HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-10-09, Page 7/11E- wri" ,.k " E+, 1902. , . . b• • rn 0000004)00000000011 1.F By LAURA , EAN LIBBEY ,. Author of ' Fartedat the Altar,". "lovely Maiden," " l~ lorabei's Lover," r" Ione," Etc, Etc. aertantg 11' dote 'to der, •e_arernity Tin• )led to the wnite; taunts. in tvlhit•h-sue expressed her heartfelt gratitude for the k;hidiees that 'lutd btu shown ,her, and hoping the time might come when she ,•could repay tenfold that kindness, U1• Mew stole silently away 1ravt the hum- cottage, um•cotta]e, .and front the kind wonour who had bidet -it protea her friend in her :hour of greatest heed, Uldene, faint and weak, pushed steadily on thtouglt the intense dark• '4ngness which preceded the dawn, reach- t emeP%ed from the ojxen door,. and etiuI- iug the depot as the faint pink streak of led down the path , directly toward the mirk, shisdowy pines -behind tv}sieh the gltspeiado heti stejcpCd. In that iiisnnef tjtdene realized Rut - ledge's peril. 'there would be n tearful tutgeely, unless she prevented it. 1t•it- d14 t:ed down from turctter to ,Sun. ,•r„en the day you learned, through occident, that •1 -the •trusted bank cashier•—was, f(nger, tt smuggler and a gambler, :trait blazetted it vu•t to the world, so that ever wince the officers of the haw heaki been en pry track, 1•hatve .worn to be avenged upon. you. 'You shell not marry 1'terlt$ Sefton to:n•:kht! !I .ewear it! 1. would see you lying dead at my feet first! Ah! . therlt•' is Itttttedge Chestier now!" 'its exetaurned, as u tail figure early nutrntng was tinting the •gray of :the eastern sky. She was just in time. The southern t; j tss was within five minutes of stating. I'idene (>urehased her ticket, entered the ear, tall took her sent. ledge, whom she loved better then life The suu rose in a flood of crimson ittcif, would be slain. Ah, Heaven boli) rind gold glory, trawled throughthe hoe to save nee: blue, hazy, cloudieee sky, retailed the She tried •to dry out to warn hitn, bat zenith, passed it, card sank slowly to.hot tongue clove' to the root of her ward the west. Still the train whirled mouth; . the wild' cry died on her liter, ,un past green fields, small vil:eges, wood•' 1t akillg no soured, and the blood scented land and stream. The dusk settled totorfreeze iu her veins with mortal ttert•s{utvu, unci the night crept on, and oda , Her limbs refused to hold her '!by one the golden steers fixed themselves sliglel weight,. and slid sunk down :4mntif; in the blue sky, uud in tato darltuex t of the satire bruutirles; but in that awftd •the night the train stopped at 'Uldeie's moment of streechless terror site .heti r.d'estinutioe. 1•eeen a hotu'ible sight. • The tall figure I Gathering her cloak closely about flute; had: stepped abreast of the trees—then and dole lug her veil down over her face; the hidden Yue had sprung apart hint. i. Uldent) •Copped from the car. '1'h t ' 'There ;was a Tharp gleam of steel in the wharf wax lint a few blocks dist:est.I white moonlight, anti 'Thiene knew rto ' She made her nay to it !without delay, aurae. 1 looking furtively around for the ion;, i 1u an instu•nt a thrilling cry had weather-beaten building, or shed rather, ! brokelt the se:II/teen of the might air, mei ,that bad always stood to tato right of startled the gay group strolling down ,it, a hese i.ttle beats could be hired. It the sand not far disttutt, and immediate- . was bit there tow; it had been either1 lv they hurried to the spot where the torn down or the high tide had swept i sound hadproceeded. *.it away. ! And in tient fatal' moment another • A. boot, miss? Was you looking for csmall skiff grated on the sand, ami Cup - .,a boat?" exclaimed a voice at her elbow.:: t:tiu Lansing, pale and haggard, but re - "Yes," answered t'ldene, anxiously. 