The Wingham Times, 1902-08-21, Page 6' 3. nok,st••••N•0,40••40.1,F*0.40.00,01HORIPO*0401.1!,,R0O4fa*St•1OK4.110.404010400•1000.....f.fOt.OVOW. ItZN 1L S From the „..(•> , 4 4 Sanctum Mill 'Interesting Parogreelei treat our Excheneee Tapslay (tf th,s week wee Laekeow'a, Woodetock rate of taxatim for the °Wig heliiitty. enrrent year is 31 n11114. A untidier of B eIrs ri 1 visit 0 made Gala ?Meet" at 83, 3OObrl already 1 • *tads- fareing method*. I hoot titicen. frau. on like civeks awl f -e, el, .eunielas THE WINGUAM TINES. AlTIUST .1. 1902. ....77.,....„...„,......,...7.... ( We 1 egret to -announce the death of - 1 Mlle Voile ud. wife of Mr. Henry Fel land , I li, I if Cliutou w Wel occurred onWedneedity of last wok, Dece ased was the oldest dinghter of the late joliu 'Mental". She has been iu decliping health or soute time fowl lier death was not unexpected ; s'iii was held in very high esteem. She 1 was aged 47 years aud leaves UQ family. It ia not uncommon for 'some people to keep a diary for one 0Lr two ;event, or uveu 'eager, bas e t it irare thing for a , persua to keep one for orer 85 years,, without udeeisie a day in that Oulu, Prof. Shrieves of Methotue fame, claims to have kept a, ilittry fur .neto ly 31 yeare, , and to have entered, therm ein every elt trituenetiou, besides the haportaat diary deems asthey transpi, 01. The triplets wienei arrival recently et the home of Mrs, H. 6, Muerte, 39 VeroTurunto, evenue, Torunto, excited. ete nitwit iniereat, were baptizakt ut their home on. PI iatty evtaitq. Tb,i ceremony WKS es formed by Paov. T. Albert Moore, petetur uf Ztuu .tauereuele, liamittate ti brattier uf the luippy iitthee.The three ruutigetere must now be Luken us Firueet • allitat Edwitra. Dorothy Atilia :UMW, - - . Witt Ltilttli .1k1it Lligaticill, Several of oar suoueyed wee have formed while is knots n as the Hum Drug Uotuetty taut, if a suitable piece tata Lu et cured, will emcees:a iu the ate tie feet in u of a liallibue of »bar muetititieni prep:teatime; ' to bo pinked npou the me,rket. The proutolere hart des tirettute,y building 111 view and were negotiutIng fur its P111011110,1 U lam Mr. Speauttug erepped to mid beught it tor a a 4 Lt tiug niecury.-0aeton News -Rem (1. It is nut often that a Hest spacer editor utter testhuoteula eituwered upon lam - He is generally entisibal it a mew of Lis readers (trip in (wee a year and illy ill advauce evee if they du etly " 0 well. we maot have a locapaper anyway." But r he editor of 't flu Wripella Poet. felt so good hist week over "the following short eulogy (,I±hie paper lie would nut. The first carload of set ever shipped keep it trout his 'readers. Here it is: from Huron Comity to the Nellie cost •‘ Dear Mr. Editor, -After reading your was shipped front Clinton last week. valatma paper fur two years WO had It will necessarily retail at n consider- twins at our house last. night. .Please ably higher price than it does here as the ttu nut solid rho paper to me any ISOM. freight on the consignment amounted to as I am o pour Mali and can't afford to $2.75. ease a large family." . . 1 f The le, n.v p iye Mines this year. an cote: bill td over •0‘.0„, Ur. :tad Mrs. W. 11.\Ville of Minitel" last week velebrated tho fiftieth anuivere- stry ot their marriage. e. Children Cry for CST A•RIA BeiAsh Troop 011 Liniment is good .. • for matt or beast. Rzilli.Vca 7ptiin, re - dupes swellite• allays inflammation. John Scott, 0. well-lcuoten resident • ^' . • Parte. en ts, mires, maws, epra ins, stiff or Lit1t1 died. lust week in la 70th •ints, 1n of of li:tees, rlieumatient, etc. yoir. i A large b Pah, fur 23 emits. Jo'nx • °atoll of Wrneeter lost week 1 .Tramsaro nnsv daily rnuning the 200 celebrated ;Oh birth:ay. He is still miles' journey from Liverpaol to Leudon bale mud hoots-. hi 3 hours, 53 minutes. IdilbUrn's LaXa-Liver Pills regulate the bowels, Intro