The Wingham Times, 1902-09-18, Page 6'eV
• THE \\INGHAM nmEs, SEPTEMBER 18, 1002.
ile.Ail • ••• STRENtiTifTelg-wiLlt
ae, STOMACH WEAKtrentiE""4.W.
a ,g,CURE feden011AtatatONA;q., 4,..,e,tP
s•-•-•,_-• ENRICH THE 8.1.0013 01— -Fi_.711.2..-0.,,
--- ,e -e-
... 7
e• ndOnErItIortreair...'s Bc,510a.:3:1k.-
"•-.... • e ____e ---.S-'-:;•7-r
s•-•,„ —4---e---PRICEae-eareee-ea4, '
tin Dfliee45t5 a Cherei„.,
Price In Canaan: Si 00;
Six betties for 8.5.01)
NO remedy covers so large a field,
Of usefuincss $r. WAnnG.
They are i ndicaNd whew ver there
is a weak condition, as they tone
tip the different organs and Wing
strength to the tissues.
Palpitation of the. heart, poor di-
ge•tion, sleeplessnes.t, weak nerves,
auannia, awl chloroz. is, are quickly
relik.vt,d by Sr jteeIES Wealuts ; they
also repair the waste caused by hard
caulk and fatigue.
FT. JANEs WA FT.Rs help stomach,
digest food and send the nutriment
through the blo d, and this is the
'honest way to 0 -
the kiwi th
breeds the
pliehes m
t lasts, develops and
energy which accom-
St. jetties verefevs larttisit a
•st so,wvrrol e3..tuCe of the
v srly rei.ovit power of meat,
situxit by combidation cf jurli-
et ous rho:tar:et utte pr()A-
ti.. 1 hov.: toted therm NO! h
g,ocl sneers:4 when my paezents
needed Strergt 11.11
Dr. Charles Doll,
Totv erpool, Eng.
St. fa vs,: Waters aye not a secret
remedy: t•rise n introordocturs t e -
cam ntendigg th nt Thar Isal!ents
we mail the fsrniu:u iqusn request.
where derdertrrtre ret1 settirt; the
Wafers. tivy ere netited 1,,u
ceipt cf prve rt rhe C•tortdintt
Inane, : St. .hos Virlirr. Co., 1723
St. Catherine St., Montrez.i.
.11•1•0•110.1.1O.M011•51ilill.i.....201•14Maff as•MrtiMiC
From the
Sanctum Mill
roui Mttl.oriOtl, 0110 of the eldest itua
most Iijh1y respected reeidente t.)t
Huron towtishea died ou Sept. 3rd.
At St. Johu's church, Wee:ming, Ont.,
ou Teeseay, 26th ult. Chas. R. Munro,of
.vuldosta, Georgia, is= of JtL, telnerote
Godertcht and Miss Mary J. Wilsou,
Weeeming, were united in =Inhere.
The cereineny was performed by Rev, J,
M. Guene.
On Thursday morning, Aug. 28. a
quiet but pretty wedditig. was solemnized
teeS. Joeeph's churelt, Kitigebrulge, it
bein t the meal:art) ot John Aspenteit es,
or Prestoa, to Mies• Amite O'Keefe,
former teacher of the Separate Sebuol.
at Kiugsbridge.
W. J. Gaze has presented to the
towu of Brampton three and one -halt
acres of mud to be 111401113 A publio pat k.
The land lies ia the centre of the town
facing the court house, and is valued. at
$20,000. It is inteuded as a inentoriul to
Mr. Cage's mother.
A very pretty homo wedding was that
at high noon Wedueeday, Sept. lith, in
Loudesboro, when were married Miss
Elva Al M. Adams, only dtinghter of
Mr. and Mrs. R. Adau.s, to Mr. Duncan
W. Boyd. uf Chicago. Only the near
relatives of the young people were pre-
Boy' "its
PAT' [0
Pr -LS Os RS;
0,) GO ,cp,DA
1•/ 01451
On Thursday, Sept. 4th. John II. F51341 Ap CZ?.
Hodges, au unmarried man. died at the
home of his sister, Nes. Wm. Coolie, of
Ethel, aged 57 years, 5 months mid 13 BUY THE GENUINE —MAN'F'D BY
ii. of Grey fur a number of C ,OFTNIAITC5SYINP@
days. He was a well-kuovt n resident ot
the llth con
years. Cause of death was said to be
0,3‘51.q4, 1..% FRAN% acepa
cancer ou the liver. KY COL.
