The Wingham Times, 1902-08-21, Page 3A Forward Movement. Tho 'Presbytery cf. Londen„ met in MLsa en ))4oriday elteniX4g tiOifirseeir, says the 1.4ention. Advertis. er, When Bev. J. Arne,e, IL A., Toronto, was. ordained to the minis.. try and designated as a missionary to. Ronan, China. Rev. Dr, Dtc`fav- i$h, et Toronto, 'tette. present in lye, halt of the, foreigi. roissiOn coninateo„ Mr. 'Brace too4 a. high standing in ;hie iteademie coarse, Wing a. grad- -441.1.0. of Toronto 'University and ICaox MI hue, for some time ben assistant to 114v. D•r• ZieTtivish, Central Chur'cli. The reason of the ordination being netst tn Craig. work, lie believes that, he e ill he Iles in the fttot thee' Um joint eon, I able 'to• benefit the „college greatly in egation titat plami and -Carlisle hi3 lloW sphere, (Rev, W. H. Geddes; pastor) has re- or. paritio soh& 03411Y clePideti 10 COntriboate 1,4;5'00. an- :vaeolly for five years toward the sup, port .of out: of the missionary eau, eliclates whet had offered for service. The foreign mission. committee was to Toronto and return to. London ut October. After his return neve he bigbly pleased. with tbis proposition, will visit Canada, the United, States con.eidering the strength of the cone and Australasia cot -election with gregetion, anti at emcee allotted the: the scholarships provide(' ler in the . lietodes' will. above, named gentleman. In the rale - lug of tlais fun•el no canvass was wene'll Do ns no 11 Ii3VEY KNO TUE WINGUAN TINIES,.. AUGUST ,H THE. FRUIT :MARKS' ACTI. rAIMIentettSW Welter, Utt Nee neve Steleetea te Organize the 'taffies 1.0ifolurehips. Toronto, Aug. 1.4,.-A cable from London announcre that the trustee$. of the Rhodes ,scholarships'IntveThon- ore() Carlotta by selecting We. 0, R. Parltin, C.11141-, heed master Of Up., per Catutdo. College. to organize the scheme anti to visit the countries to be beneilLted by this educational be- quest,. under which two hundred, '&4.7 eti men aro annually receive u Pr. Parkin has' made it a condition 1111,1,11^1.1"11* What d Mean e and Flow it .Oper. Attil' 131,21 Pierlinoven't of catutda levee, :the Frtilt ,Act• in 1901, the, niodeler .4grietilture .direottel ilett every opportunity sheuld, bee are forded' the feel': groweeS Pakncel'A ,e 11 ) .t 1 • • • f inente and, to their obligittlons of the Depute:nett in this roepeet wits It You are °MOM of Fa. In g SIren0 Eurgy Ns Mod mako use el PA IN E'S. 0 EL ERY COMPOUND. of tile Dominion to Meet; its. require. IRA 6 Ittl 1 1ft:41ra A.1.1D Del Lists edacation, to the publie , end for a yeer tho week STYLENGT11 GIVER.. . of his acceptance that he shall be inforteetionai eed, educational. Thie No Other Mtdidne Can M. given time in which to put T5pper year soMe amendments were made to Canada College on the best \voming the Aet tes originally peaeed, eta to- ' piein as a pike staff," and evcrY die the Act in all its provieione is "as ford or Gudr.intee Such basis beforo undertaking leis new London, Aug. 14, --George Parkin, pelouipal of Upper Canada College, Toronto, lei& Liverpool to -day for New York on board the White Star etetuner Oceanic. Dr. Varkin will go made, but instead subscription, cards clay or it so sixopo tleat "he who ' happy I..e41.t.s. rune Mee' reed." No farmer, or frost growc.r. or packer Nvite i heanit 1;1 his encleavoi.s (ind straightforward 144 his trading need feitr. any of ite clauses. The Ant is 'being entOreed, eta the ine speetore oppointed to exeente ite re, nuirearnits have been instructed to do their duty. They ore,servants, of the Crown; Parliament hag definitel.y pro- nounced its judoonont upoti tho falee end freudulent peeking a•nd marking can etfer eh itli onesty. vtgoronas ely . • . an ottset tCa 1%04 popp.eaor oe fruit eoneigements; and these mon. eleenees. tbe blood nod 1i:wit1:tea t e hew: been ,selt:eted to carrY out., 1.he turdy.etroulatiem. It. strengthens end et • .g.,3:a4litlIns.' '44444111131 of 11111"s 414°' regulations. 'Aimed on the statute book metritges the kideees tele ele,),goe teen) isbow einieh, entire. bird, wiees rm. the. purpose ot preteuting honeet, to Inter Irina the Wool: 411 waeto and oe quelle. in either pure, white Le.