HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-10-09, Page 6)t, TJU MOM 'G i D ` 11 fi, (IIJT011 R 9. 190 r ALCOHOLIC DRINKS AND MEDICINES, Several Zuropean and Americana governments have made 4 tomparative tests of alcoholic and lion -alcoholic beverages for taolcl ere ou forced march. These tests have invariably resulted in the withdrawal of alcoholic drinks daring all strenuous work, chocolate and ` other sweet beverages being given instead. The result of these scientific re- searches is applicable to the arniy of feeble and overworked people seek- ing strength. Liquid medicines are necessarily alcoholic ; they merely stimulate and their effect is only temporary. Weak people should take S7`. JAnirs `VAFans, which are a recon" structive and a tissue builder ; their effects are lasting, rand a permanent improvement will always follow their steady use. ST. JAMES \Veralts help stomach, digest food and send the nutriment through the blood, and this is the honest way to get health and strength, the kind that lasts, develops and breeds the energy which accom- plisltes much. Glytr SrettlenilOWM.Keieg,'�: yf• RgHTE1131Dgel Iii TME CONSTITUTION eee sets ifeteeeeW 4_,_,...---...,. 4.4ndon,E.Imantreatcri r+ �.. Bw PRICE , R BRITAIN?. AMERICA all Druggist5 ft Chemi Price in Canada: $1.00 ; ' Six bottles for $5.04 ,, +r* consider st,pennes wafers mese eeeene.et preparation for the nerves arta shalt recommend them generene," Ur. Thos • Braces, isiaacitester, nag. .St. J,t„acs Intf,•rsrre not a Aren't ,n.•ad. ; to the rlr,w.roar ,,roctorsr'- c..mine:rltinn the': to their f aritnls z• os.tc/ tti'prntuta ujon''Qttest. where dealers are not sellingthe lVRter. thev are to tied upon re- ceipt of price at th- Canadian branch : St.. .131111!3 % fers Co, 1723 , St. cathsrine. St., sleetrar.I. KERNEL Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges Mrs. MichaelMeAskell,n4ed 105 years, Flied at Sydney Mines. She was the old- ept resident in Cape Breton. • Mrs. W.'H. Miller, for many years a 'resident of Luoknow, 'died in Lensing, Mich, on the 29th of August, aged 1'5 •years, - " British Troop.0i1 Liniment is without exception the most effective remedy for .Outs, Wounds. Uleers, Opeu Sorest • rheumatism, Bites and Stings of Tu - sects, etc. A large bottle 25 eon's. Get onent your Druggist's Sas. bre A. Reid, of near Barrie, is et town visiting his son. Mr. Jae. Reid, end Mrs. W, W. ltiereitith. Mr. Rt it is 77 }ears of age. and he eeco tpltshed the trip pf over 144 utiles in lit) hours ou tt bicycle. Tide is n good stint for a tuuclt ypunger ratan, but for ac Luau of 111r. Rein's age It is simply wouderful—Sea- Isitth Sun. A quiet wedding Was Solemnized at the residencei,f tIr, Wm. Somerville. Johu street, Searo• th. ou Weduesdny. Oct. 1st evening. The Orcll.iotl seat the marriage of his sister, Miss Amite Som- erville,. to Mr. Robt. T. Goals, of Me - Rutin). The cereniouy leas performed by Bev. F I•I. T.,arldu, in the press}tee of only the it/mediate relatives of the eau- tractiug parties. The Ontario Licensed 'Victuallers' Association has issned a circular calling for funds with which to tight the re- fereutiuul project. The 214 Toronto hotelkeepers have been asseseil $100 each, making the revenue front this source aloll° $'21,400. From the towns through- out the Province auoihtr$13,t00 still he easily raised, malting the total guide immediately available, outside of what the big brewers and distillers will baud out, $35,000. "Events," in answerine the question. s t9r.tr AGTS CENi4Y 91 a oNrki Bo cit +i'i i THE SYSTEM EFFE CTUALLY; r cvcncoR is r��� TI DATION i.,�♦ .,,t t t ?"s f,}►!.+ L PERMANENTLY, t' when is a man old,.'' says : Coming to r+, • ,,Q cz . Canada, Sir Wilfrid Laurier has just A 7 1"-; . � passed the GO mark, Sir Mnc•keezie Bowen is 79, the Secretary of State 77. 