HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-08-07, Page 8TIE WINGlf Ail TIMES, AUGUST , 19(}2, A�'�'11R'w✓'1R'1t'1t'4'�'t)r'�r'!'471r1w'�•'�1'�r�l,'IirNr'�l1t'V�'�`'�9+'� RITOHIE CAMPBELL y? '�Ih''►'�'�r'14'�h1A•^�r'1►�"�'1tr1►'gr r1��'L�►t41►^�►�'�A►1r�'N!'lir Summer Goods a=c1earing out arra magmarem Wash Goods This will be the last call for a number of our Snmtner Fabrics. These prices will make quick work of the lots we have marked down to 15 cents. 1,000 yards of Fine English Mercerized Sateens, Dimities, Organdies. Linens, Black, White and Fancy Mnslins, etc., regular prices were 25c, 30c, 35e and 1Oc,-- to clear at .15 1,000 yards of Prints, Gieghams and Ohambrays, new patterns and plain ;nare:lt+eed fust. colors, now on sale at - .10 25 remnants of Prints, from 1 to 4 yards, to clear tat - .08 •alle%/3,1111rcVOrOA $ICa411r 11011, 4.')►b'rb'l1•Ittr Or Embroideries 5o remnants of Embroideries and Insertions, from I toy yards in an, end, regular prices from 9c to 18c a yard. , Your choice of 20 pieces for Sc a yard ar I, Il ++ 7c „ ee a 10 e, ltn r, u as 5 " 121_c " 0 pleileW4VIlleeleielb.4101,41.W1/441alse%‘..44.111.4: Fall Goods Arriving The first, shipments of Fall Goods are here already, consist- ing of Dress Goods and Suitings. in the newest shades and weaves; new Shaker Flannels, new Flannels, new Cottonades, new Shirtings, new Cottons, new Factory Cottons, new Ginghnms for aprons, new Drapery Goods, eta. gpis),-We always carry in stock a full line of Carpets, Liuoleums, Lace and Damask Curtains, Table Covers, etc. ► Groceries We carr a nice fresh stock of Grneerins and can fill all your requirements in this line as well as dry goods. Prompt delivery. $s.'w111Wl vas a3•lVali 'vis.^ /w t I RITCHIE & CAN1PBELL. Successors to M, H. melndoo MINOR LOCALS. —Frank Constable and family have moved to Tlllsoubal'g. Remember the I. 0. P. excursion t0 Buffalo, ou Saturday, August 16th. —Remember the Wingham races on Wednesday and Thursday of next week. —Regular rnol,thly meeting of . the School Board on Tuesday evening next. —Galt football club won from Listowel at Listowel on Monday by a score of 2 to 0. —Regular meeting of Court Maitland,. C. O, F., on Friday evening of this week. —Flax pulling is now in full swing. The flax crop is said to be a good one this year. —Brussels defeated Blyth in a game of baseball at Brussels Friday by a score of 22 to 5. —Dan Patch, the great American horse, paced a mile at Columbus, Ohio, on Saturday last week in 2.00?;t;. —Messrs. J. E. Swarts and Chas. B:neclr.0-(00ilted aS judges -.at the Horse rsl. fps"iti e $ey 1st Weel:: :y —Mr. A. L. Hiihiiilien has moved into the house at the rear of the drug store, formerly occupied by Dr. Chisholm. —When correspondents are out of supplies they will confer a favor by notifying us of the fact either person- ally or by letter. —As will be seen from advertisements in another column, the election expenses of M. G. Cameron amounted to $62S.73 and those of James Mitchell, $185.83. —The Kincardine branch of the Lord's Day Alliance is circulating a petition among the business men asking that places of business be closed at 10 o'clock on Saturday nights. TILLSON'S PAN - DRIED OatmeaJ Tillson's .Gold -dust Cornmeal Tillson's Wheat Farina, mei all other good Breakfast Foods including Cream of Wheat, Malt Breakfast Food, Force, Malta Vita, Grape -Nuts, Health Food, Life Chips, Wheat -Os, and Shredded Wheat always fresh at Tudhope's eery and Cro keiry State or?. %AVE or sAtitti.