HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-10-09, Page 3Tiff ISRCE CASE left Howa Good . IIAI The most successful farmers ht Canada t e i'S ADVOCATE: : e read the i'Al ltll.l A[ V they think about their work, they act futon its teachings, and they are its greatest admirers. . arespecialists. It i r nicontributorsacci a a i s t !• Vt ern 1t 4 8 4 FARMER'S and 11OML MAGAZINE contains the creast of agricultural thought, and eractical men eelltltftie to read it be. cause it pays them and because they want tie best. Wy;want thousands of new sub- scribers who will appreciate something good.. The sooner you subscribe, the more you will get, , • For $,.00 we will send to new subscribers every issue of the VARNER'S ADVOCATE Dom now till the end of 1903. including the p{ beautiful Chrislntns Number tor both years. Time is money. head t think t act 1 Send for a free sample copy if you want to see a practical, up-to-date•u.•d atetanner's paper.ca It will kteaseyou. ADDRESS: �t the William Weld Co., td. 411Mww,l4`Jti'id1A W?X111'MARV,WARNMINIilt'c LONDON, ONTARIO. Crowd„ Arraione.and Trial Ad journed Till Tuesday; SOME IMPORTANT STATEMENTS Mrs, Brown Tolls of Some Susplclons She ]igel Abut Mer Lints l ,ipltun(1's metals --Ma, P. eseMesg. ,Phyatobin to the a+tcto Stepfather of the Prisoner; Says Mr, ]3rown, sr„ heed aGfrotn Neutral Cease$.. Collingw.00d; Oct, 3.•• -Yesterday af. tcrnoon William' henry Brown was arraigned on tern charge of conspir- Ing to murder his mother. Magis- trate Nettleton presided, Provincial detective Greer, represented the Crown, and Messrs, Allan. and 13irn- io a.ppcared for the prise left'. ' rl ha Complaint Ives signed, by Frederick Maiden, chief of the Coilingwood po- lice. "ghat on or abdtit Sept. 1, 1902, W111iato II. Brotwil dirt con- spire to murder one Jana Brown." The defence deferred entering. o- plea, r..•tcl the preliminary trial was set Tor Oct: 7, at 2 o'clock, rind ball was refused. • • • Tamely (lulu ruts "I3QW many serious family quairels *unitise out of spite anti sheriff ions t f 'Wills mi;.bt have Leon pieve ntc-ct by a gentle dt:sP nt 1 ilii+." With tht liver nod kidneys•singgi.h, and torpid digs• t- ion -is ilnj:aire' tom ti lni er 11'i1c-eat. I3u. Dr. Chase's Kidney Liver ],'.ihs 1'y it - Vitorating the Helical of these sepsis ensure good diet stion and sound health One pills it diose, 25 cents a box. Good Roads ?lhilo the' prisoner stands accused of'.plotting to secure his aged moth- er's murder, that he might receive tho insurance cue h yr life, the ant.her- it.ies say they have secured much evi- dence which they' believe will war- rant rho. more serious charge of min. - der by the gime the case is again called. Like 1110 case William henry Brown is now veiled upon to defend, the alleged motive in the graver crime which is being traced to his door was promptc•cl by the saute al- leged motive—to secure the insurance on tho life of .10: n Brown. The chief Link in the chain of cir- cumstances in•lieati.ng that William Brown poisoned his lather. bos been supplied by the prisoner's mother. ! he poor. woman declares that she has entertain •d the awful suspicions before, but that she was ,never fully satisfied that her son to Oil .love com- mitted such a deed until she discov- ered that hi was plotting to have her murdered. When the case was called yesterday Detective Greer insisted on being per- ittod to introduce some ovidence nt TI1l; Wf• GI1,A 1'EIM E►+, ()C'1011E11 9t 1902, rwnelly expressing any •conviction that. 1 thu compzlny pus barely cn.tet'e(t upogal Lan IPLO ast. Y�Wdmv+hAhMiVtMttfl(iihhhttliiWiilfNiWWYiidiSN V Bl�Ol r 'CH11NGE TOUR ytl DICINE? If You. Have i- ailed. Up to•.the • I'`resent. to Danish Rim*, fnafisn flan Sciatica r Y nn There is batt one. true n]td retable' sped o for the °art+ tet WI ttirm of rheumatism*, itis Paiuo's Celery. Gout. 'pound. 