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The Wingham Times, 1902-09-25, Page 2
. ,�„ w.- • ., :-.-,. .- _fir• . 'Mx'`' . . e THE %VINGIIA I TIME , S ."TENDER 25, 1902 IniTenelelanni tnet. Fair Dealing That Would Pay. I Matttand Presbyterial Society. Ix'e PAYS T(/ Candi an 'Trade with the mother • The aimual roavention of Maitland country *amnia be conducted on the 1 Presbyterial Sudety wne shell in Mel. ;g,rent,rrO">:'T.nueeteneaax:rneoxiehxxetha prlueipal followcei by the wistt grocer viae church, lrnssets, onTuet,tlayafter- -...- -. • ^"'^" I who hue got a few test orient from a uaou mid evening of last week and was THURSDAY, SEPT. 25, 1902. stunwho may become alavish oustotuer. oue tall of interest and be1pfallnera to Under sut'h circustai'ees, the grocer is those who atteuded. WM% gores 14 unci le year. ,f age tuba t+pend $ .:, .: .., .,. _..,...- .., or 10mune,s et WHAT UTIriEF PAPSHS SAY. excreeniely careful -whet goods be wilds Rev. A. Me:Cab, M. et.. of W'altottahe {, h to hisnew patron, Be manes sure that President. <ievnylon the chair, the after- The Canada Business College Dewet says he wishes to be loyal. In ; every egg is froth and every box .of I noon sect;ion open -lug at;? o'.eluct: with CHATHAM, ONT. that tie he shonld join the Conservative! s beeei,ee good to the bottom. Otherwise party its South Afrion, or his loyalty will; be tntay lose by earelesseese or petty never be recognized. -Toronto Stat'. trickery hundreds of dollars' worth of Sixty thoneaud children in New York trade• the bytes "Glory be to God the immtdkitelyaftergraduation go out and bat? re• jx,sitiuns aft i0 and }7 per Heck. Father." The 4th erluepter of Nehemiah W e peeve ut the pi vn.L• man"•nt eati.4 for See rate stenugraphertr. aun tateotheeper's, where WAS read and prayer •ofi'erecl. • the wugestete rednre from Veto 4a) 1i. ratiuuth, „Blest be the- tie that libels," was teat , ieelcannot ttfll,tor os tui, to prepared ore tat without acroulanodation and teaaeliiu$• This is precisely Canada's position to- heartily Sang after Ivhielt Rev. G. M. tt. secLACtii.,t i x Co., Clea.T114.1ir, ONT. New York is a great city -for ietilltoih• day in. Great Britain. We have.only as !Dime, of Whiteebueeb, was called upon axles and educated people.-Kiil stow set a, few test orders, Bat from the re, to introduce the ituportaut ropio "What Whig. ; ports that come back from time to time. are the purposes Of Young People's• p•Q QST Coke and soft coal, in alternate layers, it is to be feared that we do not always Societies aucl are these being measurably are said to be a successful substitute for : take the necessary pains to snake the , attained?" anthracite. his fact xaay be of some goods delivered staud the teat. value before the sinter is aver.-Hamil- Now it is the oust short-sighted fo11v ton Herald. c possible. The num who saves a dollar Mr. Whitney Bus prostponed the over- or two by slipping poor apples iuto his throw of the Ross government for six barrels inevitably losee hundreds of dot - months, This is kind of Mr. Whitney. lars in future trade forhituself, and robs 11fr. Ross will make the date six }ears- his fellow Canadians of thousands which or later,--Ssocevilte Recorder. t they would bare won by fair dealing. John'Bnll has old fashioned notions Bnsiness Law, "Writing, Correspond - about doing business ou Honor -as well Finable for our Youiig Peoples Socie- cute, its a quite ap-tp•date . nntv111ingties,l to des?"He thought the topic system was Typewritin;, etc,, thoroughly taught by experienced teachers at the be swiuclled-and lie is very slay about probably better for the prosperous days that have passed but for the time to come a proper trainiug, an assimilating Forest City Business and Short - Of the best is necessary,hence the neves` hand College' - London,Ont, of an educative course. ' Rev. Mr. McNab thought a special course of study would interest us more We have no ditllculty in placing tom - than the present