HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-08-21, Page 5•:x
Hawaout that new Suitt
Light or dark in color
Heavy or light in weight
1l' ell's
�4 nu sits
And Boys'
The Crowder Co. are doing some cut-
ting now and for the next few days, till
August 3oth, cost price will be no
�tw object. We are making preparations
for a big campaign' which we will tell
you about shortly. Our first season bas
far exceeded our expectations. \t° e have
done business on business principles,
-incl it any customer has . l;o>r!ght any
_ al article from us that has not given entire
. we wantbe id about It
satisfaction to told ,
TPA W1N.(f irtM . ME:', _AUGUST
Jur Neighbors
from fleath's floor'
What Wideawal:o Tildes C,t".ol'l't!kpoedeiits Qomeanni!late -4 Other iit'Hs He tete 'Verge of complete a ervntte
Serestr'atlatitout ilei.' letrents l'h.nigtrt
Items Clipped From Our LxQhaikgos. I),vt.th would (:L(i'n Iter.
h7r, niun am.
Mrs..TEtccl:s, relict of the late Joseph
Jacobs, J.P., of Newtonville, died ut
the home of her daughter, 'tufts. Robe.
Ilacl.itart, on Wodeesday of last week.
Dcceas+xl bad:reached the ripe No of oa
years. the .t. t k5 L t 1
t rttt 1 tr haten y by 3t
on Friday morellos fou ",V dterhureb
to Netwtouville for interment.
A Great sutrerer {'mint),
11Ir. Benjamin Dillon, of Bede, Ont.,
was (m't'+l of 111nsculer Rheumatism by
Poleo11's :t,Tt'r•t ilt3Jt'. r'€Ill s9vt%: '•I fi'e1 Illy
fluty is to proclniue 1'ubou':; I''rrilino is
an infellitee caro for 1 br• i tattiten; -it
mired nit) after 80 yt•are kmfee rinLr,liet13ins;
I 1;now of can metal its I)euetreting
power. Ncr,iline sneer- ease no agree
in qui lt1y rt,lit'viter iced miring llllclnrou-
1'4e ralgia, ea, and L'tlnlbegti. •
A trial will convirtetl anytime. i e+;i;ie
1T.:s. S. Il('±rrite:tt n and two sons are
visiting with friends in Eine; 'Williams
toY: s:sil:p, ;liitldl+'rU$ ^ dt)rty.
WE SELL E 11 RY'PRI ii•'Ift A .IICte`i ' WEARS, EXCEPT SHOES Mr. wl!1. kilt':. who has Ttt.on
attend—'nvg eclutel in :"l`t+r, a,.r.tJi.ftku, rte.* tl.e
,A few of Our Specials tilt Aug, 3oth :
Boys' heavy C'nnadian Tweed Knickers, were 7Jc, now - 049
*VS' tic}lool Suits, three piores, at - - - - 31.25.
Boys' reeved Suits, two pieces, at - . - 200 and 2.i.15
11lt-ti's Oi.cl Vests, were $1.25 to $1.75, now - - .79
Pants, , Oa we're e,;1.t;5, ltoty - - - 1.15
'ten's Ocld bummer Costs, were t;1.00. noir - - .7,i
11 un'y ;teen's heavy Tweed Suits, wore e<7.00, now - 4.00
8 only Fall Overcoats, 1i1,11t aucl dark iu color, worth $10.00 and
4 2 '
0 (tele. Sien'a (trey Rreeber Coots, worth ,:1.00 till Amt 30th 2.99
e mete i L ck J:tr.bb•±r Coats with cape, worth $2.50, till Aug. 30 1.75
xn Sllia t •: pro e'',+ tae esorkineanan's friend.
17 only 'eet s dark blue and, white/ Shirts, worth-G0o, nolo - 3U
'We have (tl1' t•ixt's Overalls and Smocks far threshers, at popular prices, 390 to $1.00
past year, is home at pt't ettm si.k with
inf:it:ilillaltc'ry rhe;:lL ttient.
11:r. 17. ; f. 'c, ming Cttten•eel the f:inerol
of• Ids brother-iu•law, Joint S,^.r;tt, alt
Lakelet Lee Creek.
