The Wingham Times, 1902-09-18, Page 2TILE \%TINGLIA r1'I.MES, PREMIER, 18, 19O2 ESTABLISHED THE WINUAN ire i Es. mil, llrt.1 •JOTT.1''i11FI.I&$EIZ AND PeornU T4R TI•HURSDAY. TEPP. 18.. 1902. WHAT OTHER PAPE3S SAY. ' The tauole of winter in the air last weele suggested the furnace. furnace Suggests hard co 0, azul hold coal suggest a paiural financial problem. -St. try's Journal, NeWYo k nh'tuufa Omens are import- ing their coal trent. England and getting it fat' less tl au the Felling price in the United States. Now it will be iu order for Morgan tte merge the mines and so put the world under tribute to majesty, -Iiingstou Whig. The, advice of the coal dealers that if householders cannot get hard caal they should burn soft, is a degree less severe than that of the unhappy Queen of France who suggested that her subjects, if dyiug for bread, should. eat mike, -- Montreal Herald. Sweden is iustructing its school children ire the correct addressing of letters. There ie. no reason why the school should not teauh something use fun, instead of a lot of stuff, that if re- membered, is of no more use than brass buttons ou a dog's coat,-Bobcavgeou Iudepeudeut. A short time ago a Muskoka man lost his wife, ani in two weeks after he had laid her bones to rest he got married again. A charivari party assembled and commenced operations, when he went out and tried to hush up the crowd by telliug them they ought to be ashamed to make seen a noise around a house where afuueral occarred so recently,--Toroteto Mail and Empire.- The Douhebors are coming in for • theirperiodical shower of abuse from the Opposition press, They have been represented as giveu over to a religieus mania. to the neglect of their farm work. The Winnipeg Free Press in- vestigated the reports and found them grossly, exaggerated. The great majority of the Donkhobors are making good farmers, and steadily improving their condition. Only a few have been affected by religious peculiarities. -Lon- don Advertiser. The Mail and Empire of last Monday says: "Since the C. P.R. has announc- ed' its surplus of $14,000,000,, the much -boasted surplus at Ottawa looks small and fusiguificant." Qnite true, but when the C. T. R. pays ite just share of taxes the surplus will not be so large. The gross earnings "Of the C. P. It. for the year ending Juno 80th were 837,503,053, In Minnesota the railways pay fur per cent of their gross earnings iu taxes annually. A similar law here would bring a revenue ,, of $1,500,122 from the 0, P. R. alone.- •Foresr Free Press. The Montreal Witness says that while the industries of Canada were "infant industries''.here was some plausibility in their plea for high tariffs until they "grew up," but the fact of their success in other fttarkets is evidence that they are now sufficiently adult to compete with alt and sundry and are no longer dependent upon a highly protected home market. "While they are doiug so well they should certainly be well advised to let well enough alone, as Sir Richard Cartwright advised them, for further exactions on their part will certainly arouse the free trade sentiment of the country that has been more or less dom- ant during the good times that have blessed the Liberal administration, We use large figures when we have to value the f'ear's wheat crop at $10,000- 000, and the oat crop at over 813,000,000, but both these sources of revenue are sur- passed by the yield of liay, which with- out taking in the second crop will bring the farmers $40,000,000. .And according to the Department of Agriculture, when we include all the cereal crop and the dairy and livestock industries, we must fix the total agricultural product of Ontario for 1902 at 8200,000,000. We are proud of such a showing, which compares with Manitoba and Northwest total. re - as Pala, Pala, Bak And'Very Nervous Mrs. Benj. Hatfield, 77 %Iillyard SL, St. John, X.13., writes :-"For th,•ee years 1 was a sufferer from extreme nerwousrtess and female weakness. I