4UY THE GENUINE --MAN'F•D BY Sir Richard Cartwright GG, Mr. Fielding 58, Mr. John Charlton 73, Sir Churl- t Cg V cl `Capper 81, Mr. 'tette 54, Mr. S£fton dl. CNWNIA SYR " P Mr. Fisher 52. Mr. Fitzpatrick 48, Mr. � ees its ee" - . seO, N.YQpt Haggltrt'1)5, Mr, Blair 5S, Sir I+'rt dericic FOR Ott BY ALL fRUGGISTS. PRICE 50C.PER BOT11E+ Borden 55, Mr. Patersou 8:1, Sir Willienn Mulock 59, Mr. Sutht.riaucl 53. Dr. ' Sproule Si). 1Legssiate for Farmers Benefit. I We have not advanced the price of Montr•'al II. ralrl: Witt; ns it is &tette our tobaccos. Amber smoking tobacco, and has eine:nut• ten time; ut'ire clear in ""7-113ubs, Currency acid Fair Play chewing h tee p,a4t. live guars, thug our ii t'ietlt net) tort, tobaccos are the sante size and price to ) FromFromthe _ ,J Rite Consenter as formerly. We baste rx 1 . primary and art under y. ere the Sanctum Mill i tike extended the time for the reetene. 1 busts of our i rusperity, and provide the tion of Snowshoe tags to Jttauary 1st, main int:ntlte of the COMM') 's growth 1`0 i in pnpu:rt arm, I a wealth, in enterprise, •Tin, EMPIRE TOBA.00o Co. LIMITED. . 11.I. AUL test gees, to unlit 11.4conf£deut aTire binder twine manufacturing plant A rather peculiar oirceinstance ore- the can sett'. future If we allowed the at the Kingston Peniteutiary has beeu lured recently au the farm of the late,Tar. example that has been set by Englando1oae1, and rh:ra is a possibility of it not Brown. Sarepta. Some 17 years ago we WOal-1 so shape our legtslatiou that starting again. Mr: Brown lost a purse coutaiuing about this great industry would be relieved of Arshibild Webster of Preston, aged $100, diligent search was made for it tIt evtny u+ui.•+•crrnry bnzden, confident 63, dial on Thtusnay. Deceased was a the time and finally given up as lost—and that cortaiterce and industry would share msrnl.ir of the Prestou Masonic Lodge ' lost it was for 17 years. A rail fence the ret.ultiug bt'n,•Iirs, Instead it is now for more than 25 years. has but recently beeu removed between proposed, after agriculture has evade the, a pasture field and an adjoining one, and whole •conutry Irrusper, to put stars as Mr. Brown's son was in the est of breelet+s uttwi it just because it is seen plonghiug the field he turned up the long to be ub.r to bear terew more. lost parse. The bills were all on the The fullowiag psrtienlars of the death of lira, Pngh ere taken from last week's Oliutou. New Era: Death olrtitnott rut• other vietint very suddenly on Monday of last week, in the person of Mrs. B. C. t?agh, attire , e idenee of Iter colt, Jos. Paget. in 131uevele. Though she had not aitjnyt?ll the best of health for some years, being troubled with dropsy and with her heart, she retired t'rt Finlay nveniug, after an enjoyable doe \vitt+ her grridsdohtldren, fueling exceeding well, het on the Immo et Iter duu:;hrer• u1•lnw wits horrified to find that life hint Passed. away (tuiing the night, t•kltlenely without st struggle, and the was bold in death when the arrived at her side. ?Its, Poglt was bean in Euglena 75 ye. urs that, and came to this country with her hnsband and ane son some 45 years Hiram, nettling to the notte of us, where they reared n family of four boys turd t'uur girls—Jolla at Brussel;. Joseph •.iud James at Blnevtale, awl another snit at 1'he:anion; Me. Simi. Weir, Gleet 4\ flliru}e ; Misses Lacy and Lizzie, tutu au 1 Susan, of Saleoats, Assts. After her husband's death, tome five yr+ars ago, she moved We town with her daughter:, Misses Lucy and Lizzie, and coudaeterl a bearding house on Itattenbury street. lu the early Dart of last year. they geve r.hiri up, and she then dwelt with her tlanghter Lizzie, on Orange street. Hav- ing a desire to visit her son's in B11uovttle, elle want there in June, and there death tame quietly, to carry her over the stream that divides this world and the ua xt. Rev. Mr. Pahl; of Brussels, a