• trod:As from unprincipled; dealers,. utortett beeurts stymie, tent! . • emcee sot ta the, centre oe Bent paid etpreserving inviolate the fair oervos, gives seeec and tenure' sleep to: commerehol tome of Canada from un- the tierve,tireft belie weeiy. lit a "4 garla.ade. lilts made w...e ceowne of hewn oatiete 41nel brims of word, Pitine'e Celery Compound is a tine summer life giver mai het:RIO:MI(1er. : ehrysanthemuue eteaw, aro seen, and Mr. Besistent, a Nixon. titit., says; ! utility examples show a batiste ecart edged. with heavier linen and aeVere titG•wk eirveris pmetratic caeseil. ehronie nyepepete, mid I (unto ; adorned by .upelmao disks ot black mit slop night. Thie i.ouilitiou of I velvet. Brant:11d green, has evident - FASHIONS AT NEWPORT }las Fate Denied you a Pleasure that ihousand$ HOW illjOy. MitiSurnmer •Millinory-Cia.rtion Party 00W1h7.-nialt Acccesories-in. .0ividucl. Creases. ..”...1.,....1.••••••••••••••••-••,••••••••••r•M•Ve If you are not me; F..** .1A• 11,411eVire Avenue (luring the .uftero noun is. the cbes.'en 'Lbw for a die, p.ay of film Millimery and in tide dee, "sari meat. an en -looker can et::: beau- tepel hats of Tus•ciete. ehrystinineonon, eatin or Neapolitan straw,. trimmed with cniffon or tulle that; united pre, fertilely with garlands, of apple. ecinee or small feSeS, aro, trnly fairy like. ii0111,3, NeallUtitalD3 are lei ewe, bad of of on,,,,L colo4 or in white, cud Mei. . /fats, let a -delleate eliude 01 Mon and winniql„ young 541(1 01(1, of 14" Very lhh'P'434 t1V4se are evorY.rsitk in lire, :reale' tuIteite that wittt gree.m leaves and whits they -atts more coos:was of overtaxed flawor.s, whi•ch are sometimes ttti- liervoue strength. ill 'ties hue 'weati)er Pol.4 greeA and ribbon. than. itt any 0114X1 41(51101(, 'When elleh vointithni 715 rXptIriel•ned. •61"42'11: (1111141' illy 14(7'1 0)-04' the PainessOelery Compound aunts einem. b-eg hate, are notice:041e and blesa. tees nod reeults teat no (eine mettle' tam in generale Ls eloquently placed MALT '.,italula bona. Meta tent ttic Amite 'riga th.ei st.bwart t' • A,Lsd vekLei elear arat Th. while thus • I r.ote • Tile. solOiera of art Binplre ir fair or 4tarotY, woiu. Elicit De each and all togethen),.. e e ht3nd. or tall. BREAKFAST " t " Tit, our glorimer aim *hall , were issued to the members, with a win Tell Story. or Arnett witnete pis. liserUpUtuils packers. In other words, hort explanation a the proposed newsiest:ice inure:ay :sight. I the Act will Mauro to the public -o2 to pian, \olio-, had preylouely beeo sub- Toronto, Aug. 14. - The mestere, I Dominiou and to commission agents initted front the pulpit, with the SUrrOtInding the disappearance- of Ar- end the publie ,generally in 'Greet approval of tho joint session.. Those nott NI hite, the Evans Warehouse cm- Britain and eleewhere, th.tt the fruit oards were. returned, with the above, ploye, who chopped out of sight Mo - result. The, pastor asked the people (lay, is likely to be somewhat ex - from the start t.o nuelee the effort plit'ned at 6 o'clock Thursday even - a. matter of prayer, leellevi,ng that lug, if, in the meantime, nothing- de- upa'rt: from the direet result, the eone voloes showing whet has become of gregation would receive e spiritual. , ,• ,. i lti.. •`It now a yell*. pest since I. hod a- FOOD You Are 14auy AdVantage5 44,4 Mto AnlUdialent$, Promere Peoltage font your GrOoer Teat et Homo. If, up to the present, fete has denied yoa the oppertuetry ot teeting pure, itelieleue Issaitlegiving Break- fast Foed, go tontity to your Grocer and prooure a pueliago or this popular break - feet ettretil fuod. Its patateticielipg. eon eeergizirig properties melt nialte it it *men thee yea eanitot ;Ilford to mess at luorettig wont, I s me geed ritlillituse ere ithtimitehly appieciated by yonng inid old. tt hose mime it their theme. Aa fletnionnoul 8$ eouinion oat - end. viietly more notraitius. CUROVAT'OA' riir , ..• . 