was pale and weak, had no appetite and would some- times faint two or three times a day. I underwent a very painful operation and for sevenweeks wa; under the doctor's care but he seemed unable te' help tile.. Despairing of recovery, 1 tools the ad- vice of a friend who told me that Dr. Chute's terve Food would build toe up add make me streng and well again. I continued this treatment, using to all sixteen boxes, and believe that 1 ant as strong and well as ever in my life. As a result 1 cannot say too much tot Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. The testimonials 1 ser for it are not half strong~ enough." 50c..e, box, at all dealers; or E.dmanson, Bates ,$c Co., Toronto. On every box of the genuine will be found portrait anti ittgaattureof Dr. A. W. Chase. Dr. Chase's turn,, e•xnbint'd t',ti.nated at probably 100,000 09:1. 13e -idea we repeat that Ont- ario, which bas ua»y sources of farm revenue to rely upon, h• ha a rater posit - On Mau the Wm, whieh, its yet i t•prtids ulost'y ou ono erup.-Toronto World. GROWTH OF OUR BACON INDUSTRY. No pact or Canadian export ::rade -outshdce of wheat -shows such rapid expi.utis:c: x as that connected, with the bacon hog. In 1800 our exports of bacon std hams were valued at a. little over hale a'` million dollars; by ]898 the feguro waa up to three and thhree-:l•.orter millions; and by 1900 it was twelve and three-quarter mil- lions. For the Sear ending ,Tune 30th, las the total was a little less than twelve ural a half millions. The cause of the fulling off, as compared with 1900, is not due to any decrease in demand i It #s simply because the Begs --ere not in the country to meet the requirements of the trade. Sup - Flex, are, however, evidently coming up egain as cur exports of bacon and ham: for the fiscal year ending Juste bal. were well over half .a mil- lion is excess of the previous twelve menthe. PRESERVATION OF FORESTS The Province of Ontario some years ago took steps to preserve and re- place forests. The former being under the direct control of the Gov- ernment has fleet with a large de- gree a success. There are large reserves in the northern portion of the Province and something has also been donee under Government super- visIou in the way of reforestry, chiefly where the land is unsuitable for agricultural purposes. The peo- ple are' somewhat slow to take hold ofre la ltt �iu he older sections ons of the province, but there is evidence that. through the efforts of the clerk of forestry, a quiet educative work Ls being done which will result in an increasing interest being taken In tilts subject. Thi last report of the forestry department shows that in many counties the proportion of -woodlnatd has fallen below -what scientific study of the question shows to he necessary. One of the ob- steckss te.replanting of trees is the fault that the results are somewhat slow, and there is an inclination to let pooterity provide for themselves. A broader patriotism, however, is manifesting itself in some quarters. The Dominion Government as well no the Ontario Government, has an offieer whose saecial duty it is to look after this mta:tter and, a recent repor .'states that Mi. Stewart, the Dentiniou superintendent of forestry, hate a million; trees ready to set out in the Northwesto This cannot fail to be attended, with beneficial re- sults. . • John D. Rockefeller. A prominent member of Wall s treet the Standard 011 Company, and the Baptist church. This gentleman's life, from his boy- hood, has been one long straggle against abject riches. At the time of his birth, the earth was owned by an aggregation of individuals scattered over various portions thereof, Il Since then all has been changed. Bat Mr. Rockefeller, with characteristic generosity has couseuted to share it with Pierpont Morgan, Andrew Carnegie, Charles Schwab, Russel Sage, and a few other parties of the first part who have the same disease that he has. Mr: Rockefeller has alwnys been