superauuttted minister, ant it friend of he family, conducted the services, end elessrs. Maxwell, Jewett, Paul, Aitches- ou, Patterson, and Duff were pall bear- ers. The rennins were interred iu Blue - vele cemetery, beside those of her late husbaud, and the sympathy of the Coni• enmity was she vu by the large attend- :aueu at the funeral. W, J. O'Reilly of Normandy recently sold his 10') acre farm in that town- ship for :33500. Considering the fact there was no house on the property, this is a pretty high figure for 100 aorta r f Molson's Bank and proved to be not all Mr, Jnstiee Britten will hal :t specie' land, utterly defaced. The bilis were put tun- i The Local Newspaper. sitting,: of the Middlesex Assizes at Len- The M(LAnay Trustee Board believe der a powtrrfi 1I magnifying glass itt i The foal newspaper sheltie be found don; Ont., lame. 3, to hear to :`Tifton in encouraging teachers who do good Montreal and $70 of the $100 was found iu ovary home. Children should not anuder tri.!. fa:thfnt work. They iurreased the legible. _ gro x rap iu i.. •lora .c + who,o to be taught Christian Dull, of B •r,irt, father of sultry of the Principal, J. W. Ward by Burdock Blood Bitters is a purely to up,,reciate the flume press. It is said doses Doll. of Brussels dierl on Sept. o-+'• and rhe assistants received respect- vegetable combination, that in a safe' to be the stepping stone of intelligence 2.7th, ' in his Guth. year. Deceased was zrely w 3,3 aud X10 increase. and natural ntauner acts directly upon 1 i'1 all thee) minters not to le learned in atriclten with paralysis. Good health is impossible without the Bowels. Liver, Kidueys and Blood, ;books. Give the children a foreign paper p y regular action of the bowels. Milburn's oleausieg the entire system of ell ;which bas not one weld concerning any According to the last issue of the of- Laea-Liver Pills regulate the bowels, im>sarities, foul humors and obstruetione .. fiolal Gazette, there are deposited in the cute constip•ttion, dyspepsia, biliousness, that poison the blood and create disease. , person, place or thing they ever saw, or post office savings brink $42,320.209, and sick hearhtches aucl alt affections of the perhaps ')vett heard Ut and 11Gir' can yon in Government savings bank $15,00%060, organs of digtatiou, Prieu 25 cents. x111 Mr. Geo. Hutchison died at his regi• I expect then' to is) interested. But 1 t druggists deuce, North Main street, Seaforth, Fri- them have a brains paper and read of the an ngrngate of popular savings of . 57, eine afternoon, Sept. 20th, He had been 858,818 The }wine of 17 r. and Mrs. tt1.MeL'letlpersons seem, they meet, and of places rand, Hurou Road, was th' scent, of n ill scarcely a week, passing aivity very ; with which they are familiar, and scop •For uInfalrn Cholera Ortes, MClir,' Di°helm t happy event on Wednesday, October 1st, , peacefully at the advanced age of 87 1 an interest is aw Visaed which increases Dysentery. curl Summer Compliant, Dr. when their neiee; Miss Katie Scott, was years. rhe deceased was born in the with every arrival of the local paper. T'o vter's Extract of Wiici strawberry m suited in matrimony to Mr, 3. II. Gra- county* of Ca} nn, Ireland, on July 12th, I Thus a habit of reading is formed and ham.. The cereluony was perforined by 1815. Wheu about 13 yearns of .