HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-09-18, Page 4TILE \\ I.NrGHHAM TREES, SEPTEMBER 18, 1902. tiot Water OOttIes Each one guaranteed to be absolutely perfect,,. EEAUTY BRUSHES.. RUBBER GLOVES RUBBER SHEETING . SYRINGES, Etc., Etc. In fact anything ycu want in Rubber Goods, we have it at right prices. Colin A, Campbell THE DRUGGIST NEW STORE: Opp. Bank of Hamilton. TO ADVERTISERS, Notice of changes must bo left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left • not later thea Monday evening. • Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. EST_.BLISHED 372. • THE WINfiIiAll TIDIES. a. R. ELLIOTT. PUBLISHER AND PROPRIETOR THURSDAY. SEPT. 18, 1902. MORINS. Township council met on Monday. Minutes in our next issue. Mrs. Thos. Russell, 6th line, had the misfortune to fall in the stable and broke her left arae between the wrist and the elbow. Miss May Code has been re-engaged as teacher for next year in Union school, boundary of Morris and`Wawanosh, at •a salary of $275. She is a daughter of Councillor Code, of Morris township, and is no discredit to him. Peter Barr, 5th line is serving as jury- ' man at the assizes in Goderich this week. Gavin Bewley, who recently went to Winnipeg, has secured a lucrative posi- tion iu that busy city. The trustees of S. S. No. 9, known as Button's have re engaged Miss Maggie Bielby as teacher for 1903 at an advance of $20 ou this year's salary. This is a good recommend. She is doing good work in the school. • The steamer belonging to Elijah Pease's threshing outfit was dumped over the side of the hill. on the 5th line the other day, opposite Joseph Clegg's. and considerably damaged. Accident was caused by the team stopping while climb- ing the hill. To Increase Your Appetite. Nothing will stimulate a keen, healthy relish for food, insure good digestion and and perfect assimilation like PERROZONE. which is the most successful tonio and health renewerknosvn to medical science. Ferrozone is a positive erre for Anaemia, Impure Blood,Boils,Pimpies, indigestion. Dyspepsia and all Stomach and Bowel troubles. Ferrozone cleanses, strength- ens anti purifies the blood, it invigorates the heart and nerves, banishes sickness and pain. and makes ailing people well. • Try a box or two of Ferrozone, the re- sult will be a surprise. Price ,50e. at Druggists, or N. C. Polson & Co , King- <stou, Ont. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. 1fIAMILTON's PILLS CURE CONSTIPATION. LANGSIDE. Our popular pastor, Rev. Mr. Duni;, delivered a very enthusiastic discourse to his Langside congregation ou Sunday, imploring them to bear in prayerful re- membrance the anniversary of the church which will be commemorated D. V. next Sabbath, when Rev. E. H. S.aw- ers, of Brucefield, once pastor of the First Scotch Presbyterian church, Chic- ago, will conduct service at 10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p. m., and the pastor will preach at 2.80 p. m. Mrs. John McDonald, of St. Helens, visited a few days during the past week at Mr. Thos. Murray's. Jno, McKenzie and Mr. Will Rossiter and wife, who left,here last tspring for the West, returned last week and are Iooking well. Among those who took in the Indus- trial Fair at Toronto from this burg were Messrs. Wm. Tiffin, Jno. Murray, Chas. and Dan McKinnon, Robt. Scott, and Miss C. Scott. o Our local lodge of Canadian Order of Foresters purpose holding an"At Home" in their hall here next Monday evening. ldfsay weather and other existing circum- staiiies be favorable. During the past week our neighbor- hood was visited by many autumnal - like showers and the weather donned every appearance of•fall and the sound Of dropping apples ssemecl to be sound- ing the death knell o' summer. Jill Stuffed Up That's