HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-09-18, Page 1+ OL, XXXL----No, 1597.
A General
Is among the probabilities
of the near future, but of
more importance to the
people of this vicinity is
Ch�ide. Selection
of Suitings for fall and
winter wear to be seen on
our counters. We assure
you we can make these to
your, entire satisfaction,
with prices right to suit
all.,We have just re-
ceivea new and com-
plete stock of '
-New Shirts -New Cuffs
-New Neckties -New Caps,
-New Collars --New Socks
-New Underclothing'.
-Newest American Hata
And in fact every line is
full with new up-to-date
Boots and Shoes
We have a choke and se-
lect stock of the best
makes in Canada, also
some lovely lines of Amer-
ican Boots for men, made
in Boston, U.S.
The Sign of the Bear
iiomuth gyros.
leaned by Fiiexit PA ZI SOti`, No. 23 Victoria
street. Wingham. Ont. No wituessesrequired.
For the next 30 days 1 will sell
Toilet Sets at Very low prices.
A few; of the prices to show you how
inuch we have reduced them:-
he .-10 piece seta, win; $4.75, for $4.00
10 "
to ,c $4.50 " $$4 00
at as as $5 00 " @$4,i30
•• ,a " $4,00 " $3,25
a+ as .. $5.25 " $4.75
0 a, a, " 2,50 as $4.25
5 c, if +t 82.00 " $1.50
Conte in also see for yourself, Tiiie
is h genuine sale.
R. A, Hutcheson
Groceries and Crockery,
Phone No. 59.
Manitoba Lands.
In order that I might assist those who fre-
quently call enquiring about Rianitoba and
North west Lands, I have secured' the agency
of the Canadian-Anierieun Immigration Co.,
of Brandon, Man., and I nm now prepared to
show and quote geese, terms and conditions on
all the binds subject to sale hi Nanitobu or tlio
North West
There are many unirnproved farms that may
be had nt very reasonable terms and also
places in a better state for sale on easy terms
airsan •
r t,e In i u r' nes to suit anyone.
Tho property in and about the Canadian Soo
is being rapidly taken up, and there are still a
few flue locations that acro within the reach of
any one who wishes to invest their money in
such property as will return a largo inerense.
The number of farms on list at this office is
beyond doubt the lurgest that was ever re-
corded at any previous thiro pi any omro and
while the list of farms is large, we also have a
list of intending purchasers for fauns in this
If there is any -one who w''sites, td pall or rent
they will find.it to their a viuttage to•tiun on
In the town of Wingham 1 chin snit any in-
tending purchaser in size. location or price or
a house. I have scants excellent properties for
sale suitable for retiring farmers; also houses
that aro cheap and on such terms that the
present renter would find it to itis advantage
to buy and improve a place of his own rather
than pay rent. T. J. 1M1Actrnfitl,t
Real Estate and Insurance Agent.
O$1cc over D. M. Gordon's store.
Who Wants a Farm ?
I have over 4,000 acres of choice farm lands
for Hale, in 60, 75,100, 150 and 200 acres, lots in
Kinloss, Greenock. Bruce,
Kincardine, Huron
and Ashfield Townships. Good lands with
good buildings to be sold ehean on easy terms.
Also it good anwntill for sale, almost for a song.
Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in con-
nection) doing a good business, for sale cheap.
.A hotel doingn, good business for sale cheap.
Also a wngonslnop. A general store with large
trade, live village. Also a barge amount of
money to loan at a per cent. For further par-
ticuliars apply to
insurance -Arent. l'3olvrooti.
Capital 2 500 000 See Halsey`ark's a.vortisonieut.
Campbell's Headache Wafers guaxau.
Reserve $2,500,0003 teed to cure headache,
A General Braking Business Trans-
Farmers' Sale Notes Collected, and
advances made on same.
Drafts bought and sold on all points in
Canada. United States and Europe.
allowed ou deposits of $1 and upwards,
and added to principal 30th Junto and 31st
December each year.
• Vanstone, solicitor.
A. E. GIBSON, Manager.
First Paym nt of Taxes.
