HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-09-04, Page 6N
THE MING;U TIMES, S, 'SUM1.+1ER 4, 1902
Prom the
Sanctum Mill
ember .Peragrrphs from our exch*ng#ii.
II,ToettlatafelKorohy,h Lindsay lawyer, The Ce. T, R. are hutting up new
was found drowned in the river, with cattle yard* trod peelsat the Exeter
pooitete full of stones. station.
reank Cutin of Liud,ay has a Reid b1r. S. Beattie. formerly of Brussels
of outs whichcompetent judges ray will and Clinton, lifts purchased the Pacido
yield 100 buehels to .the acre. hotel at W ittrtou sue will take ppsilessiou
oil September 15th.
British Troop Oil Liniment is erithaut
exctptitnl IIhN lutist effee:tive rewedt• for
those Wounds, Ulcers, Stings
rbeuulatistu, Bites and Stings of Iu•
*sets, eto A hate; i•tdtle 25 cone. Get
qu;e at Mir DrthggPst's.
A epeclal a nsl1Sie to be taken in 1 a-
carettle tit find out a hauler the popula-
tion justifies the 'license commissioners
iesuiu►; ave betel licenses in the town,
Qltttrles F. mete. of St. Lnuis, has At sat. Peter's church, Gocleriob, 10th
August, IE:en. Slattery, of town, tend Miss
winch of the furniture in biehoute made
Iiittie Fewlea, late ot Tciug;ston,. were
of Ilerns of different animals, which he nutted ill luatrialopy by Rev. 1'tetheg
gathered durum his many yeare scald- West,
soca ba Western Texas. Fpr Cholera Morbus, Cholera
Last week. Messrs Proudfoot & Bayes, Iufauttun, Cramps, C•olie, Diarrhoea,
on. behalf (if O. Olson and wife, Clinton t' sttutery, nod Summer Complaint, lir.
issued a writ ag aitltit the Grand Trunk Ir owler's Extraet of Wild .trewberry la
le prompt, nate and sure cure that has
beet; a popular favorite :tor nearly 60
A special train of fifteen carloads of
fat cattle left: Lucltna;v steels]
on M hu.
Railway Company, olaiuiiug damages.
of *10,000 for injuries sustained by Mrs.
Olson ou a G. T. R. train leet month -
6004 heath Is impossible without tidy last, Aug;, :'S, going tltrectl to New
regular action of the Lowele. Milburn y
Lasa -Liver dills regulate the bowels. Yore, via Buffalo to be shipped' to Great
cure ronstipetion, dyspepsia, biliousness. Britaine
sick headaches anti n1t attectione of the The Chesney Enterprise trusted Wm.
'organs of digestion. Price 25 cauls, All W to .Quirt, of Dryden, Algoma, for
d ruggists
three years' subscription and he refuses
A quiet, but pretty wedding took to pay it. William is a great church
plass on August 21st, at the home of worker, but there's no harm in doing a
Mr, and Mrs. Wm.11inton. Albert etreet•,
printer. -Taxcltttu:;e.
Wm. Chesney, who had been a
resident of Tuckersmith for nearly half
a century, died in Egimondville, on
Thursday, August 21st, aged 80 years.
Site etas a sister of Mr. Thomas Gemmel]
Death again enforce the home of • of Tnkt+rsntith,au,1 her husband died 23
Richard Tichbonrue, Goderich, August years ago.
21st. this tune taking; the wife and B. Gerry, who had his leg broken on
mother, who passed away after au ill- the 12th of July at Brussels was thought
ness of stbout a yeur's duration. With- to be progressing favorably but thisweek
in two years this hotue, las been de- the doctors discovered another fraoture seas.
