HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-09-04, Page 1VOL, XXXLL--NO. w GilAN, ONTARIO, , THURSDAY, SEPTEMIER 4, 1902.. 1 A YEAR IN AI/ANCE rwwww"" QUIZ FALL :ru KQ F Teeds, Woisteds Gents' Furn!sh v jlugs, a Boots ad Shoos, otc1 Arriving daily. 0 Come. to the old re- liable for bargains in re our , different lines. Son 86Hornuthto.4%,...ivis,%44,10...,41,14.‘,J MARRIAGE LICENSES Issued by FRANK PATEitso•s, No. 28 Victoria street. Wingliam. Ont. No wvitnessesrequired. SPECIAL SALE TOILET SETS For the next 80 days I will soli Toilet Sets at very low prices. A few of the prices to show you how zunch we have reduced thele:- 10 piece sots, 10 of to 10 10 " '10 6 " 5 ,, s+ „ ie „ ,t „ 1, were $4.75, for $4.00 " $4,50 " $4 00 .L ' ;ob a4.Fi l b 4 $4,00 " fp3.25 F65,2 " $4,15 ete.50 i/ $2,96 $2.00 " $1.50 14 ,. .f „ Come in and sec for yourself. This is a genuiue sale. Ph Aa Hutchison Groceries and Orockery. Phone No. 59. Manitoba Lands. In order thatImig t assist those who fr 0 eutnt,w call enquiring r,bout Manitoba and 1,4 unit West to ds I have ecceuto agency of he Cnnadun-Aierie n Immigration Co , of Blandon, Mau., andI nm now prepared , to show n quote prices, adi >te I, rice. , tc t•ms and emit -haws -on a 11 the lands subject to sale ixt ristnitobu dm. the North West There r mea 7. ea o an unimproved Molly t t to , oved farm that m Y s. tun U 1 l Y r. Butler, specialist i i t t d' Ire. as ase be had at very reasonable toms, and also r P e s placed in a better state for sale oil easy terms i the eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes and range in prices to suit any oir't. tested and glasses supplied= Office op- . ` polite S. Andrew's church, Loudon, SOO PROPER Jr. Ontario. The property i and a ,o ' t u l tit the Canadian is being itipittty taken upe and thele ae ill a few tine locatio1}s that tl''i, within the reach of Pan Arne ican Show. Any ono who Wirihes toe invest their money in such 'property es will/return a large increase. The Pan Anleri In Show gave au ex- QNT YRIO LANDS. Iaibition in Wingh in ou Saturday last - The number or terms on list at thus office is The circus was no favored with a very bre oud. doubt the largest that was over re- corded at any previous tante in any office and a terse attendance, People who attendedwhile the list of farms is large. we also have a 1 list of intending purchasers for farms i tills say tont at the prefo nalicc was lecod aq.d IVOitr fireea''s Shoes, Public Scii 'l'he' Winghaln Tuesday of this w of Re -opened, c11ool reopened on ek with a very good attendance. The bas only been one Change made in t Brack, o$ Bras caueed by the res son. Miss Bro w teaching stall', Miss le, fills the vacancy gnatiou of Miss Robert•. conies to Wingbaw very highly rrtcolrtl:l* nded. For views and lawn groups try Armstrong„{ Se Co: An l nteee In another colon bo found ail inter Ripllard Hobbs, 1SI tboii t church the General Con We aro sure the will appreciate Hobbs and we sh similar letters fro lfting Letter.. Ino this issue will ting letter front Bev. s for of the Wiugllana who is now attending ron3e at "Winnipeg. eaters of the Time its letter from Mr. I be pleased to have l him ou his return, .I The Reports that p ly iu heavy land !different teats o ' tubers are so pia general effect ilia some growers feat their crop. Other crop hits rotted. the Meld °, and u potatoes are disc when cut open. tato Rot. t atoes are rotting bad - are Coming iu from the country. The tiful a crop that the not be serious, but a complete loss 'of say e on :half of thole he disease first effects wy seeminglyIY sound vered to by worthless If ther• e is any ti;io wggo wishes to sell or rent they will find it to 'Meat -advantago . to canon ire, • TOWN PI2OP18 8TY. were in town all. In tlit town of lfiinghnm I can ,suit anyZ 8n time of the., pees tending purchase*+ in siztr, loesttnwi-•or price of a house. Thrive some excellent pfopPerties for VMS crowded, sale suitable for retiring farmers, afyo• houses Win Ilam a co that aro cheap and on such terms that the ng ham renter would find it to his advantage it was then ander to buy and improve ti place of itis own rather than pas rent. 1', J. r&&auxal , Bros. Real Estate .Agent. and was as clean show as ever visited Wingham. A le tee ,uilmber of people Sat'nrdar and at the stga'Ast i!biptm Street lis same ofrcus' visited ale of Sears ago, but the name of Lemon Who Wants a Farm ? I have over 4,000 acres of choice farm lands for sale, in 50, 75,100, 150 ,Ind, 200 acres, tots in Kinloss, Greenock. Bruce, Kincardine, Huron and Ashfield Townships. Good lands with good buildings to bo sold cheap on easy terms. Also a good sawmill for sale, almost for a song. Also a good blacksmith shop .