1... ill , 4.,!, 44j is is the gladeonot morn ae'leen 1i:este:la's nobly horn, Bele et' a glorione throne, Cometl. U1110 Ina. owe. ''' 99 'What tribute eiloall we brihS , 14 by pecked . . 1. To hire we call our King? He:let-loyalty supremo .. . . . , are:- i ' • ' atteuded by foureo tile beet doctors,. lina 1 , e Poeitien 11$ a millinery color .Our hope:: are fixed on thee, Sectimi 4,- Every person wbo, by met Sulk ee greet (puttitity Or medic:Me. ,,•"a" 11'0 11------ --- '. ,',__ Then lee the music play , Thou Plioce 'of high degree, The prineipal ,seotione or the. Aet eireoletsneos broeght 011 (M11111111. 1 N% am.' ; iy ' ;totes himeelf or through the ageuey of an- but ail failed te do me ally good. II alele in belts, eo ' thus, Inirasehe Y4=IL Con 044 auspieious day, 1 . Meet beyond. poet's. -dream- me A.:Okla.., htle iS notiee- t11.1•1 pocksge to be marked in a plain Deteltst. the ttereoustiess mei dyspepeitt 1 And lee the land rejoice, other pernou, packs! fruit in a closed thought I would try yOnr Pailie'S Celery ! or ig101tea. • and indelible manner, tetrere it is talc- left, tee owl 1 have done tome Work , At gueden. parties Crepe: de Ch' Thou air Britanniaie choice. ; g'°w". are In grea.'" fti-VDr t1114 '8°Dle. We view thee from alar, Been under .glorious star, Peck:ego, intended for eale, shall cause Couipumul, Atter 1 had used four i , • um . , • benefit. The fund 'will not lepre- ( herlee Doherty, the. Man with sent the total missionary givings whom, White worked at the wore - of the emagregation, being . for a house, and with whom he walked a special object. It is interestmge to few bloc'„s the last day lie worked., note aleo that the neeghboring con- . declared Wednesday evening. to Fred gregatien, of Nairn and Beachwood White, brother of the missing boy, (Rev. Jos Elliot, pastor), has for that if nothine had been heard of Ar - Some years been. cent:ideating a sub- otantle I ,portioo of the, eatery of Rev. J, A. Slionnortd, elso of the, H•onan staff. Their last payment for this purpose was over $450. This plata of individual cengregational support for the foreign missionary appears ;to be -.steadily gaining throughout the Christian Church, and ,bids- fair to prove, et great impetus. towards the more rapid spread of the Christian faith, amongst the people who have heretofore lived ,and died; •ier ignor- ance of its saving truths. The Ontario Normal School for the training of publ to ond. high school tea.. ohm( (ef, domestio science ande art, Hamilton, will reopen September 2911, 1902. The methods employed in this school. are similar to those pro- vided at the Teachers' College, New York, end the, School Of Education, Chicago University, und are on a strictly educational and .pediegegic basis. As this sohool will bo incor- porated 'with the new* Iletedcatald College at the 0.A. C. Guelph, next yeur the course of stu'dy Will enable students taking the two years' course to continue, their studiee, at that sehoot when the buildings aro com- , peeled in 1903. • Aott by 6 o'clock Thursday evening, ho would tell him something that Ar- nott Need to him on perting. :Monday evening. .Friel White urged Poherty to tell him then, but he refused. "I will tell you Thursday night if you do not learn anything by that time. Come down to the warehouse at 6 o'clock, and 1 will tell you then what your brother said to me." 'the police aro making no effort to locete White. He is not wanted by them. but they will do what they can to find hint, tor the parents' sake, Year of the Future. Most people who dread the. future are victims of some terrible disense. Mr. W. Francis. 204 Colborne St., Kingston, was in a bad state with kidney distetee. She hadsevere pains in batik and legs, wee gradually lotting flesh and felt a dread of the future. A friend recoup mended Dr. Chase's Kidney-LiVer Pills and the result was a complete crop. There is 110 medibine more reheble, none so certnin to produce thorotigh cure. One pill a dose, 23 cents a box. ABS ME SECU ' 1TY Gcnuine a rt rS Tait:fluI To Po 311fernb.ro af the Tranwtessl Voonnall. en from the promises where it: is :duce than for Years oast, 1 uow enjoy ii of the prettiest are trbnmed by, motifs picked, , , excellent hetilih awl consider myself I and ins.tortions of Week Chintilly lace Where love and duty meet In majesty' Serene, , • nttme, tied his full surname and ad- • c :up! tely cered. ' and wort: wit': large 'black lace hats Our labor eliall seem sweet, finiehed by sweeping black plumes. To . c: -"With the initials of his Christien 0 . 