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The Wingham Times, 1902-09-04, Page 4
THE WINGJIAIi TIMES, SEPTEMBER 4l. 1002, BABY'S OWN TABLETS. t •oao••o•o*OosisoOsess•iidoses sesosoveO•e0•00.4,690ss+►et+9elr0iM 0ee0s00000. JOHN K�II� JAS. H. KERR • PEOPLE S POPULAR STORE • • Hot Water Battles Ea:lt ane guaranteed to be absolutely perfect. , BEAUTY BRUSHES ... RUBBER GLOVES , RUBBER SHEETING . SYRINGES, Etc., Etc. In fact anything you want in Bobber Goods, we have it at right prices. Golin A. Campbell THE DRUGGIST NEW STORE: Opp. Bank of Hamilton.' TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of ohauges must be left at this • Office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to upon Wednesday of each week. ESTABLISHED 185'2. THE Er. B. ELLIOTT, PIIBLISUEit AND PROPRIETOR THURSDAY, SEPT. 4, 1902. PERSONALS. We shall be glad to have contributions to this column from any of our readers. If you have visitors or purpose going away yourself, drop in and tell us, or send us a note to that effect. Mr. A. R. Smith was in Montreal this week purchastng goods. Mr, Andrew Gray of Toronto is holi- daying at his home in town. Mr. Robt. Galbraith of Guelph is holi- daying at his home in town. Miss Mal:el Colvin, of Brussels, was Mr. Jas. Hislop of Stratford spent a few days in town. Mars. Hislop, who baa been visiting her cousin Mrs. H. B. Elliott, returned home with nine on Monday. Mrs. Harry Jeffrey and daughter re- turned to their house hi 'Wingham yes- terday, atter a pleasant visit with Mrs. Jeffrey's father, Mr. Samuel Bartou,-- Seaforth Sun, Mrs. Autterson, sister of Mr, H. Kerr, accompanied by her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Autterson, and her son, Floyd, of St. Clair, Mich., are visiting at the home of Mr. H. Kerr, Mr. Win. Miller, who wasa member of the last Canadians cQntiugent to South Africa, and Mr, Albert Mcl3rieu, of the Northwest, have been visiting with their uncle, Mr.H. Kerr. Thos. Holmes, au old and well known resident of Wingham and locality. was a visitor with his son, Dr. Holmes, this week. Mr. Holmes is one of the stal- warts, -Brussels Post, Mr.1.1. Pringle of Petrolia was in town this week attending the funeral of his brother-iu-law, Donald Sntherlauci and visit his father. Mr, Andrew Pringle, of Turnberiy, who has been seriously i11. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Elliott were at Listowel on Tuesday attending the fun- eral of Mrs. James Amey, Mr. Elllett's aunt. Mrs. Aniey died at Kincardine on Sunday. She had been ailing for a loug time, and was one of the oldest residents of Listowel. Richard Clegg, of the firm of Walker tre elegise upholstered furniture manu- facturers, of Wingham, spent Sunday here the guest of B. A. Belyea. Mrs. Clegg, who has been here for a few weeks, returned ou Monday with hiul.- Southamptou Beacou. visiting Wingham friends last week. • Mr, and Mrs, John Glenn and family were visiting with Newbridge friends last week. Mr. and Mrs. John McDonagh are visiting with friends iu Toronto and Streets v ille. Mayor Vaustone and Mrs. Vanstone spent the Labor Day holidays with Kin- cardine friends. Miss Lizzie Nookes, of this town, has taken a situation as assistant in. the Gerrie post office. Mrs. (Rev.) R. Hobbs and family are expected home from Port Keewaydin, Muskoka to day. Mrs. A. Robertson has returned home after a month's visit with friends at Galt, Paris and Brantford. Miss Camerou and Miss Matheson, of Luckuow were visiting with Miss Maud Davis on Thursday last. Dick Terriff, of the Dominion Express office, has been ill at his home in Grand Valley for some days. Mr. John Allenby, who has been resid- ing in the U. S. for some months, re- turned home last week. Mrs. W. J. Farquharson and child are visiting with Mrs. Jas. Leary in Logan township, near Mitchell. Miss Kate Barr, the popular assistant in the Blyth post office, spent part of her holidays with Wingham friends. Mr. Thos. McGavin, who has been with A. Sebastian in the barber shop for some time, left for his home in Mildmay on. Monday. Mr. Michael Robertson, of Durham, spent part of this week with his family at Marnech and also visited with Wing - ham relatives. Mrs. Chas. Altman has returned to her home in London after a few weeks' visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McDonogh. Miss Mabel Walsh, Geo, Johnston and Miss Ethel Musgrove, pupils of the Wiaghatti public school are attending the Model School at Clinton for this term. to ..