HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-08-14, Page 1.ee-a.t.,r tP.r. ti VOL. X.XXI.----NTO 159'2. WINGIWL Mit a TIII,TIISDAT, AUGUST I47: 1902. 3.I A YEAR. IN AD1+AN. ra.0.11~it eve, Great Dissolution SALE * 4 FOR CASH ONLY This is no fake. It is. a . e genuine sale, and we are positive we can save you 0 money ou• everything you d' buy. A few Bargains Men's Dongola Boots - Regular $315, sale price $2.40 Men's Box Calf Boots • - Regular $3.75, sale price $3.90 ,, 13.20, " 2.40 0 ,e • 3.60, " 2.25 2.5Q, " 1.96 Ladies' Dong. Boots, button -- Regular $3.06, sale price $2.25 2.75,• 2.15 .. 2.5%, . " 1.55 .. 2.00, " 1.50 Children's Shoes- • Regular $1,40, sale price $1.10 Children's Shoes, button - Regular $1.25, sale price $1.00 •' 1.25, .85 Men's Colored Shirts -- Regular $1.25, sale price $1.00 10) a.. 1.00, " .$0 Me llaWhi t° Shirt s - R u1ar $1:00 sale r i e .80 Neekevear.- ar sale r .38 �! II Regular' .50,is 'ice 38 As to clothing, now is the time to purchase, as we can save you from $4 to $5 on a suit of Clothes. Store for sale. Apply to J. J. Homuth. Hornuib 86 ,Son Nolb42W1646,1M 02,4 MARRIAGE LICENSES ' Dsnai by1`tEANIt PATErtSOx, No. 23 Victoria street. Wingliam.'Ont. No witnesses required. GROCERIES A complete line of the best Groceries and Canned Goods thdt money can buy. We sell at the•lowest possible. prices. Weston's Bread, Toronto, for sale. JOHN GRAY, Josephine street, north: DOMINION BANS Capital Reserve $2,500;000 $2,500,000 W1NCHAM BRANCH SHAW ,BLOCK. A General Banking Business Trans- acted. Farmers' Sale Notes Collected, and advances made on same. Drafts bought and sold on all points in Canada. United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT -Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal 30tH June and 31st December each year. A. E. GIBSON, Manager. 13. Vanstone, Solicitor. BANK OF HAMILTON WINCH AM. Capital paid; tip, $2,000,000.00. Reserve Fuad, $1,000,000.00. Pickles Best money t kt 'nd s m. nay can buy Crosse & Blackwell's mixed, per bottle .. • - - .35 Orestes & Gluck rvelI's Chow Chow per bottle • .35 r D Williams B eti (Detroit) Mixed Pickles, per bottle • .25 Willieles Bros' Sweet Mixed Pickles, pee bottle . .25 Heintz's, plain, per bottle .15 lei tu s mixed, per bottle - .15 Hein •ChowChow, t�'sCn Tw, per bottle .15. Heintz's Silver Onions, per bottle ,15 Heintz's Bulk Pickles, per quart .15 22 -oz bottle Mixed Pickles - .10 Lytle & Co.'s Mixed Pickles, qt .15 Catsup, per bottle - - .10 Catstip, quart bottle - - .20 �11. Hutchison Groceries and Crockery. Phone No. 59. Wanvted,-At `Once. •A farm of at feast 100 acres, close to town and suitable for pasture. I have completed arrangements Whereby I have for sale all tlic.prone rty in and around the Uanadian Soo not already secured. Anyone desirous of purchasing a building lot orbininess•atpndl Will find plans, price and. 'terms at this olNee. There are still some choice properties on the list which may he i.ecu red by a small deposit, the balance being paid on very easy terms. nave a large list of farms for sale, suitable for mixed ,wain • an ranging i a farming, a in size d price to suit anyone. 6 g n The list of town properties forsilo is daily increasingandaffods tine selection, for the intending pttrohaser• to choose fromp. T. J. MAGUIRE, foal testate and Insurance Agent. 0111cc over D. M Gordon'rt store. President -305x STUMMT. Vice -President --A. Gt. Brite Y. vxttlite ions J`o'hn Praetor, Geo, Roach Wm. Gibson, M.P. A. T, Wool, M.P., A. B. Lee (Toronto). General Manager -4. Tt3141BVLL. i Settlers aukIeura 10 to tf• Saturday, 10 t61. DPpoaits of stand p«artercaeved. • tertt t allowed, anti computed eta the Seth No- vember ovember and slat May emit year and added to principal. Special Deposita also-reeelved at current rates of interest. Draft's on Great Dritsin AM the united Stades Sought said hold, VA -ateliers are notified that tht ketiktf item. Alton and its ranches isatta eoUlArBatonof National Provinriai Bank of England, Limited, ahioh can be ennhed without tri ere'n or troll• bis in any part of the world, W. 001080.01,1[1, Agent .tit. L. DI01C11±Ig01V, Solicitor. I .Who Wants t Font]. vPov r 9000att of�ehoicefie r ? ' Vikaa for sa1 ,Ee s l W"co and. 200 acres; 'Wire Itnloss_(reenoci, Bruce, Kincardine, and Ashfeld Townships. Good Innes with good buildings to be sold cheap on easy teras. Also a good sawmill for sale, almost for a song. Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in con- nection) doing a good business, for sale cheap. A hotel doinggood business for sale cheap. Also a wagon hop. A general store with large trade, live village. Also a large amount of money to loan at 6 per cent. For further par- ticulars apply to J, A. Me1ZENZIE, Tmsn ance Agent, Holvrood. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. See Halsey rark.'s advertisement. Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran- teed to cure headache. ,Cheap ;leading. We are anxious t , add a large numb- er of names to the 'DIES' subscription. list before the 1st o January next. ' In order to do this' age are offering the TIMES till 1st Januti3•, 1903, to new sub- scribers for 25 cents... Subscribe early. Isard's stock -taking sale now going on. See advt. Huron Model School The Model Stools at Clinton and Goderich will o u on Tuesday, Sept. 3rd at 9 o'clock: a. ia. The Board of Examiners will set at Seaforth on Saturday, Aug. 23 d. All those wishing to attend the Mod 1 School are request- ed to notify the P blio School -Inspectors before the date of, meeting. Applicants will pleasestate t'whicii Model School they prefer attending. '• Farm for sale at a bargain. Apply to D. Stewart. Office ptationery. Get your biIlheade, envelopes, letter- heads, receipt fort+, order forms, conut- or check books ctc.j printed at Tna Tins job department. ' atisfactiofl assured; prices mddorate. Every .nerahant, business man an corporation should have their stations printed. Use good stationery, it gives our business dignity and standing hi the'cainmuitity. CltEAP Cotros, Another Bade :of 11 ends of cotton from 3e up at Isard e's. Moving,to'the West. Mr. P. G. Ittrdook has sold his pre• perty in Lower Wingham to Mr. Geo. Cruickshank, jr„'ttud he acid his futility will leave here next week for Deloraine, Man., whore Mr. furdock ihtenda Mak., ipg his home. bpi'. Andrew Hood and family, who lmvtl been reelideuts of Winghatn for a i$tunber of years, will leave next week for North Dakota, where they fntendireskling. Both fain- illea will have the best knishes of many friends for success in their new homes. r 'pair Greer's. Shoes. For M quitoes. The following ti is for those: who are worried by th a over tronbiesome creatures enliett osquitoes: Throw a i ofalumute zof a piece t � marble into a bowl of water t el wet the hands And exposed parts wain it. Not a mosquito will touch i''ou.-,.N ebraska City News. For views and lawn groups try Armstrong & Co. Received Sc toiarship. The Royal Comini tonere for the ex- hibition of 1851 have cppoiatad William Crowell Bray of t'e University of Toronto to science r' search scholarship of X150 a year. Mrd Bit,y is a. former int 1 r' Wft g_ha toys l a his friends here will be pleased to hear et his success, MONEY TO LoAet at OS per cent. on easy terms of repayment. Apply to A.. Dullua;e,'ient Block, Wingham. • • Grand Lodge Meeting. The Grand LOIndependent and tire- Cransi En- campment of tl } .Independent Oddfel- lows are meanid, Toronto, this weal's. Mr. W. Hough;is representing 11liuerr0 Encampment whet Mr. Jas. Day is repre sentidg Maitl ' nd Lodge. Mr .7, • A,• Morton is also an. Toronto attending the Grand Lodge Meeting, lv . Wit A rink of th potted of Dr. • Holmes A.E Gi to Clinton ou T atale with game nz ;, that 1.r t : tti�ari port a tssplendb they dtatr'atted t score of 21 to 11 • {� L Herold 1Iard1(t in impfeaslvx at$le boon to Joliet; Ill, Little BOW forced close tet► 2,00•:olip an it'i 0 bat Wile rt t101.1 