HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-08-14, Page 6111E
WINGED' TIMES, A.tUVs'tt it 1902.
Paragraphs from our Exchanges
tat rate fo • 194':1 is 21 mills,
*taa as last year.
lite oneld wile lived dear Rivera -
•i tort Thursday of Bust week.
Chiliren Ory for
vital statistics for Stratfaxd ti r
oath. or July,lus re, istereci at the
r'kte oitire, are es follows*:
19: ‘treorriagee, 01 deaths. 10.
;sl .t•ttk of Lotu.gnetl0 bills are in tercel
*lea in WrsteruOuterio, This in itac-
Uttt lote been out of business for some time
the bills are therefore worthless.
British Troop Oil Liniment i=s* good
utan or tweet. J cltavrs. pain. re.
aloes awellnig, allays infianintation,
Ogren cutss burns,br'uis s, sprain's, stick
Spate, bites of insects, rheuuiatisue etc,
Mtge bottle for 25 ettuts.
Miss, Margaret Skelton has resigned
hex' poeitian on the staff of the Godes ich
jeabl c schools and wilt leave in a few
*vs for' ;orktou, N. W. 'E., where she
aooepted a similar position.
Eiug. tori sent more soldiers to South
4ftioa than ittiv other place in O+,nada,
"ascot out of them was killed lir died
et dtsestee. This is a record of which
Away- places in Canada are envious.
Children Cry for
Mies Lillian Wylie, daughter of Hugh
Wylie of Oakland, California, many
years a resident of Tee water, eves
married ou Tuesday, July 22nd, to Mr.
Theodore Ziuge1,, a. protuiueut young
business man c.1 San Frsneisce.
A. black knot inspector says now is the
time for fruit area to 1 •ok 1 .o1after the
black knot, It will now be found fn its
nreeu stage; that is, the lino -r• ,+Mob. is
composed of innumerable minutes picture
is yet green and has net reached wa-
turite .
On Wel'iecctay afternoon, Angst Gth
71,f m. Mollie h;c:): nald, el lest daughter
of Mr. T. ./1.-MeDota 1d, was married to
Robert F. Stoddard, B.A., classical mas,
ter Clinton High School, and foriuely of
L arc wel High School staff. Tue c rawly was was performed l y the Rev. J S.
Hardie pt the residence of the bride's
won s. a L's• o tel.
Children are o't»t stterlred s••,ldeely
by tetieful awldengeroasColie. Ct'utilIra,
i)iarrltoe+t. Dysentery. Cholera Morbus.
Oh,rlt•ra Yofantute, (-tit Dr Fowler's
Extranet of lliitil Strawberry is It prampt.
and sure mire which should sprays be
kept in the hence.
On 'Benda - afteluontt, Aug. 5th, at
two ceeloclethe e was eelenrsterl in the
Congregational church, Lis owel, which
was beautifully decorated for the occa-
sion, the marriage of Miss Myrtle
Riggs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. john
Riugc, to W. W. Nicholl, B. A., matl:e-
/vatical master of Listowel High sohoel.
The eerenlony was I•erformed by Rev.
Mr. Pritehatd of Granby, Quebec.
Ohilc ten _Pry ,for
Brussels voters' itsts for 100e have
been printed: anti first posted by the
village clerk, F. S. Scott, on July 20th.
Part 1. list of persons entitled to vote
at municipal: elections and ole'tions to
the Legislative elssn.rltbly.lias 254 voters;
part 2, per -ons entitled to vote at muni-
cipal elections only, has 13.1 voters;
part 8, persons entitled to vote at eleo-
tinnts to the Legislnfive Assembly ,salt',
has e9 voters. Tie number of persons
,;elected to serve as jurors is 120.
From i the
Sanctum Mill
The tax rate for the town of Kjnciue
dine for W02 nils been struck at 2G inilla.
A br•unelt of ettnwfla's new hank,
Sovereign, has been opened at Clin4tou.
Milburn's.Laxa-Liver pills regulate
the t'owelx, cure eonstil'attion, dyspepsia,
bilioustt ss, teak headache and all affec-
dons of the organs of digestion.,
The amount p Lid out for cream at the
St r Creamery, Teeswater, during July
wait 4500.
110t. Watson of Greenock township
d ea on Augus. 4th of liver treubte at
the arse tot di years,
Genuine Castled, always orur' , .w Siyartur;
Of Chi's, 11. Pletcher.
When nehy was sick, we gave her Cestoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
when she became Mss, she clang to Castoria.
