The Wingham Times, 1902-09-04, Page 5Fall Announcement Of THE R. CROW DER co,$S eddy - to - wear 6iothin STITCH BY STITCt-! We're all of us liable to make one serious mistake In business. It's worth mentioning and thinking about once in tt while, ,just so we won't forget to look out :for it. It's the mistake of giving 6o mach thought to What .comes in to they store, that we get a little•eareless of what goes oat of it, The truth is, the amount of money our cusrtouters leave us in the store is not so important to our welfare in business as the quality of the merchan• 'dise they take away. The thing to be careful about is not so much that to•day'a sales will produce large profits, as that to•day's sales shall make to -morrow's, next week's, next season's, sales, more certain. In getting our clothes made for this season we have put bra them the seed of next season's business, Stitch by stitch, by careful, painstaking hands the work has been fashioned. We can't be careful of every stitch, but we can know and be careful of the people who we buy from, Does it sound a little bit too sentimental to talk about it "stitch by stitch." Well, it isn't, it's plain, ,every -day, prosy business. You see, it does make a big difference what people take away from our store, doesn't it? .JUST TO HAND a Boys' Odd Pants, 2.pieee Suits. 3 piece Shits. Youths' 3 piece Salts, short or long pants, alt prices, Men's 5utts, built. for shorts, stouts and slims. In all the latest patterns and designs, New York cut OVERCOATS All the latest fashionable designs and cats in Mien's, Youths' and Boys' Overcoats, Prices $2.00 to $35.00 ,Spick and Span Gents' Furnishings Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Ties. Gloves, Sox, Underwear, etc., jest arrived for fall trade. In fact we have everything a man wears, except Shoes. Worthy of Special Mention We were not in business last fall and winter, and every dollar's worth of goods we are showing for tall trade is BRAN NEW—no moth - •eaten stuff here. And your money back for the asking. All we ask you Is to see our selection before buying, as goods and prices will be right. Thanking you for your patronage in the past season, and hoping to xeeeive a portion of the fast approaching fall trade, We are, at your command, The R. H. GROWDER Go. Men's Outfitters. WINGIIAM HEADQUARTERSTOR DRESSY YOUNG MEN 0.0400.0.04000004440.0..•••• • ••• O 0 9 0 0 • • • • 0 • 0 • • 4 • Headquarters for Musk Melons, the choice kind that melt in your mouth. Received daily direct from the grower. The early ones are 'about done, and .the late varieties for . canning are not quite ready: Will have any quantity in about two weeks. Are now coming in quite freely. buying ahem now. AT + 1••4••••••••••4•++•444444 +444+•44+4+440++4+44.04004 a Would advise • 9 e O 4 • 4 4 0 4 4 • • • 0 4 • THE CORNER DMC STORE Does your Liver ever go on strike? If so, you should use Iron Tonic Pills. Oho pill a dose, 50 pills in each box; 3 pills a day for seventeen days, makes you a new man or woman. They tone the heart, stimulate the n rues, increase the appetite, and keep the bowels just right. These pills can bo had for 25e a box—just half -a -cent a dose PURE Paris Gree We desire to inform our customers that we have the very best quality of Paris Green. Our Paris Green ,cave such excellent satisfaotiou last year that wo obtained the same quality again this year. it is per- fectly fresh and extra strong. . L. HAMILTON, DRUGGIST, _--- --WIWDHAM MN WING IIA 11TI ES, SEPTEMBER 1BER 4, 1902 News from Our Neighbors EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR .REAPERS„ What Wideawake Times Qorrespondeuts Comrunieate —poor Items Cupped groat our Exohanges. tiltxroti snot. Alva and Grant Beaton are among the successful candidates who obtained seoend Wass certifloates at the recent ex. - amination. The latter deserves special nlentiou, having won his laurels at the early age of 14 years. This honor also xedounds upon Mr. Fair, the worthy teacher, of the village school, who be- sides doing the ordinary work of all the classes; including Eutrance and Public School bear ing, succeeded this year iu passing 6 pupils for second class certi- ficates. Vaicutble Advise to Mothers. if your child comes in from . play coughing or showing evidences of an approaching attack of Grippe, Sore Throat, or rieicness of any kind, Bret thing get out your bottle of Nerviliue. Rub the chest and neck with Nerviliue. end•give internal dosestfof teu drops of Nerviliue iu sweetened water every two hours. This will present any serious tronblo.