(dwelling in eou- nection) doing a good business, for sale cheap. A hotel doing good business for sale cheap. Also a wragonshhop. A general store with large trade, live village. Also a large alnoliut of money to loan at o per cont. For further par- ticulars apply to T. A. McK2 NZTG, Insurance Agent. Holyrood. D O mI N ION BANK: GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. +1 C 1 1 n See Halsey Park's ac=vertisement. Genital $2,500,000 Campbell's Headache Wafers guarau- Heserve $2,500,000 teed to cure headache. New For B siness Men. F. R. Smith, +k anagen of Oak Hall; Hamilton, has 11 e following in au inter- view recently, i1 the Hamilton Specta- tor: "Yon kilos my unlimited faith in the newspapers. Talk as you like about fake schemes an program advertising, I finch all I have 1. do is to tell the pub- lic a straight sto y through any good paper, and the re posse comes as certain as taxes, and the lost is not more than half that of the n merous other schemes so commonly usec, but in which Oak Hall has not spent one dollar during the year, and the ca h results prove my argument. to be tru WINCHAM BRANCH SHAW BLOCK. A General Banking Business Trans. acted. Farmers' Salo Notes Collected, and advances glade on Same. Drafts bought stud sold on all points in Canada. United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT -Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to priaioipal 30th June and 31st December each year. A. E. GI$SON, Manager. TL. vanstone, Solicitor, • BANK OF HAMLTON WINCHAM. Capital paid up, $2,000,000.00. Reserve rand, $1,600,000.00. Preeideut--.Toms STUAne. Vies -President --A. G. RAM" retAPC1'OI S JohA.TT.YWr od, 51 P A.YB.Lo (Toronto). General Manager -J'. TU1SNBULT.,. Savinggs $an1t-Roure 10 to a; Saturday+, .10 to 1. 1)e1,onite of $1111111 upwards received. lu- tereatall-owed, end competed on the 80th No- vember and 81st Ztay each year and added to principal. i d '8lieeinl bepoeits also rete oe at current rates of interest. States lion Tn Garet Britain and the united Trat'ellers are notified dint the Bank of tram• ettun and its Branehes issue .Circular Mites Of National Provincial Bank of England, 7aitnitod, whieh can he cashed -without charge Or troll.. 'bre in any part of the -world. W, COEJICJi1taD, Agent iS. Te, tlIORIASOIC Solicitor. MtOte4 the tiettglt Cold. works cit' the G t ..11`1111 b fait/dive Bream -Quinine Tablets cure 5 cold 1 one dal', NO Care.lto Pay. Price 96 cents. Newspaper Holiday Week. The Brussels Post, Lucknow Sentinel and Tara Leader are holidaying this week. THE TIMES has turned over a new leaf and we do not intend suspond- ing publication Or a week. Our adver- tisers and subscribers contract for fifty- two issues in moll year and the T1azEs in future intends giving the full num- ber of issues in each year. Half price for Photographs continued 10 Sept, 15th. 3. M. Graham, Star Photo Studio, Wingham. Auction S e Postponed. kr. Thomas, o the Bazaar, But block, has recei d an offer fr m a gentleman for tis stock eti bloc. Mr. Thomas 1 .stock to post- pone the auotio sal it /the mean- time, pending i goti ti s with this glenteman. Mr The s wvill continue the clearing sal every clay and evoning, and further ane uncohteatt will be inside next week, If you are looking for bargains it will :ay you to call at the Bazaar. Yiioxrv' I'll LOAN et .1M per cent. on easy terms of repaynletir;" Apply to A. Dttituage, tient Block. 'Wingliam. er n R ase e Mr, R. 3, MViaca applied for a pati .heater which he er is a Very co gallon of venter 20,rninutes, beef 15 minutes, lana Oen be cooked ly na with an no intern odor f an Ordinary r inar la a g relit envoi o should, d find al amp Heater. 