HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-10-09, Page 2THE \\INGHAM TIMES, ocro,BER 91 1902,
ESTABLISHED :870. Canada Reds. Jas. Speir, R, 3. McGow.
TIIE WINNIIA111.Tims nue King of Toutpkine, Geo. Fothergill,
Ws lielPS1 3 vi4riOtieal Winter Apples, J.
41,14,,lauorx„pesereserea Axe reeemeeee, Cole, G. Fothergill; 3.1 varieties falt
TRURSDA.T. OCT, 0. 1902.
Be%grave Fall Fair.
be folloeving is the prize list of Bel-
Heavy Draught -Brood mare with,
foal, Jas. Speir, 1 and 2, Juo Cote; hovers
foal, jae. Speir, Jno. Cole; two-year-old
Ally, I. Wright. D. Cook; two-year-old
gelding, R. Scott, A.. Speir; year old
fiUy. A. Robertsou; team horses in
harneas, Jas. Forster; heavy draught
colt, blew Wright
General Ptirpose-13rood mere with
foal, A. leoliertsou, R. Scott; ware foal,
A. Robertson, R, Scott; two-year-old
filly, jno. Taylor, 1 and 2; two-year-old
gelding, Jno. Fells, 1 and .2; year old
filly, R. Corley., A. Speir; year-old-geld-
iug, R. Scott, D.Oook; team in harness,
has. Forster, Juo. hicKinuon, R. Scott.
Road fine Carriage -Brood mare with
foal, Thos. Black, A. Speir, 3. Speir;
were foakTeos. Black, A, Speir; two-
year-old Mb.; Gee. Robertson, A. Mor-
ton; two-yeer-ola geltlinge Juo. Taylor,
A. Speir; Speir, H.
Densmore; year-oed gelding, Jas. Shed-
den, A. Morton; siugle driver, Alf. Bee -
ker. Jno, Cole; hack horse, Walter
Scott; team road or carriage, Joe Bree-
judges -Geo. Cruickshank, Wingham ,
W. 3. Dickson, Leadbury.
Thoro'bred Cove -j. Van Camp, R.
Corley, 3, Armour; two-year-old heifer,
B. Corley 1, & 2; year -aid heifer, R.
„Corley:, J. •Armour; heifer calf, R Harr-
ison,•P: Rdhertson; bull celf, P. Robert-
son, D. Cook; ball two yearn or over,
W. Scott; baU ander two years, J.
Armour 3rel; Jersey cow, D. Scott.
Grade -cone Juo. She'll. R. an -risen 2
'and 3; two-year-old heifer, D. Cook, G.
Fothergill; year-old, heifer, D. Scott, R.
Harrison; heifer calf, R. Harrison, T.
Black; two-year-old steer, W. 13. Wilk-
inson J. Armour; steer calf, R. Hard-
tstenej. VaitCamp.
J -t14.0 -Jae, Gaunt, Whitechurch.
apples, Z. Cole; G.Fotheegill; fall pears,
W. Scott, Jne. Spent; winter pears, Jae.
Speir, R. Scott; gamete J. Felle, Jae.
!loaders= ; plums, T. M. Heederson, R.
Scott t petveltes, W. Scott, ZILS. Mender
son; collection of fruit, R. G. MeGove-
ne, T. X. Henderson; table • boquet,
Mrs. R. Proctor; hand baguet, Mrs.Gen.
Sowlar, Mrs, R. 0. MeKenzie; flower iu
pot, Mies Scott.
Jaege-A. W. Sloan, Blythe
Uuiou flannels, T. M. Henderson;
blankets, T. let Henderson; home made
wine, P. Gibbons, R. Proctor.
Judge- W. Robinson, Winglaam.
Potatoes, T. At. Hendersou; 11. Ed-
wards, cabbage, W. Geddes, T. M. Mee-
dersou; red pickling cabbages Jas. Hen-
derson, T. M. Henderson; cauliflower,
Jas. Henderson; loug red beets, Jas.
Henderson, Jas. Speir; turnip beets,Jas.
Ileuderson, T.13Iack; mangold wertzele,
W. Scott, T. Black; Swede turnips, W.
Geddes, W. Scott; field carrots, Jas.
Speir, Jas. Henderson; Early Horn car-
rots, T. Black, R. EdwArds; parsnips,11.