s. dinar llofse to giiake bars psce,l thin three lied been premed. Wins, free-for-all pace Thursday after - t the second heat iius a quarter at the mile in 2.07 e, 1eutheCa a- for Cana- er off. He oa lld feats Ill 2,00 if he 'Roth Straig arid Cross All the petitions and cross -petitions arising front the red nt ,i:'eovinoial elec tionla.have note,. it i thgtight, been filed, and nrrangethents f the examinntions it o dei ry l b nn 1 a co e� It There tt n 1 ofweeks. e e 'A are 53 straight and `10 .Dross petitions, rather fewer than usual. After the election of 1898 the were 65 straight c s s' o and; .d 8 ro **ions A Welfskno illi: W. 3„, Elliott Oen tral Rusiltess.Coli hi oerti%inly a strop °epee ailvertising as I lyras be seen in nearly of Westpru OAttirio. known from ope end other, and it enjoys ai IiOH for` itfSt-class IVa l Princijl for it catalo takings. cQttrse in 0 b n College. Principal of the e, Stratford. Out; believer in news - s a!lvertisenic:Its lithe newspapers is school is well Colette to the repute- it, Write to the l„ e if you intend i mess college. • Dr. J3ntler, spepinlist in the diseases of the eye' ear, pusib and throat. Eyes the Boy/fere. • tested -nett. glasses supplied. Ogles op - posits St: Andrew's church, London, Winghtun howlers,toem- Ontario; . T. Holloway, Dudley son and H.Jefferies went °stilly afternoon and had rinkbowlers of the boat en of Win ham bowlers g re- afternoon'a sport and ti Clinton bowlers by a ✓ x'u: i Thp Ld O. E c rs an. The• hig Ta G.•L.. Ncursion to Sarnia 'and Detioit will, be ' acrd on Saturday, Aug. Mai via Gr. T q .. Excursionists will take regular teal . • Crone Winghatn and passengers will 1,via Hyde Park. The fare from here t • Sarnia -is $2.05,. and by boat frotn Sarn a to Detroit, :the fare is.50 cents. Keep_ the date in mind, August 23rd. ' Send us the ews. The editor cannot als ays call at your home to inquire if therm is any news. If 'you know of . any and. it in. We want all the news there is. but no man can get all. Just as. an ''ous to mention your company or visito as to mention those of your neighbo but probably your neighbor gives us . ore assistance in securing the facts. Ha .t1 in your news items. We want them.f Wingham's Fa I Fair. Prize lists for Wiuglam's fall fair have been printed at t . e TIMES office and are now ready• f., • distribution. They may be had; om '' in, Robertson; secretary, or wnteni post card and he will send you one by ail. The fair, which will be held on ept. 25th and 26th, promises to be eine e f the best ever helot in Wingham, ' The list of special attractions includes a 2. .i - trot or pace, and a free-for-all ho race; also a gentlemen's road race, a . gable hitching race and a special fo the best lady driver. Other special '. ttractions will be announced in due tim a A Boat Su ;. k. Two steamers collided • n Lake Erie at midnight on August 4t` . One of the steamers sank rapidly. roe lives were lost and many injured. ;tome relatives of Mr. H. Davis of this town Were on board one of the steaineriala will beseon by the following from the London Advertiser:-a;'Masters : ewellya and Evans Dil; +i4, 'sons of Ve Archdeacon Devil .bf'thij ity, were assengers on sunk the City Rondeau on non and MMS, iso passengers the steamer Seguin, whit df Venice in a collision o lifonday night. Rev. Ca -Davis, of Sarnia,' were on the Seguin." Excursion to: Buffalo. Satttiklay of 'this r cit is the Clay of the I. O. F. exc..rs n to Buffalo via G. T. H. Train le.' es Wingham at 0.63 3 a. in.,and. go . via t 5Listowel a Stratford, and a a ecial train from Stratford to 13nffal arriving 'abo'at 2 p, in. On returni g, train; will leave Bdifed on Monde Aug, 18th, at 5.02 p,sn. awl a specie train Will be run from Stratford to Wi ham. The fare from Witighat is 48. and no doubt a large umber. from is section Will take •ad- vantage of t ib oppOrtanity to upend Sunday at Buffalo. New Ind Whighant is to have Mrs. -0. -Gil sr h i' li � c r as on Josephine street track to Mr. John Jo tivlto purposei3 using it o rator. If the deal t. o nt f L no v J' o c t J ftp at ones and l:►y>reaily f eetieealkf-,A..larAesita be.. employed, and -Mr, wage bill- Will anion'N Since the above was pa thr. t ha buatildingMJoynanal s g will iia running this season. ry. t a new industry. . Diel her building ear the C.