system, Endeavor petent pupils in goods positions. College means a striving after and if so,achieve- re -opens Sept, 2.. Send for Catalogues. ments are ours. Rev. Rutherford into the Presbyterian Rev. D. Perrie, of Wiuglmam, ecce J W. WESTER F.LT, - Principal. Church of Canada the accessary great adyautages to time young people if Rev. Mr. Anderson of Wroxeter,open- ed the discussion. In thought we often expected too much of young people. it was not their tnlssiou to create interest as this was essential before we go into the organization. Barrister Blair, of Brussels, discussed the subject ",,ere random topics or con- tinuous courses of study the more des - SHORTHAND . FOOKaKEEPINQ The "made in Canada" campaign gets a favorable word front the Hanhilton; Times, apaper that hag never quit tryia g to fix things so that nothing would be made in Canadabut sugwbatls.-Sinteoe Reformer. H. P. Moore, of The Acton Free Press, in an .account of his trip to the Methodist general conference at Win- nipeg, tells of an amusing incident which occured daring the examination of the hand baggage by the United States customs olllcer as the party passed through Sarnia tnnuel. As the o:fieer was examiznng the grip of oue Of the E permission having been received from conuexional officer of the church several 1 the General Assembly. Leave of absence playing carps dropped ont of then rerereucl *putlelnalm's bag. Of course' was greeted to Rey. J. Ross, of Brns- 1 seas for four- mouths dating from July Tice declared he knew nothing about 1st. 1902; or for six, shouid the state of them, nor bow they got there, but be I his health demand it. A resolution of had to endure a lot of gcod•uatured smy panly with Me. Ross in his illness repeating orders which have once brought him "short measure." Presbytery of Maitland. The Presbytery of Maitland met in lsielville Church, Brussels, on. Tuesday, Sept. pith. A Committee with Presby- terial power was appointed to receive they entered on a systematic study of the Bible. It is the ally source of in- spiration. Keep out the extraneous. An intelligent audience will give au in- telligeut pulpit. Rev. J. J.Hutto, of Belgrave, e , was called upon for an anaress on the very banteriflg the remainder of the day.- was also passed. Standing Committees live question, "Necessary Equipment Work." ,Galt Reformer.e for the year were also appointed as for service in Christiau�udeavpr R• cele. follows: -Finance --Revs. Ross,Malcohn The audience was thoroughly aroused • FIGHT IT OUT. !Anderson & their elders; Augmentation The Windsor Record stye that coali- --Revs Ross and West &o.; Home tion talk savors of surrender t i the Missions --Revs. Murray and McLeod, Tories, and advises the Ross Goreru• Smith &c,; Sabbath School -Revs. ment to nail its colon: to the mast and ! Miller, Whaley, McKay &e.; Church stand or fall with them. This is the i Life and Work -Revs Dnnu, Maxwell, proper spirit. The Liberal party has a dMcFarlane &c.; Statistics -Revs. Ball - record of thirty one years iu power of , autyue, Anderson, McKay &o„ Y. P. trhieh it need not be ashamed. Mistakes Societies--Revs.Hastie,West and Whaley have occurred, errors have crept in, 8134141m, ;Benevolent Funds -Revs. Malcolm; things at times bavenot gone altogether E McNab, McLennan &c. Revs. McRae right, but despite it all the Liberals havet ;and MoNab were appointed auditors to done much for Ontario, and, although, ( exmanine the Treasurer's books and re - over tlurty years in power, they have " port at the meeting in December. Revs. not stooped to the wholesale robbery of Dunn & Maxwell were appointed as the public chest which disgraced the ! the representatives of the Presbytery Dominion Government at a tune when on the Exectntive of the Y. P. Presh. they were in power less than fifteen s Association. It was agreed appointed on motion of Reeds. Messrs Wnaley and over this topic. Rev. Mr. Whaley, of St. Helens, sug- gested that we, should look for sources of strength