1 solute, sprang out, ' "I want to get over to I31at•k-for Light.: '•L out sorry that I did not amain House. I du not need any one to row i ltutledges overtures toward friendship," ' me over. I--1 can handle the var'i my ! he mused. ":lit, well, if Verlle, the dieser self," she :Wed, j.laehig the usual Pec ; gino, an be happier with hint than silo .in the 111101's hand. ( could have been with me, I hew to the "'They are going to have a great tint,: ; doereee of Rate. It will be a great stir- sold to the old light-huuse to night,' 1 cruse to bath 1 tei1te and Rutledge to s;'e said the boatman. "There's to be a 1 that 1 have accepted their kind invite - ',over wedding. Mans a 1n:141 til mem' I tout—cvaeu at the last In,rnu'ut—to be .young folks 1're carried over in ray boat present at the wedding. I have hail a to -day." ( hard fight lvith my heat, int, thank "St hen is the ceremony to take plate; • hod, good feeling has conquered. I—" ,At what hour, du yon kuow?" asked U1• I ,"hello! •«'•!rat's this?" he cried aloud. ,.done, trembling in every limb. Ill' bud stumbled a uimvt soinothing "At ton, prompt. That is what I lying aeross the path—a human body, beard," he answered. "I was not mistaken. then, I did hair At that moment the c•1oelc in an ad• a terrible cry. a moment S111e0," ho nuu•' •joining steeple tolled the hour of eight. poured, bending, 'demi over the prostrate r? t'!d<•uc• tock the ones in her nwtutt rural. "Hos there been a tragedy here?" In that moment strong hands u':zed hint. There was it babel of voices --a flashing of lights. to thug herself from tate 1 We boat 1 The grounds. in a single instant, were down, down into the silvery, star-tipp''•I filled with frightened guests, who 'staves, and let the luultiage go (.0. Then thronged around the prostrate figure, .at great thrill of ju,• tilled her heart that (noting askance itt the captain, and it was in her power r to prevent any other nrll:spesing, with bitted breath, as they I The tide of popular opinion. and feeling I where. It was loo came to me. but woman from being the pride of flim ! closed in around him, I was against hill!.- • r ho did it all.. I admit I gave hien •whom she loved better than life :ts.lf. ; It was not Rutledge Chester who had : Ire knew that'he •was not the first , $10 twice, but it was a loan; •ho was 3.t lust the keel of the little boat i mart such a marrow escape from a ter- roma who had been a martyr to eireunt out of money, but 1 won't talk un- touched the sand of the sulait island, i little fate, but a young plan who,. un- , 1utilds, al rhe little skiff shot out take .n0 arrow into the blue, denting waves. Oueo ,t desp:v:4te feeing stung over• her • extended flutterleg 11'n.nv 'harm, n'atr! Tji1,s�''vj�" • naterr1•i, crithe Ver* Ion tllttcft t0 11Iat'i BRolviiri.;ILa►11'iip nd clitsping It closely. "Your wools h Iveyg ve itto evtttage to fare' this ter.:l,1t st;.titrattion an l prove my innotenee.sltit11 net:er rest witit Kiie•h, a elnucl: nark•c:;';; my Ottr tame huet tante; 1' •sittil lied out Who did te►i+l deed committed tohlig'ht, if it t •stS cyC't'y ee1.t offurtIe." tl sturdy ntiielui—our pf ,lf.trie .Ste'r:ettr`s • 4'• t • Mrs, Recti wr t•' loud: it is 'AV n itftllltl'' voiwttantfry ltptan the leniency of the tC',allingnni41pea' taint thou811 1 14 51.l>1,y IWO Oen tot known tO mp* y poo foe savert�1 weeks ltpno undcrtolik to lutcrfere in what irlijiht ha3-e (feel n tpntricid•: of the most otg•ocfous• rIt1(raeter. •;i bile halt!, lelioved the story, others tee !;dotd• It Cts ib joie. ~ill t14,. ln/iiovtelarl f1 t:tde }o eonc't]et'ittt•itjR• n h the evidi>nce now. in• sight, • J Ose,arin lie arrested to -fitly, this basins been determined tq•on. John !rose, t, nephew oath 3. 