In order to recur the 11:, per cent.
discount parties 1 ad to pay their taxes
on or before the 1 th of this month. Wo
understand that o er $2,400 of the taxes
had been paid up the 15th.
House and Lot on Shutor street,Wing-
haat, for sale. Apply to Mus. HELPS.
The milliners of
their fall openings
ber 30tb, and folio
liners are now bus
in readiness. Au
openings will appe
ext wee
M coAi'm:melonWANTED--T0 learnphoto-
graphy. Apply to ,I, E. Zu brig„•,
Wiughnm will hold
u Tnestlay, Septette.
ing clays. The tail -
getting everything
iouncentents of the
r in our advertising
i U CHA .
Capital paid up, $2,000,000.00,
Reserve Fund, $1,000,000.00.
president -.tort* STUART.
vico.Presidentt••-A, G. 11.ANS Y.
yobs proctor, Oeo. > onch. Wm. Gibson, bLk.
A. le Wood, M. P., A. B. Lee (Toronto).
General Manager -4. fi1J'IiN]3ULL,
at•vinqa Bank -floors 10 to 1: Saturday, 10
to 1. 1)tlsosits of $1 and upwards received.In-
tetestalrowrd, and commuted on the 00th No-
•teanber and 31st May each year and added to
Special Deposita also received at current
Vitas of interest.
on lGroot
aritain and the �Itnited
States 6
travellers are notified that Stefanie of Main -
Ston and its Brnncltes issue Circular fates of
National Provincial fault of England. Limited,
it• s in arty be rcashed
tib 1t to t'ood charge or trofl•
iV• COB13OITf,D, Agent
E. X4, DtCItiN SOirf. Solicitor.
Stops the Cough
rand works oil the ti w
aeioirupY ctsil!. NCuPAI'rleImre
2ens to
Camp of nstruction
The Militia Depu tment has announced
a change in the Minary program of
volunteer drill. T e men will bo left at
house but camps instruction will be
held for officers. he Ontario camp will
be held at Nlaga a•on-the•Lake from
September 23rd t October 4th. The
following officers •f the 83rd regiment
bave been chosen o represent the reg-
iment at the cant .: Lt. Col. Vateoe,
Majdr W. Yonn , Adjutant Dunlop;
Captains B. rant, No 1 company,
Goderich; A. Y, rhnston, No 2, Wing -
ham; Ales. Wilso No. 0, Seaforth;
13. Combe, No. , Oliiiton; D. M. Mc..
Taggart, No. k ussels; H. T. Ranee,.
No. 0, Exeter,./.' , Shaw, No.7, Clititoll
Bert Varcoe, N, 8, Tinngannoti. The
Dungannon cow any Will furnish the
twentvtwo men 0r the .fatigue duties.
There tare also th et sergeants and three
corporals to be iaa. oeted from each comp-
any by the capta n.
Wear Greer's Shoes.
Returns t Vinghatn.
Mr. i7, 0. Dell, , ho was recently
transferred to Woo stook as manager of
the Canada Fun iture Mauufecturere
factory in that p rice has returned to.
Wanghaw and t'xl I resume his former
position as mating of the factories here.
We understand th t Mr. Bell will spend
two days in each 't ek at the fat: • ry in
'SERVANT GIRL "A 'n. --Apply to
Mrs. T. H, ,Ross., Fr . ccs street,
The genuine Verity P1.ose Paiute for
all the leading plows, for sale only by
SuUTli & PETntcx.
Coal an Wood.
Messrs. Cassels & Carr wishes us to
announce that poop do not need to
feel uneasy about ti sir supply of coal
for the coming w arse. They expect
several car loads of good stove and furn-
ace coal in the co rse of a week or ten
days. They also ave on h a good
supply of first-c1a hard w od.
Fresh oysters arri daily; served in
any style, at Jas. elf. (elves's.
MONEY TO LOAN tet 4;-.4 per cent; on
easy terms of repayment. Apply to A.
Dulmage, Kent Mock, Wiugtiaua.