withont asiweil as within. God. Almighty sends ns and it is His work as well as ours. No one eau hinder us. Oars is a particular, personal work and we should feel thio. We will have to answer by and by for oar opportuni- ties and privileges. • Tho last topic for thh afternoon, "In what specific way should the Young People serve the Congregation?" was dealt with by A. H. McLeod, B. A„ of Brussels. Rev. Anderson and McNab took part in the discussion. Following office beaiiers were elected Years. It is -Dot corroptiolt nor dishon- ► }rev. C. Rutherforrl, subsegneut''to his esty that is apparently driving the 1 reception, as ordained missionary iu Liberals from power. The Liberals Dungannon for one year dating from leave- been in power so long that it , June lst., 1902. The Presbytery sug- appears many are anxious for a change. gested the names of Rev. John Kelman "A new broom sweeps elean," says an , of Edinburgh, Scotland, ,tRev. and Dr. old saw; but the Whitney broom will be Johnston of London Ont., as those of a clean sweeper if it keeps the public de -;persons mutable for,; the Chair of partments any cleaner than has the Lib-' Apologetics in Kuox College, Mr. eral 'broom, The people have been 6 McLeod was certified to Knox College strongly attached to party government' for the third year theological course. and note that the issue is being ,closely The Presbytery adjourned to meet in drawn, let them play the game out, and: Wingham on Tuesday, Dec• 16th., at 10 "cnrst be he that first cries, 'Hold, ; a. m R. S. G. ANDERSON Clerk. enough I' "-London News. Goderich Asstxes. Facts for Business Men. Goderich, Sept.18.-Allen v Andrews.e good of advertising is in the way �_-itis done The wistlam of the merchant Stewart:--President,yRev. Jno. Ross. v Brussels; Vice -Pres., Rer,F.J. Maxwell, Ripley; Ree-Secretary,Rev.J. J. Hastie, Belgrave; Treasurer, Rev. G. M. Dunn, Whitechurch; Councillors, J. 11. Cam- eron, Brussels; Miss J. Wilson, Wing - ham; Miss Annie Ferguson, Walton; and W. C. Gordon, St. Helens. After announcements and collection the ofternoon session was concluded by singing "My hope ism;, built on nothing less." and prayer by Rev. Dr, Moffatt, Secretary of the Tract Society. At the evening session, Miss Calder, ecretary-Treasnrer,presented the annu- al report from the Society from which the following facts were gleaned: --667 members in the Iii organization; 439 g iu Toronto from the' members of the churoh. Total amount seizure of tic cars of cattle shipped by is shown by loris action in handling the received for missions $186, a shortage of defendant. Allen claiming that S. Au- various branches of his business. The g $90 still reported; $224 raised for con - ft drews, against whom he held a claim, waq to accomplish it is to ;o main a was part owner, resulted in judgment thing in the way that most certainly for defendant, with costs, his Lordship; promises the result. Whether it is eel - dispensing with the jury. Mabee, K.O. Fertising in itself, or conducting the other business features of the establish.. went, it must be done with care, deter Hays for defendant. Coke v. Smith was good one "The Heritage of our Young watiou and intelligence. There are People„ and was well -handled- He gregatiouat purposes. Report was adopt- ed. Rev. R. W. Ross, M. A., of Gnelph, 3 was introdnced after, "Kearer my God Stratford, for plaintiff; Proudfoot and to Thee" was sung His topic was a a sensational case. The 'plaintiff a. man ,reasons Tvlmy business will not come to of forty, residing near rnsseTs, sued some men. Itis because they repel busi- i gave a bird's eye view of time a defendant. a womanof i2, with a grown1 features, products, &c., of thisis great uess. There are reasons why business up family, who now resides at Guelph, ;wilt came to others. It is because then Dominion. He urged the necessity of for breach of (itemise of marriage ' right foundation a broad life and the nett how to make that b for $2.:,00. The