The Wingham Times, 1902-08-28, Page 2pg•SIPIRT.1"""*".7-.11111164444111414441-.•, •
Wnuui Tows.
OTT. etai tut Atm *Imminent
MUT WS, 1002,
411==saffree...,,...eueeeeteere. ......taraeTeeea^
Gent 1411441, of Boston Canadian
a. The industrial 00114100u of the
Milted States is not what it was 20
or even 1,0 years it, In those days
there were ample lapportunities far all
who wanted. work. M the present
time nearly U branches of business
ore oentislized, the groat trusts are
in -central, labor-saving inacidnery
has dieplaoed hand Work, wages have
been cut down, and thousands of
mon and women are uow walking the
sheets of the great •cities, who would
if they could, eagerly embrace the
opportunity to earu a, few dollars a
week to keep the wolf from the
(Rm. The enormous innuteration
from Europe, especially froth the
southern part, has glutted the labor
market and been a powerful factor
lowering wages. Praia Italy plena
about 1500 iwmigrauts ate arriv-
ing every week at the port of Bos-
ton, while probably double that num.
ber land at New York, Philadelphia
and southern coast cities. These
people can live in luxury on wages
that would drive en American to the
poor -house. The supply a laborers
is therefore greater than the demand
and much distress consequently ex-
ists. My advise te the young men
and, women of Canada is: Stay at
hoMel Their opportunities are bet-
ter there at the present time than they
are here.
IlaUagh—Donaldsou—That the Anew*
ft*Portk ark Just read be adopted end
cheques neoted in payment of the same
livid—Ballegh—That this colleen do
Pow adjourn to meet aguip on Weestay.
September 2tu4l at 2 a. te. or et the call
of the Reeve.
Ogee. Rierroe, Clerk.
The council met on August 12th,
Members all present. The minutes of
last meeting were read and confirmed.
Mititz—Reid—That Jim. Donaldson
have the 25th sideroad between cops. 12
aud 14 repaired and fix railing around
gravel pit, also repair culvert on the 25th
sideroad between concessions 10 and 12—
Keutz—Reid—That beelaw No. 82,
being Et by -)w- regalatine the price of
eoarl matiiiiie be now read, passed, sign-
ed add sealed—Carried.
Huntz—Douutdson—That Mr. Reid
have the lottige on the 25th sideroad;
cons,6 and 7. covered with plank as it is
reported unsafe for travel --Carried.
Reld—Ballagle--That Mr. "Kuntz tele-
phone to Angus Smith of .Stratford and
enquire if he intends to act as- engineer
for this, municipality—Carried.
Reid—Ballagh—That James Donald-
sou eipeutl 1,25 in gravelling on the 25th
sideroad, cons.• 9 and 10, as saidroad is
reported to be partly graded and will be
in a bad condition for travel in the fall—
Reid—Donaldson—That by-law No.
83 be now read, passed, signed and seal-
'Cantu—Reid—That the council levy
1% mills ou the dollar assessment for
township purposes and 1 50.100 mills for
County purposes—Carried.
John Waechter. lit yds. gravel....$ 5 04
Mich. Schiestel, 24 " 1 44
Rechardsou, 45 4' and road 3 20
M. Sehieste1,80 vds.gravel and -road 5 80
Efe Merchant, 1843 yds.gra,vel. 8 07
D. Ferguson, 1 bbl. cement 2 85
D.Maoliay, contract for gravelling 45 00
T. Coffin, contract on hill, co. 238 75
John Daffy, repairing culvert 75
D. Ferguson, 25 lbs. spikes 1 00
P.Mahoney,laying plane on bridge 200
Municipal World, supplies .. 2 43
W -R. Thompson, 148 ft. elm ... 1 80
A. Fahrer, cutting brush 15 00
Jos. Meyer, rebuilding culvert12 28
Polling Booth No. 5 300
John Sproale, 14 bbls. cement .... 31 50
Jas. Button, 190 yds. gravel , 11 40
P. Hroetseh, 2370 ft. elm plank .. 26 07
P. Exoetseh, 40 lbs. spikes suidlay-
itig plank
. H. McAllister, repairing culvert .. 8 00
. 3 70
W.J.Chisholm, arbitration expellee 8 05
Bob!, Grant, 62% yds. gravel .... 3 99
W. Sproals, 2 days on grader, etc. 11 95
Thos. Melvin, rep. culvert, con. 15 4 20
C. Thempson, 2 day e oa grader.. 6 60
.. 6 50
R. Sproule " .. 6 50
1. J. Miseooks, telephoning 80
' G. Falconer, repairir4 bridge 59 00
J.Cotlin, cleaning ditch. con. 21 25
A New Coupler.