5th, of this town, leas at on a lteroSene lamp as devised. The heat• plete article, Half a an be boiled ''with it in steak can 'be conked in , chicken, eggs, etc tit the heater: as quick- dinaryy stove. There is ant the heater than from tp, This heater will be fuel and Mr. MseAlath rge market for tibia. Mr. 3. O. Rose, of the Canada Fur factories in Wing family to town. tor says as follows family: -Mrs. J. moved from here as Mr. Rose is naw in that town, b furniture factorithere. Mrs. Rose leaves many Erie s in Srnforth wvlio, while regretting h r removal from here, will heartily c+ngratnlate the good people of Wingl am its securing such worthy and usef 1 citizens as Mr. and ltirs.1tose. Airs Rose was au active t hurch and Sun r ay school worker, and in these and of :r capacities. she will be much missed h: e. eSidents. ao is now manager iture Manufacturers am has moved his he SetIfortit Exposi- o the removal of this Rose and 'family Wingham Iase,:eeek, permauently(tooated ing manager of the R S:4 -Eor thirty i4lxl'=r. Fort 0 days I offer for sale 0 Cider Mill tin , the corner of S c 1 tt C Josephine streets. This is a snap o someone as the price is lowv and the • siness twill be a profit- able one this year, 1'. J. Maguire Death of onafd Sutherland. Donald Slither end, son of Mrs= Neil of ti' town, died at it Sutherland,s o e O City,, near Petro a, on Friday evening last. Deceased ad been working near 011 City and one day early last week he was injured on t e railway track. Isis a t h r went aidhim and h s n of a ve t to vait on 1 a 0 Va thought to be iu roving, but he must have been more eriotisly hurt than WUS thought, and p ssed away on Friday evening. Dece ed was well known in Wingham ane lied resided here at different times, Ile was aged 83 years. T{is remains we e brought to Wingbani on Saturday e easing and the funeral took plane front tis mother's home on Tnestlaty atoll on to the Ashfield Come- t r tear L °know, The raved 4Y, antv, bereaved will have the symparhy of the cent« tnuiaity in the sudden i►f'hiotion. hanks R cls L,imit, There will probab * be a big circula- tion of Dominion no es this fall, es a. number of the Can dist* banks will by that Mere lla.ve reap ad the limit of the eirculhtion of thea otvn bills allowed by l'ttw, lette clout) several will make use 4f .l olttreal, ' erci#tints' Bank of •Caltada, anti. Eau of Commerce bills to tide them 'seer til the Circulation falle. again toward wit sr A duccess I Operation. Lest wfixte 's Rip :y Express says:- Jolrn Wilson, V. S. of Witlgbant, was in toivii on Monday and assisted J, N. Willditsatz,`. S., i . removing a tumor weigh'1?,1g -Oh pound- from a horse own- ed by Win. Graham of the Oth con, The operation is pr nonnced by horse. men of ibis lbaality a be a wonderful ills ti titr+irt syn of wb two skilled sur. geoni Pan eccomplf A $rst-olstektfartu for sale, within about 2;,e; Yntlee from Wroxeter and 7 miles from Winghantt, on good gravel road; g)Qgl ntilditftv and farm well itnproved, dpPI} to IL austone, Winghaiit. LETTER FROM REV. R. HQEIBS, To the Editor of the in(dlraut Times. DEAR Ssu I tl co it for granted that a number of my riends will be glad to read a few lutea f 'in rare. I left Wing - ham by O. P. R..+:t August 12111, takiug a ticket via the 1a es for Winnipeg, and thence to. Elmo ton. On account of 15 on the way, it has Ow to arrive at uty rip has been a most eoiully on the lakes. e on their litre of 'illy of the highest 'pect. Day stateroom the Captain's and try, and you maybe the location Very :urprieecl to find Mr. of our town boys, cooks. as spent 111 the city of Brandon, Man., where 1 enjoyed a pieasaut time wit Mr, Leech and family, including 'Ire. (Rev.) Oaten, and I was delight° to see another of our town boys, Mr. orley Park, occupy- ing a sent with the hoir. Stepping off at th' stations along the ' my numerous vis 1 taken rte two w destination. My' delightful one, e8 The 0, P. R. sery I Steanlet•S. is cert. order in every re MMS No. 1, next t across from the'pa sure thatI fowl acceptable. I was Harry Carr, Ono among the excelien My first Sunday - +~--- . line, 1 was often pie isedto see familiar faces. At Medici e Hat I saw Mr. T. • Dear • of M s. Delaney. B. Bowles, lookiug +ale and hearty, and This weais•we hay OE '*fary Anti Elan r, De a >,. ,ari G T sec Delaney ,G. had been . n i and was'rpged41 yea to. Wingllam some husharicl and films]. Ifoie i , pe to Hen. 0.11 k :, I sided near Kin ;st family of small c sympathy ,of the afilietion. The 'Wednesday .1140y11 eemeterse service Ilan,. 