1.: • Though an ctean rolls between. 1 b -With ilie name of the variety or loor gray haired. we.ann, theze. . dress ; seriet hie; and the fruit. they offer for eple (or fruit -------- 0 royee'lady, thou, 1 : c -Wit 11 a designation or ills ftr,ttle . itnlitenstly- etfeeeive. A etreund whose glorious brow bat Lbe eate are their noesession fhr or Levin which sltall inclutle 0.110 of E,eigin11: wroniedner, .. uund, 111 • oe w a, le: po le green. c cep.: tie eh el, Clusters till heavenly grace; , 'Tis not alone thy face, the following six marks; For fruit of everY we be PregeGaleed. n • -_ _ was rtu..aaj WOL*11; by one of. the Four I1'214'?) flies. quality, No.. 1, or XXX ': for Tho penalty fox- a violaiekon, or till Hundred and the. hat ,waei in pale or ye.; thy queenly eir, Nee )NIT thy beauty rare, fruit of the •emond, quality, iNo. :2. or law Avith r"ferenee' to pee ing, an( t;teitetl eel:4 uneter bleeig lace. For which we love thee best,- - Still te gatrd our liestinyl With high heaven, over Mt. Let ne etand fur whiatt Nos um , Duty la ctir guiding eter. An .our bendri are not et .olulisftt' Golgett 7,4:out1i is ample dowar, ' 'With iiN wealth of .untried 1 And iii, "iledgm or greeter! imbue Sieter ltiatiOn.i, glad and. free,. , Cit'-' th.4 linqiere yet to be, 1 ), Lee .ue :guar Ii our oc'1-giet We. 1 An in May we ars bound, , i Let tie veer more he found, ' t. With our armor all the while Burnished leeightly-el:m what naitt* 'Never more sixall foe dismay." So mc,teitbc; timewa.r cleuderlY. t Thu blessed orh•or peace .appears, eiettie widen win the tears Cr Mo.,. 014 ereovialle wept ere B:rttavie, telt:Melee o'er the Beer, tier .commerce reteitightway gee • apaee, .. • . A. loyal arel stet: 'fast :tam ( t I. Sivili rile to make tile rutnee -sieve • And sitter nations, true and tried, In many a bloed,y battle fought-. I, For 'Empire's ealte ..., 0 alorion , thought-, Shall relly round Britivenia'S Sides And :strive to win the worthy eattso, And in the Empire's eouncile 11•4.3.1114 Thei r glowing arguments that lea A mighty imprese on the laws. Thue shell tb•e, 'Empire still interease, Grow gtrong but f(4r the sore -Meg good, i , Tivit AD a enuernon lerotherhOod • , May usher in the dawn of pow, .',"• • 1 t e'hierefore we hail the day, , With gladeome :heart and: gay"; . ' . , • XX ; i• A 1 fer frui. of th : thee" ( u luarkiLit le not. less than twenty -levet for removing, en in,speotor's brand, forty dollars; for obetrueting an in - 4.25 to $5O0. Tho Tines aro divided equ'Illy between the informant No. 3, or X; but, 'the snit" mark, taiiy cents nal not more than ono dollar; be. accompanied by any other designa- tion of grade, provided that Aeligne- Um is not' inconsistent with, or mark- ed reire oonspiououely than the one of the •selet. six marks whiclt is used on Ind the Crown. # ; the eald pnokage. , Intepectors are. given largo powers Sootier 5. -No pereon shell sell, or under Ost Act to enter premises for offer, eixpese or hove in hie possession the 'otiose of making an examination for isete, any fruit ptcked. in a 01060(1 rind to detain shipmente of fruit for the seine purpoiett. 