The Canedian cWe Reilwny bas
adopted ou its best train* autometio
steant end air couplers, is Shuole int
ventieu, by means of which the sys-
tem of pipes conveying the ',teem or
car beating purposes, the steam for
signal pipes and, the compressed
air attechmeut for the brakes are
automatically coupled by the mere
inmate of the cars.
The invention is. ,e, costing which
is clamped into the draw bar cou-
sisting of guide horns arranged
gauntly, containing the three ays-
tems of pipes which wheu coupled
make an absolutely perfect connect
tion steam and, air joint, and do away
entirely with the peeeesity of train
men reeking the separate eenuections
of each pipe. The impact of the
ears makes the connection as izt-
stantaneous as the car coupling is
made, and the uncoupling is equally
Bad Appetite,
A Lady Who Would not
Submit to an Operation
is Cured by
Pain's fury Compui
It will prove interesting and comfort-
ing to thatvaude of woweu to kuow
that edmoet their troubles and dis-
eases are duato a pour condition of the
uervotm system.
The ills, irregularities and diseases
peculiar to women, such as nervous
prostration, anaeuiia, loss of memory,
irregular and suppressed periods, hy-
steria, bearing down pains, pnor and
watery blood, neuralgia, general weak-
ness and other troubles, can only be
cured by a specially conmouuded niedi-
ciue like Paine's Celery' Compound.
This wondrous medicine of nature,
popular with tens of thousands of our
women, carries its .rsch. nutriment and
healing virtues to the blood, nerves and
tissues, givieg power and new life to
inactive and diseaseel organs. No other
medicine can so quickly banish and per-
manently cure painful andobduratetem-
iuine ills; no other medicine ever devised
llotitly in British and hem
article "Wily is Weed ea Cheep"
eriother cannot, further etutes
that shoddy is the great fee -tine In
tutu ow 40, turn Da Ain on. railway atetion in, that city. The reed-
it' .0013iimoY to
of one +of the leading townie grunte perueiseion to
be' trade
ot the, et,aey weeeeel •Deeeriet. 'elect pole a awl trolley" wires ror
trolley lie() running to,. the
Yeriteell:ete met it jet Wel I, known tru°141es'
ortirou.s, weight ot goods, Ale Aikeeeriet Wei will be laid Nettle macadam,. The
beng vomposed mostly ut electric circuit will coneist of- two
" wires including the return part or the
cotton and the Sixteenmilee to
Without Tracks Will Soon be in
Operation in Sestet:, 'nom
• (Engineering journal.)
The city council Franklin, N.11., hoe
etzeteeepeuee rex yard (brawl width) circuit, which e treat railway, /Work,
le dee Klee 0, -es these se,.eeoe,„4 eteeika is Usually ,eerved, by the. truck and
The- Frangenient"of tho
;44j4s1 "4 -44'1"Y 4'41 .4ttruellvd' 441)" ground.
will lee such that tine. motor
lees are Made tie less,
lemons may atwilete 10 toots atnni a
It is ttiao stated that Scotch mantle
fucturere. of tweeds, who hitherto r°s'tit''" directly -'44Alel: • filo tr°•1163-'
svire. Wben witgens have, to pees the
need Ito shoddy, had to resort
motormen or once bee to remove his
tee its u.s.t orden vonapete with
tho compositian of 'similar, ortieles t‘tolieye frottletho. wires for a moment
largely tkompowel of shoddy predueed ‘1`il° the '4" lu." 4148 Th°
ability to change direption within Um -
in evverel Yorkshire towns', tend else -
its et course, will. be necessary, to ale
paseieg other vehicles en the
Wive manufactnre of artlfloial . wools 1".