Blyth fait: will be alr'11 on Toes'lay aud
1". (t11Y ;clay',
Oct :U1:cr 7t11 tnea et
:``r. Frank 31etettlt Was in Windsor
lust weal:, attending the Biel), Court
nice ti13g Ui. cult. Itl(i: lu±lAtt'Z:C +.JKCStttY�.
Irratln„ i''r)nl(Ae:t1 ;xad i)'R:;;ruria;y
i'haly i>'itice limey youu4 firm at a
SATURDAY G5„'etre€( AIE S - - y.r ('tet ili;arlt +1 t, g;t+ iu lite The, only
cure i:; aL blood im.titier lite Verrozotte.
It c: t $'set the eriti:sau lot of Unisons
stud sirs. itic:s, renews and ::trenethens
it, and undoes lets of 1.01l O )OscleS that
laanif'c+st thtair presenco by a randy,
glow+ .l f••1;4 and lips.
healthy in the c 1 e 1 lel
Ferrozone qn. clay masters all skin erne -
done, lnlilits rip hroketeclown /ema.ttl-
tions, nod gives: to weak., enetly women an
abundance of spirits, vitality, energy avid
beauty. Try Fcrrozou,', it's :111 richt.
Price 5Oc. per box, or 0 boxes sur i2 50,
at druggists, or N. C. I''1!s.:m ec, Co.,
Kingstou, Ont, Sold ey A. L, Hamilton.
$1..25 Shfr'ts 85e
2 ala:. 11lelt's tied Youths' Shirts and
Wait.t+:, "t:tlere brandy sizes 14 to
10, c.'•rr, guaranteed, uarantrecl, priceslcca, were
Saturday pries! only • .85
Any Straw Eat in the store, Satur-
day fur - - - - - .35
400 Socks 19e
3 otos pairs Mien's Soeks in c.1ored
silk,tuercerizecl cottou,lislothread,
also blacko to tops,s, cashmere
feet, prices were 25o, 35e, 40o, 50e,
your choice Saturday for - ,i9
2 doz pairs Braet•e worth 25c to 30c,
Saturday - - - .19
Bring along your Eggs, we are still paying 14c doz. Roll Butter, 17c a lb. Tub
Butter, 190 a lb.
The R.
GPO ;.. i' EP Go.
Men s Outfitters. WIN6UAM
000 4 000000. 4.0 00 4000* 0044
® t® O
Owing to a washQut on the C. P. R., our
Fancy China from Japan did not arrive as
expected. We are very sorry so many of our
customers being disappointed. However, it is
here now and we would ask you all to call and
inspect it.
We have made arrangements with one of the
largest growers to ship us Peaches daily
through the season.
* �1
+ b
Does your
iver ever
go on strike?
If so, you should use Iron Tonic
Pills. 011e pill a dose, 50 pills in
each box; 3 pills a clay for seventeen
days, snakes you a sew roan or
They tone the heart, stimulate the
nerves, inorease the appetite, and
keep the bowels just right.
These pills can be had for 25o a
box—just half -a -cent a dose.
P ris
We desire to inform our customers
that we have the very best quality
of Paris Green. Our Paris Green
gave such excellent satisfaction last
year that we obtained /the same
quality itgaie this year. It is per-
fectly fresh and extra strong.
J32il isr.,
We regret to be oalled upon this week
to chronicle the decease of Mrs. Wm.
'Wilson, of Rochester, N -Y., who depart-
ed this 'life Saturday, Aug. Jilt, at the
early age of 28 years. She was'the fourth
daughter of B. and Mrs. Driver, of Roch-
ester, formerly of Brussels, awl a sister
to Mrgl G. W. Pollard, of Ethel, who,
with her son, attended the funeral. Mrs.
Wilson was born in Ireland and came to
America five years ago. In addition to
her husband and a little son she is
mourned by her mother and father, six
brothers and four sisters. The cause of
death was lung trouble. The . runny
friends - of the family will sympathize
with the beret;ved.
A prominent resident of Goderich has
been removed in the person of Mr.