11, p. chiire • • A Great ' The Canada Fu ]fa y e at last seem the extent of thea importauee of To quarters. °Lii3ey ' n ti s,th building k ow ,`;t Mammoth House, on street east and k' premises aro in two two buildings oounc and the numerous 80 willoffer ffe amble 1 i spa furniture testi for the 1 ed by the state. A pe exhibition will be held Canada Furniture Ma ate three of the Wingh to record the death Mr, J. Clegg at Cal,' ry. At Lacombe I ye' with Brantford feta 1 w t At • i sti it end most thrivi = y and Edmonton, le visit with Mr. 11113 and their son y, wife of Mr. M, ion foreman. n. Mrs • e a for sever weeks 1 a Deceased moved ninths ago with her spent a couple of d ani Lonclou friendd which 1 s the larges , town between Celgi I had a very enjoys front Hensnll. Be- owl Wrs ? McMan . , 11deceased had re- d ea ed e r e who is L 7 Gen a u. A husband and I; impel taut station. I ildren will have the MoMannus that my community in their waiting for use at L ueral took place, on Saturday and Snnclay ug to St. Augustine John Scott, who is ano eing held in the Wing- ham boys, and is in 1 at 8 45 a.m. daut, At Strathcona fend three of Mrs. He Warehouse. Mesdames Tom and Mrs. Fred. Richards, nature manufacturers Bluevalo. well settled premises suitable to this northern termiut business and to the I In Edmonton I met u auto as their head - ',acquaintances, among , R a,, c,ut at this learned from Mr, aou William was due, so mei spent there with h Rev. her of our Wing - bora more abun- i [ ;vats surprised to over's daughters, Will Fowler and all formerly of and doiug well iu of the C. P. R. ny of my former rein Mr. Richard lips, two more rd, to our great to a fine drive for many miles in try. To -morrow 'ip to the Rocky m there I must uiPig e for General illiam returns to ve• • pnrohasod -the', Nixon and Mr, T. Ph Fair, formerly the ! Wingham boys. Rich the corner of sling 1 enuent treated u cis street. The I y ' ' around 1118 tawyia, all rts, consisting of i the surrounding co .ed by a gallery, We will start for a s of each portion Mountains, and f for the display of ; hasten back to Wf rge offices requir- I Conference, while anent furniture his school. t Toronto. TheI will make no art ufacturers oper-1 golden fields of gra factories. fug scenery as I hop return. MONEY To LOAN. -Money to loan on notes, and notes discounted at reason- able rates. Money' advanced on mort- gages, with privilege of paying at the end of any year. Notes and accounts collected. Office --Beaver Brook, Wing - ham ROBT. MOINDOO. A Romer able Offer. The attention of .or readers is drawn to the a.nnouncem: it ou another page of this paper, which ffords a spleudid op- portunity to soeur , that great family piper, the Family erald and Weekly Star, of Montreal, absolutely free of charge for the ba Family Herald and "•eekly Star is ac- knowledged to bo i a class entirely by itself as a family p ,er, and the desire to introduce it into ew homes has en- abled us to make thi arrangement with the publishers of th • great paper. We learn that the Fami Herald publishers will shortly aunonnt • their new preaei- ums•for this season, nd the public will get a pleasant surp se. Read the au- nouucement on au ther page of this issue. apt to describe the n and the wonder - to do that after my RIorrARD Honss. Edmonton, Alberta, Aug, 27, 1510e. The Labor The holiday on was very well obs Nearly all the plac closed. The factor but that was on ac down for a week o ay Holiday. Ionday-Labor Day, rved in Wingham, of business were es were all running, unt of the shutting Wednesday nig Nonce. -All plow poi formerly handled by the MasseyHarris Co. are ace of 1902. The Smith d, Pethick's. The large double store in the titaodon- ald block, at present occupied by H. will be to let on the 1st December Park, nextFor further ;particulars apply to the owner or to R. Vanstoue, To increase heir Capacity. The