HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-08-28, Page 1ti
Great .
Oissoiutiou �
�1 This is no faire. It is a +t7
�I genuine sale, a.nd we are e�
Positive, we can save yula
Money on everything you
tiny. A few Bargaifis :
Men's Dongola Boots--
li,egular SALE ;
. -,„
$3.20, sass price x,2.40
Moir's Box Calf Boma --
Regular $3.75, sale price 62.00
4, 3.25, .c 2.40
44 3.00, 44 2.25
{4 2.50, c{ 1.90
Ladies' Dong, Boots, button-
2Zegular #B.OA. Sale price $2.25
{. 25, „ 2.iG
1. 5
{ c 2.00, { { 1.50
.. Children's Shoos -
Regular t51.g0, sale price ;5,,10
Children's Shoes, button-- '
`1.25, sale rice t$1,00
� P
.{ 1.25, ,.
hfen's Colorer. Shirts --
Regular $1.25, sale price $1,��
4 1.00, "
alert's White ,Sitf,:ts-
Regular �;1.Qt),,, sale price .80
Neckwear.- clwoa3`-
,r .)38
Regular .GO, sale pride
Aa to clothing, now is the time:
to piixchasr�. as we can save
you from � to $5 on a suit of
StorA for sale. ply to J. J.
Hun1uL11. Q�
Nay San:
Issued by FRANK ?ATI•ltsov, No, 23 Victoria
street, Winghaatt. Ont. No witnesses required.
For the next 30 days I will sell
Toilet Sets\ at very low prices,
A few of the prices to show you how
much we have xeducttd thele:-
10 piece
10 "
sets, were $4.75, to $a.0(
$4.50 " '$4 00'
a•',9 " , 0 .5t1
4A •4
$4,00 " $3;26
4. 0.25 " $a.75
$2.50 4 ` $2.25
$2.00 " •1.50
{ Come iu alar, see for yourself. This
is a genuine sato.
�c 190 Hichisoo
Groceries and• °rookery.
Phone No. 50.
Wanted—At Once.
.A. farm or at least 100 acres, erose to town and
suitable for pasture. i
I have completer. arrangements whereby I
have for sale all the property in end around the
Canadian Soo not already secured.
Anyone desirous of t)nrellasing a buildini lot
or business stand wilt find pans, prices and
term, at this mace,
There are still some choice properties on the
wIt4h may
be ar iced bra
all deposit,c3i
the balance binipaid on veryeasy terms.
lutvea large list of harms or 11,
for mixed farming, end ranging in size alas
price to suit anyone,
The list of town properties for sale is doily
Increasing and affords )a fine selection for the
Ren) Estate and Insurance Agent.
Office over D. 31. Gordon's store.
Who Wants a• Farm
I have v r l 00 a r t 1 ickf 1
foI sole, In a0, 7a 100, 100 tmd 200 acres, lots in
Kinloss, iie,1
C Bruce, Kincardine,
andAalliell Townships. Good leads
good buildings to bo sold cheap on easy^ terms;
A]onro i•a lin
s nti..t t1 ail for •
t. ) z l r,+ ti)at for 1i s'oul,,..
Also a gotxl.blaeldsmith shop' (dwelling in con-
nectioz4l'doing a good busino.s, for saltecheep.
A hotel doing good. business for sane cheap.
Also as 4angonshop. A general store with large
Wettr G reeli''s' $hoes.
Bills will beit=s
giving a list of tb
to be l
ran fair 3
September 26th an
year isexpected to
in Wingham, >?
from. the Seoretar
Fall Fair.
d Iti tl. lou+` clays,
attractions' tor the
d in i am -a
Witlglt.. _, n
20t'h. The fair this.
'dreams any yet heId
ze lists eau be had
Mr. Wur. Ii•obert-
Change in
Last week Mr.
barbering basin
of Port Arthur.
well recorntende
and we wish
ocoupy the sub
black, next to th
the building is o
arber Business.
