HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-09-18, Page 8• 1 0 0 $. S S 0 sr 5110E BARGAIN. -50 pairs Shoes, odd lines, • worth from $1.00 to $2 00 a pair, your choice for 50e �. r.��a a rrfA ew IM » ht[r\SPI. 60! • share -aim •. RITOHIE & CAMPBELL, Fall Opening The chiliv weather has caused a demand for he•:.cy goods. early in the s('ason We are prepared to meet these demands, and have opened up all our Fall and Winter Gouda. They aro now on display on aur counters. -Dress Goods and Trimmings, Mantles, Fors, -Shoes, Blankets, Fianteels, Heavy outing Flannels, -LacIiea' and Gents' Underwear, Hosiery, -Gents' Suitings, Ready • made Clothnn:, -Carpets, Damask Curtains, Table Covers, -Drapery Materials, etc.. etc. MANTLES A large and fashionable assnrttnent of Ladies' Fall and Winter Mantles, short, three quarter and full length ; colors black, grey and fawn, alt sizes, and prices to suit all purchasers. FURS A large and choice assortment of small Furs are now on display, consisting of Sable,eal, Martin and Oppossuui Ruff's, all Lengths. Sable Muffs, Cape' rtes and Collarettes ill the different fashionable furs. Grey Larnb Collars and Caps for children. We are showing nothing but the best qualities, and the prices are away down. 5110135 A urge stock of New Shoes fur men. and women have just been opened up. They are direct from the manu- facturers, All styles, up•to date, and the best quality. MINOR LOCALS. BABY'S OWN TABLETS. -Wingha)n fall fair on Thursday and Friday of nest week: ' -Mr. Ja:;. McKel}ie has placed an advt. in the Timms. Read it. -Mr. Win. Armour received two .ear loads of egg boxes this week. -Ti a front of W. J. Greer's boot and f 'shoe store has been given a fresh coat of paint. -Mr. H. M. Tudhope, Winghaus's en- - terprisiug n--terpi'i,4iug grocer has put in a new tire proof safe this week. • --The fall assizes are being held cit , Goderich this week before Chief Justice Bir'iViiliam Mure(ltth. -Mr. A. J. Moore, mathematical mas- ter at the Goderich Collegiate Iustitnte, died suddenly ou Monday. - The Tion is sorry to learn that Mr. Peter Deans, Sr„ has been on the•sick list for a few days this week. . -The London Fair has been in full swing this week, and many Winghanf- ites have been in attendance. -Messrs Cochrane & Johnston, of . tile Wiughin Marbly., Works yecei,vetl a ear load of free stone, this week. • • -Ali•. . Causley, of Brussels, has been appointed Division Court Clerk in Brussles in place of the late Alex. Hunt- er. . -As the harvest is over, and business improving, the public should carefully watch for bargains advertised in the Trients. -Mr. D. E. McDonaltl,of town, shipp- ed, two double dee:, ear loads sot export sheep from Ripley to Montreal on Tnas- day. -Winghattl and Blyth football clubs Swill play a game at the town park this {Thursday) evening, Game called at o'clock. • -Several eases of typhoid fever are reported in Turnberry, near Glenannan. We have only heard one of case being in 'W'inghant. WESTON'S Fresh Every Day HOMB Made Boston Brown Whole Wheat Eureka and Currant Breads Delivered at your door. - Make Children Well and keep them well. For sick, weak, nervous, fretful chil- reu, the -re is nothing so good as Baby's Own Tablets. They promptly relieve and cure all the stomach and bo troubles that oilliet little ones, br - t up colds, reduce fever and allay tl . irrita- tion accompanying the enttin: of teeth. The Tablets cart be given th perfect Wets- to the yonng•'st, fee I est baby, as they are'gnurnnteed to co taiu no opiate or harmful drug For ry small child- ren errnrlf rhe a.blet t a powder. Mrs. Asford,St. home , Ont. says: "Be- fore giving nt lit a girl Baby's Own Tablets =he st, ell front a disordered stomach. She vulnitecl a. good deal, »nil was very constipated, and pale and deli- cate looking. She was always anervous child and did not sleep well. After giv- ing her the Tablets there was a great change. Her stomach got better, she retailte.1 her fool. her bowels became regular, and she has grown much fatter and looks the picture of health: I also give the Tablets to my baby when his stomach is sour, or when he has colic, stud they always do him good. I keep the Tablets in the house and would not be without thein." Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all druggists or will he sent post paid at 25 rents a bog by writing direct to The Dr. -Williams' Medicine Co., Biockyille Ont., ortScheuectady:, N. Y. • 0l bl u in G 1( of al r b 0 11 Try a loaf today. Sold only by . M. TU�HOPE Gracery IAA Creekery Meriel tnt. -Make your entries for Wiughain's fall fair with, Secretary Robertson at the office of J. Wilson, V. S.,on Wednes- day next. -The TIMES is pleased to learn that Mr. Thofnas Cassels is now improving. IIis many friends hope to see him around again in a few days. -The Ladies Aid of the Methodist church will not hold their bazaar ou the last day of the fair. The. bazaar will now be held about Christmas time. -An old saw is on exhibihition at Cassels & Carr's floor and feed store. It is said that this St1W was used in building Cc'ruyu's hotel in Wingham in 1:it7. -Snbscribers who read the TIMES an then send it to their friends, shoul have it go direct from the office when it only costs 15 cents froin now uuti January 1st, 11903. -The last issue of the Buffalo Horse World says: "Up-to-date Harold H holds the pacing. record for Iowa. O August ° nd he paced the half ]nil track at Marion in d,0612." • -On Sunday Mrs. Graen, of Wing- hat:], who is visiting her sister, Mrs, Jos. Rayburn, of Cale(ion, fell while re• turning from church at Charleston ani broke her hip bone. --Orangeville Post --The Teeswater News ehauged hands Iast week, Mr. A. Butchart having sol the business to Mr. W. Colwell, of Keeton. The new proprietor has on best wishes, and we wish Mr, Bntehar every success i►1 whatever ealling he ala: choose. ----Au exchange advocates the holdin; of Thanksgiving Day on Monday, ratite than on Thursday, so that persons wh wished to see friends at a distane could have Sunday and Monday fo their visit. •The old tient block store opened fo business on Saturday last. Mr. A. Sal mass hes i1 complete stock of genetr dry goods, clothing„ hats, caps, etc. large announcement will be found i another eoltilnn of this issue. T1M5 rtiadets should read. it. TILE WlNGIIAM TIMES, SEPTEMBER 18, 1902. --At a meeting of the Division Court [elks Association in Toronto last w eek, :r, Jas. AieGnire was re-eleoted as a .ember of the Executive Committee. -The, advertising columns of the Lams this week contain n- number of ew advts. Renders of this paper will nd it to their advantage to deal with to merchants whose *tarts. aro to be nett in tins paper. Bella the advts. irefully, it will pay you n e o Q S t BO it:•i. TLr:tEactt, - In Grey, ou Sept. ()111/ ' '111rialetu, 0 Pun. Tit A(1..rr:.- to Howiek. tat ife of Wm. Wallace, jr., a :tor. 1-.0A ar.-In entrusts, u.t oep Ain Slurp, a daui lett r. teHlirtotN1V PLBnllultan1tt�l...atwi MA BRIE 0 ROAI)H01. t(•.B.' t8E5-At the'•esidt'nce ride's brother-tielaw„b)r. Bernice rep' township 00 Sept. telt, :eKeivt'y, of Wroxeter, Mr. Cht ilei)', 1.0 Dlra. Eliza Toy. Bunn-An,1at,.-At the resic ride's parents, Iiarents, '1 onde.bot 0 Ith, by Rev. J..umilton, bir.Duncnn r(`ilit•ago. Tltinots,to Elva, tt'tughter ad Ma. Attains. T'i cLros -A) 81 AY. -At Maple sidenee t the bride's patents, t tssets, on oe lt. 10, by Lev T. itosh, of M, le, Hgher., E.,,eldest daughter of lan ratsou Ainlay. TAvr1in)a-Loxc.-Ill `vittt;hrnt, y Rev. J. J. Patterson, B.A. ]Fir. r Ohcsiev to Miss Ada. youngest Lr, Joe Long. of Winhlun. htta.AS)1-J4HN.Tgs --In Turnl.t'•'"v, Mt. at the residtnee of the bride's ;et/. W. Lowe, Mr. John Ir,aatn. ,tuella, daughter of Wit. Johnston erry. PIED 1FLAc'MATx-In Dungannon, V In. Maebl ath, aged 70 � ears. McMAHos.-Iu Liston -el, on teMahon, father or Mr.. W. 1*. Vingham, in hi :•0th year. FawrE tt.-I0 Grey, on Sept. 9. a his libtlr yt ar. lineups.-AAk Ethel, on Sept Ridges, a> eo. 5; y,-ar.4, o mouths TENANT. -In Luelotott•, on )r. J. S. Tennant, aged 114 years. 