The Wingham Times, 1902-08-21, Page 8UTE W[NGiliUt TINES, AUGUST ?I. 1902. RITCHIE 81 CAMPBELL. New Pali Dress Goods You are going to some of the large Exhibitions, and you will require a new dress to be up with the times. We have a large assortment of new Fall Dress Goods in stock now, in alt the latest shades Ullaweaves, suitable for suits and skirts, consisting of Broadcloths, Serges, Tweeds, Venetians, Cheviots, Vigcureux, ete. Waist Goods See our crepe de chenes, in cream black. green, rose and grey, the newest thing for Fancy Shirt Waists. Also our Fancy Striped Flannels -they're up-to•date. The Linen Department In this department we can show you the best assort• ment ever seen outside the cities.. -Table Linens, gnatauteed pure linen, 25c to ::1.25 a yd -Table Napkins, to match the lineup, 50e to :$3.50 a doz -Linen Towels, extra large size, - 25c to $1.50 a pr -Linea Towelling -a large assortment.. Carpets li pieces new Wool Carpets, entirely new designs, and the newest colorin:s, ranging in price from - - (5c to $1 15 a yard. Linoleums and Oilcloths, from 1 to 4 yards in width, ranging in price from 25e to $2.25 per yard. $11,16!1At,""- bitc,'1-104tt-ir'tliiily0ri Ls,ft,‘ SUMMER GOODS -All Summer Goods are rapidly clearing out at and below cost, at RITCHIE . COWBELL'S. $ 1 1v1lNOR LOCALS. The Mt, Forest Confederate is holi- siayrng this week. The Wingham" school will re -open on Tuesday,. September 2nd. - Belgrave fall fair will be held on September 30th and October 1st. The TzaLcs till the 1st of January, 1903 to new snbseribers for 25 cents. -Premier Ross will arrive hone from the Old Country on Saturday of this week. - 'The T1$Ll:s office is up-to-date and it is the place where you get the'best job printing. -This week the exterior wood work of the Baptist church has been given a fresh coat of paint. • Remember the L. 0. L. excursion per G. T. R. to Sarnia and Detroit on Saturday of this week. P Junction, n -John Casemoxe, of the , has sold his fifty -acre farm to Geo. Wbeeler ofTarnberry for -Several Wingiiamites attended the Horse races at Brussels on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. -Several new names added to the 'Tilts subscription list this week. 25c will secure this paper till Jan. 1st, 1903. • -The Blyth Standard has entered ippon its sixteenth year. The Trains wishes Bro. Bradwin continued prosner- ty. -Robt. Hamilton, of "'Fertile Bank" farm, Turnberry, sold a span of geldings to a buyer from Blyth, for the handsome price of $400. -A couple of rinks from Wingham went over to Brussels yesterday and engaged in a friendly gajue with Brus- sels bowlers. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR Peaches PIun.s and Tomatoes TUO OPE'S GROCERY STORE., -Drs. T. & J. S. Chisholm. have their professional card iu another column of this issue. - The Quirk inquest at Brantford was again adjourned on Tuesday without taking auy further evidence. - Tenders are to be received up to Friday of this week by Town Clerk Ferguson, for the palming of the exterior of the town hall. -S. Gilchrist, who recently had one of his fingers badly cat at the Union factory, hacl to have the finger ampu- tated en Saturday last, -Tho brick work has been com- mauced ou the Vttustone-Griffia block. The pressed brick for the front of the building arrived. on Monday. - The section wen at the different points on this liue of the G. T. R. were assisting at loading gravel at the Luck - now pit duriug the past week. -Correspondents will please remem- ber that a two -cent stamp is now re- quired to be placed on envelopes con- taining their news bndgets. ". -A youtig man of town' iissanited an- other young man on Sunday evening. He appeared before the mayor ou Mon- day and was fined $10 and costs. - PhilipHolt,K.C., Goderich, deputy judge of the county court of Huron, has been appointed local judge of the high court of justice for Qatario. -Chas. H. Merryfield, of Moncton, Warden of Perth Couuty, was elected High Chief Ranger of the L 0. F., at the High Court meeting at Windsor last week. Mrs. R. J. Tindall and her mother, Mrs. Hunter, wish us to convey their thanks to the Epworth League of the Methodist church for the two lovely boquets of flowers scut by the League to Mrs. Hunter. -A new dry kiln is to he built at the chair factory. The building will be of brick. We are glad to learn that en- 8 largements are necessary in order to keep up with the demand for the pro- ducts of this factory. -The L 0. F. excursion to Buffalo ou Saturday was not very well patronized. Only