HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-08-28, Page 8k • t l* 1 h 3 is I z A to )nano aha Th of et time poA beau T bar 1 1 RITCHIE &CAMPBELL. I Gorgeous Display arm. New Fall DRESS 600DS Now that our New Fall Dress. Goods have arrived, iron had hotter make your choice at t,nee, before the best of themhave been selected. One redeeming feature is that our Dress Goods are all in short ends, so that yo and your next door neighbor will not be dressed alike. Our stock consists of .,Freugh Cheviots, Satin finished Broad- cloths and Amazons,; New Pieneh Zihilines, Ver-et;ans, Romespuns, Camels Hair Effects, Crepe-de•Chene, etc.,. in a rich, assortment of colorings --all the newest shades Onr FRENCH FLANNELS, mostly aili n. Waist sPat• terns, and are of the latest shades. Tun will not find it 0 difficult to be suited here. PPESS TRIMMINGS We are showing ss an ee large range GnOds of .German manufacture, in shades to match' the fashionable Dress Goods. Unit a hundred different styles to choose from, in band ernhrt idered Chifibn, Boltings, Pearl. Trimmings, Sequins, Swiss.and De t'ails, Applique, Hand Lunde Battenburg, etc. ENatnine our stock before buying elsewhere • -RITCHIE 8! CAMPBELL. $ ► ory * ^sems, 1v MINOR LOCALS. ..ofext iNlondny is.Labor Day. =—P,.blio school will reopen on. Tues- day next. —Caterpillar tents on all trees should Ise out off and burned. —The fiarle warehouse at the chair factory is being re -shingled. J D. Ring, the well known shoe manufactdrer, of Toronto,is dead. —Send tbe Times to pro friend. 25e will pay for it to January 1st, 1503, —The date for tbe C. O. P. •concert seas been set for Friday, October 17th. --Regular monthly meeting of the Town Comical oft Monday evening next. --Regelar meeting of Court Maitland, will be hold Friday evening',of this week. --Mr. W. A. Jobns is beautifying his dwelling house by applying a fresh coat of paint.. —Mr. Alex- Houser. Division Court Clerk at Brussels, died suddenly on. L,'nesday. —Apple's, beitig shipped from here to the "Soo.',' They are sent by boat Irani kirlcarafue. • " -Mr. D. D 'McDonald, of town,sbipp- ed a car load of hogs from Bluevale to Toronto on Friday. —The Park House property has been purchased by Mr. D. Bell, music dealer The price paid was $1,500. —Turnberry 'Township Council will meet at the Clerk's office in Bluevale, on Saturday of this week. —Mrs. Jas. Moltelviehasbeen serious- ly ill for a few days. The TIMES hopes she may have a speedy reeovery. —The brick has arrived for Mr. Wm. Button's new residence and the brick- layers will commence work in a few days. _y this Week and next We will have shipments of fresh Peaches Thimble Dettories Tomatoes and all sorts of vege' tables. Our prices are right. Tian Tines is sorry to hear of the seri- ous illness of lairs Delaney, wife of P. Delaney, G. T. R. section foreman. —Flax -pulling is over for this season and threshing is now in full swing at the mill here. Spreading is also now in order. —Mrs.Gudfrey, wife of Robt.Godfrey. and mother of Dr. Godfrey, formerly of Belgrave. died n.t her home in Toronto on Tnesday of last week. --We will send tbe Toles to any address ie. Canada or the United States for the balauco of 1909 for 25' Dents. Send it to yore absent friends. —On Monday, Mr. D. E. MoDonnlcl, of town, and Mr. John Shiell, of East Wawanosh, each shipped a car load of cattle per C; P. R. to Torouto. — Holt. G. W. Ross, Premier of On- tario, arrived home on Saturday even- ing from his trip to Epgland, where he spent a iery pleasant holiday. —The first 'shipment of lambs to Buf- falo from this section"will be made to- day. Messrs. D, E. McDonald and D. Stewart are eaoh shipping a car load. —Mr. John Aldridge, of Toronto, who was one; of