9th, the wife Sept. 2m1, the .9, the wl'a of let,jth, of the Payne, of ry Rev. T. A ries II. Bowl. A. Hennes, ut en -e of the on September Boyd, of 151r. Lunt:', the John strte , Wedgy Lose, a to Miss sir.] and IILI s. Sept. 10th, L J. Tavender daughter or Sept. i f ether, by to 151 s: of Te.n- on Sept. loth, Sept. 7th, John Patterson of Findlay Fraser, 4th, John 11. and 11 days. Sept, ether 11 lb, -- -. _ BUTTON WINGHAM. or Fifth Suop op- WALKER BROS. & UNDERTAKERS. Night calls at Button Block, nor south of School douse. posite Macdonald block. MISS EUA SPARIJNG A. T. C. M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher Mttsic Method, Simplex and Kindergarten. Pupils prepared for Conservatory examina- tions. - , r E APPLES WANTED Ai WINGt1AM the Winiham Itere'oi the pay the nighest apples according etc., in - Alfred street. wilt do well to for the Ide for dry- windfalls, if not P'oorietors. bfabler Bros. proprietors of Evaporator, will begin oprerattons 15th: of Septenruer. They will market prices for all l,hnds of to quality. Packers mils, windfalls, eluded., delivered at the Factory, Parties having apples TO sell see us before selling, it. we contract tvItole of chard, -shaken off, -gutta ing purpo-es. '', a aLsu buy ton small or soft. iiAFCLER BROS., 'FARM FOR SALE. cleared, forty of good timber, maple. Fairly meaty of water. W'hiteehnreh vil- and i hu Oar, for crate. No lay in hum if Proprietor One hundred acres -sixty acres acres bush gnu slash; n quantity pine. cedar, ash, elm, bt•eeh and good bt11h1111gs, two good. wells, Within n utile and it half of lage; good cre•tine: y, railroad two general stores; good marker incumbrance; Iutif money can required at live per rent. Wat. 1'. GARBUTT, 1102, Whitechurch, Sept R11.1102, HOLMES & HOLMES naitway and steamship and General Exchange WiNGHAM, - Ticket Agency Office. ONT. " Cleveland, Oltio, Return $0.95 2.05, Return 4.10 and all points .Chis.:. still. allowed. Reduced winter Co's. lines now tra,'el HOLMES Win:;ham, Ont, Finest and shortest Mottles to and all points. Wingltatn to Cleveland - ' $0.93, Wingitunt to Detroit - t,owest rates to the "Soo" north and west and New Ontario. All thein rate:+ are First Second Class rate: lower Stop - over privileges Lowest rates to Europe. rates by Elder, Dempster and in force, Everybody shoahl Apply to- HOLMES & T. J. IVIAGUIBF ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, 1INSURAN'CE ANI) LOAN AGE T, 1 I Accounts, R"nts and Notes Collected. Con- veyancing done. OFFICE -Over D. M. Gordon's :fore. ItESILEN OD-Leonolrl :street. •i:..,Cook's Cotton Boot Is successfully used • i s 10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual, your druggist for Cooks bound. Take no other, as all imitations are dangerous. ' box, Nis. 2,10degrees stronger.$3 ' 1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price l stamps 'rata Cook Company 'Nos. 1 and 2 sold gnu recommended 1 reUponsible Druggists est Canad.t. , No. 1 and 2 are goat in liuniilton. Cidoi A. C`nuim and T. E Davis Druggists. .I Commollnct' monthly by over Ladies ask Cotton Root Con- Mixtures, pills and kilns, No. 1, $1 per per box. No. and two 8 -cent Windsor Ont. y all Zt ingha:n by A. il, R. A. Douglassi .... l i - ,, 'round;mod greet year through T1 ntioti is 'fruits, w^ get the best ti handle tin 1e a.inablyi Well, ince to hay,' your L. a. e ' e m li �^ ,/.}i . t I }��iC/t . -" 1 71 r �1,66y�i '0Hr r I PALATE TICKV:113, [-` health bringers and ail it are what We Rell the Whole Mph. We present yet for oils' ilttt NCM] we Say More save tltnt Market affords at all seasons. tIearetally and sun them I we'll add this: We would S l valued orders. Shall we?