nine tickets were sold at the Wingham station, and this number was not yery largely increased at the other stations along the line. -.Among the energetic workers at the picnic to Kincardine was our esteemed confrere, Mr. W. H. Kerr of the Brus- sels Post, also Mr. Pox of the same t place. Mr. R. H. Holmes of Wingham and Rev. Mr. Murray of Kincardine. ,:--Bail Bros., furniture dealers and un - 1 s dertakers are now entering on their third year as business men inWingham. They have clone a very successful business for the past two years and the TIMES 'wishes them continued prosperity, Read their cart. of thanks in another column. .,. At. the Brussels races on Tuesday in the 2.50 pace, Honest Billy Wen in straight heats; Miss May, 2n1; John Nolan, 3rd. In the free-for-all, Blaek Joe 1st in straight heats; .john. Storm 2nd; Miss Delmarch, 3rd, Dandy Hat, 4th. Best time 2.15. Wilfrid Laurier won the running racy with Laurentian. second, PERSONALS. We shine ba glad to have contributions to this coitintn from auy of our readers. 1t you here visitors or purpose going away yourself, drop in and tell u.i, or sent), tis a note to that effect. Mrs, W. J. Neil is visiting with friends at Woodbridge, Mrs. Wilson, of Dorchester is visitiug Crich.M.ra. W. P. Grierdou. Mrs Jas. Hyslop, of Stratford is visit- iug with. Mrs. H. B. Elliott. Mr, k'red, 4.,usley of New York. state is holidaying at his hove here, Miss Mattie Campbell is visiting with .friends iu .L uckeow this week. Mr. W. MoKibbon of Toronto is spend- ing his holders at his Weis iu town., Miss L.Heuderson is spending a couple of weeks' holidays at her hotue in Iuger• soil. Mr. John Farquharson of Teeswater was calling on Wiugilatn friends Tester - day. Misses Annie and Jessie Douglas, of Luckpow are visiting with Mrs. W. 9. Gray, Miss Jennie Struthers ' is visiting with relatives and friends at Oweu. Sound, Mrs, F. Hamlin, of Londou is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Dallas. Mr. John -Anderson, of Wareham is visiting with relatives iu Wiughaw and vicinity. Mrs. George Manson and two children of Exeter are visiting at Mr. Peter S. Linklater's. Mr. A. Duln.age left ou Monday to visit his brother-iu-law, who is seriously ill at Chicago. Mr. J. Adair leaves Monday moraine for Lake Charles, Louisiana, for the winter mouths. Mrs. Will Stewart of Brussels is visit- ing Miss Millie Robertsou aand other friends iu town. Misses Lizzie Gilchrist and Vera Kueehtel are -visiting with friends iu Lacknow this week. Mrs. H. B. Elliott returned home on Monday, atter several days visit with friends iu Stratford. Mr. Frank Winton of Saginaw was visiting with Mr. Alex. Ritchie for a few days last week. Rey. A. E. M. Thomson was visiting with old friends iu Wiughaw and vicin- ity for a few days during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. S. Gidley and family, of Biyth were visitiug Mr. S. Merrifield for a few days during the past •it eek. Miss Josephine Boller, of Berlin, and Mrs. Coady, of Blissville, Mieli., are visiting at the home of Mr. D. Showers. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Riutoul of East Wawanosh were at Pine i{iver on Thursday last atteudiug the funeral of a relative. Miss Frances. Gray, who had been seriously ill for souse weeks, was taken to the Toronto Hospital for treatment last week. Mr. R. Itunciman of Toronto, and Misses Edith Runciman and Sucile Bower of Cleveland are visiting at Mr. R. W. Rnncimau's. Rev. J. J; Patterson; 43.. A: :with 'his wife and. little 'daughter are ' e;ipedted house this week lifter a mouth's absence on vacation iu Toronto and Whitby. Mrs. C.. H. Bradwiu and daughter Vera of Hanover; Mr. Perry E. Brad - win, Loudon and E.L. Bradwiu, Hamil- ton, are visiting at the home of Jos. E. Bradwin. Mr. Ed. McAlpine left last week for his house iu Parkhill: His father died recently and Mr. McAlpine goes home to attend to the carriage business lately conducted by his father. W. A. Rutledge, Wingham, wheeled down on Saturday, to see his old Clinton friends. He is employed in the Fur- niture Factory there, and likes it very well. -Clinton New Era, Miss Evelyn Turnbull has returned home after spending a couple of weeks with her friend, Miss Gertie Cruick- hauks, of Wingham.