HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-10-02, Page 8TIIE WTINGIIAM TIMES, OCTOBER 2, ' W02 iklemk'41 1d X iwo,,s'k'1✓O'4www@ witve' oil R1TCHIE CAMPBELL '!1!r'' /4' ✓ r"fiv'' ►•'V' vQ' '4'1 "IVO'Y►.i31'q ' 'i'Q►•d'` ''fi 1!+•• 1 3 S • S Fall Opening The chilly weather has caused a demand for heavy goods early in the season. We are prepared to meet these demands, and have opened up all our Fall and Winter Goods. They are now on display on our counters. —Dress Goods and Trimmings, Mantles, Furs, —Shoes, Blankets, Flannels, Heavy OutingFIannels, --Ladies' and Gents' Underwear, hosiery, —Gents' Suit[ngs, Ready • made Clothing, —Carpets, Ilamask Curtains, Table Covers, —Drapery Materials, etc.. ete. I`IANTLE S A large and fashionable assortment of Ladies' Fall and Winter gentles, short. three quarter and full length; colors black, grey and fawn, all sizes, and prices to suit all purchasers. FURS A large and choice assortment of small Furs are now on display, consisting of Sable, deal, Martin and Oppossum Ruffs, all lengths. Sable fluffs, Cape/ Ines and Collarettes in the different fashionable furs. Grey Lamb Collars and Caps for children. We are showing nothing but the best qualities, and the prices are away down. .i-i0E5 A large stock of New Shoes for men and women have just been opened up. They are direct from the manu- facturers. All styles, up•to date, and the hest quality. Ro111ant Saranin, 50 remnants Dress Goods, 1 to 6yards in : each end, pol acting (f Homespun, Serges, Venetians, Cashmeres, Crepous, Cheviots, Silk and Wool Brocades, Silks, etc. The regnlur prices of these goods were from 500 to $1,50, Yonr choice at - - 25e a yard RITCHIE & CAh 1P E . MINOR LOCALS. —Gay Bros. Minstrels will be in Wingham on Friday, October 31st. —The limerick fall fair will be held at Fordwich on Saturday of this week. —Regular monthly meeting of the Town. Council on Monday evening next. —Adjourned sale of lands for taxes at the Town Hall ou Saturday afternoon of this week, at 4 O'clock. —A new time table went into effect on the G. T. R. ou Sunday last. .No change in the trains to and from Wingham, —Mrs. [Dr.] Kennedy will give an "•at hour;" to the members of theJnnior Epworth League on Friday afternoon. — Mr. Chas. Barber is laying a grano- ititdlic walk' 'from. the John street side walk to the Methodist parsonage kitchen 'door. —Mr. J..13. Cummings has had two granolithic walks laid from the side walk to his residence and shop on. Vio- ""toria street. — Wedding invitations printed neatly and quickly at the TIMES. office. We ni'ibay a h id e on aafi ' a t otnplete' stoeL. ' "03' veddilig""'Otto nere, The minutes of the East Wawanosh council meeting which was held on Sept. 22nd are crowded out of this issue, They will appear in our next issue. —Mr. D. Campbell, of Francis street, week tame betas sick from Loudon last and has since been confined to his room. We are pleased to learn that he is now recovering. —Mr, John A. Copeland has again se- cured the Harrison Tribune plant, hav- ing ayiing made a satisfactory settlement with mortgagor. The Tien s wishes the Tri- bune success. Baby's cold may be Cured in a night by using Walpo-eresolene, which has been extensively Jame for twenty-four years. All druggists. ALL SORTS OF Breakfast FOODS ALWAYS FRESH AT TBD}iOPE'S Grocery, and Crockery Store —Readers of the Traces should not for- get the C. 0. F. concert ou Friday even- ing. Oet. 17th, The H Ruthven Mc- Donald Quartette will be the attraction. —Mr. E. J. Spackman, of Exeter, Grand Chief Patriarch of the Grand En- campment, I. 0. O. F. pail an official visit to Minerva.Eneampment on Wed- nesday . eve nin g'• —The Ladies Aid Society of the 3lethotlist church will give a Thanks- giving sapper in the school room of the r:hurch on the eveniug of Thanksgiving Day, October 16th. --Oae of tire stores in Mayor Van- ston 's block will be completed this week and Mr.G'riff'i will move his stock there- to. Work will he commenced at once on _Mr. Griffin's block. —Mr. A. H. Carr has been making some improvinauts at his store house at the G.T.R. A new maple floor has been lairs. Mr. Carr is paying the highest market price for all kinds of grain. —The Teems has added a number of new names to its subscription list this W. J. Fleuty, editor