Health nod Hope
"Ile who has health has hope; aud he
who has hope has every•teing," Bat, The home of Beraice Pique, lot 5.
hope flees at the appreaeu of kidney ale -
company it. With the flesh gradually scene ot a wry happy event at a o clock
foaling, the back mating, Ulla aid tieSpill 011 Tuesday afterneen of met week it he.
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges 1liich often comes to victims uf this ail- ing the occasion of the marriage of 1 is
!tient, only the use of Dr. n se s
K1dny s ?are. Eliza A. Baines, to
e011., Of tilt) WW1 ship of Croy, wee 'Un-
ease with the drettaftil pains Nt htell 11.9
• Harry W. Ball, sou of H. W.• Ball, of Rev. Jas. Cooke Seymour, a superan- Liver Pills will restore hope, esautaienee
Goderich, was married at Brandnlimband health. Oue pill a duet:, 25 Lents a
o, on ited Methodist Minister, died et
An,gust 29t la to Miss Hattie English, of Paisley, aged 133. He was at one time ox.
Brandoa. known as the "boy preacher."
• Mr. H.' T. Hill has been retired from Mr. Fred Vaustone, an employee of
the position of Manager and Secretary of the Broadfoot & Box Furuiture factory
the T.ronto 'Industrial Exhibition ou ate at Seaforth for twenty years has gone to
count of illness.
work at Stratford in the McLagan furni-
ture factory.
Chas. H. Roadhouse, of Blyth.
A company of Clin"on. ea iatiliste is
The voters' list for the town of Goder- being formell to start a manufactuary of
pals, taldets, triehee, etc. Th have
ice have been issued. The lists show it
applied to the, Datniuiou goverement for
total of 813 voters in the town qealified
a cheater. There capitalization will be
to yote at both municipal elections and
3),O00, aud the directors are Dr. Ross,
eleetious to the legislative assembly, and
of Seaforth, Drs. Gunn and Shaw and
Messrs Combe and MeTaggert, of Clin-
ton. They expect to be iu running shape
by the first of the year.
an additional 380 qualified to vote at
For Cholera Morbus, Cholera municipal elections only. To: al number
lam:item, Cramps, Coli, Diarrhoea Au exchange very truly says:—What- of jurors 430.
Dysentery, aud Summer Complaint, Dr. ever we are doing, or wherever we are
Cupid. scored another victory on Wed•
:Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is going, time is still advancing, and we
fl. prompt. ego and sure cure that hes ''' nesday evening of last week, wheu Rev.
are hastening, as fast as it can carry us, a
been a popular favorite for nearly GO T. Wesley Cosens tied the matrimonial
either to heaven or to hell. Our patrons entrust tbair prescriptions
yews. bow between Hugh MeIntosh, a well -to- t o us for filling with feeling of security
. Thos. Clark, farm )r, near Windsor, There is no fozn of kidney troubl
f rora it backache aown to Brighte'; do young gentleman from alcKillop, and end colt Memo. They know that the ut-
diseaee that Deen's Kiene Pills willmost care is exercised, and only the best
, res eauore E., eldest (knitter of
aged 70. dropped dead after tearing up • el' - El
• eta l'ealeVc! or mere. Watson and Mrs. Ainlay, at their home and purest drugs supplier" Our stock of
his wi.11. It left all te the son, wno Wee - ' ' , e ' ' Y
ving the farm agaiust the fathers If you are tr
ouble I i with
any kind of imnorted Perfumes and fine Tpilet prep-
lea"Maple Lodge," John street, Brussels. arttions is large and most complete aud
• our prices the lowest.
• '
A Feeling of Security.
While threshing on the farm of Mr.
Wne Evans, about three :Wive from Mt,
Forost, Win. Mapleloft attempted to
put It belt on one of the wheels, whee
ids hand got caught between the heir
and the wheel, which, in revolving, lift
ed the young num ote. hie fent at eve y
tarn, twisting and smashing the forme' n
itt a horrible =neer. .A. deem);a
01109 sent for, who amputated the mu ti
little below the elbow.
Rev. C. R. Grimm was celled to til'House of Refuge) Senate' evenin r to
attend the dying wants of a Mr. Moore,
front Goderich, who is an imH
nate. e
'missed away mart tlay, gangreue being
the cause of death. No frienae th'
deceased could be found, he having en-
tered the institution one month ago, and
nothing could bo learned from, him about
anye—C:iatou Now Era.
Ott Sniultis, Sept. 7th, Rev. Robt.
Phillips, of Trowbridge, parsed away to
his reward, after an illness. of four
%reeks, eget' 60 enters. He only went 0.