business of le C. Lloyd, Son & Co's. door factory u Winghnm has been constantly iucre sing, and, as will be seen by the mint es of the town council in another colo + , they are miring the town for a loan +,' $0000 to enable theta to add to their c aeity for manufactur- ing doors. The rni propose to erect a brick building 3x 0 feet, and put in some new mac) inery, They would employ in all 25 h nits. Mr. Lloyd was present at the nt eting anti produced letters showing f reign orders which. they were not no able to handle, but which multi be tt ned out with profit if their eapaefty vete increased. We are pleased to ii• to that the wlotlncil appointed a coinm ttee to look intc the matter, and we , tlieVe they will net wisely z lgiving 1 reasonable aid to this important b nth of the town's ntanuftteturb)g industries. ropairs agent of the for sale at Bowling To The Wingham bow of it on Wednesday week. Two rinks f two from IJincardin Wingham players are now showing the es that they can afternoon was a e score: Wingham. V. Vannorman $uechtel R. Vaustono 12 H. Jeffrey-- 18 Corbould Altlereon E. King 18 ; .Patterson,sk 16 Wingham Dulmage . Campbell Nash 26 s . Holmes, sk 17 Hontuth Irwin Holloway E. Gibson,sk 18 nament. ors had a field day fternoott of last Brussels and were here. The t1 players from other p1 do some playing. Th very pleasant one. T Brussels. J. Arden Dr. McNaughton J. E. Cameron A. Consley-skip Dr. Field T. Farrow D. 0. !toss Jas. Irwin --ship Kincardine Mason McDonald Scougalt It. Ross -skip t Ioffot Cooke Harvie Bishop -skip 11 A A single pea, suppos: to have been dpped with he ill t s are in kir. G. dropped. Norrish's garden, Starr ,y street, Guelph Was left to develop, till a little branch Of a tree was stuck in °side it to sur. port it. The other ay Mr. Morrish gathered the crop an found that the single pea lead prod eel one hundted and two pods. oot)ted itis four hundred and seventy-four peas. Air, Morrish has oarofully preserved tit, crop and intends to give it another chn co, If it main- tains p tian e 'n its re ata y need " he a e tel tent a few thousand act -et t+ spread thein out ark. TOWN CQVNCIL. The regular reeetiug of .the .council was held on Tuesday eyening of this week. Presents Mayor Vallstano and Councillors Holmes, Irwin, Reil and 34 eIndoo, Tile minutes at previous meeting were read and adopted. A communication was read from the C. Lloyd, Son iG Co. 'with a view to en- larging their dor Manufacturing es- tablishnuent, and aeliug a loan from the town of $0,000. They would erect a largo, brick buildng, pat in new.machin- ery and iticrease their staff of employees to tweuty•five, in order to supply the itheirlicreztsiug r demand, y .for the products of facto Moved by Councillors Irwin and Holmes that a committee cousisting of the Mayor and Couucillors Bell and Me- Iucloo be appointed to inquire into the matter and report -Carried. A communication was read from Messrs. Dickinson & Holmes, stating that the assessments of the Bell Tele. phone Co. and the G. N. W. Telegraph stand. Mr. John Hanna appeared befgre the council in reftretce to the purchase of a cemetery lot, including part of walk. The members of the council expressed their views and atter considerable dis- cussion it was decided to leave the mat- ter over until next meeting. i 1'eWtin us were presented for wants on the suuth site of Maple street, and 013 the west side of Edward street. On motion of Couuoillors Melncloo and Bell the request o i of the petitioners was P e granted, and tate street committee anth- orized to .take the necessary steps to have said Work completed. Tae report of the finance committee recommended the payment of the fol- lowiteg aeoounts: R.Arutstrong, work on k . line... .$ 1.50 Jas. Brock, labor on streets 13.88 W. M, Davis, report and estimate re water works 80.15 J. D. Burns, supplies for streets and hall 13.72 D. Showers,labor on water works, 8,25 W. Pattison, draying.. 1.35 .S,.B. Ferguson, stationery 2.50. G. T. R.,reut of pipes under track, $1.00, half year's rent weigh scales site ending June 30th, 1902, $2.50 . , 3.50 0. P. R., rent of weigh scales site 2.00 Andrew Hood, labor on streets. , , . 9.13 Electric Light Co. for August ..... 