HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-08-07, Page 1VOL. XXXL--NOR 1591. R
A Great
Dissolution it
This is no fake. it is it
genuine sale, and we are ir
positive we can save you
money on everything you.; buy. A few Bargains:
Men's Doiigola Boots--
Revailar $3.23, sale price $2.40
-tieri's Box Calf Boots-
]tegplar $8.75, sale price $2 90
3.25, " 2.40
" 3.00, 4,2 ;25
" 2.50, '' 1.90
Ladies' Dong. Boots, button-
$ Regular $3.00, sale price $2.25
, 2.75, " 2.15
,t ern- ut L85
c. ttildran'a Shoes-
tegular;I.40, sale price $1.10
tlildreu's Shoes, 'button --
Regular $1.25, sale price $1.00 0
Men's Colored Shirts--
Reguler $1.25, sale price $1.00
Shirts -
Ree 1.00, p!,ice
Men's White Shirts -
Regular $1.00, sale price ,80
Neckwear -
Regular .50, sale price .18 ie
As to clothing, now is the time
to purchase, as we ' can sown �.
you from $4 to *0 on a snit of
Store for sale. Apply to J. J.
DMA S011
Issued by FRANK PAvEnsoy,No. 23 Victoria
et*regt, Wingham. Ont. No witnossesrequired. Campbell's Headache Wafers guarane
• teed to cure headache.
Best kinds money can buy
Crosse iL. Biaolovell's mixed, per
Crosse & Blaclwell's Chow Chow
per bottle x -
Williams Bros' (Detroit) Mixed
Pickles, per bottle
Williams Bros' Sweet Mixed
Pickles, per bottle -
Heiutz's, plain, per bottle •
Heintz's, mixed, per bottle
Heintz's Chow Chow, per bottle
Heinte's Silver Onions, per bottle
Heintz's Bulk Pickles, per quart
22 -oz bottle Mixed Pickles -
Lytle & Co.'e Mixed Pickles, ilt
Catsup, per bottle -
Catsup, quart bottle -
R. A. Hutchison
.. Groceries and Crockery.
Phone No: 09.
Wanted -At Once.
AI feral of at least 100 acres, close to town and
suitable for pasture. -
I have completed arrangements whereby I
hero for sale all the pronerfyin and around the
Canadian Roo not already secured.
. Anyone desirous of purchasing a building lot
or business stand will find plans, prices and
terms at this office.
There arc still some choice properties on the
list which may he seeured by a small deposit,
the balance being paid on very easy terms..
I have a largo list of farms for sale, suitable
for mixed. farming, and ranging in size and
prig•{' to suit anyone.
The list of town properties for FOCI ie daily
increasing and.affnl a line selection for the
intending purchaser to choose from,
Beal Estate and Insurance Agent,
Office over D. M. Gordon's store.
Who Wants a Farm ?
I have over 4,000 .acres of choice farm lands
for sole, in 41, 75.300, li'A: and 20Q acres, lots in
Kinloss, Greenot lc, Brune, Kincardine, Huron
end Ashfield Townships. Good lands with
good buildings to be sold cheap on easy terms,
goalweiAlsa god blad. crsmith shonill for p(dllng ior an von-
dainty it good business,, for sate cheep.
A. hotel doing .good bltsiness for Sala Cheap.
pAlxo 3t'Witgoitehop .& general-8•LATM With large
trade, live village. Also a large amount of
loon's tc>,loan at 5 per emit. Por further par-
ticulars apply to
T. A. htc1EDIZIPi
insurance Agoltt, I'iolvrood.
See Halsey Park's ai.vertisement.
Weer Grimes $boett..
The Directota o
cultural Society
Pau eineixts f02' t
in Wingliani, tm2
20th. A splendi
lions is being arr
be ready early n
procured from ill
Robertson, Tall
attractions will
A enmplete line of the best Groceries
and Canned Goods that money can
buy. We sell at the lowest possible
prices. Weston's Bread, Toronto,
for sale. JOHN GRAY;
Josephine street, north.
