The Wingham Times, 1902-09-25, Page 8TIIE W I\TGIIAM TIMES, SEPTEMBER 25. 1902,
11,'0/1'1r'1A S/lliAkAlArip4itsil, 1,10. 1,1 41v11,1161♦!1r..
Fall Opening
The chilly weather has eaused a demand for hey :;nods
early in the season. We are prepared to meet these
demands, mid have opened 41) all rtur Fall and Winter
Goods, Tilley are now on display on our counters,
--Dress Goods and. Trimmings, Mantles, Furs,
-Shoes, Blankets, Flannels, Heavy Outing Flannels,
--Ladies' and Gent& Underwear, Hosiery,
-Gents' Suitings, Ready • made Clothing,
--Carpets, Damask Curtains, Table Covers,
-Drapery Materials, etc.. ete.
A large and fashionable assortment of Ladies' Fall and
Winter Mantles, short, three (puller 'and fall length;
colors black, grey and fawn, all sizes, and prices, le. suit
alt purchasers.
A large and choice assortment of small Furs are now on
display, consisting of Sable, deal, Martin and Oppirssum
Ruffs, all lengths. Sable Muffs, Capel lues and Collarettes
in the different fashionable furs. Grey Lamb Collars
and Caps for children.
We are showing nothing but the best qualities, and the
prices are away down.
A large stock of New Shoes for men and women have
jest been opened up. They are direct from the manu-
facturers. All styles, up -to date, and the best quality.
, Remnant Bargain•
50 remnvnts Dress Goods, 1 to 6yards in
r. each end, t:oni:tiug of Hotnespnus,
Serges, Venetians, Cashmeres. Crepons, Chaviots, Silk and Wool
Brocades, Silks, etc. The regul..r prices of tlies-+ goods were
from 50e to $1.50. Your choice at - - 25e a yard
N110 �r4rb'�1't4✓� "A d K �v'S 't�'� �r0 q 0 tY�SYO "a O N
-Dog poisoners are at work in Goder-
-Potatoes are selling at $1.00 a bag in
-Conductor Quirk is having his resi-
dence re -shingled.
-Send the TnrEs to absent friends.
15c for the balance of 1903.
-Belgrave fall fair will be held on
Tuesday and Wednesday of next week.
-Five and ten cent pieces of the new
Canadian coinage are in circulation in
-Work was commenced this week on
the stone foundation for the Holmes'
Regular meeting of Court Maitland,
C. 0. F., will be held on Friday even-
ing of this week.
-Blyth football team did not put in
appearance for the game advertised for
last Thursday evening.
-Are you a subscriber of the TLirns?
If not, subscribe now and get the full
benefit or our clubbing offers.
. 5Teople„frern the country attending
the fair on Friday should wait .for the
.00neert in the town hall in the evening.
-The Canadian Jubilee Singers will
:give one of their high-class concerts in
the town hall on Friday evening of this
-A good sum of money has been raised
during the past week for the family of
Mr. Alex Forsyth. Mr. Forsyth had
his leg broken a couple of weeks aro.
--Lawn bowling is still a popular past
time for many Winghamites. Last
week a row of incandescent electric
lights were placed along 'the centre of
the 'green. Tho players are now able to
enjoy a game in the evenings.
Gro ry and Crockery Merchant,
-i4Ir. D. E. McDonald shipped a
double deck car load of lambs from
Wingham to Buffalo on Saturday last.
-Mr. Heury Peareu, of Londesboro,
has purchased Mr. Ed. Johnston's fifty
acre farm on the 12th con. of Turnberry.
-Messrs McLean & Sou of the Wing -
ham saw mills received two car loads of
lumber and a car load of shingles from
Kincardine this week.
-Mr John Hahn has purchased from
Mr. Jas. Martin, of Teeswater, the
cottage on Shnter street, at present
occupied by Mr S. Merrifield.
-Mr. J. J. Helmuth had been in busi-
ness in Wingham for twenty-nine years.
Last week in Mr. Homuth's card we
made it react nineteen years.
-The plate ;lass windows will be put
in Mayor Vanstone's block in a few
clays. Work will be commenced on Mr.
Griffiu's block in about a week.
-The weather prophets predict a long
and cold winter, and point to an enor-
mous crop of mountain ash berries as an
unfailing proof of their prediction.
-The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist
church will hold a thanksgiving snpper
in the church on '.the evening . of,
Thanksgiving Day. , Particulars later.
