HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-08-07, Page 2$!+ t 11 ) .v,
T',A13S S k•l ,.. t1 teat jority t14 only 1��3, ami in li*. G tt, pIu-
t t I r ality_ w 112.
THE WINGIIAN Thee tape the riding of Detente no
St. R. I(?TT.Ihrnt,ta.nEn Argy P.1100.811 Alit I fi;;lIt there In tlLO* recent flection was
between a ttmservative and a Couserva-
THURSDAY, AUGUST }. le0e. tiro proinibitotiiat, The Mail puts the
tter down as a Liberal and claims the
a jori
zety of 1,04, as the true Conserve -
No es AND CQMM1~NTS tiro tuaj'rrity over the Liberals of the
Mr. Blair expects to Convert ;i deficit :riding. It repeats the trick in West
t *100,0'10 on the Intercelonual Railway Sinneoe. where the light Wes between a
into a.surutas of 440,0)0 or Vi0,00e this straight I"rohibitioni;t and a Conserve.
year. Tim road is doing a rushing eve, end adds the mcjority of ell to its
freight met l tisseng' .r teal le. How dif- alleged. popular Canservetiye ma jotity .
fermi, from the etd'lays, when it used es a mutter of fact, the Conservative
to carry chiefly deadhead voters, in 1804 were beaten by a Patron; the
The Ontario Government will prohib• constitneney is represented at Ottawa
• it the export of broiled:. The timber is by a supporter of the Liberal Govern -
beteg exported in the rough in large ment, and never at any time had the
quantities to the United States, but the Conservatives a majority of 110(1 in the
Geoteruneent thinks the profit of mann- riding at the provincial elections. Then
flecture should be rt tainedi at home. The look at its, juggling with the Ottawa
policy has worked well in the case of figures. There each voter had two votes.
pineendpulpwoodandwhy not hemlock? One of the Conservative candidates ob-
. Within a year the C.auservativo papers. i tainted a majority of 624 and the other
have published manors to the effect that Gab and the Mail puts downin its "pope. -
following members of the Got ern -
ment were soon to retire; Sir Wilfrid
beerier, Sir Richard Caartwrigltt, air
lar majority of the votes" the two
majorities, making 1,200 while only 600
voters are represented in the majority,
William Mule*, Hon. A. G. Blair, and In North Oxford, a iife-lung Liberal ran
Hon, J. I. Tarte. Perhaps there were an Independent Liberal and. Temper-
about the retirement of other euro ea/ululate and polled 1,1110 hetes,
3i/feasters that escape the memory. These the Mail says has no part in the
The Boston Herald refuses to believe Liberal column, and it excludes thane
that Canada will be producing 250,000,- It does that same with 197 votes polled by
a second Liberal candidate in East Sent.
Q00 bushels of wheat in ten years. It Then again, in its claim respecting au
points out that ler 1900 the Canadian alleged Conservative popular majority it
crop was 44,00( 000, and ten Years berare ignores mud sweeps aside 5,157 votes
that 322,000,000 bushels, "agrowtt which polled for the 14 Independent candidates
gives but little justification for the largein various constituencies.
at.uticfputious we have noted above," it The Courier concludes that Mr. Whit -
is quite certain that the Herald hasn't 'uey has no popular majority at all. If
beard of Cantab.'s growing time. he has any surplus at all it is very small,
Postmaster 3)azid Stirton of Guelph and he has no reason to complain that
is one of the twenty-nine men still alive the constituencies are not fairly appor-
who entered the Parliament. of Canada tinned between the two parties.
at Confederation thirty-five years ago,
and attended the first session at Ottawa
on Noy. 7, 1867. Thirteen of theta are
still in public life, as follows: -Senators
I: Wark, Armand, Dickey, Miller, Carl- Tomatoes, tempting and appetizing,
ierg, Dowell, Aikens, Carmichael, Mc- will be scarce this season. The news
Callum and Masou, Sir Richard Cart- will, not be pleasant to the devotees of
' • weight, Hon, john Costigau, Hon. Win. the wholesome and nutritious vegetable,
Rosie The others are: Sir Charles but this of course does not affect the
Tapper, Pin, McDougall, Sir Henry situation.