-Elma corres- pondence to Atwood Bee. Major and Mrs. J. H. Patzki aro guests at Mr. A. E. Gibson's. Major and Mrs. Patzki have been travelling for souse time and have just returned frons, a visit to Paris, France. Mr. B. M. Ross, a prominent capitalist of Syracuse, N. Y., accompanied by his wife, who have been summering on Lake Huron, were visitors to their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. R. Holmes this week. W. P. VanStone of Wingham was la own on Sunday, the guest of his brother C. R. Mr. VanStone is an extensive urohaser of live stock and on Monday shipped cattle and hogs from Allonford. -Southampton Beacon, Mr. Alex. Dodds is visiting with his daughter, Mrs, Jas. McMannus. Mr. Dodds left Wingham over twenty years ago and this is his first visit here in that time. lie will see many changes in our prosperous town. He has been residing in Montana. Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Green have re• turned from a three days' driving oie g trip and visited with friends in Kincardine, Ripley, Pine River and Clover •gluey, They drove Over 7b miles ilk three days. Their children; • who were . Visiting at Ripley, catrte horde with thele. OPENED UP FOR YOUR INSPECTION THIS WEEK; • New Shiris New Collars • RIGHT FROM THE I'ACTORY 1' Spring is corning • The Clothing we Sell is • Shorey's Ready Tailored and fully Guaranteed Goods, Nature will soon discard her winter clothes for new freshness. Man can't do better than follow her example. While Nature's clothes have been in process of manufacture, so have man's. We believe we have -never had a finer display to show you. The freshest fashions, the latest fabrics -4 - innumerable styles -and perfect workmanship. We are ready and anxious for inspection. We are so proud of the display that we want every one to see it. 'We invite you to come at any time. Look around as long as you please -ask as many questions as you please and buy when you get,ready. Wouldn't to -day be a good day to come. A.R. SITH, CHISOL;l i1iOCK. Mr. and Mrs. Bntchert and daughttr and Mr. and Mrs. John Scott and son of Clifford, Iuspecror and illr8'. Scott and laughter and Mr.- and Mrs, Win. Scott and daughter of Fulton's Mills; Mr. James Hood and sun and Mrs, R. Dally and son of Harriston visited with Mr. and Mrs. Audrew Hood of town over Sunday. The Canadian Railway, Conduutors Association at' Montreal passed a reso- lution refusing to work for any organiz- ation which used cosi iniued by non - men. MM,. - TxonAts.-I t Wingham, on August 19th, the wife of W. D. Thomas; a daughter. Como. -In Wingham, on August lsth,tho wife of Chas. Cook; a son. MA.1 111.1.1) Li nen-Siam ca. -At Molesworth, on Wed- nesday, August oth, 11i•. Jas. Leech of Gerrie, to Miss barah apenee. Dot'IED esworth. Mol- MOM1CAAtiL.-In Bewick, on Saturday, August rah, 1.n2, Alc)sibstkl McMichael, Sr. at the age of 60 years and 14 days. JAcotta -At St. Helens, on August 1818, at the residence of her daughter Mrs, light. Lockhart, Mrs. Tacobs, hi her 9Crd near, relict of the late Tosepii .roeobs, J. P., of Newtonviile, Ont., and ntotivw of Mrs. (llev.) Newton Hill. McCAx .-In West Wawanosh, on Aug. 12, Peter McCann. aged 70 years and 7 days. Score -In Lnkelet, on. August 1018, John Scott, aged 00 years and 14 days. JLoxivt: In Goderich, on August 17, Samuel Sloane, J. P., aged 72 years. WALKER BROS. & BUTTON UNDERTAKERS, WINGHAM. Night calls at Button Block, or Fifth door south of School House. Shop op- posite Macdonald block. J. W. WESTERVELT, - Principal. MISS DEEUA S.PADUNG A. T. C. M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher Musie Methtxl, Si:uplex ,md Kindergarten. Pupils prepared for Conservatory examina- tions. NOTICE OF CLOSING. We, the undersigned lawyers, of Wingham, agree to close our of&x's during tete months of July and August as follows: --On Saturdays at 2 p. in. and oit other days at 4 p. m. A notice of this to appear in both local newspapers. R. VANSTONE. J. A. MORTON. DICKINSON & HOLMES. HOLMES, CLARKE & HOLMES. SiiO T' AND BOO KEEPING Business La w, Writing; ' Correspond- euce, Typewriting, etc., thoroughly tauglit by experienced teachers at the . Forest City Dusiltass and Short- hand Coilege, - London, Ont. We have nd difficulty in placing rom- petent pupils in good positions. College re -opens Sept. 2. Send for Catalogues, m CHISHOLIT. J. S. CH ; HOLM nn,1!',clt.,1!0P50. IT WILL PAY YOU BEST IN THE END CHISHOLM ' ISHOLM . �J�--Omen-ChisholmPIIYS1CIAN 4, - . GEONS, Exc. _ �t .% Oen-Chisholm B ocic, Josephine street. llxsaur:sea; In rear of block, on PatrickSt., where''night calls will be answered. HOLIES & HOLMES Railway and 'Steamship Ticket Agency and General Exchange Office. WINGHAM, - ON's`'. Finest and shortest Refutes to Cleveland, Ohio, and alt points. Wingham to Cleveland - $3.95, Return $0.05 Wingham to Detroit . 