etiutitipatiott, dyspepsia, billow3e se. melt hetnittehe and all. WYK:- times of the organs of iligt•seem. Miss Mary Clantphell, formerly of Uoderieh was married at Daluth on 1 August 1 ith to M'r. :Haley. Mr. Spaulding has purchased the c±eoutcry busiates ut Clieteu mai will couvert it into a kith -tin foetory, Children Ory for CASTORiA a Tnestlity of this week was civic holi- day in Gotlerieb. The attractiou of the day was au exenrsiou by boat to Port Huron. Ji.bit Ro'stuu of Turuberry threshed 140 bushels of barley from about two acres, and la/ bashels of fall wheat from a three -acre patch. Milburn's Heart and. Nerve Pills cure sultentia, nervousness, sleepless- weeknes:4, palpitatant, throbbing., faint spells, dizziness, or auy conditiee *rising from impoverished blood, dis- ordered nerves or weak heart. The raiufall in this district for five =tenths Mereh to Jnly inclusive esceed- ed by over four hushes the general aver- age lor that mouth. A great many cattle are dying itt Kingston district of a disease known as Inn fever, Ceased by overfeeding on white clover and grass. The congregation of Milverton and Wellesley have given a unanimous call to Bar. N. D. McKinnon, pastor of Knox clurreh. Glenallen. The stipeud promised is $000, free xnense and one raeutit's holidays. 1 Ondrori Cry for • -`>41;+fttd • t. sr.r.m • OP, I. PG tit to July 31st the total exnentlitnre itt connectien with the sinallpox epidemic in Ottawa was $25,301. Lire orders for pure-bred live stook are being receive', in Ontario front Brit- ish Columbia null the Territories. Children are often- attacked suddenly by oda tul and dangerons Colic, Oriente:, Dierrimen. Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, I Cholera Iniettitu M., Pt'. Dr. Fowler's. Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt and siere vitro which should always be kept in the Weise. Daviel Cluminghani has sold his farm, West half of lot 83, 15th Con., Grey, to Wm. Stihnock, 12th cou., for the sum of $3,230. Delia Pike, an old army pepsioner, who has resoled in Henna for over 80 years, died suddenly on Monday, Ang,- ust 11th. thimble Castorin alifiuys belts the 5.,igniitur. of Clam H. Ptes.:I:er. . _ . When naby was ick. wr. ;rive her Castoria. When she wan a Child, rite cried for ceetoria. Wien she became 'Sass, she clung to Caetcrin. 'Wl,eushe had Children,slw ave" ''"` Castoria. Stratford ratepayers Imre carried a by-law to guarantee the Kemp Manure Spreader and Agricultural Implement Co. bonds to the extent of $10,000. No coin smaller than 23 centwill eir- oulate in the Kloudike. A shoe string costs that amoutit. The price of a news. paper is $10 a year in advance, and not payable in garden truckery either. A Ned not Season. During the hot season the blood gets over livered, the drain on the system is severe Foul the appetite is often lost. Burdock Blood Bitters purities and in- vigorates the blood, tunes up the system and restores the lost appetite. Last week John K. Baker, Grey. dis- posed of a 4 year-old mare to M. H.; • secure the release of Robert Mackie, ' are always predictions with respect to patty his been incorporated, encludiug Moore V.S , Brussels, for $185. Jos.! the 1100)n:tick. Deering and three other , ' great events, tuid it is witli perfect . sentenced to serve 10 years in the King- Imgler .of the next farm also sold a 1 concerns manufacturing farm imple- t 't t* • fori• • itt h safety they aro made. If the prediction s GENTLY re tivrt:si ON (11:1,1 AND CLEANSE-5:1FE'EcSTYUSATLELYINI; ,,.Pr -L-5 n5 pig Ac,. 5 e.