•ro`t. —Prowler Boss will sail for Canada about the 15th of August, There will be more horsea here than ever before for Winglfaul Maces, Wed. nesd►ly trucl Thursday, Aug. 13 awl 14, —Mr. V. Paterson has been appointed by the Town Council tis engineer over the laying of the grenolitllie walks. Mr. Peterson uuderstalids ins bustuees. and lie will see that the work is done properly. —Tuesday next,l2th Inst, an excursion will be run by 0, T. R. to KiucaTdine• and return et reduced rates, and the prospect of a steamer rude on Lake Huron. For full particulars. apply to G. T. U. agent Harold, and Holmes c&ii Holmes, —Mr. D. G. Audersoo, principal of the Atwood public school is the new proprietc,r of the Atwood Bee. Mr. Anderson spent hie early days in Lis- towel and is an old school -mate of the Tholes man. We wish hint success iu newspaper work. PERSONALS. We shall be glad to have contributions tc this column from any of our readers, If you have visitors or purpose going away yourself. drop In and troll ti..,, or send tis a -note to that affect. —J. 3. Elliott, V. S., shipped a car- load of fine heavy horses to Manitoba on. Tuesday. —Everyone will be at the Wiugham Races, Wednesday and Thursday, Aug. 13 and 14. —Mr. C. P. Smith has had a neat. set of steps placed in trout of his cottages ou John street. —Next Monday is Listowel's civic holiday. A baseball tournament will be held in that town. —See bills for f nil particulars of the I. 0. F. excursion to Buffalo, on Satur- day August 16th. Come and see the races, Wednesday' and Thursday, Aug. 13 and 14. This is the banner meeting! —The River House, Wallaceburg, has been disposed of by J. A. Jonston to Samuel Beattie of Brussels. —The election expenses of Dr. Stew- art, the Liberal candidate in Centre Bruce, amounted to $20.4.53. Don't forget that the fastest running horses in Canada are entered for Wing- llatil'Bacesy A.tig�, lii:aud 14. '--:When tr rich loan of eighty asks a girl of 18 to share his lot, she is thinking of the cemetry lot and he isn't. —Workmen are now busy building the cement foundation walls of Mr. D. B. McDonald's new house on Frances street. ' Miss Campbell of Dunnville is a guest of 11f ies Dinsley. Mr. John Ball was in Toronto for a few days this week. --Mr. John Currie, auctioneer, con- tinues very low. We are sorry to learn that no hopes are held out for his re- covery. —The carpenters have about finished their work on Mrs. D. McInnes house, on John street and the painters will commence this week. Business men cannot well afford to pass the big circulation of the 7.13IEs. Does your business announcement ap- pear in the columns of the TIMES. —John Scott of Listowel- shipped a carload of cattle from here to Toronto on Monday, and W. P. VanStone a car- load of hogs to Toronto. —A garden party under the auspices of Trinity churh, Belgrave, will ho held at John Scaudrett's, near Belgrave, on the evening of Coronation Day, Satur- day, August Oth. —W. F. V anstone has purchased the brick building on Victoria street, used by Thos. Armstrong as an implement warehouse, acid will convert the build- ing into two dwellings, —The annual excursion of the Brussels Sunday schools will take place on Tuesday of next week to Kincardine, The special train will pass through Wingham at 8.35 o'clock a, nr, and the Mr. D, Stewart, of Stratford, District fare from here is 70 cents. Agent of the Mutual Life Assurance —Horse races will be held in )3russels Co. of Canada, was in town last week 'W. C. Goo ort Tuesday and Wednesday, August in the interests of his company. a hank 10th and 20th. A good prograintnce has Mr, and Mrs, R. A. 'Walker have re - been arranged for each thy. -Coming a turned to their home in Toronto, after A1R1 SMITH, CHISHOIM BLOCK Chief S auaorman was in Toronto. on Monday and Tuesday, Mr. E. L. Dickinson of Goderich was in town on Saturday. Mr, 301111 Adair was visiting with In- gersoll friends this week. Mrs, and Mies Bernier of Lucknow are visiting at kr. H. Dayis.' Mr. Newman Wellwood visited with friends in Toronto this week. The Misses Arnold, of Essex, are visit- iug with the. Misses Reynolds. Mr. Drank McLaughlin of Detroit is holidaying at his home in town. Mr. W. Carter, of London was visiting with friends in town over Sunday. Mr. Jos. Gray, of