meet. The idea of such. a line is not
—and, it is somewhat difficalt, to
a nese one. As foe back as 1882,
understand the deeignalion—is said,
to hs u large. industry, supplying marts & Hal:slot; ran a carriage
tlitough the streets or Berlin by
manufeeturers with a Client) entesti-
means Or a suspended wire. The idea
tato for the eve!, orticle. was 210 fur 141er developed.- at the time,
In speaking ot the rzitie of another however. end nothing practical was
town, in OW, LLAWY. W On lien .1.) iStr
the Yorkshire Observer saysi it 18 done in thla direction until it compar-
cheap etiveiy recent time. In Germany a
noted foe its classical cloths,
dress mettons, dyed in elassical trims of' the sort 4hae. been *welded
the old fortress. of gonigetein
shadtis, which fine tii:Cir chief markets -r°131
Is through the Blela,Valley, the wagons
in Greece and the Levantine ports. making nee of the highway and street
all goes Well there is ,a great future pavenienta without difficulty. . The
for 'these goods. The twills and seagulls aro operated' trver a distance
sires produced here are • in great
Or mile and h „half, but an exitene
favor with wbohasale clothiers, and,
cion or the service by .eight or nine
combined with an export demand, A
steady trade results the: whole year 1411°6 is '
round. Into the composition of .the
higher grades a peicentage of wool '
enters, but It is small. T,he cheap
costumes which ador.a the avin.dows of
many mantle shops are mado in this
,Tweeds and mantle cloths
from. is to .3d. per yard form another
important branch, and are Mitde
largely throughout this neighborhood.
Speaking of militarY and police
clothes "strength Wine the test"
there, is little rooin . for rautage or
slioddyt and even the tender wool
caused by the Australiwat drought is
not admissible.
A well-known: Yorkshire firm }reply,
ing Co an enquiry" on the subject
states—"There is so emeh' mixing
now -a -days to bring goods f.n at such
low prices, that it„.takes a very good
Mehl 10 tell wIntt ilicrei is in Some
of the manufactured articles.
In the York..shir Post's 'annual trade
review of December 7th, 1901, a 54in.
troth is'spolcen, of which seals at 1s.
Id. ter verb, which ie composed of
all shoddy, but lo. elassed as 'woollen
The Hon. Geo. W. arallacee Sante
can so tally keep the, nervous system, I Fe. New Mexico, in ant able article
blood and bodily organs in a • healthy
condition Ito fulfill their important
duties. Mrs. A. Saunders, Brancondale,
Ont., says;
"I VMS a great sufferer from severe
attacks of neuralgia in the left ovary.
At times the attacks were so acute that
I thought I would lose reason. Several
doctors treated me, aud I was a patient
in the hospital. I oleained no relief
from medical treatmeut. The doctors
said unless I had the ovary taken away
I could not be cured. Iustead of snbmit-
tine to the operation, used Paine's
Celery Oampound, and am thankful
your medicine cured 'me. I feel like a
new woman, and would like all to
know what your medicine has done for
Wisdom's Whispers
The great remedy for laziness is
work. • •
Notting wearies a, Iazy man like the
thctuget or work.. -
Yet mothing takes weariness out or
a. man like: werk. t. •
Lazirees begets laziness. '
Laziness begotten breeds pain and
ill -health ,
Work beget's: work;
Work begotten reeds health' and
on: "Substitutes for Wool", recites :4
statement by a. oomenissioni house, in
the trade, that 90 bee cent of woollen
goods to•ntaini cotton, and that in 45
per cent of the cotton is 3-4; and,
when in. addition to, this cotton, the
stuff which masquerades under a
scorn of a Rases. such as shaddy,
mango, wastes, flocks, loom!, flyings,
wool extracts, pens, wool atock,
tuanufaetured wool, jute yarn,
the wonder is not: that the stiles of
wool fall off so 'largely, bat that
any wool is used nt all.
