The Wingham Times, 1902-08-07, Page 6'I'IIE 1i-INGIIA3I TIMES AUGUST i" 1902.
From the
Sanctum Mail.
t+lmts ea'tinit Perugraphs train ear xchanrt'ls'
The Sundt fine of fifty flents' was
recently imposed on a Uuutsyilla we-
st:niut for assault.
*Mum's rills regulate
fibs+ bowels, can, edustlpettun, dy spei•ant,
hail' shpts s
}c►u a letsiia l
te•a( •
, t 1 a and1
tri eaves
ttlotis of the urgatte of digestion.
The capecityof the grain in the elera-
taxa in the Northwest lite, increased
4,lt)W,(00, ilusheis this year.
children Cry for
A fine barn 60x(14 feet was raised re•
vainly on the farm of Henry iueNaught,
Grey. Modern stone stabling has been
as basement to the barn,
- The Woodstock Times aeports that
Some tririners in that(liatzict alt, sending
back their binder twine because their
strops being ruined they have no. use for
British Trott Oil Liniment t,a
fior Tuan or - beast, Relieves, pain, re,
duces swelling, allays iuflaacnwtiou-,
cures cuts, barns, bruises, sprains, stilt
joints, Wee of ]tlsec:ts, rheumatism, etc.
.4 huge bottle for 25 cents.
.Over $450,000,000 of capital is actually
lifted in the. manufacture of drink in the
'United Stases, Uncle Sam drinks
more than a bili u gallons a year
by the 1000 census report.
Arthur McAllister, Bewail, has been
engaged as tenoher of S. S. No, 1, Cul -
roes, at a salary of $400. He stands con-
siderably over six feet in height Sud
holds a professiosiul seuutid-class certifi-
Sir Oliver Mowat has sold to Geo.
Gooderhaui the " House, of Premiers,"
M. 04 St. George street for $22,0130.
Prior to 1878 Sir John Macdonald lived
there.. Then Sir:Oliver Mowat and the
trite Premier Hardy occupied it.
Children Cry for
is one year alone the yarn spun by
the countless mills in the Belfast dis-
trict was estimated to measure about
Ssi4,000,000 miles.. To grasp what this
means is to realize a gigantic ball of
yarn, which, unwound, to its single
thread, would encircle the world 25,000
A census bulletin ,recently issued
aahtnve that there ars 16,410 persons of
unsound mind in Canada. 0,114 deaf
mid dumb and 1270 blind. Ten years ago
the corresponding returns were 1:1,335,
4,819 and 3,3GS. Five thousauud two
two liunrlred and sixty-nine of this
total 2;1.3348 infirm have been of
fected since childhood. Ontario's
infirm number 10,57G, of which 754 are
el unsound mind, 2,001 deaf and dunlL
itnd 1,000 Wad.
The election expenses of • Hugh Olarl ,.
the Sueeettsfitl o:induiote in Centre
Bruce, summit to $102.90.
Jas. Cuu tn h p, the Wallace laee stroet
ltv-•ryiuitn, Listowel, ham sold out to Mr.
John ilio IH,
yt.a, of Seiifortlt, who tools pas -
session last week.
lnilhiirn's_ Heart and Nerve flits
cure anntuci a, Itervonsuesb,
nese. vtar eSs, pa1pltst , illlilut„
• faint spells,
theztness, or any erudition
• arisiul,* front impoverished blood, dis-
onlefed nerves or weak heart. ”
A, number of G. T. R. offic'iele were tett ANDg1
Goderich last week making surange. ?� N' L
meets fur the erection of a new station 4 of T• —
in that town. me SSYSTE
station, Hawesville, has hatched by tit- EFi CCTUALLY,
cabators 1,000 chick this season, He
A4T5. C$NT1,Y , 1„ IVE I
Mr. Elford of the Government poultry CLC a-il j
15 5
NeA vE
hos 110WI, 30 large clticlt()ur fatteninges A ' GO ;
at the station.' p„-
� R
Children Cry for QV RCoMZ-IPATlON
Mr. John Johnston, who lives on the
tet concession of Carrick. east of Bel- ITS r. 'N�� GFA i�1V
more, had a narrow escape front bleed- tEICIAL
ing to death a few days ago, He rup•
tired a small artery while washing him- BUY THE GE.14UI NE--MAN'F'0 BY
self. The d nv seas stopped b Mr.