defence, admitting the t'' business pay, infectious influence of Christian zeta. , after carefuli . considering all ea- techuicai right to sae, head paid in one :•' y A theftThe concluding address was given by ares of the basiness it is advisable to get cent as t'omnpensation- The jury's nerd - b P.ev. Dr. MacKay, of Toronto. His was the best ones incorporated in the work ]] ; letegave the widow burl, her cent mid in hand. In advertising make the best la practical talk a.ong the ways and decided against plaintiff, jor plaintiff K.. of rue points which viii iusnre business means of talking up Forward Mission C., and W. Si. u Io:xair jor pl:eiutifZ; ; sa^e•.s3 Make -the statments so plain work. Guthrie, 11.C., Guelph, for ci'+felettnt. Moved by Mr. Whaley, sceondeel by Vie ahw l!' iihririall'S IS In almost every case where woman Seers itom ills peculiarly feminine the „tease is to be found in as weakened and exhausted condition of the syeetn. The nerves are depleted and the blood thirt and watery. If medicines bave failed to Cure. it is because the wrong treatment Inas been used. Mrs. }teary Clark, Port Hope, Ont., states :--" I have nsed seven bo es of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food for nervousness and a completely run down system, and can /motile, recommend it es a wonderfully effective treatment. Before using this remedy I had been in very poor health for some months. I reamed to have no mayor ambition, felt tired and listless most of the time, and could Scarcely drag myself about the house. I WAS weak, irritable and nervous, could not sleep l Geo. i., Mcleod', of nailer Idaho, fuels and felt discouraged about my and forcefull that there won't be any 3i_ McLeod that this Presbyterial Soeie- donbt about the results. Say what ie ty p1Fd;;e: itself to rPree :�..as0 this year ). Cant and say it in a way,that customers far the gesupportt t F missionary sm the - will know what is :neat. Put value in- to the announcements so that value may :.ertimweat. Carried. came from. them. The early start on The choir sang `•Ile will forgive then - -- - any campaigu is the best r asoa for ex- now" and Rev. Dr. MacKay pronounced meting sure • results. The' push whichthe benediction after she dbswlogy was SPjare gives to the .business its life will also heartily 61111g. result in giving to the merchant his tip -to -Date Wedding Notice. O¢ t f sec tt•¢ f'€'0''4fik IC ..i. in the Vail 1 0 .,,, ,,,•, It is early, quite early, to ) talk of spring goods. But ¢ we have made ready to ;meet your wants when the 4 time comes. We're bound f f to be in the forefront. We are determined to win vil ¢your tailoring- account on ea • sheer merit. Every gar. 1 ment we turn out is a strong f bid for business. Its style aJ -its workmanship -its fit i -its Sappeal to 134 the good task a and ambitions 1 of the careful dresser. E. C..C,A.RKE1 i in the Shaw Block �6�1l�66&�fglfilftS6gf% There is absolutely no risk in purchasing your watches, fine jewelry and silverware from us. We guarantee safe delivery; we prepay charges and cheerfully refund money in full if desired. Our handsomely illus- trated catalogue will assist you very materially and may be had upon application. DIAMOND HALL. Established =d54. RYRIE, BRQS.y lenge and Ildeloet a Sts., TORONTO. e1:60St1On ,,,. The following is a gond example of the • . , � • . ':. mc7a;ecs dt:zrri;frcrf to cure all TOWN 1)IIU C'1')1LY. BAPTIST Cnunetr Sabbath services at ii a nl and 7 p in. Sunday School at ,3;80 p 1x1. General prayer meeting =Wednesday evenings. Rev. J. J. Pat- terson, B.A.,pastor. W.J.Cletputan, S.S. SnpCi Pat- terson., 1lfz rnonlsT Ciitutosl Sabbath services at 11 a m and 7 p M. Sunday School at 2:30pat. Epworth T,eagne every Mon- day evening. Greueral prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. Richard Hobbs, pastor. Dr. Towler, S. S. Sup- erintendent. PtcssarrentAN Ciioucii--Sabbath ser- ives at 11 a nn and 7 p re. Sunday School at 2:80 p in. General prayer meeting