W ieuaheltad. Cltildren,ahegave them Castoria.
Mr. Win Downey, teacher at Belmore,
has bean re.engaged for another year 1•y
the trustees, who most be well please,t
w ith him, as they have given him a
:550 a year increase, making his salary
now $450,
W. J, Vttle of the insurance Depart-
anent was iu Teeswater recently making
all. inspection of the books and accounts
of the Culross Mated Fire Insurance
Cotnpany and reported everything in
first -clads shape,
Milburn's .heart and Nerve Pills
cure anaemia, nervousness, sleepless,
ness. weakness, palpitation, throbbing,
faun slir•11s, dizziness, or any condition
arising from impoverished blond, dis-
ordered nerves or weak heart.
A pleasant event occurred at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John McKenzie
Kincerdius, on Aug. Grh, being the
marriage of their dnagbter, Misy Rae
to Mr Geo. A. Lyme of Toronto. Roe
Dr. Merrily officiated.
oN:a'! AND
DIS 5 E5
NEA A rave .
601-1 pACN R5�
'- it y 1 t:ttr yPN 4 G,4fp ante vont
A. crow petition 11 is bae't filed by the
Liberals in the protest proceedings in
East Middlesex.
+ Mrs:. Walter Smith, of Brussels had a
gniltiug bee one day last weer at whit•)
were four ladies Whose aggregate ago
• was 274 years. They finished the quilt
in three hours. This is certainly it
speaking pieture for the training reedy -
ed in the days of auld lung Lyne. It
will keep the younger generation bust-
s ling to tuke the start of the elderly
t matrons,
Mr. John Welch, who lives three
miles east of Saone, bas a horse that ha
not been out of the stable iu eleven
year.. The mane of the animal drag
ou the floor and its hoofs are over a foo
long. The horse is now twelve years o
age. Mr. Welch should sell the bias
to a circus.
Backache. swelling of feet and atik-
1...., puffing under eyes, frequent thirst,
scanty, stoutly, highly colored urine and "Old Backs, Young Backs, Weak
all urinary troubles lead to Bright's dis-
en4 , art pay, diehetes, etc. Doan's Kid- Basks, Strong Basks.—Few
nev Pile are a sere cure. Escape, for Backache is
The beret at Auburn, tvini th is the pro-
perty of J. Kautz, Inas been sold to
Henry MoBrieu, Bullett, far •some-
where about $3000. Mr. 'Robison, who
Lea been coudtetting it for several years,
has a lease of it until Deo. 81h,'itt which
time Mr. McBrieu wilt sesurepossession.
A Bed Mot Season.
During the hot season the blood gets
over )rated, the drain ou the system is
severe uud the appetite is often lost.
Burdock Blood Bitters. purifies and in-
vigorates the blood, tones up the system
Kidney Talk.
Every mail adds evidence to the fact
than, Dr, Pitcher's Backache Kidney
Tablets act ou different ]lues from other
medicines, producing quick and perma-
nent cures from Backache and Kidney
troubles. They are a revelation to
sufferers from Kidney complaints, and
bring conviction of merit, because of
the quick relief gained rn unexpected
The Backache Kidney sufferer only .
doubts their worth before using, for a
and restores the lost appetite. f,tv d ses imparts a sensation of relief
that foretells the story of cure, It did '
l)1AM. 311. *Wee Parlor sleeve hr a
1W llttrie--A,Co t+A:t•M.,'Moran *rv:tlt.a{
,1140 4 $*1Js4 os* tante.
The total ;somber of bearing nettle
trees in the United `►'tates is ;SW,000,000.
At lilossbuig, eve miles west o
leaton,. NAL, a cloudburst yesterday
drown four ,persons,
henry lhtrtteuu, of Montreal, die
Thuteday evening. aged 70 years. lit
was ttssisttutt receiver -general.
ltt. ,ttov, W. C. 1, in. h 4:11.
'Bishop of Saskatchewan owl C'it
gary, is seriously 111 in Loudon.
Franc Hewitt, nn engin, a of th
John llertrant .t: Sons (.'o., mantis.got his foot raugitt in art elevator,
hurstluy, and may lose it.
Thur'sday's developments show that
fifteen persons were killed and forty
injured in the freight wreck on the
Milwaukee road Wedueaday.
James Burk, Ontario Factory litespecter, bus completed his investiga-
tiott of the recent accident at the
Sun Cement Works, ()wort Sound.