Johnston holding a piece of ice on each ia'IAGYR V 1
eisao f
Ur, John B. ,McLean of Riveredale NS' KY cc; 47 CAL..o'sro, dt N y°P4'
died at the " Soo " oil Monday, July 28, •
Mr. McLean formerly lived on a farm
between Riverdale and Kinloss but later •"
moved into Riversdale. Be and one of A few weeks ago Mr. ,Tohn liTitc lhell,
his daughters went to the " Soo about a editor and proprietor of the Hanover
year ago. The cause of his death was Post, while doing business at the village
consumption of the brain. Neustadt lost a purse containing $75.
Backache, swelling of feet and auk- W e suppose this is the first case on
, lea, putting under eyes, frequent thirst, record of a printer losing money out of
scanty, cloudy, highly colored thine and hie pocket. They all Lose enough in the
all urinary troubles lead to Bright's dia- way of unpaid subscriptions, but the
ruse, dropsy, diabetes. etc. Doan's $id• rule is they never get enough into their
nay Pills are a sure cure.
Mrs, A W'lk 'd f h late
pockets to make it worth while falling
r5CASTOR IA., nuts i es ori aw o the
out. In the ordinary run of events
j Judge Wilkes, the first county judge of. . there should be a joint high commission
i Grey, died at Walkerton at the home of
Children ars ,)ften attaolted suddenly
by painful and dangerous Colic, Cramps,
Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus,
Cholera Intautum, etc. Dr. Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt
and sure cure which should always be
kept in the house.
' ..".A. Canadians bditn'r'ws been toxitenced'
14 n ii(m endo lis•in jaillt: ;"«snten)-pt. of
:const. The experiment is a dangerous
one. An editor who spends nine
Months of what to him will be luxuri-
ens ease living on the fat of the land,
coniparatively,)speaking, and free from
the cares of empire and the dutands of
the " copy " devil, will hardly ever
Want to go back to his old slavery
again. The courts ought toissue a per-
petual injunction restraining him from
'Writing up his experience' while a, guest
of the country, lest there aught be an
epidemic of editorial contempt in the
hope of a similar reward.
r*Yon vas only a dog, but I wish I vas
sort, When you, go mit your bed in you.
aha'St turn dree times and lay down, yen
I go mit the bed I hay to lock up de
blare, and vied up the cloak, and put the
cat out, and ondress myself, and my
frost valves up and scolds, den de baby
vakes up and cries and I hay to valk
him mid de hone round, den maybe,
van I gets myself to bed it is time to get
up again. .`''eu you get up you shust _ _ - .. .
stretch yourself, dig your neck a leedle
and you vas up. I hat to light the fire,
put on the kettle, wrap some vid my i
Iter son-in-law County Judge Barrett, to inquire into how this printer got so
on the 24th July. Mrs. Wilkes was much manes. However, there are ex -
born at Haworth, England, in 1825, and ca prions to every talo,
was a companion in childhood of the
famous Bronte sisters. Bow's 4i,1,?
At the Winnipeg fair last week the
names of Mrs. Ovas anti Mrs. J. R. +,
Grout are credited with prizes in the
drawn work in the ladies' department.
Both were former ,Brusselimes, Mrs..
Ovus' maiden name way.. Lottie Logie,
whose father was a merchant in
Brussels some 20 odd years ago.
.1 Ta ed not Season.
During the hot season the blood gets
over heated, the drain on the system is
severe and the appetite is often lost.
Burdock Blood Bitters purifies and in-
vigorates the blood, tones up the system -
end restores the lost appetite.
Chris Zill:ax,• of Brussels, is negotiat-
ing with hisbrother for the purchase of
the Queen's Hotel at Listowel. They
are not far from making a bargain at
$155,000 for hotel and contents. The.
deal has stove) been closed at thei),rice
stated. M. .George"Ziliiai is retiriug
after being in the hotel business for
forty years.
The Policeman's Evidence.
Policeman Peter Morris, Toronto, says
that for years be was troubled with hab-
itual constipation, and though he spent
much money for medicines, was only
disappointed with the results. Lie now
recommends Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver
Pills to his friends because it cored him .
of his troublesome ailment. You can be
cared of constipation by this treatment.