If. Sebastiau sold' his
s to Mr, Jas. 'eali,.
r, Young .comes here
nett good workman
nlsAC.kis •e
C. 1'1'e will
in the new Vanstoue
rauswick hotel when.
For views and
Armstrong & Co.
lawn groups ,try
Said .to be
Front different pla
of how a tall luau,
beard has passed hitt
lid priest, and suc
money for the ch
man answering to
iu Wiigharn a few
now said that ho ie
is the case, a num
here have given th
who was not desert,
Next 1' opda
eta iE ie a publt
Tzatial has been
that all. places
Wiii$bamt will b
clad•,, PeePie iu
try ilhOuld rent
netibeement at
p1t9t* according]
that next Mond
A siva }row of th
tie give ft• t!G alaxee .
the laatlstaeveltiee i
tie geode,,
fid eRoom om 1
The aitegoeie long
biook ties, been lei
inzproventents for
too o
pt has been th
,and lifts also been
The r0o1p;low prese,
Ile Holiday.
is Labor Day
boltdny. 'late
Iuested to say
f business in
closed for the
eve and code.
nber this au.
make their
and remember
isJ a public
Shirt, sere .on thi
Genuine snaps,
window, Our new Skirt
ease & Co, tape the cake for
to $0,00
th ants finish,
Hale etc & Co.
o er will
.re. All
d doves•
a Fraud+ peeraticet,...Tee .nex
s conies the report of'Mnsofio lodge, N
Toesdey eveuin„ rte
taring along black large ettpuelauce of
elf off as a Catho-led, ,
ede41 fat collecting,,
rch in Anyria. A 1 Mantiest: Jeekets
his description was 14nee for'tie :c:hildren
eeics .ago, tinct it is t girls, an4i: larger 0110
frauds, nod if such Ali elute 071d an price
• r of business melt
,money to a party ' Hot e. rs•.From
g of it. • stir. auu l'~C, Julru
ou _7.ltursddy eveuin
or Health. I several weeks at
of Wallterten, Was PIinta in .4-10. \V tent
during the week. hits. 7ierr came 'lin
Hr-111-1tiw, MTs. Jos. be..tto r of their' tri
ph hospital in the „Kerr met many for
titin may improve s•ation. 11° 641.8 t
The doctors at he never sats a pia
home here. its-rn.Knpotaioubn rowougulhdt abatwl"ltrnacWleixnghfaant
that which we hate
dtn oaucer and iter Mr. I3, Fyfe, ache
•orey to hear that B4nl: fora few x
furl' 136)7 recovery; Me. and Mrs, Kerz
Prowmeet• -a.
room in the Kent
lergoing extensive
time weeks. The
eu v
olefi renovated
hl'Y d
r a ae
pered and painted.
is a very fine ap-
tnonthly meeting
86, will be held ole
tilt, 13 o'clock. A
embers is request
ncl, Co ts,ititatl
laager, zaesi r the
for Ol+eeeatvomeu.
f114',AA & CO,
In Very P
Mr. Fred Kotula
town own a few a
� dee
lie had ashen his si
Collins to the Gu
hope that nn oper
Mrs. Collin's heal
Guelph found that
bo of no benefit and
Ml's. Collins to he
Collins is suffering
many friends wit'. be
n.) hopes fire held on
Dr. Butler; specialist •thedi easE
0f+t1eeye, ear, aase and
testedfiginsetis `epplaitireCifarti opSI
notate St. Andrew's
selitircli, Landon,
trade, live village. Also a large amount of
money to:loan. o per cent. For further par. Independent
deniers apply to P
J. A. McI NZI>; The Grand Lodge
Tnnnrance Agent. *olvroocl.
the Independent
calm; in Toronto
term just ended
96, while the m -
it of dues, were
osses from with.
shows a net in when the great P
onths of 586, and Roman Hippodr0n.
on the 30th of Oceanic Aquarium
5. The total ex• ing Phenomena wi
efits, and special on Saturday, Aug
roughest rider of
wondrous new wo
riding bareback,
lino or halter, a
leaping bovine -
The handsome, g
far outstrips any
of the day. No.
ew Ontario.