Saml. Sloane, J.P. whose death occurred
unexpectedly at 8.50 o'clock Sunday
evening from heart failure. Mr. Sloane
was born 72 years ago, at Shercock,
County Cavan, 'Ireland, and came to
Canada when a young man. For -more
than a quarter of a century he was
engaged in the grain buying and export -
lug busitkess in this town. He retired a
few years ago after a very successful
business career. Mr, Sloane was for a
number of years a member of
the Town Couucil of Goderich,
and for a long period and up to the
time of his death he was one of the
Licelise Commissioners for West Huron.
In religion helwas a Methodist and a
member of the Masonic Order; in polities
he held staunchly to Liberal prindiples.
He was one of the most widely known
men in this section, and was universally
"My hair came out by the hand-
ful, :and the gray hairs began to
Creep in. 1 tried Ayer's Heir 'Vigor,
and It stopped the hair tram corn-
ing cut and restored the color."—
Alta. M.11 Gray, 14o. Salem, Mass.
There's a pleasure in
offering such a prepara-
tion as Ayer's Hair Vigor.
It gives to all who use it
such satisfactions The
hair -becomes thicker,
longer, softer, and- more
glossy. And you feel so
secure in using such an
old and reliable prepara-
tion. 61.00 Jt'bade. Ail druggists.
If your druggist Cannot :nevnpiy you,
send un' One dollar and WO Will exrress
yeti n bottle. Belsuro And give the name
of yolutnearest ex reran owe. ,Addrr-st♦,
c.A.xnit CO., Loweil. Mass.
Mr. T. Flntuliu was the guest of 11Irs,
G. II, David nvs" Sunday.
r.tiss Lovelace, who has been the guest
of her c•ousiu, Miss Lillie Scrntidett, for
the past mouth, returned to her home
on c -
.. rt l'ty Inst,
Mr. Wray of L:tn`ittn is the guest of
Mr, Win. Wray. Miss le'''tter, who has
been visitiu:; lfiss ;i.autl Write', left for
Ripley ou Saturil:ty,
ii. gar(1e11 party, 1n'1'r the rtlspicos of
the 11I.4110(ist (' i melt, will Lt held Ton
the Itarsouagn;;roun(ls ou Friday, iidist
inst. Good t}ala eep:+t.'tetl. 1;verebody
welcome. .
Mrd Geldv0lelland chi; el a carload
of c.Jtttl.a to'Torotito utk et.,nday.
The hast, n e have echo )lt:tet1 the steno
sve t: 'tuner Mr. Se oat's stable, 'tvt:i'.h
adds greatly to the tll'i,:aarauce of the
S,liss Fannie' Meiten, is home from
Louden ter it there L rgift.
Mr. Joint Car eett UC'.L r';1dtm i.4 vielt-•
iilg ..1.1:10a' ih(a parental r.t:,t,
:1Ir.. 1i',.1. L:1,wreu00 o. lla:100 is
Wiaon growfug girls or boys are ailing,
too ratios parents expat'iimeat with
doubtful uitenieiues, ivluuh only touelk
upon .he svutptat,ls or the trouble. •
lett ru ; it to return luta in a to re
nggruvntocl form. Witt:tt you use 13r.
VVilliatus' link Pills for Pile People,
yon are • net atapertiite:)ting-•they go
clot tlthe t r
to u rt of trouble r the tau ubal 1
waking ,
u itch a tw, risen rr',l Wool., and build -
tug op weak ttetvtst -iu ibt1 way the, i
note, and tee trouble does riot 1't tura. I
It is because these pills tal(vay s cure ‘4,1 tot
given rL salt trent, that they bar o the
largest Mlle ofmay ,nedicinein the +tolyl.
1:her ar., hos ate t•xaerttt,s•lir•--kunst other
mens •ii es ur e. Mee. Wilson Joliet -rat,
litteiford, :.•t.S., gives the fitness -111g
et rens. e:err,)t,.trittioti. he says: --''At
ttt,a tare of 1tirn', our day ;liter, Alt.e'rtaa,. •
bE' ruck
to (10(1:Mt ill h,altit. `I'll' cola
lt•It her ctn''l; s; her apsetito i'tlilerl• and
she t0C llZ'13 litl = t 4; hcad,U'ht-s sial aL wt'llli-
nr. ES of the l;ulbrt, iT'•r health gt ew e:)
b:t•l that we were foreed to take hot
farm s.aho,1 Wo tried eevertd
bur t.'i';' did riot It. -1,t iter, shit tee apse.