noted for his Bibical 'earplugs. He started out in life with the following motto, adapted for his own use: "Let your light so shine before men, at twenty cents a gallon, that they anav see your good works end glorify the con• tinualiy increasing dividends." In other words he sloes not believe in hiding one's light under a bushel, but thinks it should be put on a barrel. Bet;iuniug ill life as a poor boat, own- ing at that time only the city of Cleve- land he started to Chicago, and, having seen that Prof. Triggs was furnished 1 with a solid brass phonograph, he left that city where it was, for which it has ever since been•duly gratefulaand tame on to; leer York, where he 'created the now famous part of "Foxy Grandpa" Since then he has been living a quiet, frugal. Iife, surroun &d only by his friends and family /id hair -restorer men, and by exercising the utmost caro, has been able to save up onoagh to live uncomfortably. He has not only made hay while the son shone, but while the oil lamps held out to burn. Hint favorite occupations are: Cutting coupons by electricity, not doing any harm by giving away money, and hold ing his own. Prinoipal works: "A Tank Drama" "Oil on the Troubled Waters," and "flow I Set ,he World on hire." ---Front "Life's Dict onaryof Taternational $i- ography," At 7 p. in., Saturday. Sept. Gtlh, Thos. McAdam, of Owen Sound, rind Miss Jean Ross, of Brussels, were united in Nerve tnarr#tige b,Y Itev.1'. H. Darkltl, tit the mane Sea £mrd: n r' Food .. , 't o bride is a Meter to Mrs. 3as.13eattic, of. Brussels, ACCIDENTS QF A I)AY. Miss Myrtle Shire Stripped c - ClothinC by Lightnii i, PROBABLY FATALLY INJURED, Jtailwey Employe Crushed to Death. at atrattortt-Lost an Arm to Threshing • Accident at 1' oust ](wrest--:Cittetd In a Thwawuy-Thirty tipaatisht Workmen Ulnae in a Cave- in -Died eV Grief. Stratford, Sept. 1311.--Joscl h Phil- lips, son of the !G. '1'. 1;. station agent at. Seaforth,1 employed at the round house hero,twas badly crushed while coupling ears in the yard. ;ves- terduy aft0410011, land died a few hours later. I)ecedsed had only been at work,.about twee months with, the view of becoming itn. engineer. hilted its u rtutut-eay. `Pantaloon, W.W.T., Sept. 11. --••Wal- ter t{truck was thrown out of his rid through the horse running away, leis head strut.]: against a rock, and ee was instantly Killed. lits u'ftc, who was with him, was badly bruis- ed. , strip:ma of Her clouting. ICingstotl, Sept. 11. -Lightning struck the hpuse of Mr. 'Martin Shire, Enterprise, shattering it and setting it afire. Bliss Myrtle, his daughter, was also struck, every stitch of clothing being torn from her body, which was painfully burned. Her death is expected. Lost an Arnn. Mount Forest, Sept. 11. -Will :Map- letoft, en tl'iilfuat Evans' farnh, had his arm caught In the belt of a thresher yesterday. It was fearfully tnangfed, end had to be amputated below 1.l1e elbow. Thirty Workmen Killed. Lon'on, Sept. 1.1.-A despatch to The Daily Express1;fronl. Madrid says 30 workmen have been killed in the r -• 1 o inca of Lerida .e ids Uy the cavingin of a road which they were repairing. Died t,l'.xrief: Montreal, Sept.' IL --Mr. Jaynes Thomas, whose daughter was drown- ed a few weeks ago at Old Orchard, died yesterday of grief. PUNCH ON CANADA. Sir Wilfrid Laurier's influence Towards Angio-FrencIr< Auaity. London, Sept. 11 4Punch yesterday had a well -executed cartoon, entitled "Our Mutual Friend," which repre- sents Miss Canada,'• in Indian cos- tume, greeting her gust dam, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, on ;.his return from visiting England anti Frame, saying: ",So you've seen any two grandnioth- ers; how do you 114 them?" Sir Wilfrid -"Well, my deur, they are both so charming, I'nh surprised they, don't know of 3 another better." Cause of tito Attack. Montreal, Sept, 10. -Sir Wilfrid Lau- rier,. -writing to a friend here; speaks of the attack of Le. Petrie of Paris on the Canadian