Rare arrived harms
hast, after spending
1. Bank pad other
rio. Both Mr. and
e feeling much the
While away Mr.
er residents of t'11s
t in all bis travels
that he 1ik0(1 half
and be never sew a
ing; cotu.try thau
in Hiaraa county.
has been at Ity clal
oliths, accompanied
home on Thursday.
The largee double store in the acdoa
ata blotik,, at• present occupied by H.
t ' to.leG' 1
7'arl,e 4u the teib Ilersentbrr
'next. - rut• •ftirth'er : parttoalars apply to
the wiener or tb=t R. Vanstane..
The Cowgirl„
The new woman
Oddfellows heid a n cation. The "bik
• recently. During tn:• her, the saddle too
GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. there were initiated 1 her. She is surely
ir pensiotr for non -pay l:l and anyone tubo do
See Halsey Park's ac vertisement. 519. After deducting.;, be convinced can
drawna s,
Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran-
Is and de th
teed to cure headache. crease for the last six
Purchased a Shop.
lir. Wm. D,Tio olson contractor and
' relief for the past 45 years amounts' to
the total inembersh
Juno, 1902, to be 26,
peuditure for sick b
bntlder, ha, pure rased the building now the sum of $2,690,589
used by D. Sho ers & Son as a pump
shop r. Nfoh laBANKingits a. event:ehrpace ndwill persehapstheD�
near future put s me machinery into the
Capital • • • $2,500,000
Reserve $2,500,000
�p� p {1 l/
11 O i Ui1.
SllA Q
A General Backing Business Trans-
Farmers' Sale Notes Collected, and
advances- made on same. '
Drafts bought and sold on all points in
Canada. United State and Ettrope.
also ed 011 depositsof�
and added to principal 80th June and 31st
December each year.
A. E. GIBSON, Manager.
It, Vanstone, Solicitor.
A first-class farm for sale, within about
21c: miles from Wroxeter and 7 miles
from Windham, on good gravel road;
good buildings and farm well improved.
Apply to R. Vanstone, Wingham.
That 01. Newspaper.
' Our brief accon it in last issue of the
contents of the yr Observer of 1805,
made some of our readers pttt on their
thinking caps. b r. Alex. Ross iuforms
us that Ile renleaibers all the cironm-
stances in eoIluee i on with the Wooley-
McCnrdy nnrdat Dungannon in
1865. The Mr. 1 ° onlay, wilo murdered
112t.tt•t thent • or al;
co ,tact who
builtithe first fra ., barn on Ross's home-
stead near Bennfi id. r,Mr.Ross remem-
bers of hie father • tying avisit to Wool-
ey while he was ' 1 Goderich awaiting
his trial. Mr. Fr uk Paterson remem-
bers Robt, Pntterspn, who was the pub,
WI A o Esher of the Ayr Observer in 1865, f y
Capital paid'up, $'3,000,000.00.
Reserve Fund, $1,690,000.00,
r'a dea•-Tony seesaw.
Vfec•Presidenit-A. G. 1iA stay
v xIt 'za C'1'Oiu3
Proctor, octor, Geo. Roach Wen. Gibson, 1)12.
A. T. Wood, M. I'., A. B. Lee (Toronto),
Genera) Manager -.T. alene'EL'LL,
Savings Rank -hours 16 to 3; £tnturdav, 10
De t
to 1. Do'•itx of Stand upwards received. In.
terest Allow4 1, and computed on the 20th No.
ventber and ;;1st May cavil year Riad added to
Special 73eposits also received at current
Cates of int d•l r'tht.
1)raitsi on Gn'tt Britain and the 'United
States Bought and sold.
'I'rave1Tel•s ere melted. tint theBank of Ram-
, ,
liters and its l;rn «] ,'s isstt4 (,hru,)1 Rasa
National Provincial
Ilnnlc.0P Engle ad/matted.
whiell (1111 4Rvit d without oHarter oit
1,16 fn any part orate world,.