Joly. Sir Wm. Howland, Sir Hector One of the largest growers of tomatoes
leaugeviu. Edward Blake, A. G. Joues, said recently that for some unknown
L. R. McLennan, Sir ,Tames Grant, reason the tomato blossom fails to de -
David Mills, Charles Burpee, Jus. velop into fruit, There are comparativ-
'•`)t'ourng, D, Stirtori Peter Lawson, ely few blossoms, and these whither and
• 'George Caron and Hugh Cameron. fall off. The wet weather is thought to
be in part responsible, but the late frosts
THAT POPULAR MAJORITY. andthecool nights have been dims -
Tomato is Sadly Missed.
In every public utterance by Mr.
'Whitney since the general election he
has never tailed to say that the Opposi-
tion hart "a ;,copular majority of over
1000." The Mail and Empire is the
author of this fiction, which was first
published on June lith. If Mr. Whitney
had taken the least pains to verify the
'figures upon 'which his organ based the
statement, he would not, if he is au
honest man, repent it day after day.
Errors in the Mail and Empire's table of
majorities may bo detected at casual
glance, while &. close scrutiny shows that
a wholesale deception has been practiced.
The Perth Courier has turned on the
microscope wind exposes this deliberate
jtoggle. For instance, the Liberal ma-
jority he South Renfrew was given as
• while the actual majority was 874.
The Liberal majority in Stormont was
given as 250 while the true majority was
The Liberal majority in Parry
Sound was given as 200 while it was 317.
The Liberal majority in Port .Arthar
was given as 198, while it was in fact
,eme, The Liberal majority in East 'yore
was given as 250 while it was 822. The
;liberal majority in Fort William and
Lake of the Woods was left out alto. .
gather while it was 362. There were
many other "errors" of A similar -char-
harecter by which Liberal majorities were
reduced, while "errors'' by which at the
same tune the Conservative majerites
lame augmented were strewn through ,
the Mail's Column of figures. In Centre
Grey the Conservative candidate was
sleeted by acclamation, and the Mail
teems the plurality of 1,0;38 secured by
]lair. Lucas, the member elect, as a tri-
angular fight with the Patrons in the
p 'miens election. In the election of
1.1390 the. Conservative candidate ,rad -, •
The result is that tomatoes do not
appear on many tables as yet. What
have come in are nearly all of inferior
quality, being small and poorly ripened.
Most of the market gardeners have
failed to bring a single tomato to mar-
ket, and those who have done so have
controlled the prices. Saturday morn-
ing they could not satisfy the demands
of the grocery stores, and kept away
from the market square.
There is a ray of sunlight for the con-
sumer in the late plants. With favor-
able weather they may yet develop a
fair crop. --London Advertiser.
Wisdom's Whisper.
The greatest' remedy for laziness is
tt'I '(JIAII TIMES, AUGUST i, 1902.
j FOR 111 \V . Mt1LQOK kind of inn Mamie Insiutes of white.
:T,.: rural free delivery system +our fathers, who ilial not press
era., est::blisjted only sit years ago," otecirl<•iau:tdltas, and who knew nothing
isay.3 tire. i'iptertown Times, "but on about Neva, trowel heve tieen nshained,
antes first of this tnontit there wore. 0,„
40,1. revive ,in operation. meehoulda•onsign theee words to .racti-
ik .11lotva :lett 1
to be elle there on 'Aug. 1, ands,*0,, rleeeetudi.---elontnenl Stir.
191, petitions for routes ager still un»
der coi,sideraticn. 'Iowa leads the
t;nzoa► ,n free delivery routes, having The township of Bein.sin„ has made
904 ori July' 1. The system. which it a asileteennnr far Tremens tieing pro.
was opt areal, 'throned several admin- f . bre' pitontotts, or instating. hitt•
istratimei, lwe demonstrated itself, It
lies been ui inestimably benefit to the gnago,oe who are guilty of scandalous or
rural dweller and it has increased the and behttvior nn otic streets or in publie
postal revenues at the government. thecae in the tott�nsicili, 'lice penalty
There lute. been no tot of gocerttnmttt ranges from e1 up so 2O aud costs.
for year .sthat comperes with it in
the amount of benefit given directly """"""'^" �-^�*^�^►
to th • Teeple. It ought to have been
adopted years 'before."