Edwards, Jas. Hendersou; onions Preen
seed, Sas, Henderson, Miss McClelland;
any other kiucl of onions, Jas. Hender-
son, 3. Edwards; celery, R. Proctor,
Jas. Henderson; table coru,Jas. Mender -
Son, T. M. Mendereon; field corn, Jas.
Henderson, W. B. Wilkinson ; water
melon jas. Mende”son; pum pkiu, 3.
Edwards', hfiss McClelland; squash, �.
Edwards, T. M. Henderson;, citron, a
Edwards, Jas. Henderson; tomatoes,Jes.
Henderson, T. M. Hendereon; beaus, R.
Scott, T. M. Mendereou ; collection gar-
den vegetables, T. M. Henderson.
Judges-01ms. Lawrence, Belgrave;
Geo, Fothergill, Marnoch.
Tub butter, W. B. Wilkinson, W.
Scott, R. Harrison; crock ' of butter,
R. Proctor, J. Armour, T. Cole; basket
of Butter, R. Scott, J. Armour; bread,
R. Scott, W. B. 'Wilkinson; honey,
Jas Henderson; Maple syrup, W. Scott.
Tas Henderson.
Judge -Geo. Powell, Blyth.
It Pays to Use The Kid That
Has No Mud,
The immense popularity of Weida
Recherdeon & Oo's Improved Batter
Color has netuced stimulators with tittle
cheutiern actin y to put tut imitations of ,
the fentotte o'er that mikes erree batter.
These imitation be t r eok,t. ei utein
nd and other bur ni Uhl; t hat ruin well
made better Wells,Wch ad- pit & cote.
Improved Butter Color ie notere ttrits
putity. Ther .is not ti e s1idit.t tram
of any inertrious ingredient in it, :led the
test drop is its cleer as the ft -st. Wells,
Richardson .? CO; Improved Butler
Color gives the tree and. enteral June
tint; common cullers produce a brieky
red that soon tubes from the butter,
leaving -it with a teed -like color. Ask
your droggiet or dealer for WAN. Rieh-
ardson iee Co's 'moseyed Better Color,
the kiud that has noeund.
Leieesters And grades -Aged ram, N.
Curring 1 and 2; shearling ram, N.
Coming, 1 and 2; ram lamb, N. Cum -
'lug 1 and, 2; shearling ewes, N. Crning;
ewe lambs, N. Cumiug 1 and 2. Downs
-aged ram, R. Harrisou; shearling ram,
garrison, 1 and 2; ram lamb, W.
Helps 1 and 2.
Judge -A Nicholson. Belgrave.
Large breed -Aged boar, W. H. Mc-
Cutcheon 1 and 2; brood sow having
littered in 1902, W. H. McCutcheon 1
and 2; boar, W, 3. McCutcheou; sow,
W. H. McCutcheon, 1 and 2. Small
breed -Aged boar, P. Gibbous 1 and. 2;
brood sow having littered in 1902, P.
Gibbon 1 and 2; boar, P. Gibbons, 1 and
2; sow, P. Gibbon 1 end 2.
Judge, A. Nichoiscin.
0.1 paiuting,Mrs. R.E. McKenzie, Miss
McClelland; collection oil paintinge,Miss
McClelland; collection photographs,Miss
Tatting. Mrs. it. R. McKenzie; cro-
chet work, Mrs. R. E. McKenzie, Miss
McClelland; bead work, Miss McClel-
land, Mrs. R. E. McKenzie; fancy knit-
tiug, Miss McClelland, Mrs. A. McKen-
zie; gents' linen shirt, Mrs A. McKenzie.
Miss McClelland; gents' fancy flannel
shirt, Mrs, A. McKenzie: braiding, Miss
McClelland, Mrs. A. McKenzie; woollen
stockings, Mrs, A. McKenzie, Miss Me -
Clelland; socks, Mrs, A. McKenzie, Miss
McClelland; woollen gloves. Mrs. A.
McKenzie; woollen mitts, Mrs. A. Mc-
Kenzie, Mrs. R. E. McKenzie; log cabin
quilt, Miss McClelland, Mrs, R. E. Mc-
Kenzie; knitted quilt, Mrs. Geo. Bowler,
Mrs. James Henderson; patched quilt,
Miss McClelland, Mrs. R. E: McKenzie;
rag mat, Mrs. R. E. McKenzie, Miss
Scott; Berlin wool work, flat, Mrs. 3.13.