• ti HEAP' fr4ER"'" • • et - ovrszcomzs sTIPAT1ON ABITUAL PERMANENTLY. ITS E1,4r.,?, EcT4 kriCIALP BUY THE GENUINE IvIAN'F'D BY AIRRNIARSYRWEI tVRAN .0.4 Vogt ••• KY N.Y. • FOR 5AtE BY AU DRUGGISTS. PRICE 50e.PER NM, A Detroit woman is suing a saloon- keeper for making a drunkard of Iter 16 - year -old bey. She asks $5.000 dant ages. The case is attaacting a good deal of attention as it involves a very important principle. Despaired of Being Cured Mrs. W. E. Jeffries, 44 Hicks Ave., Kingston. Ont.. states: I snffered agony with nohow piles. In fact) I don't believe that any person who has net had piles can realize what I endured. The first anplicntion of Dr. Chase's Ointment brought relief and It since entirely p10 To p -ore to you thet Dr. El le... Chlso's Ointment is a certain II -0 and absolute euro for eaClt and every form of Itching, 0 bleeeingendprotending riles. she momerternrcrs have guaranteed it. Sco tes. thnoniala In Vie dully press and ask your NAO. bora what then think wit. YOU can am it and reit vour inoncv back it not (lured. (Pc a lioX, at all dealers or EDMANSON,I3ATES ft. Co.,Toronto, mired nue I hope that. this testimonial Dr,seChase's Ointment win be the means of bringing comfort to other sufferers by making known the The oll lady who predicted that King great power of this ointment." Edward would never be limited has turtle unt to be a false prophet. There The International liar:esters' Coin- Another effort is about to be made to The new concern has one plant under erection in Canada. • So far 59 agricultural societies have accepted the offer of the department of agriculture to provide expert judges of live stock at the fell fairs. A course of traidiug for these j edges will be provided at the Torouto Exhibition. Listowel town council has decided to have alt surveyed streets oeened up. Theta. alie :Leta of enclosed streetsavithin the corporation aitd it is only right that they should be opened and no loeger esel as private property. Backache, swelling of feet and auk- 4-yenr-old henry -draught horse to the same buyer for $170. Geo. W. Lewis of Woodbury, known for nine years as the man turning to stone, is dead. His flesh graduallY hardened and became like marble. He would go for several days without food and for weeks without sleep. Morris townships 'Voters' lists are out and were first posted up Friday. There are 835 names on the List, '133 of the number being in Part I; 78 in. part II; and 21 in Part III. 419 aro qualified to serve the King as Jurors. Josiah Bray, a well-known resident of lea, puffing under eyes, frequent thirst. Walkerton. died on Friday, August 8th. scanty, (deeds?, highly colored urine and Deceased was well known throughout all urinary troubles lead to Bright's dis. ettee, dropsy, dittbetes, etc. Doan's Kid- the Province. In the early days of rail- nP;lis are A sure care. roading iu this couutry he was city pas :Tames 'Pucker, one of the candidates in the recent Ontario elections in West Wellington had election expenses amounting to $40.83 and Jas. McEwing, the other candidate iu West Wellington has 835 77 of ext.enses. eeeeeeretetre•-. - _ senger agent in Toronto for the old great Western railway. Mr. Bray was highly respected by all who knew him for his honesty and integrity of purpose and his family will have the sympathy of a large circle of friends and. acqnaintauces. • "Let tI GOLD DUST twins do your work." Don't plod along like your grandmother did before you, scouring and scrubbing; bending and rubbing. GOLD makes housework ,easy, -it cleans everything and Injures nothing. More economical than soap. Idttd. only by TH4 N. PAIIMANK COMPANY, GINO, iSid! Vale Sestets, at lends, Napauee bank robbery. Next month Mackie will have served four years. There is a movement on foot in Luck - now to have the village council take over the present electric light plaut and have it improved and enlarged snMeient- ly to give an all night systein, and ale° furnish lights at much less cost than at the preseut time. mr. D. Citntelon, Clinton, conAide'd the apple season this week by' a shipment of two cars to Winnipeg. Mr. reed Pritchard, a dealer of Liverpool, was in Clinton last week ; itut says the crop is a poor quality