'inserun> a 1...11, wol•hs. n'itli .ilrowta, 4 d •i tafuts to 11as,o rt'itnesstd tite••pay*utt, of S1.4 to Rose by Drown. Tip prisoner is 4:3 yt`are old. 4174 was born and raised in Alilston, Ont.,1'or six 7Cttt'at liefresh;ot ort taw stean•cr llaytie',Q, years• he ham heed connects d with to o lo• ter inn. '.111ug•1Ia; rtecal possttstc:esplnl,tth bussu( ess kecn11ternctess told Owns much property here,. all, of aitch h1 4104 his tlu'ifty wife hove rookie: Hp is spoken well of, , though de'a'd 10 be of a very grasping disco 8111011, Thought It u Joke.. Toronto, O.et. 2. — 'rbo .first- intinat4 tion John Rose hear of •Ilrovgn's ar- rest was at J o'clock last night, Ifs said he was much surprised tp hear it, and continued, "I, did net think it would go as far os that; I tbdught it a huge joke, as far as I was con- cerned; but at- ,'the s1ltle time •",.1 thought it should'be inestigated.,; out of Mr, Curry's manes., Crown 'Attorney, Curr 'statdd `at ii o'clock this nhorning• that he had not ordered the arrest of John loose, nor had he any ilitentlon of s otitg spoil() had forwarded the statement of hose in connection with.. the case to (:ol- lingwood, acid it was now within the jurisdiction of the authorities .tbore. Ile intimated that if the re •>y s. any order for the arrest of Rose it would come from. that'loettlity, rho Charge Is; Conspirifttl • Moonlit Mir•'Mbfkie.t4 old r.t"•nds, who lied be i► hr(Iti'it•:tit the PRISONER PITS BLAME! ON. ROSE wielding 'a5 p o'" at the:44 doss. never dt't-11 etiniIg sterin'r dv''' t would 1. a re. • T T— • rat :asci oli f ,nl <here stt'itlw'ci forwardI "1t Is ins •plftnfet tintrat► tersest yea e t iteinurknble case et Cpllin wegel—Stwtln $%t Ott^tort, 5ii 1f1';—' iuvut oC'tlee, :primmer Ateint the 344. ”1,11 114'11g.",! sttpplulleuted the (artl'fi.• b8Kwiug grans!!. - "1. etihtult, sir," he 21 11: site"t L, pre,pilty, '`tf eleili not ittorfeie Kettle jterfortnr.•trt> tr( your (hay!?' and amidst' Netbiv"x hyett'i'loij. Teti;) in;; mut the tnurntue ;nf• his ol'I ft-len'd••— wb.e lied tttl'iA tl rku)nst Mtn • II he hoar of need—the :poor eoptnin was led ewer. oat. aged mother, is William 1lthry and while 1.1-s eankt fen wets &Told;, on Drown, This is .the sterna's eli- ln'tii,' goeibile II, p01u1 secure was }re -ng 1114X of vague rumors Wench Itave tlis- idesetocl in the blfffteolete's e'ttaaa.b -r. ,i welted • t3ctllingwood for several days. .l:n'n hgurc' 'hood gliel1yl ;n tlttleugh t'it Tho prisenta1,' is in a complete state of collapse. The :1•ctusittion is outdo DO John Rose of Toronto, tend the tnlseta de i?rieue1Qt' Confesses thet there is soma foundation' for tite ,tatetucnt • of !lose,. involving him, hest Asserts, with the greatest tigior, that It was tIte Toronto than who suggested the Crim0. '1 hi alleged motive was to secure insurance 00 the wornett'a life..• Ile denies that ,ho for—ly et,langrt no the Verge of Cul- luprc•-AP.ent ;to,telieelures !lie Viewed lite 11'reject es *Joke �- •=Alw� ate arrester!. Collingwood1, Oct,. 2. — In jolt, charged with Conspiring to mut der *sleet it-. 'way 01' the 1tr ht ,.inose, awl t•y u„ie+41'ug tho $V1114 atnir}ctty,. l,l•ca1:e:',eSsly f;skate the door of Vterlieso room, intshing it open oath ne steely, trelahihag h:ulds, "is it you, I\ed(1y?" exdatinted 1'erllo, tureeng suddenly nround. " W hat to ihei world is happening out there to the grbnuds? You promised to enol.' back inettnsttly tend 'let me know," •1s she spoke, she lifted .her blue eyes, really conspired to cause his nintlt- behu(datg, not gay, laughing deed4II, but er's death. 'leis preliminary heaving d:siiut figure dtt_:}sed in a dial: travel/es will occur 'hero to -day before ittugis-. dress, bedreggldd' with •dew and sae t•rato Nettleton, W. '1', Allan has weed, her °ince •hentelly`sit•rvulei) by -a' been retit"iiie I to defend Brown. ^' trick, black veil. The acctt t d is a roan offamily, "Wiw,, are yvu, lily good,g:rl, ash ay.htt• quite Wen off, died stands wogs in pot - 'do you w:ult'bete?' ttxchrlinte rerlk', fn Lingwood. ITo has resided hero 15 aetonie hment, hat not unkindly: years, and is 'chief fireman fOr the lo - "Oh, 'Vet'lie, Petrie, don't you know cal electric light plant. !lased upon me?" exclaimed a tremulous voice that tho copy of •a statotncnt fu>•nished )'t'emctl to come front the confines or the hien by Crown Attorney 'Curry of 'to- ronto, Crown Attorney Cotter Of "'1`liut velvet" Bat.rie, telophoncd Chief •of Police' • Vergie took'h'etep forward; etrentbl:n Fred Maiden at noon to arrestwith terror, and, novo-leg off her veil, Brown, 'the officer drove to the wet - with a bitter, piteous ory, Uldene stag' er works. A little