McKenzie, Miss McClelland; sofa pillow,
Mrs, R. E. McKenzie, Miss McClelland;
silk quilt, Mrs. R E. McKenzie, Miss
McClelland; palming on satin, silk or
velvet, Mrs. R. E. McKenzie, Miss Mc-
Clelland ; hair flowers, Miss McClelland;
embroidery on silk, Mise McClelland;
embroidery on linen, Mrs. R. E. Mc-
Kenzie, Miss McClelland; lace work,
Mrs. R. E. McKenzie; twine lace, Miss
McClelland; collection ladies' work,
Miss McClelland, Mrs. R. E. McKenzie.
Judges -Mrs. (Dr) Tamlyn, Wingham;
Mrs. David, Belgrave.
Geese -Jas. Henderson 1 and 2; tur-
keys, W. Scott, R. Scott; ducks, .1as.
Henderson 1 and 2; Plymouth Rocks,W.
Scott, J. Henderson; leghorns, T. ed.
Henderson, 5. Henderson; Spauish, J.
I:Undergo!), T. M. Henderson; Wyaa-
dottes, J. Henderson 1 and 2; Brahmas,
T. M. Henderson, Jas. lienciemon;
Guinea fowl, Jno. McKinnon.
Judge -Alfred Seeker.
White fall wheat -Jas. Henderson;
red fall wheat, R. 5 McGowan, Sas.
Henderson; spring wheat, R. Scott;
barley, T. M. Mender:ion Jas. Hender-
son; white oats, Jm. Henderson, H. Ed -
weeds; flax seed, R. 3'. McGowan; tim-
othy, R. Scott, Jas, Speir.
judge -C. H. Reese, Blyth.
Golden Russett akdes, John' Cole,
John McKinnon; Baldwius, Jas. Speir,
R. G. MeGowatx; Ontarios,Miss McClel-
laud, R. G. IticGoivan, R. I. Greeuings,
Speir, G. Foehergill; Northern
• Spies, Geo. Fothergill, T. M. Hender-
son; Ben Davis, Gco. Sowlar,Johu Cole;
Be TrGales,
1'4' eA re TO eetteereeeettne
Whea girls If mid ii yeuri of tree can spend
or 10 months, id
fha Canada Nosiness College
and immediately id tor geaduation go out and
setturt, positions 0C 00 0i01 cr per, week.
W have ut the p. munient mile fur five
mule steuegraphers and bookikt elite's, velure
the tyogracntercsf are frem :140 to 4.10 per intintht
that WO cauttn rill, as Ovum. grepai 44 are nil
en -aged. Write forientsuegne.
L401-1 1,.'N voi.vritithr, ONT.
Another old and highly respected resi-
dent of this township passed away ou
Thursday wonting Sept. 25th . We re
for to Mr. Wm. Murray Scott, who bad
been hick for the past six months with
cancer of the stomach'. His illuesi was
a severe, one, nerd confined hunt to the
house the greater part of its duretion,
but he bore itall with Christine for-
titude, The late )Ir, Scott was born iu
Dalkeith, Midlothienshire, Scotlapd, on
June 22nd, 1828. He efulgrated to Cau-
ada, along with his father, mother, one
brother aud three sisters in 1844 and
settled in Galt. Aftei residing there a
tow months his father moved the family
to Blenheim toweship, Oxford county,
where they took up 500 acres of land.
Deceased remained with his father aud
helped him clear the forest and make a
home for the family until his marriage,
which took place ou December 13th,1858,
to Grace third daughter of the late Teos.
,Bradnock, of Blaudford township, ox-
ford county. Mr. Scott and his bride
moved to Huron county and settlerl on
lot 39 cou 1, East Wawanosh, where he
again cleared up a hones in the forest.