all over Ontario, butt little ::•tter in the east than. west. 20 Tears of Itching Pars. Mr. Alex. McLaughliu, Bowninnville, Out., writes that for twenty years ho suffered terribly from itching piles. , Seven years ago he iisked a druggist for the best cure for piles and was told to use Dr. Chase's ointment. He continued this treatment until entirely cured. and las he has never had auy return of his old trouble considers his cure permanent and remarkable on account of the length . of time he suffered. On Tuesday of hut 'week Donald ; Campbell of the 10th concession of Grey, captured a turkey vulture, other- wise known as a turkey buzzard. This iis a rare specimen to be found in this ; coantry. being an inhabitant of the ISouthall States. In removing the siding from Wm. ! Taylor's residence, Oth con., Morris, preparatory to veneering it with cement, a milk snake was found nestling quite cosily twelve feet from the ground. It I was speedily despatched. The reptile. !measured three feet in length. How 11 got there has not been defined. We certainly regret to have to °limn- ' idle the sudden decease of Petrie Me, Cann, an esteemed and highly respected resident of West Wawanosh. which sad event took place at his residence on Men - day morning, the llth inst., cause of de- cease being inflammation of the bowels. His sudden deeease will be a WI Ara - 1 prise to the community in, this neighbor- ! hood. Ile was aged 10 years and 7 days. IThe remains of Mr. 'Wm. S. Clarke of Lr ndin, a former highly respected rest'. dent of Exeter, were taken to Exeter 1 from that city, Saturday morning, Aug - I not 9th. Deceased was born in Ireland 103 years ago, and when twelve years of - age he came to Canada 'With Ilia parent, settling in London, where lie lived hnany years, afterwards moving US Exe- ter, where he was engaged in business Ifor some time, but later retnrmyl to London, and continued to reside itt that city up to the time -of his death. fails it is as a rule forgotten. If it turns out right the prophet can point to it with pleasure and with pride. Almanacs are splendi 1 with predictions -particularly with refereuce to the weather. It is stated of a New York almanac that the compositor was required to drop in the words " rain," " storm," and. so on itgainst any date having a vacant space to fill. As a joke the compositor set up the- word" snow " for a day in Jane. An&there wits snow, That almanac be- e:mean authority on the weather, and the proprietor made a fortune. Old Folks' Backache. When people get past the meridian of life they are liable to be troubled more or less with kidney c o m - plaint. Pains and aches, stiff- ness and sore- ness of the back, difficulty in urina- tion and. frequent rising at night are some of the troubles that seri- ously afflict the old. There is no relnedy brings such relief and comfort to those advanced in life as Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets. They soothe all irritation, tone up and invigorate the urinary organs, clear away all sediment, take the ache and pain out of the back and permit undis- turbed rest at night. HEROES GET MEDALS. Five of Joshua Sanford's Ret:ct,iv ers Honored at Paris. AN INTERESTING PUBLIC EVENT 1 uuet km, lOnweve:., Ilfas Vico Hamlet to, 1.11,, nuh4nuitnly. Dana Left 040, Fur Jushila sontorli, who Liced the 111-11 For roar »a)$, Was A 01401 t-al1t# 1'I011111213 1 14a pc,.sontations, Paris, Aug. 14. -The people of Par- is took tt half holiday Wedue:Lay af- ternoon to NVitlIQsa the distribution of Medals to the heroes of the well. live of the men who helped dig Jo - elate, izianford out of the et! foot well were deeovated with the medal of the Royal Caandfau Humane Associ- ation, and President Attain Brown of t hat organization declared that there was a number of others who would later receive this evidence of the peo- ple's esteem and appreciation