thaeontractors who built the Iron Works huiklinge, has been elected President of the Sons of Euglaud of Can. ada. — Dr. J. S. Jerome has purchased Mr, John Kelly's residence in Blyth for the sum of $1450. Dr. 7erome will move his family from Wingham to Blyth. --MaT.hos McDowall,wlro was one of the contractors tot -building the Welling. ton, Grey, and Bruce railway, cried at his borne in Owen Sound, on Saturday, aged 84 years. —Work on the new Vanstone-Griffin block is now being unshed along very rapidly. The brick work on the second story of the Vanstone part of the build- ing is now about completed. —The following parties left Glens nna n' on Thursday last on the harvesters' exear5i.On to the `gest:—Mies Katie Tats- ler, T te1co]m Aitken, Alex Cameron, W. T. Campbell and H. Abraham. --Two rinks from Brussels and two rinita from Kincardine had a game of bowling with four rinks of the Winglient players yesterday afternoon. We could not get the score for this issue. - P. ev.T)r.iltorgan Woorl,of Clevelanel, Olde, formerly pastor of the Bond street Congregational Chnreh, Toronto, and who has lectured to Wingham audiences, will, it is said, run for Congress. ---I'or t]te Labor clay holidays the rail• ways v1i1 issue uc single first-rinss tickets anywhere in Canada, smolt going* on Angubt seta, 31st and September 1st, value returning on September end. SITE WINGRRAJ't AUGUST 'SRA 1902. —Mawr of the %oleo in tide aticti(att' 0 P ' U P 'O R You R eat.leehlegoflmr. ms,Holes iNSPECTION 11. THIS WEEK: lied nes, has hem appointed au issuer of marriage iheet>ses. --This week we have had splendid weather for harvesting Had belauess liar bean very quiet in.. town. .=-Rumor lies: it that Willebant is tc) have" new industry in the neer future. We hope to give pptirttcelars in tt few weeks. ,--1►Tany of our advertisers have new Marts. in this issue. It will pay our readers, to examine the advts. iu every Issue of 'i'iin lastE,S. --The Runieus,. parson, McKee 'Co's general stock at Lopdott, amounting to over $03,000, has been sold to T. P. Mugs - mill &Sou at uS Gents uu the .duper, ---D.r,J,J.Bliiott has been seriously h11 shies he weut out' West-. We are pleas, ed to learn that Airs. Lrllhatthas x4'cei ed letter news to the efieet that. O. J. is now fwproviug nicely. We hope he way come home fully restored to good health, --The .following are among the passengers, ticketed by Messrs: Hol Ines tic Holmes this week. They took boat from Kiucardino:—Mr, and Mrs. Wni, Elliott. of Glenauaau, to. the "Soo" stud Ataska, 1Vlioh, Mr. mud Mrs, Elliott • will returu Dome via, Port Huron.. Messrs, Alfred Elliott and Root. Cruick- shank went to the "Soo." —A despatch front Stratford, on Sat• utility last says "The schools in the rural sections opened ou Monday.. Me. irwiu, school inspector for the couut!‘ of Perth reports the unprecedeuted fact that ntauv of the trustees audit difficulty. in obtaining teachers.. Ln fact many sphouls have no teachers to open the terns with. The rsas)o given 1s the small salaries paid ii the county, whioh drivts the teachers to other vucatiotls, especially the wren. CHURCH NOTES. The official board of the Ethel metho- dist church has decided to pay Rev. Mr, Wells, their pastor, yi1.00 a year. Rev. Father J. J, Hinebey, rector of St. Joseph's. church, Hamilton, for 13 years, a man popular with all classes and creeds, died Friday. Rev. Crossley anti Hueter will come lneuee' a series of evangelistic services in the Agricultural Hall at Dungannon, on Sunday next. See Dungaunou news in. this issue. Londesboro' Methodists intend to pe- tition Conference to have that place set, apart as ti station and to have Xinbnrn appolntllteut attached to an adjoining circuit. Last Sunday, Rey. C. C. Keine, of