One pill a dose, 25 cents abox.
—The Philadelphia physician, who
attended Magee, the Pittsburg mil-
lionaire, in his last illness, sent in a bill
of .�i; 350,000. The executors were not so
easy, and they declined to pay the
amount. The doctor sued, and now the
court has given judgement for $30,000, If
that doctor would put on the market the
nerve tonic that he' uses be might soon
become a millionaire.
donut= G,tstorka always bears the Sk7►atur.
of Chas }t.Ph:tatter.
vile already and get myself breakfast.
You play around all day and have plenty
of fun. I hair to work all day and hay
plenty of drubble. 'p'en you die you vas
tiead; vent die I haf to go to hell yet."
A Wise Lady.
Cleveland, Ohio, May 23, 1000.
MacLeod Medicine Co., Goderich,Ont.
Your liquid medicine, "Soak and
Swab," had cured me entirely of the 'sore
I bad on my upper jaw. The doctors
told me that it was a cancer and that the
bone would hayo to be tut out and the
affected parts removed by knife. It was
this that frightened bre and made me
Aft the "Soak and Swab." I used only
Ares. pint bottles. I am well Aver since,
Is three y'ear's Brice I used it.
great confidence in your medi-
will recommend it to those in. •
Miss. J. ammo.
'a itnhtedies, established in
only medicines in Canada
aid en their merits without
aild ftAxeLetA Medi -
god a int.
when Itaby was sick, we give liar Cestoda.
When site was a Child, she cried for Ca tori,4.
When sli.: bccame Miss,. she clung to Costotia.
'When Aloha(/' Ch iidren.slae g.;vc them Ca.;toria.
On Monday last there passed away
one of the aged men of Egremont, near
Alt. Forest, in the person of Henry
Adams, who had been. Ill for sonic time.
He had been spending some time in the
hospital undergoing treatment with the
X-rays for cancer and came home last
week apparently cured.. At any rate
the pains had left and be was doing
nicely, Weakness, however, Ensued
and he suceunibeti to heart failure.
Among the deaths chronicled last
week is that of Mrs. Iathrine Mac-
kenzie of Xt. p''orest whose husband
died about forty years aga. She had
lived alone in a house of her own till
about a year ago, when becoming very
feeble, she went tar live with her grand.
niece, Mrs. W, A. Stott. A week before
her death she suffered a paratytfo stroke,
and never spoke afterwards she had
reached the advanced age of eighty-five
We offer One Hundred Dollars lIe.
ward for any ease of Catarrh that vim -
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. OmisEX iia Co., Toledo, Q.
We, the undersigned, nave known lis.
J, Cheney for the lest 15 years, and be-
lieve him perfectly honorable in all bust
Less transactions and financially turfs' to
carry out any obligations made by ih lir
rCholesale r
Toledo, O.
W.tLDIUG, Clavty & MAUVES, Whole-
sale Druggists, Toledo, O
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
acting directly upon the blood and muc-
ous surfaces of the system. Testautoniels
sent free. Price 75c, per bottle. Sold
by all Druggists.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
The Atwood Bee remarks that observ-
ant persons will have noticed that the
average village or town youth has a
fminy habit, when walking on the street
cif hugging the wall. Should there be
inequalities in the frontages he will
wiggle in and out, or should an obstruc-
tion occur he will walk around it and
resume his position in touch with the
wall. Why is this? Is lie afraid of a
brick falling on him or would he fall off
the sidewalk if lie approaches the outer
edge, or what? Nobody ever saw a girl
doing this, but five out of six boys do.
My grandfather's' clock can well ap-
ply to a timepiece in the possession of
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Miller, recently
of the hotel Bedford. It was purchased
from the maker by the Iute Thomas ;VIo-
Cullough, Iunislcillen, County Ferman-
agh, Ireland, for 4l0 sterling, nearly a
century ago, and was brought by him
to Canada in 1835 on the two -master
"Brigs ,Action," which sailed from
Sutherland. It travelled by ox team
through forest and by blazed line, until
Goderich township was reecho(' and Mr,
McCullough got settled hi his home. It
is in a splendid state of preservation and
goodtime, and would
e a
ment and relic for admirers of some-
thing ancient and useful.