of the South - week.. Among the number are three amptou Beacon and his son, Harry spent .to ue ,v subscribers in South Africa. The the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, TietES'is the,people's-popular paper. Jas. Fleuty. —Messrs A. Youn;; & Sons hairy) token Miss Caldwell, who has spent several the a::cncy for the Craven Huron Ranges, months with friends in Wingham which are manufactured by the Western and vicinity, returned to her home in i'onndry Co. Messrs Young & Sons Ypsilanti, Mich. on Tuesday. have on advt. in this issue. Read it. lairs. A. Ramsay and little son, Max- 1 —The Goderich Lumber Co. with well, returned to their home in Platts- wl►ich Mr. Geo. Thomson, formerly of I villa after a month's visit with her par- Zetland, ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell. Zetland, is connected, is contemplating ' an e:►largement of its plant which will Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Youhill expect doable the present capacity of the mill. to leave Wingham on 1st ot November Land will•spe.nd the winter with their —A number of Winghamites attended I o.000 00 the fall fair at Belgrave on Wednesday. Messrs Crossley and Hunter concluded their series of services at Dungannon on Friday of last week The meetings were very successful. —Don't fail to hear Rev W. A. Me - Kay, D.D., president of the Dominion -Violate next Thursday night, in the Town Heli at S r.'.st. Subject "The ditty of the hear." Miss Sproule will also deliver a short address upon her work as missionary for the 1V.O.T.U. among the toilers of forests and ,nines in the s:uue place. PERSONALS. We shall be glad to have contributions to this colwtn► from any of our readers. if you have visitors or parades, going away yonr:,eif, drop in and tell its, or send us a ttotu to that effect. Mr. Vie Taylor spent Sunday at his house in Ripley . Miss Stack, cf London is visiting with friends in Wingham. Mr. Wm. Clegg was in St. Catharines ou business this week, Teua Yonng is visiting with friends in Kincardine this well{, Mr. Rich. Carson, of Gorrie was in town on Monday on business. Mr. Pen Mitchell is on a visit to friends in Chicago and Illinois. Miss Lizzie Dulmage, of Gorrie visit- ed Wingham friends last week. Mrs. Herman Oldfield, of Boston, is visiting at the home of Mr. T, J. Elliott. • D, Patterson, Warden of Huron Coun- ty Council, was in town ou Thursday last. Mr. Thos. Holmes was visiting with his sou, Dr. Holmes at Brussels during the week. Mrs. Arch. Taylor and clanghter, of Windsor were visiting Wingham friends last week. nus. Robt. Maxwell, jr. is visiting with friends in Detroit and other points in Michigan. Miss Fiudlater,of Morris ]eft this week for Philadelphia, where she will attend a medical college. Mr. J. D. McEwen has returned home from Wallaoeburg, where he had been residing for some months. Miss Stiles, of London is visiting Wingham friends and is the guest of her grandmother, Mrs, S. Kent Gray, H. M. Alex.M. C. and Mrs. Gray, of Niagara are visiting at the home of A. M-Gillivray. Mr. Wm. Williamson left last week for the West. H9 has secured a situa- tion as fireman un the C. P. R. Mr. R. J. Plenty, of the Southampton Beacon staff is spending a few clays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Plenty. Mr. J. C. Dallas,of Buffalo, N.Y. was visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C, Dallas for a few days during the week. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Homuth left Satur day morning for a two weeks' visit with their danghter, Mrs. A. K. Gifford, at Detroit. { c it is to Man who likes to be well Dressed 0 0 1 Shorey's ! ljrJ I I' we are after.—Every style, hind and fashion finds its earliest showing here, The Illen to whom we expect to sell Shorey's Ready Tailored Clothing • tie Men. wito have worn made to mea- sure clothes. If you travel in this class 1 Ali we should like to see you. Guarantee Card in the pockets of each ga.rymgcn t-y ]rig.