Cana'liee Pesteraster General might
just try the experiment, in place of
baying eo many automobiles for the • v
people who have the mail poked th
their doom a half dozea times, a *day
BOW. •
Back Adm?
Toronto Star says :•"lf .Prot. if It aches and pains, Is stiff and sere,
Doherty, of tiro Guelph 'Agricultural so that you ea" hardly get round to
toll:ge, has devised a sure uestroyer • do your work, or if you're- so had
you've had to go to bed, just take
a-.l'Tt� np O D�ap rA ��Itcher`
ire: ' �7
There, is now no longer any stone in
volt that tt foray of blue stony .in
Isoletfen will kill mustard. and so t � � G
improve tlt, growing groin crop. G
For two or three years past Mr.
Doherty hats ben applying this Kidney
treatment in different sections of at�
the province, and withuat exeep
the wcctl was taken at "�'a C S.
the pxoA�r si:c�;e, it Ita::s been. ora:-.
Lica lay eradicated. ,
We do now think, however, that The new Scientific aremedg, para -
Prof, Doherty claims to have origin_
utedt this meavts of destroying taws., pared by the eminent Kidney $peeler
turd. The diseOverS, we balicve, wins 1st, Dr. Zinat Pitcher. These Tablets
made in. France. itLt-- Doherty had cure promptly and permanently the
read ttbeue it, and to lural is due the worst kinds of bad backs and all
credit for its introduction in On.
turbo. Having satisfied himself of forms of kidney troable,
its efficacy by experiment, he was Price 50e. a box,.at all druggists or by
'Authorized by the department to nail, Tuul)a. Zxss PIzcnzn Co., Toronto.
give demonstrations in different
parts of the province,. as a result taka�6a ati:ti d S a� ti< a�r
of which its usi( is likely seas to ba. T ,7a'
come general end to lead to the
eventual extermination of one of the
worst forms of weed pest with which
Gf ilmtliat>: agriculture has to cosi ,T; e
Eat for the employment in the
public service of men; like lilra Deb- c
erty, and the ssystematio method new
iIIt is early, quite early, to cc
talk of spring goods. But -
41 we have made ready to
meet your wants when the
time comes, We're bound aI
f to be- in the forefront.
We are determined to win
te your tailoring account on
0 sheer merit. Every gar-
ment we tarn out is a strong ?1
a. bid for business. Its Istyleig ?�
-its workmanship -its fit
-its finish -all appeal to
the good taste and ambitions
gof the earefal dresser.
in the Shaw- Bloc •
of mustard, the has done this province
a higher service than any for which
knighthood has b' 'conferred, t
available through the Agricultural
College and Experimental FTarins, of
bringing before the country the ad-
Yarntage'S of tow, discoveries pert am-
ine to agriculture, it is poossible
that years might have elapsed 1 -afore
this French system of killing mus -
lard would have come to be generally
known anti adopted in Canada. In
any ease, it is certain that bat for
deem this discovery, worth thou-
sands aand thousands of dollars to
the country, would not have be-
come immediately available here, and
its prompt introduction into On-
tario affords a single, though strik-
ing illustration, of the way in which
thetlic Agricultural College is giving
a. return to the country: for the ex-
penditures, made upon it. In secur-
ing the adoption of the most profit-
able~ rarities 4f grain. crops and in
constantly advising farmers as to
the. best methods of treating them,
to say nothing of its great work in.
other direction, the Ontario Agri-
cultural College end Experimental
Farm. has fully proven the wisdom
of its creation. and Iiberal main-
A Preacher's Lecture. -
Au exchange says: "A preacher in a
neighboring town on a recent Sunday
evening called the citizens down good
and hard for late trading on Saturday*
night which compels the delivery boys
Nothing wearies a lazy man like the as well es clerks and mecbants to work
thought of work. up to midnight and often on into the
Yet nothing takes the weariness out Sabbath to get their orders all delivered.
of a man like work. The reverend gentleman is on the right
Laziness begets iszint ss. track and while there is undoubtedly a
little change for the better along this
line during the past year there is still
room forimprovement. The trouble can
be remedied with very little bother if
every citizen will take au interest in the
matter as individuals and pledge them-
selves to do their buying early or carry
their purchase home themselves. It is
a trifling thing for each of us to do, bet
it means a great deal to the merchant
and his assistants."