'The packer, how- Inindon. /leg. 14. -It is unollIcially peckage end intended for sale un)ees euch pookage is marked. ae r*to ui od ever, ie :imply protected by the etipu- announced that Generals Botha mid by tho next Preceding eection. (1 1 ' Lytton that immediate notice must he Delarey, oho, with General Dewet, Section, 6. -No pereon ehail sell, or given by the inepector to the packer are expectsd to reach England from offer, expose or have tit his possession when fruit, which et ell tinitet is at tuTe.'k-Vgle:(1.,,auhpYonfil.vuiltiopacked in a -closed the risk of the owner, l's branded. or South Africa next Saturday, will be appointed members of the new Trane-•• =I • h k ' • '• 1 !detainee, and the Inspector who ex- pect age is mar re veal legislative Council. eed any designation which. represents ceeds kis authority is subject. to a It . is said that as a result of an ,suele fruit as of No. 1 or .DCXX, fincit, 4icavy penalty. • , interview with ex-Presid mit ,Steyn, The Inain points of thie Act may, be Vett, (it. extra g.. (el qu il ty, tiniest, eucle ' Mr. Kruger has abandoned his pont- • summed ureaS follows :-• • . lea( campaign, and count en:lance d the preposen conference of.Doer lead- ers. n he steamer Saxon, on which Gen- erals Balm,' Delarey and Dewet aro coming to England front Cape Town. arrieed ate Madeira. yesterday. Gen- erals Botha and Delarey went ashore sight seeing. elenn.al. Itewht remain- ed on hoard the steamer continuing his work en the book he is 'writing detailing. his experiences during the war. -..-- 3Iet Viablotit Death. frme epeeist of well -grown speconene eif nee eariety, and eound, of nearly uniform eize, of good- color; for tho variety, et normal ,shape, and not les Moe ninetY; per cent, free from ecab, worn: hole, braises and other defects,. end properly pack -4. • Section 7. -No person shall S011, Or offer, expose or have in lee possessioning of the Ac for sale, any fruit packed in any pack.: Act to .sell, to offer foreele, Sur- inwhiele the faced or..shown. or to have in pmeession for sale, fret:- roma givets a false representation- of dulently pecked or marked fruit, even. contents of uc eh pockege; and if: e.vlien the buyer, and .seller are ignor- the contavail be considered, a Low.; represen- I nt of the fact, as welt as whent one Won when more thian fif teen pet or bode leave knowledge or the feet. tI Celli t1 such fruit is.. substentially 4. -Tho Act does not prevent "he Ce smaller in size than, or inferior In r.veking. or ;selling of any grade of grade to, or different in variety from fruit that is properly packed •vnch 5.- The Act -does not 'previde ..for the lespection of partieular lots of fruit at. tho ecquest of the buyer all 1.-,•Th0fit1t of all fruit 'packages must. fairly repraSenti tho fruit thro- ughout. • r. 2. -Closed boxes and barrels must be marked Itviththe name ;and ad- dress or the packer, the variety or. tho eruit and its grade. 3 is an offense within the mean - Little Liver Pills. Must Door Signature of See Fae-Slinile Wreeeer Bairns'. Teri cumin Dud es @nay tul‘b 05augur. CARTES ITTLE IVER PI LLS. FOR HEADACHE. FOR DIMNESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIYER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION • 1/111•••"•"' CORE SICK HEADACHe. Toronto, Aug. 14.-.Archiliald Ful- ton, a structural itionworker. was in- stantly killed yesterday afternoon while workieg Olt it new stable for -the Canadien Express Company set the corner of l'rent, nett Porter streets. With goveral others, he was ens:teed in hoisting to the top of the building a, heavy iron support. This was being done by the aid of n der- rick. When the iron bar Wati aliOlit at the required, height, a cog wheel suddenly gave way, and the bar fell. 110, tiepin(' send fell. The heavy sup- 'lockage is defined tole: a box or bar- Act il being bit; and when it is 1 ...fully evhite roses and 'theme to match, wieh Fulton tried to escape, and. in doing peckegee" need be. merked. A closed port fon on his head, crushing it ter- Eel, the contents 'of which. oannot be known Ova dishoneety in packing and ' a ehoax. of creamy lace. A. dres,s of blyand , Liltinhim instantly g . 11.• :teen ih•inspected when such, is closed. describing Canadian fruit does not men linen batiste trimmed with Or- ricame rm oCeldwater, where his mo- Diskets, berry .oratee or berry; boxes- ' given to our fruit indliStry in allxisi;• °xi ell(irniQus imPtittis will bc keit al embroidery and guipure lam fthe ' . Liver Pills eithaes what you need; some*, thing to cure your bilious- ness and give you a good digestion. kyer's Pills are liver pills.. 