HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-09-04, Page 2thenerretive 0f Tro ey's curter and mire , _E WINUAll >iMES. entitle east OWea little t(1 Itis leatelkts, the :A � �if FE AT '��Q ' 1cx+r Ca g t r>iw rNtapt4<a cut tat alyr,ItpaM Ile ;L • .I'i•tattlstaia ram ?xotra+uatxnR 1 si sichoot P rtti h fest rch,1mu lite to very } Mr- neither, of the 3l'orta] �• Chron- "• It tea Per ctrNt. ♦t lel .osetci,. .,..:" : ..: � N«. 1 .sprit THURSDAY, `. d o , icer• on of the Englie<h editors visiting a SEPT. , tact,.. 1 llr.trtlecg. Aug. 2.8. --Front the r Canada Ot proeent,`has a eocxl idea of peerence tai the samples of wheat 011eada's greatness. In reply to the. ret:d cut it looks as if al; out tiO toast, "Oar Guests," at Quubec,ho saw:.1 cent. will grade :Co. 1. l:.ard. "C.inada its :t denetry, of great ter-' It is tanetc•rstttad that the rail • ritarloagreat rivers, t+aiaajt,.t:ie:: have decided not to a ,gleets distances, any snore bargee teats of hula great m eoureeaa and a great Suture. l se evaluates. Altair inteutitrrt is TLe tame is not far distant when rad"11.0 th ia' load I',, Ln 'MAW of these will be joined by their. : Qazlaci,i, Prom wlirrca the lazy Pacific #end..d Izystei,a of agencies: aril t Ektniliea #hit winter and, he estimates swell breaks on rwill Lcep lime ho sands of British The reels tee benefit of increasing vai Columbia to the rook: -bound Atlantic- -,'l lee weatJmr that vwitltiit a year or two it will have a fe t.ree•s att•e tag population of 23,000, The New On- tario Government railway, he Pays, will have to be built paast New Les - lard thea as it is only at the Legitirtiug : of the settlement, the .rest a us, of all that hes en- tl terday. 3 itid was te 7 bushels of The Ottawa Citizen (Cot ervativei nolo Pritain's past, but resoh'ed , aluality. speaks of this as the "time when. Can- U8:t the. glory of the Empire ltereaf- ` 3 tlozen machines will start kir e.ilt ba told not in blood, nor �lfeigtnonite district to -day, where oda,. is beginning to forge ahead as she an has finished. ue'er� did. tcifore." That is patent to. with tla"' reword, but with the poo of : �, eeial train of harvesters arri eyerybody. Even Sir C'sarl s pt'°•c"' Our marching orders will be . fr. 1 L tenebee yesterday with COO e Tu iptsa, attended, not by the. boom of cannon, . board in akfrg I.. 000 who have who, when the Liberal tariff was Lefore " , but 'by toe song of happiness, result- • t ti•eti eta crate, the ilpnsat dee/eared stoat he could peter tit,« » l,e:,t Fiord i>, I:,;M«x, the walls of the itidustrias which were ' freer, indastry and prcgress," Tcrnnto Aug. o 3. -- R"ha enter b be rained 123 if, leas been s ousts�airr• - .. -... 1't;:art:iieut of Agriculture a has ed to say* that Canada lits enjoyed SACRIFICE OF THE FOREST celeed :t report from Z:tcax t wan i:e a n'i;ghboa•leaocl of Hin sviile. trnprfeedented prosperity. Tat ought h Truly at::.cites of tries is destined, an aetriai yield front 13 acres td ;a to •eneonrnge Der atria' re?f lrius to father to ixcease more and more regarded as 1•aasJt is of wheat, an ue co ram• rednctious in the interest of the Can- it cutis.; to lee, says the Ottawa Free al coat ddl �h :she1'z an acre. - ]sir adieu people. acme- yielded an ai era; r of •,0 ]act Press. Ik cannot be too often pointed, els, This was on the farm of li The Chieego Record -Herald its out ti at there is no better field open. tart Wigle, and is considered a I amang those tapers of the `Crated ing up for' young man than the study : ca'oFt- ttaste which have a proper coneep- and practice of scientific forestry. A i tion oetthe relation of Canada to Brit- high authority has said that the young' aieeer,:ed 1 iu seta. 8 airs a 4 of the elaz:,acter of our aov- forester has prospects of a salary that i Sydney, =,-. S,. Aug. 3S The su erument. t Ina uals that of the. averse college pro- ; of slat iloitiiufort Iron and St pointing ont th ;t 4 K Contp :lei* tvaas resumed t esterd xttithing was actually