-The numerous enquiries at the local
railway offices indicate that the western
excursions this week will be largely
patronized by people from this section.
-Apples are being delivered in large
quantities at Mahler Bros.' evaporator.
Parties having apples to sell should read
Mahler Bros.' advt. in another column.
-Many dwellings and places of busi-
ness were in darkness on Monday night.
We had no incaudescurt electric lights,
owing to a breakage at the power house.
-Mr. Alex Porter will have charge of
the Queen City Oil Co's delivery wagon.
Mr. Portor will deliver the oil from the
Company's large tank on the G. T. R.
-Changes of alvortr
emeats should
be in the TIMES office by 6 p. m. on Mon-
days, We cannot guarantee a change
of advt. if copy or notice is not left with
us by Monday evening.
-We have received a lengthy obituary
notice of the Iate:Rev. A.. Y. Hartley,
formerly of Blnevale. We have no
room for it in this issue, but it will
appear in next week's TIMES.
-Tho brick work on Mr. Wm.
Button's new residence was commenced
on Monday. The building will be of
pressed brick and Mr. Button is going
to havo a very handsome dwelling.
-The hunting season opened on Mon-
day of last week. A number of our
local sportsmen took advantage of the
flue weather last weak and spent several
days in the woods looking for game.
-By winning two games on Saturday
the Toronto baseball team landed the
Eastern League pennant. Bnffalo team
tirade a bard run for it. Toronto's per-
centage being 669 and that of Bnffalo
-Tho Clinton iN'ews•IEecord says that
Rev. J. Green gathered a number of
ripe raF errie in his xyi nyesterday.
This is nothing unusual in Wingham.
The TIMES 1mahas seen riperaspberries
in a number of Wingham gardens dur-
ifig the past week.
---Mr.. W. Seott will furnish the
refresluuentsat the Wingham fall fair
on Friday of this week.
-Mr. Geo. Ferguson, of Brussels
succeeds Mr. W. N. Hutchison as.
atasseyHurris agent itt Wingbain.
--Tee regular meeting of the Wo-
Mar,'sInstitute will be held at the home
of Mrs. Julio Tervit, Turuberry, ou Fri-
day afteryoou, Oct, 3rd, •
--Councillor W. k' VanStone bas
been confined to his home through ill-
ness for u couple of weeks, His many
friends hope to see him able to be around
again in a few days.
-Mr. Jas. MoKelvie has reoured the A
booth privileges at Blyth and Bclgrave
fairs. There were over twenty uppli-
cauts for the Blyth booths and Mr.
MoKelvie was the lucky plan.
-Rev. N. S. Burwr:ch is having ex
teusive improvements made to his resi-
dence on John street. Another story is
being added to the kitchen and a new
verandah put iu front of the building.
-At the Town Treasurer's sale of
lands for taxes ou Saturday last, a num-
ber of lots were sold. An adjourned
sale will be held on Saturday, October
4th. Get particulars from advt. iu an-
other column.
lGao*OO .. � 0
-The Minutes of Maitland Presby-
tery and also a•reportof the Presbyterial
Young People's convention will be
found ou another page of this issue.
These reports were crowded out of last
week's TIMES.
-Mr. llhas. Barber has had a very
successful season in. cement building.
Ha has built ten silos in this neighbnr-
hlod, besides a number of barn walls,
barn floors and a number of private
walks in town.
-- Mr. Wm. Prondfnot, K. C.,ofGorler-
ich, well known by many Winghamites
has assumed the head of the business of
Duncan, Grant, Skeans & Miller, barris-
ters, Bank of Commerce Chambers,
Ding street, Toronto.
-Mr. Walter Purdy ]eft at the TIMES
office on Wednesday, a number of Alpin
bush starwberries. This variety of straw-
berry will bear from early spring until
the frost comes in the fall. The berries
are about the same sizeoas wild berries.
-We understand that R. Holmes. M..
P., for West Huron, mill not be able to
attend theingham fall fair to -morrow,
as has been his custom informer years,
owing to the fact that hewill be inGod
erich with the Hon. Mr. Tarte, who will
be there to -morrow inspecting the im-
provements to the harbor.
We shall be glad to have contributions to
this column froin any of our readers. If you
have visitors or purpose going away yourself,
drop in and tell us, or send us a note to that
Mr. and Mrs. H. Park spent last Sun-
day with friends in Ripley.