At Stratford, Conn.; Captain (len,
Cultiver, aged 55 years, and Nisei Ivo
Miller, aged 23 years, were drowned
in the Ilousetonic ]river Thursday by
the eal'Si'ing of n skill.
Consul -General Foster was notified
at 1liontretti Thursday night that the
Unites, States G+!t•erninent is send-
ing the battleship Ind lane to liali.,:x
for the coronation celebration on.
'l'ha tie-up of the system on the
rHaven and West\ille Street
ltr•ilroad Company, result:n; from
Utt strike of 1113 conductors and mo-
tormen n was still complete `Murkday
,mot n'ng.
W. .1. Stouclley, a Canadian Pacific
Railway seetton hand, fell from u.
train Th rt•sday, and several ears
passed o.er hum, killing him instant-
ly. lie was 88 years of ago, and
leaves a wife and one child.
A salt famine threatens Toronto,
and, as far as (hit visit jobbers can
di:{cern, there is no iuuuecliate relief.
7'h.' ext••aordintuy deumntds for the
ankle in the 4'anadian Northwest is
the alleged ca Ise for the scarcity.
Jiro cn-liearu-tt because ht: \t as pelt
out of hi.. a;ut, tinents on 'Chursday.
Wii(iant \avers, a Toronto laborer,
35 iea s of hg+, ended his life bycn.tlluwiter an ounce or carbolic acid
:n the sit tini; bait, of the City Arms
Hot el.
,;come 5. Morton, a fanner, living
tsar Moira, Dctstings County, met
whit a fatal aceidant Thursday. Ire
was druwiti. in hay wird, the whiflle-
tre s Iwo e, on.t co tilt fragments
st:rit.it{:: hint in the abdomen, causing
a Pt n tt,le.
T ce•ry See tt, .01 Fiaven° pros.
ate e. Linu:uttt•, 'lltursday evening
trio:e ernniintng a Mouser bullet
bt•out••ht' front .` out Africa by a
fi i nd, h •d 1h: misfortune to blow
on a ( :tit of a finger by the bul-
let's explciPng in his Mind.
Iiandeetster feel, • of .tit. Ca'h:tr-
ine•:, was ,net at the depot Thursday
nigh', stud entorttd to the park,
wh..re he was presented with a purse
of Sitio by the eitiren.s as a mark
mf their a•titreeintion of his efforts in
bringing 1 h • 111th. Bette, up..- to its
presc•n' >tat.' of efficiency.It has now developed that the die-
m( nd studd. d tvtitch chain, given to
Faltva d (lien by ih•: people of dello-
villa on his return home from South
Africa, tviu worn by hila on the day
if his death in the lawns' ware-
muse,J'otonto. it has not yet. been
<•tn. 'I his may yet prove a valuable
l.ey to th • police.
1y, ,J, i)ovelin, wile only went to
f,ondon, Ont., last week, was riding
ip Richmond street when he failed to
observe a street car that was bear-
ing down o.t hint, and was struck
with avant force. ITe was hit on the
bltd and concussion of the brain re-
sulted. 11r. 1)evelin died Thursday
evening without regaining conscious -
v ler
'l he volunteer firetpett'tt oeuventiott at
Stratfordittstruutttll the Committee ou.
Lowe to eudeitvor to swum Nt, vinetel
lellir+latiau, ipoth.g a tax on Intlurataa(,
aoutpautes of 2 per oeut. ou the annual
premium collected int any municipality
- iu the z"rovinor, which sum Shall he
handed. over by the ntunicipttlitiee to the
i firowen, in addition to ,hitt which tate
utuniaipttlity;taw pays.
i1 Can 11r sites ttu k.?-- St. Josei'h
' News,
Yon bet! Can a horse fiddle?—
Val Keokuk Gate City
Sure, Can a chimney swallow? --
Dr. Blackall was in Heusall Fruit y nos take Mrs. Wm. Clendenninlr, Min-
nie arrangema_•ts for the taking nie St., Wingham, long to find this out.
otter Of the fiedili'es of the Ct,clshutt It was accomplished with one bottle of
Hotel, pt'eieattiy tail Try a Mt Scott. As Deerei teller s Backache Kidney Tablets,
lads this is tier report;—
tt will be necessai`p for the tiansfer of "All my life I have had a weak hack
license to come before the license board, vino to kidney trouble. As I grew older,
the doctor with Itis family does not land I am now 75 years of age, it became
i worse, and the pain hecame severe.
expect to leave town before the 18th. S )te time ago I heard of Dr. Pitcher's
Mr. Frank, McCaughey, who has been [Backache Kidney Tablets and went to
running the Commercial Hotel, of town. 1 Colin Campbell's drng store and got, a
for the past year, takes over the Hodgins botttle. I took but the nus ]tattle, two
House of the same place, and date as Dr.