• No liniment or pain reliever equals Polsou's Nerviliue, which is a necessity in every household. Large bottle costs only 250. MOttiil9. John Agen, of Sagioaw,and son Dennis are visitors at Thos.Rassell's 6th line. Mr Ageu is a former Morrisite but has not been here for 7 years. He is night fore- man iu the freight department of the Pere -Marquette Railway. Mortis Township oouucil will meet ou Monda.y,September 16th. Mrs M. M. Cardiff has arrived home from aa enjoyable visit to Wiuuipeg and other parts in Manitoba. Her daughter, Mrs Amos, two sons and daughter came home with Mrs Cardiff and will visit in this locality. Thos. Forest and daughter, Ivey, of Chicago, were visiting in the towuship, It is 15 years since Mr. Forest was here and many changes and improvements are noted. Surveyor Rogers, of Mitchell, assisted by F.S.Scott, of Brussels, has been en- gaged surveying the line of the Lamont drain which will have to do with Grey as well as Morris townships. The Critical Thee of Life Is between the years fifty-seven and sixty-two. Nature's power slows down, vitality becomes less, and the progress of decay sets in. A m ails of extending old age and renewing decreasing Adger is to take FEtult02oNE after meals. Ferro- zoue keeps up the appetite, and in the formation of red, vitalizing blood, im- parts clearness to the brain, force,energy and spirit just when they are needed most. To take Ferroroue regularly means adding from ten to twenty years to life. Large boxes 50e., or (i boxes for :2,50, at Druggists, or Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont. Sold by A. L. Hamil- ton. Dr. Hamilton's Pills are Certaiu. GREY. Stewart Bros., of the North Boundary, have the straweuttar and blowing ap- paratus attached to their threshing ma- chine this season, They do great work as the combination i:; very complete. Miss Nellie Turnbull, daughter of Andrew and Mrs, Turnbull. 15th con. has tendered her resiguatiou of the Dray- ton school to accept the Priu' ipal's room in Mitchell public school for the Fail •Term. Township Council will meet at Cram - brook ou Monday next. Albert Whitfield went to Carnevale, Mac.,on Monday. Miss Edua Guest, who taught during the past term in Turnbull's ,school, kith con. has engaged in a school near Exeter and is now at work. • Mrs. Welding of Brantford was found dead in her garden. Charles Redmond, Guelph, committed suicide by taking Paris Green. Rai ;- SicA -#` .Sxjf:,gra"..-wcF?,r.i4• y.•-.`as.., ..T,i'..'''.,..'Y'trzo ."'.: rr "I fist used Ayer's Sarsaparilla in the fall of 154.8, Since then t have taken it every spring as a blood -purifying and nerve- strengthening medicine." S. T. Jones, Wichita, Kans. .; If you feel run down, are easily tiled, if your nerves are weak and your blood is thin, then begin to take the good old stand- ard family medicine, Ayers Sarsaparilla. It's a regular nerve lifter, a perfect blood builder. $1.00a totes. Ali druggists. Asti your doctor W11at be thlttTcs of Ayer's Harr a aritkr, Ile -knows an slant this grand old family medicine. Ireitoir Its milled Mid TO) will be satisfied. d. C. Arvin CO., T,owelt, bl'ass. rlrt:,la.N n.;r. Iieport'df S. S. No. 8, Turnberry ftr August, based on conduct, attewlanco and general .proficleucy. Name iu or- der of merit. Fifth olass-,-Bessie Aitken, Chester Dunkin, • Fourth class -Maggio Muir, Addie Dunkin, Bert Elliott, Charlie Aitken. Third Sr.— Mary Aitkeu, Etta, Elli- ott. Second Jr.—Walker Rutherford, Roy Elliott, Harold Hutton. Second Sr.—Jas. Aitken, Robbie Ait- ken, Andrew Wallace,Ella EIliott,Aggie Wallace.. Second Jr..--Aggie Rutherford, Ethel Caseuzore, Tillie Baird, Willie Marshall, Leo. Bok. Part It—Mabel Baker. Thomas Wal- lace, Ada Elliott, Robbie lviuir, Helen Rutherford, Annie Hutton. . Part I sr.—George Rntherford,M tggie Aitkeu, Elsner Aitken, Alice Dunkin, Intermediate --Bertha liarshell, Willie Elliott. Part IA-v.