The Epworth Let
Methodist churalr
school room of the
day) evening. A
vocal and instrume
etc., will be give'
be sold. Silver co
The publiccordial
'ue of the Wingham
vill hold a social in
•hurcit this (Thurs•
good progratnme of
thl music, eloontiou,
Refreshments will
lection at the door.
v invited.
For views and lawn groups try
Armstrong & Co.
You should select you all suit or
oyerooat now. Oar et ek ' ttOMplete with
the latest awl best o s iu the market
fur frill anal winter. 'on tike no chance
here, we guarantee satisfaction iu every
particular itt Geo. Carr's.
Lost Ar in.Thresher.
Ou shotty` ref' 1
Rir.ttoui; of White
very unfortunate
ing with a thresh
Wawanosh. He
the belts when b
badly mangled tin
tated. See Whit
t'eweek Mr. Ohms.
hurch, met with a
ccident while work
)g machine in East
s putting off one of
right arm was so
it had to be ampn-
hurch news for par-
Mr. T. B. Tri
Gazette as fell
Dig them. Wit
the bad ones.
for they will ro
straw under the
hole for ventila
;woodshed or a
look over them
any with sec
conclusion afte
Potatoes. •
ble writes the Norwich
vs, re rotting potatoes.
n dry select and bury
n't pit the sound ones,
in the pit, even with
earth covering, and a
ion. Put them in the
ty dry ooIi place, and
nee a week, taking out
yirg tendencies. My
a thorough exberi.ment.
For N w Subscribers.
A large num er of new names have
been added to 1 e Trees subscription list
during the pas week. Many are taking
aclvantako of nr special offer of the
TIMES and an of the following papers:
Weekly Globe Weekly Mail and Em -
dire, Weekly `' itness, Weakly Suu and
Family Herald ud Weekly Star till the
1st of January, 1003, for 30c. We are
also sending the TI\IE$ to new subscrib-
ers till the 1st o January, 3903, for 15c.
See our clubbing offer in another column.
days I offer for sale the Cider. Mill on
the corner of Scott awl Josephine streets.
This is a snap for someone as the price
islow and the business will be a profit-
able one this year. T. J. Magnin
King Co
A Large delivery
imide on Saturd
Campbell, the toe
Cormiek harvests
following farmers
these fatneus ma
St. Helens; John
Arch. McNeil,
Conant, Jas. Cita
sten, Wm. 1MICB
0. Campbell, A
Wtn. Robinson,
Fothergill, John
Walter Scott, W
soli, all of i...as
machines were al
bsll'b show room,
House by Mr, I'
worth and Mr,
W1.11 hani, expert
Company. The
their horses t+
yvhich were set u
street to the .17'nt
back to 'Mir. Ca
where they all
after little girls b
eats of the binde
graphers, Armstra
loot of the prtoces
n Binder.
f corn binders was
a last by Mr John
agent for the Mc-
g machinery. The
re the purehasers of
tines :-Thos. White,
Iartin, Whitechurch;
iueltant; John Mc•
ingha nt, Win. John-
rney, R, Leishman,
etnieson, J. Beeoroft,
ansuel Morton, Win.
Dow, Win. Helps,
, Rath, and S. Harri-
Wawanosh. These
set up at Mr, Camp-
pposite the Breadwal*
ed. Patrig, of Chitts-
,?. P. Campbell, of
for the McCornaiek
purchasers hitched
the niachi nrla,
gear and drove lap
caro hotel, and then
pbell's show room,
ruled Into line, and
1 been placed on the
, our *pouter pinto.
Ig if; 0o. took at soap
Death of Wm MCIcMath,
Mr Wan i' aefiath, 'other of Air. R. J,
Ri acltath and Mrs'; ,G . gimlets, of this
town+, -lied tait,hitt he = in Dengauuon on
Tuesday of rile: y•. k. Mr. MueMeth
his been a residettxt f Dungannon for
weriy yearsand iy tl ed 70 years. Mr.
antt Mrs. lt,.,J. liissoath and Mr, and
Mrs. L C. Moaners , re attending the
funeral at Daii};'amio to -day,
WANxl:u-•••40 bo�'tts
to work at the opplb
also a quantity of us
4-footwood, wattte
tad girls at once,
Negating factory,
ao or soft staple,
,A-pply at the
Stock 1hi
Montley, arta leis,
Winghsut. toast Mo t
shipped A ear- loeltlsf 1
D. Robertson, a stir 1
routo, and D. Stetfart
oar loads of iambi to
Mr. Stewart's second
to Bittlitio this season,
Meats he has sent 800
Wingham ]s Doer a
shippitse. Ott Monday
out over $14.0¢ for firm
son paid, out over $1100
would make over '$2
stook in one day, not o
paid out for the oar loaf of hogs.
