron Will be
per:anoe Hall, Goderiel
24111, at 2.30 p. in. to t
rection pith the rete
meeting will be held i
the largest building th
Soule good speakers w
take part. The servic
prohibition orator, J.
been secpre'd, Every
er in West Rerolt 'se
as alt iuVitatiUtl to a
C. vention.
name workers
told in the Tern-
ou Friday, Oct,
to steps in mi-
lldams A plass
the evening. in
t Cau be 59051•ed.
1 be present and
of the famous
A. Nichols have
emperauco work-
ed to accept this
Any person ell
getting a dollar's
Herald wad. Weal
this seeso41, would
Their two Motu
"Alone," are gems
prove the most pop
cult to decide. "P uritj" will certainly
have a large supp rt from au artistic
point of view, and it deserves it. It is
a style of art mos popular in Europe
and America to. ay. But the other
picture "Atone," o11e that will. Hold
the attention'of„ 1 observers. Pleasing
and sad at the. ae e time, ono cannot
forget it. 1 record breaking business
is predicted. for the Family Herald this
thinks lie is not
rth with the Family
Star, of Moutrc•a
be hard to sat' y.
s, "Purity',' and
A o which -will
lartit - Will be diffi-
Arthur >yX. Fellman, pupil of W. (faxen
Barron, Principal of Lendou Conserv-
atory of Music, is prepared to receive
pupils in piano at his house, Methodist
Wingham El
A now set of elect
being put in positio
The new Holes will
the ones now in us
has been ordered a
power house and of
wired with new 1,
much heavier than
The Electric Light
engine and boiler 1:
ltew cement floors
new engine will be
few weeks. Whe
under ;way are col
service will bo ccnitnenced '
Woodmen of the orld Pay a Fitting
Tribute to the emory of Late
Sov. Fa quharson.
A number of the Woodmen of the
World, with a nuw.'r of members of
the Sons or Scotland turned out on the
afternoon of Than •egiviug pay and
marched to the W' ;;ham cemetery to
assist in the nnveili g of a monument to
the late Norman A. arquarhson. T1iis
was the first event . its kind to take
place in Winghlui , and the nolemtl
ceremony was wi Kissed by a largo
uunrber of people. he iuonnmellt is n
very beautiful one lid the inscription
recites the name, clt. e of death and ate
of deceased.
On arriving at the grave, the meml ers
were placed in a tri. ]bre or wedge shape.
The services ever h commenced with
prayer by Rev. R. • ohhs. Then follow-
ed the singing of " lest be the Tie that
Binds," led by Sovs. R. Max
well and Joe Go
t. Then carne the
order from Cout . Com. John Teriff to
Sov, I. F. Miller t. remove the veil and
the Coun. Com. then dedicated the
monument to the ••emory of Sov. Nor,
man A. Farquhar on. The A. L,, Sov.
R, H."Crowder; t ie Banker and Clerk,
Sovs. Wm. Nichol: on mid C.W.Stewart;
Orator Reader, So . Dr. Kennedy; Sen-
try, Sov. W. A. (i mpbell; 'Watchman.
Sov. 11. II. Moon •, each carried c.ut
their parts in exce lent manner. After
this part of the s rvice the members
were cnlledtoorder 1y D,O.,Wm 11i me-
; -son, and the liouor. of the Order were
Sov. J. H. Mc i ouuel1, D. C. 0., of
Windsor, then gt ve the address and
said in part:
Dear Sovereigns Friends and Fellow
Citizens,—We ar- called upon today to
pay the last tribu of respect to our
late and much est erred Sov.Normen
Farquharson. ' do not sleet to slake
any outward dem, stration of our Order,
but quietly and r verently do way cuter
this city ofthe d h d to,pay the lust in-
stalment on the ' veuaut we made with
he who slurubere he tomb. iie lives
though he be dead.' He has served his
purpose here below and now he ,is gone
to his reward. A• we are astemb"led
a'onud his to b, we are remind -
ea that all must c e. The uncertainty
of life can be mor fully exemplified by
a look around 111
walk up its avenue
we are also remind
senger, Dea
is l Lights. g '
is light poles are From the ranks of
on Josephine street. the aged are chose
e Much higher than sacred resting pia.
A ton of new wire are dumb. No con
d the poles from the held with them, for
the streets will be once uttered kind w
ire; which will be that were atteetiv
that now in use, others are silent in
Co. have had their limbs, which were e
Luso fitted up and glad messages to asci
have ' been laid. A ity are paralyzed in
pat iu position in a hauds that were alw
the changes now
silent city. As we
and read its epitaphs,
d'hat the cold Ines- 1
r ofpersons.:
e5 )CCGO
le young as well as
to populate this!