Pro et 'widget a fter conf eretiee but 111 the
few weeks he NVOS permitted to work
had amide many Blends and was betiding
up the cause. His ailment was of
13 rad ohararter and ilea el =Alm' skila
He was 34 years in the Methodist MihiS-
cry and had enjoyed suceessfrd (-drew .
An excellent and never =re for
na•vous headache, says an apostle of
physical culture "is the' simple act of
walking backward. Just try some time
yon have any doubt about it. Physi-
cians say that is probably because the re-
flex anti= of the brain and thus driias
away the pain that 11700111170011induced by
nervousnees is caused by too much gc-
iug zorward. The relief is always Ct T-
ram and generally speedy. Ten Inman s
is the longest I have ever found neces-
sary. Au entry or 11 lung. narrow room
makes the best place for sea a 'Konica -
You ehould walk very slowly,
letting the ball of the foot touch the
tIceer eirst and then the heel—just the
way, en fact, that one should in theory
walk forward, but which in practice is
so rarely done."
kidney eomphant, use Doau s Kidney
Mr. Pelton, m
formerly of Atwood, the e
The trustees of S. S. bro. 4, Tucker.
"In these days, half
our diseases come The medicine that is making thousands
editor of the Paris Review, met with
hard hulk in his first edition of his peper. - --- 'well and strong, is our best seller from
smith have re-engaged Miss J. Grant, of from the neglect of the body in the over -the Letelon roal, for 1903. This young work of the brain. In this railway • I mat m
age day to dayi. Furrten is .neuralgia,
lady's teaching abilties are evidently fiver and ridney troubles aud raudewo
Tim valve of ids gasoline engiue broke the wear and tear of la.bor and intelleet
aud in consequence his paper was delayed go on without pause or self pity. We (i)ondition, we strongly rerniend
year at the school. suffer more. They fatigued. only the wondrous and happy results to all evho
A very pleasing event took place on • muscles we exhaust the iluer strength of use it. We have the genuine"Paine's."
An old rasidt•nt o•E Downie, 'in the the nerv'e." Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is U. A. CAMPBELL, DRUGGIST,
Tuesday of last week, at the residence
person of Jas. titteter, passed away at the great( st medicine of the age because s Wingliam, Out,
of Me. Anthony Hope, sr., of the 4th
ter, Ella, was joined in wedlock to Chris- nerve cells and makes the pale, weak and The bank barn on Wm. Strochan's
much appreciated, as this is her fourth longer than onr forefathers brit we
a day. aine's Celery Compound. t gives
Clan Man„ aged 87 years. He it is best suited to the need of rhe preseut
con., Howitar, when his youngest dangle day. It restores and revitalizes wasted
was one•of the oldest Orangemen itt the
province. A WitlOW and family of
tOpher Weitz, of Wiartou. exhausted strong and healthy and vigor- farm, now rented by Geo. Fulford, of
grown up sons and daughters survive ous.
Dunlop, was completely destroyed on
British Troop Oil Liniment is without him.
exception the most effeetive , remedy. for Listowel Standard: Mr. R. K. Hall is monday, Sept. Sth. A spark from the
Cuts, Wound:4, Ulcers, Open -Sorest What is the next thing to a dude was • threshing engine set fire to it about noon
the possessor of a geological specimen of
•.rliettniatisun Bites and Stiugs of asked in a fashionable parlor the other and in few minutes the whole building
sets, etc. A large bottle 25 cents, Get .
night. One lady answered an ape, an -
one at your Druggist's.
other orang—ontang, but when a little
It is very injurious to place the ice girl said the next thing to a dude is his
used for cooling purposes directly in the undershirt the subject was suddenly
water to be drunk. The freezing of dropped.
water does not destroy all germ life and
the ice is no more sanitary than befofe
the water congealed. In this way the
germs of Typhoid au other disease are
often taken into the system.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. R, Rich-
ards, Kinlough, was the scene of a very
brilliant and pleasant event, on Wednes-
day evening August 27th, being the
marriage of their sister Miss Sadie to
interest and rarety, being a piece of the
stone oat of which a table is being made
for her Majesty,Qneen Alexandra. The
block was located 011 tho north shore of
Lake Huron andes pronounced a genuine
jasper and crystal stone, and is the only
To make money it is necessary to specimen of this formation that has been
have a clear,bright brain a cool head free, forma in Ontario.
front pain, and strong, vigorous nerves.