—Lora McGlynn, Glynn, George Bok, Allisou LiuooIan i,ance Lincoln. Average attendance 28. B., Pearson, teacher. They lather Consumption. Bad coughs, colds and catarrh are responsible for more cousumptiors than is traceable even to heredity. Catarrh ozone cures more quickly than o'•dinary rente lies because it is the only antiseptic yet discovered that is volatile enough to reach the root of the trouble in remote parts of the lenge and impregnate every particle of the air breathed with its heals ing, germ -killing vapor. Colds can't last ten minutes, or coughs niore than thirty minutes adieu Catarrhozoue is iutialed, It clears nose, throat and air passages at once, stops dropping, headache, and orradivates catarrh from any part of the system. Two months, treatment, $1,00, trial size 25'. Drug- gists, or N. C. Polson & Co., Krngstou, Ont. Dr. Hamilton's Pills are Mlld. Ida Ate - 40^ areone.vn. The garden party held on the parson- age grounds Last Friday evening was a grand success. The Methodist con- gregation are to be congratulated in furnishing such an excellent programme. The receipts of the evening amounted to overs 6.00. Mrs. T. Stalker, mother of Mrs. D. Geddes, left here on Friday morning for Loring, Parry Sound district. She was accompanied by her son, James of Strat- ford. Mr. Percy Seanirett awl iu'tster Fred spent Sunday in Ripley. Miss Mageia Ross of Blyth spent a few days last week visiting friends in the village. . Rev. Mr. Burwasli of Wingham occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church last Sunday evening in the absence of Rev. Mr. Drown. Mrs. Fergnson of I3ayiield visited her sister, Mrs. J. L. Geddes last week. Mrs. Muushaw of Toronto is visiting her brother, Dr. McAsli Mr. David Geddes and Ur. Wilson spent Sunday with Wingham friends. Miss Alice Harrison is in the Tillage this week. A Feeling of Security. Our patrons eutrust their prescriptions to us for fitting with feeling of security and confidence. They know that the ut- most care is exercised, and only the best and:purest drngs supplied. Our stock of imported Perfumes nud fine Toilet prep- arations is Largo and most complete and our prices the lowest. PAINES CELERY COMPOUND The medicine that is making thousands well and strong. is our best seller frown day to day. For rheumatism. neuralgia, liver and kidney troubles and rundown. condition, we strongly recommend Paine's Celery Compound. It gives woudrous and happy results to all who use it. We have the gcnuiue"Paino's." 0. A. CAMPBELL, D1ttociIST, Wingham, Ont. + n tt'r:s'r tV WANOsu. James II. Tigert, principal of Goderic model school, has entered the nzatriln- onial state in union with a young lady of West Wawauosh, Miss Margaret Wellwood. The nuptials were celebrated on. Thursday,\ngnst 21st at the home of the bride's parents,I1r, and Mrs Williatn Wellwood, West Wawanosh, in the presence of about forty guests, mainly relatives of the contracting parties. The ceremony* was perfornod at 5 o'olockp. in. by Rev. C. C. Koine. The chanting bride wore a gown of white Indian lawn with insertion and, chiffon trimmings. She was assisted by her cousin, Miss Eva Wellwood of Dundalk, who was becom- ingly attired in white organdie. bliss Westwood, sister of the bride player: the Wedding .parch. The groomsman was George A. Durnin of Thingannon. The ceremony was followed by congratulat- ions and a wedding feast, and later in the evening tete happy couple drove to Godericli and entered into possession of their new home on Church street. The bride is a highly esteemed young lady and was the recipient of many handsome wedding gifts. • A OratefuI Trthte rcxl> a Man Who Looked Lrpon His Case as Hopeless. Doctors. Diagnosed Ws colo as• 0e.* tarrh of the Stomach, put ratted to Help Hlm--Many Remedies. Weee tried 'Were a• Cut's • Was Found: Front the Balletiu, Bridgewater, N,S. We suppose there is not a corner itt this wide Doutiuiouia whish will not lie found people who have beau restored to health and strength through the use of Dr. Willirtuzs' Piuk paid. There are taw; such cases here in Bridgewater and its viciuity,and we aro this week given pertnt sson to record one fur the benefit of siwiler sufferers. The cruse is well known in this vicinity and the tenacity of the disorder was remar•cable. For six ye trs Alfred V, inot, a surveyor of lumber far the great lumber Arai otP.evi d - eon eSs Sou, was a victim of a serious dis- order of the stoutach. His suffering were excruciating and he had wasted to A shadow. Doctors prescribed for loin yet tint agonizing pains remained. Many remedies were, tried bat to enavail. The ease was diagnosed as catarrab of the stocnaclz, food became distasteful,life a burden, The tronble went on for nearly sig years,theti a good Samaritan advised the lase or Dr. Williams Piek Pills, The pills were given a fair pettiest anal, Mr. Veinot using about a dozen boxes, and before they were ail gone a permanent core was effected. Mr.Veiuot