done ad th. fersor. To men of mental and pLysi-' Judge Duibiclge and the coarse] i coronation conference it says the oat vigor who delight in nature and ` terested visited the works, a>. d th •colonial premiers were not empow- 1 outdoasr life the would see=r to be a ; heard the et idence of A. 3. Metha3. Bred to r„gree to anything, and could congenial and lucrative occupation. In • the: former manager of the Steel Coe 1st;! stnderta1oe to forester' litotes, do abandoned slum pang. and Mr. _Beans, the mama, lay proposals be- p • of the blast furnaces. The court e fore their Parliaments. "`The meet- lax,ds need scientific attention, espec- then _ el ourited to meet on Sept. bag directs: attention anon," seas the Odle. in Canada, where it must be con- at Ottawa. HE 1►- [NWL FN TIMES, SEPTE BER 4i. i�.•Q2. ..: :... .,,;�.-. .....r.._. .. 00.00. ,.. _ ..-.....� That Man Behind the Pick, f (rT. Colorado Spin;s.Utaz4ette. • 1 T N DIRECTORY eel" Thera hail be alt ktufls of gust. about the luau who is ,,h-hinal"--- 1 And the tna tr b'hiud the c therm has b:est toa.trd,rt iced aiut diced. ay-- 's Tie:Teat the Luau Withal the musket, nl- and the men helmet tilt feuee; per ; Au:i the man behind his whiskers anti Ilea tatatt belriitd his reins; way Aud the mail behind the pow lleain, sell an 1 the titan behind the hoe; to And the: titan behind the ballot, and the luau bohind n b u ,d ti.e t,ou„h, to And the min b:ltiud the jiutuly and 11885 4 the nem tehtuil thebets; And the Jatury that hos snooping ou es- the stage behind the •fstars'; 4"111„ At.d the roan behind the k:z se, e ofthe man behind the tis t, NATES AND QQMMirNTS Themes Southworth, co naaissioner Of 1 uization for Ontario, says that about 8,� settlere leave ulreedy teaks* tip land in the Teniiskaauaing district. bet vet coast C. Nova Scolia, will be :; it la gathering "art nue:antag g" � the harvest. the horns of minims of stela -art pet- ley Saturday night half of , , nut they tut-s'd one honest irllow lFa t That tie *nd rai4izlg of as Idok, of h Y du't tnaI to nuentiou of the Winn behiracl the tri' k, ttp the rugged monutaiu side a thous- lillft and feet lee take+ leis war, Or as far into the d rkness forth the in cheerian light of day; cut- He is Out out from the sunlight in the gliutuier of the 1autp; ved : He is tut off from the sweet air iu the on ` sickly fumes au 1 tlar,ilpe; ar- He must toil iu creeneva psis:tiaus;anrl mast take hie life in hand, For he works in dewily peril that but io few can t.nelersraod• ,•t• Beat he does it all in silt nee, .and he y, : seldom makes a ktc'k. 0; F Whica is why I sines the rrai.es of the _p Hekhan b.-hiltri the? .'ick. : unlocks the belted portals of the its , 1nounteius to tier stores ala , Ilio i:t natutn's vast exedteeuer in the er ;: treasatre home of oars, ,1,. He applies a key dynamic, and the gates are baeksverd rolled And the azcicaut rinks are riven to their secret heart of,gold. 1 Things of cnmfor` and of beauty and it 9 of u'efulsress ars mined eel 9 By this brace and quiet worker -he's i 1 pie. rich be the possession of ten- lobo wheat crop Will be teat. 11It bauttded national wealth, road, with threshing' cortatitenced on the farm it yet, Melt at its Grt;tna d]stri• B4PTl$T Clluileu--Sabbath services a IES ULIlsliE lex$ j HOUSEHOLD RECIPES, tHE Ile. TINES 11 a nn and 7 p let. Sunday School at 130 p nt, General prayer II>eetiul, =Wednesday evenings. Rey. 3. J. Pat terson,B,A,,patstor. W,J.Chapinan, 8.8 Superintendent. IlisrltotlisT Outlaw -Sabbath service at 11 a w. and 7 p in. Sunday School a 2:30 pm. Epworth League every Man tlt�y eyewink. General prayer nteetitt ol. Wednesday oveiaiat),'s, Rey, Iticila Idobbs, pastor. Dr. Towler* S. S. Sup eriutendent. PauSa 'TEnuA i 0nDuon-Sa;.bll:atlt se vices at 11 a at and 7 p m. Sunday Schoen at 2:300 p uta. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. D. Perrie, pastor and S ''. auperintenn- dent. ST. PAL`L'S 011uacir EpisooPart-�Sab- bath services at 11 a to and 7 p m. Sun- day School at 2:30p m. General prayer meeting en 1Vednesday evening. Rey. '4Vnt. Lowe, incumbent. F. Shore, S. S. Superintendent. Sff.Lv�'rldx ARa1r. Se rrice at 7 and 11 a m and 8 and 8 p. nt on Sunda , and every- evening daring the wee- at S o'clock at the barracks, Pose OFFICE -1st. Macdonald Block. Ofliee Lours from S a u. to a:30 p m• Peter Fisher, postmaster. a:I1;Cneteles' Ixsir t:rt -Library and free reading room in the Totem Hall, trill be open every afternoon fronm.2 to 5: ? p O'clock and every evening Srcan 7 to :1x30 o'clock, Miss ;Millie Robertson, librarian. Town Co tic R•, Vanstone, Mayor; Win. Holmes, Thos. Bell, Robt. Mc- Iudoo. J 3. Elliott, W. F. VauStone, A. J. Irwin, Councillors; J. B. Fer- guson, Clerk and Treasurer; William Clegg, Assessor, Wm.. • Robertson, Col- ector, Board meets first Monday even- ing in each rnonth'rat 8 o'clock. SCHOOL BOARD. -E. 'Kerr, (chairman.), Thos. Abraham, J. J. Elliott, Idomuth,Wrn. Moore, Thos. Bell, Wm. Button, C. N. Griffin. Seerstary, War, Robertson; Treasurer, J, B. Ferguson. Meetings second Tuesday evening in each mond.- PCBLle SCHOOL TEACHERS. -A. .; EVERY FRIDAY MORNING The Times O lice, Beaver B1oelr S W1NOrtaaM, ONTARIO. i6 Pi%13.itna Tenses or Selecntrrtox $1 J,) per annure in g etdrauce, ¢l.rao it not so paid. No paper ei„enn Mellor aimed rill urreatx ore paid, eaeeptetthe o stip a f th a o e publisher. l lshr p r, AnvEnxtstee RATES. Legad and other reseal suivertisements rl per Nenperielline for r_ first hives tion, tic per lisle for " e,eJt subeegt;cat iarsertion. Adreat"setnents in local columns are charged 10 ets. tier line for &sit insertion, tion, and S tenth per line for each subsequent insertion. Advertiiements of Lest, Found, Strayed, Fanny for Sulu or to Rent, end similar, t41.(5t for first month end, 50 cents for .each subsequent penult. CONTRACI our yet •for the Inst iorilof ad table ements for CIJCcified periods: melee. 1 rn. Otto. 3 ago, 1 Me One Column $tXt.9O 1„3S.W $15.00 Stern Half C Column.- 55.00 1$.00 10A0 .4.uU Ali artcr Column rt.00 10,00 O.e1) 2.01 willUeittsertt Itillforbid and chargtdaifle cco accord- ], Tran,Lient advertisements must bo paid for in advance. Ten Jon DEPARTatE>ST I8 stocit d with ata extensive assortment of all requisites for print- ing, affording facilities not equalled in the er enty for tur'nin!. o ri first class work. Large types and , ptaroprinte cuts for all styles of Past- er Heed i m4. etc.., and the latest styles of choice fancy type tor the flier classes of print ing. ay, y a friend of huts.:ankied; Who though trampled down and nu- n derpaid, toils on without a kick; :, So I lift my haat in honor of the man i.- l behind the pick. et• _- g = 4f'GSIi,`rtG14rs^efS.it�F��ICPC : Clara ;o paper, "to the strength of fess•_d haat, notwithstanding the very �t rtailw ar• Man:MNr t:.•,+f;;Tls. tree /mine rule principle in the Brit- - gr..t worthy efforts being made by 1 :crnteesaai, Ant' S. -"I l;a ere t i6kpaC srssions. There are really both Federal Provincial govern- > real with trLit Ioc tl: f.•..tt e: t no freer government:,,- in the world„mints, evo are yet far from being as wards all e oenected with it," iv than ih.1;;e of Australia and Cauda-,> prcgressice as we aught to be, , We 1 thz statement !Wade tua.•sday wetting; a. tv 5should have followed the lead of Ger-' 1 e "11a'atat'�cr '•lt:s`c, l o: the I.C`.I:. 3 6 The Ktugston Whig remarlts•-.Con- t many :.rad Britain long ago. f u i The oniciatt car <t. the I.C.B. was at- t `' It is early, quite earl to t' gratulatintns are beim,pestered o t a t tatted to the 3fa;ritime cxl revs last :. - talk of spring� Y, 0 „ in neon . better late than never and the shame- a ,•venin., air•. Reseen beim; tettgoods. But ,vi $on, Geo. W. Ross on his safe retur:i in '• ful abuse and sacrifice of our timber ih: ou_•h to 1.'uG.:lca l,y thr at.'ni:i_ e- we have made ready to a splendid state o health. His a pear- r lands czar. yet be atoned .for. Q: ene o: the alovcatr':..t, ta:iwaty. tlteCt your Wants when the once is so reassuring that his followers ggI 1 i; bine comes. We're bound 0 Neil insist up= an ocean trip every year i 8 newt,. t .Arts t, 188 Stu,trS 6 to be in the forefront. IV ns a refresher. To-clay,August w., the A Unique Home. 1 Lintls.