After gettiug comfortable buildings
erected and the farm cleared he sold out
to his brother-in-law, after a residence
there of 14 years. He then moved to his
father-in-law's farm in Blandford town-
ship, where he resided fur Mee years,
Deceased thou moved back to Huron
county and bought but. 7 con. 0, Morris
township, upon which he resided till the
time of hie, death. He leaves a widow
and three sons and tear daughters to
mourn the loss of a kind 'imbued and
OM people are especially liable to de-
ter:get:acme of the kidneys and bladder
and it is therefore not unusual to find
them great admirers of Dr. Chase's Kid -
L' Pills
Mr. John Lalone, Woodworker, Tress
ten, Ont., states :--eff am seventy years
old and have been tieing Dr. Chase's
Kidney -Liver Pills for some time. I have
been troubled a great deal with my kid.'
heys and bladder and at times would go
two or three days without passing any
thing. Dr, Chase's Kidney -Liver Pilis
have proved to be exactly what I needed
and I owe it to them that I am in such
good health to -day. They acted promptly
on my kidneys and bladder with the most
zetisfactory results, bringing quick relief
and settingtheseorgans in perfect working
One pill a dose, est. a box, at all
&elders, or Edmanson, Datta & Co.,
Toroat0, Insist on getting what you ask
for end refasesubstitutet.
• Good. Health for Capital
Maintaining good health is to the ma-
jority 'of people the most vital question
in the world and nature affords no more
efficient strengthener for the system and
restorative for the nerves then Dr.
Chase's Nerve FoodeeNaturally, grad-
ually, and certainly it forms new, red
corpuscles in the blood, creates new
healthy nerve cells and pats into the
system the snap, energy aud vitality that
defies desease.
SAORtilAND . .
f •
Business Law, .7,Writing, Correspond-
ence,Typewritfpg, eto., thoroughly
taught by eeperipue,ed to:rollers at the
Forest Clty Rdsiness and .Short-
hand Collegel - London, Ont.
We have no deffinetity in placing eom-
petent pupils in good positions. College
re -opens Sept. 2. Bond for Catalogues.
J. W. 'WESTERVELT, Principal.
Clothes they :mist tit right I
as well as look right.
They'll Intl longer
and that 15 what gives you I
value in clothes,
IOrder your Sisie* Overcoat
3tic inadp,,ty e •
In the Shaw Block
6 But do. thy FR?
iWhen you buy a , Snit t f
The Council met Sept. 22ne, pursnant
to adjournment. Preeent, the Reeve,
and. Messrs Carr, Ellie nue Beecroft,
councillors. Minutes iof last meeting
read and confirmed.
John Gillespie, Whieechurch, appear-
ed before the council tasking for some
assistance iii aid of Ohs. Riutoul of that
place, who recently lok his right arm
while working with a threshing machine.
After hearing explartions at considera-
ble length from MreGillespie, regarding
I this unfortunate affair. it was moved sty
• Mr. Ellis. seconded by Mr. Beecroft,that
this matter be:laid over 4until next coun-
cil meetiug, then to reeeive further con-
sideration -Carried. •
Communication and account from
Henry Deacon, lot 39, con. 10, received
aud in the meantime ordered to be flied.
Resolved, that Councillor Carr be
authorized to go and inspect a job let in
September, 1900, on Mr. Deacon's prem.
• Mr. Ellie. the Reeve aud Clerk were he
On motion of Mr. Carr, seconded by
GODETUCH. structed to secure the services of some
competent barrister to look after the
interests of the township in the metter
of a suit soon Hedy to be entered against
the several persons who recently had
smallpox on their premises.
The Treasurer reported mesh on hand
at date, $482 41.
Accounts received and ordered to he
paid as follows; For gravel- David
Cook $4.82, Alex Morton $1.80,John Mt -
Lean S1.25, .Tas. Tunney 60c. Mho,
• • .
on. . . a , minister otp
works, and Mr. Mardi, U. P. for Bona -
venture attending the opening of the G,
N. W. Exhibition here on Wednesday
October 1st. The train was met by the
town council, the directors of the G.N.
W., and the board of trade. A parade
was formed, headed. by the Goderich
Marine Band, and composed of the
Goderich Oidleglete guatiente Cadets,
the children of tfla ptad *hoots, the walker 32, Arch menet seeee, neigh
carriages containiug the guests of homer
and representatives of the various instit.
otions of the town. The parade pro-
ceeded to the exhibition grounds, where
an address was presented by Mr. J.
Martin president of the Agricultural
Society, also a bormet by aliss McDonald clary, 331.04 Thos. Black, services in -
sooting gravelling on eastern boundary,
the surrogate court. Mr. Tarte in his
reply expressed is p ware at being on eastern boundary between Myth and
able to be present at an indoor exhibit- Belgrave, $9,3.70; Richard Leishinan,re-
ion of this sort, at all gatherings such as pairing bridge on river, cons. 8 and 9,
this shown spirit of advancement and a 112.50; Elliott 13roe., Witigham, tile for
outlet, sideline 39 and 40, con, 9, 72e.