is now able to attend to his business when it looked as if he was doomed to the. He is grate- ful to this great medicine for his eure and has no hesitation in saying so. 13ecs•use of thoir thorough and prompt action on the blood and nerves these pills speedily cure anaemia, rhenmatiFm, sciatica, par - tical paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, scrofula and eruptions of the siciu, erysipelas, kidney and liver troil- bles and the functional ailments which makes the lives of so many wo men a source of eonstaut misery.' Get the genuine with the full nauze "Dr. Williauzs' Pink Pills for Pale People" on the wrapper around each box. Sold by medicine dealers or sent pest paid nt 50 cents a box, or six boxes for :1;2.50 by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville. Out. TCitN lteitltY. Minutes of council meeting held Aug. 30th, 3902. Members of council all present except Mr. Mitchell, the Reeve i in the chair. Elie minutes of last Meet- ing were read and adopted on motion of Messrs. Mosgrove and Coupland. Mr. Audersou, of Wingham town plot ad- dressed the Council in favor of opening street in. the town plot in accordance with petition presented to Couucll at their last meeting. _Messrs Netterfteld niul Carnochan opposed the opening of 'SAWSThe Leading Store I AM NEW FALL Dress Goods and"Silks'. We have just opened up a large assortment of thc' newest Dress Fabrics in the leading shades. The department is crowded with the best makes, comprising the following: Cheviots Broadcloths Homespuns Friezes Ser es Satin Cloths Zebilines Cashmeres Amazons Poplins Henriettas Venetians, etc. High-class Dross Ooods odEat Ir INSPECTION INVITED MUSINGS Plain and fancy striped French Flannels and Cashmeres, Silk em- broidered filousettes, Silk, . striped, etc„ all prices. RIBBONS All 'widths, black, white and colors. New wide Neck Ribbons. Wat- ered Ribbon. Prices right. M.41.1.114•111,11011• SILKS AND SAT/NS Black Satins at all prices. TamolInes, Taffetas, Peau de Soie, japan, Morie, etc., in all leading shades. CLOVES All the new kinds and best makes. See our special guaran- teed Kid Gloves Pt One Dollar a pair. It's a bargain. SMALLWARES New Laces and Dress Trimmings, New Buttons,. Latest novelties in Belts, Fine sssortment of Ladies' Neckwear, Boleros, Fancy Silk Collars from $ r.00 to $2.75 each. Large Stock. Great Assortment. Prices right. T r E. 1 SA D ec. Co. .Opposite, Bank of Hamilton . Highest price Paid fdr profluce the said street. No W41011 will be taken"' "'_ a"°" -Y """" by Council until a committee of Caunoil has an opportuuity of examining the said street. ?Moved by lir.. Coupiand, seconded by Mr. Lovell that by-law No. 3, 1902 be passed for the pnrpose of levy- ing a rate of 1 '.2 nulls ou the dollar on the last revisers assessment of this inu. nicipality for the curreut expenditure of the township. Carried. Moved. by Mr. Mosgrove, seconded by Mr. Conpland, that by-law No. 10, 1902, be passed appointing Paul' Powell tax collector for the current year at a salary of $59 and postage, provided satisfactory security is given for the faithful per- formance of the duties of the office.— Carried Moved by Mr. Couplaud, secouded by Mr. Lovell that a new form of tax re- ceipt be used showing that taxes are demanded when notice is left with rate- • payers or when mailed to non-residents. Carried. Moved by Mr. Love`i, seconded by Mr. Mosgrove. that any person or por- t sons found removing sand from th road allowances of this municipality or planing stones on any part of the said road allowances will bo prosecuted 1 according to law. Carried. The following accounts were passed and cheques issued: ; John McBuruey,S5.5S for gravel; Goo. `Pocock, gravel, $548; J. Duckett, $2.40 i for gravel; Wtn. Henderson, Si for , damages; P. McLaren, 30e for gravel; John King, $14.04 for gravel; °John S. McTavish, $1.80 for gravel; Wni.Hayes, '$4.00 for gravel and damages; B. C. I, Stokes, 82.10 for gravel; Jeff Musgrove, a $2.26 for gravel; Mrs. Eadie, t'2.40 for ;ravel; L. Orris, :3.10 for grayel; John Ansley, $:1.82 for gravel; Alex. Porter, ;31.30, Turuberry share repairing cul- vert Wingham Bdy. ; Dnff w Stewart, $0.89, repairing culvert, Morris Bdy ; Win. Elliott, $1, repairing culvert; Wm. :Mitchell, 50o, repairing culvert; A. Ma- ' gee, 80c, gravelling; Express Co., one, charges on ballot boxes and cartage. It appears that a wrong impression lois been created in the public mind as to the cost