gray; bearded ratan, covered with coal dust, stood in tho !door, as 1h' hoick drove, up; lie leaned ori a shovel. gered forward and flung rhersel( at Ver' lie's feet, 1Vh:ant:1p:n led in the pitiful moments that followed only Ileatetl and • the ,•"There's my moan," of served the of - listening angels will bear witness. When neer, as tato 'vehicle stopped. Brown the bridesmaids came buck, tell }n .1 apparently divined the situation. IIo tlnl•ter, same twenty minutes later, they stepped bock trembling and stuck tumid Voile Settop lying, in her bridal his shovel into iho'ashes of the boil - robes, rjnite alone, and iu a dead faint, or i it. upon the. carpet. 'Billy, I have collo to arrest you:" "Alt, who had been so cruel ns to tell laconically remarked the officer. her of the dastardly attempt upon Rut- •.hey God, has it come to this?" ho ledge's life!" they exrluhnt=d. "No wailed. wonder she had swooned at the •horrible After a moment's silence he con- blioek'" • t:noes}, whilo tears began to trickle tit Itou t 11 d t ' hl ' s e to roe on a he gr. v slowly through the grieve on his face. rapidly worse, and the docotr in attend. .onion•o as hat man Rose? He has run, all bearing branches of 'maple, mice soon gave out that there would got •• oto into this. Dry God, what joined in the procession and sang be no said •ttiu„ thole that night.patriotic airs along the remainder of ,• slut I dol . torn in a hole." He wits , I said •that }t was an •drib 'omen a the route. • BUILD UP A NATION • Advise of lion. 4.1s. Tartu to • t'00 School Chihlren at Godo<lch ram Fair-, Ills Battle Cr'. , Godcr}ch, Oct, 2,—Tho'.receptioii tendered Hon. •J. 1•• Tarte, Minister of Public '*Voris, hero ysgstord:•ty,•wad an event of lively interest to the enti[ c connnuiiity. • 1:1is' visit, was made the 'occasion of a public holi- day in the town, and of a demon- stration of Canadian patriotism. se Arriving at the park, in the centre ot the town, fully 500 school child-. i forced to sit down front weakness. tryin' on of her weddn' gown," mutter- 1 , At the Exhibition grounds, .1. i C. •:d the old louttetceeper :i • \eddv`Phie 1 hen ked ren�ch �<1 into the coal bin, :Martin; president of tho Agricultural Society, read a complimentary,. ad- dress. Icon. Mr. Tarte, who replied to it front the carriage in front of the grand stand, thanked tlteiiit,„cordially for the hearty wolcoine extended to and treinbling, passed herby; bort :eddy pie a etc h s unci basket and fol- lowod tho officer to the hack. was too. troubled •to answer her.1 ••G/”.ood-bye, Billy," sorrowful! re - We will puss lightly over the scenee i• ntattkcd Gc'ncr'al Superintendent Das - that followed, bear reader,' during the sett of tho,,yyt(}tg r. ,plant, "you have Leal weeks that b'e'lie Sefton lay sack unto death, oblivious . of all that wag ' worked for use 1.2 years and we li'be hint, -and dwelt on tate.. benefits, • ite- tr$1(SLriring around her:'• 1 you.'l •rived from exhibitions in the etty at Those terrible weeks, nn honorable ! Tho kind 'cords provoked a fresh assisting in building up a Canadian man—who was iuua)eeut as a babe of the , outburst of grief, and the prisoner elation by meeting together and be - crime of which' he was accused—spe't3 " ttttitblecl into the seat, buried his face coming better acquainted with .each in prison deli. I in his hands, moaning and tretnb- other. • - There was a horrible • Chain of cite j Mgt The reception tendered to him and cutustnttlbtl erideuce around the poor I "1 ' am in a box and. can't got his friends •by the children would cuptniu'that would drag him down to! out," he constantly mumbled. never be •forgotten -by, him. ']hey :his doom. Fate itself seemed to have ! .Just before being locked up Brown were the young generation; • and it. :tightened its merciless web about hits ; said: "Rose did this. I don't -know was pleasing to see them display the love of their country that they had. "My little girls and boys," he sited, "will you take the advice of a loan who is conuneieing to feel geld, but whose heart is young. ]f so, be not prejudiced against your little friends in Quebec. ]n my days we in Quebec were prejudiced against the .people of Ontario. I was prejudiced myself, but it was all because we did not Ienow each other as now. 