• P. R. nt' of Lnoknow, s an apple swip- es through Mr. A t 'put i►r the plant r operations this ei' at' hands will Joynt's weeklyy 't'o considerable. in type we learn possession of the the evaporator Locked out Doors. A somewhat novel ase. is attracting the attention of the people of Black House.'" A man an his wife, who apparently do not ire together in harmony are the int•,•ested partiee. It seems that on Sunda; Anglia 3rd, the mistress of the house mired to visit her parents, but the galla 't husband w4uld not diive her there. 9 'othirtg daunted;' she hoofed it there d back. On her return she found th door locked, and not being able to get it i o the hoose id any other way, she broke he door. On Men - day the man of the h use had a warrant issued, charging her kith house -break- ing and Constable J. rmstrong arrested lier, and had her in charge until next day.' As soon as she regained her free- dom shea of her fath ;r's team and took away all her belongi gs including soma stock. Apparently ; a does not intend to return to claim the protection of her losing husband. • 1! Movnv To LOAN. -Money to loan on notes, and notes discounted at reason - table rates. Money advanced on meet - gages, with privilege of paying at the end of any year. Notes and accounts collected. 011ice-Beaver Block, W ng - ham Rolm Molsboo. Died in Earl . Manhood: On Tuesday aftern n the remains of Thos. Edward. Bell, dest son of David and Elizabeth Bell, B Mania road, were interred in Mai.traeu cemtery, Rev. Dr. Daniel conducting re services. The pall -bearers were three moles of de ceas- ed_Willis Bell and homes Bell,of Goderich township, alts Walter Bell, of Burlington -and thte Cousins-Robt. Carter, of Clinton, jam Bell of Goder- ich township, anti John• ell, of Dungan- non -and there Were *lee relatives present from St. Oath 'lees, Lowville, Burlington, Clinton, Ingannon and Wingham. The deceas was nineteen years and four Months age, and was the fourth in the famil He lied been working in Stratford till he latter pert of March, 'when he We taken in nod Was o va obliged to come He recovered r after several weeks, but boat the first. of July had a second tack of his malady, rheumatism and tepee, which. terminated fatally on nudity last. General sympathy is felt . r the family in their loss, met we •e desired to express Mr. and Mrs. Bel anpreciation of the many manifestatio ' which they reeeived of that sympst .-Goderich Stoat. SCHOOL GARP., Tho regular Moe y meeting of the School Board was it d on Tuesday.even- ing. Members p sent: - Ohairuulu Kerr and Messrs,. Moo e, 'Abraham,' Batton And Grii?it Minutes of last moeti.ng readad aud a roved. The report front a Boiler Inspector was read and on ria ion of Messrs Gl Win and Beticn was o ered to be received and filed, .On motion of essrs Abraham and 41:001'0, the, foil ' lug accounts were ordered ta be p: : 0. N. Griffin, supplies, $9.711 o. Mason, supplies, $8.36. Mr. W. Taylor 1 nmled the chairman $1.20, being atone} a bad received from the sale of old iron t the school build. iug, A short discussi i tool; place on the matter of sonic rep its which are to be made at the school,. Wilding: Ou motion of losers, •Gnifin and Button, the tea terse , and officers' salaries for th° 1 oath pf. July were ordered to be paid';• nil the Bog.rd ad- journerl, -}5 e Excursion. The Brussels peg e, bad fine weather for their union Sun .y school exoursi••.n• to Kinearkine on esdny. special train of fourteen co hes passed through Wiugflnlu ill' the to rning, wbioh were pretty well. crow Hct. Eighty-eight tickets were sold at YWingliain station. The excursionists reil(art having a .leas - nut