32.90 Jas. Wright, teaming, labor and watering streets 24.60 V. Vannorman 42.00 .Tolui Glenn, water works 525 A. Sanderson, teaming, etc 19.40 On motion of Councillors Melndoo and Bell the report was iidopted. A by-law was passed respecting the' payment of taxes. They may be paid in • either at the Bank of Hamilton, or the Dominion Bank, and the following re- cittetious will be allowed: Taxes paid on or before Sept. 15th 13e. per cent. reduction; from Sept. 15th to Sept. 30th, 13t per cent; from Oct. 1st to Oct. 1501,1 1 per cent; from 15th Oct, to 15tH Nov. i,4 per cent. On motion of Councillors Holmes and' Irwin, $150 was placed to the credit of the school board. The Mayor reported that the Execu- tive committee had let the contract of painting the town hall for $70. BRING TN YOUR EGGS -H. E. ISard & Co. will give the following prizes to customers bringing in the largest num- ber of eggs for the month of Septeniber. First prize, ladies' heavy tailor made skirt, value $3.00;; second prize, pair fine boots, value, $2.00; third prize ladies' waist, $1.25. Highest price eggs. For all Stomach Troubles Try Douglass' Dyspepsia Tablets We guarantee an absolute cure for the most listressing cases. When all shiers fail give us a trial, and your money will be refunded if we do not satisfy, Re e Doijass, 1-44444444444+444+44444+1244' • Fall d, Term opens Sept. 2nd 4. 4, Central Business College, * , STRATFORD, ONT. + — •1- A school that occupier* front rank + among the: best business colleges on this + 3 conthient. Many loading eomrueicial schools employ our graduates as teach- A eT. graduatesie ng odpositist onsandwehave 4' ' been previous more successful this year than in 4' d' best in b usiui. e5seeducation ldesiring d + our School. shouldlad Write for catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. ?`' .;. 1« District Fall Fairs Winghamn, Sept, 25-26. Teeswater, Sept. 24-25. Dungannon, Oct. 9-10, Blyth, Oct.` 7-8. Brussels, Oct. 2-3. Walkerton, Sept. 17-18. Stratford, Sept. 30 -Oct. 1. Listowel, Sept. 30 -Oct. 1. Goderich, Sept. 30 -Oct. 1. Seafortn, Sept. 25-26. London, Sept. 12-29. Toronto, Sept. 1-13. Atwood, Oct. 7-8, Kincardine, Sept. 30 -Oct. 1. Mildmay, Sept. 22-23. Fordwich, Oct. 4, Belgrave, Sept. 30-001. 1, Clifford, Oct 8-9, Maitland Presbyter* and the Presby- terial Young Peoples' Convention will be held in Brussels on Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 15th and 16th. TO CUES. A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bronto Quinine Tablets. Al druggists refund the money if it faits to Cure E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25e Wingham's Leading Shoe Stole paid for Aoy little feet Death of Henry W. Smith. The Clifford Express iu recording the death of Henry W. Snaith, brother-in- law of Mr. A. Dulmage, of this town, says in part, as follows: On Tuesday evening of last week, word was received here of the death of Mr. Henry W. Smith, of Chicago. The deceased was a son of Col.Thos, Smith, of this village, and Ieft hereabout twelve years ago for Chicago, where he has since remain- ed, A month or so ago, be had an attack of appendicitis, from which he rallied. Ile had apparently started at his work as street car motormen too soon after his illness, as he was again laid aside with a relapse of the 8515110 illness, corn. plicated with peritonitis, which result- ed fatally. The remains were brought home to Clifford, and interred in the flintily plot in the cemetery here on Thursday afternoon. Mr. Smith Was married to Miss Piontz, of Normanby, who survives hint. rise sol event is a severe blow to the aged parents, as this is the first death in a large family* of children. Neat Sob Printing at reasonable price at the TIMES Ofliee, That must beshort by school -opening time? We've the shoes. Bought boxes and boxes of them especially for boys' and girls' Wheal wear. Not it foot in the town but that we can fit -fit perfectly -rand tit eco- nomically, too. The recent is on school shoes just now... because It'll be school time very s0ond od school openingtime is shoe buying time, as every parent knows only too well, Tty oar store text time. Special bargains in foot wear during September. W. J. GREEK