HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-10-09, Page 8THE WINGIIAM TIMES, OCTOBER 9, 1902. 'M''�'�t!�'�!'�r'�r'�'�'�''*✓1r'�D+'�1aic"Or'4''�,'IV11e'��'i►'�r'�' RITCHIE& CAMPBELL '��''�'�''��'t�O• �.'4'�i"ri'7+"�/�r'i��'lirlr'�r'i''i+�ii•'ir1►,'ti'�a,�r�r B A R G A, I N S I N 00 Dress Gopdsoi Iu order to reduce our inatnense stock of new Fall Dress Goods P more rapidly, we are offering you two specials for this week 12 pieces Dress Goode, all different shiulee, suitable for Skirts, Suits or Children's warm Dresses, regular prices 350, 400. and 45c, now on sale at - - - - - 25e 6 pieces Homespun Suitings, riSSorted eliades, 54 inches wide, heavy quality, regular 650 and 75c goods, now on sale tit 50e DRESS GOODS Our stock of Week and Farley Dress Goods is most complete. All the new qualities and shades are represented Here. Zibilines, Mohairs, Coutiis, Yigeureanx, Venetians, Box Cloths, Cheviots, lien- galutes, etc. See nnr ass .rt- iuPnt of new French Zibiline Waistiegs TRIMMINGS We have everything that is new in the trimming line, suitable for all kinds of Dress Goods, Suitiu is and Silks, FURS Now is the proper time to chnose yonr Fors. The stook is com- piete, and first choice is the best. We have a full range of Ruffs, Muffs. Caps, Caperinee. GauutIets, Children's Collars, Ladies' and Gents' Coats, etc. Have a look at ours at your earliest . convenience. S.R,r $• RITCHIE & CAMPBELL, i . MINOR LOCALS. —Belgrave fall, fair prize list will be 'found on another page of this issue. --$lyth fall fair was an attraorion for i number of Winghamites on Wednes- - iay. --The regular monthly meeting of the Soliool Board will be held on Tuesday evening next. —Public School Inspector Robb, of Brussels paid a ii..it to the Wingham school last week. —Plan of hall for C. O. F. concert at R. A. Douglass' drug store. Secure your seats early. —Mr. R. J. Tindall, who has been in Muskoka for some time is not improv- ing as his friends would wish. Wm. !Conk had one his hands bably cat which at work in the Union factory one day during the week. e„� i,:. i,Lasts a Lifetime. That is just what they say of Vapo-Cresolene. The vaporizer is practically in- destructible,and the Creso• lene is certainly not .ex- pensive. This way of treat- ing affections of the throat is most teconorfical,and is a so most effective. Our hale picture illustrates bow it's used. You put some Cresolene in the vaporizer, light lamp beneath, and then • breathe -in the soothing: healing vapor. For whooping,cougb and croup it's a perfect specific. s Valsn.e'res'sent. ,5 s 1,, by dntt;xtst. , verywhere. A Vapo-Cr'.solr.neoutfit. inch (Imp site Vapotlze•rsett Lamp, whichsh+td.1 at alife-..trrrtr.. ar.d a bottle ot ,• const ct r d r, �r.$ ,•x ra • sceptics s r. f Creso• Cersoi n , s pp lent z$er•nrsanti se'•eutr. llhsstrsted r ookl,•tcontain. fog ahysic•ans' testi:no"i ils free- upon runless. VArn- CRKSo ', K Co IMO Fulton St New York. t".ti. •' Recommended and sold by A. L. Hamilton, druggist, Wingham. -Six members of the Woodmen of the World came up from Ciiuton ou Sunday to attend the unveiling cere, ninny. —Wingham's onion growers, Messrs. T. Gregory and R. A. Graham have been busy for some days, housing the season's mop. —We have received the list of prize winners at the Howick fall fair held at Fordwich last week. We have no room for it in this issue. —The McDonald Male Quartette in the Town Hall ou Friday, Oct. 17th, A high c;ttss cobcert under the auspices of the Canadian Foresters. —The firemen had a run on •Friday morning. A few burning shingles ou the roof of the G. T. R. engine house wits the cause of the alarm. —The first regular meeting of the Young Ladies' Fortnightly Club will be hold at Mrs. Beattie's rooms, Monday evening, October lath at eight o'clock. —Owing to Oct. 16th being Thanks- giving Day the promotion examinations of the public schools for the county of IIuron will be held on Oct. 23rd and 24th. —Mr. Jas. Elliot, of