Thos. Holloway, of Clinton, is giving
some attention to the cultivation of a
plant, the root of which has a high value
for medicinal purposes. It is known as
ginseng, and sells in this country at
from $0 to $8 a Ib., while in China,,
where it is extensively used„ it has a
much higher value, It grows in the
woods, but requires considerable Care in
its cultivation, as it will not thrive un-
less protected by shade. Mr. Holloway
has about 850 plants, which occupy
about one thirty-second of an acre,
and they have been growing for about
four years. They do not mature until
about air years old. The seeds are vain-
able for propagating and grow in the
form of a ball, like pop earn, but the
chief value is in the root itself,which,
When idtisd is groin l up. Dir.
Holloway says the d oto a n d is
greater than the supply, and 'be -
Heves that a market could easily
1►e found for 10,000 lbs, of it to -day.
A n acre will produce as ninth as *00,000
;gore things count to those ';rho dot.'t l
Whit titan to thosti`Who do.
A't s, A C. Kitts, who. Lauver 100 years'
of age, (trove several miles to vistr her
children in Tara recently, The a)id It:tl• .
is stilt smart laid At good conversation'
Slteriff Reynolds,. Iteturntug Meer)
for East Hur•au, publishes the election I
xe si.
e , it a of the two candidates iu this
n, start last May. A Hi -lop, Ai, P. I'.
disbursed $140.30 and Barrister `+pottuit
only: found it uecessnry to squander the
Modest sunt. Of $42.00.
SVhile hunting for eggs in the baro, a
tittle son of
Mr. Win. Immo,, of Tattoo',
f' 11 into the cellar, eousiig an a dy not
brought to 'Kitchell and the wound wa. P
att•sndsd to by Er, Smith, Several
s mhos were required.
The Liceuse commissioners for East
Huron met at the American House,.
Brussels, on Wednesday, July .",Otli,
Jos. Queriu of the Queeurs, Brussels,
was granted a transfer of license from
Strettolt Bros. tinct A. A. Esty of Wrax.
eter was given it lieeuse for the pier.
Geo. lifer:tie the retiring commissioner,
was present at the meeting to relinquish
his noire and John McDowell, his sue-
cessur, to assume hie new duties. Wm,
Irwin, nutul•y public, eto.. represented
Mr, Esty, License Inspector Miller in-
tended to his duties at the meeting.
On Thursday afternoon, July 24th, a
Nutlet shaped. cloud struck two farina
on the 8th concession of Kinloss belong-
ing to J. Conley and J. Cumuli, I h
both casts a portion of the rout of the
to tharig4• of one of his eves. He ans
t ove 't•nwa'* Shirt i,a torsi li lt)tlh,.awr J'rc-
trrnte4 te the 04etiut,,,islu4tt eetdter
in Lomita* Iilaruday Slant.
London, Aug. 1, -'Ault( tremendous
entnisiashhh, Lord Iiitau nor was last
night presented with a sword, of
honor. the gift ofCape Town, Sir
.l osep11 Piu:sdtale. Lord atone of
l-ondon, made the presentation in.
tle course ut
s(of sS South African i tt
-which was attended by ninny iutabtu
\Viten the enthusiasm had sufficient-
ly subsided for Lord Kitchener to
Makea himself heard,1
turned thanks for the gift* end e1
pressed the confident hope that, in
South Africa, at any rate, the sword
would not again be drawn from its
seabbui ti,
l:und l' 1tcheaoreulogised. Lord
Milner, British 1ligh Commissioner in
South Africa, and made an appeal,
newel upon his intimate and person-
hl friendship with and knowledge of,
the South African administrator,
flint 11' 1)t
ifili this coni tl acs and
su{�; ort of lli. ilritislh Ionics..
lirferri)ng to the mineral and agri-
ridtnrnl wealth of the new territory,
l err Kitth n r said: "You may as-
smu) yourselves that you have notla-
hug less than the ionkings elf a new
Aineriru. in the Soutlt:l'lt lle;nis-
1 h. eriv
Ile stt'sl thc qucstfon nh0 would
supply the (n.?rgy. brains and in en•
e,v to carry out this great develop-
ment was one more for lila hearers
than for himself, but wit tl, as in
South Africa, patriotism, was join.
ed with self-interest, he was not
afraid I hey would fail to sow ilhe
seed and rcap the harvest, for which
he hoped that those trite had re-
cently. bet -n in South Africa had pre -
barn ayes blown off and the shingles hared'
were carried for a Considerable distance.