. _
HE iiu Tnus
• Barater Ontntona-Sabbeth services ip.t
11 Win laid 7 p in, Sunday School et
2;80 p nt. , General prayer uw.etiug
ouWeduesday evenings. Rev, 3, 3. Pat.
tomtit., B.A.,pastor. Clutpumn, S.S.
ae 11 am And pen. Sunday School at
2:30 p ni. Epworth League every Mon.
day evening. General prayer meeting
oa Wednesday evenings. Rev. Richard
Hobbs, pastor. Dr, Towler, S. S. Sae-
PRESBYTERIAN °annexe -Sabbath ser-
vices at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday
School at 2:30 p m.. General prayer
meetiug on Wednesday evfnings. Rev.
D. Perste, pastor and S `.. Supernten-
• dent.
Sr, PAUL'S CHURCH, EmsoonAL--Sab.
bath .services at 11 818 and 7 p m. Sun
day School at 4:30pm., General prayer
meeting ou Wecbaosday eveniug, Rev.
Wm. Lowe, ineumbent. F. Shore, S. S.
itt P1,11.3LISHOD .
The Times (Mee,. 'Beaver Bleck
W1110114e4, ONTAItIO-
TrOtHe or Suneoniterion-al 30 per summit in
advanter,11.50 if not te; pitid. No paper dis<e»;
tinued till all arrears are paid, except ot the
option of the publisher,
AoraterffitHO Worse. -- Legal and ether
emend advertieemente be per Notitsarltfllua for
'first insertion, Se per line for melt subsequent
Advertisements in local, columns are charged
10 ate. per lino tor first insertion,and b cents
"per line for each subsequent insertion.
Advertisements of Lost, Pound, Strayed,
Perms for tittle or to Rent,and similar, 11.06 for
first month and 50 cents for each subsequent
OONTBAM. RATzs-Thefollowingtable shows
our rotes for the insertion of advertisement/A
for specified periods srece. 1 rt.. Ono. 8 AM 1240
One ...... ;ISOM $85.00 $15.00 101*
Half aloe 18.00 111,00 4.40
Quartet:Column 18.00 • 10.00 ea) 2.00
Adyortiseme.ts without specific directionit
will be inserted till forbid and ehergtelaccord-
ingly. Transient advertisements must be paid
for m advance.
Tint Jon DEPAIVPmEnTer is (invited with au
extensive assortment of allrequieites forprint-
Mg, affording facilities not equi
alled, n the
county for turning out first clatet work. Large
type and appropriate cute for aUstyka of Post-
ees, Hand Bills, etc., and the letwit styles of
eheice fancy type fpr the fitter clewed of print.
Proprietor and Publisher
Sae:v424m AmaYe-Service at 7 and 11
'a in and 8 and 8 p m ou Sunday, and
every evening during the week at 8.
o'clock at the barracks.
PORT. OPPIOE-In Macdonald 13look.
Office hours from 8 m to 0:30 p m.
Peter Fisher, postrna.ster.
hleonamos' INSTITUTE---Librazy and
free reading room in the Town Hall,
will be opeu every afternoon from 2 to
5:45 o'clock and every evening from 7 to
9:80 o'clock. Miss Millie Robertson,
Town Counon,-R. Vanstone,Mayor;
Win. Holmes, Thos. Bell, Robt. Mc-
Iudoo, 3 5. Elliott, tW. P. VauStoue,
A. J. Irwin, Councillors; J. B. Fer-
guson, Clerk and Treasurer; William
Clegg, Assessor, Wrier Robertson, Col -
team. Board meets first Monday even-
ing in each month at 8 &block.
SCHOOL BOARD. --1-1. 'Kerr, (ohairMan),
Thos. Abraham, J. J. Elliott, J. 5.
Homuth, Win. Moore, Thos. Bell, Wm.
Button, 0. N. Griffin: Secretary, Wee
Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson.
Meetings second Tuesday evening in each
McBurney $1.75,john Ansley $4.32,Geo.
Daly 75c, 3os. Z. Kerr 34.50, Robt.
Shiell, sen., e4.25, Geo. Proctor 50c, Jas.