I thoroughly agree with his deduc-
tion, and also int ids statement that
the adultered cloth hes neither the
wear or the warmth of honest woollen
goods. Mr. Wallace continued by
stating that an expert lwitness before
the Ways and 3deates, Committee of
the Fifty-fourth Congress, testified
that the first-class largo worsted
niuLl of the United! States had, pat
in, the French and lGertnan process by
which short -wool fibrics could be used.
This is feet which; speaks foo it-
self. Quoting 'further fromt the eame
source, an English cortesporident of
an American paper writes :—"I give
designs and par titulars for two
most excellent cloths. The worsted
potting wilt make a cloth particular-
ly adapted to the. laroerician taste, and
it can fee made, very well on a cot-
ton -backed cloth and Mango, filling.
• '' Agate a trade journal in a technical
Nothing comes without effort ; article says: "The popular finishing Of
And if you are living or happiness low-grade face gooas requires great
you will have. to work to get it. •1 caxe, as ,generally such goods
In a like raanuer sweetness begts contain a large percentage cia cotton
in both warp and; filth:a, the amount
If you can control yourself' to the , of wool being oiler entlieient to form
extent of being able. to exe:reiee pad- I a faee, to cover the cotton, and it is
onto when lite • is' in turmoil; , I teldom of the, bozse -quality."
If you can discover the secret itaf Ototieg Mr. Mulhaser, thet igreatost
being happy when the cloudy of' 'ills- manufireturer of shoddies in the
You eve, by effcat, dispel the dark- I United States at 1311141On pounds,
cord o er-Spread the eounteMince of United States, Mr. Wel late gives the
othero: annuol censumpeton of s y ..n e
21,061 in their livves and add to the hepe diePlacing 180 'Million Pounds 'of 'wool.
pinese of your, own. . rho. Live, Stock Association
Mr. /as. Matadi, 3r Inverness Street,
Stratford, Ota., etatest—" My digestive
organs were entirely deranged, my appetite
vats poor, was run down in health and
bad severe attacks of dizziness and ner-
vous heedaches, The use of Dr. Chase's
Nerve Pood has entirely cured me, asmy
?lige:Hon is very much improved, the
headaches have left inc and thy appetttets
real good. I can recommend Dr. Chase's
Notes Food most heartily, knowing it to
bean exceptioindly good medicine.
eros slightly laxative Dr. Chase's
Novo Food regulates the action of the
excretory organs and. through its restora-
tive influence on the serves and muscles
enures the healthful and eigoroue action
of the respiratory and digestive systems.
11 yeti are weakened by overwerk, worty
or ditease, this great food turn is boned to
bit of benefit to3rou. As a restorative it
lea *eves' been appretsched, so cents a
We, at all dealers, or Edmansoa, Bates &
Ca, Terouto.
Dr a Chase's
.Pe •
Nothing comes chtinco, of America fella the figures. for 1900
No good deed eans ever, done by as follonve :—(and this I perturtne,
chanee. and no evil ever gprang-from I fere to that, U.S. only)—Shoddy used
the heert or man, ra.omentarily. ; , in 1000—'74 million: pounds t displacing
If there IS any good!, in you it. did 2242 mutton pounds, !Ai wool, or equal
net ..conie of nothing; to 72 par nen» otr, all the woolinthe
• er yourself or thine who gave , United States that year. Int other
you life. ere responsible for, it. I words it displaced woo' equal in titian -
So it is of evil.
tity to that clipped from 42,090,000
Long ,etre ago, perhaps the Watt , out of the 61,41o,000 sheep owned in
was planted; its growth. and blooming 1 the Vatted States. Therefore, but
, have been of your tem liking or in- I for this shoddy there would have 'ham
used 222 million more pounds of wool.