•age he; the chil•3ren will read the paper all their Rev. J.W. Robiusou in the presence of a come with his parents and other trent- I lives and became intelligent men and fete intimate friends. a.Prompt. safe anti sure 'cure that like been a popular favorite for Dearly el years. bers of the family to this country, sett'. wee en, it credia to their ,Aueestors, Mr. J. H. Stnart. who has been man• inn in Sydney township, near Belleville.j strong in the knowledge of the world as Yager of the Bank of Hamilton at Listowel On Wednesday, Oct. 1st, bliss Kato, Some years later the family mored to ; it is tu-rlriy. for a number of ye'trc, has been trans- ferred to Niagara Falls. Mr. H. H. been, lrllero fur years the Ilutehis.xt s O'Reilly, who bas been at Niagara Falls, Haldenby, of Westford. The ceremony homestead. was the home of the minis. ' Farmer' goes to 'Vancouver tool; place in the Church of England at teas as well as the preaching place of ; Kiulough, after which the invited guests the Methodists and also the English Me. W.H. licGraeken of Brussels has went to the house of the bride's , 'been exhibiting vegetables ;and ladies being royally entertained there. chureh, before the first churches were t built. Iu 1873 Mr.Flutchison and fancily arts at a number of the fall fairs. At There is no formof kidney trouble, moved to the; township of Ilibbert,ivheee l There is f'= Exeter he took wino firsts and four from a backache aulril to Bright' he purchased a farm, which was the ; seal's e Iy a set seconds, at Senforth twenty-four firsts disuse, that Doan's Kidney Pills Will farinerill this tr ee and six seconds, and at Listowel thirty- not relieve or care. family home until he retired from active . 1k , . If you are troubled with arty kind of life, coating to Seaforth. where he has country but _ ► . firsts and six seconds. kidney complaint, use Doauts kidney lived for 21 years. Iti 1;r4t Mr Hutehi- knows what Mr. John Godfrey eon. 3 Snllivttn is Pills. r • know backache is. ,� son was married to Miss Julia Mahoney, ) the possessor of a fine flock of about 75 On Thursday murrain Sept.25th,the1 The e 11 a r d : % 1^. g) who predeceased;zitu nine years. turkeys, as well as of a 200 acre farm, home of Jas. Lane, Lanes, township of ;'v 0 1 It a n tl 'While Mr. Godfrey was hauling in grain Ashfield, was the scene of a pretty wed-; l heavy lifts, 4+ +' Ileiloticed a sudden commotion among ding, the contracting parties being Mr. a To the constant .; j prove to you that+ Dr. Fti , 111! Itis tnrlteys, and as the turkeys art Lane's daughter, bliss ]!'alloy, and Chas. Canto's OintutenbIsacertain grind of toil ;,a; and abao1ute cure for each from earl, ."' 'worth ei it piece, he ran up to sae what Anderson. The nuptial knot was tied : and every form of itching, y 'Vas the :natter with the b£rds. One f try Ii ev. I'. J. %) Lieu in the presence of thea lnannfacturers leve R�an eedu ti Bei fes: , mor'ning till late at night, fre- lanae bird was laboring hard to get away some forty guests. The, groom was s timonlais in the daily press and ask yourneigh= quently bring the stabbing pain in from something, and running r uiril:I former! a resident of West Watvanosh ' boravvhatthey think Vista You can rase it and the back or the dullgrindingaehe 1 y y , ; ttrts our menev back if not cured. GGa a box, at and quietly up to it, pitchfork in hand, but for the past nine years has resided : ell nesters or EnstANsoN,BATEs & Co.,Toronto. that knows no let up. Then too 1 tr.Godfrey saw the body ofalarge fox, inScuthAfrica, awl the future home of I Or. Chase's Ointtnent there are often urinary troubles,k the head of which was buried in the the new couple will be at Johannesburg, 1 --, _ swelling of the feet and ankles, i turkeys telt feathers. A strong thrust where they will be followed by the best lpuffiness under the eyes, rheumatic (tent the tines of the fork thrnnith reyn- wishes of a host of friends pains in the joints and muscles. ard's back, pinned him to the ground and he was quickly despatched. Backache. Out About litS,,aee. Toronto, Oct. 2. --Th r dis•"repancies in the accounts of Alfred :McDougall solicitor of the Treasury Dot :element, yes head of the Succcseion Duties (mice, amount to, as far as has been ascertained, 825,000, and it. is un- aerstood that he himself admits that his hooks are out this enutle Air. McDougall was insured in a guarantee company for$5,000. ltm Adits'Voting Twice. Kingston, . Oct. 2, --Yesterday 117,D. Carey, who voted in Frontenac soul iseng.