'h13; ilt;Ci(LHll :sad weighty us-. ,anion 1s fully supported by letters fruai t housauds tet cur.sd urea t fid. wowleu,andl prominent phyaikian t have.ably. t}ud tearlessly snpputtHd 1Itis- statement, if your telt, rias nin to the present with'. Other lnetiicim $ have failed to drive the terrible disentse f one your syht•'nt,relnaur no longer in agony awl peril; ehauIge your inerli"ine of elks. Pindente !and wisdom wilt t-ntt•ly direct you to note Paint's Ceier, Conipctund, t nle'llieine' shift has cured ro natty of 'your friends end neighbors •' 'l hr prcnnitt, and marvelous cure of `Mrs. E. King, Cellar Hill, \rlotoria B. ' 0 ,wehu Kohn ed the tnrtpres end ngouies of tlre'm:noti nl for almost a lite duty, points unit istnkrably end, truly to the tact that Fainu's Ctlery Compound is the kine: of medicines for the eure tet lheninutirm; slas says:, ' "I have bt+l•u troubled with rhetuna- tislu nearly till my life. and about right' years ago I had a very s vt+re attack, al- most' eosin•, the use of toy right arm. A friend[ recommended the use of Paine's ]n once. This was. objected to by the defence. '1111 detective urgcii that tho adjournment could be taken af- . ter he had placid c,ne or two witness- es on the stan.l. • He was very anx- • Gool roods are among the evidences i0us on this point. Ho was not of high civilizitien, and are a necessity for the country'wvhioh desires to be in the forefront us a commercial nation, says en exchange. As railroads Fund other means of rapier and safe tjrpn.spurtation are essential to that country's Permanent prosperity; and development, 'so aro good roads. The nation ori this continent ihii pays ;attention to her public highwnss will be the groat 'iniustrial nation. Oar neighbors to the south aro Me. Pressed with the importance and ab- solute neceSSity of good roads, and :the press and public men are keeping up a lively agitation on the question. 'The Boston. Trunscript says: "There ]res' at liras; been an awakening to the, value of stuooth and hard high- , conr•ic •ion - ed upon us. We arc still stretching ourselves and struggling with it, but. it has found lodgment and will in time work its way. Most of us are loTg'int; for: the day when 'instead Of enjoying a mile or two of improved Itigbwty. which only emphasizes the discomfort and wretchedness of the miles which' we -may strike later on, we can start out on a halt' day's or a . day's ride over country roads that shall continue from start to finish as good an any of the 'samples." ' porhtitted- . to hstte his ,vpy. and re- fused to tae ru.•onl into Itis confi- dence as to the point he desired' to slake. Chief of Police ][laiden ex- plained, howuter, that `\1r. Greer w..ntod to 101 on record the evidence of the maoth'1 toti'hing her husband's death, in which tett has told the (le- teeti.e thdt shu did riot [.new her husband s life stn:. insured until al - his deals, and then Mir son promised her $300 if the would lecep iuiet and say noth n; about him leaving col - ',clod the ins,utynm. Just how the authorities think it possible to consist the prisoner of the murder of his stepfather, is in- comprehensible. Oho death occurred ways.. A• new t has rl two three years ago. 1)r. D. McKay was tire physician, and he states, with the most (xi:, r tin6 I osativenss s that it • is ridiculous to talk of John Brown having been poisoned. '10 a reporter he said: "1 recall the case v i wits some - a• • 4 y o well. The ruse thing like 63 or 90, years old. I was called its and found him suffering with an aggravated ' arise of diarrhoea. '1i;ue, the patient lived at the prisoner's home, and he had every opportunity to introduce poison into the medicine 1 left theie, but the symptoms \Veru loo i-eguliu• and too natural to have been produced other than by natural causes. He was sic.: about three weeks." Asked if L personn ofthat age could not be filled by excessive doses of simple physic without exciting suspicion, the doctor said, yes, but that in this case the symptoms were different from what they would have o been if artificially produced. The positiveness of the attending phy- sician will prole 0 strong factor to • �t ,� i . i� SECU The. C, P. R. CompenY'g Offer tel the Pominlon•Governnient, R265 000 PER. ANNUM. SUBSiYYt Thu companyto Acquire u Fleet of 1'rol;;hte•s rm. the •import Trude.