Mrs. Percy H. Hill spent the past two
weeks visiting in Toronto.
Mrs. Swinburn and daughter, of St.
Louis, are visiting Mrs. (Dr.)Tamlyn.
Miss Maude Fleuty is holidaying with
!friends in Walkerton and Southampton.
Mrs..Orr has returned home after a
few weeks' visit with her son in Toronto.
Mrs. Dudley .Holmes, of Goderich,
was a visitor iu Wingham on Saturday
Mr. Adam Shafer was in Milyerton
this week attendiug his mother's fun-
eral. •
Miss Bennett, of Blyth. was visiting
with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Armour, this
Mr. W. C. McIvor was visiting with
Winghatn friends for a few days this
week, ,
Mr, W. J. Haines has accepted a posi-
tion in Baiuton Bros'. glove factory at
it is the Mao who tikes to be well Drassed
Reatly Tailored Clothing
Are theMen
who have word made to mea-
sure clothes.
If you travel in this class
we should like to see you.
we are a ftcr.--Every style,
kind and fashion finds its
earliest showing liere.
The melt to wliom we
"' expect to sell,
Shorey's Guarantee Card in the pockets of
each garment means :
and, as we dislii.e to return money We iuust give you
satisfaction. Yon cannot get anything more than this.
Piles of
Boys' Knee Pants from 35e to 90c.
Odd Coats, strong tweed. double breast, $2.01.
Men's $3 Odd Tweed Pants for $1.00,•.11.25, $1.50, 51.75, $2 50
Suits. $3 00, $3 50, $4.00, $5.00, $ti.00, $7.50, $10, $11, $12, $1
Smocks, Overalls, everything -even to Boots.
A. R. SMITH, Chisholm block
Mr. Thos. Gregory returned home
from Winnipeg last week, where he had
been selling some property he had owned
in that city for some years. We under-
stand that Mr. Gregory secured a• good:
Mr Ezra B. Hoinuth, who left here
ou the last harvesters' excursion, has
secured a situation as telegraph operator
in the C P. R. station at Deloraino. He'
is well pleased with the country and
says that the Manitoba farmers are hav-
ing a most bountiful harvest.
1iLU 1,.VAL l;.
The death took place on Monday, of
Elizabeth, relict of the late Henry C.
Pugh. Airs. Pugin was. well known in
this section and was ^c5, years of age.
The funeral took place: on Wednesday
afternoon from the residence of her son
Mr. Joseph Pugh.
The death took place at his late resid-
ence in Woodstock on Tuesday morning
of Mr. Samuel West, :father of Rev.
W. J. West, M. A., ' of this village.
Deceased had been for many years a
well-known resident of Oxford county
ancl was aged 82 years.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Armstrong, of
Markclale, Ont., have celebrated their
golden wedding.
About 1,000,000 bushels of wheat have
been delivered at Lake Superior points,
and 200 cars loaded Tuesday with wheat
for Fort William.
rtnr �.
IIINGSTox.-In Wingham, on Sept. 9th, the
of Ad. Kingston; a daughter.
IrtvrlE.-In Morris. on September 12th,
the wife of Mr. Samuel Irvine: a daughter.
Hs;gar s. -In Palmerston, on August 80th, the
wife of Lincoln Hembly, formerly of Wingham;
a daughter.
rn,ohewife x.-Inofavid owicl:, ttr eona ,son., on Sept,
18Wth,tDHlvileoOn ;
S'rnoxG.-In Howicic, 0th eon on Sept 10th,
the wife of John Strong; a daughter.
MAusvx-HAsTrxra,- In Turnherry,on Sept.
17th. by Rev. W. J. West, M. A.. Thos. Martin
to Miss Lizzie Hastings. both of Turnberry.
PAItIAII-KL1 Tx4CanoTTT.-Iu Wingham, on
September 17th, by Rev N. S. Burwash, John
HenryParieh, of Wroxeter to Miss �f any Ann
Kleinschroth, of Ethel.
Blyth. Wsnxxie-Htcxs.-1n Howiclt on Sept 17th,
Miss Bessie Craig, of Walkerton, is
visiting witn her sister, Mrs. E. H.
Misses A. and B. Gray, of Teeswater,
were visiting with Wingham friends
this week.
Mr. W. Tucker and Miss Maud Tack-
er spent the past three weeks with
friends in Blyth.
Mrs. Robt. Mclndoo is spending a
few weeks with relatives and friends in
Teterboro and vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wiggins, ofDun-
gaunon, were visiting with Wingham
friends during the past week.