Milburn's Heart and nerve Pills invigor- tuYones nt g passe(1 away atli s resi
ate end brighten the brain, strengthen deuce, Ross street, Lueknow, on Satur-
nerves, and reinove all heart, nerve day, Sept. 6th, after a few week's illness ,
and brain troubles.
' with stomach troubles. Deceased, who
The Herald says that the sooner Walk- was in his 63tle year, was for many
erton becomes a German town the better years a prominent citizen of Kinlough,
for the town This is a high compli- end took up his residence in Lacknovv
ment to the Germans coming from an some few years ago. He was a life-long
Samuel S. Armstroug, of Bernie. The Irishman, as the Irish are not much giv- Orangeman and greatly respected by all
oeremony was preformed by Rev. T. E. en to flattering the people whom they who knew him. His wife died last
usually refer to as the "Dutch." spring, and lie is survived by an only
Sawyer, pastor of Kinlough Methodist
Btliedctele. Blood Bitters is a purely
vegetable combination, that in. a safe
and natural manner acts directly upon
the Bowels. Liver, Kidneys and Blood,
cleansing the entire system of all
impurities, foul humors and obstractions
that nelson the blood and create disease.
A very fashionable event took place at
"Sttnnyside Pam" near Holyrood, on
Sept. 3rd, being the marriage of Miss
Lizzie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1. H.
Joseph Phillips, son of the G. T. R. daughteie
station agent at Seaforth, employed at IA social event that has been talked of
the round house,. Stratford, was badly for some time took place he the Metho-
crnshed while couplin,g, cars in tbo yard dist church, Listowel, on Wednesday
ou Wednesday afternoon, and died a afternoon, Sept. 10th, when Miss Flor-
few hours later. Phillips had only beeu ence Godfrey, eldest daughter of leV.
working about two months. Godfrey, G. T. R. agent, and one of
Good health is impossible without Listowel's most popular young ladies,
regular action of the bowels. Milburn's , was united in marriage to Dr. 0. C.
Larea-Livee Pills regulate the bowels, , Thathitm, of Cargill, son of Mr. Wm,
cure constipation, dyspepsia, biliousness, . Thetham,
1 h. d h 1 nil ff f h Listowel. The ceremony
Ackert, to Mr. R. J. Harper, of the same organs of digestion. Price 25 cents. All ; was performed by Rev. Mr. Carson, of
1 the Cong,regational church, assisted by
-vicinity. The ceremony was performed druggists.
by Rev. R. limiting, of Ripley, in the 1 At the re.opening of the Listowel Rev. Mr. Oliver of the Methodist church,
presence of a largo party of invited i public school there Was an attendance
friends. , of over 450 pupils. The staff is the I woo etewara, Soo.
On Saturday,. Sept. 6th, while thresh- I sante as that of last year with the axcep- I The readers of this paper will be
tions of Miss Draper and Miss Pelton. 1 pleas,ed to learn that there is at least
ing at the home of . Win. Mitchell, on 1c reeded diseasc that Belem:xi has been
the Betmore road, Messrs. Melvin Eagle. These vacancies are filled by Miss Nor- ! e 1
, able toeuroin all its stags and that is
eeen and Wm. Casamore met with a i ton in room 8 and Miss McFarlane in ' c
was in blaze. Mr. Fulford estimates
the loses at $1,000 aud had $600 insur-
ance in West Wawanosh Mutual.
atarr . Hall's Catarrh orals the only
pos'itiv mire now known to the medical
rather peettliar and painful aceident. room 7.
Kidney Trks
of Children.
There are
many mothers
blessing Dr.
Pitcher and
his wonderful
ney Tablets.
This• d -
has proved so
suecessfui for
that serious
afflict io n of
mothors ' r e-
joice to know
of a positive
cure. The Tablets have a strength-
ening and tonic influence on the
weak urinal/ organs of children
and enable them to retain their
water naturally.
Don't let your child grow up
with this weakness blighting his
life. Have the trouble cured in
tune before it does permanent in-
jury to the health.
young Eagleson was working in the The Deli story must take a back seatratefliaisel.le;e1 1;egnires a"cornsiftiitiuntiol?ilial
mow, which for want of room bad been and threshing feats take their place. 1 treatment. Hall's Catarrh Care is
built np overhanging, when owing to One thresher at Dobbinton in ten hours taken internally, acting directly upon
the sheaves toppling over,he was thrown cleaned out three barns, threshing 1,000 tRilestebniloetlbaenreetymtgostureoysiubrfatcbe:foolfintjtte
to the floor, his fork entering under the bushels of wheat, Considering that the trete oe the disease and giving the pit.
skin of Mr. Caseinore's forehead and in -•grain was tough, and that the threshers tient strength by building Int the con-
flicting a nasty cut which required
several stitches. ivtr. Eagleson fared
adll worse, the fork going clean through
fiat muscle of his arm above the elbow
sag mg.() made eeveral other wounds.