Prime Minister. and La Pa.trie of Montreal says.: "Ten years ago Mr. Archille Steen, an Israelite, asked assistance from Sir Wilfrid to found' a newspaper here, to be cak- ed The Two Frances,• but the Premier, having sized up his 'Man, decided not to interest himself In Mr Steen's re- view. This Mr. Steen, after having padd.court to our Prime Minister, took occasion to vent his spleen in La Pa- ttie of Paris," p` DETECTIVE *AS TIU 1E. Lysed As a Decoy Among Striking Machin- ists at tiaugstoa. Kingston, Sept. 11. -Three strieing machinists are on trial here for inti- midating and interfering with em- ployes of the locoriliotive works. The strikers pleaded not guilty, holding that, though they had picquettcd the works and sought to Persuade new- comers not to work, they were doing nothing illegal. The prosecution es- tablished the fact as to both pie-• quetthg, coaxing men to quit wort: and paying then to leave the city. Manager Bermingham said that a Toronto detective was used as a de-• coy to secure evidence. but he was allowed to go to work without inter- ference. The ease will be argued to- day. Medicos In Session. Berlin, Ont.,. Sept. 11. -The Ontar- io medical convcntiot coati/wed their deliberations yesterday. The follow- ing officers -rcre elected: Dr.'lhoinas McFarlane, Ottawa, president;, Dr. L. H. Botclby, Berlin, vice-president: 1)r, I'. II. Bryce, Toronto, secretary - treasurer; Dr. W. J. Arnett, and Mr. 1-I. .7. Bowman, Berlin; Dr. ,lane, Mailorytown; Dr. Lanigrill, Ilamilten; Dr. Law, Ottawa, executive coinnit- tees. British Employes Expelled. Pekin, Sept. 11, --Paul Laser, the Russian 'Minister here, has advised the Russian commander in Manchuria that the presence of foreigners in Manehuria during the military occu- pation is objectionable, and he is di- rected to expel the British Imperial customs employes who may be sent to Manchuria to resume charge of the t postal service. . Ike ID lett Disellnr'go.l. Chatham, Sept. • 10.---I3arrister George G. Martin is in rocei.pt of a letter from the Secretary of letat.e, ' stating his petition on behalf of i James Wilson, sentenced to three i years at It#ngstrni for forgery, has I been successful, and that Wilson has 1 been discharged, Homeward Hound. 1 London, Sept. 11 .--Among the pose stingers sailing for ifontreal by the Tunisian to -clary are :sir Frederick Borden, ti Sir drones Grant. with 2 0 <Icn renti a s h I , I i•. their families. �l. I'#ualrre Minister Fielding will not return until Octo- ber. Paddy'e Letter. Those fond of Lisle belle znay find scone amusement in the following letter, which was written by an ailmens swatiui of the Emerald Isle to his Indy fair, "My Dalin' Peggy --I met you lose uig'it and you never cannel X'11 meet y.iu again' to -right. whither you conte or whither you stop away If I'm there first?, sure I'll write my name ou the gate to tell you of it, aud 11 it's you that's first why rub it mut; MOM', end no one will be the whale., 141 never fail to be at the toy stili' ilSlace, Peggy, for, faiti'a l Ican't keep away from the spot where yon are, wiietlei• you're there or whether you're note `•'Your own Maddy." • ,Rectors on+Typhoid Fever. • I1ot long ago 4 St. Thomas doctor alive it LIS his opinion that there would bo an uinusual amount of typhoid fever this fall owing tot the heavy rains and the amount of water 00 low land,follow- ed by warm weather. Dr. J. A, Robert- son, Stratford's hpedical health oMeer, gave a contrary opiniou, stating that it was in seasons that water in wells was low that the greatest aittonut'of typhoid occurred. A Lindon physician s,ys there is nothing to fear as malaria and typhoid fever genus are .bred only by Sta'enent water. Dr, Sheard, medical health officer of Toronto, is also of opin- ion that the raitis„wero beneficial to pub- lic health. He ,does think, luowever, thnt'•where chin%ing -water is obtained from a, river typhoid fever might follow a series of copious rainfalls which would wash 10 unsanitary matter deposited ou the banks or t ause the overflow of swamps and bogs. f)54mtiglititggf,fgg,g; l'' in Ihe .. 