" Shall " and "Will."
The word, " shall " is dying out of
in their lives and add to the happiness the English language on this side of the
of your own. water at least. It is a i • for it has
Work begets work,
Work begotten reads health and hap-
Nothing comes without effort.
In a like manner sweetness begets
If you can control yourself to the ex-
tent of being able to exercise patience in '
when life is in oe turmoil;
If you can discover the secret of being
happy -when the clouds of discord o'er -
hang the countenance of others;
You can by effort dispel]. the darkness
p tyr a
,»-',-' Nothing comes by chance. distinct meaning of its own vbich ought
No good deed Was ever done by not to be loaded onto the word, „ will."
chance, and no evil ever sprung from The latter word used in the first person
fi the heart of a man momentarily. always meets -at least properly retake
If them is tang gond in yeer,it r7id not eke idea of volunteer action. Thee
come of nothing; word, "shalt," ori, the Other hand, con
vegs the idea of action that is in no tray i
Apply This 'Test
To Your Nerves
Stta,Iy these symptoms. They are for
You a trot have theta
ii1, bat //you r•:
have at:y el them your nor.
vers system isnot tap to the mark, and a
11'ttlet extra expenditure el nerve force may
beteg the dreadful downfall.
Lao/emote re motion, noise and light;
wisthltig of the muscless of the fare and
eyelids i
fai ig P
sadden 5ttirtt:h�*af y
Either yourself or those who gave idepandent on the will of the person,
you life are responsible for it. speaking. The minister says, " Wilt I
So itis with evil ,
thou take this woman etc:" ' The'
Long years .ago, perhaps, the seed was i . '
Its :answer is, "I will, ' because it all de -
groan ;and bloonnin Have Pearls upon the person's will. In like
been of your own liking or intluts..enrre. manner the prodigal son sass " I . ill I
Whatavar h.:ppihesc or whatever tor". arise find go to era father," All ri ht -
s of the litmbs; died:test Red
of l ht before the eyes, irritability
a aid reetlessaess is every pert of tl a batty;.
lraadscbe, indi gestic i, feelinggs cfwearisess
d depression, and loss of interest in the
forloogasthedaily :cit :tea serve
than the daily ireO nC,
kraptey is certain to result
latae'. Nerre fame must be
sad thio can best be *ttem-
the ate of 1)r, Chase's b7erve
It centales in eutcentrated
a o
le tom tierie selement scf sener'gyture ithso
boa. ill dealers, Or tdatteason,
Diamond Hall
of Canada.
Est:dsiished in the year 1834,
our business has experienced a
steady advancement until the
present day.
Our stock of Diamonds,
pine jewelry and Silverware
is universally conceded to be
the lareecet in Canada, and our
reputation for fair treatment
of our patrons is such as to
command confidence.
Our handsomely illustrated
catalogue will bring you in
touch with our present stock
and a copy of this will be
cheerfully forwarded you upon
Yenta, Sad Adelaide Sts„
We.prtpay cherries
and refund money if desired.
t»e. l' Vot)d? PlieditOiineil !.
Sold andseeeoommendtd bbyaall
druggists in Canada. Only tell-
able mediate, discovered. 815
pwingek Ouaraateof to core Ali
forms of-e5ttal Weekfres3, all eit'eets:ofabuse
or escesa, dental war* ..', Excessive n§,. of To.
rot, rot get out of life, you )nabs it, 1 for his will is concerned in the matter. I Of onb Dsse age si six, & agoi a h'il't in/ease
Like breerlslike. Bat lahenyour Willis not ra)neerizcit in ; recta ,dire. Phinphlets tree to any addietrs,
1 Tee Wood Ceinpatry, windaor,thtA
i A sal pickled in an ounce bottle of the least; when the result depends on
, the i'tc::e of discontont could not be, ether :people's arran ements, or yt n th n A.1'hcapitiedfne is soot in 'tvingh 15. .
$ po Colin A. Campbell A. T.. Hamilton. R. A.
sweetened in anodal% of apple batter- 7 the laws of nature, then the word Doaglas5, and,E. E. Davia.Druggists.