Au instance is given of the discovery
by accident of the. feet that a most
reputable (1) awl will known maeu-
facturer, who keel a contract, to sup-
rly the Government wale 110 000 army
dnigenee. , • . ,
Whatever happens, and whatever
eorrow. you Fret. out of life you make
it. 1
' Life lied' like;' ,
A soul pickled in au eunes bottle of
' the brine, of dtscantent Would not be , 'blankets, wan found to be stuffing
lessee:tete' in. art ocean of al:ple Out.; 1 he same with shoddy to the extent of
/ter— ' sa per cent. Cotton is also introdu-
1 If the soul Wad satisfied with iti ed into blankets. made, in Englaba,
pickled state. . t ' and in some teas, exeeeds even 50
4 Ileppitees eardks in the heart of per cent of the rn,aterial used.
:same rain lilte sweet milk in a tine The rapid increase he the nee of
1 ga r battle ; . flhoddy in the, tInatea, Stetes is shown
1 And t heir live's) are a blank so'Tar by the, following figuree:—In 1800,
' an joy goes. ! -. thirty establishments hall art annual
Life to them is not bray not worth output of a value, ot te400,000; Jin
living, it is not living,, 189ft the eeneue showed: eilreey-four
They are alive, but only in the ?tense establishments :and a product valitad
' erve cod vb. a ,.., or corned beef ea not at $9,408.01/.—Weittert by Alfred
10 the Van
It is early, qnite, enrly, to
talk of spring goodk But 0/
we have made realdti to
tweet your tweets when the
time comes. :We're bound
to be in the forefrent.
We are determined to win
your tailoring account on de
sheer merit. Every gar. DV
ment we turn qut is a strong
bid for business. Its style k
—ics workmanship—its fit
—its finish —all appeal to
the good taste and ambitions
of the careful dresser..
1E. C. 'UAW. ;
In the Shaw RioOki
Mall:S.911( SilreW,sbUry, BisgIand.
We can only by illuStra-
tion and a word or two of
description in ourcatalogue,
let but -of -town buyers know
about our magnificent selec-
tioa of rings.
All the gents arereprescnted.
All the good styles shown.
" Ryrie " Rings appeal
to those who admire ring
beauty,, and the large num-
ber we sell enables us to
carry a stock that allows a
splendid choice.
Ryrie Bros.,
Yantis and Adelaide Sts.,
HArr;ST CittlItori—Sablatth services at
11 a in and 7 g n. Sunday School at
2:30 p ln. Cxeneral pniyer posting
on Wednesday evenings. Rev. J, -J. Pitt,
terson;B,A.,pester. W.J.Chapman, S.S.
Ildiramoter Onunott—Sabbatiaervicea
at it o, to and 7 p tu. Sunday School at
2:00 p uz.Epworth League every Mon.
day evening. General prayer meeting
on NVeduesdureventugs. Rev. Richard
Hobbs, pester. pr. Tewler, S. S.,Sup-
Peesneerentee (Inunou—Sabbath ter -
vices at 11 a M and p m. Sunday
Scheel at 2:130 p in. General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evellitiga. Rev.
D. Perm, pastor and 5 Superinten-
ST. PAM'S 011171t011, EPISCOPAL --Sab-
bath Bernie% at 11 am, nud 7 p 111. Sun-
day School at MO pen. General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev.
Wm. Lowe, incumbent. F. Shore, S. S.
SAINATIoN ARgli"--StrViee at 7 and 11
a m and 3 nod 8 p ou Sunday, and
every evening dining the week at 8
o'clock at the barracks.
POST OFPIOE—In Macdonald Bleck
Office hours from 8.a m to 6:80 p
Peter Fisher, postmasiter.
free reading room in the Town Hall,
will be open every afternoon from 2 to
5:45 o'clock and every,evening from 7 to
9:30 .o'olock. Miss Millie Robertson,
TOWN Comae—R, Vanstone, Mayor;
Wm, Holmes, Thos. Bell, Robt. Me-
Indoo, T J. Elliott, W. F. VanStone,
A. 3, Irwin, Councillors; J. B. Fer-
guson, Clerk and Treasurer; William
Clegg, Assessor, Wm. Roberton, Col-
lector. Board meets first Monday even-
ing in each mouth at 8 o'block,
SCHOOL BOARD,—H, Herr, (chairman),
Thos. Abraham, J. Elliott, J. J.
Homuth, Win. Moore, Thos. Bell, Win.
Button, C. N. Griffin, Secretary, Wm.
Robertson; '14-easnter, J. • B. Ferguson.
Meetings second Tuesday evening in each
Pomo Smoot, TEACHERS.—A. H.