of their extraurdinary bravery. Those upon. whom medals were conferred are George Varney, George Blanchard, earge Went worth, Weller d Jima - too and Mold '.tott. The weather was so .propitious and the prospects of a large attendance so good that the committee conclud- ed to hold the exorcism in the pretty little park in the westeru.j art of the t own. When the populate discovered that Sanford was not to be present, that he had been sent only the night before to Toronto to prevent his be- ing excited over the demonstration, the interest in the medal awarding dwindled perceptibly and fewer than threa hundred people participated in the exercises. What they lacked in numbers outdo up in point of entha, lt was really a kind. of fam- ily gathering, taut those -present en- joyed themselves hugely. After President Adam Brown had made au). appropriate speech, John Cal WY Was the first man deectraWd. As the htuidsolne medal was pinned 1.o his coat. the goorl7natimed fellow blushed like a schoolboy. Ile was pushed forward by 1 he president and to'ct to say something. Then the oNE crowd cheered and that seemed to bring hint lack to meth. • "I only did my dutr," he faltered, "`and 1 want to say that dose other nun did tis if not more. I tep- predate this gift, but 1 can't express MY feelings as well as 1 would 111s0," and th •n the man who spent the two days unci two nights in the bottotn of the well trying to extricate. a hti- sPR3OHTLY AT G. 11frs. Geo. Bodin, lIarritigtort Street, Arnorior,Ont., says; "I have had so Intieh bnefit from using Dr. Pitcher's _Backache Kidney Tablpts _that I do not hesitate to recommend them. Since I used them I am free from that tangent hatikeehe that quite- unnerved mo and robbed ma of all energy. My kidneys I aye been so invigorated that there now I remains no ennoyance or ineonvonience from the s3oretiai15. 1 wish you could,see Imy father. He is eixty-nine years of age and before using Pitcher's Kidney Tablets Suffered noutely from rheumatism in his back. Now he is enrightly and nimble as I 0, y00111g nO says never anything before did him as much gond as Pitelier's Tablets. 1 am confident, that those who have failed heretofore to obtain any relief' from bad backs and sluggish kidneys will • find themselves well rewarded by using Dr. Pitcher's ttaeltache Itidney Tablets," Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablet! are Mc. a Box, at all dragests or by I Tan Igt, Z110. ?masa Co., Toronto, Oak 1101 iolOOIMMIOMOOOMMOIOTOOOOOMIIIIHOMittoilt.i,,,, THAT THE FAC' -SIMILE SIGNATURE g4M. IS ON THE w AP 1100 7 7rIrtiFtr;-+ ER. OF EVERY DOT= mi OF Cactorla is put IT in one-sito bottles only. It. fa not told in bulk. Don't allow anyone to sell yen anything eloe on theplea or promise that it is "jest as good)/ and "will answer every Far- , pose.? Jai- iho that yon got 0 -A -84 -0 -9, -I -A. 11 00. TOO:OLO jeja07017 IttiM11110°. Of • • tilUSSOYAMEILifitivroMmwNEr man being from imminent death seat- !ltiself, v hile the cheers were re - (1 ITO Wentworth. Rh hard Tiamil- 1 on,. 1 lavid Mott and George Blanch- ard were thin presented with medals and made a few modest remarks in reply. '1 hen President Drown asked for three cheers for the nye heroes, and th crowd responded with a, will an.1 ti :Wort a, tiger, 0.5 ttll eV' do14.43 or good fait h. 