' If teat Saul WAS sari&ell with its : " shall " it what you. want. Take 11,
Pict led state. w few examples, " I shall vateh cold if I
1 •• TO +Cb='r'E5r
Halspinr ss entities in tine heart of slain this draught." " I the!. miss Ely*
$ ., train if I don't start at once."' " If 13.,l air dels4med hating, teen r stnr�i to
�+a$tYts"115ntn line sCVeet ram in a vinegar p simple ntersna after a.ntlterl>e for
boars - t ieave at four I shall arrive et seven." t+f vocal yeller
with x severe keg affeeiian, nand
' ' " I shall be disappointed if you don't I a a a knotecril n hiis fi to xuffh elk th ' mean
Ailt1 their lives mise a blank so fir earl " „ , dacme. _To those tv o desire it, he will cheer.
,joy gees. Ctytne. Shall haveh work to @t . fully Arii free of charnel a cot y of the pre
his t'orteent." /nail these cases there is i aegetian nnaxd, Which they will fled it..'tire for
n Lift) to them is not on:' not worth 1 Ile aiterreetien of desiee er nor ee, buten* tI and ail thro t isaid lug lift adut Hs
(sly ea it is
may prove
+ltP. 15ev. NR.
Sa, New York, 4,
lmug, rt isnot ltvtng. elm7'e ptedictioii: of a result. It is a, t hopes ani tnir f'n will try hi.
i i ` iavtattuibl �. These denting
They are alive but only is the sense ! pity, therefore, the two vrortie being aro i 9 n I hes h
erve :hst a pit_b of corned beef is not putrid. jdistiaet in function, that just through la i WARD A. wzt fo r, 3
BAPvzsT C'.1Suroxi--bath s'srue-es at
11 a m and 7 kr in. Sunday- School. at
4:30 p ell. ttreneral prayer meeting
on Wednesday evenings. Rev. J. J. Pat-
terson,l3.A.,pestor. W.J.Chtapnlan, S.S.
METITODisr Onnrucii--Sabbath servicbs
at 11 a in and 7p in. Sunday School at
2:80 p in. Epworth League every Mon-
day evening, General prayer meeting
ant Wednesday evenings. Rev. Richard
Hobbs, pastor. Dr. Towler, S. S. Sup-
Pita;sur rnuree C''areacra Sabbath ser-
vices at 11 a in and 7 p in. Sunday
School at 2:30 p General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evenings, Rev.
D. Perrie, pastor and S {', Superinten-
ST. PAM'S CHURCH, BrIscorsr,--Sab-
bath services at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sun-
day School at 2:30pm. General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev.
Win: Lowe, inouuzbent. P. Shore, S. S.
SALVATION Anerve Service at 7 and 11
in and 3 and 8 p in on Sunday, and
every evening during the week at S
o'clock at the barracks.
POST OFFIOD-411 Macdonald Block.
Office hours from 8 a m to 6130 p in.
Peter Fisher, postmaster,
MECHANICS' Il<seretrre-Library and
free reading room in the Town Hall,
will be open every afternoon from 2 to
5:46 o'clock andevery eveuiu from 7 to
9:80 o'clock. Miss Millie Robertson,
Town Councn--l?„ Vanstone, Mayor;
Pin. Holmes, Thos. Bell, Robt, Mo-
Indoo, J J. Elliott; W. F. VanStoue,
A. J. Irwin, 'Councillors; J. B. Fer-
guson, Clerk and Treasurer; William
Clegg, Assessor, Wm. Robertson, Col-
lector. Board meets first Monday even-
ing in each month at 8 o'clock,
SCHOOL BOARD, -Tai. Kerr, (chairman),
Thos, Abraham, J, J. Elliott, J. 3,
Homuth, Wm. Moorre, Thos. Bell, Wen,
Button, 0. N. Griffin. Secretary, Win.
Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson.
Meetings second Tuesday evening in each
PUBLIC SonooL TsAolnus.-A. H.
Musgrove, Principal, E. 0. Coultas,
Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss
Cornyn, Miss MoLeatt, Miss Matheson
Miss Reid, and Miss Cummings.
BOARD Or lza:at-Mayor Vanetone,
(chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos. Greg-
ory, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson. Sec-
retary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical
Health Officer.
and member of the Associated Musicians of
Ontario, is prepared to receive a limited anm-
bc�ffypupils for instruction on Piano and in
Special attention given to pupils preparing
for examinations.