•ay, .1 up.. 28.--Nortttan e- ii'i We are determined. to win pi � ' In Sweden and Norway there etre x 411:rehy, a lawyer here for some av Premieercomp',eteedthirty years ofst_riceyears Past, it c been missing from fa your tailoring accoant on S in the Cana•Iian Parliament -a terra of +several homes for spinsters. One oft town she.e last Friday. l eeterday a tdr sheer merit. Every gar- graat Irublie usefulness and personal theist at least is as attractive as ie small bo-.- found his body tiotrtit;g in al Inealt'w'e turn out is a strong f► credit. Strait iu the iSarsnest perianal, unique. It is a monument to the stem- •else tie cr hear the pump -house. Isis !I bid for business, Its style allegiance of his followers, and a credit try of an ex seeding wea'rity old' vide i s tho' ,hi Tito be the cause of his It _its workmanship -its St ,� to them. and to the Province in all has r man, who, dying more than 200 vears 1 untimely end. -its fi .ish-all appeal to 6 n pnbitt= appearances, he has every .. tett, left the major part of his fortune 1 � the good taste and ambitions s to the old maids among Fur Y•,ttenit,a: Citick:eaast, C incentive tocontinued duty in his nigh ,„his descend- ?Ts of the careful dresser. Post That he may longante. A superb home was built fur- ( Ottawa, Aug. 2,3.-T. C. tiara of yextend thee` 11e • > rb� I•et artneent o Agricunuree has r•o- , twin just completed tvi;3 be tete with r uished and managed by sa]aried true_ F term'd from. shit Maritime 1't ov nce_s, of a countless host of () t L , It flourished and I tt: h C can r la. i, REpon�' I i t 11 to Its the SII. IP Shave Block i • �'. r . .-.yr,r r . Y.ii,':.:4 �' 11'Y;d.r`•.E- ,., y.o 1 2.+e ta Musgrove, Principal. E. C. Couites, he, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss cr : Cornyn, Miss McLean,' Miss Matheson. tr,, - Miss i s 1 Fie c and. Miss lizkss t m ' 'F i,1 all }1$y�j, n 5. r n zr:o s wen_ tees. bas continued a ee.ere hI, as e::#:iblisLrr1•$Ix Ftfltions shets," "Any unmarried womam whofor ant fen itt•, clticl.cner of P. hued relationship to the founder of a ere e: n a . o ha one to Caiee Prr- ffhe Toronto Globe says aeditoraa i ( 1on. oat' fn tiovaa Scotia and one in (`Prof. Remolds of the Ontario + the institution is entitled to admission ; New Brunswick. cultural College assig,ls as :. reason for to the home. She is .given a suit of a theg eater destruction of arna by light- ;. r`votns, a servant, private meals and ism I),t'd 1 r.,Lr Xx,jn lea. subject to uo rules save such as orcl.i- . Belleville, A;•g. 0_8.--I:obert brri- ning in recent years the dis3ppesranee ' . e-, a era. noel• of Anteliasistarg, eves of forests. Treeshe says, are conductors nary good behavior demands- di-tvilw' a binder Tuesday afternoon of lightening. Where there are mans of = when the horses became frightened theta they carry the tieetri-al energy in One Hundred Years of Trousers. • a 1 d ran away. The unfortunate man sin aall currents to the earth. 'end thus n opie will be gar riled to hear was thrown on the klnie es toad so ,, Most 'badly cut and mutilated that he vent damage. That is why it is that you i that trousers, as at present warn by the a died. so often find single trees destroyers while ; tnnlo portion of humanity, have just Tide Catches Fettr Persons, there le no appearance of eama;e in the celebrated their cententars, bat, accord- London, Aug. 29. t- four .weeny ..sorest. Where there are many trees to- an; to Fashion, smelt is uudonbtedI the• I through , y , who everO spending a ho:iday at Kir- : gether carrents pass a number eaeee. Taey "came ia" on aaaonnr of tonskeldy'ke, Lincolnshire, ;vestendav of them, insamll volume to the