the condition of many sufferers from catarrh, especially in the morning. Great difficulty is experienced in clear- ing the ,bead and throat. No wonder catarrh causes headache, impairs the taste, smell and hearing, polluted the breath, deranges the stom- ach and affects the appetite. To cure catarrh, treatment trust be Constitutional -alterative and tonic. "I wiis i11 for four months with catarrh in the head and throat. Had a bad cough and raised blood. I bad become dis- eouraged when my husband bought a bottle of hood's Sarsaparilla and persuaded me to try it. I advise all to take it. It bas cured and built me up." Mos. llcon Hu - Petra, West Llseomb, N. S. Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures catarrh --it soothes and strength• ens the rntteous membrane and builds tap the whole system, NEURALGIC PAINS Are a Cry of the Nerves for Better Blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Make Rich, Red Blood and Drive These Pains from the System -Read the Proof A high medical authority has defined neuralgia as "a, cry of the nerves for better blood," and to effectually drive it from the system the blood must be made rich, red and pure. For this pur- pose there is no other medicine so prompt and sure in result as Dr. Willi- ams' Pink Pills. These pills make new,. rich, red blood with every dose, and im- part new lite and new vigor to the per- son using them. Mr. John McDer- rnott, Bond Head, Out., offers stroug 1proof of the certain results obtained from the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in cases of this kind. Ho says: ••A Yew years ago while working as a car- penter in Buffalo I got wet. I did not think it worth while changing my clothes at the time, but I soon began to suffer for my neglect. I awoke next morning with cramps and paius through- out the body. I was unable to go to work and culled in a doctor, who left me some xnedicine. I used it faithfully for some time, but it did not help me. In fact I was growiug steadily worse and had become so reduced iu flesh that. I weighed only 138 pounds. As I was not able to work I returned to my home at Bond Head. Here I placed myself un- der the care of a local doctor who said the trouble was neuralgia, which had taken a thorough hold ou the entire sys- tem. Misfortune seemed to follow me for the doctor's treatment did. not help mo, and I thiuk my neighbors at lenst did not believe I was going to get better. I had often read and heard of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills and in this emergency I determined to try them. I had not used more than thea boxes before I felt that the pills were helping me. Frnm that ou I gained day by day, and after I had used some teu or twelve boxes, I had fully recovered my old time strength and have since bee u able to work at my trade as a carpenter without any trouble. I have no pains or aches, and I now weigh 156 poem's. I think Dr. Williams' Pink Pills an invaluable medicine and shall always have a good word to say for then; " When the nerves are unstrung, wh en the blood is poor or watery, or when the system is out of order Dr. Wilhelm' Pink Pills is the medicine to take. They cure all troubles arisiug from these causes, and make weak, despondent men and women, bright, active and strong. Protect ynurself against imitations by seeing that the full name •'Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People," is on the wrapper around every box. Sold by all medicine dealers or mailed post paid at 50e per box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing to the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. xLUEVALE. Mrs. Joseph MacPherson and two little boys, of Toronto, are visiting reh:tives here. Mrs. Bailey; Miss Eva Duff and Mr. Bert Bailey were visiting in Listowel this week. Misses Annie Aitcheson and Jennie Elliott and Robt. Aitcheson were visit- ing in Molesworth. Mrs. MacAllister has returned from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Pilkie, near Toronto. Miss Bell, of Belgrave, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Aiex. McGee. Miss Burgess, who has been visiting Mrs. Collie, retruned to Brockville on Monday. Mrs. Cornish, of Mitchell, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Daniel Lewis. Mrs. Joseph Pugh was visiting in Brussels last Thursday. Miss Mabel Coultes has returned home from a visit to Molesworth. Miss Mary Wheeler, of Turnberry, is visiting Mrs. Peter Wheeler. 'V rOXETEr. Mr. McEachren, of Belmore, was in town Wednesday. Mr. Brawn and daughter, of Buffalo, who have been visiting at Dr. Brawn's, returned home this week. Messrs J. Cowan and John Gibson were in Wingham on Monday on busi- ness. Mr. Becket was at Simcoe over Sun- day. J. Brethauer will judge poultry at Mildmay fall fair. This is his ninth year as judge at this fair. Geo. Edward, of Belmore, was in town Tuesday on business. The Salem football team played a game with our boys on Tuesday evening. Score 4 to 0 in favor of Wroxeter. A Mr. Sena is in this vicinity solicit- ing orders for lightning rods. Dr. Robt. Montgomery, of St. Thomas, was in town this week. Mrs. Jno. Bray left Tuesday for Mich- igan. Mr. Bray went as far as London with her. Mr. and Mrs. Townsend are spending a week in Elora and other places. R. Black has one of the Muir Bros. at work finishing the dam. Wm. Irwin, of Belmore, was in town Wednesday on business, Miss M. Burgess, of Lucknow, is a guest of Mrs. Neil White. Frank Edwards returned home from Toronto on Monday. Peter McTavish. of the Belmore gravel road continues in very poor health and at present there is very little hope for his recovery. -Tho G. T. R. pay car passed through Wingham on Monday. -The Tntxs staff this week thanks one of our oldest subscribers,Mr. Thos. Lind, for a basket of excellent eating apples. -The first impression of the approach of winter was made Saturday and San - day nights, when the ground was covar- ad with frost. The beautiful green foliage of a week ago has taken on its autti in tints, William Blair. of the 3rd concession, Godericli township, died somewhat sud- denly on Monday, Sept. 8th, aged 73 years. The cause of death is attributed to heart trouble. The late Mr. Blair was a native of the county Fermanagh, Ire- land, coming to thio country with. his parents when bat six years old. The family settled on the .farm oil whicli he died. Itis father, the late James Blair, died about GO years ago. CHURCH NOTES. General Booth, of the Salvation Army will leave England at the end of the month for his fourth tour of Canada and the United States, which will occupy several weeks. Maitland Presbytery met in Brussels on Tuesday of this week. The Maitlaud Presbytery Convention of Yonng People's Societies was also held in Brus- sels ou Tuesday. Principal Caven, of Knox College will celebrate lits 50th year in the ministry next mouth. He was ordained and iuducted into the charge at St, Marys, on October 7th, 1852. A childrens service will be hold in the Wiughanl Presbyterian church, on Sunday morning, Sept. 2Sth. The paster, Rev. D. Perrie, will preach a special sermon to the children. Rev. Dr. Carman was re-elected Gen- eral Superintendent by the Methodist General Conference at Winnipeg, and Rev. Geo. Bond, of Halifax, was elected editor of the Christian Guardian in suc- cession to Rev. Dr. Courtice. The sacrament of confirmation will be i administered by the Rt. Rev. F. P. Mc- Evay, Bishop of Loudon, iu the Catholic church here on Sunday, Sept. 28, In our next issue we will