Residence -opposite R. C. Church, Bingham.
J. J. Elliott, V. S.
Honorary Graduate of
Ontario Veterinary
Office and Infirm
corner of Victoria andte
Minnie Ste. Wingham.
Day -and night calls
promptly attended to.
Telephone connection.
and anyone having live stock or other
articles they wish to dispose of, should adver-
tise the same for sale in the Tangs. Our large
circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if
you do not get a customer. We can't guarantee
that yon will sell because you may ask more
for the article or stock than it is worth. Send
this of disposing oyour and
Place the vast facilities of the
Telephone System at the
disposal of everyone.
Are convenient for the use of
non -subscribers.
The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada
All hinds of
Rubber Tiber
for all kinds of
Dunlop Bicycle 'Thea
Pneumatic Carriage Tires
Solid Dubber Carriage Tires
Titvalid Chair Tires
Tires to Baby Carriages.
The buiilop Tire Co. United
1.,L')3f,Isu rt
Tile Times ottiee, Beaver Block
Wails or fiallstrntrrios-• 1 3',1 per anntun in
advance, 1.50 if nut so Laid. No paper dIscon
tinned till utl urrears are paid, except lit the
option of the publisher. 1
AtVEu.ieitaa HATES. -. L',gel and enter
ennui advertisements be per Nonparielline for
first insertion, He per lino for each sub..egnent
.Advertisrruents in local columns are charged
10 eta, inn' linea for first iusertiont end b teats
per lino for each subsequent insertion.
Advertisements of Lost, Found, t irayed,
Vanua for Sale er to Rent, sold simiiar.:i1.00 for
first month and a� I cents for each subsequent
ol1CJt rata sAff orlt] ,, Ill -action ottr dvertila enments
for specified periods:-
sr/LOB, 1 rii. Oso. :1 no. I Tin
°Up_ Coiumn... •.....1:0.00 $:!5.00 $15,00 re PP
Half .+
Column.......... 35.00 18.00 10.00 - .oil
Quarter Column i5.00 10.00 0.00 2.00
• llbiifanda1hrdirections em til tllu andcageed
Tram -dent advertisements must be paidfor In
Teti Jon Dr:1Annu;NT is stocked with an
extensive assortment of all requisites for print-
ing, Affording facilities not equalled in the
county for 'tuning out first class work, Large
type and appropriate cuts for all styles of Post-
ers, Hand. Bins, etc., and the latest styles of
choice fancy type for the finer classes of print -
H. B. Fr.r•IOTT,
Proprietor and Publisher
T P. EENNEDY 1Sf. u,. M. C. P. S. O
t . (Member of the British Medical Associa-
tion,) Gold Mettallist IA Medicine. Special
attention paid. to diseases of Women and Child
rein Office hours -1 to 4 p, at, ; i to 9 p, in.
Centre Street
Physician, Surgeon, etc.
Office -Macdonald Block, over J. E. Davis'
Drug Store. Night calls answered at the office,
rate ofintere No cominisyio'ucinaads to gaI lowest
gages, town and farm property bought and
sold. Office, Beaver Block, \Vingham.
Winghanr, Ont.
B. L. Drcxrxsoy DUDLEY Borvss
;dorm, ro Lows. -
()reran: Meyer Block, Wingham.
ARTHUR J. TR�i'IN, D, D. S., L. D. S.
Doctor of Dental Sur eryofthePennsyivania
Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office
over Post Office, Wingharn.
Office closed every Wednesday afternoon
during June, July and. August.
New method for painless ex-
traction. No Cocaine.
special attention to the care and regulation
of children's teeth. Moderate prices and all
work carefully and skilfully performed. Office
in Beaver Block, Wingham,
Office closed every Wednesday afternoon
during June, July and August,
Winfiham, Ont.
JOHN CURRIE, Wnaoawit, Ozer.
Sales of Perm Stock and Farm implements a
specialty.Alrs left at Trm Trims office promptly
attended. to. Terms reasonable.
Puminpils atioPrnsep.ared for Conservatory of Music
of London Conservatory of Mtfnsic, will he pre -
Pared after
ber of pupils Oct.1stto
on Violin
Residence --opposite R. C. Church, Wingham.
including Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill
Heads, Circulars, he., &c., executed in the best
style of the art, at moderate prices, and on
short notice.