1 % , ig It is early,quite early, to 9 talk of spring goods. But we have made ready to meet your wants when the i time comes. We're bound to be in the forefront. c We are determined to win, /your tailoring account on sheer merit. Every gar. 4. 4ment we turn out is a strong bid for business. Its style c -its worktnanship-its fit �1 6 -its fdr.istt-all appeal to t€ the good taste and ambitions PJ of the careful dresser. l �E1 Ca:CLRKEi In the Shaw Block li' MJeltit it t;iJ3't oltJfgt% 1 3 a•..• ....r,..o„rl4.141p.8n:•......VW rite us etter. If you have any need in the jewelry line, however small, just write us about it. Out Catalogue contains photographs of many hundreds dour choicest pieces, and will be sent you free. \•VC ,guarantee safe delivery -prepay charies and cheer•' fully refund money if you so desire. DIAMOND HALL. k''stablishted 1854. Ryrie Bros., Yong. n.nd Adelaide TORONTO. Before. After. 'Wood's Tos iodii1e, The Great ,Tngliah ItetnaI,J. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only rent able medicine discovered. Star packages guaranteed to cure all forms of Sexual Weekness, alt effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- baeeo, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed en .ecetpt of priee, one package $1, six, $6. One toig teese, slzwiUcute. Pamphlets free to any address. Tho Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. Wood's Phosphocdine is sold in Wingham Ity Colin A. Campbell A. L. Hamilton, le.A. Douglass, and .. D. Davis, Druggists. TOWN DIRECTORY,. I3Ar'TrsT CJIUatou Sabbath s'trvices at 11 a, m and 7 p 10. Sunday School at 2:30 p Ito. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evei>iwgs, • Rev. J. J, Pat- tersou, D•,A.,pastor. W.J,Chapuusn, S,S. Superintendent. Mu'rllonrsv Cuuoorr--Sabbath services at 11 a to and 7 p in. Sunday School at 2:30 p in. Epworth League every Mon- day evening. General prayer tweeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. Richard Hobbs, pastor. I)r. Towler, S. S. Sup- oriutendent. Paasteltiu w CRunoff-Sabbath ser- vices; at 11 a in and 7 p m. Sunday School at 2:80 p m. General prayer meeting on Wedaesclay evenings. Rev. D, Perrin, pastor and 5 ". Superinten- dent. Sr. PAUL'S C.lfu11.0H, ErrscorAz,-••-Sab- bath services at 11 a m aud.7 p in. Sun- day School at 2:80p m. Geueral prayer meeting.oll Wednesday. evening, Rev. Wan, Lowe, incumbent. V. Shore, S. S, Superintendent. . SALVA.TION ARMY' -Service at 7 and 11 a m and 8 and 8 p m on Sunday, and every evening during the week at 8 o'clock at the barracks. Pon OFFIoIi--In• Macdonald Block. Office hours from 8 a ni to 6:30 p in. Peter Fisher, postmaster. MECHANICS' INSTITUTE --Library • and free reading room in the Town Hall, will be open every afternoon front 2 to 5:45 o'clock and every evening from 7 to 9130 o'clock. Miss Millie Robertsou, librarian. • TO CONSEIMPTIVES. The tlnderaigned hawing been restored to health by simple means, after suffering for several years with a severe Inn affection, and that tlrend diseaeo Uottsnanpnon, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufforers the means of euro. To thorn who•desirt• It, he will ehecr- P Y at) y o the peer uU tend ffreeofclear e a eo 7 t ssription used, whirls they will find a cure for ificly Cp itlt:a Ve. ed a Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Brunetti• tie and all threat and lin{ Maladies. Ho !topes all sof vrers will try his remedy, AS it is invalnahle. Those desiring the prescription, witll'CCh win cost them nothing, and may prove a Messing, win pleeso tlddresv, 'Rev. ED- WARD A. WILSON, Brooklyn, Note, York. Gonsires, 'Hayti, Sept. 11.