^.ns : VH A iSi 19;3 i 71l" 1/ YRI BACK and, as we cls.;ii'.:e to retrial money we must give you satisfaction. Z ue1cannot3.etanything,.loret11an this. if 1 1 Boys' Knee Pants from 35c to 90c. Odd • Coats, strong tweed. double breast, $2.01. Men's $3 Odd Tweed Pants tor $1,00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.50 Suits. $3 00, $3 50, $4.00, $5.00, $G.00, $7.50, $10; $11, $12, $15. Smocks, Overalls, everything—even to Boots. — Piper D. E. McDonald and his ' daughters in Michigan and Indiana. dau'zltter, Miss Mabel, were in Drayton 1 Mrs. W. H. Green went to Goderich on Monday and Tuesday. Drayton's ou Saturday, where she will spend a fall fair was held on these days and:they week with her sister, Mrs. Henderson, took part in a concert on Tuesday even- who has been in poor health for some ing. time. —Last week W. J. Sharpin completed 1 117 r. Arthur Knight, who has been his first year as editor of the Gorrie Vidette. Mr. Sharpie has made a num- i worsting in the office at the Union fac- ber of improvements in the paper dur- I tory for some time, is leaving town and will take a course at the Dental College ing the year and we wish him continued iu Philadelphia. success. — Mr. John Ames, of Winnipeg, a for- I1'ir. T. E. Bowels, of Orangeville, is hist resident of Morris township, has `visiting in Wingham. Mr, Bowels has been appointed agent for the Massey- recently returned from a trip to Manito- Harris Co. in this town. Mr. Ferguson, ba and the West. W, were pleased to who was here for a few days will remain i see him looking well, at Brussels. i R. Holmes, M. P. for West Huron —Mr. Thos. E. Walker shipped in a l carie up from Clinton on Friday last to carload of cattle to Wingham on Satur- attend the Wingham fall fair and was day. He purchased them in the vicinity of Chatham. He purposes selling them by auction at his farm in Culross, in the near future. busy during the afternoon shaking hauls with his many friends. Mr. Holmes gave the TIMES a call and We were pleased to learn that he had fully recovered from his recent illness. —Wet. Proudfoot, K. C.,who has ass- umed the head of a law firm in Toronto. Revolution in Newfoundland. will retain his connection with the Since the introduction into Newfound - present sir f land of rite new Inhaler Remedy, 1iCa- n ui o Pr l if t and Hays >t oat oo a a c 1 p y i the tr(.at eut of r tarrho7oi e, ru rata ,hal Goderich and he will continue to reside diseases hasbeeu entirely revolutionized. iu the county town. The old -tine snuff and internal medicine —Mr. j, D. Longhas had his laundry leas been cast aside anct evt3ryoue 5s in- r3' Baling Ctltarrhozone; it clears the head and throat in two minutes, and is very agreeable to use. Catarrhozone is a wonderful cure far coughs,cotds.catarrh, asthma, bronchitis, lung troubles and deafness. It relieves quickly and cures s permanently, We advise our readers to try Catarrhozene, Price $1.00, trial size 25e. Druggists,, or Poison & Co., Xing - machinery moved to the stone building on Victoria street. Mr. Long has had the building nicely fitted up and when he gets everything in order he have a: number one laundry. —The mason work on the Ilolmes block, opposite Bell's factory is. Pro- s 1? 8LUn nt. U grassing rapidly. Messrs. N'ettertteld Da. HAMILTON'S MANDRAKE AND and Showers an bu[kling a splendid Btllrtrtelt t PILL;, stone wall, The block will have three stores, l.esides the ofilees. Rank vaults Will also be placed its the building. The East Middlesex prohibitionists have organized for the eoming cani- pailn. TH, Chisholm bIOCkE Swift & Co. of Chicago have taken over Fowler's Canadian Company, and. will establish a big pork packing plant in Hamilton. non s. Younr.-In Culro-s'nu Sept. 20, the wife of Jas. YoniII; adaughter. WAr.+ern-On Otlt con., Howiek,on Sept. 28rd the wife of Mr. Daviel Walker a daughter.. Youxc-On nth con. Howiek. on Sept. tXrd the wife of Mr. John Y oting ; a daughter. nun RtTOrrni—MCICELL—At Perrysburg, Ohio, on October 1st, by Rev. G. A A(Luns,Mr. Alex. Ritchie. of Wingham to Miss Florence Frances Weber McKell, of Perrysburg, Ohio. Roe—D s ' it rn—At the residence of the e t u etob;+r ist b • Rev. Wm. tt uts i til bride s 1. Roe to bliss Tennis C. Lowe, Mr. Geo. B.t LugC., daughter et ;}I1•. Jas. Dutlielcl, both of Wing - hum. 1Wor,se-Oo::ntncx-At Wingham on Sept 24th by Nov .T. J. Patterson, Mr. Henry Wolfe to Miss Kato Ockridgo,both of Bluerale. Mowim.t.r-GABDTN£.it.-At the residence of the bride's parents, MaKillup, cin Sent. 24th, by Rev. Dr. Marsh, of Hamilton, brother- in-law to the bride,nssisteft • by Rev. A. MacNab, M. A. 