Turnberry de- livered fourteen hogs in Wingham on Monday and they brought him the sum of $174.05. The hogs were six months old. —A number of Winghamites attended the fall fair at Brussels on Friday last. Dr. J. R. Macdonald won first money in the 2.40 trotting race with his driver, Baby Brino. —The regular meeting of Court Mait- land, C. O. F., will be held on Friday evening of this v g t tis rveei;,, Members are re- quested to attend this meeting as matters of importance are to be discussed. —Councillor W. F. VanStone, who has been confined to his room for gorne weeks through illness, is, we are pleased to learn, improving. We hope he may soon be restored to.his usual good health. Ingersoll Fresh Poi* . 'Weston's Panty Bread, Buns and Cakes, fresh every day. 3 lbs Lemon Biscuits for - 2 Ills Mixed Pancy 13iscnits for - F'rench Mustard, per bottle - tlorned Beef. per pound tin /Never Raisins, beet kind, per pound Good Brooms, each All kinds of Vegetables— Turnips, Carrott, Beets, Onions, Cabbage, Celery, Sweet Potatoes, pumpkins. .25 .25 .05 .15 .10 .15 T1'HOPE'S —Percy, the live -year-old on of Mr,' and Mrs. Wm. Bradley, Victoria street, died en. Monday evening from diphtheria. ¶rhe child was only ill a few hours. The fatally will have much sympathy ill their affliction, 41011N., GIE1M-in (htlrotiy, on dept "Srlth, the wife of T. Omen, oC a eon. • Ct,axtc,-In Morris, on Oct. 1st, the wife of Thos. ()lark, a daughter, SMAt.t,r,ox-In (trey, on Sept. 20th, the wtfo of Wnt. S3nialidou, st daughter. Gwrr,snr.e..--AtSalem enSep. 27 the Mite of Mr. Wm Gallaher of tt son. MIAttrttt:n lir)tthttorsr.--TA7t.pa-At the residene of the bride'�s� parents, on Oct, 1st, by Rev. 0. O. Koine, of Whiteoltureh. Mr. Thos. Mirehouse to Miss Sttste, 41104A/ter of Thos. Taylor, of West Wawanex,h. Busyness-Frrat-At Brantford. on Sept.. 27th, 1102, by 1:4ev,'2hos Doyd,pristor of Sydow ham Street Methodist rintreh,ltl r. A. Butehurt. formerly editor of the 'i'ee:swater News to (lussio Fyle, slaughter of Mr, L. L'yle, of Brant - (1111. D0.1.12)8.-Souiagxvru r, -In Seafortll, on Oet. bit, by ileo. Mr. Larkin, Rube. T. Dodds to Miss Annie Sommerville. both of McKillop. Ttntxnutt,-MoNattt-In Cranbruok, Sept. Beth, by Bev. DAL McRae, Dr, Turnbull. of Goderielt, to Miss Jean, daughter of Alex. bio• Nair, of Cranburok.. WAr.rat•rw-Axusrnoxc,-M the residence of the brides father, Melanethon, at Sept. 24th, by Rev T. (4. McAteer, H. D., Ate. Thos. Witt- lane, of Melancthon,toillargfrtt Tene,danghter of Chas Armstrong, ferrel ly of East NN, uwan- ash. DIED Molfrxxox In Blyth, on Setif. 30th, M s 1'. B. McKinnon, aged otly ears, 5 n.unths rust days. t$cayr,-In Morris, on Sent. 25th., Wm. 3f. Scott, acid 74 year., 5 months and 33 days. WAttuiui-In Erussots, on Sent 27th, Kate Warren, aged 20 yours and 10 months. McGb,vsx-•Iii Hancock, Mich., on Sept 10th, wife of Geo. ItIi eilynn, in the llith year of her age. Miss Laurine Agus Kaiser VOCALIS Teacher of VOICE PROD .TION. SINC,ING, Oratorios, etc., . E glish or Foreign. Also Pianoforte d Physical Culture. VOICES TFsTF.A FREE. CONCERT ENOACEMUNTS ACC TED. Residence H. B. Elliott, Frances S ., Wingham. F S. SCOTT, 13russe,ls, 0 LICENSED A -. OTIONEEIR Is prepared to cord et ales in this section. Special attention 3;i to sales of farm stook and implements. Dates and orders con always be err ; ed at the Ttxx'i office, Wingham, STRAY P Came onto the pre' ises the undersigned, lot 27, division line het een East and West Wawunosh, on or oh u he 24th of September, White Pig, nhout t and a half months old. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses. JOHN EAC.LESTON, Whitechurch. ALKER 'BROS. & BUTTON UNDERTAKERS. WINGHAM. R G M. Night calls at Button Block, or Fifth door south of School House. Shop op- posite Maedoeald block. APPLES WANTED Ar WINGHAM Mahler Bros, proprietors of the Wingham Evaporator. will begin operations here `,au the 15th of September. They will pap the hit:hest market prices for all kinds of apples aceording to quality. Packers cutis, windfalls, etc., in - eluded, delivered at the Factory, Alfred street. Parties having apples to sell will do well to see u': before selling. as we contract for the whole orchard, -shaken off, -suitable for dry- ing purpo.;ew. We also buy windfalls, if not to small or soft. MAHLER BROS., Proprietors. T, J. MAGUIRE ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. Aecottnt;t Rents and Notes Collected. Con. veyancing done, OFFICE -Over D. M. Gordon's store. RESILENCE-Leonolrl street. —Mr. C.N. Griffin has had his grocery kery c hvi, iu and MayorcrocVnnstone'sstdcllblockodd .nto Custothemstoreers should note the change. 'lock will be commenced at once on Mr. Griff'in's new block. —The Tiatss office is the best place to get your job printing. Envelopes, bill heads, statements, Ietter heads, etc., printed on best paper and at lowest rates. Remember the 1'1MEs office with your next order. —'The TIMES is sorry to learn of the serious illness of Mrs. John Leathern Diagonal street. Mrs. Leathorn has just recently returned home from Stratford, where she had been nursing a sick daughter: —''Walker Bros. & Button, furniture dealers, have a large advertisement in this issue. Parties in need of furniture should read it. They have large stock and sire offering special bargains for the next sixty days, —Miss Laurine Agusta Keiser, of Tor- onto, vocalist and teacher of voioo pro. duction, singing, oratorios, etc., in Eng. Iish or foreign, also pianoforte and phy'sica'l culture has taken up residence in town and Is how prepared to receive Crockery punile. lbifse 1 laer'e etttottneontent 'GroceryStorrs t will be found is this laetta. HOLMES & HOLMES 'Railway and Steamship Ticket Agency and General i:xchauge Otnee. WiNGHAM, - ONT. Finest and shortest Routes to Cleveland, Olilo, and aIi points. Wingham to Cleveland - 13.05, Return 50.125 Wingham to Detroit • _ 0 .fU, Return 4.50 Lowest rates to the "Soo" andall points north and west and New Ontario. All these rates are First Class. Second Class rates lower still. Stop - over privileges allowed. Lowest rates to Europe. Reduced winter rates by Elder, Dempster and Co's. lines now in force. Everybody should travel Apply to- HOLMES & HOLMES Wingham, Ont, Young inen are the best friends of the Best Clothing stores, be- cause they. are, Students 0 Press —They catch at a glance the little dillerences which make the f Clothing SHOR W'S Ready Tailored distinctively right and, as that is the Clothing we Sell, we have confidence in offering our goods to Men who know how to Dress. We furnish a Guarantee with every garment which means SATISFACTION or YOUR 8 OURR MONEY.. $A,CK. A� R.SMITH,bIock1 AS AN AFTER DINNER CIGAR the ” ChaMberinin " is the sleight of luxury. After it ]card day's work top off your evening meal with one tend it wins 'matte ti new man of you. .A sweet, soothing, splendid smoke. JAS. Mel EI.'V'XE, ' Star ltests.urant. Coak'n Cotton Root Compouni, retiueeea9fnity used tuenthly by over 10.000Lidles.Bee, effeetnal Lad1e64ait your druggist for Cook's Cotton Rai Col pia . Take no othhee, sx ill Mixtures', pins and' imitirtione awre dsngerons. Prue, No. 1 11 per box, Nb 11,10 degrees nu-onger,$8 per box. No. t or 2. mailed on receipt of prior and twas-1lent S'J1* a CUok Corepeay Windsor, Ont. trrttWheel. I rind 2 sold one recommended by all 7telponsiblo Druggists to Canada. No,1 alit 2 are scold in Wingham by.A. iainiltnu Colin A. Cnniplx,n, Ii. A. ikaiglses tend J', E Davis 1)rtilt,tists. ***************4444)****4 04000♦000000♦000000♦00000000 i• Patronize dome • Industry t •.• 0 • 0 i• GROWN HURON RANGES --MADE BY THE — WESTERN FOUNDRY GO., Ltd., of Wingham NOW ON THE MARKET. Z • ♦ ♦ and examine•jGaII 0 0 oThe product of experts! O Coniplere in all particulars! p' Thoroughly up.to-date iu every detail ! wWe invite the inspection of all our friends, and defy all our competitors to equal or better the quality and price of the CI:OWN HURON RANGE, • 0 2 0 0 0 • 0 Wo also carry a full line of Heating Stoves, suitable for coal or wood. • O r "ss O 4.