1 hey cure con. Option tnd biliousness. Gently likatIve. ; A.I d. mos emir melees eliteet boArd 61 beautiful Sewn RI' nett biaekt Thou toe' BUCKINGHAM'S DYMIlars Med, 00 MantiOs R. r. NW*" M.14, leorew eieweee Leek; iggeeed Mallet thy kindly inert mend for leraeolate ann monogram net takes the, weaker part finishing's in gold, jet, beading, steel or :silver filagree ore placed cia Lene, -dog collare, elteteleines, belts or para.- Caesolettes, suggestive of the eleen time pou.ncet-bsxes, are also -ene of the latest conceits. tor summer use. These enarming ornamenls are matte in fancy shapes and usually of slaver, though many are eeen in enamel. They are generelly atteehed to the ohateleine, plaoed in a. ladyesi bag or held in the hand and are likewise: eometimes carried in gentleman's ,vest pocket. The delay tittle trine ke:ts jest mentioned, hove S111,1111. liclee through which some fragrant seent is exhaled from an absorbent pad placed within and ;scented with the, favorite perfume of the wearer. Murray & Unman' Florida water Ls reetly La demand for nse in this way, becouse of its reviving delicaey and permanency. An att.ractive cite- eelette LS la. ehnitelated silver heart, having three tiny piercinge; others • , wave From ea;st, from weet, aerobe the • Th,ey came the motherland to save, And saving' her to etive the world. Then, Africa, thy fields were red, Wine.: many fell to rise no mortt ; Thy rivers run with human gore, . The 01:Haien or the Empire .ehed. In the:Gt.:a! h. our or bitter night, When loyal heat•t,s with grief were the feeei or shown eurface of such Explanations of its application may be t•ike44 thus: On packages packed or marked contrary to tho provieions 6. -Commission morchents Who, th•e Ant, Inspectors may, after not - ter natio% handle fruit put up eon- ifying the packer by letter or telegram place Ce• words "falsely packed" trary to the provisions of tho Act, will be proceU eded ainst. 7 "ilelsely marked ;" and 41 fine of $40 .- There is no definition of gradee. mey inmoted for illegally reiroving marked "No. 2," "XX," "No. 3," or 119 seseector's) brand. ll be os noticed that only "Cled Aire- d • the beneficial effect of this Oer loving troths we bring To thee 0 :nighty king: Prince, reser end potentate. Clnd. rich robes of state 1 Surround the roe.al smd. We view thee, and it nom; A heevenly 'splendor gleanis Veen thee, ne is meet. A, solemn Silence fills 1 , . Oar est ere. and the Cr our lif,e'ecurrente flove • With motion soft and alow, ; The while, shell Edward swear' t A holy orrthl "to pare ', For his dear people's fate; • And pities the elistressed. . In equity to ,reign , , -. • • A. geat:ens, loving, cans , And evermore mainta)n ForevIn he thy eleire, . The laws inviolate. , • 9 0 deueliter. et' the thine. . , The ntysile vowel are "said, • . it And nine. that love eustain The money:I:ebonite. the head', - . ' In silence for a epilog . • ,- . . • The ptiest. with glowing lace, The seeped oil outpours, - ' And in nye that choieest storea . 4 Or leavenly grace abida . Theo. keep thee strong nor frail , When dt rkest 'clouds asseil. ; • May timet's relentless, hand, e Deal softly, as is meet, . With one who is so sweet- , ' Vasa lady of the land. . , Oe our finoitted king, • t •• - Tr, whom the pe..ople bring • Iltei.t homage. true and triode , il • 0 mothetland, 0 island free., 0 fielde where tour brave. fathers Loud lei. the welkin ring.. # • Edwaid is crowned' king; to NVta.ev3ite, hag we love so well, • . Anil l'Y 1'14 side- serene' ' . - • • Shell we. the sons of noble sires, In majesty, the Queen f ; Shell ennui. beauteoue and bright, Emblem of blessed liberty. Our vaet inheritance diedain? . A diadem- or light • , . Shell eelfieh ease or senselesst gain Circling the rine(' brow e, Subdue thosoul's immortal fires? Our eyes ere fixed' on thm„ " NIS', never let our blood-bou.ght trust, Dinighler or deetinY, . We hold beyond the gift of kings, • Never go loved 'as now; Esoape our grasp. All earthly things Then with devotion rare Compered with that, aro very dust. Guard well the royal pair, The -sons of England heard the cry, 0 sons of Empire free, Whey. late the call to arms arose A glorioug destiny Awaits our blessed isle, To Settle With our England's foes- Though wary foes beguile With loyal hearts and flags, unfurled, mLeptir3 dare to be great ; , eoples of one blood. 