-Admir- nl Killick blew up the Orete-a-Perrot, and was killed. Tower CoUNCIr. -Jt. Vanstono, Mayor; Win. Holmes, Thos. Bell, Robt. Mc- Iudoo, J J. Elliott, W. F. VanStouo, A. J. Irwin, Coancillors; J. B. Fer- guson, Clerk and Treasurer; William Clegg, Assessor, Wm. Robertson, Col- lector. Board meets first Monday even- ing in each month at 8 o'clock. . SonooL Bo.uip. _ I : Kerr, (chairman), Thos. Abraham, J. u J. Elliott, J. J. Homuth, Wm. Moore, Thos. Bell, Wm. Button, C. N. Griffin, Secretary, Wni. Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. Meetings second Tuesday evening in each month, PUBLIC SCHOOL Taacore• ts.-A. H. Musgrove, Principal, Miss Br ek t;roY , spa , n , Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Corneen, Miss McLean, Miss Matheson Miss Reid, and Miss Cummings. • BOARD dr HuALT5-Mayor Vanstone, (chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg- ory, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, Sec - rotary; Dr. J. R. . Macdonald, Medical Health Officer PIANO AWWiTIIEORY. MISS SARA LOUISE MOORE, L.C.M. and member of the Associated Mua3 cians of Ontario, is prepared to receive a limit ed num- ber of pupiL9 for instructihn on Piano and in Theory. Special attention 'given to pupils preparing for examinations. Residence -opposite R. C. Church, Wingham. Elliott S. Honorary Grnduate of p�I F 't •; Ontario Veterinary College. .i .. n r Office and Infirmary - , `i. fid;, corner of Victoria and Minnie Sts. Wingham. Da and night calls promptly attended to. Telephone connection. FARMERS and anyone havin live stook or other articles they wish to dispose of, should adver tise the same for sale in tie TIMES. Our Iarge circulation tells and it willibe strange indeed if you donor etacustomer. - We can't guarantee that you will sell because: you may ask more for the article or stock than it is worth. Send your advertisement to the TINES and try this plan of disposing of your stock and other articles. Bell Telephori$ Copany OF CANADA. A new issue r f ,the SUB. SCRIBERS' DIRECTORY for the District of Western Ontario, including t h e WING tI A tM Exchange, will be issued early in• September. Orders f o r new connections, changes , of address, Changes of names, duplicate entry of names, etc., should be placed et once to ensure their appearance. COLIN A. CAMPBELL, LOCAL MANAGER. r. .,`..".,...K fit asutuopvay anq .0.momoi palituii "op 8xil, dolunct atj j, sage1.ntn3 S11ute ,tux a a:ty sanxtl, aline) 1)1111etil salty r'aUztra eaq'lnll: pries' seam, oantteaD ofeettrnaud saat� opSaig derm •sololtl�aA SO 1t)uin Ott; .los, part .lroggtjj IO i,put j IIY 44 0 1 f U,, lIEZA ]3STABLI5i•IED #8x2 TUE WINOtiAl TIMES: 1S PUBLI.S'..HED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING The Theles ()Tee, Beaver Meek WINGHAM, ONTARIO. Teams or Sunecltih' -$l_ JO per annum in acivaulet, 81.50 it nlamer ut so paid. No per disemt timed till all arrears arc, paid, except at the option of the publisher. Auvtttrrrsiso Rtrss. -- Legal ittd other casual advertisements perNonIatirielline for first insertion, Se per lino for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements in local eolumns are charged Wets. per lino for arse insertion and.5 centsper line for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements of Lost, Found,Strayed, Farms for Sale of to hent, and similar, $1.00 for firstmouthmo. nth and 00 cents for each subsequent CoN'reA01 RATES -The following table shows fur ourratt,specifiti; orperitdlo ods:insertion of advertisements SPAOE. 1 Yet. Olalo. S 3(0. I Are Ono Culnutn....,.....$W.00 $6:!5.00 ltr0.0 111 Halftoltwtu 8'185..000a.00 10.0,1u Quarter Column 18.00 10.0018 0.000 2.4.00 Advertise7newts without specific directions will be inserted till forbid and. charged accord. ingly. Transient advertisements must be paid for m advance. THE JOB leere t`.t'irxse is stocked with an extensive assortment of all requisites for print- ing, affording facilities not ,equalled in the eountyfor turning out first class week. Large type and appropriate cuts for allstyli,s of Post. ere, Hamd Bills, etc., and the latest styles of choice fancy typo for the finer classes of prink ing. H. 