day at Kincardine.. . The Kincard Half price for Photog . • p continued to S:apt. 15th. J. M. Gr: Star Photo Studio, Wiagham. The Wing n t g The Wingham rad Weddesdny end Th We go to press too c mary of - the races year has every aFP ban meeting r eetmh in ham track. The never larger 'S0 " the board for to -da ed with: good iveati large stten4ttitee, mRaces s are being held on sins of this weep. rly to give a sent- The meeting this Trance of being the i gg history of Wing- ist ist ofrre3 nt ' was e geed races aio off and if ire sire favor r there should 'be a -,i Cott OiljBusiness The Stand Ot their large oil tslnka� T. R., and the first was received here Co.'have now got ii position at theiG. alt cal• of 'coal oil this week. These cars hold from 5,O0*to 6,000 gallons of oil. It is expected tat one car a month will be required ltei • Wineham.will be the distributing pgiilt and Messrs. A. Young & Sons •liar: the contract of supplying the merchants in this district. 'The tank wagon which is to be us for delivering the oil arrived this w PRIZE BUTTER MA Mrs. Geo, T. Robert Pickel, equal; 2nd p Isbister; 3rd prize, Tavish and Mrs. equal. ize,21c., 1 Mrs. J. N. 6c., Mrs. Win. , Mrs. J. S. Mc - a ales Thompson, G. E. KLVG. District Fall Fairs Wingllatn, Sept. 25-26. Teoswater, Sept. 24-25. Dungannon, Oct. 3-10. Blyth, Oct, 7-3. Brussels, Oct. 2-3. Walkerton, Sept. 17-18. Stratford, Sept. 30 -Qct. 1. Listo.el, Sept. 80 -Oct. 1. Goderich, Sept. 30 -Oct. 1. Seafortn, Sept. 25-26. London, Sept. 12-29. Toronto, Sept. 1.13. Atwood, Oct. 7-8. Kincardine, Sept. 80 -Oct. 1, Mildmay, Sept. 32-23. A Good Registi tion System. I The collection' of vital statistics in Ontario has evideutl been reduced to a fairly exact scie ce, judging by 'a comparison with t e recently issued latter return as to ;~es In the there were returned 6,413 children born in Ontario in the ye • ending March 31, 1001. By the Regis ar-General's report 40,127 children ever born in Ontario in in the calendar year 000. There is there- fore a difference o 280, *hich may be pretty well accoun d for by the slight difference in the eriods revered, or which is, in any vent, fhfiuitesiival. The births rate by a census return is 21.28 on the aetua population, and by the . rtegistrar.Gen '1l's report 21.1 on the estintltted pop aim', which was hn .l retiblis t i of the •er e the basis hedl. 1p Dr. Bryce regards comparison with much satisfaction a er the endeavor lie has made to inmproy the system. %tops tie tough ism! Works Oiiir th6 told. f saltire BroenteetiinineTablets curs a reed In etSe eek )'j', C+sre.no Pav, Prier 26 sense. PART I ill THE SUCQES Who Wrote at Blyth, Wroxe Hard Geo d C o We give below cessf(rl omit late eaa►4ination cent ham, Blyth, Wro on the Public Seim called Part I. Juni tion. The subjects exa lish grammar, twit tion, history of Canada,r h s. eo a A g sition. Each of ti Mid at 100 marks, Ir idate Toast ta'•.e 8 and 80%„ of the date that failed on pass standing (331, mar, arithmetic a history of Great BI acoopted 'as haviu Jailior lelatriculatioi The geography pa) most of 'the caudidat The certificates o and the marks of .the mailed Ott Monday tion Department dot marks of successful JOB LEAVI. UL CANDIDATES russets, Wingham, r and Fordwich appy Paper. o names of the sue - that wrote At Tha • of Brussels, Wing - ter and Fordwich Leaving, or as now Leaving examine - fined on were Eng- retic and =mere - rent Britain and and English comp- lite om -live papers is Tel - order to puss a mud - in each paper gregate. A Candi- e total but obtained °)'in ,English gram- ° mensuration and lin and Canada is passed Part I., on these subjects. r this year downed s that failed. those that passed. ie that failed were last. The Educe= not give out the i,ndidates. WING AM. PART I. JUNI LEAVING. Laura A. Ansley, . John E, Currie, Cora G. Curry, Pearl . Davis, Olive K. Ferguson, Norman way, Win. A, Higgins, Willie P. uklater, Arthur McKersie, Willie J. M eau, Jim. Mur- ray, Albert