'Walton, Itir. James Mowbray,of Sudbury, to Miss Mary T., second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Gardiner. DIED P.ttmionx—At Lucknow, Sept. 25, 1002, Julia Marton, wife of Charles Patntore, aged 44 years. Faxistels-In London, on Sept. 20th Mary E. Crawford, wife of Allan M. 1 ralie]c, of Turn- rry, aged 54 years. , Danger Next 'Door. Perhaps it's diphtheria, or scarlet fever. Keep your awn ho.n., free from the germs of these diseases. Prevent your children from having then. 'You can do ao.e it with our Vapo.Cresolene. Put some Cresolcne in our vaporizer, light the lamp beneath, and let the vapor fill the sleeping" room Have the children sleep in the room every eight, for it's perfectly safe, vet not 1 single disease germ can live in this eapar. Ask your doctor about it. VapCres'ieno is ;old be drntit sts wetter erg•. t Va;1n Cresal"ne?suit, incll•dh g the Vnpr dztr and "ilic'lt &lent Inst a life -tithe, and a hottle of :r s•,lenr,, cernnlete, ti1.5.,; extra supplies of Creao- ••nea5rentsand 5oren ts 1thisti•atedbooklet con tain- nhvsic&ans' testimonials free upon request. VA PO. ;nr.:sue Co., ISo Felton Si., New York, t.'.^.A. Recommended and sold by A. L. Hamilton, druggist, Win ghain. WALKER BROS. & BUTTON UNDERTAKERS, WINDHAM. Night calls at Button Block, or Fifth door south of School House. Shop op- posite Macdonald block. t Messrs. Heintzinn & ro of Toronto wish to inform then custot r+ in Vinrham and vicin- ity that th(u• own t her, , r. W. J, Switzer, is ties town tins week td pa of next week Par - timed wishing will kindly stare rders at ,the TIMES oMee. NO! IO OTICE is hereby given the a Court will he IN ]tell pursuant to tl ntario Voters' List Act fly His Hone0 t e :Fudge of the County Court of the C. my f Huron, tit the Town Hall in the Fa' Town f Wingham, on the 18th land 14t1 d s of c o n•r, 1002, et 10 o'cloeka.na., to11 and r ter nine the several complaints of in' stn Dims ions itt the Vot- ers' List of the stn polity f the Town of Wingham for the yea1Y 002, All, persons having business t the Court, are required to attend at the sal time and place. ;Dated, Clerk's Oilice. \Vin' R lima Oct. 2,1002, Clerk of the sai Town and Coast NOTI t E TAKE O.iIC1 that the Iv Tatra of Wingham for been adjourned till Sainte Oetaber, 1902, at 4 o eloett 3 loale, nwingarealmely:ro crties tails pp Lots NOM. 22 and 28 of lo of lands in the rears of taxes 1155 ty, the 4th day of 1n., when thefol- ain be offered d for o rth side Victoria street, Peter Fslier ori Mal mill reserve; Central part Lot No. SI Or e,at side b,dward street; Edward Foley's 5 b-divi5iot of Park Lots 1 and 2; and the nor ►-west part of Lot No. 4 on east side Josepl, ne street, (the old Abellproperty gme overntailclitinttal(urrey. J. B. ll'ISR(4 MON, Tref:surer. Wingltain,'Sept. 25th,1 JAS. HENDERSON, \Vinglimu, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the Counties of Huron and Bruce. Sales of Farms Stock and implements n specialty. AR orders left at the Tates office promptly nttended to. Terms reasonable. APPLES WANTED AT WINGHAM Mahler Bros. proprietors of the 'Wingham Evaporator, will begin operations hers :on the lith of September. They will pay the Highest Market prices for all kinds ot apples according to quality. Packers Bulls, windfalls, etc., in- cluded, delivered at the Factory, Alfred street, Parties having apples to sell will do well to 1;ee us before selling, a:: wo contract for the whole orchard,—shaken ?if,—suitablo for dry- ing purposes. We lase buy windfalls, . if not too smna11 or soft. MAHLER BEOS., Proprietors. FARM FOR SALE. One hundred acres -sixty acres cleared. forty acres bush and slash ; a quantity of good timber, pine. cedar, asst, elm, beech and maple. Fairly good buildings, two good wells, plenty of water. Within a mile and a half of Wlitteelntrclt vil- lage; good creamer;', railroad end churches, two general stores; good market for grain. No incaunbr»nce;„half money can lay in farm if required at five per cent. WM. F. GARBUTT, Proprietor Whitechurch, Sept 0th, 1902. T. J. MAGUIRE ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. Accounts, Rents and dotes Collected. Con- veyancing done. OFFICE -Over D. M. Gordon's store. RESIDENCE -Leopold street. HOLMES & HOLMES 'Railway and Steamship Ticket, Agency and General Exchange Onice. WINGHAM, - ONT. Finest and shortest Routes to Cleveland, Ohio, and all points. Wingbmn to Cleveland - $0.95, Return 00.01 Wingham to Detroit - 2.05, Return 4.50 Lowest rates to the "Soo” and all points north and west and New Ontario, All these rates are First Class. Second Class rates lower still. • Stop - over privileges allowed. Lowest rates to Europe. Reduced winter rotes by Elder, Dempster and Co's. lines now in force. Everybody should travel Apply to- HOLMES & HOLMES Wingham, Ont. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Is successfully used monthly by over 10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectnal. Ladies ask your druggist for Cooks Cotton Goal Com - sed. Take no other, n allMixtures, n M a 1 tures, pills and imitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, $1 per box; No. 2,10 degrees stronger,$3 per box. No. 1 or 2, mailed en receipt of price and two 8 -vent stamps. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont. Ple-Nos. 1 and 2 sold ane recommended by all responsible Druggists in Canada. No. 1 and 2 are sold in Wingham by A. L. Hamilton, Colin A. Campbell, R. A. Douglass and J, E. Davis Druggists, 1•%011. OA LATE TICKLERS, health bringers and all 'round good givers' are what wo sell the whole yyear through. The topie we present for your attention is "fruits." Need we say more Savo that we get the best the market affords at all seasons, handle them earefttlly and sell thein reasonably? Well, we'll add this: We would like to hays your valued orders. Shall we? JAS. MIKE LVIE, Star Restaurant. What $56.95 111 Do !!'! Would you like to know how cheaply you can set up housekeeping? Here : A good Bedronin Suite, $10.50; Mattress and Wire, $500; Small Table, 750 ; Couple of Chairs, GO„ ; Docker, 90e. Where you spend one-third of your life A Fancy Extension Table, $5.00; 6 Dining Room Chairs, $2.25; Golden Oak finish Sideboard, $8.00. Where you are three times a day Two Kitchen Chairs and a Kitchen Table, $2.50. Where your wife spends half her time A comfortable spring edge Velem' Coueh, $3,50 ; 2 leather seated Rockers, $3.50'; Oak Table with brass feet, $2.25 ; Big Upholstered Easy Chair, $5.00 ; 4 Window Shades, $1.20 ; 4 Curtain Poles, $1.00. Where you to your evening comfort Call and see our stock. have by far the largest stock ever carried in Wingham ! ! ! People say we and most complete a retail store in Are • they right ? BALL BROS. RESIDENCE—PATRICK ST. Furniture Dealers S. Gracey's former residence, where night calls will receive And {{ ee ' //pp p attention. fill Undertakers. prompt PH 1J< ON 11 saAAh/1M:A/O,AA/eRfeosAAA/SAA^AAAN VVVVWVWVWWVVVVYWWt,",04 L ;d e o S Rir t ts Made by experts in Montreal, and therefore the acme of style and good workmanship. No other article of woman's apparel requires the same care in selecting that a fur garment calls for. Now, every customer can't be a fur expert, but every customer has a right to expect:f rota the one who sells her an assurance that what she buys is dependable. You get such assurance at this store; not only an assurance of fur excellence but the fur- ther assurance of fur beauty. This latter you can see for yourself. We.guarantee every piece of fur to give satisfaction or money refunded. —Rich Sable Scarfs, - '7.50 to —Rich and pretty Caperines, 6.00 to —Stylish Jackets, - 25.00 to $30.00 22.00 12.5.00 We elle having a wonderful sale ot Cloth Coats. There is that exclusiveness of style about the Gordon Coats that bas made them such great favorites this season. Never have we shown such pretty styles, fine qualities and perfect fits, and the prices are just a wee bit lower than ever. Our Blanket Sale Is now going on. 25 pairs very fine white all -wool Blankets, all soft.lofty makes, thoroughly scoured and cleansed, fast color borders, big size, sreeial at $2.50 a pair We are handling J. D. Ring & Co's famous Boots ani Shoes, King's Boots are splendid wearers and perfect fitters, They don't cost any more than common shoes. We sell Lion Brand Clothing for Boys. These Suits are made of all•woolTweeds ; Pants have double seats and knees, Try a Suit for the boy. You will be satisfied. D. M, Gordon Direct Importer- BIC. ma der*., BIG PRICES FOR TRADE. /*/*AAA 1AA