prised by death of two daughters and a in the sante leg, and it will necessarily J.J. Gilpin, ot $rngscis, has disposed
of his fine 100 acre farm, lot t . coo, 10,
Qoderich, their only dangllter, lines
Lathe Rouse, being wedded to Freder-
ick Jahn Westlake, photographer of
Chatham. Ont. Rev..e1ark Tarnbutl,
rector of St, Georges', tied the nuptial
10170f 055
�e alO LS
Gi.1_AN5 EfFEGTUAux;
Q 5 4p>A N et pAG eveRS;
ov RcOM 5 ' TtPATION
0.4 BOJsY<f c.) GAL. �N0.;41,'
John Alexander MoCutcheon, t f
Molesworth, and Mies Emily Redlines,
of Britton, were united in the holy
bonds of matrimony at the Methodist
Parsonage, Bruesels, Weduesiisy evehl-
ing, Aug. 27th, by Rev. T. Wesley Cos -
sou, and these accumulated bereave-
ments uo doubt undernhiuded Mrs. Tich-
bourue's health. Besides the husband,
three sons and one daughter survive.
Mrs. Tichbourthe was a native of Goder-
ich township, where she was bora 57
years ago, a daughter of the late Wm.
Tel make money it is necessary to
have a clear,btight brain a coal head free,
from pain, and strong, vigorous nerves.
be s:nue tune before Mr. Gerry ie able
to be around again ,
Burdock Blood Bitters is a purely
vegetable combination, that in a safe
and natural flaunter acts directly upon
the Bowels. Liver, Kidneys and Blood,
cleansing the entire system of all
impurities, foal humors and obstructions
that Nilson the blood and create disease.
Mrs. John McIntosh, Mill road, Tuck-
ersmith, died on Sunday, August 24th,
Milburn's Heart and nerve Pills meteor. aged 84 years. She cants to this country
ate and brighten the bruin. strengthen and settled in Tnekerstnitb, on the fano
the nerves,•and remove all heart, nerve where she died. in 1843. Fourteen years
and brain troubles. after that her husband (lied and she was
Capt. G. E. Brooks, of Wiarton re- left in care of the family and farm.
ports that while exploring sone of the Oa the morning of Aug. 20th, John
small islands in Lake Huron near the Steacey, who resided with his nephew
island I.nown as Main Station, on which
is the ruins of a Hudson Bay trading
station, he discovered abox containing
the decomposed body of a Llan who must
leave beeu six feet in height. He learued
from the fishermen about the place that
the body ons washed ashore three years there are 287 persons on tbe voters'
ago from a wreck. Judging from the ,p•
teeth the man was about 50 years alist of Clinton for this year, qualified to
act as jurors; 50e entitled to vote at
both legislative and municipal elections;
354 who can vote only for municipal
electsons, and 80 who are entitled to
vote at only elections for the Legislative
Assembly, and no less than 107 widows.
Baca o. On 1Vllen; Life iw t1otL1fe.
of Z'i ruin . elect iK C , fi . rtllont healtl life is not life; itis
Tuesdttc, morih%ug; August 2G. alt in the only to state of Ittneinr and snfferiue'-an
• German. American Hospital. He came linage of death." The use of Dr.Chase's
down from Wianipeg about three weeks Nerve Food gives the weak,lanenid and
before for treatment for cancer of the diseouragecl a new hold on life, It makes
stomach. Mr.Climie was in his 49th year the blood pare and rich, creates neer
nerve,insb a flew enPr^r and vDiiuty intn
Btansitard township, Perth county, to
Wm. Jones. of London township, for
the shoo of $3,500. The lot was taken
up when all bush by Mr. Gilpin's father
51 years ago.
Mr. Geo. Zither, who recently sold the
Queen's hotel, Listowel, !n his brother,
Mr, Chris Zitlbi', with the intention of
retiring frout bnsiuess, bas found lies•
are too irksome for him. and after tak
ing a look around has bought the Reid
House in Hanover.
who been •Prndence Somerset, � vh Ines b e in
failing health ;for some time, died on
Thursday horning in the 80th year of
her age. She was a native of Ireland
abant a mile and a half east of Chisel-' and came to Canada many years atm,
hnrst, was found dend in bit bed. The residing for some time at Barrie. About
old moan who was 71 years of age had twenty years ago she carne to Brussels
Dome out from the old country about 14 with her brother and has since resided
years ago, anti was residing with his at Braesels.
nephew, whom he assisted on the farm. Charles Davis, after a business term of
7? : years in H. F. McAtlister's store
Ethel has resigned bis position to accept
that of traveller for the firm of J.