ground, the high living prevalent a hundreal aero drowned. The t arty Wcere> stro:- •t. s., a1Tic.entyearsage.e " to canis r„ destruction. Trees This produced a good deal ling aA th.._a.n�i and before they were t.ecordingto this theory, are til• Bestpits- of gout whose tsyinges the tight -fitting ' atraro of tit ate data;emus position • teetiona against iightnin;,*, but the r sY.su d costume made unbearable. Hence the ;were cut oC by the tide. not pe pat too close to tha house. ifieentitan of the wider form of garment, ` -t Pure Ins-e,taina, 'Under the Leading t' n which soon became fashionable, and 1 Ottawa, .iu 28. -1 Ttn::er i .ion -Pews apere nit e ao L'o;nniissioncr .rr_€31eo eap i:zec v,cat- Crime Schools," Harper's Weekly pars: eya., ar._ptecd Ity many ro}ai per,3ttages k ed the report grate ,:- tnue-l:fiarit etas "livery newspaper store al;oatiiiml:ts at home and nbraad, Among the dan-on foot to settles 3(), ialia Is,.;ynstivat- ta:esctf the period, however, the nets lac nQltte'Is iia else f':an:t+lion crest, .anti beta the passible seed of another Tracey. It is strict was regarded with contempt, and finds the stun;. to be ei I.e:re invert - to do about it? What may has sa ILS IC:.t n Alnaac'I;'s was at its height as a t10II. 7 y p F *yr "e . n anabie resort the ` ' o gree„ i3a6e of : done (about such cases sometimes . t fzs prevent by law the publication of cola- on- ilia sites was Dose refushed tints- T ogra hrcai Errors. e stole lin, aerie he himselfY13 s P Diss details of crimes,of pursuits c+° trails presented that ti in ' From the Printer and Publisher. and the like." That sort of rubbish „°,1; trot: erg Instead of the (for riot #.mel , Prom a maritime paper our eagle not heart examination. The day bas crthodos nether garments. So far has a eyed "Clipper" :nips out the following gone by, fortunatelg, tr,.c:,, wing . their stay now extended that they and wants to know if the long word in children and older people in antorance threaten to supplant even the Scottish the second line is spelt correctly. was the best way to ensure virtuous lives.: '"'1t.-Lonalon Telegaaph. The youth who t stieusnre vats tai evil by , "there were five large dancing stages, , and on these the herpechorean art was For Delinquent Subscribers. ;; indulged in by young and old to the of eecellent violin trinsie. e , A level Beaded newspaper Irian puts • strains tThe C Ion s` is In for a. libel" } el'�at'tion r it in this way: We presume, that Some surely, having annon;•cel that "Proses people think we newspaper men are pet- sor McMillan and a party of thirsts boa sis«Ent dans. Let dice farmer place `anists" had gene on an exturs:on, in- himself in a similar bnsiuess potation stead of "Professor aft:Miliau and a par - and rte if he would, not do the very ty of thirty botanists "--'t i:•toria 13. C. sante. Sti+sps_se he raises a crop of one colonist. D.R. OHASE % RZ Mleril a De. (th+rrss's Kideoreavbr Plrles. one pill a►. does, f!1 tents a bra. five bates fci Se®. OOibII4't Oterta4 Feted, :,0 cents a box, De,Ce1N(�d's Otntt»eet:, et re's a bor. hero's Catarrh Curt,:, ,recti a lex. 'et Liver Cure, a e• ifs 1 beCe. tea f11Yesseit $yrue of Linseed *rad Turaeotttseo, , ce se a het t ter it a d >Ntw,res cfbe A. W. s ,t , ra c•verr• tea cid* tee. At all de,;,C:.. sr L lata::.:.:t Bates , r, Tetsuo, thousand bushels of wheat and trio neigh- : The other day a arr. Avery was mar- - bor t cnld come to bay a bushes and ried to a Mips Small. "A sub -editor head. J7gtare. OOt='S IdpptCtiili(3, this rtIes was only; the sum. of $k.t;"1 and 0(d the report of the ceremony, "Avery- ': the neighbor says: "I'11 pay you the Sraall Wedding," but the compositor Munn in it fete days." .' a tine fa 11Eit ti Net for a year, but for a Iifetime. Watches that may be handed from father to son -heirlooms. The movement of a s` R yrie'' Watch is as nearly perfect as possiir:e, and yet, it's not e'rensive. Tints is why it has brought to cur store so many buyers; who are particular about accurate time. Le 1 Ferrel ret nt:r Ca a:ngne, • n- e n r means ty t..cf solid t 5 e co.,' t•.:f• t ver and ✓ 'Syria ,aa .'