Vint, repairing and furnishing plank for
bridge, lot 30. con. 6, $1.25; John Mains.
littllatt, gravel contract on eastnn bona -
daughter of Mr. D. McDonald, clerk of
. . . $3; McKinnon Bros., CaIross, gravelling
tendency to make a united Canada for
the Canadians. Mr, Tarte said: "I am
Canadian, first, last and always, and.
will always, so lame as pertnited to do so
work for the beet interests tit our coun-
try. 1 also appreciate the fact that our
French and English Canadiens are ineve and ask for. exnlanatibus regarding the
coining to know each other better. and coarsen laid oat. by him, in.which certain
11 h 1
con of East Wawanosh,towtiship, were
of the greatest empire on earth." Conant' adjourned until Thursday,
Novexnber next.
• P. PorteramettLD, Clerk.
An award lately made by the engineer
for the township of Mullett; at the in.
stance of Solve. Glasitte, cou. 1.4 of said
townshio, Wits laid tbefoee the councel,
and the clerk was instructed to write
the engineer, Mr. Ferneorab, of London
lots, and Also road a owatices ,t e st
have agreed to MAU ttiiif0d efiort to
Ora thastes make Canada the greatest dependency '
Kidnerigiver Pills The Ttut4 16e for the balance Of 1002,
WHILST wituarantee
to keep a 't Ryrie "
Watch -aside ftoni break-
age -in perfect action for
two years, there is no
limit to its peifect time-
keeping qualities.
We select for special
mention out No. -5506
"Ryrie" Watch at $25.
(Lea's Large or Oentlernan's
t is a I &Jewel Movement in
a 1 4k. Solid Gold Case. •
Ivs guatantea ,,f, deltrem and
WIlt cheerfully refund the full price
if nn receipt it Is not perfectly
Pirko for our New Wants.
Ryrie Bros.,
Yonae and Adelaide Streets,
PUBLIC SCHOOL Teameens.-A. 3.
Musgrove, Peincipal, Mise Brook,
Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss
Comm Mies lebeLeane Miss Matheson
Miss Reid, and Miss Cututnings.
BOARD or HEALTH -Mayor Vanstoue,
(chairman), 0. J. Reading, Tilos Greg-
ory, Dr. Kennedy, J. B, Ferguson, Sec-
retary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical
Health Officer
J. J. Elliott, V. S.
Honorary Graduate of
Ontario 'Veterinary,
Office end Infirmary
sorner of Victoria and
Minnie Sts, Winghum.
Day and night culls
promptly attended to.
Telephone connection.
and anyone having live stock or other
articles they wish to disPose of, should adver
tise the same for stile in the TIMES. Our large
circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if
you do not get a customer. Wecan't guarantee
that you will sell because you may ask more
for the article or stock than it is worth. Send
your advertisement to the VMS and try this
plan of disposing of your stock and other
After' ''0a'a PhOSPIICairiel
file Oreat English Penietty,
Sold and:recommended by all
druggists In Canada. Only reit.
able, medicine discovered. Mat
packages guaranteed to cure all
forms of Sexual Weekness, all effects of abuse
or excess, Mental Worry, Exeessive use &TO-,
beceo, Opium or Stimulante. Mailed on .teeipt
of tie. One pecker SI, six1.55. Onctatti:Ocase,
11" "tfleio PW4Mo 10digntetrat:',641)rnadig:0911t.
Wood's Pliosphocline is gold in Winghlun by
Colin A. Campbell, A. L. Hamilton, R. A.
Douglas. and J. E. Davis, Druggists.
Bell Telephorie Company
A new issue cf the SUB-
for the District of Western
Ontario, including t h e
WING II A M Exchange,
will be issued. early in
September. Orders for
new connections, changes
of address, changes of
names, duplicate entry of
names, etc.; should be
placed at once to ensure
their appearance.
• Member of the British Medieul Assoohe
tion. 'Gold Medallist in Medicine., Special
attention paid to diseases of Women and Child
ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. m• :7 to OP.
Government Poultry Noun%
The Doutalon: Department of •
culture bee decided to erect u owo
menville Darlenn County;
esyifle, Huron County, and Bondville,
Prow County, quebse, a large poul-
try house, at calf of which will Ire
wintered, one hundred Plymouth Reck
and Wyandotte pullets. '.Vhese pieces
are being balie supply the elemeteed
for pere-lereel pellets and eoekerels,
which this .seesoa has been yore large. ..