Musgrove, Principal, R. C. Coultes,
MissReynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss
Cornyn, Miss McLean, Miss Matheson
Miss Reid, and Miss Cummings.
'BOARD OF HEALTH—Mayor Vanstone,
(chairman), C. 3, Reading, Thos Greg-
ory, Dr. Kennedy, 3. B, Ferguson. Sec-
retary; Dr. • 3. R. Macdonald, Medical
Health Officer,
'Reibre' AfTer' Vadat 11110313110a1110,
and member of the Associated Musicians of
Ontarib, is prepared to receive a limited num-
ber of pupils for instrucittan on Pion* and in
Special attention given to pupils preparing
for examinations.
Residence—opposite R. C. Church, Winghain.
The Great English. Pernedy.
Sold and recommended by all
druggists in Canada. Only reit-
able medicine discovered. SiSs
packages guaranteed to care all
forms of sexual Were:sees, all effects( of abuse
Grazed/Re Mental Worry, Excessive ttEf. of 'To-
bacco. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on ecelpt
of price, one package $1, six, $5. One Willi/tale,
Pamphlets tree to any ad rens.
Tho Wood, Company, Windaor, Ont.
Wood's Phosphodine is sold in Winghani by
Colin A. Campbell, A. L. Hamilton, R. A.
Douglass, and T. E. Davis, Druggists,
healtli IgiesiglIditlerg"afir isStr(iZtfgv,
several years with a soften lung affection, and
that dread disense Consumption, Is naziaas to
make known to pts fellow sufferers the means
of etire. To those who desire it, he will cheet-
fully.tiend Ore° otehargel a eorrs• of the pre-
scription used, which they will end'llre for
Consumption, AStitirm, Catarrh, Bronchi -
to and all throat and sing ataladlea. He
hopes all sufferers will ter hie remedy, as it is
invaInatee. These desiring the rescriptiott,
rliSiglitigI,e 6:4 tutP earoltleInta'r mererv.Plae-
%VAUD A. Wrist*. Illr(ooklyn, Nw York.
Honorary Graduate of
Ontario .Veterinary
• College.
Office and Infirmary
corner of Victoria and
Minnie Sts. Windmill.
Day and night calls
promptly attended to.
Telephone connection.
- ESTABWellielit len
Itt lellen.181-1110
The Times Office, Beaver Bloch
and anyone having live stock or other
articles they 1vish to dispose of, should adver•
tise the same for sale in the TIMES. Our large
circulation tells and it will be strange Indeed 15
you do not riot a customer. We can't guarantee
that you. will sell because you may ask more
ter the article or atock than 18 58 worth. Send
your advertisement to the TIMNS and try this
plan of disposing of your stook and other
Timms or seieeliteeiete,..51 per annum in
advance, t1.50 lett 4(0 54(1(1. No paver diseen
tinned tit oil arrears aro paid, except at (he
option or the publitther. • •
AnvEuTnuNu Legel end ether
casual advertiseMents tie per Neepartel tine 11,r
not Insertion, ij, per lin for each subsequent
Advertisements in local columns are cbnrged
10 do. per line for ftrat insertion, and 5 nine.
per line for einikautieequent insertion.
AdVertisemen114 of Lost,,„Eound, Strayed,
Farms for Haft or to Rout, and similar, 51.00 for
ere month end 50 eents for well subsequent
ClOarrasza 11rEs—The following toble allows
our rates for m ineertion t5advertiatenenta
for specified, periods:—
. srAoe. 1 vit. 11310. 8 aro. I Yr.
One Coln= ..... .....$00.01 $35.00 $16.e0 taro
Half Column 05.00 lite)) 10.00 4.00
quarter Column 18,90 19,00 6.90 2.00
Advertisemeets without specific directions
will be inserted till _forbid and charged accord-
ingly. Transient advertisements must bo paid
for in advance, . .
Tint Jon Dint,treemssr is stocked with an
extensive assortment of all requisitesfor print- •
fug, affording facilities not equalled in, the
°minty for.turenig out first eines work. Large
tYpe•and appropriate cute for *(11148y10$ of Post.
ers, Hand Rine, etc., and the latest styles of
choice fancy type for the liner classes of pnine
big, •
proprietor end publisher
don.) Geld Medallist in • Medicine. Siecial
attention paid, to diseases of Women and Child
ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. in.: 7 809 p. in. .
centre .streete ,
Place the vast facilities of the
Telephone System at the
disposal of everyone.