Whiteohitrch, conducted. the services in the Methodist church. Next Sunday, Rev. A. H. Brown,B. A.. B. D., of Bel- grave, will take the services in this church. r Rev, J. L. Murray and the daughter of Seneca Jones were married at Hami- lton Thursday. They sail for Europe October 4; then to India at Bangalore where Mr. Murray will act as foreign secretary of the International committee of the Y. M. C. A. —The Dodsworth farm on the Base line, Hullett, bas been rented to Mr. Edmanson, of Goderich township, for five VON, at about 01•?:i it year. It con - ins 85 acres `anti is It good farm, but has been somewhat neglected. ..--The Wingham laundry will shortly be moved to the building on Victoria st.,recently set a toed by R. W. Runci- man as a machine shop. Mr, Runci- man had him own building, e, i'ew doors west of his former attnriI. the tip, sand litter marr'e'd his n w winery thereto. , District Fall fairs Wingltnm, Sept. 25-20.. Teeswnter, Sept. 24-25. Dungannon, Oct. 9-10. BIyth, Oct. 7-8. Brussel„ Oct. 2-3. Walkerton, Sept. 17-18. Stratford, Sept. 30 -Oct. 1. Listowel, Sept. 30 -Oct. 1. Goderich, Sept. 30 -Oct. 1. Seafortn, Sept. 25-20. London, Sept. 12.20. Toronto, Sept. 1-13. Atwood, Oct. 7-8. Kincardine, Sept. 30 -Oct. 1. Mildmay, Sept. 22-23. rordwiob, Oot: 4. Belgrave, Sept. 30 -Oct. 1, Clifford, Oot.8-9. A traveller who arrived in Toronto on Friday night, reported that an. inch of snow fell in Orangevilla ou Thursday evening. The officials at the Observatory discredit the report, nc).t pc. • Wzs'tr.ANS.—Iul`urnberry on Aug. 21st the wife of Wm. Westlake ; tt daughter. i1tcKi ty,— 2n Culros', Aug. 7, the wife of Jas. MCI in;asoa. Oau.--In Kinloss, .Aug, 10, the wife of Win. Orr : n son. "rittar.F a.— In Culross, Aug, 13, the wife of Albert Thacker adaughter. W.i,nan In Cniross. Aug. 15, the wifo of Geo, Waugh; a son. 5: Tit nr r - In'.r'eestvatlr, Aug. i;, tress wife of Thos Kelly; a slaughter. li'teDot3 Ar a. --At lol tntal1,;a sonon A,tuaist lath, the wife of ,Tenor :3 McDnalel Anaiovn.--In Winglutin, on August 15th, the wife of Wm. Armour; a sort. iitAitltl:iil) JF:C.•t•;T:—.1 t,t7 itip S —Ab Sattit $tt . i4laril', on tttttive '41st 1,v 1 r v. J. ,Allen, ti A., Atnr,s nt en v alt and •"odes' 1, tr r •; ivel , B 1 , Y y TAwstts ;+fAelf t', --,Attie ntan5e,Seaforth, ffi::w S1 RIGHT FROM THE.FAOTORY A man who respect hien, self is generally correctly attired. To always be correctly attired you must buy only such clothing as will retain its respectable appearance to the last. The right finish of seams is one 01 tete many reasons why invariably ,succeeds in pleasing its. purchaser, , Every seam that might ravel is overcast—that is, it is neatly sewed over and over, so that ravelling is impossible. This is only one of the fine points of Shorey Clothing. Another is their satistaction guarantee. We sell Shorey's Clothing. We can find no better, A Jeer. tt to Miss t'lu Tian t Juit suet, formerly en August. liev, V. II. Larkin, Mr, henty 1=,I.laet. of i4lytu. to Mrs. Margaret 14tarlt t t o: Mit{ h Ii. TeeitSe .-•-Or.ive u.—I.i it s,.els, on Augtwt '!ltlt.it tl a•.ragide ne n' 1=tt b"idc"A T);,yentas. r 1,v Its v , T. \L c stet l o e s tits \i m. 'rltomaon, i nierelutnt, of The salt :t Algoma, tr,•Miai Eri2:i Helen, reaue'ht, r u° -;f '. s.+td 511m. fauns ()lirc•r, T3tu>.v :., 1)Tr;1i Bl;c state:' -At the t', .. cl -n.' ' o, hr•r son, U,.o. Ik.'kot, Ilowi k nhcl Mint•, towulin,•, on 14th Att4;uet, l e> r. Annie \fa::.rt ?seeker, Mt;ed i 0ytar EMtr,lt.---Ir lilytll, on _4u+,n' t 14th, Mr, T n wo EntiRli, aged ;3: t'i'ers, a tuuntltsnnd 22 elnyrt, lfrt1A:A. In Toren `... oa Anr it:t' IOtli, AIr. 