A windmill was also badly as ret keel, c;tt•�lt lster;L aI v i �t it r n
11 noes were levelled to the ground tinct
one or two trees torn out by the roots.
Sonic hay in the track of the cloud was
carried to a great, height. The storm
was confiue4 to a very narrow limit and
no persue was hurt.
R To p -ave to you th•'t Dr,
(h uet's Ointment isacurtain
( and absolute cure for each
and every form of ih'hing,
41 b1eedinitand protrtriina Piles,
thn mat:Whet/mars have guaranteed it. &Alas.
titnonlate in the daily mass and ask your neigh'
bore what they think omit. You can use it and
a,'t your mon,-v hack if not cured. Mc A hos, at
all dealers orhDiL ISSOX,BATEs & Co.,Tozonto,
0 Kthase"s-Ointrent
The retains of Miss Margaret Pow-
er, who died at her residence in Akron,.
Ohio, were interred in Maitland come-
te y, Goderich, Sunday afternoon, July
2it'a. Quite a_i1tiaaber of relatives and
acquaintances in this vicinity attended
the burial.. Deceased's sister, Jane, of
Akron, and two brothers, Tames and
William John, of Minnewaultin, N. D.,
also attended the funeral. The relatives
of the deceased hare the sympathy of a
large circle of acquaintances. Deceased
was a daughter of the late -James Pow -
ler of West st WawsuQsh,
D. M, Scott of Bfuss* has been ap-
pointed inspector for the Niagara Penin-
sula district of the. Northern Life
Assurance Co. of Canada, and will
also have the maoageutent of the Ham-
ilton office of that company. Mr. So tt
is to be congratulated On his promotion.
During late years he has been the gen-
eral agent of the company for Hurt n
and Perth counties, and his promotion
is Undoubtedly due to the Success he has
achieved in that capacity. He assumed
his new duties on August 4th, and with
Mrs: Scott will take up -housekeeping 'in
Ambitious City as soon as he can secure
a suitable residence.
A Wonderful Premium on
" Bokco Cereal Coffee," pure, whole-
some, nourishing, highly recommended
by leading physicians. Roche is equal
do 40c. coffee, hut only costs thepric:e
audit; used at meals instead of poison-
ous teas and coffee, By constant use
you vim, vigor, vitality, energy, health
and strength, azud is a positive thre for
dyspepsia, indigestion, etc, 10c. pack-
li, byALL.GROCERSor 25c, For
For sale in Winghana by 7ANES McKLL%IE.
Are in. See our
$18, $18 AND $20
Before buying else-
where. Also a special
line oflAiT#NGS". Every
thing you want in the
Tailoring lire can be
had and satisfaction
81011 Met TA11,t111,
Wihl Muslims \l 5th 1 hem the , °editions
el' I'..eee.
London, Aug. 1.—The Paris corre-
spondent of `Jh•l Times says a pro -
liner telegraphic ugcu.•y which often
r'Cei ed. authoritative information
front Hoer sources, states that De-
ihl, lh,wet, 1)elurey, and Lucas
asseasseSta.area..sseSse..SSeesSess,Si-S,S. stk.-
". •' " ",1+„1,1 11,1 •Ii1. 111,11111, 1 '1
�� ►
i Ea eP ar R
bl at ell o
.�£� � l'ra-
4 .S
P 3
imila in e
� l Ford nf!
lit>i; � � u
Y.1 ! S l7 �'
he t t dl3e , o
�a tcifat tt t*�,t f
, yl
I:' •t
.1- otnotesDigestion,Checrful
ness andRest.Contains neither
Opplutn,Norpltine nor Mineral.
.2. ifeearzi-sAnfC:',• tPJ7 1I
, 'Ain .f'qI-
gala Sst t .
mint -
Cariew l hrai r a
I.vemlij,d Smotnpor,e_ �
A eiifectRemed for Constipa-
.onsti a-
tion, Sour Stoniach,Diasrhgea,
Worms ,Convuisions,Fevcrish,
Less end Loss Or SLEEP!
Tar Simile Signature of
7%1 -ENV YOlIl .