1, t, • To batele, end perchance to die. . 13011111 in ORO brotherhood. e ., So shall we, build our state. , .. are richly enamele:d in fleur. de lie, amen, or other shapes and Sertle in the latter are closed and inus•t be opened to imPart .fregranee. Caste:- iettes for .neentleinne's use, are fiat, withotet Moans' of :attaelonent and cir- cular. A garden party gown reeenlly wore by a New York belle., is of creamy lam over pale green silk and in keep- ing, were gloves, parasols and belt. Thn Time hat was pale green NeopolitaI straw, trimmed with green leaves, sidered "closed pickages." and there- ,eerkets of the world. At present in- in striees, is made over silk. to match; thor lives. even. with veneer covere, ere noe eon- tire being made concerning the I the material, contrast botween. thel -ERNEST N. MINKLER North Oxford, Aug. llth, 1902. Marion Driver Wilson, wife Of WM Wilson, arid daughter ofsMr. B. Drive formerly of Brussele, died at her hero inlet:n(10(volt, N. Y., aged 28 years. asist 1.4(!4 fore eta not require meriting. Cran- trans-Atlantic shipments of early Toronto, Aug. 14. -Lying at the i berriers en.d all wild fruit are n,ot eub- General 110>21)11111 is William Bentley, pet to the provesions of the Act., GamtliThe Department of en apples . Agrioulturo will not take nny reopen - a northeen Ont :veto men, etifieeing Melchalttr are held responsible for from injuries that will likely end in - of .40TICUMITO. and Dairying will sibility. but through the Commiesion- city yesterdne. I Dolly Varden silk ,showing ,satin dt•ath. Bentley was brought to the assist m securing cool or cold stor- net Thursday while at work on A. Grateful Mother. Ivo spool on the eneen ' steamers if . . ,,.. • g I early information' he given a.:5 'to the stripes. The siert banshee y a p bt • tit the date of ehip- wide flounce oPraousseline arid the bright, yet softly refilled embroidery; and the -dee:es fabric, beteg sufficient Ln. itself. Another gown worn by a visitor+ rom Phi ladelphia, is in a the farm. of John Paget at Sun - bridge, Muskoka, he met with the injui ies, Ile was assisting to put Op a barn and a heavy beam fell on hien. When removed to the house it wus found Diet his both arms stInd nie !regarding tny boy Well my boy wag It Will e neceesery lower limbs- wee. intralyzed. Bentley • about twenty -ow ittobtlet nid Noon / eiekes and packed 'ee tho green or ; tim front of the ,coreagee in eurpliee ; is 17 .yeat.s of eye. began to give him your Syetem Renown firill ,9.i le, so thnt they may bo deny- I style and Ute• oxide at the botk, pas- ' 1 ...,....4......••••.....•*• meta. an I the, destination desired. # wnist is confirmed by a gnell .4 of , lead- Ma:31,00d Mtelicine en,. Gorletteli, Ont. appleri or choice individual quality,and I • , pink satin, pink being the Blyth. Ont., Sept. 22nd, 1806. It will ply 'to •send only eelected i NAL.. I think it is my duly to write to you pecke 1 in boxes rather i lien in barrels. i ilie`' color in; the dress. .,A fichlt of i .avo the1.8 - moueseettne.• edged by Inds, ierceses I E.' ilni in Mill 1401411. 1 !,;(1711'n. 1 ikItni.OVell. fool yofir Protein ?Aisne. vend in. the Milted ICingdonai in such # e,-„, ,„ I v.AVO Win the inedieitus for about a etato that they may be handled with • ""e"" -- dee- the bzlt, reach the bottom , day inornirg lam a son of Mr. 110- F10.41111 1 havo a wont': mules healthy end deceyea ones by the retail dealers into I by mome,seline frills. sleeves finished i Collingwood, Aug. 14. -On Tilers- I five months. Then he Wini C1111411, 8Ild a very email percentage of br1116ed Or i ni. the skirt- illIbewi be: t livid of this town disappeared I as good looking a bey it14. V011 Would wish whose handl they will go from the 1 tefvoe,waans d ait lawdeeofseapbpooustedsthat he had II borrn, exiled e A cyachting dressis in white Ihm tol no trace of hint could be found, to ee. now three y(4118 4.111. He was wholeOttle centres. 