� Zcierzt Foe To health and happiness is Sorofnl<-- ets ugly as ever since time immemoi !, , It causes bunches in the neck, u:e.- '1Sgiires the skin, inflames the niece= membrane, Wastes the muscles, weak- ens : ens the bones, reduces the power o� resistance to disease and the e apac:t7 for recovery, and develops into eons gumption. "`Two of my children hal s.roacne sores i. ti e.. which kept growtn,, deeper and Ic_1>t there trete going to edema for three menthe, Ointments and medicines did no good until r begun giving them Hoorn Sar.aparii;a� Thee medicine caused the sores to kcal +e tht, children have. shown no signs of meet, ale.since.' 5.W. 4 Gi*m, Woodstock, Out, 'nod's Sarsaparilla Will rid yon of it, radically and per mtn�i h thou,, 1 . 7, •► ittat rid u of \V RO lETI:It. Mr. John Patterson is having a wall built under his dwelling. Mr. Thos. Sage has the job. John Patterson received two more car loads of coal this week. Jos. Cowan. has sold his dwelling to L, Lovell, who gets possession nest March. Mrs. Lowrey has sold her dwelling to a Mr. Kerwin, near Clifford. Taxes aro low here. Why not some manufacturers conte here and boom' things. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Armstrong visit- ed with frieuds in Listowel on Saturday. Mr. French shipped a car load of cattle and a double deck car load of lambs from here ou Monday. Division Court Clerk Cowan and J. Brethauer attended court at Gorrie ou Tuesday. Last Monday was a busy day at the weigh scales here. Fifty different batches of'eattle and lambs were weigh- ed. Mr. John Robertsou shipped two barrels of apples to his son at Boisevain, Man. Miss Bunston, who has been spending her holidays at her home in Fordwich, returned to Mrs, F. V. Dickson on Tues- day. Mrs. Brawn and daughter, of Buffalo are visiting at. Dr. Brawn's. The council suet on Monday evening, and after paying for the cemetery, the rate was struck at 10 mills. The rate is the sauce as last year. Mrs. Mauro and children returned from their visit to Milverton on Mon- day. Miss Annie ,Alien was at Milverton last week for a few days. Mrs. Geo. Allen and children return- ed from their visit to Teesee ater on Monday. Our football team was at Mildmay on Labor Day and played a friendly game with the Mildmay football team. The score was 1-0 iu favor of Mildmay. Mr. F. V. Dickson went away for a trip ou Monday. Miss Elda Hazlewood Ieft on Monday for Loudon to visit friends. After that she goes to Highgate, where she has secured a situation in a store. Her many friends here wish her success. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Chibb, of Thames - ford are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Filmore at present. Mr. J. Brethauer is making some changes and enlarging his green house. Dr Brawn had a piece of granolithie walk laid last week. O. Smith has his dwelling well under -,- way. It will soon be ready for the q: windows. Walter Burgess, of 'Woodstock, spent Sunday at his prune. Paul Jones, or Walkerton, spent t► few days at Robert McPher'son's. Mrs, Mallougli and daughter Jean and Miss Nellie McKiency spent Labor Day at Luck' tow. Flax threslaug commenced on Monday The crop is very good this year. The Pili-Autericau circus which ex- hibited in Wingham on Saturday receiv- ed very little patronage from this dis- trict. Miss B. Burgess and Miss. I1itry Itiug visited iu Goclerioh over Sunday. Rev. W. J. West