.res in 1 I. .....tics and gent:omen's t:zes. The "Kyrie" :sI0nogrum Catches are particularly' attractive. EYRIE EROS., Yosge.tad Adelaide* 5ex., TORONTO. Menne HALL,, established 1854. knew matter he better, and set it up as "A Very forma o Sexual v�'eekna guaranteed effectts of lina',lcla ' deal want to be small in las Small Z'Peddin^ bleco. Opiaim or 8timnlants. troll d o _cert t sirs "all right." Others come in the b• or excess, /dental worry, Ezee$5-ve use 2Tre Great L'sglv'sh Remaly. Sold and recommended by all drnggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. ate 0!To E3ys watt *' > ` I wish to say to the Congregation" of pike, one package $1, s1x,113, Otte wfli pirate, 3 arr„u til ti'e whole ons thensand ` said the minister, "that the pulpit is not tam cure. Pamphlets free toeny`address- bashed i g to on,. thousand differ- responsible for the error of th3 printer . The *Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. ent pa ebasers and; not one of deem on the tickets for the concert in the Sun-' Wood'sPhOsphodine 16 sold in 'CCingliarn by concerns himself abort it, f6r It ig tai ; G - Colih A. Camnbell, A. L. Flanilton R. A. day School room. The eorrzert is for the boudass. and T. E. Davis, Druggists. small aznonnt he owes the farmer and benefit of the Arch Rind, not the Arch ,, that will not heir, hint any'. Ho does Fiend." not realize that the farmer has frittered away all his crop in little dribbles and .t Vannniar Name °that he is fearfully entbarasted in his In the homes f Canada. and the L_.' .. - ` The undersigned having been restored to health b ei y m1 e I TO t, 1ONSIJ2p.[pT1VEs, • P means, a ter suffering for Cg 0 b 1`Ff r• u..In s3 cStat tviral n ':e$ h.. aret•tis vi h c u lrofewn m t t a e $ Se 11a 't; 9 s ve s debtors treat It as aes more fannl.ar re, Tnng affection, and and none more reverently spoken. than ' nbiaalt,« ti u n t b tr1Io v'sufferers u f fe nr, is aitetouq to , little blotter. But if they all paid Milli that of Dr.A. w.Ohese thegreat a of r .ire it, rs the means promptly (which they , plrys,- are. To who it, he will Ctu•r,r. mild do �• , lui- lie net) it would. be - ed ". so ge on dee n eAirh lea I a large amount Iii- forth., suffering ltasrt:iteved and; conaststnptlori, :lstuntaYcatn�rli°)trOa' for deed to the farmer and would enable, Ilium the dis asps Ire lads pure4' 1115 relrietlies tts and all tlnrra•at and 1117 3lalatltes nclHat- cure when. others ft 1. , a btrc.anit well pl nddrr ss, it s P o as well clan and receipt book author. He is bles. - , fully- aced (ft2r, of ci,ar ,) a ro y of the pre - to , ev nr r to carry on his business without ditrienl- a it the st nd,t and yare popularbhe best lr bple,• l n ua'il TL ,,. d 11 -tithing, ct them ei y in any i ty. because they i trhleh will Cost the n nnaipma WARD A. WILSON', Itrooltlya, New York. BoAInn o>, FL^: cirri itiyor Vaustoue, (chairman), 0. J. Reading, Thos Greg- ory, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, Sec- retary; Dr. J. R. Maedonaid, Medical Health Officer H. B. ELLIOTT, Proprietor and Publisher T P.A eEtTE.DY,.11.11,.M.C.P.S.O e • sae -neer of the British Medical, Associse- tion,) Gold etemillist in 'Medicine. Special attention land to diseases of Women and Child tieing no other fat than that frame yen. wive hours. -180 4 p. m.: , to 9 p. m, 't1.I'PLL` a£iNOW, 1:ke a5 iKlilecl Custard) •with' the Yvr.:s of l ,eggs, 2 corns it411k, 4 lhlte slx+ous Iiineli: of trait' orad 1-µ teaspoon notatin, WJsicca of ei ,-, to ala stiff : ilr, and tiny, b,a.t to ones : np pulverizecl,eu- gaar and little' by little, •2 oip.t.rari- F1u'c: aenecl :.piri,f stare• Serve, using tlaa a.ustatd es 'it t4auee. POTATO CROQUETTE'S. Ea. 