Preston was visit. ing in town for a few days this week. Miss Grace Newton is holidaying fora couple of weeks with friends in Goderich. Mrs. John Murray was visiting in Dundas for a few days during the week. Mrs. Richard Hingston of Brussels is visiting with her son, Mr. A. Hiugstou. Mrs. D. McCormick of Hamilton is vissting with her sister, Mrs. L. W. Hanson. • Mrs. T. E. Bowles and daughter are visiting with her sister, Mrs. Gifford in Detroit. . Mrs. Wm. Bonnie]- of Toronto is visiting with his sister, Mrs. Jas. Maguire. ' Miss A. Ross of Brussels was a guest at the home of Mrs. Jas. McLaughlin this week. Mrs. Jas, Maguire, with her sister, Mrs. Bounick, spent Ciyic Holiday -at Brussels. - Mrs. M. E. Zttlirigg and daughter are visiting with relatives and friends at Tavistock. Mr. David Campbell, of Toronto was visiting over :Sprtday with his parents, Mr. and Mr s favid Campbell. Mr. Lloyd Sills returned home to Toronto on Monday after spending a few weeks at his home in town. Mr. John Campbell, Principal of Highgate pablic shool is spending part of his holidays at his home iu town. Mr. A. E. Gibson, manager of the Dominion Bank with Mrs. Gibson, are away on a trip up the lakes this week. Mr. and Mrs. W..T.Patte.son of Wing - ham are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Patterson.—Kincardine Review. Mrs. Herman of Rochester, N. Y„ and Mrs. Ww. Baird of Woodstock are visiting with their brother, Mr. Jas. Brock. Of course this is a Bargain Store;, of New Clothing. It wouldn't be faithful to- the public if it were not, Below you will find a few reasons why you should be here with the buy- ing ct'o� d. • I could tell many more reasons why you should come, but come any way. Well, I attended this auction sale which was held in Toronto last week SUCKLING tX% 00, TORONTO, MIDSUMMER SALT: OF R lloyvrO-WCAIt CLor`aING, WFDN1 SDAY ANR THURSDAY, JULY 23en AND 2fl'lr, amounting to $'1'1,003 and commeneiag at 10 a.m. We have received instrnotions from one of the largest cilothing tuauufae• trtrers iu Montreal to sell his entire surplus stock of spring and summer clothing, consisting of Men's Clothing, Canadian Tweed Suits, D.B., Hali- fax Tweed Suits, 1] B., Scotch Tweed Suits, D. B., Fine West of England Tweed Suits, Blue Worsted Snits, Boys,' Youths' awl Children's 2 and 3 piece suits, Knee and Lme Pant: in Worsted and TwNetl, all Styles and grades. Men's Rain Coats, Fall Tweed and Worsted Pants. The above goods have all been made daring toe last sia mouths. CUT and STYLES ARE of the LATEST PATTERN and TRIMMED UP TO DATE. N. B,—The above offering of Clothing is the best that has been made within the past two years and consists of very high class goods, SUCKLING & CO., Auctioneers. Am always ready to buy new goods if I need them, \Vas. the only one in Winghanl that attended the above sale. No space to give quotations, but will give as good bargains as the last sale we had of Clothing, ,The goods are here. Call and see Men's, Youths,' Boys, Suits, Furnishings, etc. Al R. Smith, Chisholm block, Wiogham Mr A C.isens, B. A., Mrs. Cosensand child, of Brampton were visiting at the home of his brother, Mr. Abner Cusens, faret few days this week. Miss M. Il ibertson, of Toronto, a former member of the Wingha:n pnblic school teaching staff, was' visiting with old friends in town this week, Kathleen Lowe,. daughter cif Rev. W. Lowe of Wiogh'un, . spent a few dais with Miss Maggie Hiscocks at the home of tine letter's grandmother, Mrs. B. }Iiscoeks—Teeswnter News. Mts. Walter Green and Mrs. Isaac Davidson of Wiliggliaut, were the guests of Mrs. E, J. McTavish on Thursday. They also visited at Mr.Petor McTavish's for several days.