The Large double store in the Macdon-
ald block, at present occupied by H.
Park, will be to jet 00 the ist December
nest. For further partioulats apply to
the owner or to 1t. Vanstone. 1
la stock day in
ty W.F.Vanstone
ogs to Toronto;
d of cattle to To.
wo double deck
nifaln. This is
ipntent of lambs
In the two ship.
nubs to Butfaalo,
entre for stock
r. Stewart paid
and, Mr. Robert;
or cattle. This.
paid out for
Ming what web
C. K. Will on Married
The marriage to k place et Winuipeg,
on Saturday, Ai' est. Ord of Mr.
Crowelllent Wil on to Miss Maggie
Falcoier, of Tweet Mr. Willson was
formerly in the Ba k of Hamilton here
and is now acconn - nt at bank's branch
iu Carman, Manito a.
Gents' Clothing a a, •. salty,, Good
values and up -to• dat
After 19 years of business in Win): -
ham I havedecided, to bear less of re-
spousibiliry tied step aside front the Ac-
tivities of business life and le
younger in years take charge ' y sift•
sere thanks are herewith ti tiered to tell
any customers, who for n ny years fay.
oreil us with their atrage and with
whotu 1 have had upleasant business
relations. The bit. Hers will in future
be conducted by my •two sons, under the
name of Homuth Bros„ for whout I be-
speak the stole kindness and patronage
that has men accorded to me. Agnin
thanking the public for their confidence
and patronage.
All acconuts owing the late firm of
Helmuth & Son runpt be paid to are on or
before Oct. firth, 1902.
Yours respectfnily,
J. 3. doaiurn,
Unfortun. e Accident.
While at work i Messrs A. Young &
Song shop on?!rid+ • afternoon last, Mr.
Frank Hogg toot v ith a very utlfortun-
ate accident. He vas up on a step Lad-
der repairing an o 1 trwk. I0 is thought
re fell from the 1: i der through the hoist
hole to the cellar. Ile struck the back
f his head again t the stone wall and
tis head was bads
ploy ees of the sin
orae Lime and h
nine re fifteen m
Mr. Hogg was
id was sunenone
to his house. Hit
oudit•iou from
Mn. H
Death of Mr. Jo
In recording the de
Mahon, father of Mrs.
of this town, the Li
says:-" Mr. John Mc
Meat of Dufferin'Ward
Sunday last, after.0 lon
ing been continent to itis
years. Deceased was
year, and was a native
Armagh, Ireland, and c
l'; 37.. He had been are
for about thirty a &$l
din leis lieliith,foitd My
Messrs J. and J. Living'.
has was a staunch Co
a loyal Orangeman.
leaves two sons, Al
and Thomas of Mild
ghters, Mrs. Berran a of Chicago, and
Mrs. W. G. Patterso of Wingham.
n McMahon
th of John Mc -
.p. Patterson, s
towel Stantiarcl
lion, an old res -
passed away ou
illness he hav-
d for about two
it bis eightieth O
f the County of
ins tJ Canada ire
dent of Listowel 1
cl up to the tinte .