Leunox & Co, boots and shoes, Handl- i
ton. He will leave at once for a trop noun : itooes c a t.t.r;I, OCT.
to Man itoba and the West and returnieg y.t'ionrl IhistttrAs.n.•ew roared In Lho Coo]
from that will have Western Ontario Strike tte;:tnnr.
as his regular territory. Harrisburg, I'a., Aug. 28. -The sec -
There wasnelebrated•at high noon on ' ond'.troop, :pltilade;pltia City Caval -
Tuesday, Ang. it t1t, the marriage of k ''y • wee last. evening ordered by Gov-
ernor Sten, to report to atnarai
Mr. Nelson Ball, a popular and well (lobi» ate h>nnn:loah for dnty in
ltnown•veternary surgeon, to Mies Nellie U1, anthracite coal regions. The
Dowzer, an esteemed young lady of troop will take the place of the Gov -
Clinton. The ceremony was pertormed ernor's troo;s oGf Haeneral C.rrisbuobinrg*, which
sus sent by froth
age, and had ane arm )trissiug, and a
fracture of the skull. lie wore rubber
'flip boots of Ameriean retake. The poc-
kets of the rotten clothes contained 80
cents i.0 dimes.
Robert, R, Cli stie, of Winnipeg. form -
send had made Winnipeg his head- the whole being. It inakes weak and
quarters for the past ten years, moving sickly people strong and well by building
there from London. He was well known up the system.
in Ontario, having travelled out of An unpleasnt iuterruption to a weds-
London for about eight years for Knox, ins that was to have taken place in
Morgan & C., of Hamilton. Since then, Walkerton on Friday occnred front a
he had worked up a very successful report that the groom is already a mar -
business in the West. He was married ried man. The young man denies the
21 years ago to Alice, a daughter of the truth of the rumor, and is taking steps
Rev. '4'C'.F. Clark, of Guelph, who with to set hihnselt right with the yonng lady
a family of two sons and five daughters and her family. But in the .meantime
survive bins. The remains were tnlden to the weddingis postpond.
Listowel, for burial. A huge gas well was struck at Hep-
Thore isna form of kidney trouble, worth early Thursday morning. While
front a backache clown to Bright's
disease, that Doan's Kidney Pills will
not relieve or om e.
If you are troubled with any kind of
kidney eomplatut, use Doan's Kidney
A sad nccident, which resulted in the
death of Alex. Hueter, of Brussels,
°centred Tuesday,- August 26th. Mr.
Bunter- was about. to prepare a bird for
stuffing and had for this purpose a mix -
tate of carbolic acid and other poisons,
which he left amongst other bottles con-
taining medicine. When going to the
shelf to take some medicine he got bold
of the bottle containing the poison and
swallowed the greater portion of it be -
fare relizingt his tuistaae. He at once
ran to Dr. Meilaughtou's office, where
he died soon after. Deceased was in bit
fieth year, and was born at 13erwick, in
else township of Vaughn, York county,
:fTe had been a resident of Brubsels for
twenty-two years, previous to which he
ltv'ed for twenty years at Cranbroolt,
where be worked at his trade as a car-
penter, and was also clerk of the town-
ship of Grey; until suceeeded by the
late Wm. Spence. Sinee •coming to
Brussel. he carried on a contruyancingf
RADE wall
ak Wi friers Hope for• Freer
Commercig Relations,
wee no We Ate member Oeeteite
e Lr I,,du err ThMrM IS jip 'See,iti*pu,
Loess t tee. 1 het inspired lex the islet
Aarket,•' Ns.is Ike I'r'iriq si,t.44ers
.4th.a nonothtu,,..t,nodlt,t,.
U u*,ta Votive 11,'x0,01011i.a
.,4.,41* twee..