— l resident Sir Thomas ahtunghuegay's $tt4ezu )ut'nt tha'Aunu It 1)Ieet- ing-•improving alta' System-, preparing. For Expansion, • • • the thresholdof the expansion and success that tlstr future frau in store for it. "A leaso of the .Ottawa and North- ern and western amalgamated lines, and an issue of consolidated debent- ure stock on ,account of the Pheasant u Mils branch referred to in the annual report were authorized. A resolution was adopted authorizing the directors to. Hold the charter, work and ruu such steamships tsthey may find ne- cessary to provide for and protect the transatlantic truffle of the rOul' Pant' and a bylaw relating to the el- ation of directors referred ta in the annual report was approved." • • AIi]CA1QE}1P NTS 'Wl'Xif MORGAN, llioiitreai, Qct. '2.=At tete annual totetting of the"shareholder's. of the Combine ships Will YJ, 13ritinit 1Elttg for Canadian I'aeiiie Railway Company, I PO ]'care, held yesterday, the following direc- i Chicago, Oct. 2,—A special cable to tors' wero Ile -el'ec'ted 'unaniluously: I The Record -herald says: lir. Gerald 'tight Minn. 'Lord Strathcona and 'Balfour, president of the Board of Mount Royal,(.1.0,11.G•.; Sir William , Trade, to -day announced at Sheffield 0, "an Horne, 1‘.0,111.4.; Richard le that, while the Cunard Company, by Angus, Edtuund, li. Osler, M.1'.; Wil.. Means of a loan and subsidy, is put loot 1). 'Matthews, George It. Barris, in a position to tight for its share of Sir 'Sandford[ Fleming, li.,O•M.G.; the business of the North Atlantic, Thomas Skinner, Charles IL liosmer, the Government has also entered in - Sir. Tltolltas Shaughnessy, to an -agreement with 11r. Alorgan by At a, meeting of thq board Sir Wil- which for 20 years British . ships in Main Vdn'Zloi Ho was 1'C -elected rhai.r- the combination will continue to fly mein and Sir Thbitias Cf, Shaughnessy the British flag, bo manned by a president of the company, given proportion of British men, and In Ino . ing the adoption of the re- will he available on an emergency for port, the president said: the British Government, while at "The twenty. -first annual report of least half of the future orders of the the directors, dew submitted for your syndicate shall go to British yards. aptiroval, furnishes most satisfactory -Mr. 13alfour's announcement of the and striking evidence of the coni- arrangement was a big surf'.yis°. parry's position, and of the progress with seemo00.00u capitol. ()trh•ry Coit•punurl, nod kinder neve Hieand prosperity of the territory sero- Trenton, K. J., Oct. 2. --The ship u, bottle. I Nuri •u'nroc It hrnvt4utt'd by ed by' its lines. combine was incorporated hero yes- ti at ore betas that I toll; these nu•rn;• "Keen and growing interest in the tnrdtty afternoon by the filing of and was quite e+nre.l. .ince then it bests fertility and productiveness of north- paper[; changing 1.1)0 name to that of het+n utmost toy only. nt do nn for all western Canada is indicated by the the international Marino Company, ''lie 'hefts nts front uhinh I have sot -Torero; increase in your land sales during I with an authorized capital of $120, - and all toy faintly have f. null semi ben- the past year." Settlers attracted by 000,000. sfit from it. 1 .stn st':tv•fiv' Vt ars of cheap • lands and agricultural condi- ag-'; I live on a aria get up eirly in the. tions that assess then anal their morningnull ata i ow eqn ti. to a gi od children farms and homes on tt basis day's work." of investment ' not now i•ossible in the thickly populated districts south of the international ilouudary .are Chicken Fattening • coming into Manitoba and the Ter• - """tr" clear the accused of this charge. The only real strong e,idence OnL113to conies from the mother, who states positively that her son injured his ' wr rnowied • st°p 1'atltel. without o t lit: 8e or • col,sent, and