The Wingham Times, 1902-09-25, Page 6e 0 TRE WING11A I TIMES, SEPTEMBER 2; 1902, It ■ It -1 ■ ! ■ w� w Lit NIow13', in:Esticatirg the #food thoroughly, even. more, if possible, than is required in health. The more time the food upends in the mouth, the less ,it will spend in. the stomach. Avoid drinking at notal, in general, dyspeptic stomachs mirage dry food better tiiait . that containing enttich fluid. Eat neither very hot nor cold food, The best temperature is that of the body. Be careful to avoid enecee in eating. Eat no more than the wants of the system require. Sometimes less than is really needed must be taken when digestion is very weak. Strength depends not on what is eaten, but on what is digested. Never take violent exercise of any Fort, either mental or Physical, either just before or just after a meal. Nt.ver eat more than three times a day, and make the last meal very light. For many dyspeptics, two meals are better than more. Never eat a morsel of any sort between steals. Never eat when very tired, whether exhausted front mental or physical labor. Never eat when the mind is wotritd or the temper ruffled, if yoti can possibly avoid it. Eat only food that is easy of digestion, avoid- irg cutnplic:tted and indigestible di.hes, and taking Mut one to three courses at a meal. After meals take two ST. JAMES VPI RS, "7 bPileve $t. James Wafers 1 II e it a ate th« most eornuh«te enmbina- t ion of dra g far atrrngbthening ll a 1 't the nrtvony ,, stem I Iver mtt glassful with," of hot Dr. Robert M ei:style, )Price in Canada: $1.0 Q y Ediu,barg, Scotland. water. Six bottles for 55.00 They help stomach,' digest food and send the nutriment through the blood, and this is the honest way to get health and strength, the kind that lasts, develops and breeds the energy which accomplishes much. 2 tas ti • STVP IC STRENGTeTOW ? bac llACIi,WE lcif}iAf,NCRKnese'e- T"- fu11CTIotIAl.WROrOss \EY EN21CN THE BLOOD a 31RCN�r ` , THE CONSTITUTION - o▪ ndonb 9 ' aMontt' PRICE.-`eEATBRITAIN'%AMERICA alig all Dru ts & Chemist -. lsee 9gl) S' fruits 11 cfer..are nota secret 'rowdy: 1,, the anm. POWs duo tor, re• romnerdrng Them to lhetr patients w it the _formula upon,» ',goat. Where dealers are not selling the Wafers. they are mailed upon re- ceipt of prire nt the Cansrti•n Branch : St. limes Wafers Co., 1728 St. Cst"•erina St.. Montr:al. 1 KE , KF'NELS Sanctum Mill From the Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges A Mr. J. McKee of Pinkerton, Bruce Co. has purchased a newspaper at Indian 'dead. Dating the two weeks of the Toronto Nair 303 tickets were sold at Goderich for Toronto, Wm. Reynolds, one of the pioneer re- sidents of the Pike Lake neighborhood ,.of Minto, died last week. iie was 74 years of age. There is no for:' ot kidney tronbfe, from.. buckiiche (town to Bright's disease, that Douu's Kidney Pills ♦rill not relieve ur cure. If you are troubled with any kind of kidney complaint, use i)oan's Kidney Pills. The tanuery at Teeswacer, which has not been in operation for a number of years is again to be put in motion. Ars- cott Bios. of London, are the new pro- piietors. Wur. Wallace,of Petrolia,was married at Goderich ou Tuesday of last week to Miss lMiuuie May Spruug. Rev. J. W. apisinson performed the ceremony at Win home of the bride's parents. -At the,Methodise parsonage,Ceutralia, en Wednesday, Sept. 3, Miss Huttou, only daughter of ):Bev. B. L. Hutton, i"ormeriy of Goderich, wus married. to Fred W.1V1c1)uuaid, L. D. S., of Detroit. To make money it is necessary to have a clear, deign t ural' tc cool beau tree, Iron,. pato, auu ebruug, vigorous nerves. 7tiltttenu e Heart uuu nerve; Yips invigor- ate gnu bria11teu one brain, streuguten the nerves, mat remove au heart, nerve and main mutinies... Mrs, McDonald, wife of John S. Mc- Donald, ex -Al, P. P. for Ueatre Bruce, died at ner home near Ripley on 'Thurs- day of last week. Deceased was ut fur poly a sew weeks, The Goveruinent cold curing rooms for chetise at Woodstock, Brookville, Cowaisville and at. Hyacinthe will be closed at the enat of present mount and reopened .next summer. We lean that over 500 persons had registered their ILiites iu the registry book ot the Huron Old boys' Aesociatiou tent on the fair grounds Li Termite dur- ing the fair. This is an appreciable fact for the Old Boys of that city for their labors. Good health is impossible without regular action of the towels. Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills regulate the bowels, cure constipation, dyspepsia, biliousness, sick headaches and all alfoctious of the organs of digestion. Price 25 cents. All druggists. W. E. Porteous, the Wallace thresh- er, whose arta was ground off in a ma- chine recently surprised his friends by returning to work in a few days. He is attending the engine, and appears to be as well as ever except for the Ioss of his terra. Mr. A. 3. Moore, E. A., of Goderit,ot, whose, sadden death was reported in our last lane, had been on the staff of the oriel Collegiate Institute for 22 eats. Ha was principal of the George. Witrace=le school prior to going to Tu polities he was a Liberal >ion,aPresbyterian. Through- Osillarlah his death is mourned by sad ee4, sad many tutpeer pupils - abroad will testis Ithe sad in. 'pry dtwp distress. Mr. Malcolm McLean, postmaster at Walkerton, who has been postmaster for fifty years. is 84 years of age, and yet Bale and hearty. This year's Torouto fair was the big- gest fair Toronto ever had. The atten- dance was 394,010, and the total receipts exceeded those of last year by $30,000. Wm McAllister purchased 30 two year old steers frum Resist. Dilworth, Ethel, for tbu neat stun of $1300. They are a fin;) lot and will make the new owner 50tne money. Mrs. Win. Thomas, nee Miss Lydia Bender, of Listowel, died at Norwich last week from. ty phoid fever. Deceas- ed was 25 years of age and been married Only 17 months. For Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infaututu, Cramps, Colic, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, and Summer Complaiut, Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt, safe and sure cure that has been a popular favorite for nearly 60 years. Mr. John Ament, of Brussels, has 'purchased an old hotel property, at Mill, bank. He is tearing down the old structure and is erecting a large heading factory in its place. Mr. Ament will mo -:e to Millbank. David McKeever, the ten -year-old son of Mr. William McKeever, on the second concession of Elma, a short distance from Listowel, was thrown from a wag- on on Tuesday and so injured that he died in a few minutes. British Troop Oil Liniment is withnnt exception the most effective remedy for Ones, Wounds. Ulcers, Opeit Sorest rheumatism. Bites and Stings of In- sects. etc. A large bottle 25 cents. Get one at your Druggist's. Mr. Wm. Acheson has sold Isis farm, lot 3on the 3rd con. of Hallett. to Mr. Thomas McMichael, who lives across the road. The farm contains 100 acres and has on it a good house and fair buildings The price paid was $6,200. This year Mrs. Wrn. McKenzie, of Teeswater, made twelve entries of fancy goods for Kingston Fair and secure•) eleven first prizes and one second; she also exhibited at Ottawa and made the same record which certainly is very creditable indeed. Charles Blashill, formerly of Brussels, and Miss Nellie, daughter of 13. W. end Mrs. Boston, of London, were united in marriage ou Wednesday evening of last week, at the residence of the bride's parente, 174 John street. May their years of happiness be many. Mr. Blashill is a resident of the Forest City and has been for some years. Mrs. Mary McTavish, relict Of the late Duncan McTavish, passed away at her home in Shakespeare on Friday morning at the age of 76 years. The deceased lady was born in Glenquaich,Perthehire, Scotland, and with her father the late John Crerar, and other members of the family, came to Canada when she was a child and resided on lot 21, eon.1), North Easthopo, where she lived until her mar- riage, when the young couple took ilp residence on lot 18, con b of the sante township. Mr. McTavish died in 1850, and shortly afterwards his widow moved to Shakesbeare, where she lived up to the time of her death. Iklr. T1►os. Suell, principal of Mu h- woodpublic school. died, on Sept. 8th, aged 32 years. Deceased had bee ill for $cuta MOM lia with liver end i Heart trouble, but it was until quite recently that the disease