Vt. C41t13ourii'1, Aloha
DTt,la TiVSt3t1. Solicitor, ` V�
Ali ):s the Cough
trod works51�the Cold.
Itavativ4' kik A1110.ttttmtli$ TAM is clue a (mid In
one day. 14o Curare) ray. Prim 25 cents.
price for 13nyst fine, ole d Shirts
on Saturday, e0thi A SenTit,
Moelezr To La .x, -=Money to loan on
and notes s disc untod at reason-
rates. Money alvau e1 on meat-
ol -gaes, with privilegeof paying a.t tho
end of any year. Notes and accounts
collected. Office --Beaver Block, Wing -
ham Roar. MANnoo.
During the year
eliding 31st of Dec: nber, 1901, 8062
brothers received sic; benefits amount-
ing to $53,187. 1
On Saturday, 3011*
Tweed Suits, M. Sa
marked, price $10.00,
will„ set
4 en's
With the owlers.
. Two rinks of the
went to Brusselsn
week and had a pe
Brussels rinks. Th
were badly defeated,
Herald says, "This,
season at bowling a "
tice will make tt11e
own with the be
w were the
g er
Brussels --
J. Arden
H. L. Jackson
A. (.oleE stay
.1. Irwin, skip
J. Ferguson
F. Downing
Dr. Mcietaughto
D. C. Ross, ski,
4Viugham Bowlers
ednesday of last
tt with two of the
WI sham players
abut as the Brussels
s Winghatn's first
i a, little more prac-
able to hold their
st f there." The foi-
Iyers and scores:-
f d
Dr. Irwin
26 Dr. Rolloway,ss 10
G. Vunstone
W. Campbell
E. Nash
27 A. Alderson, sk 11
53 21.
The L. B. L. Excursion.
The L. 0. L. gxcursion to Sarnia end
Detroit on Satu ay last was a splendid
success. At the ifterent stations along
the li3)0 from Ia".iFleardiuo (town, Same
300 tickets'were sola mid of Ibis number
•ort(fll •. This la.tte , llotvc,cr
,ding a Steer.
,is Pouud a new vo.
' is too tame for
ltogether too -too to
head of her time,
bts 11 and wishes to
have proof positive
-American Shows,
Monster Museum,
nd Congress of Liv -
exhibit at Winghaun,
t 80th, and show the
the arena, the most
au of the wild west,
ithout saddle, bridle,
at surging, bucking,
regular Texas steer.
cefnl, fearless, rider
orsewoman or bicycle
e should miss seeing
BRIM IN Youn Eckes -H. E. Isa
Co, will give the followin pr,
customers bringing iu the ; rg
bar t eggs for the mouth
First prize,ladies' heavy tailor made
skirt, alu;3.00; second
pair fine
boots, value, $2.00; third prize, ladies'
' waist, $1.25. Highest price paid for
n11111 -
Harvesters, Excursions.
The series of har
Manitoba and the
were more largely
of last year. The
ists from Ontario th
over 8000 persons.
fact, i
standsan menus; in t t
harvest + byea,
would. not be out of he way to say that
nearly 15 per cent w re women, tnlciug
advantage of the she' p rates, and who
will, perhaps, do s no wort; oa the
est, even, it could
e m:11hy who could
esters' excursions ons to
e suers
"ortliwest last week
ttronizecl than those
uuber of excursion -
year would total
ot allofthese were
farms. Among the
be seed that there we
not work for two flay: in a harvest field,
and with theft pattiugFlettth r e 51100s and
rof er little
generalget uptoU� bey
cut, a
use should they hay had any idea of
77 were sold. ti 'Wingham. The t : the v ary fete. For he most part the
excursionists cotr�istect" f saute tylia tree
weather was fine mid the exeursiouist,1 t0 e t , u
1 had as delightful trip call the boat from lout to worst and also t see the country4
A Spiend,de Rot Crop.