kept her in ignorance of the fact, until it was rotoalocl by ac- cident when he promised to give her " $200 for her silence, but this money t r artes and Hog Prcdaction Professor J. W. Robertson, the Dom- inion Commissioner of Agriculture and Dairying, has just held a oonlier- encs in Montreal with th:Poultry P,roluce 'Merchants Association. °Ph t President and members represented Usti:, owing to the titLention which hod been directed, lately to the profits from the fattening of chickens, 'they Deere? that farmers were fattening and killing a large number et pullets. time, pitying into est on the deposits young employe of the factory who re- 1'LOT 'XO BLOW UP FACTORY. Discontented Employes Drew "Vater From Buller Before Striking. Toronto, Oct, 2.—Samuel Campbell Bulky Packages of Cereal Break fast Foods are Not Guaran,. lees of Ecdnomy or ,Quality, • a e Ane1'aR' OlI M aliBreakfastfood Males a bloal For Twenty-five . People.. While the mannfaetnrore 'of Malt Breakfast Food du 101 011 in1 to glue the public tint most bulky package of food, they Hoe the jositive state/neet thus one ptwktsge of their celebrated food. will ,Hoke twice as many stems for the tnoutty.as Any other food ou the market. In addition to this economical feature, Malt Breakfast Food is' vastly More nourishing for young and old. Tens of thousands•of users consider it the most delicious and appetizing of all breelcritst graili foods. Physicians and rood ex- pests say ft is a true health -giver. Groeers everywhere in Canada find Malt l3rettltfast Food the fastest seller. If you have not• 'yet giten it a trial, ask • yuer Grocer for it, Butter For The United Kingdom • Report:. have been received that a few lots of Canadian butter have been delivered in the United Kingdom somewhat spotted with mold on the butter paper and between the box and the butter. That occurred on starless butter. As mould is a tiny plant or fungus, it is important that butter makers and butter dealers should know by -what means they can entirely prevent its. growths on butter pack- eges, butters paper, or on the butter itself. Mould can only come from pre-existing mould, or from spores, which serve the purpose of . seed .or fruit far its reproduction. If the ritories, in gratifying numbers Near- of 515 King street east, who appeared spores be destroyed mould cannot be- ly all of them will make exr•i•lient its tit' Poli e (:curt yesterday morn- gin to grow. The conditions favor - farmers and most desirable citi'cns• int; on a throe of malicious nury, able for its growth are a curtain de - "As stated in the report of ti e last of the 5 per cent. land grant bonds are now being paid off. With the ex- tinguishment of thesether . will re- main against your lands ;i per cent. bonds, to the amount of $15,000,- 000. Under the terms of the statute and the mortgage by whi it these bonds are secured, the proceeds of Land sales will be deposited with the when the engineer fired up an explos- Doulinion GQ:e 'intent until the icn would result. amount reaches the face value of the Not content with this a number of bonds, the Government, in • the mean- tho dissatisfied employes assaulted a revealed a 1.101 to blow up the es- gree of dampness- and a md'derately ittlei.hment of It. •A. • Sebastian, a low temperature —; that is to aays a hors(! bluni:et manufacturer at 1113 ' temperature below; 60 'degrees. Some Duke stre;t. tie[ astian had trouble forms of mould grow at temperatures with Itis oniployes, and when he re- nis low! as 32 degrees Pahr., or the fused to raise tiler wages a number freezing point of water. ni the men returned to the factory hormolin is an effective fungicide, and ran the touter off from the boiler,. or, nit tither words, it is a destroyer let;.vin, 1t, in such a condition- that ' of fungit and of the spores of fungi. A weak solution of formalin is effective for the destruction of spores of mould. A gool course' for the butter maker to follow is to prepare a strong brine of salt, adding one ounce of