'Wm. McUAA, laf • „ 1 rmtindt ills, ils his toeft > yrMr. {•URAttti,- Tn 1Se t w" an•,.h, Kn. Alm.;.1t, 15 th..r'niui 1 turd', a,a' 1 tS ye trA, n,tmnlitIes :ns4 i1 dA t t. y {rW2f J,• 1 TH9 C!flock, WALKER BROS. & BUTTON UNnERTAKKRS. WINGHANI. !slight calfs el. Button Block, or Fifth door sootb or :t:phnol, kloube. Shop op- posite Macdonald block.. SITUATIONS. VACANT. Two enerpetie crnvatt•;Prs and agents wanted , (male or female), for netvpublication in Wing - ham. Nice employment and liberal terms to right parties. Need not necessarily . interfere with other employment. Eonceto Sr HOLMES, RV. Rv. & 8. 8. Ticic't A; t.'i'ar and General Exch: Office. Cor. Maple and Main rets. • T. J..IVMAGITIRE ACCOUNTANT, PEAL ESTATE, INSURANOE AND: LOAN AGENT. Accounts Bents and,Notes Collected. Con- veyancing gone - OFFIdk—Over D. M..Gordon's store. RESILENOE Leotlplt0stri'et. HOLMES, & HOLMES Railway and steamst,ip Ticket Agency and General'11xc)iange Ofnce. WINGHAM" ONT. Finest and shortest Routes to Cleveland, Ohio, and all. points. Wingliam to Cleveland - 33.05, Return $13.05 Wingham to Detroit - 2.05, Return. 4.50 Lowest rates to The "Soo" and }i11 points north and west and New Ontario. All these rated are First Class. Second Ciasti 'rates lower still, Stop- over privileges allowed. Lowest rates to Europe. Reduced winter rates by Elder, Dempster and Co's. lines now in force. Everybody should travel Apply to— HOLME$.. et HOLMES Winghant, Ont. Cosi and Wood T. CHISHOLM, J. S. CHISHOLM 1C, a., n.n., C.M..i1I C.P.b.O ani, atD,CAt„ At C P 5 0. CHISHOLM & CHISHOLM PHYSICIANS, SU 1GEOXS, ETC. 0retco—Chisholm B1ocic,.Josephine streotc REtttnr.son—In rear of block, on Patrick bt., where night calls will be answered. MISS DELIA SPARING A. T. C. M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher Music Methal, Simplex and Kindergarten. Pipits prepared for Conservatory examina- tions. WOTICE CLOSING. We, the undersigned agree to close, our orhve., July and August as fo11c 2 p. in. and on other de: oz this to appear in both ' 12. VANSTONE. DICKINSON' HOLMES, CI.AR etvyers, of \vinghnnt, during tae months of -On Saturdays at at 4 p. m. A notice Deal newspapers. J. A. MORTON. HOLMES. :E .& HOLMES. S2-iORTHAND . . BOOK-KEEPING Bushiest; Law, Writing, Correspond- ence, Typeavritiuc , etc., thoroughly taught by experienced teachers at the Forest City Business and Shore hand College, - London, Ont. We have no difficulty in placing Pom- petent pupils in good positions. Col1eee re -opens Sept. 2. Send for Cataloanes. 3. W. WESTERVILT, - Principal. rr WILL DAY YO We have now on hand a large stock of both Coal and Wood. Orders left with us will receive prompt attention. Flour and Feed This is the place to buy your , Flour, Deed, Ilay, Seeds,. etc. We will be pleased to fill your orders. 'Phone 3:2. •ckssEis & CkRR W4ITI., No need to go to Toronto for goods. Net week we will surprise you. Having bought a double quantity of High -Class Furniture just before, the recent advance in factory prices, we are happily able to give excellent bargains in new and stylish designs in BEDROOM SUITES. We were also' fortunate in securing Ave more of those $ 17,oa Bedroom Suites that have become so popular. BALL, lBROS., Rn$IDI KQCE----PAT1ttOII ST., S. c#rneev's former, residence, where night cells will receive prompt attention. Furniture Dealers And Undertakers WIngham-TheTrading doe, Ltd, SELLS GOOD MERCHANDISE AT RICHT PRICES Our aim is to sell the best goods we can get for the. least money. We have New Table Linens • from 20e to $1.25 a yard. New Towelings from 5c to 12?;o a yard. New Shirtings. from 5c to 15e a yard, Nevi' Cottons from 5c to toe a• yard. New Cottonades, Denims, . Moleskins, New Tweed and Worsted Battings, $10 to $20 a suit_ New Shirts, Ties, Collars, Braces, Soeks, Sweaters,, Shirts