—Ripley 1;txpress. Mr. John Elder, who has been visiting with his son, i fr. Clark Elder iu Montana for some mouths, returned home on Monday evening. Mr. Elder had a very enjoyable visit, and came home looking the picture of health, J. J. Elliott, V. S., has been laid up for the past rosy days with an attack of pleurisy. We tire pleased to report that he has so far recovered its toe be able to leave for a trip to Manitoba to- day, accompanied by his daughter, Miss Aunie Elliott. . Mr. and Mrs. H. Ball left on• Friday last on an extended Visit in Manitoba and the West. . They will;visit at differ- ent poiust en rout and will spend the fall with their son at Calgary and the winter with their,. daughter . in Ven. waiver. They have the best wishes of the TIMES for a pleasant visit. Mrs, W. J. Elliott returned to her home in Ingersoll on Monday, after a two weeks' visit at the home of Mr. H. B. Elliott. Mrs. Geo. W. Walker left on Wed. nesclay for a few days viii With/friends in Wingbam and Dungannon.—Gorrie Vidette. Mr. Jas. McKinley, principal of the O'Sullivan Business College at Thorn- bury is spending a fe -holidays at his home in town. Rev. Win. H. Lloyd, Mrs. Lloyd and children of Northville, Mich„ are spend- ing a couple of weeks with relatives and friends in town. Mrs. T. Hail, Miss Ethel and Master Earl of Winghant, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Vandusen this week.—Tara Leader. . FnAsr:n.-In Morr•is;.on.July 23rd, the wife of Win. Fraser; a son. . Hor t,tan.-In • Turnberry, on July 28th, the wife of John Huffman; a son. McOnrionT.- In Turnberry, on August 5th, the wife of John. McCreight ; a son, RArtsAR-In Westfield, on July 29th, tiro wife of:1), Ramsay; a daughter. PA'tyltx-In Fullerton, on July 29th, the wife JohrePautin (nee Mary Ann Moser, of Blyth): a son:' - DIED Stn r.r.-In Fullarton, on August 4th, Hannah C. Mutual, wife of Toinh Shicll, of last Wawa - nosh. Mt:a'cn-In • East iVnwonosh, on July 29th, Robert Itutclh, se., aged 76 years and 10 months. wn'sox-In Elms, on .Tuly 21st, Catharine Petrie, relict of-therliate, Alexander Wilson, aged 72 years and 10 Months. GiT.us-In Hawick, on Jule tbtli, William Oli ti, aged 76 years and 6 months. WALKER BROS. & BUTTON UNDERTAKERS, WINGHAi1. Night calls at. Button Block, or Fifth door eolith of School Houle. Shop op. poette Macdonald block. RE WEST HURON E Abstrnet• statement e.`.. lection exp, sea in- curred by a on ba '" f of Malcolm 'racme Cameron, E.' a e 'r idatc' at the tion of a member of )n gislative Acv • iy for the Province t O rio, for the st Riding of the Count - moat, held . the 29111 day of May, 1002: Livery bills • Printing Rent of half etc. • • Telegrams,Teleph 's, ate Candidates pars, 1 expenses $247 00 143 62 139 67 41&.t Fib CO $1128 73 SAML.81,5G.Nlt, WM. ROBERTSON, PI Ant Agent. Returning Officer. Winglgitin July '.10th. 1102. RE WEST HURON ELECTION. Abstract statetiunit of election expo•, es in- curred by and on behalf of Seines rtchell, Esq., a candidate at the election o " member of the Legrslntive Assembly for, Provinces of Ontario ibr the West 12idin +. the County of Huron, hid on the ' ' Ir da May, 1902: Telep}ldne•4:3 oval - 5 ;•10:3 Livery Hire - - 35 Oe Bull Rents 5 09 Printn1 . ;a3 lis Personal expenses els. Mitchell 62 t;0 week later than Wiogham races there several Weeks visit with relatives and • should be ft good string of horses, friends in Wingham and vicinity. There have been h. greater number of Mrs. Tracy, who has been a resident public excursions in Ontario this year than ever before. La bt Oalr up to Ally Tfal y 30, the Grand Trunk Railway Tan i80 exenr:tiono, which was ad;xeidered to be a & Holmes loaned the tickets, -and alike for record. This year there have been 200 Mr. W. Lloyd who is on his holidays for exclusions. a WI) t0 Algotllslt and New Oti'tat•io. of Winglratn for some time, left on Wed- nesday Delray, n sda o e Mich., e h whoa her y ., husband is employed. Messrs Nobles Win Congregational Church for Sale Tenders will be recedvel by the undersigned up to the 15th day of Ankust, Pat, for the gnu• chase