. Its inhabitants
uuication can be
their tongues that
rds and their ears
to the wants of
tho grave. Those 1
er swift to convey I
t suffering human -1
dearth, and those 1
-s ready to hand
the sufferings of
ve performed their
w sleeps the long
ugh we mou,:n his
i Found the Churc
with his bereaved
1 their grief, yet ! Seats free: no col
ivory by placing; dressed by J. Lar
onument, which I The annual cont
of wherein lies lie i Leagues of the G
rgot not his duty =Methodist chnreh
d friends, but made ich on. Thursday
tion for them when I week. Rev. R.
uld be no more. i deliver au address
this afternoon's A series of reviv
inder of the cer- held in the Winght
r ourdear Sov-
ee e
r directiot
nude the
'oon shall lie. The R. Hobbs. Meetiu
reaching and cover
four hundred thousa
hearts best today
patby as the me
Camp, This Ounad
duriug the uiuo " ye
over $287,448 to it -
thousands of its me
its pure waters et b
them iu sickness
brought peace, pleat.
thousands of homes.
ineud the Order to. al
life protection. Dee
forget this afternoon,
God, families, homes
At the close of the
•'Nearer my God to
and the service closed
re heads of nearly
d members whose
ith the value sym-.
bora of Wingham
n Order has paid
s of its existence
beneficiaries, and
bers have drunk of
ch brtve alleviated
and distress and
and happiuess to
This should recont-
.desirous of safe
friends, let us not
our duty to our
nd friends.
ddress the hymn,
Thee" was sang
with the beuedic-
tion by Rev. R. Hobb
A4irst-Class farm for sale, within about
21f_, miles from Wroxeter and 7 miles
from Winehant, ou good gravel road;
good buildings and farm well improved.
Apply to R. Van' tone, Rlinnham.
A Social
The members o
School, along with
friends spent a so
home of Mr. Jas
harry on Weduesd
weak. During the e
of music, address
carried out and th
ed tea bonntifnl
and hostess. Miss
presented with a
cover and a *clove a
All present report
pleasant evening's
Holmes' Sunday
number of their
al evening at the
Linklator in Turn -
y eveuing of last
ening a programme
, games, etc was
guests were treat-
npper by the host
izzie Homntll was
arge cheuil:e table
d handkerchief box.
having had a very
A Sore
, Miss Eva Garb
R. J. Garbutt,
Gerrie on Sun
was a bright al
and was in the
She was 111 only
being the cause
were conveyed t
afternoon where 1
:*1r. a,lc1 • MIrs. G
synipathy of man
ity in their sore be
out gifts to alleviat
pleted the all-night our fellow mortals h
A mortlwg,
service was comm iced this week and
will be continued ]til the new service
is inaugurated. Si ice the 1st 1'ebrt a
g y
last over 500 ince
been put iu dwell
This number does r
that have been puts
descent lights have
ugs, churches, etc.
of include new lights
m business places.
For SALE—South part of that very
desirable property of Mr. Saml. Youhill
is offered for sole; large lawn, fruit and
shade trees. Get particulars from Mr.
Youhill before 1st of November..
In point of quali
in the Wingham
day evening last
Macdonald quarte
pices of the local C
Order of Foresters,
ful affair. There ' as not as large an
attendance as migh have been expected,
considering the exc Mout class of enter-
tainment provided. The quartette was
composed of Messr H. Ruthven Mac-
donald, W. 1)aMill G. Chrystal Brown,
and Wm. Mcore, t hile Mrs. Macdonald
aur ly presided at t e piano. The com-
pany delightfully ntertained the audi-
ence in quartette,. net, and solo, each
inernbor taking hi • part well. Mr. Mac-
donald's solos Id recitations were
mach appreciated. Mr. Brown has a
1,owerful tenor v.'ce, and sang with
much clearness tat d expressiou. Solos
by Mr. DeMit1. in • Mr. Moore were
well rendered. Tl 1 encores were num-
erous and cheerfu y responded to. It
is safe to say that . could the quartette
visit Wingham at, its they +Would 1 o
greeted by a much argot audience.
, the concert given
era House on Fri- !
e the H. Ruthveu
to, under the nus-
urt of the Canadian j
was a Very success -
Conductor Fitzg
B., Is holidaying f
doctor Murray is t
ld of the L, H. &
a'few days. Con-
king his Islam).
sleep of death. Altl
loss and sympathize
ones in this sad hour
we mark well His m
over 111s grave this
shall ever mark the s
who, when in life, 1
to his God, family a
the necessary prepar
time with them sl
Again, dear ftienc
scene is a strong re
taint o death. W
creign 1101V lies, we
tt, daughter of Rev.
died at her home in
ty evening. Deceased
c1 cheerful young gir),
et11 year of her age.
few days, appendicitis
death. The remains
London on Tuesday
iterment took place.
butt .will have the
friends in this local-
eaV em en t.
For all Stomach Troubles Try
We guarantee an absolute
cure for the most distressing
cases. When all others fail'
give us a trial, and your
money willbe refunded
if we do not satisfy.
R. Al Douglass.
A booni to the afflicted: he is ming
again. T. P. Smith, Eye Sp •alist,will
be in Wingham at Colin • . Campbell's
drug store on Thu sdav 'ov. 0th, "one
day only." If yo 1 e any defect in
your eye sight it, 11 pay you to call
and see him. Examination free. One
day only.early Call and avoid the
Rev. W. Lowe exchanged pulpits
with Rev. Mr. M Leod, of Ripley on
Sunday last.
