HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-08-14, Page 2a 311aTABLISIMP 1572. I Winghann District MeetinX. , "j T The annual District; Meeting of the [T IMiJIAM TIMES, Wiuiltate District was held as the TT.1 unz selcnn Atvl) ruol'annon Methodist Church, Gerrie, ou Wodnes- `IILTRSIDAT, AUGUST 14, 1902. NgTES AND COMMENTS Tbte Crown Lands Department, To- le:Wo, is still laboring utaufaily with digin soldiers' elaitus to laird grants, The eiGor'mous unuiber of 18,000 Maims have been received from ancient and modern Yetertene, and it has kept a stair of five eletrine busy in weeding out the un- worthy and preparing doeuments for the deserving. The veterans who bore arms during the Fenian Raid days have nil sent in claims, but only those who went on active service to the front will be given land, It is expected. that 2,000 deeds will be issued by thedepartmueut in a few days, this number of documents being now ready for signature. Along With. the deeds the deserving veterans Will receive much literature and useful information concerning the new country in which their farms are to be located. The action of the Bank of Montrealin raising thelimit at which 'their clerks are allowed to take unto themselves a Wife from $1000 to X$1,500 a year, has created a. good deal of comment iu the presa midotherwise. The Hamilton Times remarks: " The bank clerks are very popular socially, especially in the smaller towns, from many of which there has been an exodus uof native young men. But we fancy the young ladies do not regard the bank clerks very seriously as raw material for hus- bands. They are all right to practise On, dance with, flirt with and talk to, 'when the real Sandy McKay is awe ' The new v$1,500 regulation will not bother the girls, who would have just as much funif Lord. Strathcona raised the limit to x$1555,000." day of lust ween., Rev. D. Rogers, of Pordwich, the affable Chairman of the District,, in the chair. Rev, A, G. Harris, of Luckeow,was the Secretary, and looked carefully after his work. After devotional exercises the roll was called and the following were present:- Wingham, Rev. R. Hobbs, H. Park; Lucknow, " .. G. Harris; Teeswater, " G: J. Kerr; Ethel, " C. P. Wells, S. Cham- bers; DOMINION POULTRY STATION. The Dominion Government is evident- ly intent upon giving to the public the benefits of the. latest Iliethods in rais- ing, feeding and shipping poultry. Last week F C Elford, who has charge of the station at Holmesville received instructions from Prof. Robertson, Commissioner of Agriculture, to erect a large feed shed 24 feel by 100 feet. With the buildings that have already been constructed, this station will then be well equipped to carry on the work intended by the Government. Poultry is becoming one of our most valuable exports, and the Government, ever'pro- gressive and alert to the interests of the public, are giving the most undivided attention to the matter of bringing the poultry business to a remunerative con- dition. The same method was adopted by this Government a few years ago 'with regard to our cheese trade, and to- day Canadian cheese stands first in the British market and its sale there has put many a good British sovereign into the pocket of the Canadian producer. " There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at the flood, lead on to fortune." It is the same with the affairs of 'a nation, and the Liberal Gov- ernment is particularly happy in seizing those moments, and we look to poultry raising to become one of the best branches of Canadian products. Some ides of the vastness of the work contem- plated may be gained when We know that Mr. Elford's instructions are to buy 20,000 chickens, if possible, for fattening purposes and he is not limited to 50,000. These will be fed by different methods and shipped in lots of 500 and 1,000. Some will be sent alive, others dressed, and the returns with cost of feeding will be given to the public. The establishment of this institution is quite a tribute to West Huron, it being the only one in the county, or for that matter in this part of Western Ontario; the nearest, we believe, is a feed station at Woodstock. Fordwieli " D. Rogers; Corrie, " R. J. Garbutt, R. Deachman; Wroxeter, " L. A. McKelvey, J. Brethauer; Bluevale, " F. Swaim. J, Leech ; Brussels, " T. W. Coseus, W. H. Kerr; Ripley, " R. I, Husking; Ashfield, " F. J. Oaten; Salem, " T. E. Sawyer, absent; Whitechurch " C. C. Katie; Bethel, "" Peutlaud, absent, S. Doupe; Bervie " W. R. Vance Belgrave, " A. H. Brown; Kincardine " Jos. Philp, absent; Tivertou, " E. W. Edwards. In a review of the work Tiverton has. decided to become self supporting and this removes the last of the Missions on Wiughaut District Following are amounts levied ou the various circuits for this year for the General Conference and Superannuation funds: - Gen. Con. Fund Sup, Fond.. Wingham. $ 11 10 ei74 Kincardine.. ... 