'three h ti s were cal led for Mr. Peanut n, Pr. la nt(n, Mayor Brown, and, finally. for "our Mug," and each was .hettetily given. Mayor Lrov n film 1 a.leAl for three cheers and a tiger for President ltrown, and the meeting broke Op in a kind of 1°.lvt°r.fef:(;nt-intoi lierieed hersday to sendJoshua samord - to Toronto, whore h would have a chi. rige of surroundings. The pimple very much desiked to see the man they had MIN-. ed and :hake his hand, but his ex- traordinary mental weakness was not thought to be such as would per- mit any such excitin4 experience. Though '1113 Mall W110 \MS dug out of an S0 -foot well was aele 10 wall out in the sir: et. and take the hack for the depot, ha is in pretty bad shape. Tho nurse says that after a person mentions the well incident to her paititnt, she cermet control him for dayil them art er,. and hn censtant- ly broods over the terrible experience liehad in the well for four or five days and nights. Dr. Bunton said Sanford would probe bly require six months more before h would he himself again. It is Mental trouble now as muth us physical. Ono arm is practically useless but he is ex- pectt d to recover his full mental and physical faculties. It was shortly after noon Tuesday .Tune 21, that the old well on the Skelly farm. three' miles east of Par- is, cave,din and buried ./ °shoo San- ford., the well -digger. 8I1111.01'd 1 fl Toronto. • 'Toronto, Aug. 14. -Joshua San- ford - of Paris well fame is at present undergoing treatment at Dr. Meyers' privatehospital, in Deer Park, Inc the treatment of nervous diseases. Dis ultimate recovery is confidently expected. itramis 1.,,nlr. L0M1011, Aug, 14. -The contract for the amalgamation of the Texas oil properties on Spindle Top, belonging to the Hogg-Syttesine syndicate, with the Texas Oil Fields Company of England, for $2,300,000, was closed hest night in London by Judge Rich - fuel P1. Brooks of Beaumont, Tex., who is a member of the Hogg-Sy- ttwne syndicate. Nik‘• Nova 1.01111* SOVel meek. Mon'trettI, Que., Aug. al' has been issued by :Mr. John F. Stairs announcing that the common stock of Nova Scotia Coal Co. has been increased to $5,000,000. Strange to say the Stock Exchange had not been notified of the increase, me new 155130 will 110 $1,000,000. , Molly Ititt:oett to crisp. Paris, Aug. 14. -An °Melia tele- geam from .Ctepre Haytiew se's that ••t•ery ninny persons were incinerated during the burning of Petit El (we on Saturday last. IMPIMI1111111111 TRIAL BR -NCS RESULTS Not only the best but the cheapest. 1••••••=1, ARM' MEM.. 'rho Itollor lido* AI% New York, Aug. 14. -The boiler Of ilia tug Jaeob Kuper blear up 3Yee- terrItty near St. George's, Staten It. land. Voile of the crew were 1c1114(1, or drowned. ..The .. WINGHAM . . TIMES .. As an advertising medium is a most profitable and sure way to reach the public. Up-to"date business men have long since recognized this: fact and are taking advantage of it. THE TIMES GIVES YOU ALL Y011 CONTRACT FOR mimill•mana••••••••11MIMMINOMP . Good Printing Is absolutely essential to the -man who would succeed in the business :iworld. That is .the only kind we do. Large fimrs invariably judge their customers by the kindof printed matter they use. Order yours from the TIMES and you will stand on safe ground. NEAT WORK AT FAIR PRICES • Orders sent bY mail will be promptly executed.. Address - THE TIMES, Viringhatril - I A - Ontario • t I.) 4 r 4. . 41'4 ----., Pr, :11 MegetabIePreperationferAs- simitating Ilierood andReg uta - tilt the S tomaehs andBowels of till,M121,ZETITME 'kr mote ness Opiuni,Norphine NOT , sDigcstion,cheerruI-: andRest.Contains neither nor Mineral. IstAXIC ()Tic. ....ENOMMOMMM.MISIMINI alita,:v Aperfect Lion Worms mess TacSimile WilIMMINOM.MEM110.1.1. a if Oki .71rStiMIMPIWEER .litavkis Sia- ../11.c.marm. Rollertai,lea -. Asia Sega • iimennint - A Cakonat,fax•• Km, Avel - 0,16.1..signt . magorar.wilaren , Cops tipa- SLEEP. Remedy for , Sour Stornach,Diarrhoea, ,Corivulsiou$,Feverish- and LoSS OF Signature or NEW 'YORK. a. j%, 50, t,:i ;;Agexcka, • .• • ••• : ; .... ','%t' -: EXACT CO i'' OF WRAPPER. THAT THE FAC' -SIMILE SIGNATURE g4M. IS ON THE w AP 1100 7 7rIrtiFtr;-+ ER. OF EVERY DOT= mi OF Cactorla is put IT in one-sito bottles only. It. fa not told in bulk. Don't allow anyone to sell yen anything eloe on theplea or promise that it is "jest as good)/ and "will answer every Far- , pose.? Jai- iho that yon got 0 -A -84 -0 -9, -I -A. 11 00. TOO:OLO jeja07017 IttiM11110°. Of • • tilUSSOYAMEILifitivroMmwNEr man being from imminent death seat- !ltiself, v hile the cheers were re - (1 ITO Wentworth. Rh hard Tiamil- 1 on,. 