• late Trans ma,r _ spent ,a couple of
hours in the country on Tuesday and he 1
seen a number of s17`er diel fields of mats,
Ili ,• ° m'tu 1 a
including c;fiataes n d_ u
r,P ,
and tar -
'nips. The best fie 1 we seen; was on the •
Parer of Mr. ,Tu;9n:�, liar°clic in C.,ulr�sss. I
C .
The patch is -of ll.a seven aoa•cs, two
1x1 a half acres f: tat is t1 1 1 .t
a al 't os o r Welt i 13 at olt1,
) � i
adds at! better drop • o have never seen. •
'1 {I 'if
The potatoes ., i let if ,s ar eget/Bel
xe s1' a a
1 t
good. Mr...'red Hardie has hall the i
supervision of this remelt of the lam r
work :and iris fir .d of roots is oua Metal
a lit el )rd r t He has
lid might � 1 )t I never!
a, 1 t,
wars any of the r aul0ngy his potatoes.'
Sarnia to Detroit. ;tfr. R, J. Maetath, } 1 had'
c a):' and of lural
i aatd t t seen tt l0 l a i, o 8, a t
who had file 0N011rstou in 1land for tsar who haul fatltt':s out th r.', r4'ul harves-
Orangemen is to be congratulated on the 1 , ,
splendid success of lista E \Corsi Il, Mt'. tory excesstnnists, Lat Thrtl'!u,a'y was
r a � 1 'r tl . .
ad. Cita )f tht , c:trslo f ata. W z )a
t i ,
,' + u1
1..' 1 I, .
I1r. h t- r• every
at thoroughly 111 it Et r anr,,. e v
oxo „ .. 1, 1 , t Fifty-three tii'keis aver .sold at Wing-
c a,
de'a'l of i Ir~f 1 liminess. 1..t , t o the eget e t .sue.... ,
o >
etation ' t i )lel to
elattlt C .1. .,. t l to rt es go
nag l'C
prise of a gold Pietas @ to the largest ,
i, r . .
t (ifiiaxtrut else is out �"i st The nest
lady on the excursiou, 1tv;as n.wttratel to a • - from
. d*rta s of c`scur:iasis to t ; to West
li'fies r`.?teiiii):tC11, daf 11'4'4 1% The J17:Ig;E+N Ontario will en on Aug. ;tth, St rttab:r
• 1 had\
who charm!of the v rdZ n of the
it f t• a1 1
1 ( .,ti 1. The date o alt c:t..,.. ,l
r 1st t
prize were C II 'standees Mace; ' e; l' 7
from Wingb;eat being iouday next,
Warr er, Clinton, a)1r1 .T} it. t tt'phe*ISan, Scptelitber ist, lit
Wi1lg;liaui, The judges: say that Miss
r+tefiibneh was not may he largest 3advr
but she was cinof alt • best l I I l f
"I s 3 a UU c t it
son the et ler z:,
the belies tl sa
Mt02111t` aka Loax at 4;e per rent. on
04cy terms of rep4ylall n t. ippl+.' to A.
Delwin), It exit B3 »'It, Wi41„hanl+
Fall Fal
The OrltarioBea
is endeavo ing t
element front fall
more nsseefut and
for securing this e
lesson§ ill cookie
at a uumber of f•
The next regal
Caledonia, Sons
on Monday event
that Mr.
+ Delta
Camp orgenizere,
meeting. Ment
attend the metal!'
rtaeent of Agriculture
eliminate the [fal1ej
airs,and to make there
uatructive. Que play
4 will be the giving of
Ind doznestio science
rel thin fall,
meeting of Camp
Scotland, will be held
g next. It is expeot-
11 1 f " theGrand
O o
, :k3
vill be present at this'
rs are requested ce
On Saturday, 34: h, will sell
Bats, Ser'atlicuurs, egtalu
e $1.25 for
. R. Sewn.
