The Wingham Times, 1902-08-21, Page 2' 11L WJNGTIA.11 TIMES,, AUGUST 2l't 1902. !43'J!')t •Az]:rita :ter. TIE \VJN nAX T! 4IE53 h't, aM.1,10T'j'. Ya ewes taxi A:IU PILOT' edeETOI THURSDAY. AUGUST al, 190;1, NOTES AND COMMENTS Shard coal is $0, tier ton in Now York °q ty, and in many parts of this country beyond money aria beyond price. Mess the combine relents. the average .1111euseholder will have to feed the woocl- `iittilc and starve the coal -bile this winter. A PAGE. FROM HISTORY. Some Canadians have react the history their own country to little purpose, or they would tont be continently 0,Se persing the patriotism of their neighbors it. Quebec. More likely they have never read it al all. In the current awn- ber of the Empire Review, Sir Gilbert Porker has au article ou " First Y eters of British rule in Canada," ire which he recalls that .period when the destiny Of Gauada as a Britesh colony was deter- mined by li'reuch-4anadittu loyalty. Tha newly assembled congress of the thirteen culouies resolved to try to de- s • ()maria Iadticatigtutl Deparkmetts tack °amide from the British Crown, Irelying upon tee ctietti1t~ctiuet of the lista rued an ofli fat. statement which l Fraueh-Cauudiau pop u 1 a t i0 u, a n d asanonnees that cat.didates for teachers' George Washfugtou despatched a letter to the people of this country calling up - them to renounce their allegiance and rauge themselves''uuder the standard of general fiburt'." Sir Gilbert Parker dwells on this chapter and philosophizes on the past, present and future as follows: " The blandishments of the Thirteen Colouiesor'Provineials,' as they vele called, found ahmost no respouse in Canada. Sir Guy Carletou had lett uothiug undone to plant fidelity iu the hearts of the French-Canadians; and the passiug of the Quebec Act in 1774, which. secured to there freedom of worship and confirmed their owu system of juris- prudeuee, held the French fast to their British allegiance at a time when their disaffection would huge been ruinous to. the Empire. Present-day controversies rage over an act which legalized the French language in a British Dominion; but auyoue who tames the trouble to ex- amine the circumstauees surrounding , rtifoates will not in future he required Ito study Latin. The study Of chemistry gill, however, be made compulsory. It • announces that after 15105 no foreign wage will be either optional or cont- 13y Dominion trade returns sbow that auada bells lucre to Great Britain thou to the rest of the world. We sold *100,000,000 worth. last year to Britain, baying from her but 119,000,000. A sur- plus of sixty trillion dollars of British $03011ey came into the Dominion. That's as practical iutitnation where our best rieuds. are, -Ottawa Journal, no Ontario Department of Agricult- 'Pre has issued a well-priuted and nicely ililustrated hand -book for the use of 2'..V,omell'S Institutes in Ontario. It is Complied by G. C. Creelman, the ener- getic -superintendent of Partners' Iusti- tutes, and eoutains a great deal of osiatter that is of extreme interest to farmers' wives and daughters. The ',Mit of the Department of Agriculture its enactment must see that not only w in this and tetany ether directions is of justice but military expediency required imlestimable value to Ontario. Tile Corn crop in the United States I reach the enormoustotal of 2,561,- were not to be heedlessly thrown away. 490,000 bushels. This will be good news The language question yoxes Canada's for the Canadian farmer who wants his politics to -day, but its solution lies in corn at the lowest price to feed it to the the peaceful assimilation which time hogs and cattle, and convert it into prune pork and beef.. Corn is as much his raw material as pig -iron is to the xnanttfacturer. Theremoval of the duty by the present Government on cern was a capital net, though occasionally an Office- chair farmer' in a Conservative newspaper sanctum registers a kick on general principles.. liberal treatment and wide considera- tion for 70,000 subjects of au alien tongue if the fruits of the Seven Years' War The St. Thomas Journal thinks it 'would pay Canadian farmers to study pigs with the same assiduity they devote to the study of politics. " Every man should keep posted on the politics of the country, but he should not make a steady job of it. There is corn and wheat and hay and pigs to 1^aise, and thisis the serious business of life on a re- creation, l lYould be; politics is his - e creation, and only when it occupies that place in his mind is he safe from the loan company and the foreclosure pro- eeediugs. When a farmer knows all about pigs, and how they grow best, hewholly solved, but those who know her, can begin on cattle, and having made his who understand the temperament of fortune he can go into politics as a both races there and realize that time recreation." and prosperity and mutually shared re- sponsibilities are the great pacificator, deals with agricultural statistics. By await the result with conference. If, in the census c f 1000 it is shown that the iu 1775, French Canada recognized the number of farms operated by their own - ors of British rule, and turned a era has fallen from 75 per cent, to 64.7 deaf ear to the seductive speeches of the per cent. of the es -hole in ten years, the provincials who had resolved to break ttniber' of operated .by tenants with England; again, in 1812, renew rr h eg increased pro_iortionately from their faith; in 1885 helped to put down rebellion fomeuted bya Preuch Cana - 25 per emit. to 35,3 per cent. in the same a Lbe n x store. In 1880 there were 2,1184,306 dime halfbreed; and from 1900 to 1902 °axms owned and operated by the same contributed young men and many gal - s and in 20 years the number officers to the Canecliau contingent increased to 2.713.871, but in the same for the South African war, it is little inti the ntianber of 'tPnaitt farmers probable that the future will bring dis- creased trout X,02 &,001 to 2.020,280. integration. Precedents have been Cho last ton yeas the loss of Inde- set which must continue to govern the and an increased population alone can bring. Near a thousaud years ago a Norman race was grafted ea a Saxou stock, and the fusion has made the strongest nation in Europe. In Canada the social or linguil fusion of the two races has not been achieved; but the ou- ward march of events and the pressure cf a larger industrial life will inevitably accomplish it. Commerce and industry now rigorously invading Quebec, hither- to given aver to agriculture will accom- plish what neither law, preaching or agi- tation .could ever do. Agriculture fosters isolation; commerce and industry make for expansion and help to level all iuterests to one expression. No race question, no language question can long resist theseforces. fore s. Scone. or later r to the e race which dominates industrially will impose its own language. It is the only right solution and it is a peaceful solu- tion. The destiny of Canada is not 1,300 iDia\ IROOPS On Parade at SuOkingham Pate ape. for FIGViow by the King. PRESENTATION OF THE MEDALS Mae Edward Wore a 165O,O00 jeweled. awverd 1>reerxtted Uy the 31 altarajuil of Talpup--.His. Msjysty,It thy Chis. of Ryvlyw Addressed acro 1Y04141 1y w7ryll-Chosen and 1'aotfyl Lral: n*ge, London, Aug. 14. -The Indian cos enation troops, to the number of 1,300, were reviewed by King Ed- ward yesterday. - The arrangements were similar to those when a, body of .colonials was reviewed. The endeut ownership has hcen were rapid policy and patriotism of French Canada. ltt4ttttr in the previous decennium. This tendency ina comparatively young uutry like the United States, where '' lions of • acres await the plow, and here there are no large ancestral estates in the old land, is a theme for serious tion. This y ear'at hucl:lebei'ry crop in litchi - is one of the largest known. From atford ttIoue 0,000 Orates have been Wed out this year. When the Bowels are Constipated. It is a serious matter to neglect consti- ttion. You may do so for a tittle, only to find filet your health has been under- by bodily derangements of the most fatal kind. You should have a movement the bowels every day. To accomplish avoid concentrated foods, use veget- s and fruits freely, and take one of Dr. 'e Kidney -Liver Pills before retiring, three times a week, or oftener if aired. r, Chase's I4idtley.'iiver Pills are not ordittarr cathartic. They have a lflc and combined action on the kid- ys, Byer anti' bowels, and consequently constipation and the accompanying efnents thoroughly and well, by g the causes. laor the information of these who are yet familiar with the peouifar merits Dr, Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, we odd that they are purely vegetable dot, pleasant and natural in remarkably prompt and far - effect, even in the tuost serious cases of constipation, kidney tlhweaee tend stomach troubles. iL aa,a3centsabor. r1Chase's ALlyer P!Is The must valuable of these precedents have been made under the leadership of French-Canadian prime minister at Ot- tawa. Prince of Wales presented medals to the .nen, who aro all picked troops, including Lord Curzon's bodyguard. They presented a fine speetacle in their handsome varl-colored uni- forms. The Princess Victoria .and other rayat parsons took snap -shot pictures while the ceremony was in progress. Queen Alexandra and many notables were present. The Iain„ wore a jeweled sword that cost $50,(100, which was presented to His Majesty by the Maharajah of Jaipur. The scene on the terrace was a very brilliant one, the European mil- itary and levee dress being quite out- shone by the splendid apparel of the Indian princes.. The Queen received a greater ovation: than the King as both passed down a line of notables, bowing and shaking hands. The young sons of the Prince of Wales, the Princes Edward and Albert, con- stituted themselves aides to the Xing and fetched several general officers, who smilingly obeyed their summons to an audience with their grandfa- ther. The great lawn below the terrace was a .marvelous sight in red. yel- low. green and blue, The Bengalese, Sikhs, Gurkhas and Punjab cavalry made a strong contrast to a single khaki spot where the British regu- lars from Indict stood. At the word of command fluttering lances, rifles and carbines were grounded and the contingents ono by ono filed past the royal canopy, saluting Their Majes- ties and receiving medals at the hands of the Prince of Wales. At the close of the review the troops were drawn up in front of the King, who addressed the officers as follows: "I wish to convey to all ranks the high satisfaction it has giv- en me to see this splendid contingent from India. I almost feared, owing to my serious illness, that I would be prevented from having the advan- tage of seeing you, but I ain glad to say that by Cod's mercy I am well again. I recognize among you many of the regiments I had the advan- tage of seeing at Delhi during my tour of India. "I hope the contingent has enjoyed that i•and a England t to in Emay its stayi; return in safety to their homes. I wish you jpo convey these sentiments from me to all ranks of your coin viand.,, Railway Earnings. The Canadian Pacific earnings of the week ending August 7th show an in- crease of $103,000 over the same week of last year. The figures are: -1002, $771,000; 1001, $668,000. For the week ending August 7th the Grand Trunk earnings were ;1584,810, as compared with $508,144 during the corresponding week of 1001, an increase of $18,066. T,+eea And Lightning. Prof. Reynolds, of the Ontario Agri- , cultural College gives as a reason for the s greater destruction of barns by lightning in recent years, the disapparauce of forests. Trees, he says, are conductors of lightning. Whea there aro many of them they carry the electrical energy in small, currents to the earth, and thee prevent damage. That is why it is that you so often find single trees destroyed, while there is no appearance of damage • Iin a forest. Where there are many trees together, currents pass through a num- ber of tlhexn in small volume to the ground, while where one stands alone it may receive a current sufficient to cause its destruction: Trees, according to this theory, are the best protection against lightning, but they should not be toe close to the house. Medals Front the Icing. Leneoa, Aug. 14. - The medals while the Kine yesterday presented to the colonial premiers bore por- traits of the King and Queen on one side; on the other side was the sim- ple monogram E. R. VII., and the a ..nb June, date, n c n J 1J0... 'ifembers of the. Coronation contin- gent were also presented with coron- ation medals ye,.terday. Members of the contingent who came for June, 26 and returned home will not receive medals. A cable says that the British military authorities Will ship a number of breeds M .M1 ) ldia.,e acceptable ing horses Of the style p "t for Military service to Canada, and will en- ` dearer to foster the raising of such ani- mals here. Disttrict Mett:ng.. The fi lancial District Meeting for the hlethuilist churches tats eloderielt district was Reid et Holutesville oil Thursday, Aug. 711t, Every ueiuistert it,1 the dis. trice but three wvere present, and also. three laymen. Atenietemellts wore made for liissiouary nuni'versa les. The follow - lug are the cunouutsassessed tach aieoiutrnent for Ike purpose stated :- Summit. General siltation Conference Gocdorieh, North St ....$28 $;12.85 Goderich Victoria St.. 44 ... 0:00 Ol!utou,'Wesley . (18 ' 30.20 Clinton, Genoio 00. 9 05 Seaforth 00 ..... 9.00 ilolinesville 73........ 0.45 Blyth 48. 7 20 Dungannon .49 7.40 Nile 45 , , , . , , . 0.85 Beultliller i0 5.95 Auburn • 56 8.40 Walton , 28,.,., ... 4,25 Loudesboro , ..... . 47 7.00 Tuolcersmith 20,,,.,, 3.05 Bayfield 81.,.. ,.. 4.70 Varna 44... , . , .. 6,60 Rev. E. N. Baker, of Stratford, pre- senter) the case of St., James 'Church, Montreal, and the District undertook to raise the amount asked for towards relief of the church. Mrs. Leich, district organizer of the W. M. S., addressed the meeting in re- ference to the work of the society, on resolution, she was assured of the hearty sympathy of the meeting with the work. It was decided to co-operate with all other workers to get the greatest possible vote for prohibition on the 4th Decem- ber. rte.'s in the imeeieeees. Brest, Trance, Aug, 14. -Soldiers have been rep;uisitioned in several places in Finistere during the past two or three days, to protect police commissioners, en aged in closing re- ligious schools, front threatening crowds. A battalion of infantry and a strong body of mounted gendarmes were expected at St. Moen, 1r olgoet, and Ploudaniel ,'esterday to overawe the excited population of these towns. The inhabitants of Folgoet are engag'd in building a wall of masonry brhind the principal door of the church school. At St. 3feen scouts en horses, bicycles and even automobiles at•o reconnoitering in on- tl:r to give alarm. of the coining of the police. The peasants declare they will throw beehives among tho *enearines and will put 'beehives in the barricades. fir Olit. r Grtttnful, Toronto, Govermnent Ilouse, Aug. 12, 1002. -The Lieutenant -Governor returns thanks for the kind_ and friendly congratulations whielY'he has received on the occasion of his re - rent birthday. The communications revolved are too numerous to be an- swered separately. He returns thanks also for the good wishes Which cor- respondents have been idnd enough to express. -,tratent Assassin. Berlin, Aug. 74.-A Russian stud- ent named lCalajef , who was recent- ly released from a Silessian prison, has been surrendered to the Russian police, it being suspected that be was an accomplice, in the murder of M. Sipiuguine, the Russian Minister of the Interior, who was shot and 1ci11- ed 'on April 15 last. • Vont Ov.•r the i alis. Niagara. balls, N. 'V., Aug, 14.-- t erd ay 4.-- terday afternoon about .1.:1( a'clot•t: an outman man, about e0 einem of ate, jumped over the Ante/ I- ran Falls, The man walked into the fltreani about 150 feet above tlw brink of the falls. CArttit3dt .ttorlona i 14 Med. Cornwall, Aug. 14 -- R'lYile putt'nii en a belt with it stick in the page r ago, two days 't'V. Chapala -it t. ,, .•.s struck a severe blow oath. sto- mach. Ifo flied last night.. Ile leaw'ce f1 largo family. OfftftfhttgggMttg elf eS 11 D 6 a l,' It is early, quite early, to de ig talk of spring goods. But rM J, Tt 1E. In the Shaw Diode {N;S we have made ready to meet your wants when the time comes. We're bound to be in the forefront. We are determined to win your tailoring account on sheer merit. Every gar- ment we turn out is a strong bid for business. Its style -its workmanship -its fit -its fir ish-•all appeal to the good taste and ambitions of the careful dresser. TOWN DIRECTORY. Berner Oretanoxn---Sabbatk services at 11 a In and 7 t xn. Sunday School. at 2:30 p 111, General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. J..1. Pat- terson, B.A.,pastor, W.J.Cltapeuan, S.S. Superintentleut,. 3 IirrtiODIST oxiuxtou-Sabbath services at 11 it m and 7 p Senility School, at 2:80 p nt, Epworth League every Mon- day eveuiug.. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev, Richard Robbs, pastor. Dr. cronies, 5, S. Sap- urintendont, Pnnspl•TE13xAN CIIU1:orI Sabbath ser- vices at 11 a so and 7 p 1n. Sunday School at 2:30 p m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev., D. Porno, pastor and 5 'ET, Superinten- dent.. ST, P.t.ur'a's Cuuuon, EPlsoor'al,-Sab- bath services at 11 a uti autl 7 p ne. Sun- day School at 2 : 30 p m,. General prayer meeting ou Wednesday* evening. • Rev. Wm. Lowe, incumbent, F. Shore, S. 5, Snporiutoudent, SArahorroN Anttz-Service at 7 and 11 a m and 3 and 8 p n1 on Sundayy, and every evening during the weep at 8 o'clot:k at the barracks. Pose OFFICE-Iu Macdonald Block. Office hours from S a m to 0:30 p m.. Peter Fisher, postmaster. MECIIA.NICS' INSTITUTE -Library and free reading room in the . Town Hall, will be open every afternoon from 2 to 5:45 o'clock and every evening from 7 to 9:30 o'clock. Miss Millie Robertson, librarian. TowN Coueegn.-R. Vanstone, Mayor; Wm. Holmes, Thos, Bell, Robt. Mc- Iudoo, J J. Elliott, W. F. VauStone, A. J. Trwiu, Coancillors1 J. B. Fer- guson, Clerk and Treasurer; William Clegg, Assessor, Wm. 'Robertson, Col- lector. Board meets first Monday even- ing in each month at 8 o'clock, SoaooL BoAED -H. Kerr, (chairman), Thos. Abraham, . J. J. Elliott, J. J. Homuth, Wm. Moore, Thos, Bell, Wm. Button, 0. N. Griffin. Secretary, Wm. Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. Meetings second Tuesday evening in each mouth. PU1uLIp SCHOOL T'EAOIIERS.-A. H. Musgrove, Principal, E.. C. Coultes, Miss Reynolds, Miss' Farquharson, Miss Cornyu, Miss McLean, Miss Matheson Miss Reid, and Miss Cummings. BOARD OF TIEALTIT=Mayor Vanatone, (chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg- ory, Dr. Kennedy. J. B. Ferguson. Sec- retary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical Health Officer.. De ere. A r. 'Wood's Thoaphodine, The Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. Sex packages guaranteed to cure an forms of Sexual WVeekness, all eiteete'of abuse or excess, blental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on-eceipt of price, one package SI. six, $5. One toil/Nese: tLttoil/ cues. Pamphlets freer to any addres8. The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. Wood's Pliespb.odino is sold in Wingham by Colin A. Campbell A. L. Hamilton, R. A. Douglass, and, J. E. Davis, Druggists. PIANO AND THEORY. MISS SARA LOUISE MOORE. L.C.M. and member of the Associnted Musicians of Ontario, is prepared to recoil'e a limited num- ber of pupils for instruetimn on Piano and in Theory. Special attention given to pupils preparing for examinations. Residence -opposite R. C. Church, Wingham. TO CON SE3$Il'irJl'XVES. TlicT haul undersigned b restored g nu ecu r to cd to health by simple means, after 'snfferine for several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread diseasn'Cons umptton, is anxious to r.. 11 1• final,e, k.n.nvn to his fellow sufl'ere s the moans of euro. To those who desire It, he will cheer- fully sera (free of charge) It eoppv of the pre. Feriptxou used. which they will nude cure for 1 Cousatnptlon, Asthma Oatavrh, llronchi- # tis and ail throat uud lung lttctladies. He I hopes all sufferers will try hitt remedy, as ft is fttvatuable. The;edeeheiu; the prescription, • which wild east them nothir ft, and ntay prove it teeming, wiltlease address, il'ev. U A. WA WIL'O i Yl: , Brooltiyn, Now York. SaTAare:iHAM 1872 PUBhisenso. VERY FRIDAY MORNING The Tunes Of11ee, Beaver • Meek. wmani I , ONTARIO, Ten=s or Sunecutttrior-$1 al per stinum in advance $1.50 if not so plaid. No paper disron tinuedl till all nrreatrs aro paid, except at tate option of the publiaher. novettrtst so R .rss, --- Legal and other casual ttdvertiaentents Sr per Noapperiel tine for first insertion, to per lino for men aubseyueut insertion. Advertisements in loepl,eolumns are charged loots, per line fur first insertion, and S cents per line forentelt subsequent insertion. Advertisements of Lost" Found, Stre ed, Forms for Sale or to Rent, tend sirnibtr, $1.00 for Rist ntentxt end 40 coots for °{telt snbsequent ntontlt. SoNTRAcI RATrs-Tho following table shows our rates tor the insertion of advertisements for specified periods:,-,- 1 eriods:1 r•a. Omit. 8.fo. 1 stet One Column $00,00- *85.00 *15.110. rata Half Column 85,00 18.00 10,00 4.00 Quarter Coluann 18.00 10.00 0,00 2.00 Advertisemeigts without specific directions will be inserted till forbid and charged accord- ingly. Transient advertisements must he paid for in advance. Tun Jon DsPAnxnut'sr is stocked with an extensive assortment or all requisites for print- ing, affording facilities not equalled in the county for turnin • out first class work. Large type and appropriate cuts for all styles of Post- ers, Hand Bilis, etc., and the latest styles of choice fancy type for the liner classes of print. ing.. I'ili, , `-- J. J. Elliott, V. S. Il i r1,, r., t ' i, .h19 ;. " Honorer Graduate of 1 .. Honorary_ it I F .ti; .i 4p, Ontario VotorinaYy -3, College. 4 • . s 92.ti k iInfirmary tri, ;wit Office and 7 Corner. of Victoria and ; Minnie Sts. Winghnrn. Day and night galls promptly attended to. !lo ep 0 1 honeconn ction. FARMERS H. B. ELLIOTT, end Publisher T P. KENNEDY M.1).. M. 0. P. 5.O e • (Member of the British Medical Associa- tion.) Gold Meaallist in Medicine. Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Child ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. n),.: 7 to 0 p. m. and anyone having live stock or other. articles they wish to dispose of, should adver• tise the same for sale in the Tmuu. Our large bo strange indeed if and it ' ll circulation tells vi you do not get a customer. We can't guarantee that you will sell because you may ask more for tho article or stock than it is worth. Send your advertisement to the Togas and try this plan of disposing of your stock and other articles. Telephone Statiolis DR, MACDONALD, Centre Street Wingham. Ontario. DR. AGNEW, Physician, Surgeon, etc. Office -Macdonald Block, over J. E. Davis' Drug Store. Night calls answered at the office: VANSTONE, • BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Private ono. Company funds to loan at lowest rate of interest. No conintissiouclutrg s I. ort- gages, town and farm property bought and sold. Office, Beaver Block, Wingham, Place the vast facilities of the Telepbone System lit the disposal of everyone. Are convenient for the use of non -subscribers. The P,eII Telephone Co. of Canada LIIMIITED 0 'DUNLOP" All kinds of Rubber Tires for all kinds of Vehicles, Dunlop Bicycle Tires Pncumatio Carriage Tiros Nobel Rubber Carriage Tires Invalid Chair Tires Tires for Baby Currieges. Thrr Dunlop Tire Co., Limited vo oN'r0. Our Trademark ,,1.?:n:nnf a•,. y,SRN: i JA. MORTON, J. BARRISTER, &o., Wingham, Ont. E. L.DICIcINsoN DUDLEY HOLMES DICKINSON & HOLMES BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc. MONET TO LOAN. OEMMMOE: Meyer Block, Wingham. THE HAPPY LONG AGO. • They tell ns of the good old time-.,. '1'htw happy long ago-•• , A Alas! the world to -day is filleciagip' With nothing Much but woof Beek in.the bli•ssftth lovely Boys, 1 l When tell tb.inge were so nice,, 1`Te ice n40n's wagons rumbled, tepd , The people had tie ice. , 14'T, >3nok in the happy, happy days (• I When people were ,go. ltle$t, i When lire wars worth the living, ands The world 1v.as at its' best; •t. t Men didn't turn the faucets op • ( sWhen they were Rema at. night, •f And plunge tt,S wo plunge into tube* t Alt .smooth and, Olean and white. 1 The gool old days, the fair old days', t Ere awnings had been made. How sweet it must have been, when it War ninety in the shade, To .sit beside a window whore ! The Fun was shining through, ' While front uxtnprinkled streets the 1 dust , t In choking volumes blew l l . ! ARTHUR. J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office over Post Office, Wingham. Office closed every Wednesday afternoon during Juno, July and August. Y T. HOLLOWAY, D.D:S., V L.D.S. •,a.. `" New method for painless ex- - a traction. No Cocaine. Special attention to the care and regulation of children's tenths. Moderate prices and all work carefully and skilfully performed:. Office in'Beaver Block, Wingham. Office closed. every •Wednesday afternoon during Juno, July and August. JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, Wingham, Ont. 1.1 1. $.spiveudd they must have been wvho i l In t110se old, happy day°, ' f' When everything was done by handl Irr good, old-fashioned ways, When ,smoky candlca piereod the gloom. And babies yelled at night, Beoauso there was no snfetyl pins To give • their souls delight. , I All, happy, happy days long past, '. f When all the world wan gay, Ere wiedow soreens had been devisecli To keep the flies awu"y ; 1 'When people slept on corded, bode . I And had their vlslons rare, When glad mosquitoes took their fill--. What happiness was thorn ! , , , r JOHN CURRIE, WINc1HAM, ONT. eJ LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales of Farm Stook and Farm Implements a specialty. All orders left at Tmt TIMES office promptly attended to. Terms reasonable. E. ESTELLE GRIFFIN w1NOaAer TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE. Pupils prepared for Conservatory of Massie examinations. VIOLIN AND GUITAR. MISS dARRIE MOORE 'of London Conservatory of Music, will be pre- pared after Oct. 1st to receive a limited num ber of pupils for instruction on Violin and Guitar. ResidessCo-opposito R. C. Church, Wingham. JOB PRINTING, . including Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill Heads, Circulars, &c., &c., exeCuted in the hest style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short notice. BoOKETICEING: Wo are pleased to announce Hint any Books or Magazines left with us for Binding, will have our prompt attention Prices for Binding in any style will be given on application to THE TIMES OFFICE, Wingham.. A Million Barrels of Apples. .A. Belleville fruit dealer has received an order from Englund for a million barrels of apples. G, 0. Greelmau, Superintendent of Farmers' Institutes, who has been travelling through the province lately, reports that there will be a good crop of apples all over. Far- mers who have been spraying their orchards will reap the benefit this years, as the Fruit Market Act for No. 1 fruit calls for apples which are 110 per cent, free front scab. The orchards that have been sprayed will be the ones whieli will fulfil this condition, Great interest is being aroused by the work of three men the departmeut now has out giving practical demonstrations in spraying and thinning. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. ° GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM. GRAND mud/Ns LEAVE von London 0.50 a.m.... 8.10p.m. Toronto & East ..0 a.m,0.53 a.m.... 8.05p.m. Kineardine..11.10 a.m1.40 p -m.... 8.88p.m. AttxcZVE MOM Kincardine 0.60 a.m0.00 a.m.... 3.05 p.m, London..... 11.10 a.ni .... 7.65 p.Yn. PaImerston 11.10 a.m, Toronto & East 1.40 p.m,.,. 8.88 p.m. L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWA'i'. CANADIAN =AIM MOB Toronto and East 0.57 a m .. 8.53 p.m. Teeswvater .1.17 p.m....10.48 p.m. ArtPitVel vetoer Teeswater,. 6.67 a.m..- 3.68 p.m. Toronto and East 117 p m....I0.48 pail. T. H. BEEMER, Agent, Wingham. .IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE TIMES A ten cent straw hat will keep as mauy flies off a bald head;44ts a $25 panama, and if the ten center happens to blow off the fat man does not have to bust his bellows and his chances in g the horaat'ter in captniiu„ it. The farmers of Waterloo county have securest the services of 300 of the Six Nation Indians to help in the cultiva- tion of sugar beets for the great factory now in course of erection at Berlin. The labor problem is a .Yard one in raising sugar beets. The Indians have been at work 60 days about Blair, Doon, Hawkesville and Berlin and are this week helping to pull flax: • - For Over Sixty roars. An Old and Well -Tried Remedy -Mrs Winslow's SoothiugSyrup has boon used for over sixty years byriiionsof mothers rs for their chilren while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cure* wind colic, and is the best remedy for dinh'hcea. It is pleasant to the taste. Solei by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents. a bottle, Its value to is incalculable. Be sureon ash;: for Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind- There is a noted difference in the style and fit of Pants we make that always brings peo- ple back for another' pair. Then there is the low price and better quality of cloth put in them -cloth that wears See our new goods and prices. WEBSTER Thebe1VIARICS COPYRIGHTS &O. Anyone sending u sketch and desertpDt.ien mar g111Cklr aaeertaln onr opinion freci 'whether Ill invention is prehnbly pat stable). t`omtnunle,s ttont atrictiv confidential. handbook oh Patents, sent free. Oldest aa enee for securing stents. Petente taken through Munti t 00. racer,* settell /Wise, >ritho ut charge, in the $detttifit erknft, A handaotnCly i1lnrtrntCd wvoekly. 7mrgefit e[r tniation of any acionttfls ietweel. Terme. to d year: p hnnriltonths, $1. Sold Lynn newedealera. MOlii'! & go,3tieroadw v,tlliv hits leech U:Ceee, CO I L.t,r Waeh., ,sten-lr. • Our fA'IO $5r D MING., This is the best value in a. Lady's Diamond Ring ever offered for $5o.00. The stones in these rings are personally selected by us from the cutters in Amsterdam, and are absolutely perfect. You will find this and hundreds of other', styles illustrated in our catalogue, a copy of which will be sent you free. lbiAM©ND HALL, Established 185: !lyric Bros, Yonfge and Adelaide Sts., TORONTO. De ere. A r. 'Wood's Thoaphodine, The Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. Sex packages guaranteed to cure an forms of Sexual WVeekness, all eiteete'of abuse or excess, blental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on-eceipt of price, one package SI. six, $5. One toil/Nese: tLttoil/ cues. Pamphlets freer to any addres8. The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. Wood's Pliespb.odino is sold in Wingham by Colin A. Campbell A. L. Hamilton, R. A. Douglass, and, J. E. Davis, Druggists. PIANO AND THEORY. MISS SARA LOUISE MOORE. L.C.M. and member of the Associnted Musicians of Ontario, is prepared to recoil'e a limited num- ber of pupils for instruetimn on Piano and in Theory. Special attention given to pupils preparing for examinations. Residence -opposite R. C. Church, Wingham. TO CON SE3$Il'irJl'XVES. TlicT haul undersigned b restored g nu ecu r to cd to health by simple means, after 'snfferine for several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread diseasn'Cons umptton, is anxious to r.. 11 1• final,e, k.n.nvn to his fellow sufl'ere s the moans of euro. To those who desire It, he will cheer- fully sera (free of charge) It eoppv of the pre. Feriptxou used. which they will nude cure for 1 Cousatnptlon, Asthma Oatavrh, llronchi- # tis and ail throat uud lung lttctladies. He I hopes all sufferers will try hitt remedy, as ft is fttvatuable. The;edeeheiu; the prescription, • which wild east them nothir ft, and ntay prove it teeming, wiltlease address, il'ev. U A. WA WIL'O i Yl: , Brooltiyn, Now York. SaTAare:iHAM 1872 PUBhisenso. VERY FRIDAY MORNING The Tunes Of11ee, Beaver • Meek. wmani I , ONTARIO, Ten=s or Sunecutttrior-$1 al per stinum in advance $1.50 if not so plaid. No paper disron tinuedl till all nrreatrs aro paid, except at tate option of the publiaher. novettrtst so R .rss, --- Legal and other casual ttdvertiaentents Sr per Noapperiel tine for first insertion, to per lino for men aubseyueut insertion. Advertisements in loepl,eolumns are charged loots, per line fur first insertion, and S cents per line forentelt subsequent insertion. Advertisements of Lost" Found, Stre ed, Forms for Sale or to Rent, tend sirnibtr, $1.00 for Rist ntentxt end 40 coots for °{telt snbsequent ntontlt. SoNTRAcI RATrs-Tho following table shows our rates tor the insertion of advertisements for specified periods:,-,- 1 eriods:1 r•a. Omit. 8.fo. 1 stet One Column $00,00- *85.00 *15.110. rata Half Column 85,00 18.00 10,00 4.00 Quarter Coluann 18.00 10.00 0,00 2.00 Advertisemeigts without specific directions will be inserted till forbid and charged accord- ingly. Transient advertisements must he paid for in advance. Tun Jon DsPAnxnut'sr is stocked with an extensive assortment or all requisites for print- ing, affording facilities not equalled in the county for turnin • out first class work. Large type and appropriate cuts for all styles of Post- ers, Hand Bilis, etc., and the latest styles of choice fancy type for the liner classes of print. ing.. I'ili, , `-- J. J. Elliott, V. S. Il i r1,, r., t ' i, .h19 ;. " Honorer Graduate of 1 .. Honorary_ it I F .ti; .i 4p, Ontario VotorinaYy -3, College. 4 • . s 92.ti k iInfirmary tri, ;wit Office and 7 Corner. of Victoria and ; Minnie Sts. Winghnrn. Day and night galls promptly attended to. !lo ep 0 1 honeconn ction. FARMERS H. B. ELLIOTT, end Publisher T P. KENNEDY M.1).. M. 0. P. 5.O e • (Member of the British Medical Associa- tion.) Gold Meaallist in Medicine. Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Child ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. n),.: 7 to 0 p. m. and anyone having live stock or other. articles they wish to dispose of, should adver• tise the same for sale in the Tmuu. Our large bo strange indeed if and it ' ll circulation tells vi you do not get a customer. We can't guarantee that you will sell because you may ask more for tho article or stock than it is worth. Send your advertisement to the Togas and try this plan of disposing of your stock and other articles. Telephone Statiolis DR, MACDONALD, Centre Street Wingham. Ontario. DR. AGNEW, Physician, Surgeon, etc. Office -Macdonald Block, over J. E. Davis' Drug Store. Night calls answered at the office: VANSTONE, • BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Private ono. Company funds to loan at lowest rate of interest. No conintissiouclutrg s I. ort- gages, town and farm property bought and sold. Office, Beaver Block, Wingham, Place the vast facilities of the Telepbone System lit the disposal of everyone. Are convenient for the use of non -subscribers. The P,eII Telephone Co. of Canada LIIMIITED 0 'DUNLOP" All kinds of Rubber Tires for all kinds of Vehicles, Dunlop Bicycle Tires Pncumatio Carriage Tiros Nobel Rubber Carriage Tires Invalid Chair Tires Tires for Baby Currieges. Thrr Dunlop Tire Co., Limited vo oN'r0. Our Trademark ,,1.?:n:nnf a•,. y,SRN: i JA. MORTON, J. BARRISTER, &o., Wingham, Ont. E. L.DICIcINsoN DUDLEY HOLMES DICKINSON & HOLMES BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc. MONET TO LOAN. OEMMMOE: Meyer Block, Wingham. THE HAPPY LONG AGO. • They tell ns of the good old time-.,. '1'htw happy long ago-•• , A Alas! the world to -day is filleciagip' With nothing Much but woof Beek in.the bli•ssftth lovely Boys, 1 l When tell tb.inge were so nice,, 1`Te ice n40n's wagons rumbled, tepd , The people had tie ice. , 14'T, >3nok in the happy, happy days (• I When people were ,go. ltle$t, i When lire wars worth the living, ands The world 1v.as at its' best; •t. t Men didn't turn the faucets op • ( sWhen they were Rema at. night, •f And plunge tt,S wo plunge into tube* t Alt .smooth and, Olean and white. 1 The gool old days, the fair old days', t Ere awnings had been made. How sweet it must have been, when it War ninety in the shade, To .sit beside a window whore ! The Fun was shining through, ' While front uxtnprinkled streets the 1 dust , t In choking volumes blew l l . ! ARTHUR. J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office over Post Office, Wingham. Office closed every Wednesday afternoon during Juno, July and August. Y T. HOLLOWAY, D.D:S., V L.D.S. •,a.. `" New method for painless ex- - a traction. No Cocaine. Special attention to the care and regulation of children's tenths. Moderate prices and all work carefully and skilfully performed:. Office in'Beaver Block, Wingham. Office closed. every •Wednesday afternoon during Juno, July and August. JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, Wingham, Ont. 1.1 1. $.spiveudd they must have been wvho i l In t110se old, happy day°, ' f' When everything was done by handl Irr good, old-fashioned ways, When ,smoky candlca piereod the gloom. And babies yelled at night, Beoauso there was no snfetyl pins To give • their souls delight. , I All, happy, happy days long past, '. f When all the world wan gay, Ere wiedow soreens had been devisecli To keep the flies awu"y ; 1 'When people slept on corded, bode . I And had their vlslons rare, When glad mosquitoes took their fill--. What happiness was thorn ! , , , r JOHN CURRIE, WINc1HAM, ONT. eJ LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales of Farm Stook and Farm Implements a specialty. All orders left at Tmt TIMES office promptly attended to. Terms reasonable. E. ESTELLE GRIFFIN w1NOaAer TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE. Pupils prepared for Conservatory of Massie examinations. VIOLIN AND GUITAR. MISS dARRIE MOORE 'of London Conservatory of Music, will be pre- pared after Oct. 1st to receive a limited num ber of pupils for instruction on Violin and Guitar. ResidessCo-opposito R. C. Church, Wingham. JOB PRINTING, . including Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill Heads, Circulars, &c., &c., exeCuted in the hest style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short notice. BoOKETICEING: Wo are pleased to announce Hint any Books or Magazines left with us for Binding, will have our prompt attention Prices for Binding in any style will be given on application to THE TIMES OFFICE, Wingham.. A Million Barrels of Apples. .A. Belleville fruit dealer has received an order from Englund for a million barrels of apples. G, 0. Greelmau, Superintendent of Farmers' Institutes, who has been travelling through the province lately, reports that there will be a good crop of apples all over. Far- mers who have been spraying their orchards will reap the benefit this years, as the Fruit Market Act for No. 1 fruit calls for apples which are 110 per cent, free front scab. The orchards that have been sprayed will be the ones whieli will fulfil this condition, Great interest is being aroused by the work of three men the departmeut now has out giving practical demonstrations in spraying and thinning. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. ° GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM. GRAND mud/Ns LEAVE von London 0.50 a.m.... 8.10p.m. Toronto & East ..0 a.m,0.53 a.m.... 8.05p.m. Kineardine..11.10 a.m1.40 p -m.... 8.88p.m. AttxcZVE MOM Kincardine 0.60 a.m0.00 a.m.... 3.05 p.m, London..... 11.10 a.ni .... 7.65 p.Yn. PaImerston 11.10 a.m, Toronto & East 1.40 p.m,.,. 8.88 p.m. L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWA'i'. CANADIAN =AIM MOB Toronto and East 0.57 a m .. 8.53 p.m. Teeswvater .1.17 p.m....10.48 p.m. ArtPitVel vetoer Teeswater,. 6.67 a.m..- 3.68 p.m. Toronto and East 117 p m....I0.48 pail. T. H. BEEMER, Agent, Wingham. .IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE TIMES A ten cent straw hat will keep as mauy flies off a bald head;44ts a $25 panama, and if the ten center happens to blow off the fat man does not have to bust his bellows and his chances in g the horaat'ter in captniiu„ it. The farmers of Waterloo county have securest the services of 300 of the Six Nation Indians to help in the cultiva- tion of sugar beets for the great factory now in course of erection at Berlin. The labor problem is a .Yard one in raising sugar beets. The Indians have been at work 00 days about Blair, Doon, Hawkesville and Berlin and aro this week helping to pull flax: • - For Over Sixty roars. An Old and Well -Tried Remedy -Mrs Winslow's SoothiugSyrup has boon used for over sixty years byriiionsof mothers rs for their chilren while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cure* wind colic, and is the best remedy for dinh'hcea. It is pleasant to the taste. Solei by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents. a bottle, Its value to is incalculable. Be sureon ash;: for Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind- There is a noted difference in the style and fit of Pants we make that always brings peo- ple back for another' pair. Then there is the low price and better quality of cloth put in them -cloth that wears See our new goods and prices. WEBSTER Thebe1VIARICS COPYRIGHTS &O. Anyone sending u sketch and desertpDt.ien mar g111Cklr aaeertaln onr opinion freci 'whether Ill invention is prehnbly pat stable). t`omtnunle,s ttont atrictiv confidential. handbook oh Patents, sent free. Oldest aa enee for securing stents. Petente taken through Munti t 00. racer,* settell /Wise, >ritho ut charge, in the $detttifit erknft, A handaotnCly i1lnrtrntCd wvoekly. 7mrgefit e[r tniation of any acionttfls ietweel. Terme. to d year: p hnnriltonths, $1. Sold Lynn newedealera. MOlii'! & go,3tieroadw v,tlliv hits leech U:Ceee, CO I L.t,r Waeh., ,sten-lr.