1 lavid Mott and George Blanch- ard were thin presented with medals and made a few modest remarks in reply. '1 hen President Drown asked for three cheers for the nye heroes, and th crowd responded with a, will an.1 ti :Wort a, tiger, 0.5 ttll eV' do14.43 or good fait h. 'three h ti s were cal led for Mr. Peanut n, Pr. la nt(n, Mayor Brown, and, finally. for "our Mug," and each was .hettetily given. Mayor Lrov n film 1 a.leAl for three cheers and a tiger for President ltrown, and the meeting broke Op in a kind of 1°.lvt°r.fef:(;nt-intoi lierieed hersday to sendJoshua samord - to Toronto, whore h would have a chi. rige of surroundings. The pimple very much desiked to see the man they had MIN-. ed and :hake his hand, but his ex- traordinary mental weakness was not thought to be such as would per- mit any such excitin4 experience. Though '1113 Mall W110 \MS dug out of an S0 -foot well was aele 10 wall out in the sir: et. and take the hack for the depot, ha is in pretty bad shape. Tho nurse says that after a person mentions the well incident to her paititnt, she cermet control him for dayil them art er,. and hn censtant- ly broods over the terrible experience liehad in the well for four or five days and nights. Dr. Bunton said Sanford would probe bly require six months more before h would he himself again. It is Mental trouble now as muth us physical. Ono arm is practically useless but he is ex- pectt d to recover his full mental and physical faculties. It was shortly after noon Tuesday .Tune 21, that the old well on the Skelly farm. three' miles east of Par- is, cave,din and buried ./ °shoo San- ford., the well -digger. 8I1111.01'd 1 fl Toronto. • 'Toronto, Aug. 14. -Joshua San- ford - of Paris well fame is at present undergoing treatment at Dr. Meyers' privatehospital, in Deer Park, Inc the treatment of nervous diseases. Dis ultimate recovery is confidently expected. itramis 1.,,nlr. L0M1011, Aug, 14. -The contract for the amalgamation of the Texas oil properties on Spindle Top, belonging to the Hogg-Syttesine syndicate, with the Texas Oil Fields Company of England, for $2,300,000, was closed hest night in London by Judge Rich - fuel P1. Brooks of Beaumont, Tex., who is a member of the Hogg-Sy- ttwne syndicate. Nik‘• Nova 1.01111* SOVel meek. Mon'trettI, Que., Aug. al' has been issued by :Mr. John F. Stairs announcing that the common stock of Nova Scotia Coal Co. has been increased to $5,000,000. Strange to say the Stock Exchange had not been notified of the increase, me new 155130 will 110 $1,000,000. , Molly Ititt:oett to crisp. Paris, Aug. 14. -An °Melia tele- geam from .Ctepre Haytiew se's that ••t•ery ninny persons were incinerated during the burning of Petit El (we on Saturday last. IMPIMI1111111111 TRIAL BR -NCS RESULTS Not only the best but the cheapest. 1••••••=1, ARM' MEM.. 'rho Itollor lido* AI% New York, Aug. 14. -The boiler Of ilia tug Jaeob Kuper blear up 3Yee- terrItty near St. George's, Staten It. land. Voile of the crew were 1c1114(1, or drowned. ..The .. WINGHAM . . TIMES .. As an advertising medium is a most profitable and sure way to reach the public. Up-to"date business men have long since recognized this: fact and are taking advantage of it. THE TIMES GIVES YOU ALL Y011 CONTRACT FOR mimill•mana••••••••11MIMMINOMP . Good Printing Is absolutely essential to the -man who would succeed in the business :iworld. That is .the only kind we do. Large fimrs invariably judge their customers by the kindof printed matter they use. Order yours from the TIMES and you will stand on safe ground. NEAT WORK AT FAIR PRICES • Orders sent bY mail will be promptly executed.. Address - THE TIMES, Viringhatril - I A - Ontario •