8.35 56 Lucknow 7 75 52 Brussels G 80 50 Teeswater, .... , 6 60 44 Ethel 655 40 Fordwich ... , . , , 6 75 45 Gorrie 7 85 52 Wroxeter ...... , 4 95 83 Binevale 6 30 42 Ashfield 4 . 6 45 43 Salem 615 41 Bethel. 4 60 31 Ripley ..... 7 55 50 Bervie...... .. 8 90 59 Tiverton 4 40 29 Whitechurch5 75 38 Belgrave 5 60 37 Arrangements were made for the hold- ing of Missionary and Education meet- ings in the District, largely local arrange- ments. Rev, IV. W.,,rnech, of Toronto, was present and addressed, themeeting: He ison the Superannuated list but yet an active worker. Mr. Leech was for years a member of this district. Au Open Parliament followed on the question of Evangelistic effort. Short addresses were given by Revds. Messrs. Harris. Hobbs, Kerr, Oaten,; Wells, Gar- butt, Rogers and Messrs. Deachman and Chambers. A discussion was entered upon as to the question of a re -arrangement of the work on several Northerly circuits. The Chairman appointed the following Com- mittee to report on the case:-Revds. Harris, Oaten, Kerr and Rogers. Rev. A. H. Brown, of Belgrave, was appointed to take charge of a District Reading circle iu the matter of soliciting members Rev. Walter Rigsby. who was to ad- dress the District meeting relative to the claims of St. James Church, Montreal, was unable to be present owing to getting to Wingham too late for train to Gorrie. Meeting was brought to a close by the Benediction. The ladies of the congregation had nicely flower -decked tables set in the basement, loaded with both the necessar- ies and delicacies of life and the delegates were invited there to dinner. It was a thoughtful and hospitable procedure. They were accorded a hearty vote of thanks on motion of W. H. Kerr and R. Deachman, supported by Rev. Mr. Wells. The highly esteemed pastor, Rev. R. .T. Garbutt, L. L. B., made an appropriate reply. The largest known tree in the world has been discovered far up in the Sierras in California:. Six feet from the ground it took a line 154 feet, 8 inches in length to encircle the tree. Twitching of The Nerves Mrs. Ilrink+rater, e Water Street, Galt, Oat., states :-" My great trouble has bean with my nerves, I was very nervous, had twitching of the nerves and could not get to sleep at night, I seemed quite worn out and believing that I needed some medicine began to use Dr. Chase's nerve Food. I can truthfully say that this preparation has proven surprisingly bene- ficial to me. It has strengthened and steadied my nerves, made me rest and sleep well, and in fact built up the system generally." In Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is found the ideal tante for blood and nerves, and through these' two mediutt,s every or an in the human system is benefited. The languuld, depressing feelings disappear *bon then great resterative is used, and with renewed energy and vigor disease 15 ePret once, the organs of the body mefort. Obetrvats: d end new flesh and tie, two sr* added. yo• tette a box, at all dentine at litettaaaeon, Bates & Co., THE \YINGIIAlf TIMES, AUGUST 14, 1902. WESTERN FAIR, LQNQQN:. In these days of niarvellens dovokp- went men have almost ceased to be gar, prised: t.o matter what strange novelty May appear, and yet we have ,just learned of a sensational feat of 'inmate skill and oaring that commands univer- sal wonder and admiration wherever it is seen. It is called the Cycle Dazzle and was originated by the worid•fautoue king of hazardous expleitse The act is performed on rile amalleet raraipg trite* ever constructed and onebuilt at an angle of 74 degrees, In 'this strange structure two men and two wouteu ou bicycles perform feats so marvellous that they dety description. One eau scarcely imagitse the terrific speed that must be acquired by these daring riders on emit a track, to set at naught coin- pletely the law of gravitation. We are