I es
growing 1, ,, .,, . 1 „ � i-
ul, I al. 1t E .a ,
' „ t run She was
vee y pule, he td almost; eonettier• heed -
active. e. tail evils on the verge of
c'•±ut 1(•t,, lir•rvoile preetrnrinn. In '-feet
we let:re'.1 that death vel.ititt t€t3:e her t':
d:,;• f 11:1i' n11 a.,'.totlllt in a y,
ll( 1t pr.p o.' of a );ill Ulm Lau; b",'Zi eared tCS�
nt It w ntil'Ir t:_. culsl CA: •:ns ;Il tilt?. j1»u
"tome for 1L t:lloro vi it•. il, VVil;ia:r.;' 1'i:,l. 1:31,. We det•id('d
:o try th' se, tul'i before three] /cores were
neva. then! waeti tL (i,'t'Itletl ilaprovt uit'nt
\i'etV .mitt,
The t•iitUl"i1 lett on't'iZ'tr('lay , -a tug :s(•
14ti1 ur=actor n tt 1 ( t
, T t. , i. .. 33l']Jt. .11tI31-
bers a 11 ir,,'stant. MitillZus of hist re-
milar meeting word rt'tttl and nti'region
of M Carr, tte-•ontltd be Stlr. Debit+,
duly pa:.;tr•d, meat c° ;•v0'(i1 J u to
flit." of ,Tuly 10th, on mott•1rt ,f Mr. Ellis,
emended ended iy 11r. Beerrr;d t, were also
Account of A, E, Ltradwin, of the
Blyth S tanclarti, , :3, b)'in;3 ill_ t r)ayknout
of his plikttii:g ;tlntttraut for this year
received, when it wt:s mov++d by :dr.
Beecroft, t, meta:el:el by Mr. Dobie, that he
be paid al8 on seute—Carried.
ommunicattUt from.
J. A. Morton,
solicitor, '\t line ham, being his opinion as
asked for on matters relating to the re-
cent outbreak of smallpox in the town-
ship, received and 111'd.
Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr.
Carr, that the Clerk: be instructed to
notify the several parties In the township
who were afflicted with smallpox last
winter to pay the accounts rendered
against them about the 1st of April last,
to Fiulay Anderson, the Treasurer, ou or
before tato 20th of September next ••-
Carried ,
The Treasurer presented his hall year-
ly report\which was -found satisfactory,
showing a balance on hand at date of
Communication from Win. Lane, Co.
Clerk, receivect•, stating that the amount
required this year from the township for
county purposes was $1424 40.
Resolved. that a further sum of
t$,3718 in addition to the County rate, it.i
all $5142.40 be raised off the township
this year for county,township and special
school purposes, and that a rate of 3.58
tenth mills per dollar be struck to raise
this amount. By-law No. 8, 1902, con-
firming the same, duly read and passed.
Resolved, that John H. McClinton
be again appointed collector of taxes,
salary $50. By-law No.• -it, 1002, ratify-
ilkg this appointment, read and passed.
It was also further resolved, that John
E. Bennett, operator of road grader this
season, be paid $'211.50, being amount of
his dccount iu full.
Accounts were received and ordered
to be paid as follows: Municipal World,
collector's roll and postage on same,1902,
x;1.41; Estate of late Mrs. E. Reid, rent
of roact allowance, s part lot 34,,con. 0,
for one year, to Juno 21, 1002, .$2.00; A.
E.Bradwiu, Blyth, partprinting contract
for 1002, $18.00; R. C. McGowan, 50 ft.
plank for bridge, Soc; Wni. Robinson,
grading and putting in cement culvert,
lots 30 and 81, cons. 8 and 9, $18; R. W.