on Wednesday.eveuings. Rev, I1. Perrie, pastor and S ". Superinten- dent. ST. PAUL'S L'S CIGIRcx, ErIsconate-•Sub- bath services at 11 a en and 7 p in. Sun- day School at 2:80p mn. ;General prayer meeting ou Wednesday evening. Rev. Wim. Lowe, incumbent. F. Shore, S. S. Superiuteudent. SALVATION Aiur -St rvice at 7 and 11 a m and 3 and 8 p on Snnday, and every evening during the week at 8 o'clock at the barracks. POST OvrxoE--In Macdonald Block. Qf ee hours front 8 a m to 6:30 pen. Peter Fisher, postmaster. Mzoa.uxos' INSTITUTE --Library and free reading room in the Town Hall, will be open every afteliaoon from. 2 to 5:4ei o'clock and every evening from 7 to 2:80 o'clock, Miss Tillie Robertson, librarian. Town Coneuete-R. Vaustone, Mayor; Wm, Holmes, Thos. Bell, Robt. Aic. Indo°, J J. Elliott, W. F. VanStoue, A. J. Irwin, Coancillors; J. B. Fer- guson, Clerk and Treasurer; William Clegg, Assessor, `Wm. Robertson, Col- lector. Board meets first Monday even- ing in each month at 8 o',""clock. SCHOOL BOARD. ---11. Derr, (chairman), Thos. Abraham, J, J. Elliott, J. • J. Homnth, Wm. Moore, 'hos. Bell, Wm. I3uttou, 0. N. Griffin. 'Secretary, Wm. Robertson; Treasurer,°J. B. Ferguson. Meetings second Tuesday evening in each mouth. PunLlo ScnooL TEACHERS. -A. H. binsgrove, Principal, Miss Brook, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Mis Cornyu, Miss McLean, Miss Matheson Amiss Reid, and Miss Cnmmiugs. BOARD OF HEALTH --Mayor Vanstone, (ebairmaul, C. J. Reading, Thos Greg- ory, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, Sec- retary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical Health OMcer A/7er. WOO* 'gi el.oeftl^carinel R7ui Grmat English. rowdy. Sold and recommended by all drnggiste in Canada. Only reli- able ened.eine discovered. Six Of what' to clo, but howit should be done. . forms of SeItnafi'ti' erkn^ss all erects of abuse issouri up -to. ate style of doing wer3d - or crew Mental worry. Excessive use of To. There are ways to make advertising pay, fug notices:- • berm°. Opinm or stimulants. Mailed on .eeeipt There are men who never fail to ;;eta r,f price, one ac pr.)lit from advdrtisiug inveStnieut. The s ztc cTlie -Wood Comx►naay, WindrOr, C r i^ last Saturday ft T' ` "Married Miss Sylvia, Rha les to Jas.:Lewitt tcY P' rlphl is 1,•." ;:s. o n y addreS hem $1. six. $5. °ne tette' Tease. a na Sun as a ernoon. The only way to insure the returns is to study bride is an ordinarytown girl, who c > Velveteen a:I lam plans. adopt that whiH)a is best suited g r tVoo1's 1'hoapl:txline i. _ osl in lig doesn't know any mor© thane a rabbit It') a given business and die* keep push- • i I eou,nzlm A. a 3 pl� ih n. L.Druggists.i n. 1;. A. r v fah, ci never helt:ed. her; poor mother more thanthree days in her life. She is not a beauty by any means, $ +t'()tk13%+GX"Tit yK3. and has a gait like a fat duck. •;Bien undersigned having been restored to " r m is- I f im ba meatte + after mooring for 'The g oo well known bete as au health by 1? a tag along that hue until audcess COm38. health. f r. Chase's Nerve Fond has and brother of A. 11. McLeod, of Mel - taken away these symptonhs and given ' vine church, Brussels, has received the u to•dato loafer has en livingon the > several years with a severe Inng affection, and hack tit nasal health and vigor, "nue" p' + that dread diseaest Censor ttum, is mistimes to Tenni, I endorse it fully." S ' ilotllivatiofx at the Democratic and I'bp• Old folks all h'a 1'f and don't t make Itnown to his fellow sufferers the mt nnq Mists convention to the recordership of e h life , n on abacus et nitre. To tiio:4e who desire it, he will dime- if im e- I3lailltt cotiuty, Idaho. This will nueau, if elected, s salary of about $2500. Air. t Conearnp an. a , a rr , S, , Dr. Chase's 13i I.cod 1 ns lamer deputy clerk of the live together, and the 'News' hastens tel),„p„ pand 1 s�ufferthroatw ilt g itis Maladies. it R� so cents abox, at all deslers,orEdmali t rate, Bates 8r Ce., Termite. "They will have ;theta life while they Votrietton steed, n tl r'ina°•c tit ie Into "el 1 to anything nohow. fully soul (free of retar;get-a sofrty of tit' pre- cu� htrh ?at• ,will find a (!1511 for C , i `Sante county for the extend absolutely no cot)f ratlilatinns • frioaluel+le. R'ltrr; desiring the 7ireseription past fout'•sear for WO don't bel (t1l cerin. ,Bac a ttniou.