s emliltlytid•tvlttx
one. In politics
ervative, and was 1
Besides his wife he
ander of Waverly,
ray; nisi) two dau-
We shall be glad t have contributions to
this column front any • 0 our readers. if you
have visitors or put•pn. *going away yourself,
drop instal tett rut, er end us s note to that
Mr. J. B, Cute
home from his visit
Miss Jennie Mac,
relatives in Parte an
Mrs. Halstead, of
with Wingham frie
Miss >ava Gracey,
with Wiolflham fallen
Mr. Will Bugg, of
at his home in tOwu
Mr. J. 0. Rose is
his holidays, taking
Mr, W. A, Grewe
taken a situation in
Mr, John Lennox h s taken a situa-
tion iu Messrs. Rat hie & Campbell's
1 Mr. Geo. Aualt+y ha taken a situation
in the orrice of the Tli t). Bell furnitnue
Mr. A; Waite, of To onto was visiting
with relatives in tow_ for a few .days
this week,
Mr, A, J, Sebastian. - eft last week ftr
Edmonton, N. W. .1R,, 'here he intends
Mrs. John Astor and chilihon are visit-
iug with frieuds and. elativts in Thed-
ford and Forest.
Mrs. H. Park wisite• to announce that
elm will be at hole to her friends after
out, The other em-
rn- the first of October.
did not miss him for Mr. J. M. Graham as secured a situ -
laid in the cellar for , atjon iu Hamilton a d leaves for that
lutes. When forted city ou Friday of this week.
rtCOusOiOns, Medical Mr,`and Mrs. Bradt: y, ot Ripley, were
and he was removed II visiting with Mr. aud) fes. R. J. Mae-
aitl in an unconscious i Math for tt couple of aye last week.
•iday afternoon until Tuesday. • , g roust have bad a Mrs, Geo. Jenkins . d children, who
very bad fall whet lie would lay tweon• I have been visiting in this vicinity for
scions for so Iong. For a couple of days !same time, returned o their floras in
tis recovery' were c• nsidered very doubt. ! Inglewood on Tburs ay.
fel. We are pleas• d to learn - at the 1MIr. Geo, Lamont,
Brite of `c;°v sting tha Mr.' liege is itnpror: ' sup at- Isis Thome here
ng as well as, coni be expected, He
las a large numb: of friends in Wing -
ham, who will w .h hint a coruplete and
speedy recovery,
Ings )sae returned
th is visiting with
St. George..
oronto, is visiting
s this week.
v t
s this week.
Detroit, has been
r a few days.
way this week on
trip up the lakes.
, of Brussels has
r. A, Dulwage's
been stabled to se are the services of Miss
Purcall to take arge of our Ladies'
ailoring departm nt. Miss Purcell bas Miss Fannie Ho g, of Brussels, has
had a good expe ience in two of the been in town this w •ek at the bedside
renrost shops o Toronto. She comes of her brother, tyre. He r bedside
o ns very highly rt,
=mended. Orders ge'
elicited; fit�a
e goal utetcl. samples of Hogg, of Brussels, w•as also over for
laths, with pre es, furnished on couple of days.
Dr, Butler, specialist in the diseases
Of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes fo
tested and glasses supplied. Ofilee op- t
to St. Andrew%
+ London,
Ontario. a
f Elora was visit -
this -week.. He is
working on the G. T R, and has been
transferred from El. • a to Palmeratou.
Mr. and Mrs. Ge
horse from their we
evening and have
ing in their beautif
C. Hanna returned
ing trip on Monday
en up housekeep-
honue ou Minnie
Wingbanr's fall
Friday of next • we
largo number of p
fair this year pron
The list of special
one and includes a
free •for -a11; gent]
driver, and a tioub
the afternoon of
celebrated Caeadi
chestra will give
grand stand and th
cert in the town ha
Turnberry Agricul
flourishing couditi
ertsouson informs
entitled to the larg
Governtneut to a
of the TIMES shout
fair is to be held o
day of next week
to tower prepared
in the town hall i
s Fall Fair.
air on Thursday and
k should attract a
+pie to town. The
ses to be a good ono.
ttraotions is a good
30 trot Or pace; a
Hen's road race, lady
= hitching race. Ou
the second day, the
Jubilee Singers Or.