EXACT sofa or WitAr'PER. 1
Meyer are coning to -Europe at 'the
t'xprers and d rest invitation of Iron.
Joseph l hamborlain, Colonial Sec- 0 N
rotary. It, is stated that Mr. Cham-
berlain wishes to consult With .the
Doer generals on the construction of
the conditions of peace in South
Arrive, and the gonaral situation
Ala Nuh: St•uuttJl
Otiterie Govern,.awnt fiends 31r. A.. lis
r an,Pliell' in leVeeeigpnt. ihe'Jlevne.
Toronto, Aug. 1.—The Cabinet met
yesterday with lion. 11r. Harcourt,
acting I'rentier. presiding. It was de-
cided -to send A. W. Campbell to
Stormont and Dundas to enquire in-
to the extent of the damage done
there by the recent storms, in antici-
pation of an application for relief.
Several letters were read, intimating
an application would be sent in due
tl sgranted course. If assistance is in'
this case, it will 1.c • a precedent as
far as relieving the needs of people
rendered' destitute by -.storms, al-
though' the Government have many
case's where aid was greeted to fire
sufferers, Principal among the cases
were the grant of $25,000 to the suf-
ferers in the 11011 -Ottawa fire, to
Prescott. and Mussell Counties of $5,-
5;000, to Westminster, 73,0., St. John,
Nfld., and other places.
The main question before the meet-
ing was relating to water powers at
Niagara Falls. Alter discussion it
was agreed that a decision would be
given in the matter not later than
Tuesday morning,
The 1' xpurl. of in,.nrleek.
It was learned at the Department
of Forestry yesterday that the chief
object in putting an export duty on
hemlock was to prevent its exporta-
tion, e;pecialIy i:i -'t :w of the. fact
that the earl c of this particular
wood has increased lately. in the
markets on the other -sjdc of the line.
It, is taking the place to a, large ex-
tent of the cuntutOil class of 1 inn in
the construction of fences and barns
and other coarse' a•t•1.:. Or course,
another oWeCI, is to compel any gain-
i,hwttrring with Canadian hemlock to
be clone in this countr,
, •
Ton. til. ilireourt, acting
ting Prem-
ier, his sent 'air. ur;e one ' of the
factory inspectors, to conduct an in-
wx'stitottiou into the particulars con-
cerning the accident resulting in the
death of the lite Mr. Horsey, V.1'.,
at Owen Sound.
re.* ,.sass,. tar ye•trreno.
It is expected that 2,000 deeds will
be issued in, the lieparttnept of Crown
Lands in afew days of land grants
to odd and modern veterans. This
number is now ready for signature,
Altogether abort 18,000 claims have
been received from the veterans, and
1 officials 11 '
tail o f are sl ascertain. -
. r '
a scc to =
5 lfl
lag those entitled to grants, Only
the veterans of the Fenian raid who
saw active service will be given
A petition was roccived at the oflico
o f the Attorney -it mere yesterday
applying for the freedom of 1f. Vial-
laincourt, who is incarcerated at
Sault Ste, *Marie for n•tsaulting a
men in an intoxicated condition, It
is likely the appli,.•ation will be sent
to the Minister of Justice at Otta-
wa, as it is beyond the jurisdiction
of the department here,
i:i,t•t er ne ate r , HVtereti.
h:ologna, Italy, Aug. 1. - file trial
before the Assize Court here, which
had been going on for some tliac, of
Trapani, Fontana and Pans/olio, the
last noted, formerly Deputy from
Palermo. on charges of murder, was
✓ onetuded at 7 o'elcck last night.
The jury returned a verdict of guilty
against Trapani and Paliseolo for the
murder of Signor Aliceli and against
Peacoat and lmalirzoTo for the mgr -
der of Signor Notnrbavtoio, ' Stih-
tenreS Of thirty years' inlprisothment
each Were imposed upon the erste
guilty Igen, who are incinke1•a of lbs
11110l0.. l'aliztiolo was emitted of hav-,
ad the heed of the ;4Ttttla, pro.'
owed the murders of Signor 3lilce1i
sad Signor Notarbarteho.
SiGICAsA r �R •.
. V kr
Cattorle is pat ep in ene,stso battles only. It..
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Wingharn, Ontario