--l;?t. \V lUD A. 'WILSON ooksyn New VSrk. Bldg.,-chkago. MISS DELIA SPARING A. T.Q.M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher Music Method, Simplex and Sindergarten. Pupils prepared for ,Conservatory examina- tions. PIANO ANtl THEORY. MISS RA LOU S A E MOORS Lead. and member of the Associated Musioiaus of Ontario, is prepared to receive a limited num- ber of pupils for instructian on Piano and in Theory. Special attention given „to pupils preparing for examinations. Residence -opposite R.;1. Church, Wingham. J. J. Elliott, V. S. Honorary Graduate of Ontario 'Veterinary College. Office and Infirmary miner of Victoria and Minnie Sts. Wingham. Day and night calls promptly attended to. Telephone connection. FARM ERS - 7.4sr/t 3L1$1Ikb 1672 THE WINGHAL .IMMES 1.0 mown= EVERY FRIDAY MORNING Tile Times Otllce, Resver >liot:l# WfNWfAbi, Qi"ITARIO. Trims or Straselthh'TtIx--41 J0 per annum in not et) paid. No paper discoo Unmet tillD nces ifarrears ars< paid, except et the option of the publisher. AnvEnrtstxct Raise. Legal andouter enema advertisements 5c per17en1,ariel line for first insertion, llu per line for welt subsequent insertion. 10c Advertisements petr line ornfilist iilsertleann are necharged me per line for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements of Lost, Fouad, Strayed, Farms for Sale or to Rent, and s,ndlar, SLOGfor first month and 50 cents for each subsequent month. Cowmen RAT S-T7it+folloµ following table stows our rates tor the insertion of advertisements for specified periode asses. 1 YR. SMO. R MO. 1 Mt' One Column ff0.00 $0.5.00 $15,00 SON' Half Column 85.00 IS.00 10,00 4.eu Quarter Column 15.00 10.00 0.00 x.00 Advertisemests without specifics directions will be inserted till forbid and turrets accord- ingly. 'Transient advertisements roust be paid for in advance. Tui: Joa DE1-Amra1}n a is stocked with an extensive assortment of all requisites for print- ing, affording facilities not &quelled in the county lortprning out first class work. Large type and r.Pl,ropr,ate eats for ail styles of Post - era, Hand Bills, etc., and the latest styles les of choice fumy type for the finer classes of printf Mg. H. B. ELLIOTT, Proprietor and Publisher and anyone having 1fve stock or other articles they wish to dispose of, shouid adver tise the same for sale in the Trams. Our large circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if you do not geta customer. We can't guarantee Hutt you 10211 sell because you may ask more for the article or [:tock than itis worth. Send your advertisement to the Trues and try this plan of disposing of your stock and other Bell Telephune Cempany OF CANADA. A new issue cf the SITS - SCRIBERS' DIRECTORY for the District of Western Ontario, including t h e WIN G H A M Exchange, will be issued early in September. 0rd.ers for new connections. changes of address, changes of names, duplicate entry of names, etc., should be placed at once to ensure their appearance., COLIN A. CAMPBELL, LOCAL MANAGER. TP. KENNEDY, M. U.. M. C. P. S. O . member of the British Mellen' Associa- 'tion.) Gold Mentalist in Medicine. Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Child ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. m.: 7 to 9 p. in. -.61, Y.,st 7r tr.g eta i RADE r'ieklet tt 4 'Coped:Gl47n &C. Anecno sending a chef rh end description mal• r:nirtly aslertatn nor osmics free whether ov i fvrntton is probably )rttr"t .ia Cnmmnnirrt Liens •' rlettyr"teident a1. it neibehltonPatent. Gorst free.tolAeatn fleecy r. euriegpatent'. PatentsbirMien 4 Co. rerrnm 83 r!