'You are growing in a time when this preju- dice is dying away rapidly. The worst of our national work is ..and 'Chime •spl:n►g ashore, drawate het ; fortunately, Closely resembled him: IIe ,boat into safety uuuntgit the: d:'u0e ower''' had not faintt'rl; the fatal blow tante)/ banging willows, and :acetone it to all;by the unknown assassin had glanced • . iron Allele. aside, just above his heart, making but This acevtttplished, she was tihantt to I 8 slight inrielon, rind, faint, and breath - .turn towards the house, when a hur•; ltos, he was• explaining how he had .staittiul evidence, itc told himself, bit 1 til I see a solicitor. I am in a Pox, iterly. Ile was a Lansing, and the.Law and I think ;I ought to hate a low - !singe were all bietve'men he would not I yer." •be the first of the race who had been 1 Chief Maiden took him across the leaned upon to fact n trying bedsit!. street and ho consulted with Coun- t The fact which enraged public feeling seller Allan an hour. These be was 1185 if the fatal steel had trot glanced ! taken to jail. ,rigid, cautious, catneping footstep fell nj.o.t come down the path, when from lmllincl'off from the gold Pencil the lietiui hap I. Lawyer Allan said: "There is noth- her ear, ` and an loettit hater the tall : the pines a man 101(1 sprung girt, and pend to have in his vest pocket, it; ing in this case. my client tells me. of figure a roan emerged from the put.! tt hearse valve had cried out: •Z' on shed1 would have pnesed •throngth his heart. 1 He has not confessed. 'We are ready Into •Si tt. the elent moon never marry rlSt on the only To- Lvent c c il ts attorneys, ,whenn, for hearing and toY cunt, tho fbu dations aros lid to - upon his dark, sinister ewe, revealing hto mat I purr ever loved. You. shall ilia alone in consultation. shook their hvnd, 1 can't hold ten. admit there are day, and we are all beginning to un- , L1dnthe ince of het nurtttoo—te blst, Rutledge Chester. en followed • "We etre afraid, in spite of gall the , some uhusUaI features ttttout this ruse man who knew the horrible secret of the fatal blow which had so nearly cost 'efforts. we eon prat fortis, the verdict will . but this noon is not guilty of the the daughters of her gree, and who had !him itis life. .. .be a term of rears in rison, they' forced fuer to fry from her ltusbttnd, if : The throng fell back tied gl:tneed, to I' '� horrible charg e. sir would not have that story blazoned :net. sorrowfi }y. Though the accused lives in a hand- mininey, at the pale, determined face of _ -lit; truss bitter days little \eddy prove some ]tonne, Itis mother, whose Iife Ito to the world. the handsome c:tptaiu.:irti at Rutledge ed his firm and steadfast friend. "What was doe &leg I1rt0? !ileus hkosolf, who tuns studding there. with In his d:trkrst •!tunes she would try'tit 1 is charged with haying intended to asked herself, breathless with horror. axon-steedtake lives witwith•Airs J dwas•ds cum - horror axon-steedori his countenance too elude him, declaring, hopefully: theaaged woman, and she is depend - He stopped short, and gazed rap at the deed, for words. ' "It would be sure to conte out all right •brrli}antly allumtinated towers with n cut upon her friends. The reporter Tierce light in his dark, threatening scop, and'that every cloud had its sheet i catlecl on 'Airs. .lane Drown, the. 100 - ..eyes. He was so near UIdeue she could CHAPTER 1_l'TT`I. !ill our' \eddy! How bravely she tried tit:r, in her humble quarters. Sato is • ',have reached out her white hand acid (meters 011 NOT tit'tL'rY.