Irwin,. plank and work' repairing bridge
ou river, cons. 10 and 11, $2.50; Alex.
Bruce, jr., drawing and putting in
cement culvert, sideline 30 ,and 31, con.
9, •,$5.50; Frederick Rath, drawing and
putting in cement culvert, sideline 35-31
cou. 7, $3, drawing and putting in cement
culvert, sideline 39 and 40, con, 7, $3,
drawing and putting itl cement culvert,
also putting in tile in outlet at lots 41.
cons. 0 and 7, $0.50; Thos. Black, 8 days
inspecting gravelling on eastern bound-
ary, $12, inspecting gravelling at lots 40
cons. 0 arid 7, $2.25; Charles Johnston,
services rendered as per engineer's award
in 1901, lot 39, eon. 0, $5; Oliver Ander-
son, drawing and putting in tile on fiat,
sideline 39 and 40, con. 0, $3.75; John
B. Bennett, payment as operator of road
grader for 1002, $211.50.
A number of small accounts, being
payment for gravel, shovelling and dam-
ages when drawing gravel, amounting in
all t%$50,. also received and paid.
Part of the school warrants for the
current year were received, when the
council adjourned till Monday, 22nd day
of Sept. next,
P. Poria it},n:to, Clerk.
The Hamilton. City Council will re-
quire a $5,000 guarantea from the Mod-
ern Telephone Company, and has 'ord-
ered a new by-law to be prepared.
Jrl'.,rrtl:a's t•clilt?iret,u 'i`vE' coota•lrt'd
pi'.'itlg her the Till, foe prnbathly t'o'o
months, ay '.rhic•h lilt(' i•ho t1 as as
1eeet fry na eity girl of her :we. 1I+,r
r nti , 1 1 ,(
h .. •c' • at
1 !urn ilia' 1 :: t, ( is
., 1't a a
and ch.•(•l:8 had
r,+;�r,iut li t!H•i: rosy e4,?tl'. Ir it4 now i
1.. ;3 pills; a'..
ut•ar., two rear; lilt+•o 4-11t, took rhe plt•M, (9�
eht' has opt batt tL Sick rht v
+,rt+','ctyarse veal for �Vent Dr, i'.'l,lialtt.' !
teen 11i:I ''u;v„ /lone for per, and truant i
advise all 1'ti't•Jlt' whose (tautgtlter4 ere! p,
ai.iag to give1i'.E•tll a, rah! rtinl dual not � 4
e::Jelfrtu+nt twilit o;31t`r rat alittines.
,Dr. ZVilllttr,ls' Ph.lt 1':lis will cure ell
troubles that ali.e front p.tverty of. the
b..x,al of 4yKa1; net'res. , \ tnut1 -'
5.'tt'(('4 may ('lags=r-e ttnaa't:litl, lleurl- .t
wale, llenrsrigiaa, ery 'tp•+lee, riiruraVri:itn,
heart ail111t'nts, flys rpsia, partie1 par-!
t(iysi:. St. Vitus /hoot end tlis ail -1
lllonts that render miserable ilie lives of
. here 1 `
� . tat2 * S';Otniail. tr . 1
1 v I✓.S .. E -e t
1 1 (11 the
r ,t ^ a
s•a'utlin�a with the flat •nau1e, 1)r.
Wiliirllus' I'hllr. Pills forPatle'l'eople" on
the wrapper around rt•t:ry boa:. • SOW, .i
by ail dsalees, or stent peer. paid et 50e. I i'
per box or six box's for Se1.50 by wluing
direct tri the Dr. Williams Medicine Co.,'
Brockville, Ont.
Miss Kearns, of Montreal is visiting
her sister, Mrs, Joseph Smillie of the 1st
Hue of Morris. r Hamilton 1 •r, -n g ., 1•
Opposite Bank of llaltllyton highest ,llv, aid 11r.Prradceo
Mrs. Marsh and children, of Wood -1,,, 11 t
stock, returned to their honro last week! 4'•+'�+""`•5g"L 57
after a visit at Robert Duncan's.
Mrs. Philip Thomas feet through a hole
in the gangway leading to the harm a' GRAND TRUNK. RAILWAY SYSTEM! '' 4
LL' ingra ':.