assumed a serious nature, so that the news of hie death crone as a severe shock to many. —4.020 doenttients were registered at the Bruce Vomiter Registry Office last year on which the fees amounted to $4504.50. :)37 mortgages were register- ed anti Mt discharges of mortgages, 145 wills, 110 leases, and 1407 deeds, were re- gistered, 115 mortgagee registered were for $5000 and the aggregate amount was $1,215,235.65. The l)wy or Miracles Its past, but many who are cured of itoldug, bleeding or protruding piles by the itse of Dr. Chase's (Nutmeat look upon their recOvery as the next thiug to miraculous It is not uncommon for persons a ho have nlldergoI1e painful, risky and expensive operations In vain to be fi.uaily cured by this wonderful oint- ment. It is the standard the world over and the ouly gua auteed cure for piles. The face of King Edward on the new Canadian coinage is turned to the right, while thiteof Qiieieu. Victoria on the old coinage is turned to the left. The reason for this is- that for upwards of 200 yeare wherever there is a fresh coinage after the accession of a new British monarch the head of the new =parch ou the new coin faces in the opposite di- reetiou to that of his or her immediate. predecessor. Early Wednesday morning, Sept. 17, Mr. Wm. Pullman, of the West Ward, Mitchell started on foot to assist his brother, Thomas of Efibbert, at thresh- ing. He was in the very best of health and as cherry as usual. As soon as work began lie was assigned a position ou the.stack. ae.k. About au hour later he was seen to fall, and when reached life was extinct. Deceased was 73 years of age. Burdock Blood. Bitters is a purely vegetable combination, that in a safe and natural manner acts directly upon 1 the Bowels. Liver, Kidneys and Bluod, cleansing the eutire system of all I impurities, foul humors and obstructions that poison the blood aur' create disease. George Lowry, Princess street, Brus- sels, who was thrown out of a buggy three weeks ago and had his left shoulder dislocated, is improved quite nicely although not able to resume work yet. He might have broken his neck as there was not a back ou the buggy seat and when the horse shied• at some children swinging, Mr. Lowry was thrown backward out of the conveyance. Several people, who are selling steel ranges in this vicinity, are making their headquarters at the Qneeu's hotel. They have several wagons driving, through the country and must do a big business or else have abnormal profits if they are making it pay. The steel range is sold about :118 above the price which local hardware merchants ask for the ranges they carry.—Oreugville Banner. A Feeling of Security. Our patrons entrust their prescriptions to us for filling with feeling of security and confidence. They know that the ut- most care is exercised. and only the best and purest drugs supplied. Our stock of imported Perfumes and fine Toilet prep- I ar•ttions is large and most complete midi our prices the lowest. i PAINES CELERY COMPOUND The medicine that is making thousands 1 well and strong. is our best seller from t day to day. For rheumatism. neuralgia, I liver and kidney troubles and rundown condition, we strongly recommend Paine's Celery Compound. It'` gives woudrons and happy results to all who us it. v n ,r e We have thecooing Pain • „ e" s. C. A. CAMPBELL, DBUuuIST, Wingham, Ont. One of the early aucl most honored settlers of McKillop, in the person of Charles Dickson, passed peacefully away on Tuesday, Sept. Itith, aged 50 years. He was a Liberal iu politics and a Presbyterian in religion. Mr. Dickson was born in. Berwickshire, Scotland.I Over fifty-four years aro he was united in marriage to Ellen Melds, and in 1853, they, with their three children, and ac- companied by his father and mother, 1 brother George, still living in McKillop, and his sister cane to Canada and direct- ly to McKillop and settled on the farm • on which he lived till the tune of his death. Besides his aged partner, who for over half a century has shared his joys and sorrows, he haves a family of six sons and four daughters. They are Aclani, in "McKillop; Peter, in Manitoba; Mrs. Kibler, in Warren, Ohio; Mrs. Campbell, in Gorrie; Mrs. Gilbert Mc -1 