• to inspire him w•dtiu'hope, even up to the ' 70 years old but very robust. touched hint from whore she crouched Sho diel not know her son our energy tp prevent it from crush - touched If he had noticed closely, he a tin such adject terror amongst bhe tow. '!'herr were many in that group who was under arrest though she had ing us. As pointed • out the nether She was in deadly fear lest he would loiew that .1tutledge Chester and the [!tight have known. by ]ler swollen eyes heard Vaguoly of the alleged plot to day by. my friend, Mr. Ross, that is bear .the loud beating of her hearts h:audKvnte captain had been bitter rivals that She spent most or her time its itopt • 1 murder her. As she detailed the we, like farmers, are apt to have our But no; be was too deeply engro aeI) Sefton's love. They knew, •1`; lYnx'sivnnte tears. story as she understood it, the aged crops trampled by foreign intrusion, for Volk) there was but one person Tito could eisot ads own thoughts for that, too, of the reckless threat of vengeance creature trembled and before the then all we have to' do into raise our '}low strange it Is, Ttutledgo Chester, the cnpt:uil had • uttered. They ;had 'have saved him, w7o Jtstetted attentive•she was in great fence." /Applause.) : interview closed, that your path atter mine shciulci bores hoard the ictal vow that had burst so dy to all thatwas said' of the pitiful' distress, and crying bitterly. Charles Malan,i1T.P., followed with ons', in ' the little asjaceltt village crossed agarol" he uttercd, aloud. "Ln thoughtlessly from his lip. in ;[ moment which she had fled, easily concealing ]tel h ento ; nt"It Is all the fault of air. Rose; 1 a speech, dna at the conclusion cheers weldhtg tutor fiat bride you Tahiti have of madness—that he nvnnll wrest her identity behind •a widow's -cap and hind know it. My life is insured for 81,- were given fur :err. Tarte, tato olli- 00 t ' • f I3 t 1 cors of the Exhibition and the Lang;. Later in the afternoon the visitors Dlanufaetllrecl byE. IierlinNr, were taken fora cruise around the . e dorstand that we belong to one unit - Beware of Imitation: We sell St infield's UnyhrinlCtible Underwear -•---T oro Bran ed family. Let us build up•a nation here; wo can do it. (Applause.) To the south of us is a big nation, but we are better here than they are; we have no such difficult problems to solve as they have, and our institu- tions are better,. (Applause.) Likc.tt big whale, the republic to the south might think it can swallow us, but it can't if we do not throw ourselves into its mouth. We have only to use robbed me of my wealth, that would frim ,his rival tat the very trltat'. gle'sses, and that was Uldene herself. 5 in a' 0) o any , on. a .00 c have gree to her on her eighteenth The horrorstricken tinting gazed itt flue worst from her •would prove hide .out the Policy in theUriinn Mutual biitltd ty hal a•he 9ived; turd iu weddit>, each other with expressive glances alai five years ago, and said ho would this )nide you win from mice the only • low -whispered words. (To be cont toad) pay me 5200 if I would consent, My woman I have ever Loved in; all my reek- -11y friends --yon. Iltctlt'ilge--eau you .less. sin•It:hl?deued Iife -it reckless lite. br'i'ers this was my work?" asked the young captain, aghast. "1 swear to you . 124(11 ivaoeeltt, 1 OWll that. up to tn• 1 t:!ght, X had bitter feeling: ugaicss1 ,volt; but e.tl this, your wedding night, I c:dntc1 Nervous ,�pp 1 to ask you to pardon toy hasty w•o:•els! ��V Heb hes anti toy ill -feeling, and to beg for the! Iti:ndehip that, :t fortnight since, 11 sc nrnfttlly rejected. lin you believe J • Mrs. Farley, 632 Queen's Ave., London, • Ont., whose husband is with the Glooe i Casket Co., states:--"` My nervous system was in an exhausted condition. I could not sleepwell and Suffered a great deal ' from hedaches. Experience has ptovett tO me the remarkable value of Dr. Chase's ' Nerve Food. I havo found it a splendid tonic and can now say that I am freetrrm m headaches. I rest and sleep hotter t have for a long time and feel veal well in every way." Nervous headaches can only be german• ently cured by enriching the blood and Setting the nervous system in perfect order. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is not a relief for headache but a thorough and lasting; cuts. It creates new, rich blood ' • and nerve forts and makes the 'weak and sickly strong, 'Ive1t and vigorous. It iS ' naturer3 greatest restorative. iv . 