1 trmmd ih bands eGneaae ix:olts evey nombhsomil troni the Moe he was Deprtment of AgricultUreiitl ttly all thetime and elept ,0111141149 July 301114 1062,1 whh ftleo head the flotnee. The Waietieatombinationof blouse:D,l gr'ne awaY With a eirean that Int- fernied herenhat day, but instead, he wandered down 10 the J.•& T. Chilli - ton's mill, where hie body was found yesterday of t oviform in. the pond, 'floating amongst the 811317 logs, 11.111.11in F1414/1 111.14 tine. tendon, Aug. 14.-1s:in a, despatch very little and that. never soundly, not ••••••••...........a.• short lime. lle esed to go into' coeval- jacket and 0-1)10.5 over a, ;shirt waist • until he hail taken your medicine for a. $ tins three or four times 5(1941 from the The ri•nti of sneer heels in Oiit .rIo te" blue silk laid in plaite. Small , -better thee thin: nf MieliIir 11 this gel'. etteiont oppeer on the -skirt bands+ time he wet( five deys tdd, and then hie will be heed Iteann 10 Stre1v large, increasing in 4 , Men ell the time mail tho inetliehie took Tear. At the Wiarton 'rectory t p • he end, arid on bands which conneet slasa- # infect. We sought medical aid from iAtors and other machinery Lire all in Ing'S 16 tile' jaeket' different donors without • any, hettetit 'maiden. LUCY GARTER. (Only nite 'relieved him some). The Size from Brusselshe teorrespondeenumelt t oi (of heed began to digradually Let austire tomtit remleral it jralgement, The 'Deily Telegraph says it is at- I be was getting Dllrf•11 of the dropsy 84)(1 whieh doals with tho nuestion of the the 'vowel s are 111401y to result in a metnehe,' wa8 rsed bo youl,,4 tnitv).‘,.ti I ;Wilt, Of the ebilli rower) at the death firmed there that negotiatiob. Oh ; et the vete,. in the limn,. NO nowr . , . . which 'Russia will recognize the Thais- the above Othm• mothers will benefit front inyboyes I; estate. 'rho Trust & Guarontee CO., as Inelseenee 1,,eepse / e‘e:eol I of the, lintliel• to Shrive in the plitPlit'a special treaty, under the terms of I tOok nieself has done me it greet deal , ef the ,Thte 'WM te. Lethbridge:, of v":14FitttitrtttituniAtiwoV.ig len 1 guttriltret ef the pgtnt0 owl four children sels augur convention and modify her pure. The 1,4,0100f the rterevetet. t • 1 .stio•ar lettisletion. •of good, Front my very heart, and that , Vtienoten Man • (if a grutotal mother, :vim 14 th Itatio. nisy 1 SnlitilWo'it townelup, Elwin tarrn 74 i linthweli, Aug. unkneten • good wisheis as long ,8I live. f4pplied or tnivien 88 to Whether one 'of titan. abOld yentet old, wits killed Mns. A NIum1V Sarni, the children; whinli hod been la` ti after hy traie two miles from here "cies- Meet *mire Remedies, establishad in the death of tha intiter. Was or titled to lerday doming. The 'dead Mau 34 1888, ere the telly it:tenni:tee Orifienit sendy ectinplititiOn, and hie loft whit+ linee eohl on their met its Without 8118111 bl the illsatilnee 411°110Y. audge wrti6t, tine CO.. Goderieb, Ont. have slate in the money. At Le a ittetli. 'tomtit t the 1 ahoula 1 d b en tunputated 11,1 the luivmstigitur, Atbirg,s4 ae 1.6.*1." 1 • yellers and ourist, Travelling from place to place are subject to all lOnd of Bowel Complaint on account of change of wat6 diet and temperature. I , ie... .• 1 Optitiou4 or neitaing entysiebtee. I I 1 Pitekime. told used it tor 4,1(101+611 1M 11%1'4,0 All nevi' exeliilliK1 OW reMpollititn1 of stymies , 'tette with beet rierate. ./. 1). •.Vilson et D., ra- ; I Brice etee. rot sale by druegists, Dr by mai i 1 Meyer, 'setae% 0 n. ; et, eeeetet T. esenneNG, Menteacturing theialet, I toodea oetario. i wier's Ext. of Straw erry is a sure cure for Diarrhcea, Dysentery, Co, Cramps, Pains in the Storna.ch, Seasickness,le Cho Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, Summer Col plaint, and all Fluxes of the Bowels in Children a Adults. Its effects are marvellous. It atts like a charm. Relief is almost instantaneous. Does not leave the Bowels in a constipated eon