Michael, in Hallett,; James, of Niagara i Falls; John and George, in Chicago; Thomas and Lizzie itt hens'. S<100 itewar,t, :a100. The readers of this paper will bo pleased to learn that there is at Least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitution- al disease, requiresHa constitutional treatment. all's Catarrh Care is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood end mueous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the founda- tion of the disease and giving the pa- tient strength by building pu the con- stitution and assisting nature in doing its work. Tho proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One litindred Dollars for any case that it, fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address,lj`. S. CnnNlw & Co., Toledo, Ohio, Sols by druggists, tic Hall's Family Pills aro the best. ACTS GENTLY , ' IJ ®iLR :AND DN014 S SOW L " G N5' SHE .SYSTEM LEA EFFECTUALLY; 015PELSO�pNSEA OAe�EV�RS s; • � „gvzRCoM:s B'rS� TIPATION [IABITUAL C°I PERMANENTLY. ITS B 'C° GtriF ECTS, " 1CJAL BUY THE GENUINE — !AMID BY 1LIAPREINIAFGSYRVPCI N. KYt<<e: „let Cts I..Crsre tai NVOR•. FOR SALE BY Alt DRUGGISTS. PRICE 50e.PER BOTTII; It is onr sad duty this week t0 clt uu- r eels the dent's of Pelee:li(+i,Hil, whivh occurred at the a-sylum in Denton • on Tuesday, Sept. ''slit. Some tilt el years ago the above nnnvd gr•ntleiitati re- ceived a gnu -stroke from which hi; mind became u'shale 11eed, end. he was taken to the above 'muted institution for treatment, but never recovered from the affliction which pro,lnceil his death Mr. McNeil, was boat in Coburg some 54 years ago, growing up to manhood in that place. After his marriage rt) Miss Ellen Clark, the pre+Hut bereaved wife, he moved to Iiincurdine aid settled on a farm 3 guiles onr. He was 'itccessful at his occupation and went to Cinton to re- side some twelve years ago Health for W •n. "Few theses 111 wine .important to a community than the health of its tt0 neo. If strong is the frame of the mother says tt proverb, the sous will give laws to the people." Ur. Clptse's Nerve IFood is especially' wetuan•k medicine. By its action on elle+ blood and nerves it gives strength and vigor to the delicate feminine orgais artd ensures their regu- lar and healthful function-. It gives color to the pale, strewth to the weak, and a rounded form to the thin and angular. New Patents .Crnadian Patents.— C. J. Stainton, B. M: Armst!rcnes & J. II. .grouse, valves ; 3. II'. Termer, wire stretchers ; G. Emery, Speed and propelling' mech- anism for b:cycles and ether foot driv- ing machinery ; A. Brouillard & M. "Peahen; water ctcset ventilators ; J. Kippen and R. if..t ppen, automatic milk agitators ; J. C. Fountain and J. Schram, device for delivering exhaust ;steam and water. to the boiler; F. L. H. Sims, machines for , 'generating ncetylenc from carbide of calcium; II. Larose. Baling Dresses ; S. George, valves. U S. Pntenta.— 0 II. Bureaneinteal. T. I1:,wthu.rn•:+, ccmbin• d perforating, ring forming an '.n; erting nlacl:inery ; H. L. McGowan, :signaling machine; T. F. 2lieian en, car 'counting ; w. A. ixsat':refsos; F. Third, jr., ear- burvier ; A. elV. 'lob:neon, .dredge: bucket ; A. W. Itobineen, -boom for dredges, cacavaters, etc., A. W. Rob- inson, bolsi gear for dippsr buckets for woe upon dredges, steam shovels, etc. ; Marini tits veli; C. W. Veltman, air cooling and purifying epparatus. This is the new scientific remedy for backache, lame or weak back, gravel, Bright's disease, diabetes, dropsy, and all kidney,ebinslder and, urinary troubles of young or old. If your back or kidneys th bo ler you, just try Ike I'trcxl,n's BAC .- ACI11 KlBMX 'TAaS.Lls. They'll convince you they're good by euring you* Plied 50c. a box, at all druggists or sentbymail, Tian T)it. 'LISA PITCHED. Cu,, Tomato, Oai. To Teach Ft rtn Pupils l.it real. Sept. 13.