5o :6 nt holt, at alt dealers, or 1~dmansone Bates & Co., Toronto. ,Dr ace's Nebta�Y 3lfss 'herniae." he Hurt!, brerkeldy, bene!• t X1,0 +• 'Milburn Co., JL ------east: rve lr /O.%bas 1WW'thdsunti Stead over the little. Toronto, Ont. 111e. Ititt!ede t' ('•htster Was too shocked' to foul words to whirl to rusty( r him. And; ihoee gathered orotund. the Wnnud til tenni to boar hint up to the liglu itense, turn• ed their fames from hint with d,trkcr•ng. brines, in which he roan his answer. Suddenly, tbroug;i the she ekes] Trott])o tt little slender figure bnrit—a little s 1' Ito ' . !:talo' in white satralt .ilk and dark, voting hair. It was pee Neatly, •"hientelt the '••'rid elu,nbl believe you • guilty and into Hunt yin. I >•hnnld still believe 111 year inuiteenee. ('aplabt had• 1 slug:' slue cried out, fait' ingly, '•1 !nano you, have not den' this awf'tl1 e:erd, 'iVhe don't somelea1y .earth 'the 1 grounds'!" :1 tut ag ail of 'Captain ] :raving's friends—many of whom bail known him from Itis boyhood, up --only this one • young F•tl stood by him, believing hitn ;�:tiltlesw. i He wee a brave soldier :end a haughty • men, but tears ratite t•) 1)14 oyes—teatrm; of emotion and gr:Ititudeaste he looked 1 price roe. ter i•ns are bo -et far tees down upon her. 1 ut all dealers or •"I !orale you for your faith in ale,1 Full have it. colsisring of I 'es$ a gods -•-Wool and Cashmere Hosiery —Knitted Wool Shawls —A.11 -wool and Flannelette Blankets .. 75C to. $4 so a pair •- T.,,adtes''nderwear Wra erei;tes s �� r --Table Linen, 20o to $1,21 a yard. -='1�4e1s 'Towellil s —any Flannels, from 12/c up —Men's wits to order, $1Q -to $20.. • -Ready-rade Clothing, —Carpets —Boats and Shoes, • ' Groceries, etc, I3 sure U see our bargain counter. • Cashmere Hose 19C a•pair. Tir Wiogharn Trading oLtd1 Successors to T. A. MILLS. WI1TG$A V. • 1. i,'; •,A.e': 1 ..: air•.•[s MOAN:. HERT11. To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription for men, • women and children than Ripans Tabules. They, are easy to• take. They 'are uzade of a combination of medicine:, approved and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules are } i widely used by 'all sorts of people but to the plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan- dard.farnily remedy, They arc a dependable; Hon- est remedy, with a long and successful record, to cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular 'rlieumatism,'cour sto'niach, bowel and liver com- plaints. Theystregthen weak stomachs, •build up . run-down :v systems, restorepure blood; good a � e. rin:o i} } FR tits and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives constant benefit .from a regular use .'of: 3iparls' Tabules. Your druggist sells them. The five cent packet is enough for an' ordinary occasion: The Family Bottle, 6o cents, contains a supply' for a year. ' ?Yx. a .t•a«rr ::e. , :Midi ct✓w Have you seen or heard the 1Berliter Gram ne? If not, you should 'It's a talking machine. It reproduces all kinds of music Thousands of them are being sold, and • you should have one. Sold for cash or on easy payr`nents. Call or write fur catalogue and full information. - JAS. l�°KELVI harbor Jo order to give Mr, Tarte . • ot•tnnit3' of son has not been very good to me, and his en but, I don't believe ho wanted to kill inspecting the place where it is pro- mo. On. Sept. 9, Mr. Rose came to posed to construct a breakwater. Me. I know hien,' as ho wrote, the , In tits elm*ijt; rz .bez'ikjuet was tett- policy on my lifo. tInehtl'ttlott: 11It ri'andt> '15y -••tire 'I`ost1t "Ile said my son had given Mini Council. In his Speech, 1fr,1 Tarlo two 55 bills on ' a, little deal he had. .411 -tido g •'171ty question of to -day was and ho wanted me •to take a fittlo whether we were,go!og,, to njlo•ttr our trip with him to Toronto. Ho gave Anierican friends to enrich them - mc 32.15, and told me to buy a round-trip excursion ticket, and he • would meet neo tiro next day at