glad to know that the people of Western Ontario are soon to hew the pleasure of seeing this uparnlelleled sensation. The Directors of the Western Fair Associa- tion !lave fortunately been successful in securing the attraction for the thous- ands who will visit London from Sept. 12th to 20th, the date of the great exhi- bition. But this is not all the programme, for the Western of 1902 goes far beyond anything ever attempted in the seine line. It has always been the leader in these departments, but this year will surpass itself in the beauty, variety and thrilling magnificence of its pro- gramme. A glance at the list suffices to prove that the management have spared neither trouble or expense to give their friends the most unique, instructive and amusing entertainments over offered to the people of this province. Another sensational marvel who has thrilled thousands in the States will be at the exhibition in the person of Prof. Hutchinson, the Human Bomb. He takes a tremendous flight in his immense baloon and makes a parachute drop by being projected from the bomb. Rosa Naynon and her wonderful flock of 63 trained tropical birds should 'vin unstinted admiration from lovers of ornithological study. The marvelous Monopedes, or one - legged acrobats, Manning and Du Crow, will present their high-class, her- ozontal bar act, which has filled vaud- villa houses in all parts of the continent. Among other acrobatic specialties will be those of Osnatos,three of the cleverest artists in the athletic world; and the four Bard Bros., famu us s for the aston- ishments they have' brought to spell- bound audiences, with their backward and forward somersaults, cutaways, doubles and twisters: and then there will be on hand the four inimitable Olifaus, with their .amusing eccentri- cities and novelties. The great Gay and his wife are the most mysterious magicians and wonder - workers appearing on any platform. Chrissie Morrison Jones, Canada's greateest lady Cornet Virtuoso, will ap- pear every afternoon and evening in numbers demandiul; the maximum of technical skill, The Fireworks display has been planned along lines calculated to produce the greatest luxury of color ever seen in Western Ontario, and is a feature of the show none can afford to miss. Every department of the Exhibition is being strengthened and improved and in each case an advance over pre- vious years has been scored. Altogether the Western Fair of 1902 is confidently expected to excel its illustrious prede- cessors in wealth df, exhibits, the excel- lence of special programmes and con- suming ;luterest to- visitors from all parts of the province, and indeed to add to the accumulated glory heaped up by this Exhibition during past years. Collect Weed Seeds "That enormous sums of money are lost to farmers throughout Canada every year by weeds," no person will deny. In the great :war against these enemies, it isnecesgary that all eoncernedehould become more intelligently acquainted with their habits of growth, and, above all, be able to identify specimens and their seeds. This is the time when seeds can be most conveniently gathered. Many specielt are becoming ripe. Supply yourself with small bottles and become interested iu making a collection. It Will pay. In this Way one can soon be- come familiar enough with weed seeds to detect almost any specimen in a sample of clover Or Other seed when buying. If you do not know the name of all seeds collected, send a sample to this office and we wilt be pleased to identify it if we can. giving an answer through the columns of the Fanners' Advocate. Ie you have not time to do this yourself;, interest the younger peo- ple in the niatter. It Will pay. -The llarileters' Advocate. oyer treed tre d Gildtalaty .Stags Written audVenetheg tate lett *dependent Why we Believe in Prohibition Not baeause we li think that it will or nen, of itself, • work then morel r'ageneretion of the eg'gimunity, or that it will hies great influence, dire eetly, towards that exon. We are quite willing to admit that it would le a greet dent. better for the man who is now :ruining, ilia life through excessive drinking, if, through some moral and religious impulse, he re- formed, than that he, should be com.. plied to step through en impossi- bility of getting' 1rink. And we be- neve it quite passible teat one com- munity, under a 'strictly enforced prohibitory law, might be morally no better than another under wide-open drinking. A prohibition law *lone is not equal to the 'moria refornia- tion of the citizens. lint we do be- lieve that such a law, enforced even with a fair degree of strictness, will help oat greatly in the effort toward personal and social redemption for which the church and all goon men aro working, And .so thoroughly, are we convinced of this, that we believe were Jesus Christ with us en the earth to -day -he who never re- sted satisfied short of the change of heart, the birth of a new nature- ite would be as we are in the matter. We, happen to live neer a liquor store, one of those blotches upon the fair face of our city. We have seen some of -the havoc that it has wrought in the community, upon the old man and the child, in: the home and in the fond hopes and ambitions of those who, at one' time, bade fair for life. And we have often asked the. question Could the Son of man look upon that place without breathing out the. deep curse of his Father against such work of iniquity'? Tim saloon is main's foe, len fcq MI the, highest and holiest interests for this life, and for the great future. That is the reason why we believe in prohibi- tion, -Christian. Guardian. Canadian F. adores Failure returns from the Dominion of Canada show the customary similarity to domestic records Business conditions across the northern border are largely dependent on the prosperity of this nation, and hence it is not surprising that an unusually good exhibit was made in Canada during July. Manufacturing defaults numbered 15 with liabilities of $39,771, compared with 13 a year ago for $84,886; trading failures were 57 in num- ber and $262,756 in amount, against, 70 last year, involving $329,347; in other commercial lines there were 3 failures for $59,000, against 2 for $41,000 a year ago, 'Total coinmerciai'failures were but 75 in number and w861,627 in amount of defaulted liabilities, compared with 85 in July, 1901, $455,233. Eight of the fourteen manufacturing classes reported no failures whatever, while iu general stores alone of the trading division were the losses at all heavy. -Dun's review. Only a mask. Many are not being benefited by the summer vacation as they should be. Now, notwithstanding ranch outdoor life, they are little if any stronger than they were. The tan on their faces is darker and makes them look healthier, but it is only a mask. They are still'. nervous, easily tired, upset by trifles, and they do not eat nor sleep well What they need is What tones the nerves', perfects digestion, creates appe- tite, and makes sleep refreshing, and that is Hood'a Sars'bparilla. Pupils and teachers generally will find the chief pnfpose of the vatsatie t best subserved by this great medicine which, as we know, "Wide up the whale system." Harristottltattr tela Mate DIEU %ftggMfMTMt/ 7x :11 oM 11 5 In the Vag It is early, quite early, to talk of spring goods, But we have made reads- to meet your wants when the time comes. We're bound to be in the forefront. We are determined to win your tailoring account on sheer merit. Every gar- ment we turn out is a strong bid for business. Its style -its worlimansbip-its fit -its finish -all ,:stppeal to the good taste and ambitions of the careful dresser. :J3 E, C. CLARKE,; In the Shaw Block Four -� Lovely Diamonds. When on a diamond buying trip to the cutters at Amsterdam, we never forget to supply ourselves well with four "special" sizes, viz.: For our $.s Diamond Ring. For our rase Diamond Ring. For our $75 D amend Ring. For our $coo Diamond Ring. Every one of these diamonds must be of such a quality that the most critical cannnt find a fault, for a "Special" 1)•amond Ring from Ryric's muse be of " first quality" always. Send for our Ring Catalogue. DIAMOND HALL, Established 4854. RYR1E BROS., Yonge and Adelaide Sts., TORONTO. TOWN DIRECTORY. BAPTIST CInt3ior-.Sabbath cervices at 11 a to and 7 p tn, Sunday School at g 2:30 p rn, General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings, Rev. .T. J. Pat- terson, B.A,,pttstor. W.J,Oluspulau, &S.Superintendent, METHODIST Cinnton--Sabbath services at Ilett to and 7 p m. Sunday School at 2:30 p m, Epworth League every A1O11' day evening. General prayer tweeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. Richard Hobbs, pastor. Dr. Towler, S. S. Sup- erintendent. •PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH -Sabbath ser- vices at 11 a in and 7 p in, Sunday School at 2:30 p nr, General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. D. Perrie, pastor and S ", Superinten- dent. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, EPISCOPAL -Sab- bath services at 11 a in and 7 p In. Sun- day School at 2 :30 p nn. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evening, Rev. Win, Lowe, incumbent. P. Shore, S. S. Superintendent. SALVATION Auarr-Service at 7 and 11 a m and 3 and S p in on Sunday, and every evening during the week at 8 o'clock at the barracks. Pose OFFICE -In Macdonald Block. Office hours from 8 a in to 6:30 p m. Peter Fisher, postmaster. Mean imps' INSTITUTE -Library and free reading room in the Town Hall, will be open every afternoon from 2 to 5;45 o'clock and every evening from 7 to 9:30 o'clock. Miss Millie Robertson, librarian. Town Couwcm-R. Vanstone, Mayor; Wm. Holmes, Thos. Bell, Robt. Mc- Iudoo, J J. Elliott, W. F. VanStone, A. J. Irwin, Coancillors; J. B. Fer- gason, Clerk and Treasurer; William Clegg, Assessor, Wm. Robertson, Col- lector. Board meets first Monday even- ing in each mouth at 8 o'clock. SCHOOL BOARD. -H: Kerr, (chairman), Thos. Abraham, J, J. Elliott, J. J. Homnth, Wm, Moore, Thos. Bell, Wm. Batton, C. N. Griffin. Secretary, Win. Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. Meetings second Tuesday evening in each month. PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. -A. H. Musgrove, Principal, E. C. Coultes, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Cornyn, Miss McLean, Miss Matheson Miss Reid, and Miss Cummings. BOARD of HEALTH -Mayor Vaustone, (chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg- ory, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, Sec- retary;1 Medical Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Health Officer. PIANO AND THEORY. MISS SARA LOUISE MOORE, L.C.M. and. member of the Associated Musicians of Ontario, is prepared to receive a limited ntun- bor of pupils for instructiin on Piano and in Theory. Special attention given to pupils preparing for examinations. Residence -opposite R. C. Church, Wingham. Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. Office and Infirmary corner of Victoria and Minnie Sts. Wingham, Day and night calls promptly attended to. Telephone connection. FARMERS and anyone having live stock or other articles they wish to dispose of, should adver- tise the same for sale in the TIMES. Our large circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if you do not get a customer. We can't guarantee that you will sell because you may ask more for the article or stock than it is worth. Send your advertisement to the TIMES and try this plan of disposing of your stock and other articles. • Public Telephone Stations THE WJN6n» TIMES, E3TnteLesUJ1 I 1070 IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MQRNiNG The Times Office, Beaver Block WINtUTAM, ONTARIO, TERMS Or Suuscnn'TloN-$l to per annum in advance 51,00 if not so paid. No paper dliscon tinned till all arrears are paid, exeunt tit the option of the publisher. AD tette- ING Raines, - Legal end other casual advertisements tic per Noupariellini, for first insertion, lie per line for' each subsequent insertion. Advertisements in local columns are charged 10 ots, per- line for first insertion, and a cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Farms fur Sale or to Rent, and similar, $1.00 for first month find 50 emits for each subsequent month. Coavnwoa RATES -The following table shows our rates for the insertion of advertisements for specified periods: - mune. 1 yn. (IMo. 9 Mo. I leo One Column.. ... .....$00,00 $95.00 $15,00 ill N.% Half Cclntau 3.1,00 18.00 10.00 4.W Quarter Colmm� 18.00 10,00 0.00 2.00 Advertisements without specific directions will be Inserted till forbid and charged accord- ingly. Transient advertisements must be paid for in advance. TRE Jou DEPARTMENT is stocked with an extensive assortment of all requisites for print- ing, affording Mollifies not equalled, in the county for turning out first class work, Large type and appropriate cuts for all styles of Post- ers, Hand Bili , etc., and the latest styles of choice fancy typo for the finer classes of print H. B. ELLIOTT, Proprietor and Publisher Place the vast facilities of the Telephone System at the disposal of everyone. Are convenient for the use of non -subscribers. The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada LIMITED 1"re. Aft"' V'OOC�,'s 1711001/110a1110, 57.5 Great Engtish Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered.. Stat packages guaranteed to cure all forms Of Sexual Weekness, all effects of abuse or etcess, Mental Worry', Exeestive use Of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants, Mailed on .ccelpt of price, one package $1, six, $5. One witt_Oiease. stzwilt cure. Pamphlets free to any address. The Wood Company, Windsors Ont. Wood's Phosphodiine is sold hi Wingham by t'oliri A. Campbell,A. L. Hamilton, R. A. Douglass, and 7.11. avis, Drafixists. TO CONS! NIPTIVIE, . The undersigned having been. restored to health by eirnple means, after Mirroring for several years with a severe lung affeletion, and that dread disease Consrtmption, is anxious to Make knoiwn to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To those who desire it, he will eheer- fallq mend (free of ehatfee) a copy of the pre- sdcription need, which they Will And a cure for "• Consumption, Asthma Catstrrl,, bronchi• Me and all threat and lung Maladies. He all stiffeissre will try hie remedy, as it IN The,* desiring' the prescription, h wlfl Dost ; . oats nothing, and may prove addreses r, Itev'. ER. iroakljn,, New York. "DUNLOP" DU NLOP" All kinds of Rubber Tires for all kinds of Vehicles. bunlop Bicycle Tires Pneumatic Carriage Tires Solid ltel,ber'Carriagc Tires Int and Chair Tires Tires ter Baby Carriages. The buniop Tire Co., Limited 'fORo$I rer. Trademark TP. KENNEDY M. i)., M. C. P. s, 0 • (Member of Ilse British Medical Associa- tion.) Gold Medallist in Medicine. Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Child Office hours -1 to 4 p. In.: 7 to 9 p. m, DR. MACDONALD, , Centre Street Wingham, Ontario. DR. AGNEW, Physician, Surgeon, etc. Office -Macdonald Block, over J. E. Davis' Drug Store. Night calls answered at the office. VANSTONE. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC Privateamd Company funds to loan at lowest rate of interest. No commission clime; e I. ort- gages, town and farm property�bought and ck sold. Office, Beaver Block, Wingham. JA. MORTON, • BARRISTER, &c., Wingham, Ont. E. L. DICKINSON DUDLEY HOLMES DICKINSON & HOLMES BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, MONEY TO LOAN. Orrice: Meyer Block, Wingliam. Etc. ARTHUR J, IRWLY, ,D. D. S., L. D. S. Doctor of Dental Surgegy of the Pennsylvania Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office over Post Office, Wingliam. Office closed every Wednesday afternoon during Juno, July and August. T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., • L.D.S. New method for painless ex- traction. No Cocaine, Special attention to the care and regulation of children's teeth. Moderate prices and all work carefully and skilfully performed. Office in Beaver Block, Wingham. Office closed every Wednesday afternoon during June, July and August. JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, Wingham, Ont. JOHN CURRIE, WrNOSAM, Oar, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Implements a specialty. All orders left at THE Times office promptly attended to. Terms reasonable. E. ESTELLE GRIFFIN WIN GHA ,r TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE. Pupils prepared for Conservatory of Music examinations. VIOLIN AND GUITAR. MISS CARRIE MOORE of London Conservatory of Music, will he pre- pared after Oct. 1st to receive a limited num- ber of pupils for instruction on Violin and Guitar. Residence -opposite R. C. Church, Wingham. $2,000;000 trod, 20,000 Acres JOB PRINTING, • including, Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill Heads, On -ciders, &c., &e., executed in the best style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short nolico. BoounrNDnvo.-We are pleased to announce that any Books or Magazines left with us for Binding,will have our prompt attention Prices fr Binding in any style will be given on application to THE TIMES OFFICE, Wingham, RAILWAY TIME TABLES. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM. snam'5 LEAVE 'FOR London c 1 n m.... .10p.m. Toronto & East ..9 a.m.. 0.53 a.m.....,.05p.m, Kincardine,.11.10 a.m... 1.40 p m ... 8,38pan. ARRIVE PROM Kincardine ...0.50 a.m.. 9.00a.m.... 8.05 p.m. London . ............ 11.10 n m.... 7.55 pan. Palmerston 11.10 a,m. Toronto & East 1.40 p.m.... 8.88 p.m. L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingliam. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. ✓ TRAINS LEAVE Felt Toronto and East 0.57 nail.... 3.53 p.m. Teeswater 1.17 p.m ....I0.43 p.m. ARRIVE FROM Teeswater,... 0.57 a.m.... 8.53p.m, Toronto and Bast „ .,,. 117 p.m.,,.10.43 pen. J. H. BEEMER, Agent, Wingham. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THS TIMES. Value of the Fuit Crop of the ia iara Peninsula. Ig V. L. Smith writer in, the Weekly Sun: What is the valuer of the out- put of the small fruits produc;d tap Niagara District '1 There have been a nunmbsr of guesses, but, although the crop is of greater value than all the commercial apples raised in, the pro- vince, there has never been any syr te•matic attempt to find cwt what i i ie really worth. A statement of areae will help in this direction. The district referred to is 50 miles' long and from one and a hall to five miles wide. Of course, all the terri- tory is not fruit or truck. ,But between St. Catharines and the lake -for coma four concessions back from the lake -from five to fifty acres in, every hundred is ism fruit. About Grimsby the proportion in fruit in still greater, The report, of the Bureau of Indus- tries tel is us that in Lincoln Coun- ty there are about 20,000 acres in orobitid, garden, Anil vineyard, and in Wentworth 16,000 acres in the same. As a result of personal obser- vation and enquiry, I should think that fully 20,000 of the. total given is in sealer tree fruits, small fruit and truck in what is called,, the Ni- agara district. What is the output worth en acret Well, take the cherry crop tie a help in working out a calculation, Mr. Collins, who has a ,fruit farm near St. Catharines, got 4c per lb. far his cherries, and he had an average of 45 lbs. per tree, That its $1,80 per tree, and with' 130 trees to the acre this would figure up to $134. Sonic' fruits will go more than that and some good deal less. It .is safe to average it -taking fruit and. truck together -at over $100 an acre, so that the total value, of the output. for the district would be about .$2,000,000. Rain water Reigns A render of an inquiring' turn of mina, has made some calculations bas- ed on the enormous rainfall of the present month. He seys,- A gallon of water weighs 10 pounds•, and if spread out iu a .layer; one inch.thick will onlyarea ' {{ cover an of two ere feet. An inch' of rain gives 22,662 gall one for 100 tons, of water Tier aerie, or 60,000 tons per square miles. e fernier who has di 160 acre farm will receive on his farm 16,000 tons of water for each. inch) of rain.. ,Z see that the rainfall of the present month is unprecedented, being already 8 i -b inches, so the farmer mcntloncdl above will have to his credit 133,33e tones, or 30,216,000 gallons. - ' Eight inches of rainfall upon a square mile means 123 250,000 gallons OT 616,006 tons. It world be interesting to know w.hej,her the phenomena' rainfall of this :season. has any con- nection with the prohibition agita- tion. Whether' the referendum! in carried or not. the. country: will get its full Share oc cold, water anyway. For OVA sixty roars. An Old and Well -Tried Remedy -Mrs Winslow's SoothineSyrtm has been used for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cure$ wind colic, end is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure you ask for Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. There is a noted difference in the style and fit of Pants we make that always brings peo- ple hack for another pair. Then there is the low price. and better quality of cloth put in them --cloth that wears See our new goods and prices. WEBSTE�yyy_�" ■ M "nt DO YEARS" .r_EXPUI-4IENCE "FRA C c • MARKS OCRIGNS COPY Rioays chic. Anyone seeding ri sketch and desert ticnrns, giltekly aseortaht cur opinion free whether eaa ,invention. is proi,nblypetentable. Csiminuntme stone',trittly eenfldcntinl. Ifnadbock on Pntemu sent free. oldest totency for securing L�atents. Patents take'• through Munn vo. reactve special nutfee, without to the $ckernific American. A handsomely ills dratsd t'ceikly. tittered dlr. rttlatton of any sMenttfln journal. Terms. 511 dt Year i font months, 51. rot 1 by all neeedealeve. MORICo,2attirfed"Y,NewYgrk ]seaad:rdi G.;r1; C:wWcaia:»„tta.,l•. •