- L,tofjCr, i it tent char:te, in the Scie ftfi A erica . A handeotnely tiladrated weekia. t ereest riff, eidetics of imp at:teretaa j i t,:e. A'ern:A. yeah:yffear ''}r menthe, el. 8u:d by .:1 netveileide-ty�a(.. CrO.I I°ita6A11.11 iCtit Vor ( .tach O9.' .1.5 T. et„t. e, :eeee' t. DR. 3fACDONALD, Centre Street Wingham, Ontario. • tf AAi TkD.-:l trustwortfiv gentleman or lady in emit eot.ntr to .menage/business for an old establichc d house of solid firaneial standing. A straight, bona fide weekly case salary of moo paid by eltuntr eaeh Weclneedwy with all ' etrhirlt tn,fll teat tht•rn u<�tltint>. an may prove expenses direct front bel etquerterd. Money Nerve Food fromh yj% ©t a b1r- fn • tvtit pie •taextddrss , 'Fier ups for expenses. Atatlager, JtO Caxton i , It ire an cod Can foal DR. AGNEW, Physician, Surgeon, etc. Office -Macdonald Sleek, over .T. E. Davis' Drug Store. Night calls answered at the office. T. CHISHOLM. J. S. CHISHOLM• 3t B. tt. cat.,.;ricr.s.o uta,atn,rar.,arcrso. DRS. 1- CHISHOLM & CHISHOLM PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS, Esc. Oprrcx--.Chisholm Block, Josephine street. It este: xce In rear of block, on Patrick St., where night calls will be answered. �r VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate ofintsrest. No commissionehere • 1, ort. gages, town and farm property bought and sokl. Office, Beaver Block. Witig'ham. TA. MORTON, BARRISTER, &c, Winghant, Ont. E. L. Dtcxrasox Dunnnv Eor acEs DICKINSON & HOLMES BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, Etc. bfoxEv NO LOAN. Orrres: Meyer Block, Wingham. Alt:ttttflt J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of thePennsylvanta Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office over Post Office, Wingham. Office closed every Wednesday afternoon during June, July and August. New York F ishinns, C1ot:b will be very fashionable for tailor nowise or tine abort .skirts that aro now' an essential part of every; well disused woinali's outfit and ael a special novelty may bo sheep nen cloths in mixed colors amid o4cra both II► soli 1 or mixed shades, showing a cancel':: Lair finish, this being in keep- ing unit: a present fancy for hairy finish both in dress goods and hutllio- ery. "ecoteh novelties" are prumirw . eat, Iv/Jollier- in convcn`ti0nal or iEt visible plaids, the last adjective or course applied with' u. modification, else otlerwiso the invisible could not be in strict interpretation, r. Styles in malting show as yet, muesli adherence to former outlines and de- partures. if notable in the future, will be bat slight variations from :tceus- tome t contours. Again itppcars the flaring finish on skirts which again adhere closely to the circumference of waist and hip measure. A Majority likewise of fa11 gowns, especially ;boss with crop shirts, are now preferably, . finisbed with the new S Ii. 8d N velvet* braid skirt protector that is+ a4 delightful improvement on the old style bia dings. It is more easily alli4 piie:tthan way other, since it requires but cme sewing to attach it to the ,skirt. Moreover it loos not 'deface the eaxa.s, 7 ' The irrepressible Eton Jacket is again prominent on tailor gowns and in view of coming cold weather, is made with broad revers, which. may; on ceci:elel. be turned. aver end 'thus be transfor,n • tn;to chest protectors., But tither with or without a gown in kc+:i; ng, jackets reaching well be- low the ie.:net are quite in order and because newer, muuy conflict with, continue t popularity of Eons. Cors-. •igen retain their present outlines so especially adapted to a concealment peculiarly) of de:Scctivo outlines)turd pec t yl gracei'ul effects result from the -wear- ier. c;" 11. 