"Are convenient for the use of
non -subscribers.
The Bell Telephone Ca.Ot Canada
taeier ere ." "'• • eelelateeirear '•
All kinds of
Robber Tireg. •
for all kinds of
Dunlop Bicycle Tires
Pneumatic Carriage Tires
Solid Rubber Carriage Tires
Trralid Chair Tires
Tires for Baby Carriages,
The Dunlop Tire Co. Limited
P1014101, Beretion, ete.
office—Mactildia' ftli4a, over "J. E, Davis'
Ding Store. Night collianswered at the office.
R vasToNE,'
t est. No commission chart; .1. Privetir Company funds to loan at lowest
rate ofin
ort -
gages, town and farm property bought and
sold. Office, Beaver Block, Wingham.
Wingham, Ont.
E. L. Drcanamat
BerinIsTERS, soteeITone, Etc.
MONEY To Lusa,
Omen: Meyer Block, Wingham,
ARTHUR .1. IRWIN, D. D. 8., L. D. S.
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania
Dental' College and Licentiate of the Royal
College of Dentol Surgeons of Ontario. Office
over Post Office, Windmill.
Office clesed every Wednesday afternoon
during June, July and. August.
IIT T. 310LT,OWAY, D.D.S.,
V . L.D.S.
New method for painless ex-
traction. No Cocaine.
Special attention to the care inal regulation
of children's teeth. Moderate prices, and alt
work carefully and skilfully performed. Office
in Beaver Block, Wingham.
Office closed every Wednesday _afternoon
during June, July and August.
FormersInstitute For Warne*
Whet the Farmers' Institutca have
dope rot tee farmer* so rite Women?*
Instituttei hope to do for the farMOrie
W1V4:f;:. VW: daughters. two years q
tha Superintendent of Ifarmerei fie e
tutee *8,14(1' arratigemente and cal il,
=Weep or' the bunters' wives in
ferent parts! of 'ilia province. Arid as
11 moult them are now114. organized
Woe:tees Institute*, With u total
membership of 0,048., ' '
A Rau 1 Book. or Women's Institutes
hos just been issue& ,by the Ontario
Depertment of Agriculture, for Imo at
Ow meetings during the coming. fall
and a inter, It contains spectmen
programmes ror. wouzen's gatherings;
it suggests topics Of study ; it continue
L. of good lettere,. bulletins and other
publieetione. that should be helpful. is .
the -house. in addition to ilk there
aro bonding ertielee by Catiadtan aud
American authors; en. subjects eolating
to the home, entre' oral furnishing of
the lito. oc, carc of,phildrgn, treatment
of sex vi.nts, housekeeping as . a pro-
fession, housokooping in tbe country,
eto. , 1
Mrs. Martha Van lienitselaer, • ,of
Cornett ' University, colitrituttea . an
article en "Saving Steps," which00*'tains many useful hints in reference to
ecortomizing time and, 'money in the
home. '',1Iow to Deihl the Ruin
Home is discussed at length, and Il-
lustrations or convenicut eountrY
hoiteett aro given, 'together with the
plan of construction, cost of material,
eine, "A Simple 'galled or DifilmSing Sewage on the Farm" has
beau written by an offieer in the. Dee
partmeet of Pulilip Works, Ontario.
Title teost impeetent topic is given the
(attention it deteereese and .phins are
eliciwo for cheapend convenient meth -
°die of eisposingl of all 'house wastes,
The pamphlet eonoludoe •w,ith des-
criptions, aud illustrations of methods
ot . home adornment- with Velvet's.
photographs are shownt of porth end
yard .e'r orations and the book getter -
elle wi'l be almreciated by all who/
flute hove the plesanre or reading it.
Wingham. Ont.
Sales of Perm Stock and Farm Implements a
• All orders left at Tim Trues office promptly
attended to. Terms reasonable.