announce the hour at which the service will be held. Rev. Wm. Lowe is away for a few holidays. Mr. Lowe has not had a Sun. day to himself for a long time. The TIMES wishes him a pleasant holiday. Rev. Mr. Suelgrove, of Teeswater. took the services in St. Paul's church on Sunday last. Rev. J. J. Patterson, B. A. preached in the Baptist church at Listowel on Sunday morning and in the afternoon and evening he preached anniversary ser- mons in the Atwood Baptist church. Rev. Mr. Saunders, of Listowel took Mr. Pat- terson's work iu the Baptist church here. Live Stocic RIarkets. Toronto, Sept. 16.- The total receipts of live stock to -day were 87 ocarloads, including 1,548 cattle, 1,529 sheep and lambs, 522 hogs, 16 calves. and 5 horses. There was little change iu prices from last week, but the market was slightly firmer for butcher cattle. The following are the quotations: CATTLE. Shippers, per cwt $ 5 25 $ Do., light 4 25 . Butcher, choice do 4 50 Butcher, ordinary to• good 3 00 Butcher, inferior 3 40 Stockers 2 25 SHEEP AND LAMBS. Choice ewes, per cwt... 3 30 Yearlings, per cwt...... 8 40 Spring lambs, each ... 2 25 Bucks 2 00 MILKERS AND CALVES. Cows, each 25 00 Calves, each 2 00 HOGS Choice hogs, per cwt7 00 Light hogs, per cwt6 75 Heavy hogs, per cwt6 75 Sows, per cwt . . 3 50 Stags 0 00 5 85 5 00 5 00 4 00 4 25 2 75 3 65 4 75 2 75 3 00 42 00 10 00 7 123 0 S73, 6 87 4 00 2 00 WING"nraatlirr itEPOUTS 1•••••0•••••••.s•••OOmmeseviscosee•NO••04.•eoe•••s•tloss•0.O••O•...o..0.e.....• Winghtun,:ept. 17 1902. • Corrected every Wednesday afternoon by Cassels & Carr. Flour per l001bs,,,, 1 65 to 2 50 Fall Wheat .. . , .... 0 08 to 0 08 Spring Wheat., 0 00 to 0 00 Oats, 0 40 to 0 45 Oats, new ,. S. . 0 30 to 0 80 Barley .... ..... ........ 0 35 to 0 40 Peas ,..... _, 0 70 to 0 75 Turkeys, drawii .. , ..... , . , 0 09 to 0 10 Geese, " 0 05 to 0 06 Ducks, per pair .. , , 0 40 to 0 60 Butter0 16 to 0 10 Eggs per doz 0 15 to 0 15 Wood per cord ....... ... , 200 to 2 00 Hay old, per ton. 8 00 to 8 00 Hay, new, per ton ti 00 to 7 CO Potatoes, per bushel. 0 30 to 0 35 Apples, per bag 0 25 to 0 25 LardTallow per Ib ..... ...... 0 05 to 0 06 ., Dried0 15 to 0 15 Apples per lb 0 05 to 0 06 0 13 to 0 15 LiveWool Hogs, per cwt. 0 50 to 6 50 Chicelteris .. 0 30 to 0 40 INSURANCE I I I LiFE FIRE JOHN KERR PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE JAS. H: KERR • o..•••••••••••o••••••..... eo 000S0.00••a•.•0410.00000••o.l•••Os••.••0.00•••••.• w • • Such Splendid Bargains in •Bright New Merchandise for Ekll • ••• e' r • Are to be found only at this Bargain Store. 1 • • • TAILOR-MADE • • • SKIRTS AND COATS • • • These are splendid tailor made • • goods at reasonable prices. • Skirts flare at foot. They are real smart and dressy. • Clothing Sale Men's and °Boys' Ready - made Clothing at Clearing Sale prices. Come here if you want Bargains in Clothing and Gents' Furnish- ings. HEINZ'S PICKLES, &c. Sweet Midget Gherkins Queen Olives Mustard Dressing Horse Radish Worcestershire Sauce • • • • 0 • • 0 0 0 0 0 • • • ALSO The Mutual Life CK COMPANIES •• • f �t FRENCH FLANNELS Shoes_.'s�I Uana a Ptuvly Cttnudian t� Mixed. Examine our See rates before in- • • ACTUAL RESULTS spring eh,ett'liere. • • • 0 • Crosse & Blackwell's and Piccalilli, and Patterson's Stuffed Cucumbers. le • • • • O O • • • • 0 • • • 0 s • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • M Light and dark groundworks, with pretty patterns, spots, • figures, stripes and floral ef- • eats. All pure wool. i'Y. ,1111. THE 4 Accident Plate Glass LONDON GUARANTEE THE DOMINION AND ACCID.:NT CO. The price of plate glass Issues the latest health is Ranch higher than policies. when you bought. Do Ilave you seen them? youkeepyoursinsured ABNER COSENS. Farm Loans at Lowest