'concert from the
y will give a con -
in the aver iug. The
oral Society in a
and Secretary Rob-
s the Society is now
at grant given by the
y Society. Readers
1 remember that the
Thursday and Fri -
and all should corse
wait for the concert
the evening.
pplicatiou. Wu. 'IMAM), Seafortlr. Mr. S. Merrifield eft last week for
Preston, where he h s taken a situation
The Late A drew Pringle- in the furniture fres ry. He expects to
We record this eek the death of Mr, find the mineral ba s at Preston bene -
Andrew Pringle, me ot Turnberry's ficial for, his?earerheumo : tismLon.
pioneer settlers w • o departed this life Ilu, desboro, wa&
on Sept. 10th, at tee ago of 71 years aud calling on Wingham friends this week,
10 months, His ':mains wore followed Mr. Peareu wishe.; to locate nearer
to the Wingham emetery on Saturday
rereads. Mr. PieWiunhant and wis es to purchase a
last by a largo c • tcoursof mourning!
farm of 75 or 100 ac es iu this vicinity• sgle was a native
forefathers follow
of shepherds auto
the Teviot. Hi
tended the flock
farm for some
married a daugn
!ray, of Castleton
din 1854. In 1858
about a )wile and
He cleared his fa
joys and hardshi
'reared a family
daughters and t
. attended him it
A first-class fautn for sale, within about I.
daughters bring
2te stiles frotn Wroxeter and 7 miles I
m btl
from Wiane, on good gravel road; M
good built -tinge and farm well improved. l a
Apply to R. Vanstone, 1'Vinghatn. 111
ie Western Sox
aria in Winds
re at home on
ved a quiet, m
nd loved by hi
consistent Pr
Reformer, and
Far froni tl
ignoble s
His sober w
long the cool equesteretl vale of life;
He kept the noiseless tenor of his
Death of Dr. Tennant.
The news of tit r sudden death of Dr.
J. S. Tennant at I ucknow, on Thursday
morning of last w .el: was received with
surprise iu Winhnni, Dr. Tennant
was One of the of 'est and most premix-
eat physicians it Western Ontario, He
had been a resid.ut of tueknow for up-
wards of thirty years. He was taken
seriously ill on t le Wednesday afternoon
with an attael of Canadian 'Cholera,
from the effect. of which he lapsed into
unconsciousne'. - and never rallied. He
was It menlber of the Masonic, Orange,
Canadian and independent Foresters.
The funeral on Sunday afternoon to the
Kinlbss eemete y was one of the largest
ever seen in cknow. The snembers
of the A. V. & . M. had charge of the
service and a very large number of
members of th Order were In the pro-
cession, beside: s large number of mem-
bers of the Ca radian msid. Independent
Foresters and at so nienibers of the Orange L
Order. A special train Nees ran from en
Winginam and seine sixty people from 13
here attended the funeral, a large num- r
heirs of the party being 3 aeons, will be tlisonseed.
Scotland, where his Dr. A. J. Irwi is away atten
ed the quiet vocation ing the convention of the Canadia
ig the head waters of Dental Association at Montreal. Mrs
father and brother' Irwin and daughter' Oneida are visiting
on the Connuonside . with Torouto frien ! s during the Dr's
seventy years. He' absence.
er of Mr. David Mur- Me. John Park I'ft here Monday fo
came to Canada Essex, whera he na secured a situation
o settled on his farm, with his uncle. J• n will be missed by
a ]calf from Winghsm• ? the young people of he Methodist church
'm and experienced the He will carry wit hinn the best wishe
of pioneer life, and j of many friends.
f seven chiliren, four :. Ml,, W. N. Hut' bison, late Massey
for all Stomach Troubles?q.
We guarantee :an absolute
cure for the Most distressing
cases. When all others fail
give us a trial, • and your
money will be refunded
if we do not satisfy. ;
RI A. Dougiaas.
•1• '
• Enter Now if Possible.4.
Central Business College,
•1• d•
`h3, A school that occupies front rank 4'
,1, among the bast business colleges on this '3•
continent. ,puny leading; commercial 'i'
,' schools employ our graduates as tench- .1. •
,, urs We do our best to piece all our .1.
,1, graduates ingoodpositfcosaandwehave 4.
been more succt'asfttl •this 1 tar than fn 4.
,3'1, any previous year. Those desiring the .5.