Vit. r
+l Ut
The stock must be reduced Two Thousand Dollars -
during our August Stock -Taking Sale. Every depart-
ment is overflowing with smart up -to date goods.
Whitewear at co:-lt price. Parasols at cost
Straw Hats at cost price.
Ladies' Shirt Waists at cost price.
Wrappers at cost price. Skirts at cost price.
Summer Clothing at cost price.
Ginghams, hsns, Prints and uset S cost and
Summer Underwear at cost price. .
Regatta Shirts at cost price.
Embroideries and II1S r1ions at cost,
Summer Corsets at co,,t price.
Summer Sloes ut cot price:.
1,000 yards Cotton (mill ends) from 2 to 10
yards to the piece, great value, 33 up
You can't afford to overlook this sale.
It means money - saving for you.
Come with the crowds where you
get the most fur your money. ! ! 1
H. E. a
couple of weeks ago and was rather
badly hurt, being unable to walk since.
Miss Belle Hendersou of Brussels
visited at Mr. Frank Scott's.
Freddie Johnston is seriously ill with
bilious fever.
Miss Dolly West and Mr, Wesley
West of Woodstock spent .the Baby
City's Civic holiday with this brother,
Rev. W. 3. West at the manse.
Mr. John Fawcett, station agent, has
secured an assistant to relieve hime for
a few days.
Mr. Charles Coultes has returned
hone from Ayr and intends going to
Mrs. John Fawcett, who was very low
last week, is now showing marked im-
Miss Jessie Cassie of Ayr spent the
holidays at Mr. Peter Fowler's, Blue-
vale road.
Mrs. I1arper of Texas is visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Dnncau.
Miss Burgess of Brockville is visiting
Mrs. Collie.
Miss Kathleen Swami passed Part II
Junior Leaving.
Mr. Andrew Scotts and Miss Mary
Beattie of Seaforth and Maude Mac-
donald of Michigan visited at Mr. F, B.
Scott's last week. Mrs. Wm. Messer is
recovered from her recent illness.
Mr and Mrs. M. S. Richardson of
Brussels visited at John Burgess.
Miss Mary Scott is visiting at Seaforth.
Mrs. Beattie aid children of Seaforth
is visiting friends in T uruborry.
Mrs: •.'J hpnus has been laid up with rheu-
matism but'i$ uow improved.
Mrs. Brownlee, formerly Miss Farrow,
and children of London have spent sev-
eral weeks with their numerous friends
tho vicinity,
Miss Mabel Oliver accompanied Mrs.
Joseph Burgess and children back to
The Team to Jauuary 1st, 1003, for
. C6121101,16.4921
-- ON --
SatZ t
st 23
Wingham L. O. L. No. 794,. has completed arrangements
with the Grand Trunk Railway System to run
a big Isxcursion to -
Vitt HYDE $'Alt1I
From the following places, on Saturday, August 23rd, 1902,
Returning Monday, August 25, at the following low fares :
and ` child, rues down there tete
hundreds ltieky if you are not one.
And what do you think they want?
They want rest and a change,
slid can't get either. Pity to speak
Scott's Xiitulsion of cod-liver oil
is almost rest ii1 itself 1
sten roe tett 6AN s.* AND TRY ,4.
scOrtA bovoat eetwaSYe, _ toitON `r.
SOC, ant $r,o6; flit drug ista,
MICE Tutt; PA=
Wingham Junction...
5.50 A.at
(i.05 "
0,20 "
0 33 ,.
6.45 r'
6.53 "
PLACE,' TX= nun
Belgravo 1,01 A..14,t $1,85
Blyth .
Clinton . ,..,. 7.47 " 1,00
Brucefreld 8.05 " 1,45.
. , 8.15 " 1.85
, ... 7.14 °"1.757.22 " 1.65
Returning, Special Train will leave Sarnia on Monday, .August 25, at 10 o'clock p.m.
A. GRAND PRIZE. --A Gold Brooch will be given as a
prize to the largest lady on the train.
I,. J. IVIttolVIATH, Committee.