'fake; eupi cold nastiest p>otatoetiy, 2 'eggs, Bait to taste, 1-2 cap fin (meeker crumbs; alit 'well, end roll an the kn::ading. hoard wi;.h the band 3 ins routed eak.v a 01 tort;; oneei; see (e'er' a little fine cracker, dtast om ftraty nboatri!; *eeggwnanin ac,bn�reoatdingermbt; , fan RICE CROQUETTES. Tal a 1-e cup rice, bait until aoft,Iet it; cool and: b'•at into it 2< tinge, `L apootts sugux, 1 te.aspoov of salt; mold into .balls, cg; tract bread cranib, and fry in emolting lett fat. . MUTTON( CI$OCS, Remove a :portion oft the. fat m. them anter tri 'tu into a n:e� ; h'lpa ; place tl~e gridiron over a briglat,cl, at ; ire, inti tiro liars with at [ittlt+a fat,: cad lay tilt th chops. Whilst boiling, frequent- 1}' tura theme, ;and in about: 8 min- utes they wili b done. Season, with p'pp.'r a4'1d sal., S rvii' hers r..nl a, lit,. dish. Ot+ thxy ea;m bt+ baked Jilt a dripping' pan Ma hot oven. bast- ing frequa•ntiy; they art v,'ry mea thee veer. filiey -can ales: b:, fried on at frylug pan, having it' very heti `and the chop. 44y ;5oonc as one. shift is seared (in about 1 minute) turn .over art the other ;• then finishing the Cooke ng more slowly. Sprinkle' salt on each side: where almostt done. DR- 3i 3Ci)OYALD, 1 Centre Street Wingham, Ontario. DR. AGNE E1 ic', Physician, Carn geo ,ere. OMee-efacdtnaid Block, over .T. E. Davis` larufi Stcert, Night tale answered n(• focal/ice. T. CHISPCbaf, J. S. CHISROae3l Car., 3.1 rr'.S.o �7n3rn(`M 3iC PSO. DRS. R .i tel O.ltp & Gl{tSHLttM • PHY•1CIA:r'B, SL GEONs, ETc. O rnre-Chisholm Block, Josephine street. Restniset:-In rear of block, on Patrick St., where night calls will be answered. vANSTONE, ^�+ BA.RRISTuR, SOLICITOR, ETC Privateattit Compantyfnnd.t to loan at lowest tate of interest. No commissioncha• - • 1. ort - PIANO p d J THEORY, gates, tusvn and fain urn erly llneslt and sold. Office, Beaver Block. winnham, and member of the Assoeiatrd ,lins'eians of J. A• MORTON, Ontario, is prepared to receive a limit ed num-• Dm:a/8 'i tt, her of pupils for instruction on Piano and in �Ec. Theory. Special attention given to pupils preparing for examinations. Residence -opposite R. C: Church, Winfiharn, MISS SARALOU ISE I E MOORE. L.O.M. J. J. Elliott, V. S. Honorary Graduate of Ontario 'Veterinary , College. Office and Infirmary corner of Vittoria and Minnie Sts. Wingham. Day and night calls promptly attended to. Telephone connection. FARMERS and anyone having live stock or other articles they wish to dispose of, should adver tise the same for sale in .the Times. Our large circulation tells and it will bestran a indeed if you donotget'acustomer. Wean guarantee tbatou will sell because you may ask more for the article or stock than it is worth. Send your advertisement to the TratEs and try this plan of disposing of your stock and other articles. Wingham, Ont. E L Dir sex -01 Dt'etrt EOLenS DICKINSON & HOLIES BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc. :Hexer ea LOSX. orrice: Serer Block, Wingham. ARTB:i,-R J. 1RWTh , D. D. S., L. D. 5. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsyicania Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office over Post Office. Wingham. Office closed every Wednesday afternoon during June, July and August. T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S. L.D.S. ' tree "."; New method for painless ex- traction. _1'o Cocaine. of Specialfldeattention teth, 'Moderate anriees, and all work tarefully and sidlftilly- performed. Office in Beaver Block, Winghatn, Office closed erery Weclnesdny afternoon during June, July and August. Bell Te!ephune GENERAL LtiSLTANCE AGENT. Wingham, Ont. OF CANADA. A new issae cf the SUB- SCRIBERS' DIRECTORY for the Distriet of Western Ontario, including t h e W I N G H A M Exchange, will be issued early in, September. Orders f o r new connections. changes of address, changes of names, duplicate entry of names, etc., should be placed et once to ensure their appearance. COL.IN A. CAMPBELL, LOCAL MANAGER, tetaeateze E "DUNLOP" All kinds of Rubber Tires for all kinds of Vehicles. Dunlop Bicycle Tires Pneumatic Carriage "Tires Solid Rubber Carriage Tires Invalid Chair Tires Time e. for• Thaw • ., a Gar iiah e., _ The Dunlop Tire Co., Limited vnttou r°. ••r-wr� -0000 , Tradeeteek ter _,r". .. ,.,•,•:• - R: TC - EIZD , E. ESTELLE GRIFFIN WIGA ter TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE. Pupils prepared for Conservatory of Altaic exon interne. VIOLIN AND GUITAR. ItXISS CARRIE MOORE of London Conservatory of Music, will be pre tared after Oct. 1st to receive a limited nam - her of pupils for inctrttetion on Violin and Guitar. Residence-oppeeteR. C. Church, NI/Ingham. JOB PRMI I:i G, including Books, Paanphlcts, Poster✓', Bill he beet Style of the att,' t 'moderatenprices, tand on short notice. th t anyBo ks or Aiaga ire neseaeed leftt wiannounce us Priices for�Binding have ally style till be given nn application to THE TIMES OF'FICE, Wingheint, RAILWAY TIME TABLES. GRAND 'rEtYNK I2e1I1;e'G` .r SYSTEM, London Teems XIAVt FOR 0,50 a.m0.10p.m. Toronto A: East 0 a.m. • 0.53 u.m , 3.05p.m. Kincardine -11.10 axa•, 1.40 p -nn S.3 ./all. ARRI4E num Kineardine....6.SOrem., O.00t,m '1.0`o pen. London 11.10 a.m.... 7.53 Pare Palmerston 11.I0 nim Toronto & East. 1.40 p.rn .Sala p.m. L. HAROLD, Agent, Winghanu, CANADLI.N PACIFIC R•ATLWAT•, 2'Iakins Lawn: Fox Toronto 'and East0,37 rem,.,, 0.53 p.m. Teeswater ..., 1.17 p.m,...10.48 p.tn. ARRIVE 11101l teeswater,... 0.57 aart.., . 8.553 p.m. Torouto and East 117 pane. -10.43 pins. T. H. BEDMEIt, Agent, Wingham. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN TEE TIME& ▪ i QUAKER REFLECTIONS Philadelphia Record, Stalin tweets are often iudigestibler The, eveatiler man, is mixed in hie dater. • ' The dog catcher;;, labors skould b0 C tL n • a to - led The, sculptor is Obliged to carve out hie own figure. The fool who- rocks the boat ;ever -i ally Boca to regret it, It's too bad: that sonC1 thiatgs seem too good to be true. It doesn't take conseiences to make cowards, of some people. The coal manta/ kicks because he is kept down in: the. .world. No, Maud, dear, you; can't fill a poker hand with an; ash; tray. Talk is cheap, even( to those who indulge in extravagant remarks. The fellow whet hid08 his light tiler der a bushel never blows it out The girl evith tete most cheek isn't the one who is; addicted to blushes. People, may always! looks ont the bright side of (life without being daze sled. i When the clergymen goes into pole itics, docs he beeie ne a divine healer? Soma men never break, themselves of bad habits until• they find them. - selves broke. • Its all very, well tot strike omit for yourself. unless you happen; to be a bail player'. j a t Some men strews up( their courage with etepee. drink until they are po- a.itively tight. r t Ivor 0...3. Sixty Teats. An Old and Well -Tried Remedy :yrs Winsloev's Soothing Svrnn has been used for over sixty rears by miilionsof mothers for their children white teethinar•, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gains, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea, It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty -f ve ceras a bottle. Its valne is incalculable. Be sure you ask for Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and • tate rm other kind. There is a noted difference in the style and fit of Pants we make that always brings peo- ple back for another pair. Then there is the low price and better quality of' cloth put in them --•cloth that wears See, our new goods and prices. EATER, TltalE MAr1ICS Daswtvs .Ane me en tafCo5vrtieit-5 &G„ q�tcilp uecrtein oar ermine free ivbetLer (uf lnve,tlion is preeethleesthntnba. Veltmanitn Urals strict) coafdenattat.notebook onPatent& Beat free. oldest emery for iSticiaiug patents, Patents taken tiirourb Mune Is Co, Tool**epeetd ottee withoutt charao, lathe Satittifit t seri t• Abnndsoetely! Ilene tt,,ted Weeltlr, Ter. -tet. r: entente its any *entire ;kerne. Verne. Mind('1''1t2.1 fnnrnaenths $l. follbyo:1 nonitBtd{�,1EYr, '& Vtrt2Giofata+'t ay,'Ni !t '1erk