Mr. Wm. Bone, of Rockwopd. has
been spending a few days with Wing -
ham and Wawanosh friends,
Mr. F Purdy, of Paisley, and Mrs. C.
Terry, of New York, visited with their
brother, Walter Purdy, a few days last
Mr. Frank McGuire is spending a few
holidays at Fort William and Duluth.
He went on the steamer, "Manitoba" I
from Owen. Sound.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Maguire are in
Harriston to -day attending the marriage
of Mrs. Maguire's sister to Mr. J. W.
Fisher, of the Crown Life Insuraneo
-Mr. and Mrs. . R
s ob Groves U ove
s were sum-
moned home from Georgetown Ia't'
owing tothe seams illness
of the
latter's mother, Mrs. II, "Smith, of
Francis street.
by Rev, E. A. Hall, C. T. Werner of Danville to
to Miss Delina J. Hicks of Howie.-.
Wxr,Tz--Hor.T--At the residence of the bride's
parents. 4th con. of Howick, on Sept. 0th, by
Rev. E. A. Hall. C.We1tz, of Winrton to miss
Ella, youngest daughter of Anthony Holt.
TnoMsox-HAWKSOAw.-On Sept. 10, at the
Rectory, Ripley, by the ltov..T. H. McLeod.
Mr. Henry James Thon pson of the of
Greenock, to Miss Lizzie Hawkshaw township of the
Township of Kinloss.
SrI wAnT-HorsTex.-At the residence of
the brides father•, on dept. lOth, by Rev. D. B.
McRae, Mr Matth.•tiv J, Stewart to Miss Sophia,
daughter of Mr. Jas. Houston, all of Grey.
SaorTst:xn-lleMA(N.- At the residence of
Mr. W. J, Dickson. McKillop, on Sept. 17th, by
Rev. M. G. ,lerrow, a�siste'1 by Rev.' C. R.
Csuseellen, B. A. Mr. John ahorteed, of Morris,
to Miss Alice McMann, of McKillop.
- DIED .,
BRowrx.-In Emery, nn Arig, 2,.1,Editlr Brown
,sister of Angus Bro,vn,of (1rov, aged 10 years.
PC(ilt.-In Blnevale, on Sept. 82nd, Elizabeth,
relict of the late Hdnry C Pugh, aged 75 years.
Wu WoodsMek, on Sept;,mber 4'3 .1,
Samuel West, father of Rev. W. J. West, of
Bluevale, aged 82 years.
Night calls at Button Block, or Fifth
door south of School House. Shop op-
posite Macdonald block.
tr- 1Ir
r EKE NOE that the s s. of land in the
Town of Wingham for $rears of taxes has
ins•n adjonrnrd till Sari day, the 4th day of
October, 1902,at 4 'cin p.m., when the fol-
lowing real propdttj••s ill again be offered for
saleo tnaaeal,y.
on north side �ie
Peter i'ivl •r's original mill rrsr•rvr;
Central part Lot No. 27 on east side Edward
street; Edward Foley's subdivision of Park
Lots 1 and).
and the north-west part of iot
No. 4 on east side Josephine street, (the old
Abell property t.governln 'tit additional survey.
J. B. FSR ITTSON, Treasurer.
Winghain, Sept. 25t11, 1902.
JAS. HENDERSON, Winglia , Ont.
For the Counties of : t on and Bruce. Sales
of Farm Stock and I , emetics a specialty.
All orders left at t to TIMES office promptly
attended to.
Terms reasonable.
Milder Bros. proprietors of the Wingham
Evaporator, will begin operations here :on the
15th or September. They will pay the highest
market )rices for all kink of apples according
to quality. Packers culls, windfalls, etc„ in-
cluded, delivered at the Factory, Alfred street,
Parties having apples to sell will do well to
sec us before selling, as We contract for the
whole orchard, -shaken orf, -suitable for dry-
ing purposes. We also buy windfalls, if not
too surall or soft.
MAHLER BROS., Proprietors.
One hundred acres -sixty acres cleared. forty
acres bush and slush; a quantity of good timber,
pine. cedar, ash, elm, beech and maple. Fairly
good buildings, two good wells, plenty of water.
20 dozen .
Window Sha0„sSha'des
and. 300
Curtain Poles
Having purchased the balance of a stock of
Hand -made Window Shades from a firm retiring
from the business, we are in a position to give
you the very best standard Shades at cut prices.