Blackall, and moves there with his wife
next week. We understand Mr. John
McCaughey will resume charge of the
Commercial hotel again.—Clinton New
"Let the GOLD DUST twins do your work."
Don't plod along like your grandinothor did before
you, scouring and scrubbing; bending and rubbing,
0010 DUST
makes housework easy It clears .everything and
injures nothing. More economical than soap.
C leash. Now Seree, &sic s, St Y.ouli. Motltreal.
at a dose, and am glad to say the effect
was rapid and marked. I find great
comfort since I took them, and shall
get more so as to have thein should I
ever need then, again. I carr safely
renommend them to all others."
Price 50c a box, or 6 boxes for $2.50, at
alt druggists, or sent by mail by addres-
sing the Dr. Zina Pitcher Co., Toronto,
The sad intelligence was received by
William Oakley, shoemaker, Brussels,
last week, that his daughter, Mrs. Mc•
Nugent, of London, England, had died,
aged 37 years. A short time prior to
this his eldest son, who was a steward
on a steamship, died on the Mediterran-
ien sea, from an accident. This is a
verification of the old addage tha
troubles never come singly.
Mr. Thos. Heltn passed a.vay at his
home in Lucknow ou Saturday Aug 2nd,
in the GOth year of his ago. Mr. Helm
had beau for nearly 40 years a highly
esteemed resiclent of the 12th concession
of Ashfield, and removed to Lucknow
few yell's ago. Ho was greatly'
respected by all who knew him. He
leaves a ,widow and grown up family of
five sons and two daughters who have
the earnest sympathy of ail in their sad
affliction. He was a consistent member
of the iMethodistChurch.
On Saturday, August 911*, one of
Exeter's oldest citizens reached Itis 00th
year. We refer to Mr. James Ronthron,
who resides with his daughter, Mrs.
R. H. Collins. Mr. Bonthron bra natty.)
of Fifeshfre, Scotland, and has lived in
Huron county, near Exeter, for a half
couture, being for malty years a merch•
alit atBodgervillo. We are pleased to say T
that Mr. onthron retains almost un-
impaired inns 'clearness of intellect, and
keeps himself thoroughlyposted on
current events. His many friends extend
congratulations pad best stishes� for
another ten' years at least.
11r %,N •,1 tic sumo.
Delta. Aug. S.—'Che six-year-old son
of Rev. et. 1'. Williams, a Methodist
1•)plsc')l•al t tiri sten, was drottn:'d
\v.•diit's'I.' , evtit n,; about six o'clock.
9 let family were spinal/1z. this day
eel It \b'. and airs. ;steins Ransom, at
their einen.or ret ort on the island.
'1h3y. were just t. bout ready to leave
for 1 o +tom, whin they missed the lit-
tle te.tow. After a thorough search
the 1 oily ttaS fot.nd by _Mrs. S. W.
tt-i11,{w .0¢4,11, 0, i heave:«R.
Ottawa. Atte. S.—One ,of ills big -
est ar.t,one et er taken in Ottawa
was entered by Taylor,.fcVeity,
1 lin
th • 110 Courtof Justice on b. half
of Ili. a.; bin• ('ornnlunt Conti'any
Limit, d. teeniest. 11. A C. Craig of
'Toront0, for slander one libel. Dein-
ages to the extort of 8:2,000,000 are
asked. '11t • ; apphine Cared= COM -
pally is it conecrn organised within
the yeas in London, England.
1.«t ill., Huy Hr.'''.leings+o't, Aug. 8.—Frank rat ter -
t on, aged 11, wits drowned at Wolfe
Jslend \1idn qday, He belonged to
Vermont. i h ,y were repairing a
tenter fence, standing on a wreseli,
whin their horses bolted .into deep
water, and the two pentons jumped.
'rho rnele t ortk the lad on his hack,
w out to savu himself had to strop his
hurdtn, and tate incl was drown -d.
i'1«ad r
For ceieetats.