The anniversary services of the Blue -
vale Methodist cul rch are to be held on
the 10th and 17th , 1 November.
Adjutant and rs. Orchard of the
Salvation Army w 11 farewell on Sun-
day next. The su ject for Sunday night
will bo, "A great orse race."
Gospel Meeting
day, 7 p.m. S
Chisholm Hall, Sun-
bjece —"Did Peter'
of Rome?" Collie;
("mien. Meeting ad-
,ntion of the Epworth
erich District of the !,
vill be held at Goder-
and Friday of next
ebbs of town is to
t this convention.
1 meetings are being
river df death that 1 e was called upon every evening this
ebe called to face its day, and they will
s, therefore, dear next week.
ems thought and as The Huron Angli
meat, let us askSallday school teach
"Am I prepared for j be held in St. Janie
on Thursday and Fri ay, Oct. „ 0th and
81st. The subjects .f lay work and
Sunday school organ • ation will be dig -
Bussed by prominent speakers.
At the meeting of ''le Baptist Union
held in. Montreal
t) cross, we too w'I
icy waters. Let
friends, take one so
we pause for 'QI10 n
ourselves in silence,
the change?"
"Tlie living knot
But all the dead
Their memory in
Alike u,lknowin
They have no sh
Beneath the circ
Then what thy t
Still let my San
Since n t device
Nor wisdom un
Attend the Best ----9t Pays
Recent graduates have accented
good positions at 840, $45. e,'•'U) nod $00
per mouth, and a few clays ago an
application was received Offering one
of our graduates of last terns a salary
of 8800 per annum. This is the kind
of evidence you ar'e looking for as to
the best school to attend.
Catalogue free.
Enter this month if possible.
The Eclipse Good Spectacle.
The atmosphereconditions for view-
ing the eclipse of the moon Thnrsday
evening and earl Friday morning were
perfect. The sk' was cloudless and the
air clear and fr. ty. The moon enter-
ed 111. and left at
the shadow a 11 t p. e t
2.50 a. m. At tl middle of the eclipse
the light from t 1 moon was so reduced
as to make it q ite dark. The clear-
cut spectacle wa witnessed by many
people ,'and it a one of the most per-
fect examples of this conflict of light
and shadow seer here for some years.
Mr. F. Hogg, vho met with au acci-
dent at A. You 1g & Sons store some
weeks ago was 1
London on M
Hogg's many fri
may return hom
en to the hospital at
iday morning. Mr.
Is will hope that he
in a few weeks fully
recovered. Rev R. Hobbs, Dr. J. S.
Chisholm and 3'.I I. Young accompanied
Mr. Nogg to Lot 1011.
NoTrea.-111 accounts rine the estate
of the late N. A. Farquharson are to be
paid to W. J, Farquharson. tit G. E.
King's store or to Mrs. 0. Farquharson
before the 1st day of November. All
accounts not paid by that date will be
placed in otherhaud4'for collection.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, Al
druggists refund the money if it fails to cure
E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 111c
u1 Methodist church,
of the pastor, Rev. ;
s have been held •
Winghanl s leading shoe Stole
veek except Thurs-'
continued during;
n lay workers' and; 1<EEP YOUR
rs' convention will
' church, Ingersoll,
that they must *lie;
Dear friends, o esteemed Sovereign
highest aim in lif was to cultivate On r.
ing unto others as xe wished them to do
unto him. He wa Riad in spit it ;
belovedky Nth As ere honored With
his negnaintance. n social circles, as
well as iu church rk, Ile will be mech
lids:led. He Was ve eevota to hie God,
his family nud his fr enes, end his place
11 life ill be wry d to fill,
The Canadian Woo mert of the World,
of which Order the la e Stvereign Par -
gallant% was an teemed meniber,
forms part of the at Woodmen of
the Workt,whoSS fret sal wings ate fat
of Quebec and ()uteri
last week an inteiesti
sentecl by the Sanday
showing the nuniber
477; scholars enrolled
4,472. A reeommen
the hymnal contalitt
that a Canadian edi
Church Hymnal
g report was Ire,
school committee,
1 schools to be
$136,541; average i
ellen Mid officets,
atiou was made by
ee this meeting,
on of the Baptit t
Id be published.
townsit p council minutes
and Other news iten came to hand to)
late for this Isaac.
—The Yt unit ople's Guild of St,
Paul's chnrch held very Race( s dui
Sapper in the schoo re_om of the c hatch
ort the (Weide of Thanksgiving. The
sttpper Was a 1 ns and an excellent
programme. WAS dered.
Keep them warm, too. Any care
that yon give your feet at this
time of year will well repay you.
A maxim soye flint if your fee
are right you are i 11 right.
A good deal of truth in it, too.
shape of shoe almost. They are
this year's goods — strong and
durable. Put it lien- on tend your
feet will never geese that the
ground ie wet atul.slushy.
tring along year Shoe to be re-
paired. All work dene neatly tuid