Patterson, Mena M. Pear- son, Jennie Riutonl, itobt, M. S11fe11, Mary Troy, i PART I. JUNIOR MACULATIO N. Rosie Campbell, Annailchrist, Mar- jorie ar- jorie Gordon, Bertha J. illcKague, Al, berta. Rintoul, Herbert? IL Sheriff, Maude P. Troy, Gertrude. Troy. Tweutyeielrt candidates wrote at this T centre. n BRUSSE7;`yS. •P,IET . T..rC1ii0R Aceta -vena. Ruby Clegg, alnn,t, iunlop, Emmer- son Fulton, Eleanor R ' P ieston, Hany C. Gooding, Frank W1: Haat, Beatrice H. Howe, Alex. Lamnt, Duncan A. McDonald, Barbara 11lcKelvey, ;Susan McNair, Beatriee Mc1' air, Irwin Ray - nerd, Ada Ross, Luella. Ross, Brine 'Scott, Kate Teller, %n. M. Wri_ht, Albert R. Zimmer. PART I. JUNIOR Mi RICULATION. ' Russel Brown, Fra4. H. MOGavin, James M. Richardson. Twenty eight canidatlis wrote at this centre. <' I3LYTI PART I. JUNIOR "LEAVING. William O,. Henry, 1"dith E. Jenkins, Raymondteedinond, Alnie X. Toll. PART .I .JUNIOR MASRICVLATION. Annie Cowan, Kate 4arsholl. Twelye cnndidates;i wrote at this centre. ii WROXET'R. PART I. JUNIOR LEAVING. Garnet Campbell, I4cu A. Higgins, Stanley Sanderson. f PART I. JUNIOR MA.ktICUL.l.TION. Etta J. Burns, Reber Higgins, Ernest Wiley. Six 'candidates wrote ` t this centre. FORDWIH. PART I. JUNIOR r EATING. Percy S. Ashton, Hairy A. Carter, i Jaines T. Carter, Jerainut E. Gilpin. Mabel McGuire, Aran>rintha B. .M.c- I Laughlin,. Essie liilnil, Edward A. Strome, Lindsay Wilson;i Ten candidl)ltes wrote (jt this centre. New Roads in goma. The Public Works D partment an- nounces some road imps vements in Al. goma. The road from , 'chipicoten to Wawa has been repel 1, and a new road has been built fr` m Sault Ste. Marie to Goulair Bay, to epiace the old road, which was throngh, rough,monn• tainous part.- Some new highways are also being laid out in cDougall and i Torah Townships, near eY, "Soo." Visitors at Got Mrs. 7. W. Vannatter ton paid a short visit to Mg the5past Week. Miss 1, is]t, of `Witaghain, spent ti her 'aunt, hits. Robert Het W. IL Green, of Winghal for a fele days this wee sister, Mrs. R. Rendersm cam inthe excursion a on a and 1 Mrs r Green ticei hitt, to their home on the OP Goderieh Signal. COME TO DOUGLASS The Uriggist For your BIustono Pari 01061: 1 hellehere And all Insecticides Office O. N. W. Telegraph The Read "a Success Is easy for those who ore equipped -for the proper transection of business affairs. Those who get their educa- tion where attention is given to de- tails and simple methods will have the advantage of others. We have in- formation foryouif you are interested Forest City Business College Y. let. C. A, Building, London, Ont. J. W. WESTERVELT,. Principal. • + ++++++++++++++++++++++++4, .1.a• 64 4. t ' Fall Terns open 'Sept. 2nd •b Central Bus• iness College, • * STRATFORD, 'CWT. school that occupies front rank `1' ,g the: best bnsinews collegeson this er co tient. Many leading commercial 'd• '1' eras--' Ls dol our li t t place all our 4, graduates o in Goa fiuiith issyear than in + tsittxylinsolydtdm desiring + • our School. 4. Write for catalogue. W. J. ELLTOTT, principal. 1: The TIMES to January 1st 1003 for 25c. TO -WIDE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Al druggists refund the money if it fails to Ottre E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 250 Wmgham's Leading Shoe Store SCARED OUT 13IS MOTS. Many makers of Footwear have feared rich overstookieg, and we have unloaded d Miss Skel- Shoes At Less Than higham (Int- Itegaler Priem . 'E. Mae"- rather than take chances of getting rid Weeks with Of the& in the usual way erson, Mrs. We boaght a lot of was in IOWD PINE FOOTWEAR visiting her Mr. Green ain Tuesday ponied him ing nesday evening on a visit awl Detroit, Mieh. Sh Neuss ninety by. the A, her in the ft on Wed. 0 Port Huron w aeCompanied the tickets. at adeantageoes figures end can offer MR8's,Wosia's AND CI= USN'S of excellent quality at figures much be low that usually charged. SPECIAL BARGAINS in FOotwear during Auittat. .1 GREER •