of the Congregational Church property hi the Town of Wingluun, being; lot number six on the nortleeast corner of John and Centre streets, with the building thereon heretofore used as a church. The highest ur no tender necessarily accepted. Dated this 10tlh day of July, 1502. Wilf. ROaIIRTSON, Winghaiu: OTERS' LIST, 190 silty of the Town of in the County of Ifgtl Muni ham C1ing- ron. Notice is her given tl I have trans- mitted or deliver, to the 'sults mentioned in sections 6 and U o 'The.. itariu Voters' List Act," tlur copies recta iy said sections to be so delivered or traaist . ted of the list male pursuant to said Act. f persons appearing by the last -revised _ ''essn, t Roll of the said Municipality to b ':ntitled vote in thu said Municipality at : Auctions for _ember's of the Legislative A. ; mbl;; and at 1 iicipnI Elec. tions; and tl '; the said list wasfl posted up at my oMIio,, at Wingham, on the 1 day of July, 1902', al remains there for inspi, ion. Elector . lu'cr called upon to examine s 'd gist, and if a emulsions or any other err , are found. °rein, to take immediate proeem, t gs to ha tho said errors corrected aceordbn o law �tcal, Clerk's Wilco 'gingham, July 23, 190 J. H. FERGUSON, Clerk, Towle of Wingham. HOLMES & HOLMES ttalrtvi;y and Steamship Ticket Agency and General 11Sxchange Office, WINGHAM, - ONT. Finest acid shortest Routes to Cleveland, Oihio, and nil points. Wingham to Cleveland - $3:05, Return $6.95 Wingham to Detroit - 2.65, Return 4.50 To Muskoka Lakes by finest scenic route: Wingham to Muskoka - $4.35, Return $7.25 All these rates are FIrst Class, Second Class rates lower still. Stop - over privileges allowed. Lowest rates to Europe. Everybody should travel. Apply to- HOLMES & HOLMES Wingham, Ont.. o• ISS BAXTE / ORES,, 'ID MA91 11A Ell SUITS TY. Apprenti ' auted, West eof Patrick St. . Wlsc. ' �I. NOTICE OF CLOSING. We, the undersigned lawyers, of Wiugham, agree to close oartelie:es during the months of July and August as follows:- -On Saturdays at 2 p. in. and on other days at 4 p. In. A notice of this to appear in both local newspapers. B, VANSTONE• J. A. MORTON. DICKINSON & HOLMES. HOLMES, CLARKE & HOLMES. TENDERS WANTE Sealed ers will be receive , „ • the ander- signed up to' igust 16th for • re -shingling of Radios Chiu •. Turnber Tendorerer is to futnish tire inn , • al, en lust state quality of shingles lie will u ,o, me job. The job is to be completed by tit • t of September, and contractor iA to id i ; 'a o shingles from the roof and also rt, n ref Ms ;lithe premises when job is co • eted. Tim s of the build- ing is 20x43. is lowest or an . ,ender not necessaril;, opted. J0:4EPH GRAY, Glenn • an. GEO. FORTUNE, Jr. WI ram. MISS DELIA SPARLII G A. W. C. M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Pletcher Music Meth d, Simplex and Kindergarten. Pupils prepared for Conservatory examine. tions. •t •i••b'1••1•rN1ele i• le+;'+++++6 ti••3••1••3••.++•i• : •1.3• :• ;�•i• 1�•1••i• , :••: •k•1F•t••F• : 'r :ry ln: •t •1••t• n v home =to us ,est, 17. RESIDENCE—PATRICK ST. , Furniture Dealers 4 ,. R. Gracey's former re s levee•, 1 whore night calla' will receive '1- prompt attention. ut if Times Money Gome to us First I Our prices are better than arguments, Our prices do their own ta• lking, They appeal with stronger force tc the economical buy'r than loud talk, This week we are placing ,into stock something very special in iron•D �iy,` R„ `IL Fal These goods arc two months late in arriving, but our waiting has made the discount big and prices will surprise you. Fancy ! A good strong Iron Bed with considerable brass 0 only $4.50, others more brassy at $3.00, $6.50, $8.00,$10.00, $72,00, $14..00and a few lines at $17.00, fit fora palace. BA�,�, BROS., j And Undertakers • , ea - ••!•4•1•01,4•4“1 -4-1•4-174+4-14.1÷1-1-1.-:••1•••:-:- ,: ., !