A lausin
Mr. W. D. Thou
purchased a bttsitl
decided to dispose
fancy china, crook
tion. The first tausti
Tuesday after,toon
be continued ever
lug uutil the stook
who are linking
visit T}lot«,s' bez•
Read lulnonnue)ue
other (gamete
ss Change.
e, of the bazaar, has
s in London and has
1 his entire stock of
y, glassware, byRues
n sale will be lie 1d on
next and they will
afrnoon and even,
is sold out. Parties
for bargains should
riu the Button block,
t to be fouled iu au;
From Glasgow,
a shipment of arca.
R0011:4, ):013 dine
)la ve
c t led
,x r
,$1,000 r
1 8130 tl
of dry
iaiity and
HANNA. & Co.
London' Big Show.
Ping Ever;ythiug is sh,'ping well for a most
successfultesterl•'air. Notwithstand'
ing that the dates, epi. 12t11 to 20th, are
a week later this ar, entries are fully
up to what they t',ere last year at this
time, and by the el • sing date, Sept. 11th,
every department,' ill be rrowrled to its
fattest caP y capitol A'numberofAmani'an
Mauufac'tiirers have applied,. Or. space
and more will folio'.
The stock and other buildings are be-
ing thoronghly ove hauled and put in
first-class condition, 'hauges being made
that will veru ma erially improve the
general appearance 'f the exhibits, and
add to the comfort o the sightseer.
In an earlier issue %'f this journal some
reference was made .0 the list of special
attractions engaged Ip to that time.
Since then two more; high priced features
have been secured.
Half price for Photographs continued
to Sept. 15th. J. I.
raham, S
ta Photoo
Studio, Wingham.
Wingham Furniture Factories.
A representative of , he Furniture and
Upholstery Journal h s the following to
say of a recent visit 11e Inane to the
farnituro factories of ' ingha)n;-
Fortunately ,lir. Th s. Bell was home,
and was able t0 giv some gratifying
news of the three fact;' •les of The Can-
ada Fnruiture Manufacturers, Ltd., in
this town. The Thos. , ell factory has
beou steadily at it wi ; tout a let up for
months. Being most orou hl „ y fitted
up in every respect, an the machinery
always up-to-date, it is : not suprising to
find that i4Bell made f niture" has lost
none of its popularity ' th the trade. It
speaks most highly of , ie previous inan-
agement of the factor ', when; it eau be
said that it respire( fewer c u e
and refitting up 'mu any fac-
tory of The Canada : urnitnre Maaln-
facturers. This fall w : 1 see some swell
novelties Coale out f xm the 13e11 fee -
Tllo union factory s experienced a
very unusal run of tra e during the pact
fete months. All the p sent time orders
are coining in most eery at the ad-
vauee(1 prices.
The Buttolt-ressaut Ictoryisinert as -
mg its icfu opacity, a i building
nn addition in eonsegtt lice.
IG is questiOnnble any furniture
traveller who visits 1 'nitoba and the
North-West is move pular
than Mr.
Walker, of Wetter & iega, Wingham.
It seems to be colica d I;t his fellow
travellers that lir tale -the Dales 011 this
ground that he has c .'eget' for many*
years. For some sea( 1 to 'n years Mr,
Walker Ilan represente varinus firms in
this part of. Canada,' 1111. thoroughly
loamlet t `ill 1• & 1'•
+ " t t :a the :Nolte.
,.:a'. tl �i ,
have a u,ii< .It. 1 t+,u t
+ et ..
West in t.rt.. it )110 ,te. 1 l,rlt, and itis
growing'V 1 r
t t,•, atl, fttt.,t s
own first:, Mr. Welker i `opre.seuts Cleo.
11eT.ngau It nrmiturtl C , Proton Fur.
niture Co., Listowel FI liitnre (.Co.. and
ittou & T
r r•tl
, 1 .ti+ ptetty
r+ i {
7n r i r
r n t. °eagle` tion fu + v i a e.li 1
s t 0,, V , L ,
• .i- * f man . 'IICi 11aS + 1 ,
A.1 nothing i1 a ltl
held on the trade .frons . personal Mita -
Fire N Clinton.