MO young men were thrown on the
fig belt and narrowly escaped still
tattilter injury.
had three moves, this beats the record , stitution and Assisting nature in ( I
in its work. The proprietors have so
of any threshing that has been done
rich faith in its curative powers, that
that neighborhood. This above is from i tillicy offer One Hundred Dollars for any
an exchange and e
is all right for the ,' ase that it fails to cure. Send for list
thresher but if the fariners will look in i of teetimoniale.
their straw stack they may find that al oiftddress,P. J. CIIMNEY & Co., Toledo,
large portion of their grain was blown 1. gs .. on
Sold b A ru*gtts 7-
through the end of the separator. Hall's Family Pills are the hest.
exasisemeepazze xxx-wicas21=====0114,
Canada's Great Family Paper
Absolutely Free
Mrs. W. M. Glover, Pearl Street, Brock.
ville, Ont., says: "One of my children
that had been suffering from sluggish kid.
neys reed about Dr. Pitcher's Backache
Kitlacy Tablets, and procured a bottle
from E. R. Ctirry's drug store. They re.
moved the whole difficulty promptly.
That depressing pain over the kidneys
s•topped, dizziness and headaches ceased, thing you want in the
and there Was it general .invigorating of
the system. e There is no (piestion regard. Tailoring line can be
tnerite of thee° s for the
We have made arrangements with
the publisheys of' the Fondly Herald
aud Weekly Star of Montreal bye
which wcan offer a subscription to
that greatest and best of all Family
Weeklies for the balance of 1902
To every person paying Mc for It
subscription to the Wingham Times
for the balance of 1902, we will have
the Family Herald and Weekly Star
mailed direct from that office for the
sante perio+without charge.
This is witont doubt the greatest
offer ever made to Hui public of Ca.n-
ada, and the sooner it is accepted the
more you get.
To our,
Present Readers",!
Any present subscriber whoee sub-
scription to the Wingham Times is
in arrears Cita have the Family Her-
ald and Weekly Star free for the
balance of the year by paying up
arrears, and those not in arrears can
have the Family Herald and Weekly
Star for the balance of , the year by
paying next year's subscription clur-
ing September.
Address or call at
Wingham, Ont.
• t • • •
Don't plod along like your grandmother did before
you, scouring and scrubbing ;. bending and rubbing.
makes housework easy. It cleans everything and
injures nothing. More economical than soap.
Chicago. New York, Boston, St. Louts. Montreal.
Slimmer GOODS
Are in. See our _
816, 818 AND 820
lubbing ffer. v'Y
The mAharit Times
Together with any one of the following weekly papers:.
buying else -
Will be sent to New Subscribers till January lst, 1903
where. Also a special
line of PARTINGS. Every-
bLk and kidneys,"
Dr. Pitcher's 'Backache Kidney Tablet* had and satisfaction
cq,0500.. tox, at, adruggistq or by mail,
Tag Iy. ZINA. Pireuiia CO., Toronto, Ont.
WANTNI)..-A trustworthy gentleman or lads guaranteed.
18 met (•ottnty to teenage bushiest* for an old
establishea house of solid flnaneial standing.,
A straight', bone tele weekly cash salary of
*18 00 paid by ()heck each Wedrieedity with all
(.tpenses dirent from headquarterA. Money
advaneed for eepenses. Manager, 340 Caxton
Bldg., Chicago.
iliirn AUT Tattolt.
For 30 Gents,
Subscribe now and get two papers for 3 months at the -
price of one.
THE TIMES announces the following low rate -
Clubbing Offers for 1902-03 :—
Times till Jan. ist, 1904
Times and 'Weekly Globe, with premiums, for 1 year
Times al Weekly Witness
Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, with
Times and Weekly -Mail and Empire..
Times and Western Advertiser
Times and Weekly Sun
Times and Daily Globe
Times and Farmers' Advocate-,
$1. 00
1 60
1 60
1 75
1 75
1 40
1 75
4 35
1 85
We could extend the list, but it is not necessary. We can,
give you clubbing 'rates for any newspaper or magazine
published. The above are our FIXED RATES, marked down.
Therefore there is no ,use -
so as to admit of no reduction.
asking for cheaper rates.
Give THE TimEs a trial subscription—from now to
January ist, 1903, for 15 cents
Call at the office, or address—