—The party of tlt•itis.t etlucutienists who 0utne to tills •'. unt ry for the parpal:i of becoming (e a:lint l with its trseurccs and cap - •til t.e,+ h,v: return •d here efter the r nlr, to the, number of thirteen, and +fa'c't for England to -day by the Par- ish C, '1'tfey eeprees 111 nitcls es potted •vitb .v het they sew. of the country. Dr. 1•y, ce 13erkletmstcd, England, stetes dell the project of cetablishing a training Ctrm in the Northwest wi;i l.c en rile 1 out, starting on a small scale, but working larger as ;t demonstrates its usefulness. The pupils of this farm who will comet from England, will spend two summers on the farm and 1 winter, at the Guelph Agricultural School. , ' , • , • 1••••••••••••••••••611* P7nt. Jaekson, 4th line, 'Morris, who it - 83 ,S3 years old, ntten,k.rl 'Toronto fair Iast w tel;, Mr, Jauleson, though udvaneed in ttge no nine's, thinks it ti please eta tr talte his gun and hound for a da}•'l- sport, burl appsrautly enjoys it a3 web ase person hall' of his age. Me. Ja"k 4011 And Mr, Win. Herne), of the 8t lit)a of Morris, are said to be the t wt oldest hien in the township, both of them houhg over 88 years age, nod so , far as any visible appearance goes, may live many years 'yet. ■ To prove to you that Dr. pi ea Chtist:'s Ointment is a certain and absolute cure for each and every form of itching, blecdingand protruding piles, the manufacturers have Amara it. Seo tea• lmonisla in the daily press and ask your neigh. hors what they think or it You can use it and get tour money back if not oared. sae n, box. at all dealers or EDMANSOI ,B.1TES & Co.,Toronto, E r� Chase's Ointment RFE!�1LF w,.�.�aaagr Canada's Great Family Paper Absolutely Free We have male arrangements with the publishers of the Family Herald end Weekly Star of Montreal by which we can offer a subscription to that greatest and best of all Family Weeklies for the balance of 1002 ABSOLUTELY FREE To every person paying 30c for a subscription to the Wingham Times for the balance of 1902, we will have the Family herald and Weekly Star mailed direct from that office for the sante period without charge. This is without doubt the greatest offer ever made to the public of Can. ads, and the sooner it is accepted the more you get. To our Present Readers • Any present subscriber whose sub- scription to the Wingham Times is in arrears can have the Family Her- ald and Weekly Star free for the balance of the year by paying up arrears, and those not in arrears can have the Family Herald and Weekly Star for the balance of the year by paying next year's subscription dur- ing September. Address or call at THE 'TIMES OFFICE, `Vin Bain, ` h but. mea% OUR BEAUTIFUL NEW Summer GOODS Are in. - See our $ 16, $18 AND $20 SUITINCS Before buying else- where. Also a special line of PARTINGS. Every- thing you want in the Tailoring line can be had and satisfaction guaranteed. R. MAXWELL. HIIiII AUT TAIUM. '"it lose GOLD mar twins do your work." Don't plod along like your grandmother clid before you, scouring and scrubbing; bending and rubbing. O ' ++F DD makes housework easy. It cleans everything and injures nothing. More economical than soap. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRF3ANK COMPANY, Chicago. Now York, Roston. St. Louis. Montreal. i vvvlavV dvdvvvvvorvvvvvvvvvw Clubbing Offer. nnnnAnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnNnnnn. The WinAhdm Times Together with any one of the following weekly papers TORONTO WEEKLY GLOBE TORONTO WEEKLY SUN MONTREAL WEEKLY WITNESS FAMILY HERALD AND WEEKLY STAR TORONTO MAIL AND EMPIRE Will be sent to New Subscribers till January lst, 1903. Fon 30 Gents. Subscribe now and get two papers for 3 months at they price of one. - THE TIMES announces the following low - rate - Clubbing Offers for 1902-03':— Times till Jan. 1st, 1904 $1 00 Times and Weekly Globe, with premiums, for.1 year 1 60 Times and Weekly Witness 1 60 Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, with premium 1 75 Times and Weekly Mail and Empire.. 1 75 Times and Western Advertiser 1 40 Times and Weekly Sun 1 75 Times and Daily Globe.. 4 35 Times and Farmers' Advocate,., 1 85 We could extend the list, but it is not necessary. give you clubbing rates for • any newspaper or We can, magazine published. The above are our FIXED RATES, marked down so as to admit of no. reduction. Therefore there is no use asking for cheaper rates. Give THE TIMES a trial subscription -from now to January 1st, 1903, for - - 15 cents Call at the office, or address -- THE TIMES, Winghara, - .. w - Ontario, }