formalin If thatprelates were followed to any at thq rate of 3 per cent. -per an- fused to leave world with thein. While to eats gallon of brine. The butter t. The inside of all butter pack - there wouli be a great reduction in 'y e r r arcs should, also, be rinsed 'with it. consequently balance sheat of *deferred i ayments they steno and interfered 11is crowd the pruduetion of eggs, 4 y or land sales,' wwlech yield six per rushed upon hien, and, though he Put t he butter paper while still wet with I the brine containing formalin should up a fight he was severely mauled. be pltccu insi'!e the buttert box, and Some of the men used their teeth upon the German, and lee now car- ries his left- arts in a sling tis a re- sult of tho cannibal tactics of. his assailants. The police are looking for the men who assualtecl Breclan- the butter iranLediately pttoksd la. I. 'the beixty' containing. ,the rcrmuliaa well destroy all .spal^.•ss o! mould ma the bet- tor paper and on the. inside t the box. A brinecan be used for a long period if it be, boiled once a week. , As the the foaming: crape -rates during the bollin procvs:i, it will be necesettry to add tot very gallon of brine, atter it hos boiled and cooled, one ounce of a ' e ln. rmI f 'o the butter whish For pu•otectioll >` kl is to b`. sL ipped to the United i Ina' dom, it is important that the butter. be eoore'- to a temperature sunder 38 degrees Fihr.,. tram the second day after it is made, When butter Is allowed to remain at a iIIgb tempera- ture oberig,s begin 'teh'ohspoil its deli- cate flavor and trash -made aroma. T•tch creamery should have a cold storage room at a temperature under 38 degrees L''altr, ; only refrigerator cars should be used for the Carriage of butter; and it should be put in cold storage compartln'tats on -the iste imsIJps, and bo carried at a tela- prrature -under 25 degrees. A temper. ature of 20 degrees Fahr. is still bet- tier,—Department of Agriculture, Ot- tawa. ' . . Holli, • maltreating the youth, Louie Ilredan- piper should be soaked in this solu- greater. extent, the merchants feared Ltor 1 referring to th item to the nor a bet, German appeared upon pi'L £ iL a ryas never paid. This potties for, l e $2,000, and the Policy wits witted by the Pi'ovin_ sal 1'rot•itlential In- surance Company, two years before death occurred, Must Boar 3 ignntt)ro ort they advised that farmers be eneour-. cent. per annum. you will see that aged to put in the crates for fattening neither the•prfprkilar nor interest of only cockerels, and that they should I these bonds "nee 'for any lengthy period give you much concern. rear as many as practicable of good ••11•hen tho subject of an improved pullets for the supply of eggs during Atlantie service between Great Bli- the winter us well as for the supply tain and Canada was receiving con - of eggs during the, Summer. Z'ha sideration in London, your directors thought it wise to submit to the export of eggs from Canada wh,hch in Canadian Government, on behalf of 1800 only .amounted 'to the value of the coral any, a proposition to pto- $807,0bti. two years later had grown, vide what they beliered to be the to $1,253,304, and in 1:101 had increased best and most P' a"ti..able service to $1,62i,6i0. underiler existing conditions. • "Tho company offered, subject to Th: egg merchants further recom- certain traffic atrang +titents, to es- mendc 1 that the farmers 'be advised tnblish a weekly service of 20 knot steamships between 1 it tooI and to lull off the cooks after the first ofI tL St' Lawrence poi tet during the sum- June. u -Jutc. Thi:is desirable in order that mer months, Halifax to be the Cana- eg.gs colleted during June nn'11 later- dliut port during the wint°r months, may be infertile, and therefore possess for a subsidy or £205,000 per annw.0 better keeping qualities during the during the first Ian yew's, will a grndi'nted reduction in the nttlliunt 01 hot we' lhsr.. subsidy during each of the two • fol - Ii; is reported that large quantities lowing