Mg, Jas Suell,, he well-known breed-
er of tboroughh''.d stook, in I'Iullett
township, near C nton, had the misfor-
tune 1 .ars on if
tun o al. s barns n Monr. zy
ni It by are, to •efhes with their con-
tents, which to ;seuted. his entire crap
for this year. I also lost a thorough-
bred bull in the panes. The fire was
discovered t%boutalnidnight and its origin
is a mystery, �`,
Toronto Fitr Excels Itself
T11 rra a len � for Toronto 'b -
ea n n sT oto x s i
`tics which will b opened' on Monday,.
September 1 (La r Day), by the Earl.
of Dundonald, Co :inaucler of the Forces
in Canada and the en rat commanding
the division that i as the first to enter
Ladysmith on its r ' ief, February 281h,
1001, atter 118 days •.siege, are now colas-
plete, and it cull co 'fidently be asserted
that they will be fo lei on a greater and
grander scale than i ,any previous year.
The entries in all el saes and especially
in live stock. are in xcess of anything
ever known in Toren ti,aud consequently
at any fair on the continent, whether it
be dignified by the tekms "World's” or
held annually, Not telly in live stook will
tate Exhibition whiter tvi12 be open from
i elonelay, September 1,.'[Opening Dee.] to
t3aptezuber1e[Review4 yl,exccelrecords
reviously made, but In every other dep-
artment the number dt7 exhibits will be
urger, while the torlyi'tory covered is
phenomenal, taking it' Ontario, British
Columbia, Prince Ed and Island, Mani-
toba Ohio, Missoura, Quebec', New
Jersey, a Iassnehusssetts, New York
St`lte, Michigan, New,,Ontttrio, Guiana
and the West Indies, ai1d Great Britain,
As in exbibits, so iu attractions all fur-
er efforts will b•4 beaten.
lu - aien.
m—. •
Death of John Currie.
Again the stern ineseenger slays called
away one of the prominent citizens of
i' locality in 11 a son of
this lova Itthe Jolla Cnr-
tie, who died on Monday afternoon in
his 461h year, •afteeeen illness- of eleven
weeks. Mr. Clutha Was taken seriously
11.1 tai .h a brain tr(izlble mode. elev-
en weeke prior to 114 clay of his death.
Prior to that time ho haul suffered in.
tensely with headaches. During the
eleven weeks which het was confined to
bid he was in a sleetting condition for
fully nine andahalf woks. His disease
was one of the most teeculiar we have
ever seen and it baffied'the beat medical
skill. Deceased was the% only son of the
late John Currie, who atith Mr. Robt.
Currie, sr., were among;;, the pioneers of
the township of East Wawanosh. The
subject of this sketch wait born on the
farm on which he died and had always
lived in this neighborhoo'tt. Mr. Corrie
NIBS well and favorably l;7aown in busi-
ness circles, having been actively engag-
ed. in. the nuctioneering Business for ie
nutnber of years. He had :been slimes
ful iu working up a very large connect•
ion in this business and his Services were
sought by farmers many miles distant
from Wingham. His disjilsition was
happy and genial, and earned for hint
the hearty good will and respect of all
who became associated weeh Ihim. A
number of years ago he married Elizabeted 1
daughter of the late Alex. Robertson, . of
East WawanOsh. His firsfl wife died
some eleven years ago, leaving a family
of six ehildrell, vizi-John, Robert,
Annie, Spence, Maggie stns Luella.
Some years ago he was married to
Jeanie youugest at (lau stet of � ir. Win.
ouu _
Anderson, of Turnberry. The widow
and three small children survive him.
tooka great interestthe
Mr. Carrie � e
welfare of the Turnberry . Agricultural
Society and for some years past has
Z President of the same.
been the honored Prey de C e
Ile was for a long period a
devoted member of the Wing ham Pres-
byterian, church, and at the time of his
death was a member of the Board of
Managers of the church 00111 upon the
removal of Me. J. A. Cline to Owen
Souud, iter. Carrie was elected as Chair-
man of the Beard of l3 an1gers. Ile peti-
t ties he was a Reformer and
always took
an score interest in the campaigns. lir.