•4.1••3••1.4“1.4 f,,1,{•1••1••1•+% i• ,,.;..;-+ :•,p -1-1-1-1-1-4•44+++++•:-.1:4-14++.14-1.4“1.' The Wingham Trading Co., lid, SELLS GOOD MERCHANDISE AT RIGHT PRICES Our aim is to sell the best goods we can get for the' least money.. We have New Table Linens from 20c to $1.25 a yard. New Towelings from 5c to 12t•c a yard. New Shirtings from .5c to 15c a yard. New Cottons from Sc to 10e a yard. ;+ New Cottonades, Denims, Moleskins. New 'Tweed and Worsted Suitinggs, $10 to $20 a stat. New Shirts, Ties, Collars, Braces, `Socks, Sweaters, Shirts and Drawers, Bats, Caps, Fiannellettes,'N Wrapperettes, American Ducks for 1pdies' skirts,, Boys' Suits, Blouses, etc. New White Quilts, Damask, Chenile and Lace Curtains. New Art Muslims Be, Silkalenes 1.?rc to 15e a yard. Sateens in black and colors. We cannot tell you in this small space about our Clothin;,Carpets,Oilcloths, Underclothing, stacks of Prints, stacks of Dress Goods, Black Serres, lovely kimbroideries at 5u a yard, stacks of Gloves, 11osiery, Handkerchidfs, etc,, etc. Successors to T. A. MILLS. WINGHAM. THE .w. Carpet Remnants and left -Over Pieces These are the short ends and left over pieces of the Carpets we bought for spring trade. The lengths. vary frotif 5 to �0 yards of a pattern, and,. all told, there are 30 pieces in Aeminsters, Wool and Union Carpets. Now is the time to secure 'a big Carpet Bargain. Bring room measurements• with you ; we'll do the rest. Clearance of Sunnier Goods We're rushing business in this department. No wonder, when you consider the tempting prices we're offering. Think of buying 8 yards of pretty Muslin. Linen or Pique for 1.00 just the price you pay for ordinary print ! Fine White Skims, splendidly made, nicely tucked, some have inser- tion. Sale price 75e. A nice range of Night Gowns from 75e up. You can buy a good fitting Corset Cover for 15c.. Our Parasol and Umbrella sale is attracting lots of buyers. We have still a good assortment. You can buy a good Parasol, with fancy handle,. for 90c, W1t, ROurningON, C Agent. Returning 0171eur. l July Beth, the ..� Cook'o Cotton Boot Compound Is successfully used monthly by over 10.000Ladies. Safe, effebtual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cosk•e Cstfsa Rost Css►- eosed. Take iio other,as all Mixtures, 01116 and imitationi are dangerous. Prlae,Ns, 1,21per box, No. 0.10 degrees stronger, ea per box. NO. ler 2, maned i rebel t of d an t>fto rt -coat p ;irk* e d game, The Cook sol Oomp comnm nded Gall F�-xoe. l end y sold aria rcoomnieildod Ali all :aspens ble Druggists In Canada, No. i tract 2 Cr,', sold in Winghntn by A. L. Rainilton Colin A. Cempbell, B. A. Douglass and E Davis Drat *Viotti. IT WILL PAY VOL $EST IN •,'I1E END The Canada Business College CHATHAM., ONT. Has issued its annual list of students placed during last year. The number is 3001 what do youthink of it 9 The number r for time pro i o nq year was and for the year proceeding that, Mr30 Dors this nishifleent showing andin_ creasing demand not tell you something? 'Pati Term Opens Tuesday, kept, Rud t•iit9 nmtoicestcd, writs for list and handsome D. latcLACElLA;f & COw Cltatliern, Oat. BUSINESS IS BOOMING IN Ready=ade People wonder how it is possible for us to sell a well made, well lined English Serge Suit for $5.75. They are good fitters and splendid wearers. Better buy a suit. Men's good Cotton Underwear, a snap, at 45e a suit. Men's Fine Silk Neckwear, to tie in four -in -band or bow shape; silk all round, fine imported foulard quality, fancy .scroll patterns, in .light and darl shades, regular price 25e, sale price 15e. We sell the famous Crompton Corsets. They are perfect fitting, and guaranteed to give satisfaction. We are the sole agents in town for Lion Brand Clothing Black and Cat Hose. It is just these brands and triany other good ones that are mak- irl'g the Gordon Store fatuous. We want your Produce and will pay yel big prices for it. M. Gordon Direct Importer.