2.65, Return 9.50 910 Muskoka lakes by` finest scenic routs: Wingham to Mttslrolta : $4.85, Return 5'7.23 moll ' , rates are First Class, Class $lecoud {,lusA rat t�s lower stilt. Stop • over privileges aliowrd, Lowest rates to Europe. *Everybody should travel. Apply to-- HOLMES et HOLMES Vvingiiaata, Ont. The Canada Business College ;CHATHAM, ONT. Has is.4tted its annual list of students placed during; last year. The number i.f 81i0! What do you think of it 2 Tho number for the previous year way 801,' Ana for the y s u i)i ,-eeed.n 0 that 2810. Does this nai.tniIlnent showing and in- .ta1alUtensing demand not tell you something 2 Fall 'Furan Opens Tuesday, Sept, find If interested, �ta•ite for list and handsome ;;ne. 1). McL.t( !1L.1N & CO.. Chatham, Ont. Cook's Cotton hoot C.mpoulx. Id successfully used monthly by over .1/11 10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual, Ladies ask your druggist for C1ek'r Cates Meet Cis. period. Take no otter, as all Mixtures, pi11e and Imitsttons are dangerous. Aortae, No. 1,' $1p1e t box N. !,]0 degrees stroll ger, No. 1or 2. mailed on receipt of price and tire S-eenl stamps. The Cook Company Windsor Ont.. IW-xos.1 rind 2 sold ane redonmiended by all responible Druggists to cents*. No.1 and 2 are soil in R'ingliain by A. L. Hamilton,Colin A. (,nap x'll, it, A. Douglass and J. It )avis Druggists. ss OFFICE OF B,A, BROS;, FURNITURE DEALERS AND UNDERTAKERS WlNliliAbi, AUgUSt, I902 TO OUR PATRONS :• , It is with feelings of gratefulness and pardonable pride that we issuie these lines, expressing our great appreciation of the patronage given us by the people of Wingham and surrounding country. During the two years we have been in business we have sought to conduct it strictly on business. principles. In regard to the return for same our most sanguine expectations have been more than realized ; and it is for this that the desire on this second anniversar\' of our corning to Wing - ham to announce to one and all who have so greatly contributed to our success, cur deep sense of indebtedness, and to say that the future shall be further marked by honest and persistent effort to give to our patrons the best possible service and the best possible goods for the mon ey. Respectfully yours, BALL BROS. The Wingham Trading COa Ltd, SERS GOOD MERCHANDISE AT DIGHT PRICES Our aim is to sell the best goods we can get for the least money. We have New Table ..Linens from 20e to $1.25 a yard. New Towelings from 5c ' to 121-e a yard. New Shirtings from 5c to 15c a yard, New Cottons from 5c to 10e a yard. New Cottonades, Denims, Moleskins. New Tweed and Worsted Suitings, $1.0 to $20 a suit. New Shirts, Ties, Collars, Braces, Socks, Sweaters, • Shirts and Drawers, Hats, Caps, I+'lannellettes, Wrapperettes, American Ducks for ladies' skirts, Boys' Suits, Blouses, etc. New White Quilts, Damask, Chenile and Lace Curtains. New Art Musllns Se, Siikalenes 12,e to 15e a yard. Sateen in black and colors. We cannot tell you in this small space about our Clothing,Carpets,Oilcloths, Underclothing, stacks of Prints, stacks of Dress Goods, Black Serges, lovely Embroideries at 5c a yard, stacks of Gloves, Hosiery, Handkerehlefs, etc., etc. Successors to T. A. MILLS. WINGHAM. A N Aug;-at Sale That's iifferentT Different -because of the radical reductions wa make on strictly summer goods when it's time for them to go. No carrying theta over here. Different, too -because it isn't necessary to mark down all staple goods in order to sell them at all. Ours are bought right and marked right to start with. They will be found always marked as low and often lower than equal qualities are sold hereabouts at any time ; everything is not marked down. Different, again -because there is no fuss about it ; no pre- tence of being rushed to death. There are enough good, competent people here to wait on all Who dome. Different, once more -because this store, with its high eeiling and big windows, is the lightest, coolest one in town, and just the place to do your Summer traders in comfort' Shoe S ie Our Shoe stock is far too large and must be reduced. $1,000 before September 15th, and in order to do this will sell eJe ry pair of Shoes nes ata big reduction. uc ion. During n this i sale would be a splendid time to buy your Boots 1s hb and Shes for the rail. - - We sell J'. D. Icing .% Co's Shoes. We sell CROSIPTON'S CORSBTS. They fit perfectly and wear splendidly. We self .LION BRAND CLOTHING for boys. Trousers have doable teats and double knees. D. M. Gordon Direct Importer- BIG PRICES Fok TRADE. 4