13. ELLIOTT, and Publisher T P. KENNEDY, M. u.. Id. 0.P. 13. e . (Member of the British Medical Associn tion,). Gold Meoalhst in Medicine. Special attention paid to diseases of Wonii n and Cltild ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p, in.: 7 to 0 p. nt. DR. SIACDONALD, Centre Street Wingham, Ontario, DR. AGNEW, Physician, Surgeon, etc. Office-Macdontld Block, over J. E. Davis' Drug Store. Night calls answered at the office. T: C IS li HOL;tf , S.S.CHIS H M Ota M.lh. MAI., o,u., iu a y.s,o ME, MD,eM., MC PS O. DRS. CHISHOLM & CHiSHOLM PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS, ETC. O^rrate-Chisholm Block, Josephine street. Itusixonscs-In rear of block, on Patrick St., where night calls will be answered, R. VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC PrivatoMat Company funds to loan at lowest rate of interest, No colnmiss/cmch s , 1. ort - gages, town and farm property bought and sold. Office, Beaver Block. Wingham. A' A. MORTON, • �7 BARRISTER, deo. Wingham, Ont. E. L. DICKINSON DUDLEY 130LMEs (DICKINSON & HOLMES BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc. MONEY TO LOAN, °MOE: Meyer Block, Wingham. ARTHUR .1, IRWIN, D. D. S., L, D. S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office over Post Office, Wingham. Office closer. every Wednesday afternoon during June, July and August. - WT. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., . L.D.B. New method for painless ex- traction. No Cocaine. Special attention to the care and regulation of children's teeth. Moderato prices and all work carefully and skilfully performed. Office in Beaver Block, Wingham. Office closed every Wednesday afternoon during June, July and August. JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, Wingham, Ont. E. ESTELLE GRIFFIN \INGHAM TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE. Pupils prepared for Conservatory of Music exanunations. VIOLIN AND GUITAR. MISS CARRIE MOORE of London Conservatory'xof Music, will be pre- pared after Oct. 1st to receive a limited num- ber of pupils for instruction .on Violin and Guitar. Residence --opposite R. 0, Church, Wingliam. JOB PRINTING, 1 including Books, Pmitphiets, Posters, 10111 Heads, Circulars, &c., &c., executed in tate best style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short notice, that anylBooks or Magaasines left to announce Binding, will have our prompt attention P.riees for Binding in any style will be given on application to TME TIMES OFFICE, Wingham. RAILWAY TIME TAR -LES. GRAND TRONIf RAILWAY SYSTEM. TRAINS LEAVE FOE London .. .... 0.50 n.m .,. 8.10p.In. Toronto &: East 0 a.m.. (1.00 Rineardino..11.10 A.M... 1.40 pen ... 8.3ep.m, AfTIVE Elt0At iiincardine ...850 a.m.. 0.00a.m.... 8,03 p.m. London .............1110 a.m..., 7.55 p.m. Palmerston. iL10a,m, Toronto & East 1.90 p.m.8.88 p.m. L, HAROLD, Agent, 'iugltam. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. �./ TEAINS LEAVE sloe Toronto end East0.57 a.m.... 8.53 p.nt. Teeswater 1.17 p.m....10.45 p.m. AltItiVE P150)S Teeswater... 0.67 a.m... , 8.53 p.m, Toronto anti East .. 117 p.m.. .10.40 p.m. J. H. BkEMLR, Agent, Winghan. IT PAYS 'CO ADVF:PTISE IN THE TIMES . The Sweet Clover Pest Thele are many complaints about the sproad of white millet or sweet cooter (1nc lttottas alba) ni:ing the ccun. try r01,41,4 of Ontario, auto its i'apidi encs o Cbaneut ou farms eteel market garden;. tie -ye the Toront obe. Thiels 1taa8 bee:unc one of tha'luost injurious weeeis in some parts of Illinois and other States, sinal the work of erndi- eating it has. post large outlays 'in money cad labor, The present year. bus been etc'ptionally favorable to its growt' . and 'it ie seen in abundance t►long the country roads and •in the vacua lute of citie:i end towns, some- times retching a h•aight of 8 feet Unit ince e. 'ire pleesant odor of the plaitt when drying and the uiuvor like rex- lure, and appearance of its loaves are no doubt responsible for illi coninhou name, but it is regarded 4.