London, Aug. S.—Tiecanse colt nials
gazetted into British regiments on
account of distinguished service in
the field aro looked upon as outsid-
ers • even in corps whose officers are
drawn from the ranks of the middle
classes and lower, Earl 'Roberts re-
cently issued a special memorandum
pleading for better treatment tor
Jlrttpeired of Beteg Cured
Mrs. W. B. Jeffries, .44 Hicks Ave.,
Kingston. Ont., states; I suil:ere•l agony
with itching piles. in fact, I don't
believe diet tiny person who has not had
piles colt realize what I endured. The
first application of Dr. Chase's Ointment
brought relief and it hes since entirely
cored me. I hope that this testimonial
will be the ME of briuging etenfort
to other suffer( re by making known the
great In wet' of this ointment."
Chioe:to 'Tribune,
Certainly. Ever hear a ginger
suap?—i'opekta Capital,
Yep. Ever see tt . bed spring?
Kansas City: Journal.
Of course. (fan it rail feaee ?—
New York World.
'].'o he sure. And wouldn't a mil -
reed tie?—How would a crash suit?
—Baltimore Anti•ric•au,
First rate. But isn't the weather
vainte—I'hihidelphia Telegraph,
True. But how the grain crops.—
Ottawa Jonrual.
Well, well! And the corn is all
stars. Cau ani egg plant?
The election of Mr• T. G. Catscalleu,
Conservative, iu Lenut.x has been pro-
To Teach a Parrot,
"There are two ways," said a bird
dealer, "of teaclliug it parrot to talk.
Oue way is to put him in a darkened
room, to sit in a corner and repeat over
and over again the word you want hila
to acquire. A clever parrot will learn a
word Or a phrase after souse fou« or five
hundred repetitious, while for some it
takes a week or more. You must keep
still in the room. No sound from
within or without the )louse, save your
owls voice monotonously repeating the
phrase to be acquired, must reach the
parrot's ear. Some people teach their
birds in a well -lighted room, sleaking
from, a place of concealment in a closet
or behind it door. • This method is not so
good, because in the light the parrot's
attention is distracted.
Bow's TLisf
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re-
ward for any case of Catarrh that, can-
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be-
lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi-
ness transactions and financially able to
carry out any obligations made by their
WEST & TRUAY, Wholesale Druggists
Toledo, O. '
sale Druggists, Toledo, 0
Hall'e'Oafarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and nuc•
ous surfaces of the system. Testimonials
sent free. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold
by all Druggists.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Our clubbing rates with different
newspapers are as follows:—
Times and Weekly Globe
Times and Weekly Mail
Times and Family Herald and
Weekly Star
Times and Weekly Sun
Times and Montreal Witness
Times and Western Advertiser
Tides and Farmers' Advocate
Times and Toronto Daily Star
Times and Daily Globe
$1 6
3 75
1 75
I 75
1 GO
• 1 50
1 50
1 85
2 50
4 25
We could extend the list, but it is not
necessary. We can give you clubbing
rates on any newspaper or magazine.
Are in. See our
$16, $18 AND $20
Before buying else-
where. Also a special
line of PANTI NGS. Every-
thing you want in the
Tailoring line can be
had and satisfaction
aSeH Ant TidLO L.
What is
eastern' is. for Infants and Children. Castoria is a
harmless Substitute for Castor 011, Paregoric, Drops
and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium:.
lIorphine nor oilier Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant..
Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of
Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish-
noss. eastern), euros Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria.
relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and
Flatulency. eastern'', assimilates the Food, regittlates
the Stomach and Rowels oi'Infants and Children, giving
healthy and natural sloop. Castoria is the Children's..
Panacea—The Mother's Friend.
"Castorla is an excellent medicine for
children. Mothers ]rave repeatedly told tae
of its good effect upon their children."
Da. G. C. OBc000, Lowell, Mass.
11 Castorla Is so well adapted to chitdrem,
that I recommend it as superior to any pre-
scription known tome."
I1. A. AnCitita, .ln. D. Brooklyn, .Ar. Y
° e° ,rm'e'ilr.'",°'R"rPG57m s EMIT! kRl�a e!
Not only the best
but the cheapest.
.. The ..
. .TIMES ..
As an advertising medium is a most profitable'
and sure way to reach the public. Up -to -date -
business men have Iong since recognized this:
fact and 'are taking advantage of it.
Good Printing
Is absolutely essential to the man who would':'.
succeed in the business ,world. That is the•
only kind we do.
Large fimrs invariably judge their customers
by the kindof printed matter they use. Order •
yours from the TIMES and you will stand on
safe ground.
Orders sent by mail will be promptly executed...
Winghaixt, + ii' Ontario.,