Lille. France, Aug,r4.•- Sir Wilfrid
Laurier, I'tetuier of Canada, Inspect-
ed the expositlolt here yesteitee A
banquet was given Mini lett et ening,
and, itt responding to et toast to his
health, Sit' N. litchi referred to Zhu
sympathies existing between Prance
and Ctuu►dot, and expressed a. polio
for free: commercial relations be-
tween the two countries, and that
France wou.tl betouhu tut open inttrl.ot
for Canadian products, width, the
sptal.t' cohhliuue<!, could hu supplied
under exceptional conditions.
"In indt..try there is no sentiment
other than that inspired, by the biat
ntarl,et," said the Prince :11inistor,
and, in ruuciu.ion, be int ;ted lerencit-
nten to scttie in Canada. where, he
suit:, they v:ould be heartily *vel.
Ileo{ t,et*o• u4,I,ld Yiit .t„te,.fNL t'or
siwrt..trn 1 r r xeli«,I1tMr-9.► I.«n,4
A »..Pre Feel'. MOM'
London, Aug. 28. --Tat a deepateh
from '1 he lingut•, tite,tot•respundent
of The .1 ails. .tot•/1 (I.:tlares that. Ib',
1 -*yds, who was Lite European Intro -
ben tat ive of the• 1011310' '1'rans%nal
lin Wit', has been deposed because
he refused to account for It. large sunt
of motley mussing •frotu the Boer. ex-
The Boer cense, continues the cor-
respondent, wilt now be agitated
through the length. and breadth of
Sou O. Africa on' the model of the
Monte Rule campaign in Behold, �tnd
this agitation will call for all the
foresight and firmness of which Brit-
ish statesmanship is capable, ft'ho
first move in the game will be the
proposals tit; Boer generals will
Leake to the British Government as
the price of their assistance !n the
conciliation and resettlement of
South Africa.
Titlyii. Must k uraet 0tber,a!
The It:gtarle* of memory are some oi'
VW West interesting of those 'connected.
With the lltlit17et1 .Totino solei •bOdy. Why
do we forget certain thiugs Lite re-
member other's: :llyriatia of these le,
regularities are Its yet lln:le't'onuletl •
for.. 1'el'hagls out even tile' cleverest
tnt•taitliyaiehtu will ever aec0uut for
i'rofessor •lanlee reminds us bow
totnelhlug. ta'liieil we- nave tried In vain
to moil will afterward. when the have
given Illi the attempt, "saunter into
t:he inlud, t its l:tntrson says, as ttttle1'
tingle as if It hold never been eunt-
sgain. bygoue• experiences will revive
after years ot oblivion, often us the
tesnit of some celebrttl disease or avel-
Such a, ease 1s the one quoted by
Coleridge of a young woman In Get'-
Inany woo could neither read nor write,
belt who was Bald to be possessed of a
devil because. in it fever, Abe was beard
raving In Latin, Creek and In an ob-
scure rabbinical dialect of Hebrew.
Whole pages of her talk we're written
down and were found to consist et
seutences futeltig;ibie iit themselves, but
not having the slightest connection
with one another•. To say that she was
possessed of a devil was the easiest
free. of acevunthig for the matter.
At last the mystery *vas cleared up
by a phesielan, who traced back the
girl's hlstoty until he Warped that at
the age of nine ale was taken to live
et the house of au old pastor; a great
Hebrew scholar, and that she remain-
ed there until the pastor's death. It
bad *leen for years the old man's cus-
tom to walk up and down a passage .
•res vi-tr Jar .►x.
ton •mpint+d ,101,r14.•yo( Hun. Mr. 1'L.11«r
L, In,et«rt of Tend+.
Ottawa, Aug, .128. -It is understood
that Hon Sydney Fisher has decided
to postpone his contemplated trip to
Japan until next year. The proba-
bility is that he may leave for the
Orient early to 1903, when the Jai a.
nese international Exposition at
Osaka will be in progress. at
will occupy three months at least, so
that if the Minister of Agriculture
were to strut front here in February
he would not he hack again until the
cud of May. There is said to be a
likelihood that Prof. Robertson, Com-
ntissioner of Agriculture and ilairy-
ing;, will accompany the Minister,
who wilt take advantage of his trip
to carefully investigate the possibility
or reciprocal trade relations between
Canadtt. and J upon on alarger scale
than now exists.
by the Rev. Dr. Stewart in tate presence Shenandoah to I ansford, where there
of ouly the immediate relatives. and had been. serious disturbances. Thi
after a light luncheon the happy couple re *test for tate city troop was made
left by the 2.55 train for Buffalo. by General Goble.