• • • YOUNG SONS• • e Leading Hardware Merchants - WINGHAM • •0 000000000000000400000000000000.000000000000000000000 • E RACE For DRESS GOODS, SILKS, GLOVES, LADIES' COATS, FURS, MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS AND HATS still continues at the Kent Block. In Prints, Cretonnes, Art Muslins and Curtain Stuffs the variety is large : and the goods new. A large proportion of the goods in this store have been purchased from the. wholesale houses within the past three months, and are just as good as if 'you paid regular price. Try here first. Call anyway ; we may save you money. We deal fairly, and our feelings aren't hurt if you don't buy. Ao DULMAGE Kent Block r Winghans',.'II..%.p'++.: ,4•or4.•;'t;.44..l.r.444 i..C,44.;,.,c •1r O •1 X M 4. A very large stock to select from and we will sell very cheap all through this month and next. • • HALSEY PARK ++++40141.444444404.4-;-14+4.4444 ++++++444444++++++++++++++ eclat SaIe BIG BARGAINS IN WATCHES BIG BARGAINS IN RINGS BIG BARGAINS IN SILVERWARE Jeweler and Optician. 44 Headquarters fur repairs. What $56.95 Will -Do!!! Would you like to know how cheaply you can set up housekeeping? Here : A good Bedroom Suite, $10.50; Mattress and Wire, 65 00; Shall Table, 75e ; Couple of Chairs, 600, ; Rocker, 90e. Where you spend one-third of your life A Fancy Extension Table, $5.00; 6 Dining Room Chairs, $2.25; Golden Oak finish Sideboard, $8.00. Where you are three times a day Two Kitehen Chairs and a Kitchen Table, $2,50. Where your wife spends half her time A comfortable spring edge Velour Conch, $8.50 ; 2 leather seated Rockers, $3.50; Oak Table with brass feet, 62.25 ; Big Upholstered Easy Chair, 85.00 ; 4 Window Shades, $1,20 ; 4 Curtain Poles, 61.00. Where you take your evening comfort Call and see our stock. have by far the largest stock ever carried in Wingham ! ! i People say we and most complete a retail store L in Are they right ;? BALL BROSD Furniture Dealers RESIDENCE—PATEIJR ST. _ S. eraeey's farmer residence, whore night calls will receive Prompt attention. PHONE 51 And Undertakers. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAA VVVVWVW'VVVVVVW VVWWVW. Ladies' Fur 1 Neck carf •: i D 3 Beas and Co�ts i Made by experts in Montreal, and therefore the acme of style S and good workmanship. No other article of woman's apparel •,5- requires the same care in selecting that a fur garment calls for. Now, every customer can't be a fur expert, but every customer : has a right to expect from the one who sells her an assurance 3, that what she buys is dependable. You get such assurance at this store; not only an assurance of fur excellence but the fur- ther assurance of fur beauty. This latter you can see for yourself. We guarantee every piece of fur to give satisfaction or money refunded. —Rich Sable Scarfs, - $7.50 to $30.00 —Rich and pretty Caperines, 6.00 to 22.00 --Stylish Jackets, 25.00 to 125.00 We are having a wonderful sale of Cloth Coats. There is that exclusiveness of style about the Gordon Coats that has made theta su'eh great favorites this season. Never have we shown such pretty styles, fins; qualities and perfect fits, and the prices are just a wee bit lower than ever. Our Blanket Sale Is now going on. 25 puirs very fine white all -wool Blankets, all soft lofty makes, thoroughly scoured and cleansed, fast color borders, big size, special at $2.50 a pair We are handling J. D. Ring & Co's famous Boots an'd Shoes, Ring's Boots are splendid wearers and perfect fitters. They don't cost any more than common shoes. We sell Lion Brand Clothing for Boys. 'These Shits are made of all-vroel Tweeds-; Pants have double seats and knees. Try a Suit for the bey. You will be satisfied.. D. M. Gordon Direct. Importer BIG PRICES FOR TRADE. +1tN/1IV1 ANN r