and Drawers, Bats, Caps, Flannellettes, Wrappereltes, American Ducks for ladies' skirts„ Boys' Suits, Blouses, ete, Now White Quilts, Damask, Chenile and Lace Curtains. New Art Mushns Se, Silkalenes 12?Fe to 15e a yard.. St'teens in black and colors. We cannot tell you in this small space about our Clothing,Carpets,Oilcloths, Underclothing. %tacks of ., Prints, stacks of Dress Goods, Black Serges, lovely Embroideries at 5c a yard, stacks of Gloves, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, etc., etc. Successors to T. A. MILLS. WINGHAM. New Dress ,G ods s or i We're enthusiastic' about our showing of New Goods, It easily or- passe3 any previous efforts we've made. Richer is quality, more complete - assortments with the price representing bigger money's worth than ever. before. Our French flannels and French Cashmeres for waists have arrived. There are dozensof varieties and all come in short lengths—so they will not be common- These 'make danity waists and wear splendidly. Gordon's Swell Fall Coats have arrived, 'Buy your coat here and you will get the most stylish, best made, and finest cloth that it 'is possible to • purchase for a reasonable amount of money, we've sold coats for 17 years in Wingham, guess our experienceshould benefit you when baying. COLORED DRESS GOODS. Homespuns for Suitings, in brown, grey, blue and black shades, 42 in wide, special at 60c Extra Heavy Weight Homespuns to be made up without lining, 50 in wide, special at 755c Freneh Zibeline, one of the very swellest Dress Goods,in all shades- from hadesfrom GOc to ;11.35" A. big range in Datlhsirs, Cheviots, Serges,Broadelothsai d pashmeres - in all shales And prices BLACK DRESS ROODS. Title Alexandra Cord, , perfect dye, splendid wearer, 46 in wide special at $1.00 Englislx rolilius,very desirable goods for stylish dresses 85c to $1,75 All Wool Coating Serge, warranted fast dye, good weight, 46 in wide, special at 60o Pebble Cheviot Cloth, New York's newest weave, vary stylish,special itt 85c BEST Ila THE END When The -ell Rings The Canada ` us tress College CHATH Hasits annual a. issued Till. U H iat- i s daring la. year. 2h t you think of it t' The year was 01 and foe Orli`. • list students mir,.tt. placed Amber is :p.m! What do umber for the previous lie year pt a see cling that, z D Uot'., tit. mak ,etnt morsel: soul in- ereusing deem.l not '4411 yousomething t Pali Teras tlpene',Tuesday, i.ept. ^-nth It interested, wri,eT for 1;st and handsome e atalogne. 1). `tei..SV1lLA`( .t t i., t .,.•,.acs, tint. , Cook's aottz Root Coni fo'ttlt$ Is succea;?ft,ily urea men tidy by over 10.000LadieA. Safe. efreetual. Le dies ask yyour druggist for Cooks Cotton Raft Com- iminnKtte.uors.,la find imiiatitither, . rll Mixtures. FioI.$1 err box, No, 71,10degree r-rronrer.$3per box. No. 1 or 2. Mailed on rect.!" t of y,rir•.' And two 11 -stat Stamps Chia 'Cook Company 'Windsor, Ont. -Nom and 24a,danb reeotnmendedby all usibl Dru sts I ' Cr, ads. : ret >x l(e,.1 and 2 oro sold in Whigitntn les A. L. Ctamilt'rn CI linA Campbell, R. A, 1. uagl5Ms and J. it pati i:t Dru, gca•ts, School starts with the ring of the bell. how's the Boys Clothes. If there is anything in the world that will make going to school easy for the. average boy, it's a new suit. We have studied• the school suit problelli from the parents side as well as from the store standpoint. We find that the Lion Breed fills a long felt want --- made from darable Tweeds, well li ed n 11 have 3i' andw e made- - Coats 1a x h facings---} niekers double seats • and double' knees ---Outwears two ordinary* suits, and the price is very low. Once a customer, always a customer. We are the selling agents in this place. Direct Importer- 131(1 1)141(1as Foe, T1:.1<])1:.