Pupils prepared for Conservatory of Music
of London Conservatory of Music, will be pre-
pared after Oct. 1st to receive a limited num-
ber of pupils for instruction on Violin and
Residence --opposite 11 .0. Church, Wingliain.
including Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill
Heads, Circulars, &e,, lee., executed in the best
style of the art, at moderate prices, and on
short notice.
Bomainvones.—We are pleased to announce
that any Books or Magazines left with us for
Binding, will hare our prompt attention
Prices for Binding in any style will be given on
application to
THE teetieS 01,1700,
London 0.50 a.m.... 8,10p.m.
Toronto &Bast ..0 a.m0.53 a.m.... 8.05p.m.
Kincardine..11.10 1.40 P.M.., 8.98pan.
Kincardine lera9.00 a.m.... 3.05 p.m.
London.... 11.10 a.m..., 7.55 p.m.
Palmerston 11.10 a.m.
Toronto & Bast. 1.40 p.m.-. 8.88 p.m.
L. HAROLD, Agent, Winghtim,
Toronto and East 0.57 a.m.... 0.53 path
Teeswater 1.17 p.m -.10.49 p,m.
Anitraz Plte'st
Teemvater... 0.57 Lin.— 8.55 p.m.
Toronto and East 1 17 p.M....10.48 pan.
J. H.11BeeiElt, Agent, Wingham,
Walking As an Exercise.
The •Latin advice, "Poet °moans
stains sen passus mille nicabis," I mod-
ify by resting after each mom. its
pernicious to strain an overloaded,
stoniAch, and I woul'd rather go -with-
out food than without walk. Obstacles
increase the pleasure, vexations cannot
dampen the ardor, tor thel luxury. I
coset teost. Bain or shine, in every
degree of heat or cold, 1 goo when
fetteible, several hours a day, twice
ns long when my spirits are depressed.
In warm weather it may increase pres-
piretion but that is a discomfort
which srust Willingly be borne.. IL
Beeches said: "There are many trou-
ble,: which you cannot euro by the.
Bible or hymn book, but which you
air, cure by perc pira t:on andfrosh; air.'
External gymnasiums are seem ; golf
and mast other outdoor plays require
AMC. exertion of the brain. But when
we walk We eau dive the mind a com-
plete rest, and graduate our, effort
nccording to our etrength. Let those
who axo feeble walk, at an easy gate..
half a mile — when 'their 'nmacilesr
litrcugthen, a mile — and! 'they )vin
soon find the exorcise a pleasure in-
etead ,or a penance; it will dispel the
gloom which they bugged, and thee'',
aches will vanish. Air, is man's elite
ment ; he has' no, more: excuse to re-
frain ,from winking through it 'than
n, fish would, have from swimming in
avotee.—From "Amenitiesi of City
Pedestrians," by Louis Windrouller, in
American Monthly Review. of Review%
for August.
For Ov.,r sixty restre.
An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs
Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been used
for over sixty years bymilliousof mothers
for their children white teething, with
perfect suceess. It soothes the child,
soften ti the gums, allays all pain, cures
wind colic, and is the best remedy for
diarrhcea. It is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by dmiggists he every part of the
world. Tweuty-five cents a bottle. Its
value is incalculable. Be sure you ask
for Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind.
There is a noted difference
in the style and fit of Pants we
make that always brings peo-
ple back for another pair.
Then there is the low price
and better quality of cloth put
in them—cloth that wears
See our new goods and prices.
pt'I4 150 vtils.
terhyulawrz Ace.
Anyone sending a elicit -1i and areetiatian mar
ceitakly ascertain our opinion free_wbether ay
invention 11 probably astelltabl... committee*
Mins strictly eanildential. Itandtmolt ea Patents,
sent tree. 0I4(st agency for securing patent&
Patents taken threngli Mutat 6 Co. neon's
&leant notice, Yeithent ehnrae, lttlio
Stiottitic )kit,
A handsomely verki% liarsett (ti' -
01 any Onientaie TOMS. $$
Var 1 four menthe, $1. 'Feld by all newsdealer'.
Milti9. Coxco totoolwaY, Hew 'York
thaveli Ofilea. 0151 tn., is. D. C.
11.• " 4.4: