HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-08-14, Page 81
New Fall Dross Goods $
Yon are going to some of the large Exhibitions, and S
you will require is new dress to be up with the times.
We have a large assortment of new Fail Dress
Goode in stock now, in all the latest shades and
weaves, suitable for suits and skirts, consisting' of
Broadcloths, Serres, Tweeds, Venetians, Cheviots„
7ibilines,Henriettas, Coati's, Vigeureux, etc.
See our crepe de chenes, in cream blaek. green, rose
and grey, the newest thins for Fancy Shirt Waists.
,Also our Fancy Striped Flannels -they're up -to dste.
The Linen Department
In this department we can show you the best assort-
ment ever seen outside the cities.
-Table Lime's, genranteed pure linen, 250 to $1.25 a y(1
-Table Napkins, to match the linens, 500 m :,3.50 a doe 0
-Linen Towels, extralarge size, - 230 to $1.60 a pr
-Linen Towelling -at, luree assortment.
5 pieces new Wool Carpets, entirely new designs,
0, and the newest colorings, ranging in price
OP from - - (5e to $1 15 a yard.
Linoleum and Oilcinths, from 1 to 4 yards in width,
ranging in price from 25c to $2 25 per yard.
SUMMER GOODS --All Summer Goods are rapidly
• elealiltg out at and below cost, at
Plhvb brt
-Regular meeting -of Camp Cttledoi.ia,
S. O. S. on Monday evening next.
--L.0. L. Excursion to Sarnia and
Detroit on Saturday, Angast
--New subscribers can get the `�'.atl•:s
till January 1st, 1903 for 23 cents.
--The Guy Bros. ;t:inistrele will visit
Wiligitalle about the 31st of October.
:'Deep the dates of tlle.),Vingham fall
fairlie Tit. 23 and 26, pasted in your hat.
-Brussels races on Tuesday and "c4 ed-
ueeday of next week. Three events for
each day.
-A number of farmers have already
delivered new :wheat at. the Wingham
• ffoiir mill.
-Flags were floating on many of the
buildings in town on Saturday in honor
of the coronation of King Edward.
-We are pleased to learn that Mrs. T.
M. Henderson, of the Bluevale road is
able to be ont again, after her long and
i u5,1e1111ea;$., i. ..
t(esi.it� t'erltilViringilemites. are camped at
the bowery. A heavy rain arrested
`thein on their arrival. We trust their
tenets are both tight and warns. -Kincar-
dine Reporter.
-Miss May Button of Teeswater has
been engaged as teacher of the Junction
school. An advt. in the Tlurs was the
means of the trustees securing an appli-
cation from Miss Button.
-Mr- R. S. Pluton, late publisher of
the Atwood Bee liras purchased the Paris
Reviews from Mr. Lawton, and will take
possession on the 1st of September. Bro.
Pelton has our best wishes for success in
bis larger field.
-The interior. of Mr. A. 11. Smith's
store is being p apeaetl, and painted. This
will gives the store a bright appetitanee
A1r, Smith leas a new advt in this issne.
--Mrs, Morrow has purchased the old
building ou the corner of Patrick and
Frames streets and is having it removed
unto her prof erty adjoining,. where it
will be converted into a stable.
--A Western girl onto advertit ed for a
husband and lauded feint successfully.
The total expenses for advertising,
wedding outfit, etc, anuuouit2(1 to $11.
Within a year's time her husband died,
leaving her a $20,000 lite insurance
Policy. Yet some Aeople claim that it
does not pay to advertise,
-The Tims till the 1st of January,
1003 to new subscribers for 25 cents.
-Mr. T. H. Ross is away on a, trip to
Manitoba and took with him a carload
of buggies.
-I. 0. F. excursion to Buffalo, ou
:iiturday, August 16th. Fare from
Winghalu, $3.70.
-Mr. John Hamilton has sold his
house and lot ou Frances "'street to Mrs.
Haslean of Belgrave.
-We had a slight frost in this locality
on Monday night. On low laud some
garden stuff was nipped.
-The Listowel Banner,Ripley Express
and Teeswater News are taking their
annual holiday this week.
-No appeals hare been entered in
connection with the 1902 voters' lists
of the township of Turnberry.
-Mr. J. C. Monteith's expenses in
connection with the late election in
North Perth are given at $537.62.
-The work of pulling flax is under
way and several loads of workers leave
town every.n~.orning for this purpose.
-While'I orry Scott, a former Wing -
ham boy Mvuiiiandling a Mauser bullet
at Lindsay, it exploded and blow oft part
of his finger.
-Work has been commenced ou the
Vanstone•Grifliu block of stores. Not
being able to get pressed brick has
caused delay.
-Mr. John Ward shipped his house-
hold effects to Bracebridge this week.
Mrs. Ward and family also left this
week for Bracebridge.
-Court Maitland, C. 0. F. will hold a
high-class concert iu the opera house•in
October. Date and talent will be
announced in future issues of the Tinos.
B. rgains!
We shall be glad to have contributions to
this column from any of our rvatle> a, 12 you
have visitors or purpose going away yourseif,
drop in and tell us, or send us a note to that
Mr. Geo. Shaw has returned home
from Mauitoba.
Mrs. Booth, of Toronto is visiting
with Mrs. Thos. Bowers.
Mrs. Tilos. H. Dodds of Mitchell is
visiting with friends in town.
filiss S. Farquharson has been visiting
with her brother in Teeswater.
tdr, John Murray, of Dundas spent
Sunday with his fawilyin town,
Mr. Ed. W. Cross, of Chesley was
visiting with friends iu this town.
Miss Ellis Wilson, of the "Soo" was
visiting with Miss Bugg this week.
Mrs. J. Sinclair, of Listowel was visit-
ine with friends iii town this week.
Mrs. B]asdale and children, of Exeter
are vititiug with Wiegham friends.
Mr. Jas. A. Cummings of Listowel was
visiting at his home here over Sunday.
Mr. J. R. Munshaw, of Toronto was
calling ou old friends in town this week.
Mrs. P. H. Petch spent a few days this
week visiting with friends in Walker-
Mr. D. McCormick, of Hamilton was
calling on old friends in town this
• Miss Aggie McLean, of London is
spending a few holidays at her home
in town,
Mr. Roy Gordon, of Toronto is spend-
ing his holidays ander the parental roof
in town.
Mr. Geo. H, Mooney, of The Ripley
Express was iu town.for a few days last
Mr. J. J. Doyle, of the Bank of Hamil-
ton has been relieving at Blyth for th
past week.
Misses Mary and Bertha Coventry of
.New York City are visiting their par-
ents in town.
Mrs. Dulmage, of Seaforth is visiting
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Mrs, Keeling anti children, of Car-
gill were visiting with her sister, Mrs.
E. H. Kaiser.
Mrs. A. E. Swanton, of Woodstock
is visiting with her sister, Mrs F. J.
C trr this week.
Miss Hattie Gannett spent a few (lays
in Gotlerich with her friend, Miss
Gertie Nivins. ,
Mr. S. T. Elliott, of In gerso1l isspend-
ing a few days With his brother. Mr.
H. B. Elliott.
Mr. Geo. A. Found of Gorrie has
secured a situation on the C. P. R. at
Winnipeg as operator.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Sullivan and child-
ren have returned home after a two
weeks' visit in Chesley.
Mrs. R. •Clegg has been spending a
couple of weeks in Southampton, the
guest of Mrs. S. E. Kent. •
Mr. Robt. A. Kerr is home from
Seattle, Wash., and is spending a few
weeks with his family iu town.
Mrs. A. Waite and son, and Mrs. Bar-
low, of Toronto, are visiting at their
parental home on Frances street.
Mrs. Harries, of Hamilton and Mr.
and Mrs. Coleman, of Detroit, have been
visiting at Mr. D. E. McDonald's.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Galbraith and child-
ren, of Chathan5, are visiting with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Galbraith.
Mrs. R. Miley returned to her home
in Exeter last week, after a few days
visit at the home of Mr. S. Merrifield.
Misses Teta and Mary Itobertson, and
Miss Tena Young are visiting with their
uucle,•Mr. M. Robertson at Marnoch.
Dr. Macdonald, M. P., is in Owen
Sound this week on business in connec-
tion with the Sun Portland Cement Co.
Mrs. A. W. Warren and children are
spending the week near Wingham, visit-
ing Mrs. Warren's parents. --Ingersoll
Mrs. Harry Church and two children
of Galt are visiting her parents, Mr,
Church also spent a few days of the
past week here.
Mr. S .Gracey has returned home from
his trip toCalgary, lV. W. T.,and spent
a few days in' town this Week, calling on
his old friends,
Miss A. M. Holland, who has been
visiting at Mr. Mclenzie's in town, left
for her home )n Brooklyn 11. 7. on
Wednesday morning.
Mr. W. E. Groves, of Toronto, for -
principal of the Wingham public
school, is spending this week at his
per ental lig in tette.
These are for Thursday, Fr day and Saturday ONLT. We want you
to try us with your next RO '.1LY ORDER. We know we can please
you, be you ever so parti alt . It ,will pay you to buy these at the price
even if you do net need th for a while :
7 tie. tars Victor Soap for.... 25e. 8 lbs. Wheat Farina............ 25c.
3 5c. " Sweet Flom Soap .. 25e.
73 10 " Indian Queen " for 25c.
121cc. " Laundry " " 10c.
250. tt Dish Cloth " " 20e.
7 5c. packagee Gold Dust Wash-
ing Conpcund 25c.
25e. Gold Dust . .......... 15e.
500. Tins Capitol Coffee ground
while you wait 25c.
8 lbs. Tillson's Gold Dust Corn -
8 lbs. Wheat Os 13reakfast Food 25e.
Cooked Ilam by the piece per lb 25c.
McLaren's and Pure Gold Jelly
Powders, ail flavors, ,", pkgs. 25c
4 10e. bottle extracts any flavor 25e
Everything it colored dishes at
15/, discount. Water setts at special
81.25 line for 81.00.
I liner
�1for $1.2)
$ 2.00 line for $1.50.
meal .........:......... R 25e. They're Swell.
()one in and bolt around. We will be pleased to show you our goods and wvi11
not ask yen to buy. We are here to sell yon if we can please you and don't want
O19 tie oteserwiee as a satisfied customer is the best of advertisements. Come as
a dwir1yr tie /vs tin; we will be able to whit on you to better advantage.
h►1� / '� TUDlI'OPEy
Oroe ry itsd Crockery Merchant. Opposite .Bank of Hamilton
A, R. SrnitIi, Chisholm block, Wingham
Respoct YourseIf
A man who respect him-
self is generally correctly
To always be correctly attired you
must buy only such clothing as will
retain its respectable appearance to
the last.
The right finish of scams is one of
the many reasons why
$horey9s Rea' v Clothing
invariably succ
cls i pleasing its
Every scam tI t might ravel is
overcast --that , it is neatly sewed
over and over, so that ravelling
iv inipossib1.'`..
This is only one of the fine points
of Shorey Clothing. Another is
their satisfaction guarantee.
We sell Shorey'n Clothing. We
can find no better.
Sum er Sale Still 6oinA On,
' : IT �. � ' i C
Mrs. Geo. Glendenning, . of Kent
county and Mrs. Jas. Cleledenning, of
Sioux City aro visiting with relatives
and friends in 1i%hightail,
Mrs. M. Oakley with 11ei four children
from. Blyth left fl em the Whignan
Station on the G. T. R. on Saturday for
Idaho iu the far Western States.
Mrs. (Rev.) P. W. Anderson of Shel-
burne and Miss Rothwell, of Port
Arthur were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Abner Cosens for a few. days this week.
Mr. Chester Davis leaves for To-
ronto this week to accept a position in a
wholesale house. Chester has the best
wishes of the T13010 for his future
ltev. and Mrs. T. Walker Malcolm of
Manilla, Iowa, returned' home to -day
after spending a pleasant week with the
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Coventry,
Patrick street.
Mrs, Jus. Haut and daughter; Miss
Edith, are visiting with relatives and
friends in Wingham and vicinity, being
guests at the holne of Mr. W. J. Hen-
derson. Junction.
Mr. J. Wilson, V. S. returned home
on Monday evening, after a few weeks
spent in Manitoba. Mr. Wilson says
that he has never seen the crops looking
better in Manitoba than they are this
Mr. Robt. Groves, of Georgetown was
visiting iu town for a few days during
the week. He returned home on Mon-
day, accompanied by Itis Wife, who had
spent several weeks under the parental
roof in town.
Miss N. Diusley is away on a holiday
trip to Detroit, Mich., intending to visit
Canada's great exposition at Toronto be-
fore her return. She went by the popu-
lar water route. Holmes & Holmes
issued the tickets.
Fit ns.
DIcnttlnl+.-In Wingi ant', on August Oth, the
wife of hoot ,1(cBride; a son.
Kinist ala -In Wingham, on August Oth, the
wife of Shelton Kerslake t n daughter.
titee ivifeMof WVm Drummond;'aidAugust
glit r 13th,
WAratun-In Winf liam• ori August lath, the
wife of Wesley W. Walker; a son.
B uu An». -In Wroxeter, 011 Angast 1st, the
wife of Joseph Barnard; twins -a son and u
;MILK Nzts. In Teeswater, on Aug. 1st, the
wife of Peter McKenzie; a daughter.
SA:t»i nsnxi.-Near Wroxeter, on August 0th,
the wife of D. Ii Sanderson; a son.
�vrDi tt- in Howick, on August 4th, the wife
of Simon Snyder; a son.
1I1 N1)titiSON.-In McKiliop, on July 17th,
J"nnet Habkhrk, wife of W111.. 11.. Henderson,
aged 74 years.
71Brr.: Tit (Ioderteh, on Aug. Brd, Thomas
EdwiltdBell, aged 10 years and 4 months.
Night oalle at fluttoil Block, or Firth
door south of Sellout House. Shop op -
peados 'Macdonald block.
Congregational Church for Sale
Tenders will be received by the undersigned
up to the lath day of August, 1(02, for the pur-
clnise of the Congregational Church property
in the Town of \lug?wui, being lot number six
on the north-east (•oi•uer of Toles and Centro
streets, with the building thereon heretofore
used as a church. The highest or no tender
necessarily accepted..
Dated this :30rh (lay of only. le02.
WM. ROBERTSON, Winghtun.
narht•ny and Steamship Ticket Agency
and General Exchange Office.
Finest and stortest Routes to Cleveland, Ohio,
and all points,
Wingham to Cleveland - *8.55, Return *0.05
Wingham to Detroit - 2:05, l:eturn 4.(0
To Muskoka Lakes by finest scenic route:
Wiuglinm to Muskoka - ;54.35, Return $7.25
Alt these rates -tire First Class.
Second Class raves lower still.
Stop - over privileges allowed.
Lowest rates to Europe. Everybody should
Apply to=
Wingham, Ont.
.;...'l..h•1•.i.++ •!•• •:• a ie:e:efee++3•+e-t-e: i••: •ieief• lv
Gone to us Last, �'.
We, the undersigned lawyers, of Winglmm,
agree to close our otteces during the months of
July and August as follows:- On Saturdays at
2 p. in. and on other clays at 4 p. ret. A notice
of this to appear in both local newspapers.
But if Time is Money :
Gone to us First
Iron Iv s
Our prices are better than arguments. Our prices.
;; do their own talking. They appeal with stronger force tc
the ecano:nisei b:lyer than loud talk.
This week we are placing into stock something
very special in
A. T. 0. M.
Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher Music
,Method, Simplex and Kindergarten..
Pupils prepared for Conservatory examina-
The Canada Business College
Has issued its annual list of students placed
during last year. The number is 11601 Whitt do
you think of it ? The number for the previous)
year was 301; and for the year preceeding that,
4.10. Does this tnagnifleent showing and in-
creasing demand not tell yott something 5
fall term Opens Tuesday, Sept. 2nd
If interested, white for list and handsome
7). McLACUI!t.A\ .0 CO„ ('Antlinm, Ont.
These goods are two months late in arriving, but our
waiting has made the discount big and prices will surprise
Fancy ! A good strong Iron I3 ed with considerable brass
for only $4..5o, others more brassy at $5.00,
$6.5o, $8.00,$io.00, $12.00, $14.coand a few lines at
$17.00, fit for a palace.
S' 9•
RESIDENCE-IyATPIe1 ST.' Furniture Dealers
w5. eGreidghy's former 11 residence, Ansi Cnclertakers
where night (!alis will receive
prompt attention.
.L .
el -
++0..+++++++++++++++++++++++ .I..t..l.. •000..1•�t, O• + .L �•i••t•. ..b Oat, O+
, • i' . . O • • • •fl' i'•i' • �
Cook's Cotton Root Compound
Is suoeessfully used monthly by over
10,0007Adies. Safe, eiYeetual. LadieA ask
our druggist 1st for Cwk•r Cotton
Root C..
need. vac no etglier,ns all �tixturer. pills and
k'riee No 2,11 .�ier
are a
imitations e ,
box, Ne. 9,30 degrees stronger, $s per box.
.t�am_� pp e. nailed Th.' Cook pCompany Windsor, and tin) .tent
responsible Druggists in Crecommended
oda. sod p all
No.1 and 2 are sots in Wiuglinm by A. L.
1lnmilten Can A. Cein'phC11, 11. A. Douglass
and J. E Davis Druggists.
The Wingham Trading Coa, LIth
Our' aim is to sell the best goods we can get for the
least money. We have
New Table Linens from 20o to $1.25 a yard.
New Towelings from 5c to 12!ie a yard.
New Shirtings from 5e to 15c a yard.
New Cottons from 5c to 10e a yard.
New Cottonades, Denims, Moleskins.
New Tweed. and Worsted Suitings, 810 to $20 a suit.,
New Shirts, Ties, Collars, Braces, Socks, .Sweaters,
Shirts and Drawers, Bats, Caps, li'lannellettes,
Wrapperettes, American Ducks for ladies' skirts,
Boys' Suits, Blouses, etc.
New White Quilts, Damask, Cbenile and Lace Curtains.
New Art Muslins 8e, Silkalenes 12;?;e to 15e a yard.
Steens in black and colors.
We canpot tell you in this small space about our -
Clothing,Carpets,Oilcloths, Underclothing, stacks of
Prints, stacks of Dress Goods, Black Serges, lovely
Embroideries at 5c a yard, stacks of Gloves,
Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, etc., etc.
Successors to T. A. MILLS. WINGHAM.
That's :ilf
Different -because of the radical reductions we make on
'strictly summer goods when it's time for them to go. No
carrying theta over here.
Different, too -because it isn't necessary to mark down all
staple goods in order to sell them at all. Ours are bought
right and marked right to start witth. They will be found
always marked as lbw and often lower than equal qualities
are sold hereabouts at any time ; everything is not marked
Different, again -because there is no fuss about it; no pre-
tence of being rushedlto death. There are enough good,
competent people here to wait on all who come.
Different, once more -because this store, with its high eeiling
and big windt•ws, is the lightest, coolest one in town, and just
the place to do your
Summer trading in comfort
.04 .1=11501111.1.1111•0111
Our Shoe stock is far too large and must be reduced $1,000
before September 15th, and in order to do this will sell
every pair of Shoes at a big reduction. During this big
sale would be a splendid time to buy your Boots and Shoes
for the Fall. - - We sell J. D. King 4% Co's Shoes.
We sell CROMPTON'S COSSETS. They fit perfectly and
wear splendidly.
We sell LION BRAND CLOTHING for boys. Trousers
have double seats and double knees.
IVI, Go don
Direct Lrnporter.,
1131(; Pl:ICES FOR TgADE.