,1- best in business education} should attend .;• ,
+l- our School. 4,
' Write for catalogue.' 1 '
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
District Fall Fairs
Wingham, Sept. 25-26.
Teeswater, Sept. 24-25.
Dungannon, Oct. 9-10, -
Blyth, Oct. 7-8.
Brussels, Oct. 2.3.
Walkerton, Sept. 17-18. P
Stratford, Sept. 30 -Oct. 1,
Listowel, Sept. 30 -Oct. 1,
Goderich, Sept. 30 -Oct. 1.
Seafortn, Sept. 25-26.
Atwood, Oct. 7-8.
Kincardine, Sept. 80 -Oct. 1.
Mildmay, Sept. 22-23.
Fordwich, Oct. 4.
Belgrave, Sept. 30 -Oct. 1.
Clifford, Oct. 8-9.
Lucknow, Oct. 1-2
n 1 Take Laxative Bromo Quiniv r Tablet'. Al
druggists refund the money if it fails to cure
, E. W. Grove's signature is 0n each box. ::5c
Brim; Ile Yor10 Etios-H. E. Lard ste
Co. will give the following prizes to
or t easterners bringing in the largest aura -
1 her of eggs for the month of See:ember.
1 t First prize, ladies' heavy tailor made
skirt, value $3.00: second prize, pair fine
•i boots, valets, :2,00; third prize, ltuliee'
es - waist, $1.25. Highest price paid for
•ee sons, five of whom = Harris agent hero,
his last illness, two' week for his now
.cad. William lives hi ? and Mrs. Hutchis
es; David near Petrel/a;
i wishes of mtmy
r and John nnrl Jane ! thele Western ho
the farm, Mr. Pringle ,Ir. w. P, Gni
assuming life, respected i trip recently and
neighbors. In religion, 'County. While
sbyterian; in politics,
out of wvliich wva
the words of the poet;
e maddening crowd's gas and water.
ifs; drilling for wate
she never learned to
-The work o Mayor Ironstone's new
store is being in ed along rapidly. The
roof is on nod th : floor laid.
-Work has •'en commenced on the
new granolithic walks in towtt, The Oollins, the free ]tinker or deist met
first walk to be aid will be the one on a plain country m n going to church.
Edward street f , m the Baptist church Ile asked him wise a he was going "To
north, ebttrclr, Sir." " hat tc do there?"
-Mr. Will `Ce pant, tt brother-in-law "P0 'worship God.' "Pray. whether is
of Mr, Geo. ,Tref ud, formerly of Wing. your God. a great od or it little God?"
learn, was drown • d at Manistique, Mich., "He is both, Sir. ' "How can ore be
on Tuestltsy of t s week. We have not both?" "Her to 80 great Sir, that the
been able to get ny particulars. heaven of heavens ctluisot contain pini;
-A special • eeting 0f the Ycnng hand s0 little tllat a carat dwell in my
adios' 1'orttsig toy Club will be held heart," Collins ielaretl, that this aim -
Monday event g, Sept. 2� t5 at Mrs, j51e answer from be country` num brad
eattie'e. rooms. A idol attendance is Moro effect upon his mind than sill the
t•nuested as its taint tattiness (natters volumes which l t'ned doctors had writ.
ten against hint.
eft ou Tuesday of thi
onto in Calgary. Mr,
n will have the best
lends for success in
rson took a driving
visited in Middlesex
way be saw a well
flowing considerable
'he farmer had been
and come upon gas. I
MONEY To LoA1. Moser' to loan on ,
notes, and notes discounted at reason-
able rates. Money advanced on inert.
gages, with privilege of paying at the'
end of any year. Notes and nceounts
collected. Office -Beaver Block, Wing -
ham Rout. McIrnoo.
Winghani's yearling Shoe Stole
You take n keen interest in M.
miming Footwear, no dnnbt.
Nothing betrays so fatal. at lack
of taste and training as i1l-f10t.hig
shoes, and you want yotit's to be
of a thoroughly satisfactory
Tho rightnetts of oat` goods and
prices WO can prove to you, atnd•
do it gladly.
Seo new styles for fall.