BooKiiternm a: We are pleased to announce
that any Books or Magazines left with us for
Binding, will have our prompt attention
Prices for Binding iu any style will be given on
application to
TAR TLaf1s otriet,
't,RA ala TRUNK 1IAf.,WA'4' SYSTEM.
London musics Luwvn von
5.Toronto & Eaet 0 a.m . Gb3 a.fmn,... 3 0op.m.
Bineardine..11.lb am-. 1.5)
Kincardine.-..S.fOa.m., MOO lion-- 3.03 p.m.
London... ,11.10 a.m .. 7,55 p.m.
Palmerston 11.10 aim.
Toronto a East L40 p.m. 8.98
L.HAROLD. Agent, 'ivingharti,
LEAve eon
Torontoand East0.57 eon- . 3.53 p.m.
Teeslvatet ... 1.17 pm -10.43 p.m.
Annivn %*soar
Tee tater... .6.u7a.m A.53p,m.
Toronto andEast 117 p nr....10.43 p.m,
J. H. BEC f1ER, Agent, Wutgham.
With his ase anti gnu tiro pioneer came
To the backwards years axone,. •
With his bride of a day, sweet, winsome
To hew thein out a Mottle.
Through toil and sweat a garden plot
Was brushed,, and, stumped 'and
And joy was the sue of their happy
As titan cnbilt tennis they reared.
And year by year tie honed and cleared
And the wiener ranged his view,
The joy in the Settler's voice was heard,
As in p"ayer he praised. arnew.
Soon neighbors Caine front the dear old
Front the home beyond the sea,
Aud Iabor lightened, on every Baud,
And joy knew company.
And the children canto as the years
drew on,
A handsome, sturdy brood,
And each knew a welcome, a happy one,
And the Foil produced its food.
They grew apace in strength aid grace.
Till the time of mating came,
When each ie turn left the old loved
To seek for themselves a home.
And the Old Couple sat by their lone
And tamed of Elie clays now gone,
The sweet, fowl days, when as groom
and bride,
They had jourueeyd forth alone.
And the hearts grew sad, but the light
of love
Still glorified the shrine,
So thus baud in hand to the Howe above
They passed in the Father's time_
A• Stranger's hand now ploughs the
Which the settler cleared of yore,
While in the glade last resting .place,
Is the grave of the old Pioneer.
Stratford, July 25.
Same old ocean, • ;
Same old, roar --
Same old, faces,
On the share.,
Same old priceiia
Where you' dat;t
Same o] I glances .
That are; sweet.
Same old briefness
Of then suit t
On the maiden'
Plump are, cute.
Same old :tinning'' . e ,, y
On the sand; ti
Same aid murmur: •
"Ain't it grand'?
Same old pebbles
d d Glint and gleam;; _
Same old ocean,
Same old. dream. - •
Same 01I, flirting -
> • On the :shore,
Same old sighing . .
. When it. o'er, ,
. ti
t; f
e tel`
• t
• I.
For Over Sixty rears.
An Old and Well -Tried Remedy -Mrs
Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been used
for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers
for their children white teething, with,
perfect success. It soothes the child,
softens the gums, allays all pain, cures
wind colic, and is the best remedy for
diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists in every part of the
world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its
valve is incalculable. Be sere you ask
for Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind.
There is a noted difference
in the style and fit of Pants we
make that always brings peo-
ple back for another pair,
Then there is the low price
and better quality of cloth put
in them—cloth that wears
See Our new goods and prices.
.tom)tp. Aending re akin ch avid desestplien May
<Mettle ascertain miroptaton tree wtaether as
invention is probably atentahtc. Commnnics
ttonssttitt yeet)nadeatlnl, Handbook on. Pausal.
sett free. gi.lest
eine* for securing pten��ts.Patentstsken thr7uchmine.:tometre
ut charge, itt the
A tsndronnely iltnitrrte4 trMekly, 7 ante,t era%
alai�taf t f any felenmma imeeat, Terme. Hata at
car, fn r tnonuis, 51. 55151,yaIl rleaeenttera.
DN1 & Ct ,totnr+atctt, New Taft
Branch Office. '4:3 V Vt. Wesbl-'„ttin.Ik