exchanged pulpits with Rev. Mr. Ballantine,of Molesworth on Sabbath last. Mrs. Hauey is speuding a few weeks in Toronto. Mr. Peter Wheeler went to Boissevain Manitoba, this week. Live Steck 1Harl:ets. Toronto, Sept. 2. --At the Western cattle market to -day the receipts were 40 carloads of live stock, including 000 cattle, 000 sheep and lambs, 817 hogs, 20 calves, and afew mileh cows. The market for cattle was a dull one, though prices were about maintained, as the run was so light, and there was a fair clearance. The market was feature- less. The following are the quotations: CATTLE. Shippers, per cwt $ 5 25 e Do., light 4 25 Butcher, choice do 4 a0 Butcher, ordinary to good 3 00 Butcher, inferior , 3 20 Stockers ...,. 3 40 SHEEP AND LAMBS. Choice ewes, per cwt... 3 40 Yearlings, per owt ...... 4 00 Spring lambs, each ... 2 50 e 70 Bucks ... 2 00 3 00 arILIcEES AND CALVES. Cows, each 25 00 45 00 Calves, each 2 00 10 00 5 75 5 00 5 00 4 00 3 75 3 00 3 GO 4 50 HOGS Choice hogs, per cwt. Light hogs, per cwt... Heavy hogs, per cwt.. Sows, per cwt Stags 7 00 G 75 0 75 3 50 0 00 7 25 7 00 7 00 4 00 2 00 WINGR.4.31 1VIAHKLT REPORTS Wingham, Sept. 3, 1902. Corrected every Wecluesday afternoon by Cassels & Carr. Flour per 100 lbs. -. 1 05 to 2 00 Fall Wheat 0 68 to 0 68 Spriug Wheat 0 00 to 0 00 Oats, ..................0 40 to 0 45 Barley 0 40 to 0 45 Peas 0 70 to 0 75 Turkeys, draevn ...... 0 09 to 0 10 Geese, " 0 05 to 0 00 Ducks, per pair 0 40 to 0 60 Butter 0 16 to 0 10 Eggs per doz 0 14 to 0 14 Wood per cord 2 00 to 2 00 Hay old, per ton 8 00 to 8 00 Hay, new, per ton 0 00 to 0 00 Potatoes, per bushel 0 30 to 0 35 Apples, per bag .....0 25 to 0 25 Tallow per lb ........ 0 05 to 0 06 Lard .. 0 15 to 0 15 Dried Apples per ib 0 05 to 0 00 Wool 0 13 to 0 15 Live Hogs, per cwt. 7 00 to 7 00 Chickens 0 30 to 0 40 Help Little Babies and nig Children in i alt heir hl*nor illnesses. • When, your child -whether it is a big ohuld (whale baby --suffers from stoni- i►ch or bowel treaders of any kind, is nervous, fidgety or cross and doesn't sleep well, give Baby's Owu Tablets. This medicine is the quickest and serest cure --eruct the safest, because is cobtains no opiete or harmful drug. No matter how young or bow feeble your little one is the `Tablets eau be given withaa certain- ty that the result will be good. ]:'or very youngsinfauts crush the Tablets to a pow- der. Mrs. Geo. W. Porter, Thoroid,Otit. says t -"My baby had iudigest►on badly when he was about three months old. He was constantly hungry and his food . did hien no good•as he vomited it as soon as he took it. He was very thin and pale uea 1 and got but little sleep, as he cried r y all the time both day and eight, He was constipated; his tougne coated and his breath bad, Nothing die hien airy good uutiil I got Baby's Own Tablets, and af- ter giving hien these t4 short time he be- gan to get better. His food digested pro. perly; his bowels became regular, 14e be- gan to grow, and is uow a big, healthy boy. I eiways keep the Tablets on hand and can recommend thein to other mothers." The Tablets eau be obtained at any drug store or you can get then by mail, post paid, at 25 cents a box by writing direct to The Dr. Williams Medicine Oc., l3roekville, Out. or Schenectady, N. Y. INSURANCE!!! LIFE e- FIRE The Mutual Life of Canada Examine our ACTUAL RESULTS STOCK COMPANIES Purely Canadian See rates before in- suring elsewhere. THE EC/ G 4 Accident LoxnON GUARANTEE AND ACCIDENT 00. Issues the latest health policies. • Have yon seen them ? Plate Glass THE DOMINION The price of plate glass is mucic Higher than when you. bought. Do you keep yours insured ABNER COSENS. Farm Loans at Lowest Rates. THE ... TIME S .25c. to Jan. lst 1903. 1 m.sm®��1 SPECIAL PRIDES 9R 30 DAYS ON 'ALL LIES OF FURNITURE A. large stock to choose from. WALKER BR S. BUTTON Furniture Dealers and Undertakers. comieareznismorecomumsania •C000aa•O•eaC•••14.ao0•••os•ceoea•Qaaaao•sa•as•oaas•tfcesoo•*Qa••0c40.001D•Osa as Q a IA • • • 0 0 • a • • • • • • • • • • • e • 0 • • • • • • • • • 0 • • 0 m 0 0 • • • • • • a a • a A • •• 0 • O • • m O • O 0 • • • Q • a • • • 0 a • 3 ❖ i' .