<•trn tie the local elections, was on trial, belies sued for the pen- alties for violation of the act. Carey admitted the double voting, but said he' was not aware that he could not vote, except in ene riding: he hidnot voted, "know;,ag ly anis wilfully" as the statute declared, ]snowing Itis. voting• to be false. Des Lordship was n.sked to mitigate the penalty, because of the defendant's innocence. Judge Britton reserved judgement. (trial Reserves O.K. St. John's, Nfld., Oct. 2 —The Bri- tish Admiralty is so satisfied with the success of the naval reserve move- ment amens the Newfoundland llther- nien, 'Grit it hat decided to double the contingent which has enlisted for o• six months' cruise this winter in the Caribbean Sea. The cruisers Charybdis and Ariadne, the latter the flagship of the station, will each take 50 naval reserves. German Cattle Tariff: Berlin, Oct. 2.—The Tariff Commit- tee of the Reicitt,tug. at yesterday's session maintained its previous de- cision regarding minimum duties on cattle. Gen. Miles sans. San Francisco, Oct. Lieut.-Gen- eru l Nelson A, Miles sailed for the Philipppines yesterday on the trans- port Thomas. Goes to the PaintDr. Pitcher ought to be held in i The home of Win. Sterling, of the The Landon (Bugs Standard of last . high esteem by every farmer in the i Silt fou., Goderich, was the steno of a very treaty wedding on Wednesday, , Saturday,has also a few lines about Sir , land on account of his Baekttehe I Wilfrid. It sstys:—Sir Wilfrid Laurier :idney Tablets, which are doizzg1 Sept. 2Sth, it being the vaarriage of their is an exceedingly platit-spoken itinn. sueh a grand and noble work in 1 daughter. Sarah M., to John II. Craw- Ile does not beat about the hush brat ex- , banishing backache, kidney and ' foal, of Sault :Ste Marie, ;Mich. Rev. presses exactly what he thinks. People . urinary troubles, which are such John McNeil, cNeil, of Bayfield, was the ofhlci- in this country, need not, however, take universal complaints on the farm. at£ng minister, and the couple were un- the least offense at what the Canadian ! HEAVY WORK. attended, the ceremony being witnessed Premier says on that account. English- ! Mr. C. E. Lane, King Street Bast, In. by only immediate relatives of the con- mol} enn always offord to nslntite I hacks oOfnbackac a hes% beep kidney subject straightforwardness, and there is no 1 fer some years, owing to heavy work on lae}c of loyalty shown in Sir Wilfrid • the farm in my early days. Every attack Laitrier's cantlid statements about the of cold aggravated it, I have tried other.' : wish of Canada to manai;o }ler otvu I remedies in Cho past but zv'thel?' effc P., by a nervous disease, produced by the affairs and to avoid been led into an • t and decided to try la bottle oI tbotrle being 5 1 Backaelie liidr►ey Tablets. I got a }iattle absorption of urea, front which a form Imperial relationship calculated to lessens from A. E. Gayfer, druggist, using at first epilepsy arose, slid which was the ul- her domestic independence. We have t three phe ed and then two lax dose,i ie tteo timate cease of her death, from -eremitic had ample pronf lately of Canadian Este tablet dose the pain and other trouble convulsions. She was the only remain- loyalty, and there are many ways itt ± disappeared, and since then there has been inri. daughter of W. S}nithson,of Clinton, I whielt Canada can contribute towards i no return, consec nently I ata sure theyaro , TO snake teensy it is necessary to Invitee clear,bright brain a cool head free, from pain, and stroug, vigorous nerves. Milbnrlt'S ideart and nerve Pills invigor- ate and btighten the brain, strengthen the nerves, and remove ill heart, nerve and brain troubles. The following is a clipping from the Zdinburgh