On Thursday afternoon, August 21st,
there passed away at the residence of her
daughter,Mrs.Wm.Stroug,Sr.,of Gerrie,
in her 74th year. The old lady had been
in poor health for a long time nnrl her
death was not unexpected. She Ieaves
behintt to mourn her loss two daughters,
Mrs. Tssac Sanderson of Gorrie, and
Airs. Tremble, of Cyprus River, Matt.
Several persons are mentioned as sue -
drilling was in progress on the Dreffell ceSSots to tho late Stunned Sloane, on the
property there the tools penetrated the board of License Commissioners for the
Trenton sand and immediately the der- West Riding of Huron, but it 15 not
rick was cleared. At present it is not likely that any appointment will be
possible to measure the output, but the made for some time, as there is practie-
strike is unquestionable* the greatest of ally nothing to do until the grantiti of
recent years in Ontario. licenses comes up next spring. At any
The estate of the late Samuel Sloane, rate tyro members can act when neces-
• Goderich, is valued at about $100,000. sary
Among the bequests ate One of $1,000 Mr. Donald Graham, ono of the pion-
to the London conference of the Metno• ear settlers of this section, passed away
dist church for the French mission work
in Quebec, and one of the seine amount
to the Presbyterian (shureh for a similar
purpose. The balance of the estate is
left, almost without exception, to bre- respected by a large circler of friends.
them and sisters, nephews and nieces of and his aged widow and grown up fare -
the deceased. The Ontario Government
comes in for a share under the Succes-
sion Duties Act.
Another old Minto resident bas
died In the person of Mr, Moses J,
Lawrence of the Seventh Concession,
who passel away on August 25. Mr. nesday morning, Aug. 27. Her motion
Lawerehce was in his 70 year, having name was Mary A., being the eldest
been born in Ireland on May I,. 1824, daughter of the fast Janos T3ird. She
1e came to Canada in 18501 and settled was born in London township 40 years
in Cartwright Township, Ire resided ago. Deceased was married to Edmund
there until 182, when he moved into Pox about 20 years since last i?ebruaryr.
business and was Clerk Of the Fourth Minto Township, and settled on the Mrs. Pox went to London hospital for' an
Division Const. Be Was a man of snarly
*gents, clever and well-read, and was a
painter and photographer of great natur
,all td iliac.
at his home, lot 42, in the first conces-
sion of Kinloss, on Tuesday, August
26th. Deceased who was in his 82nd
year, was highly esteemed and greatly
ily of four sons and five daiidhters have
the sympathy of all in their bereave-
After an illness extending over several
months Mrs. Sdnttind Fox of Cranbrook
passed away to a butter world on Wed -
farm whore he died. The deceased operation and has been confined to bed
gentleman wits twice married, and his sine] April. A combination s f aliments
seeond wife predeeased him by several existed, chiefly of stoma' h and lung
years. character.
Net the MIA DUST twins 'row.
Don't plod along like your grandmother did before
you, scouring and scrubbing; bending and rubbing,
0 L, DU
makes housework easy. It Cleans everything and
injures nothing. More economical than ` soap
Chime. Now York. Boston, St Louis. Montreal.
Death Mar ot, "u.tereaso.
Toronto, Aug. 28. --The report of
the 'Provincial Board of health for
the month of July shows a, total
reanber of deaths of 2,015, as com-
pared with 1,046 for the same
Month last year. Only .700 out of a
total of 777 municipalities have re-
ported as against 740 for July, 1001.
'Deaths from contagious diseases were
Hutch fewer. This year the number
frooiL oil causes was 193, .vhiie last
year it was 263. Tuberculosis car-
ried alt 144, a decrease of 38.
near the kitchen 444 read to. himself
In u loud voice.