of repairing Wood's bridge by publishing ltessrs.Duff and Stewart's 'bill in the minutes of last council meet- ing Jn a lump sum. The netuai +amount paid for the repairs was $142. , Two dollars of this r;ntn was for extras over and above contract price, the rest I of the bill was 410.0:5 for repairs to l:adie's bridge and $2.00 for bolts and 'spikes for Bolt's bridge and $10 .24 for i lumber for enlverts, sidewalks and etc. Moved by Mr, Lovell, seconded by + ilir. Mosgrove Met this nesting do now :adjourn to sheet in the Clerk's office, Biuevale, on Watley, Seete ..bar and, Iat 10 o'clock a. nt. Jolla Bruetss, Clerk. .EAST AIVANOSii. Threshing is the or,ler of the day. Messrs. Wm. and Dave liechnie aro attending the Toronto Exhibition this week. Messrs. Isere; Quinn and Audrew Auld left otz:fonday to seek their fortunes in the West. I The Home Comfort Range pedlar is { canvassing the township at present aunt doing a rushing business. Miss Belle Quinn left on Tuesday morning for Toronto. Miss Amanda Nethery of Morris visitrd her' grandmother, Mrs. Henderson, on the Zed, last wack. iil.i'Tfi. Mr. John Kelly and family left Blyth on Friday for Goderich, where they in- tend residing. Division Court was held here on Sat- urday. Bainton Bros. shipped 4,000 pounds of wool to Toronto last week. Miss Gertrude Graham, a former !teacher in Myth public school, is attend - lug the London normal school. Misses Etta and Margaret ItieLaren,of Toronto, are yisiting with relatives and friends in Blyth and vicinity. E. Livingston has erected a ronprr • shop in connection with his saw mill and at present has a stall of congers I making apple barrels. - Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Strettou and Miss ' Francis Strette:i left I;:yth last weak = for their hone. in Kansas city, Kensa , where they will reside in the future. Isaac Brown has purcliaseed the in- tsrasts of T. G.Alleu in the Blyth evap- orator and will in futuro run the busi- ness himself. The residence of lir. ,tames Logan, Blyth was the scene of a pr.'tty wedding at high noon on Friday, Ang. 201h,when 1 his daughter, Elia"a, was united in mina nage to Samuel B. Gorwill, of Loudon. The bride, who was charmingly attired fn orenizi lustre, with trimming of silk applique and chiffon, and angled a bt'an- I tifnl bouquet of cream roses, entered the Iroom leaning on the arm of her father, to !the strains of the Wedding March,played !be, her sister, Miss Tena Logan. After the ceremony, which wee performed by Rev. W. Penhall, of Atwood, the guests repaired to the dining -room, where eov- ers were laid for 25. The color scheme of the decorations was pink and white The presents wero numerous and costly, showing the high °sterna in which the bride is held. (J tests were present from 011 City, Gaelph,'Loudon, Goderieh and 113:arlock. .IA .it l;nTO WN. Miss Margie Taylor raid Miss Wilson, of Grey, drove over to Chesley last Tuesday to visit some relatives. Frtuik Wright and Albert Mc Kelvie left last Monday moruiug for Manitoba. Quite a number intend taking in'To- ronto Exhibition, .Alex. Forrest is wearing a very pb sant eoautenauce 'these days. Its a 5011. Jain e's Thrnue is busy threshing out the Morris'. aok farmers this week.. Jas, kuows how to do gond work. A new improvement is being added to Victoria Hell by having the wall point- ed. Miss Kate Scott is visiting relative& ii Molesworth this week. Carlisle D. Graham, of Philapolphia, successfully swain throneli the rapids b slow the whirlpool at Niagara Falls on Sunday afternoon. He wore a life -pre- server aroaud his waist and a life buoy on his neck. Graham covered the four miles from the whirlpool to Lewiston in twenty-:ive minutes. 411 lags Every farmer knows that some plants grow better than ratters. Soil may be the same and scbd may seem the same but some 1)Iants are weak and others strong. And that's the way with children. They are like v stung plants. Same food, sante 'home, same care but some grow big and strong while others stay small and creak, Scott's Emulsion offers an easy* xray out Of the difficulty. Child weakness often meads starvation, not because of lack of food, but because the food does not feed. Scott's Emulsion really feeds and gives the child growing strength. 'Whatever the cause of weak- ness and failure to grow— Scott's Emulsion seems to find it and set the matter right. stna far tree sample. 'Seat & nnwac. Chemists, 'ltrcmti, VntUtisa. 5',•.:4:14":.(.0; u!: x'rtt;;hts. • .