Scotehnntn, Sept.15t1i. The aged lady referred to is a relative of tractiug parties, John Livingstone, drtiegist at Listowel) Mrs. Bdlnund Sly, of Hallett, dies! on The Mutt centenerian, Kate Livingstone Sept. lath, Aged 46 years, For a num- Oottsin of the fatuous explorcrDr. Living- ber of years Mr. Sly had been troubled stone, has now completed her 107th year. She is living in I+`isbnish, Miall, under the tender caro of her old mistsess, Plet- cher, of Gienaros. She is very feeble now cud her faculties are fast givieg away unreel the strain of years. Her bettelne, •Flush suss slot good erten seven and was marded some 20 years ago to the solidarity of the British /empire be. * good ruedicmo, years. ago, 9,<! new completely gone. Her ]ler hasbaad, to whom site bore two sides baying warships or placing troops' Dr. - ncher's slip a 1 d ue id e b amen A *Fernery bells to fliil malty yearly ago." children, a son and daughter: it t the beck and call of the lr'ar atlCieo. iLnt t i't • z la y , i'nit De. ten C o:Towner, Onit Strivillg for Effect • —s- ,fit I e1 - sweet'- - n97 NIP : Don't plod along like ,your grandmcilzc:r t:lick before you, scouring and scrubbing; ; bending; and rubbing. • {:free' Crakes housework easy. , It cleans everything and injures . frothing. More dconemicwl than soap. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANi. C0i\lPA.T'i, Chicezo, New York. Boston, St Louis. *.+lonireal. ^aa, .75�� ,. 7417VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV V''lu bbin • •ffers6 g� y0, ,gyp /� /� /� /� V s Af 'i' A' AAAAAAAf' AAAA li" 3AAAAA ar i =i,;;; THE TIMES announces the following low - rate. Clubbing Offers for 1902-03 :-- Times till Jan. lsi;,.1904 St 00 Times and Weekiy'Globe, with premiums, 1 GO 1 .60 • Times and Weekly Witness Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, with prerniuut .......... 1 75, T.inles and Weekly Mail and Empire. 1 75 Times and Western Advertiser 1 40 Times and Weekly Sun 1 75 Times and Daily Globe. 4 85 Times and Farmers' Advocate.., 1 85 Times and Toronto Daily Star t 2 20 We could extend the list, but it is not necessary. We can, give you clubbing rates for any newspaper or magazine published. The above are our FIXED RATES, marked down. so as to admit of no reduction. Therefore there is no use - asking for cheaper rates. In each case the vreekly papers will be sent to new subscribers for the balance of 1902 FREE. The rates quoted are for either new or renewal subscriptions. All subscribers. will receive the premiums advertised by the different papers.. 'We are as anxious as you that your Clothes shall look right. 'That's why we select our stock so carefully and watch the work put upon the'clothes. Your extra Trousers will have a touch of elegance which will please you if we make then7, R. MAXWELL. Mott Atte TAtLolt•. THE a rr r TIMES 15c. to Jan. ist 1003. Give THE TINES a trial subscription—from now to January 1st, 1903, for - 15 cents Call at the office, or address— THE TIMES, Winghain, - - - Ontario' glrorimmior A,,,•. , i...,.. FERE ',)LA1E TWO PAPERS 'I311 x OUGHT Tb SE In every borne in this district THE WINGtiAll TIT4'IES Wilt supply you with the latest and mast interetttiag Local Home and Foreign News, and . THE WEEKLY SUN Its special feattires are•• -Market Reports that are un. equalled for FULNESS and RELIABILI'T1t. Regular contributions by "Bystander" on current events. Reports of Conventions, Associctiotys and nettings of ins West and value to all fartnete, dairy:ncn and stockmen. Practical talks each weelr bre Live Stock, Dairying, Farm Crop Culture, Feeding for Profit, add other subjects. IliaSUBSCRIBE NOW for TIM S ONLY 175 *ad ,r14E `SAfEE Y.i�' I3tir4 Sun free for the balance of , And we wilt send The S 40 aeieret er ciar order at +office. DROP A POST CARD TO THE WEEKLY SUN, TORONTO, AND THEY WILL SENO SAMPLE COPIES, MEE.