-.a most injurious pest of hots• retell,' gala gar -r dcna It will soon be in seed, and. tun- lest effective measures are:Taken at once the seeds will bel widely dis- trlbutedeby oediilary vehicular, i raffia and otic.,• agencies. The possibility of utiliaang it is still in doubt.The tough- noes of its hard,round stems is a fea- ture that is said to be fatal to pits use els fodder. although acme claim that both cattle and horees brought gradu- ally to use it prefer it to mired. hay. This ells not yet been well authenti- Bated. Lt is claimed that the weedier, oder of the ;eaves' will injuriously (Iffeet the milk of cows alnd Will be persisteut in butter. Beekeepers wel- come tele spread or sweet olover, as it 15 rich in honey that is easily gather- ed, The ubtndaut {store of honey in the common red clover is beyond the reticle of the domestic bee,oveing to the depth of the, ashes, but the wild• bee has a long pa Oasis that enables it to gather red eluaer honey. 'Whatever use may be ;lou • 1 for the ewect cloverk it is already ciasstd with th3 noxicus eveeda of the Province in Bulletin No, 01, • and Inas be brought vvithiri the provi- sion of the statutes dealing with them. It is pratided in the Revised Sttetutea of Ontario. 1807, chanter 279, section 2; Mat every occupant bf land must de-. stroy u1! CaLada thistles, ex -eye daisies, wild oafs, d•ageyeed and bur- duek, en:. d. all other noxieu:s . weeds grotving en hi' land, to which this ace mG la extended bylawthe. 5 tided by of muntcll,1lity," in time. to prevent the ripen:ur of the'r seed. Overseers of Mel ss.tyf. are under similar obliga- • •ons, With regard to sweet glover, tL•c newel rests with the municipal couneds Tisi experience of farmers else. wei c seems to point the wisdom or actives and vigorous measures 'before tins t.ndesirnble importation gets, be- yond coafrol. . , .. , • A Dutchmen's Lament. A Dutchmen addressing his deg said: "You vas, only a dog, but 1 visb •I was you, when you go mit your bed in you shusl lays down, ven I go mit the bead I half to lock up der bince,vincr up the cat and oudt put der clock al- ready. 1 undress minesolf, tier baby video up and: I hat ter valk him mid der house round and maybe von I gets minenclf to bed it vas just time to get up so soon. Von yuu get up you just a stretch. himself and, you vas up. c I haf the fire to light put on der Rattle, scrag, mid my vifo and breakfasts: get.. You play round all day and bat plenty .o2 funs., I vork all day and l:af plenty of troobie. Von you die you vae dead ; ven, I die I hat tel leo to hell yea maybe." X or OsAr Sixty Years. An Old and Well -Tried Remedy -Mrs Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been used for over sixty years bymiilionsof mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the grans, allays all pain, cures wind colic, nod is the hest remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part 'of the world. Twenty-flve cents a bottle. Ito valve is incalculable. Be sure you ask for Mrs Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup, and take n0 other kind. ' There is a noted difference in the style and fit of Pants we make that always brings peo- ple back for another pair. Then there is the low price and better'quality of cloth put in them -cloth that wears See our new goods and prices. WEB t 5ti OG VL:A ii ii EX!P!~ Ct1;;NCE ,TRADE MAlzxs DesteNs C.ot+Ynl6Htd &c. Anyone sending a Atari* and deserietten ma? cieickly nacertain ear opinion free whether IMF invention is probably patentable. Cotmmnnlcre sent frele. Oidertna eney for seem r paten Lam Patents taken through 1liuntt F- Go. rcetted specta(ttnotte�er,, without ehneg►►��e�,,,,�appltisp. tt�h,te $ddtatifttic :litl�G ken. A Icandson,ely (lout#rated weekly. /unmet Bir-, enlattoe of any delentinn i,rnrttnl. Term*. ea a veer: four months, $1. Sal by ail newsdealere. U & Ca.3ctttrenilty: y, 9r.;yj York Branch Onice.'0•1 U ( t .,'1Va:lain,acon. D. t3