Ells books were exrmirtd, and among
them many of the passages taken down
at the young women's •bedside were
identified. The theory of demoniacal
possession• wile abandoned. - Youth's
Contpaulon. •
• lroxeldr'� 4.,aittrattfty.
London, Aug. 28. -Alfred Moseley,
the diamond merchant, invited sev-
eral British Trades Unionists and re-
presentrtttte.t of staple industries ie
the Ifniteci Kingdom yesterday to
visit the United States as his guests,
for tho purl'°:'o of examining into Its 1 Are ill. See our 0
industrial situation and progress,
with reference to their effect on the
Position and prospects of the worn.,
ltfix stove blacking with a little am-
monia to prevent It burning off,
A teakettle should Itever be allowed
to stand on the side of the tire with a
small quantity of water in it.
:i rose potpourri is made by packing
fresh rose petals in salt, a Layer of the
petals, then a layer of salt, and keep-
ing them covered for six mouths.
A convenient substitute for a cork-
screw when the latter Is not at hand
may be found in tbe use of a common '
screw with an attached string to pull
the cork.
For Ink stains on furniture add six
drops of niter to a teaspoonful of water
and. apply it to the stain with a feath-
er. If the stain does not yield to the
first application, make it stronger and
repeat the process.
Stains on silverware require prompt
attention, otherwise It will take a long
time to remove them. • Sulphuric acid
will remove the stain left by medicine.
Dip the spoon in the acid, repeating
the process, until the stain has disap-
peared; then wash In very hot water.
Our pinbbing rates with different
newspapers are as follows: -
and Weekly Globe
and Weekly Mail
and Family Herald and
Weekly. Star
and Weekly Snn
auditl0utreal Witness
and Western Advertiser
and Farmers' Advocate
and Toronto Daily Star
and Daily Globe
$1 60•
.1 75
1 76
1 60
1 50
1 50
1 85
2 50
4 25
We could extend the list, but it is not
necessary. We can give yon clubbing
rates on any newspaper or magazine.
Tint Tntn$,
-The Tants office is the place to get
neat job printing. Best work at reason-
able prices.
.r 74;•nrR
Summer GOODS
1a'„rl:)ite tt "01* 1YsOut,• 11.u•kirton,
Niagara balls. N. V.. Aug. 28. -'
1Pilliant 'Michaels killed 1Villiam "tob'
ins yesterday at the 'Roberts Client -
lea! 'Stot'l.s, where both men were
employed. Mk 'Mets accused 'Robins
of tampering', witih his tacker. A
quarrel ensued, during which Michaels
drew it large poc5et knife and stair
b,sd Itobins,
Farmers should binestono their seed
grain before sowing in order to keep the
next year's drop free from smut.
Il TO nrovn to you that the
Chaso's ointhnan tufo ort in
And ahsoluto Duro for each
and every . form Of itching,
bleedintan(t protruding piles,
,filo- ▪ manufacturers have guaranteed it. aeo tett•
tihnoniatt in the dttiiv ernes and ask your eolith.
bnrtwhrttthey think o'it. Yon can use it and
tettyour mono hark if tot tercel, VW hot. at
ill or :OM t:vsoN.,nrot's & co..Toronto,
Oro Chasers O ntmont
$18 AND $20
��yy ly 1y 1� ly e�►'l
Not only the best
but the cheapest.
.. The ..
As an advertising medium is a most profitable.
and sure way to reach the public. Up-to-date,
business men have long since recognized thig.
fact and are taking advantage of it.
Before buying else-
where. Also a special
line of PANTING&. Every.
tiling you want in the
Tailoring fine can be
had and satisfaction
yWELt i
limn An .'AILOS.
. Good Printing
Is absolutely essential to the man who would
succeed in the business world. That is the
only kind we do.
Large fimrs invariably judge their customers
by the kind of printed matter they use. Order
yours from the TIIVItS and you will stand on
safe ground.
Orders sent by mail will be promptly executed,..
in _.hami - • '* Ontario,
it -- lit- lie- W-