_ J A„ McKgZ,V1E, r BcS a.ttt"dnt. u It is the Man who likes to be well Dressed we are after, -very style, hiud and fashion finds its earliest showing here. The men to whom we expect to sell Shorey's Ready Tailored Clothing Are the Men who have wo sure clot ' - s. made to mea - I •ou travel in this class we should like to see you. Shorey's Guarantee Card in the pockets of each 'garment cleans : SATISFACTION OB YOUR MOREY BACK and, as we dislike to return money we must give you satisfaction. You cannot get anything more than this. I AV Boys' Knee Pants from 35e to 90a. Odd Coat., strong: tweed, double breast, $2 0'), ilen;� 1E:3 0 -id T,veed Pants tor $1,00, $1.25, $1 50, $1.75, S2 50 Suits. &'a 00, $3 50, $ 4.00, $5.00, $5.00, $7.50, $10, $11, $12, $15. Smocks, Overalls, everything -even to Boots. S 5 TH, Chisholm dock, 0 T wn TO WINGI-IAM FAIR ON 6 20 dozen Win ow Sha es and 300 Curtain Poles •.tee.••• Having purchased the balance of a stock of Hand -made Window Shades from a firm retiring from the business, we are in a position to give you the very best standard Shades at cut prices, The goods are all new, made for the coming fall trade. They are well assorted, mounted on Hartshorn Rollers. Some with heavy lace and insertion, suitable for the front . of your house. Call and see the got.ds and get prices. fel MAY, SEPTEMBER 266. Their Orchestra will be in attendance during the after- oon of Fair at the grounds, and at night the Company will ive an entertainment in the Town Tail ' n aid of the Agricultural PeseA v'ed Scats 35c. Society. Tickets for Concert Adults 25e. lan of Hall and sale of seats pen 'Monday, 22nd September. Children 15c. at IDouglass' Drug Store. RESIDENCE -PATRICK S7•. BA. � 13 IO5 S. Gracey's former residence, 'i where night enIbi will receive - Prompt attention. PFIONE 51. Eiewdre of 1 : ; 3 itations, 8 We sell Stanfield's Unshrinkable Underwear -Truro Brand - ready - to - wear • ' a F u How 4te We have it, consisting of- -New Dress Goods -Wool and Cashmere Ha"siert' -Knitted Wool Shawls -All-wool and Flannelette Blankets 750 to $4.5o a pair -Ladies'= Underwear, Wrapperettes, -Table Linen, 20e to $1.25 a yard. -Towels, Towellings, -Grey Flannels, from. 12/c up - Men's Suits to order, $10 to $20. - Ready-made Clothing, -Carpets -Boots and Shoes, -Groceries, etc. B sure U see our bargain counter. Cashmere Hose igc a pair.. Skirts and Suits Are here to stay. Have a look at Hanna & Co's for taken ordered Suits ccomplete:stock.1VCeasures t a FIANNA & CO. The Wingham Trading Co,, Ltd, Successors to T. A, MILLS. WINGHAM. MOST INTERESTING NEWS OF Ditss 000DS RDU6TIONS. (@ ".zfs%�r,W.iW� i%1V-n4 WE -can hardly give enough emphasis to these special offers in beauti- fell costume fabrics. At this time of the year youwlIt know how to fully appreciate such price concessions. $1.35 French Pirle Suitings for $1.10 50 inches wide, made from pure worsted yarns, in black only, color absolutely fast, perfect finish, correct weight fctr unlined skirts ; will make a handsome as well as a serviceable tailor•lnade suit or separate skirt ; reg: $1.35, special at - $1,10 • $1.10 Homespun Suiting for 75c. 58 inches wide, made from pure wool, in brown, grey and black, splendid weight for unlined 'skirts and tailor•made suits, great wearing material, regular $1,10, special at - .75 $1.00 West of England Serge for 85c. 58 inches wide, made from pure Botany wool, black is thoroughly fast, has splendid finish and an endless amount of wear in it. Regular price $1.00, special at • • .85 Our New Fall Mantles Have Arrived And for style, workmanship, finish and material they surpass all our previous buying efforts. We have a large assortment and can please you in quality, style and price. Come in and take a toot through our splendid stock. " No trouble to show these goods," Beautiful Flannels and Cashmeres From ?rance_ s We never saw a more tempting gathering of Flannels ; Cashmeres for waists, and it's questionable if patterns as attractive as those we're Showing now have ever been equalled in color, blending and design. There's a liberal assortment now on view in our store, so come and fol•tn your own opinion about these waistings. Not more than one or two waist lengths in each piece, so. they will not be common.. ror PTJ1t1i rICKLINt3• VINEGARS -GENUINE• -Colne to this store. We sell J. D. XING & CO'S SHOES. tt LION BRAND CLOTHING. D. M. Gordon Direct Importer,