The goods are all new, made for the coming fall
trade. They are well assorted, mounted "on
Hartshorn Rollers. Some.with heavy lace and
insertion, suitable for the front of . your house.
Call and see the goods and get prices.
S. Grneey'a former residence, BALL 13R05...
where night calls will receive
prompt attention. PHONE 51.
4-44.44.444- 4-1.4-4-444-44-44+44-4.44-444,44•44,44.,
4, Cig +
.1* ,l,
.. .4.
4. $ 4.
4.A very large stock to select from and we will sell
4.very cheap all through
4. �t-hiissmonntth and next. 4-
Within a mile and it half of i%']ritechurc 1•I51• .4
logo; good creamery, railroad and chili the=,
two general stores; good market for grain. No
incumbrance; half money can lay in farm if ';•
required at five_ {per cent.
Jeweler and Optician, , Headquarters for repairs.
Whitechurch, Sept 9th, 1102,
F• Proprieto';••:•4 • 3E ::l• •':, •IItr 4.444.4.4.4.++++++4.4.4•4"H-4.44+++.1. : mr•:•
Accounts Rents and Notes Collected. Con-
veyancing clone.
OFFICE -Over D. M. Gordons store.
RESILENCE-Leopold street.
Railway and Steamship Ticket Agency
VIE can hardly give enough emphasis to these special offers in beauti-
ful costume fabrics. At this time of the year you will know how'
and General Exchange Oaice. , to fully appreciate such price concessions.
Finest and shortest Routes to Cleveland, Ohio,
and all points.
Wingham to Cleveland - $8.05, Return 50.05
Wingham to Detroit - 2.05, Return 4.50
T,owest rates to the "Soo" and all points
north and west and New Ontario.
All these rates are First Cie,:a.
. Second Class rates lower still.
Stop - over privileges allowed.
Lowest rates to Europe. Reduced winter
rates by Elder, I1,enrpster and Co's. lines now
in force. Everybody should travel
Apply to-
Wingham, Ont.
Cook's Cotton Boot Compound
Is successfully used monthly by over
10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask
your druggist for or Cools o Cotton Root Com-
pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, guile and
imitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, $1 per
box, No. 2,10 degrees stronger, $3 per box. No.
1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 3 -cent
stamps The Cook Company 'Windsor, Ont.
responsible Druggists to Canadameuded by all
No. 1 and 2 are sold in Winglrant by A. L.
Hamilton, Colin A. Campbell, 11. A. Douglass
and J. E Davis Druggists,
$1.35 French Pirle Suitings for $1.10
50 inches wide, made from pure worsted yarns, in black only, color
absolutely fast, perfect finish, correct weight for unlined
skirts ; will make a handsome as well as a serviceable
tailor-made suit or separate skirt ; reg. $1.35, special at - $1.10
$1.10 Homespun Suiting for 75c.
58 inches wide, made from pure wool, iri brown, grey and blaek,
splendid weight for unlined skirts and tailor-made suits,
great wearing material, regular $1.10, special at - .75•
$ 1.00 West of England Serge for 85c.
58 inches wide, made from pure Botany wool, black is thoroughly
fast, has splendid finish and an endless amount of wear in it.
Regular price $1.00, special at - .85,
Our New Fall Mantles Have Arrived
And for style, workmanship, finish and material they surpass all
our previous buying efforts. We have a large assortment and can please•
you in quality, style and price. Come in and take a look through our
splendid stock. " No trouble to show these goods."
Beautiful Flannels and Cashmeres
From France._-=
We never saw a more tempting gathering of Flannels; Cashmeres.
for waists, and it's questionable if patterns as attractive as those we're
showing now have ever been equalled in color, blending and design.
There's a liberal assortment now on view in our store, so curve and
form your own opinion about these waistings. Not more than one or two•
waist lengths in eaeh piece, so they will not be common;
For PURE l:'ICKLING VINEGARS -GENUINE -Como to this store.
We sell J. D. KING & CO'S SHOES.
n11 'round good
market affords at all seasons, handle them
Gordononro whatwe sell the whole Teartou . ThP
.topie we present for yourattention is "fruits."
Need. wesay more Save that We getthe best the
carefully and aril them reasonably! Well,
we'll add this; We would like to have your
valued orders. Shall we?
3AS. Me1{ELV1E, Star Restaurant,
Direct Importer,