Last year the difficulty Met. with .at
the illestrati•oi ,steelorre; Where the,
• eggs were bought from,: the 'fitrnacres
was that the quality:of 'ehickCetsveer-
; fel was net materna. Next Wring the
, rlieedis. theIk
ted telt:1.111*s e
u g=ve:
• bred cookerele Of the jaw -set Margot
tyi, and their eggA will be teed to
;limners in the. .aoighborhood nt- an
advance of About five cents a dozen
aver market prices. In this way the• •
Department of Agrismitute 'Intend*. 'to
entreduce among local fa:enters puree
• bred chickens .of .the most profitable
breeds of farmers' poultry.' 'Mr F. C.
Hare, lead of the department's *nee
• try branch is et Bowmanville, to
look after the contraction of the
:station there,
Centre Street
Wiugham, Ontario,
' Physician, Surgeon, ate.
Office-lifaedonald Block, over 3, E. Davis'
Drug Store. Night calls answered at the office.
T. OH/SHOLM, .7. 8.0E18110LN
Cat, ZI tr.p.s.o MI,311),O4L.,155 s 0.
Overce-Oldeltolin Sleek, Josephine street.
REStllENCE-In rear of block, on Patrick St.,
where night veils will be answered.
AV •
Privateann Company funds to loan at lowest
rate of interest. No commlesiou clutre 5 5. cod-
oges, town and farm property bought and
sold. Office, Beaver Block. Winghtun.
r . A. MORTON,
t '
E. L. I:nommen ''Dunr.v. HOLMES
including Books, Pampltlets, Posters, 1301
Heads, Circulars, &c., &c. xecutecl in the best
style of the art, at moderate prices, and on
short notiee.
BOOKIUMMaL-Wo are pleasted to announce
that any Books or Magazines left with us for
Binding, will have our prompt attention
Prices for Binding in any Style wilt be given on
application to
• „ WWI:chem.
The undersigned baying been restored to
health by simple means, after suffering for
several yews; with 11 severe lung affeetioft, and
that dread disettee illentininptven, is anxious to
twice known to his fellow sufferers the ravens
of our. '.Oe these Whe &Mire it, he wilt -cheer*
fully send (free of charted a ropy 'of the pre-
getiption used, Is ISISthey will Matti cure for
consumption., Asthma, Catarrh, Hewlett -
till Ana an throat And km; Maladies. He
hopeen11 sufferer); will try. hie remedy, tut it la
Invaluable. Them; desiring the _pregeriptien,.
whirls will cost them within., ata nifty prove
lai"Nnur, will rilense es), R
D 15e• 3.!).
WA.EweLsON", nrooidyn, War York.
TRADE fillAnas
anyone sending n Alteleb and descriptinn 21155
mucky ascertain our opitedn free vbetber tie
inoentfort +1 probably enteetabie. Commentert
dens strictly oontldent111. Handbook on Patend
sent fred OldOst neer.cy for securintr patents.
Patents taken throuch Nowt k Co. recorre
8Pec1ett Itotice, without eb orge, Iistho
Scientitic littiericatt.
A balnimotnely Illwqrated, weeble. rantest eIrt
ciliation of rtny eicientifte mlunal. Term.
lofty I fent MOntint. 54. E,obi by lei newsdealer&
filONN & co..Haw York
Month rt,.lnithlnatoe. Ty,
OFFICE: Meyer Block, Wingham.
There is more Catarrh in Ode section..
of the country than all other diseases
put together, mid until the last few
years was eupposed to be Wearable. For
n great ninny years .doctors yronennced
it a local disertse, end ptescriberi looal
remediee, and by constantly foiling to
cure with local treatmeote prenounced
it incurable. Science has prtiven
(arrh t be a Oonstitiltional disease, aud.
therefore requires constitutional treat-
ment. Halle.; Catarrh Owe, manufac-
tured by F. J. Cheney & Oo., Toledo,
Ohio, is the only ;constitutional. mire on
the market. It is taken internally in
doses, from tea drops.to a teaspoonful.
It acts directly on the blood end mucous
surfaces of the system. They offer one
hundred dollars for any case it fails to
euro. Send for cirenldrg and. testimoni-
als. Address F. J. CHENEY, & 'CO, To-
ledo, Chin. Sold by druggists, 75e.
Hall's Fatuity Pills are the best.
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennaylvania
Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office
over Post Office, Wingbaln•
Office closed every Wednesday afternoon
during June, July and. August.
• L.D.S.