84 G. corsets, since, ;they; yield With xu}•c suppleness :to every move:ionI. or .),;102. body and thus tee come ateelth-giving and aesthetic as well. The straight front is, . of course, in conformity with up to date, ideas and indeed in every particular, they :ere ideal, even with a twentieth century point of view. . Nett• millinery continues the low, spreading ideas that were regnant in summer, but the attractive lightness peculis.r f o blossoms and fancy straws, hap given way to great apparent heaviness. Cloth hats trimmed by the same, are greatly 911 order, the major- ity showing; e, hairy finish. For . dress;: examples, crushed plush re- peats the story, displaying a surrates thick coated, by long silken 'threads and crush plush ribbons in keeping, are Conspicuous. Velvet, usually thought a hears trimming or materia] be- comes light in comparison and in com- binatien, often modifies the effect of the Dan ie just under discussion. Birds and birds' wings are seen to a large extent and some hats are com- pletely covered by successive sings lying fiat. No garniture in :truth; rises upward. ''Birds are noticeably with tow placed beaks, as if in, down- ward flight and wings when not plac- ed fiat are turned sideways, rather, than upright. blowers are in marked, minority : as yet ,are not seen on hats, coed .81 o few blossoms shown aro in velvet ..er have velvet in combination. Leaves are more freely used, because perhaps in velvet made beautiful by; rich Al. turn .tints and occasional de- , lightfut. examples are wholly coverete by the same.. e . . • LUCY. CARTEll TNT YYT. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S„ . L.D.S. New method for painless ex- ! "ti traction. No Cocaine. Special attention to the care and regulation of children's teeth. Moderate prices and all work carefully and skilfully periormetl, Office in Beaver Block, Wiughant. Office closed every Wednesday afternoon during Jane, July and August. trios RITOHIE, GENERAL INSI7RANOE AGENT, Wingham, Ont. E. ESTELLE GRIFFIN w1NGIIAM TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE. Pupils prepared for Conservatory of Music examinations. VIOLIN AND GUITAR. MISS CARRIEMOORE of London Conservatory of Music will he pre- pared after Oct. 1st to receive a. limited num- ber of pupils for instruction on Violin and seuitaar. Residence -opposite MC. Church, Wingham, JOB PRINTING, including Batiks, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill Heads, Circulars, &c., ke., executed in the best style of the aft, at moderate prices, and on short notice. BoouBixntxr..--We are pleased to announce that any Books or Magazines Left with ns for Binding, will have our prompt attention Prices for Binding in any style wall be given on application to THE TIMES OFFICE, Wingham. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. *' 117b TIttelair RAIZ WAY SYSTEM, �7f ern ries LEA"rE Fon Louden 0.19 a.m.... 0.10p.tn. Toronto & Br +t0 n.nt,,h s3 U.111....; 0511.m. Rineardine..I1.10 a.m1`10 pen.... 8.38p.m. enntgs FRent Ninareline ....13.50a,ut, • 1'.00 a.m..- 8.65 p.m. London 11.10 n,m.... 7.55 p.m. Palmerston 1I.10n.m.. Toronto da East 1.40 p,m, . , . RAS p.m. L. HAROLD, Agent,'tvingham. O'tANADTAN PACII'IC RAILWAY. means LEAVE EON Toronto and East 0.57 a.m.... 3.553 p.m. Teeswater . 1.17 p.in....10.4:1 p.m. ANnrvnn estos ! eeswater.,. .. 057a.m .8.5.3 pen. Toroatoand East .., '117 p.mm... i0.43 p.m. J. IL BEEMER, Agent, "Wingham, IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN TIME$ • Nur 0••••,• Sixty rears. An 01d and Well -Tried Remedy -Mrs Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been used for over sixty years bymilliol:sof mothers for their children whine toethii, , with perfect snceoss. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cereus wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists tit every port of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its valve is incalculable. Sts sura you asst for Airs Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. There is a noted difference in the style and fit of Pants we make that always brings pea - pie back for another pair. is Then there thelow price e v and better quality of cloth put in thein -cloth that wears See our new goods and prices. WEBSTER & CO.