Rates. SIIORTFIAND . • BOOK-KEEPING Business Law, Writing, Correspond- ence, Typewriting, etc., thoroughly taught by experienced teachers at the Forest City Business and Short- hand College, - London, Ont. We have no difficulty in placing com- petent pupils in good positions. College re -opens• Sept. 2. Send for Catalogues. • J. W. WESTERVELT, j - Principal. f ir ce srb SPECIAL PRICES FOR 30 DAYS ON ALL LINES OF FURNITURE A large stock to choose from. WALKER BROS. & BUTTON Furniture Dealers and Undertakers. nor®seOMCIEUMs •i : •1.4.3'• etee-S ioolo•1• re fog.+.;.- +•2 :••1•Deo-e ;. d. telog .. -;.+4.-i...++++++4••: i •e•$••:- i' i' f• go 4 4. •'r •1• 3t. ; :d+.4 3• 4. ,+ "4. r . it go .4. 41. e . 4.. :. :i . ..,... M •: .. I BIG BARGAINS IN WATCHES 4. M � BIG BARGAINS IN RINGS • 4' BIG BARGAINS IN SILVERWARE 4. + 1 4. 4. 4. A very large stock to salect from and we will sell 4 4.very cheap all through July. M 4. 'HALSEY PARK f Jeweler and Optician, :: Headquarters for repairs. M 1• i•.•,.J C•i i•'i ., .1.++•1i•'.•.,.q. t 4 4, +0 ,1• .. ♦ 0 k•rM t . M. O. o•i' t' r'1'i'1' s„to .=•gr,+i•.i'.l'•P • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • DRESS GOODS New fall materials for tailor- made costumes. Broadcloth, Amazons, Satin Cloth, French Cheviots, Hotnespuns, Serges, ete. Prices very moderate. We sell School Shoes that look well, wear well; feel comfortable; and the price suits your poeke book. ALSO Ladies' Fine Shoes Ladies' Heavy Shoes Men's Fine Shoes Men's Heavy Shoes Solid leather, for fall and winter wear. FLOUR We handle the best Bread and Pastry Flour that is made in Ontario. Try it. • • • • • • BLANKETS • o We offer you special value in • All -wool Blankets. The best • that money can buy. • • s • • • • YARN . • • Saxony, Scotch Fingering and • Factory Yarn, in black and • • colors. Pure wool ; no shoddy. Chinaware Dinner Setts,' Tea Setts, Toilet Setts, - $5.00 up . 3.00 up - 2.00 up A splendid assortment of Fancy China, Decorated Opal, Bohdlnian Glassware. ALso Plain and Fancy LAMPS S[ICAR 30 lbs good Sugar - $1.00 Redpath's Granulated Sugar for preserving. You'll be sorry if you use cheap granulated forpreserving. SPICES We carry a full line of Pure Spices for pickling, etc. • • :90.loe....oc.seeeseeas••0.Se0e•s00.Oso••eseoees0s®09o•s0•s0•s mase•O•••0000••s • • • 41 JOHN KERR • • • • 500000600000••••••••••••04•00sc3.O0300•S..••.000•0O000S•I0•S0000•008•S0SS0s00i; MACDONALD BLOCK, WIN G H A M • • • • • • 0 • • • • • JAS. H. KERR • • 11111111110.1111 ►vvvvVvvvvvvvV,YYYVYVVVvvvv VVVVVVYYYVYVVYVYVTVVVVVvvv VVVYVVYYVVVVVTVVVVVVVV!VVV 4 ► I. t P. ► THOMAS'S BAZAAR - Buttoii Biock: I. t ►.4 0.t ► 4 ale . . ,,,,....,. ► p.L atY., ► A 0- s ► A 1. I. I. I 1 n u e 4 0. 0* e 0* For a reek or Ten Days ► . ► . ► . ► . ► . ► ► 4 We have disposed of a lot of goods during the last two weeks, 4 but still we have bargains left for everybody. Everything must 3 go regardless of price. The following will give you of the bargains given: [I.- I. ►Berlin and Zephyr Wools, all shades, at, per oz 05 I. ►Shetland Floss, at, per oz .05 ► Brilliant Silks, all shades, 5e per spool or 6 for .25 P. Slipper Soles, all sizes, at wholesale prices. E 04, .06 and .08 Crepe Paper, all shades, at Filo Floss, all shades, at .01 and .04 ► is. Pins, 3 papers for ► os ► ► iss itb 0. ii14*10.► io- C Too many lines to mention, but bargains 0.4 . Still. some bargains to be given in Graniteware . and Tinware 1 r LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA4A1a AAAA AAAAAAAAAAe11/►/,. AAAIAAAAA1 an idea a 4 4 e i i i s 4 41 41 .r14 4 3 ev J .05 Embroideries, regular from i c to Oc a yard, choice for .05 Battenberg Laces, per yard .01 and .02 Ladies' Vests, regular 10e and 15c. tor ... .06, ,07 and .08 e w e Ir y� for everybody