Now method for painless ex-
traction. No Cocaine.
Special attention to the care and regulation
of children's teeth. Moderate ;tricot, and all
work carefully and skilfully performed. Office
in Beaver Block, Wingham.
Office closed every Wednesday afternoon
during June, July and. August.
• 1.7-•
INeet ate
• Wingham. Ont. .
Xis Persia the Map who laughs is con -
steered.. effeminate but free license is
given to fern de' m erriment
' St. Rapott's church, the oldest build-
ing in Vienne is to be reconstructed. It.
dates from thayear 740
No person in Rnssia is allowed to
marry more than five times, and no per-
son over 80 is permitted to Marry,
Terra-cotta sleepers are in use on
Japanese railways. The ivarea.sed
cost compensated for by the greater
resistauce of decay.
There is minus supperstition iti
Venice that it a stranger dies in a hotel.
the number of his room will be lucky.
at the next lottery.
To ensure cleanliness in the baudling of
bread, the bakers of Baffle put each loaf
in a paper bag just atter it is baked.
In 185e gunboats oozered with four
inches or iron wore short -proof. The
latest rifled caution -shot will penetrate
24 inches of the best steel.
Sperm whales are the richest prizes
of the ocean, yielding • spermaceti from.
their brain cases, ivory from. their lowest
jaws, rick yellow oil frota their sides.
Next November at Vienna the great
Brunswick collection of piethres, • in-
cluding many old masters, is to be 'put
up to auction, the family having became
• To attract patrons and induce thient 10
stay late a restaurant keeper in Nassau
keeps a inotopear, in which his custom-
ers are driven home, free of charge,
between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.ms
JAS. HENDERSON, Wingham, Oat.
• For the Comities of Httron And Brum Sales
of Farm Stock and Implements a specialty.
" Al[ orders left at the TSMES office promptly
attended to.
Terms reasonable.
wAisprtri.-A trustworthy gentleman or lady
in each county td manage Madness for fin old
established hottse af Bond financial standing.
A straight, bona fide weekly cash salary of
.918 00 paid by check each Wednesday with all
expenses direct from headquarters. Money
advanced for expenses. Manager, 8400toden
Bldg., Chicago.
A: T. C.
Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher Music
Method, Simplex and Eindergarten.
Pupils prepared for Conservatory examina-
• wiNerFTANt
eIpallligsatmssiared for Conservatory of Music
Of London Conservatory of Music, will he pre.
pared after Oct. 1st to receitre a limited num-
ber of ptpils for instruetion on Violin and
Residence -opposite 11.0. &int:eh, Wingham,
and member of the 'Assoeittted Musidians Of
Ontario, Is. prepared to, receive a limited num-
ber of pupils for instructian on Piano and in
Special attention given to pupils preparing
for eXareinations. •
Residence--entiosite 110. Church, Wingham,
WAND /Snit name/exit SYSTEM.
Louden tort.... 3.100.1it.
Toronto & East ..0 6.553 a.osp.m.
Kincardine -n.10 nate .• 1.40 p•ra 8.88p.m.
Kinetadine ....0.50 a.m'
. Weans.... lure
London nee a.m.... ass pate
Palmerston 11.10 amt.
Toronto & East.1.40 P...- gee p.m.
L. V. - m
AROLD, Agent, winghem.
TRAMS LEAV11- vett
Toronto and Zaot 0.67 a.m.... 8.t3 p.m.
Teem -Ater 1.17 med., .10,40 Nth,
teetWater.. 11.87a.ta Stepan,
Termite atufEltat 1 17 pan, .10.48.p.m.
II. /Makin, Agent, iienghem.
.'or Oese Sixty retire.
An Old and. Well -Tried Remedy -Mrs
Winslow's SoothingSyron has been used
for over sixty years bymillion.sof mothers
for their children • while teal -tine, with.
perfect success. It soothes the child,
softens the gums, allays all pain, cure*
wind colic, and is the • best remedy for
diarrhcea,. It is pleasant to • the taste.
Sold by druggists in every part of the
world. Twenty -Ave cents a bottle. Its
valne is incalotilable. Be sure you ask
for Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind:
Them is a. noted difference
in the style and fit of Pants we
make that always brings peo-
ple back for another pair.
Then there is the low price
and better quality of cloth put
in them -cloth that wears
See our new goods atul.prices.
• ese,...geeleieemeseesaieeilerieeiesee,