To- ronto, take inc to his niece's, and t could seg the Lxlhibition• I did so, Are n Heart and Nerve Tonle, blood and and he stet me at the Toronto depot. Tissee Builder and Conetitutktn Renewer I dont know the place he took Ile for all troubled with weak heart or nerves. to that night, but it was tip a long its a fried for the blood, the brain and the stitirs, and not very nice. Why didn't nerves, they cannot be excelled. he take 1110 to' lits own house? I did If vou are ttimlied with Nervousness, not see his niece or anyone else. He,brought in saying that the train e eessctess, Nervous Prostration, Pah told me he would return the next Was running too feet, and recont- t1, tatiott of the I•ieart, Shortness of Breath, i tray, { mending the eon:many to protect all Weak or lraintiage :;pelIs, Atihtntia, or any otarly the next morning, as I d1d I their crossings within the city lint. form of Debiiity, take i net litre the pion, I left without 1 its. The Verdict atso says that the selves with our trade, and. we,hould have confidence enough' in onrselres to keep Canadian trade for Canadian channels. • notes (1.5.11, itespohalble, •Woodstock, Oct. ,",. At stile coro- ner's inquest on the death of Mrs. Sarah Atchoson, who was killed by et G. T. R. train, a • verdict was telling anyone, and asked a policeman ( G. '1'. I•t. is responsible for Y the 'We- i 37 x:dwntrd street Was. ']'hat , ratans death, by not pro ding; pro - 1 is where i1Srs. Levy lives. She is my t Per Precautions at the railway cross- (I + 1t Rig AND N D 'NEi3 Vit PILLS 1 friend and used to live here. 1 found 1 ing. il�ttt J tliii� ditlit Ei1 her' pinto and remained there a week, 1' • rstitertokle••Talted.' 'Their c,irative power is quickly' moot 4 The day 1 snrid got did h here, rery woad P0111112, -Oct, tVilIlntit ITastings, rested. They purify and revitalize the. i came, ant hey T i. - 1 - 11est to errs of Iial- r of The e I' ; dito Saturday, e ' tt On.. ate 1 lett/ of ]c. .c me, •htrdbrO stood, brighten the infra nt t o first few ! .tagietratt'i Nettleton. sent for me,' lanasloe, (county. tlitlwary, :has • lt:aen t 1v t. nes fc • t t f •• •v s from a • t to ct • 110 nee c de • h CIi 1 s A ::: 1 rat a ui r o r n rte 'et d t tst c evu tl s n tyres fix scantro1 0 ore t d envdoses. +'Cul colt to i2Some medicine that would !till ane 1 titin And emisptt acy rind setitrncedslowly."I two mouths ilnorisonment, •'The efige And„ ass if the thoughts Of the un.! leas 'been appettie'r!. a. plot to murder me by g>;iving mo ; the cltitrgles of incitement, intilli)d Agent for 117I\ C IIAM•, Ont. 2315 St. Catharine St., Montreal. ds, _ Y ' ,`C' ') 7., 4f4:h a •. D °'f BE AN SSS* if you are buying a pair of shoes ora *nit of "r • . •eta%;i}' ` Clothes n reputation of ttt are particular erchants to Your liealthyis of p z•• a than either, yetof ret uacks • .,� .'�rr"�'. mureim crt, .c r, y t quacks, !g' ' " ` • medical fakirs and otlie rlhumbetgs deceive you by ;g r' their deceptive otters o. Something "ar nothing. WA" After bciug defrauded by these ntedicai sharks you „"-, think all doctors are r'tgues, whereas, you atone •(1,10,2r. ws.+O'il+nr " are to i,lttnie, Why not first demand front them evidences of their honesty and responsibility an Specialists. .Vire havo been located in Detroit 25 years and can give best of bank referencest. READER 1,✓EI Are you a vletini? Betio you blot hope? Are roe Cnntemplar ting marriage? Alas your blond been dist:vioi? }cave you any' weakness? Our Neto I°detitod Treutnmetttrill cure you. What it has dbuefor others itwilt dofor you. COf1S'JLT4TIOR 1RU. Nomatter nth' - has treated you. write for au honest opinion free of charge. Charges reasonable. tiOOKS FREE. •—" "The Golden Monitor" (illustrated!, on Dincases of Men, SAA -No Httintota used ttiti#otetd Writtest *on:nsoni:. Velvet's. NO Medicine sent C. O. D. No reaun,oet on bo±rcls or er; eilopts. ➢iaeteythln Confidential. Question List asrt9el cost 'Ttf '1Pretasi• went 1+L^.F.• : DRS. • KENNEDY & KERCIAN 131+'b. ton taleteLBT CiTIZ il3'i". /DETROIT, Me ICH. l'4 r.1•��t�.t Jana ist .19