++-1• i+°r%r :� -a`' x, ;,.I.++.i.•A .• -•:. +4. pq ;,.;.+ 4.✓o+4.+�i+4'+4. ,. x.;..1.4'+4.' 4. I. It was with sincere regret that the members of the Presbyterian congrega- tion heard the report of the death of Rev. A. Y. Hartley, which took place at his home in Algoma, Aug. 22nd, after a a few hours illness. Mr. Hartley was minister of the charges of Biuevale and Eadie's churches for fourteen years. He was a man of undoubted ability and a stirring speaker. The sympathy of the community is with Mrs. Hartley and the bereaved children. John Powell, of Detroit, visited his parents in Turnberry and other friends last frock. Jas. Timmins, of Winchester, fortnor- ly general merchant here, visited in Biaevale last week. He and Mrs. Timmins are on a driving trip to and through this hart of the province. Mrs. Reading and daughter Alice, of Wingnan, visited many friends in and about Bluevale last week. Clifford Pugh will continue his studies at L'russsls school. ,r. 4r 1 4. 4' r ✓,. 4. R S. Jeweler and Optician. i4 Headquarters for repairs. 4• BIG BARGAINS IN WATCHES BIG BARGAINS IN RINGS BIG,BARGAINS IN SILVERWARE A very large stock to select from alio. we will sell very cheap all through July. HALSEY PARK r� x...41 41 .+4 i0:441 t: +. ,. ...•.y, s .:'V .R"."..:' s' . '+4i`+`a+ i.i. +4•1:41411 +s. 4 .4 +4440 4.1..4. 0 0 0 • to :3ei®lg®a®omo0ms®o0000lam©160Gose steses000e•eeeomeeeomssam$•0 C14G000•a4DQme•bGS.G0 i • • • IC JOHN KERB ACRO A .D BLOCK5 JAS. H. KERR • et W I N C H A NI • 0 • n 0000e306soces000soome©oecom emaEsemese aeasesse•seoe<►•�ises sews �esseoosesaSimeesosS r Fall Uoods We are busy receiving and putting into stock our New Dry Goods for Fall and winter. Our stock this season will be much. larger than ever before. You will make a mistake if you buy before seeing the values we offer. -LADIRS' READY-MADE SKIRTS --LADIES' READY-MADE COATS • These goods are, in material, style, finish and full measure, the best to be found, -NEW DRESS GOODS -Black and colors, New styles. Splendid. value, -NEW TABLE LINENS, imported direct. -NEW TABLE NAPKINS, -NEW SILK RIBBONS. -BLACK VELVET RIBBONS, Satin back. -COLORED " -ROLLER WINDOW SHADES. -NEW PATTERNS in Table and Floor OIL CLOTH. -HANDSOME WRAPPERETTES. -PRETTY OPERA. FLANNELS, all new patterns. Oba r Summer • • i • 1 • • • • • has been a success, • and we will continue the • sale for a few days longer in order to clear out a few lines of Summer Goods, We are offering some lines at HALF pRice • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Don't miss the gainful op- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • portunities of this sale. Men's Tweed Suits To clear at Greatly Reduced Prices 1111131111111.17111111111 Vera `V''VVY'0'VVrelfTrYVYVVVVYY''VVbVVITt7YYY7vVYYYVVYYVVYVVYV 'VVVVYYYYYYYVYVYVVVYYVT D- 6-‘• 1- b* ft - is to FANO' t CHINA C PARLOR LAMPS TINWARE WINDOW SHADES o MUSIC 0. AA►AAAAA, AAAAA.l AAA►AA/J.AAddiA/AA/I►eAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAkAAAA,AAAAAA AALAikkAA/ AL4AAA. R tet tIo Block Having purchased a business` in London, I have decided to dispose of my entire stook 0 it sd epts And continuing each afternoon and evening until stock is disposed of. Everything to be sold regardless of prices. You can expect some great bargains. Don't wait until the last. Come and ' secure some of the first choice. a .4 a t 4 4 4 t 4 4 4 4 4 m -q 4 4 .4 Q 4 a 4 a i 4 C 4 4 4 4 -4 d d 4 4 i 4 4 44 •�E 4 Space will not allow us to enumerate the number of articles • we II ea carry, but the following will give you an idea : CROCKERY GLASS WARE BEDROOM LAMPS GRANITEWARE GROCERIES WALL PAPER CURTAIN POLES S]VIALL HARDWARE 3EWELR And many other articles too numerous to mention. 4444 144 Special Bargains Every Day j