Carrie WAS a comparatively young hells
11uc1 itis many frieints wilt be sorry to
hilar of hire death. His aged mother :141(3
his wife, with the ehil,zreal will bare the
sympathy of a largo circles of frienasr
The funeral took plaec yesterday after-
noon to the Wing11an1 cc;lcetery, and
tray very largely attended by relatiyes
, awl friends, 321142 wistn'd to ply their
• last t xesn eats. Two beautiful wreaths,
t Presbyterian ro,
h d lr'
� i(4 yt 11431 1a , li
'3 r. t t 1,
' �Ifala. t
One from
Far all Stomach Trouble a T
We guarantee an absolute
cure for the .masa distressing
cases, Wlien, all others, fall
give us a trial, and your
money will '.
b refunded
if we do not satisfy,
Ila Ax Bougass1
1 Fall Term opens Sept. 2nd
,T, M
Central Business College,
' and one front the 1 r :beer,yt 1gr.eullur-
+al Society, 11081.(11 ”4 at tluaubl,a cf ter{,situs
d , ,•
•taarZ boa{Elmet+ of lot.•'rs fi�E)m seltuirt's
I;tea friends literally cover; d 1Iis p.01
h143v. D. Perrie oon
etedthe ser+t
1 thehouse in1 grave. tette following
managers of Ilresbyterian. 'hut•eh 3wr'a'e
R 1
it 4 �
r k. 5 1 v.
pall i ,
rhi. ,
Y ,
.+ n I
Taylor. D "'tr 11a ( a.11 �t t .
'Wm. Itelines and Fred. Itteaie.
X Ai school that occupies #rent rank '3r
+1, continent. bMons iodine., commercial
schools employ out graduates us teach q.
grtdnis. tese ino goo(l.posit nsandxe,have
H mt'en.snoresuccessfu) this year than in .14
Hany previous year. Those desiring the 4
best inbusiness °ducedon should attend
H our School. ,I.
Write r a
fo C fphogne, .14..1.'
•.'•. Vll'. j+ ELL OTT, Fri
Kissing -
They have set
Practice of kissing
the Chicago News.
form for aParisian
Instead if one may
-papers, he is practf
nal of friendship.
the point of favor
mere acquaintane
bowing stage, he i
of the first and s
friendship ripens t
past the knuckles
the hand. The pal*
though at some is
of tickling its own
city is only reach
Annie* grasp the
himself with the
to be the kissing
•f Hands. ,
bout r,surrectiegthe
ands in Paris, says
It is no longer good.
• shake alady's hand..
elieve theParis news-
ing a complicated Grit -
'he spat kissed marks
e has reached. If a.
only just beyond the
confined to the tips
and fingers, As the
kiss gradually steals
r1 along the back of
too maybe ventured;
, one would imagine,
But complete fell -
when the ineu may
dy's hand and busy
ist The wrist appears
The TIatR
5 to January 1st, 1903, for
A. soda water
gene en texploded"
e a orsnth
Royal irateI collar t Guelph, and tore
holes through two ors.
At the lateOuteri electionsladepend.
ent candidates ran i ' 11 constituencies,
and they polled in a :,476 votes.
TO 017711✓ A COLD IN 0148 DAT
A Laxative Brame Quinine TaUle;ts. Al
drnegists refttnd the money- if it' fails to cure
1:.'37. Gross's armature fs on eae)1 bolt. 471c
Wiiigham's Leaden; Shoe Store.
Apy Me feat
That mist be shod by school -opening
We've; the sboo4, llontrht, boxes and
bores of thein especially for boys'
p Y y
and $,ir1e sch0.)1 wear.
Not u foot in the town but that.we
e;tn fit -fit perfectly -and Tit cut.
.nomllatlly, too.
The accent Is on school shoes jnit
now-•-beeonse it'll h..n renals til*
yrry soon ---ants school opening, tirtie
shoe buyingtime,
5 R
knows only tetwell, Try our etre
next time.
.SCC+3] bargains infoot t
", September.