petiods of five years, thee cif eggs are now imported into the ships to be most modern in every re - United Kimgdom from continent:el spect, and to be built ospstially for catintfies, notably Russia, and Austt'ia.. the route. In addition to this, the eggs •'cec in large -vases Theseare c o 1 1 t c pocked in straw. Owing to the ex- cellent reputation won by Canadian eggs, English dealers in many iahsL- nnee;3 nr: re -picking the S2 continental sr than pot ts. Canadian, in to {h.. C n Eggs in o c :oa.lmilarnY standard -egg case, holding thirty "1%p' to the Present limo yourdie- standard 01101:. Although the eggs err, eel ors have no informal 1011 as to the not labelled or sold as Canadian eggs, policy likely to he nclopteci by the they are s'11d as eggs hi Canadian Ceo•crnnteut. it is evident, 1lowever, IL 1'. Davies is finder Arrest. Toronto, Oct. 2.—Harry P. Davies, formerly manager of the American 'fire Company here, whi.h before his night across the linebecame insolv- ent, was arrested in Cleveland last night, and will resist extradition. Papers will be sent at onset. i)avies ]eft Toronto in March last, when he lctu ned that a charge had been laid, and went to Chicago, and there disappeared. Recently he was heard of in Buffalo, where Toronto relatives visited hien. On 1;l:onday he was traced to C1'eveland, and his ar- rest followed. The specific charge preferred against Davies is that he obtained $2$3 by false pretences from the Quebec Bank. This charge, however, is only cam any signified its wwillingu 5 i,o l e• which will a laid, r vh tb one furnish a fleet of modem freig"t: and the stun involved reaches about steamers of 10,000 tons rai•it'ity $12,000. He secured advances from each, sailing at a speed of about 12 the bank by showing bogus invoices . or 13 Rots per hour, serving Cana- of goods, which he said had been de- livered Tire Com - '•r theAmerican lire ed to Com- nate/ ousts, an! to that extent they hn.vet tont whatever may be the, outcome on unfair advantage. While this practic is a compliment to the qual- ity an•1 reputation of Canadian eggs, of tett negotiations for tate fast mailservice, the rapid growth of your ex- hort tonnage en•i tit° necessity for being in a Position to sleet the rates A Standard Remedy Used in Thousands of Homes in !tis, niso a direct injury, Since Roane 'f d Canaa far nears retailr.r• may Lithe Ca ke 11 that these la- of i'nv of ynlu competitors make ft y Sixty Years tin'entr,l eggs in Chinnciian cases, al- imperativo that ,our company be so and has never yetfailed though not labelled "Canadian" acre situated on the Atlantis: Grit it 'can Gans, urn eggs, or that C;onaclitin eggs quote through raters of freight and to give satisfaction.arc similar to then' in size and qual-' give throt'gh bills of lading without ity. ,. 1 being compelled to negotiate for The ogg merchants, also, petitione'l space and rates with iudettrndent I:hnt the Government should assist steamship lin 's. To that end there it is certain that if poison was in- them to secure a largo number of will bo suhntittesl for your approval %s t.rod-.ced into John Brown's body, ventil.. td cars for Lho carriage of a resolution author]zin; the directors no traces of the drug could be found eggs co Ow. railways. to snake arrangements for the (Mar- in the remains after three years in oo- S''`'` ter of control of vessels if, and when the grave, and no trace of the put.- in their o,'init n, teat' are required chase of poison could now be learned, kt' .,y;!p• Ott: •:',r , ! for Iiia protcctinrt of the company's It is now recalled by the insurance , ®, t A i . j- ` freight interests on tea Atlantic sten of Collin wood that Brown has ' ':" R ®., 1' r ' � ' Oceon It is not expected, of : r �..�. L1 them freight ttsscls arse shut ih . f c , • 't the face. f insurance ' •+w, e0 g twice recol ed t o r-hn ,h;�kpiJ,a. _ tp policies for Iris home having burned. , 'ti�, 7 , when provided, twin'rcd•eive any Gov - in one case he received $0)00 frohi `,vAd"`"il�lx �.`.. " ` i1,it' ernmcnt suhsidv. t nal, therefore, there this source, and at another time rte will hono restrictions to prevent , � collected $GOO. These circumstances :y�. ••t� it your company from running them be- Were vitt . were commented upon at the time ;• .,,�. ','�,,�+.r.r� ta•cen such ports as may best suit very unfavorably, but they could.. t f the purpose of the company. not have been so 'Very damaging to Ilam ,,s° .t 4,+ •; ••• • tom, .�; ,v v "Tho rapid ant, pronounced increase the man, for his residence is now iii- i, �i. +' •,, ,:' in the volume 0f traffic leaving lit- ured for 1,200. c w r'1 rt .*l. tie opportunity to provide the addl. s � 3.• a' •Ni• A feature of the case which pro= " '' } "' •� tional facilities required for handling CURE SICK HEADACHE. Mises to be closely investigated a it econonaid airy 'caused .a perceptible little later, is that Mrs. Brown says in^,•rase in the ratio of working ex.. ?0 -curs -id, whet'cas the asses for t!t^ year, Lx )enditures See Fac-Siriilo Wrapper Iiolow. Very smell and as easy to mere as atr;;.tr. rri+g, FOR 11E;DACIF ran ol:dl iESS. ITTLE Er BILI fUSt1l S. 0 v1E Ha TORPID LIVEXI. FOR CIt�STiictt-f'liYtl: Li. . FOR SALLOW MMPI. FOR THE COMIPLEX1t1H Otti OINE MU.T,uVI gto$Anrnr. it'1t rerolp'Cegetrtbllt./ru.., {•s..G Turns Bad Blood into Rich 'fed Blood. she isy 1 1 policy on thq Union liutual, Which are being made to; rapidly es possible Dizzy ? expires Dee. 2 to secure which the to meet present and future regales- v d vele - i lee ed tops e e Conspiracy s a g r P •No other remedy possesses such perfect cleansing, healing and purl - tying properties. Emternally, heals Sores, Ulcers, Abscesses and all Eruptions, mint of territory now in progress c ut•9e her will C1ilt* o O them meats. '11 t , , a . ed, gives her age at 5.r. On the face be years when, froth ascents ollablo Then our liver isn't actin of titin, it is a fraud, as her accused causes, you revenue will suffer some ybilious-- ' son is 48 years old, staking the t , well. You suffer from b mother but 12 years .of ago at his diminution it may Ise safely nssuin- i ess, constipation. Ayer's berth. ed that the tieti.lranent and dl )t clop= Pills act directly on the liver. For, 60 years they have been the Standard Family Pill. s c. L tom- sure. Small dos e n lett[. ISR Xtt r Ira Wantour tnouatsrhe er beard t belatitul brown or Itob black? Then too BUCKINGHAM'S DYE iillltsittrei Y 7.r+vi. a0 trains.:( n. i1. if 100, 60. N'..u..n ;$ W.. 1 Ciera. wester Witt Steslgn. Madrid, Oct. 8.—It is currently re- por•ttd here that (len. Weyler, Minis• ter of War, will resign his portfolio Chamber ef stn f the n the >re-opl t, o g pentium having King* Alfonsbs re- fuseto siatl certain military doe u- tuents which have betn presented to Ills Atiitjesty by Con. Weylor. Internale restores the Stomach,g Internally, Issas- iii your t cr, Bowels ls and Blood to heathy e a r ning ' uti n tt ventheMnoretsatisfactory tation. If your appetite is poor, ntid egt'rritifyit rule as•t 1110 at seven tavras•eues . your energy lone) Your ambition tretnorrt.theacadoption of th. lost, 1;11,7;r. Ii.l restore •ori to the 11 't and congratulating l tit~ the full enjoyment of happy vigorous .h_ith'hiotinlensarnceet +t, tt1 eaienef oetntpperopsitpiaorn- lite. ive promise of n general fntprove- lrpitdouw of Leading Physicians. In have bent prescribing Ti Orono for ex- ternal and internal piles. I am recoxnmend it very highly. W. J. IiII7Ol3L.l.t,. M.D. Price $1.W. 1i'or sale by druggists, or by email On receipt of price. W. T. riTEONG, Manufacturing Chemist London, Ontario. Are a sure and permanent cure for all Kidney and Bladder Troubles. BACKACHE Is the first sign of Kidney Trouble. Dort neglect it I Check it in time! Serious trouble willfollow if you don't. Cure raur Backache by taking ' CURES Dia,rrhtsa, Dysentery, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infan- tum, Cramps, Cello, Soa Sickness and all Summer Coniplalnts. 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