Friday Ni
Winghamn was
severe electrical
evening last. Th
severe for a slit
tower was struck
phones were burfipd out.
ht's Storm.
gain the centre of a
storm on Friday
lightning was very
in time. The hose
[lid a uumber,of'tele-
A General Banking Business Trans-
Farmers' Sale Notes Collected, and
advances made on same,
Matte bought and sold on all points in
Canada. United States and Europe.
.allowed on deposits of $1 and 'upwards,
and added to principal 30th June and 81st
December each year.
A. t. GIBBON,' Manager.
IL. Vanstone, Solicitor.
Boys' 50c Straw s for 25c. New
goods. HANNA Sc Co.
District Fall Fairs
Wingham, Sept. 23.26.
Teeswater, Sept. 24-25.
Dungannon, Oct. 9.10.
Blyth, Oct. 7-8. •
Brussels, Oct. 2-3,
Walkerton, Sept. 17.18.
Stratford, Sept. 80.Oct. 1.
Listowel, Sept. 30 -Oct. 1.•
Godericle Sept. 80 -Oct. 1.
Seaforttm, Sept. 25.26.
London, Sept. 12.29.
Toronto, Sept. 1-13.
Fall Fair,
the Turnberry Agri.
re now making ar,
fall fair to be held
September 25th anti.
list of special attrac-
iged, Prize lista will
at week, and can be
Secretary, 11lr, Wai,
particulars of special
e given in a future
For views and lawn groups try
Armstrong & Co.
Moved to
Mr. J. J. Chani
the Wingbani Stov
his foully to tome
office be 1 as
Times is pleased to
Ingham and family f
hope that the new
with splendid samei
tug. We hope to se
titian before long.
;chine, Manager of
Works, has mnoved
anti is using the
• resii eine. The
elemme Mr. camp,
our town, and we
mpany may meet -
in their undertak•
the works in open»
Farm for sale at a bargain. Apply to
D. Stewart.
Mrs. GeUE
The funeral of t
Golley to the WI
Friday last was vi
many of the old nt
of the deceased I
The Weathers of 11
are as follows: -
W, bighorn ;
ollows:Wbighnnt; Mrs.
Morris; Jas. Golley
V. S., Treherne,
Etimonlou, N. W.
MoNrit LoAN.-Afeney to loan on
notes, and notes discounted at reason-
able rates. Money advanced on mort-
gimes, with privileee of paying at the
BANKOF HAMILTON i'Loil(.10(1,0)±1:t:-.13earoelfT11!;221116-"rollOi.g-
Capital paid up, $2,000,000.00.
Reserve Vend, 81,600,000.01
Vice•President--li, O. RAUB Y.
John Proctor, GPI). 110tUdi, Wm. Gibson, M.P.
General Manager -.T. Ttiartmliz,
savings Ilettk-Uours 10 to 8; Saturday, 10
tot. Denosits si and upwards received. In.
tweet snowed, and eoinputed on the 80tit
vomiter and inst May each year and added to
Speolial DepoSita also received at current
rates of interest,
Dratto on Great Stream end the 'United
States Bought and sold.
Trtivellere aro notified that the Ban am
Mori and its Branches issue areltiar Rates of
National Provincial Bonk of Itnelatid, Limited,
whieb eau be elusive without charge or troll.
UN In any part srtnts 'rootlet.
Vt. tiOXIBOU'Llti, Agent
Two Foeme
The following
Charles, MO.,
son of Mr. W. W.
Bell Telephone m
old time friend an
person of A. G.
Bridge man, Nth
intending the w
bridge. Mr. Tagil
man by the 110,Me
and immediately
ih) old town o
came to mind, I
taken from the St.
unier-News of July
agile referred to is a
Inglis of this town: -
is, the gentlemanly
lager, has found an
acquaiutance in the
now in town gaper -
It on the highway
heard that a gentle-
Mitiford was in town
collections of life in
r.Itiglis made him elf
Ugh it developed that
dna. in the Canadian
pledeant me in
is Funeral.
a Mite Mrs. Joseph
wham cemetery on
v largely attended.
gltbors and friends
aiug in attendance.
rut, Galley's family
urs. Thos. Cassels,
Henry Johnston,
Morris; Jos. Golley,
Ian., Wm. Golley,
Fon Sem-Mouse and lot on Frances.
Street. For partentin1s ripply to H.
Hamilton, sr.
L. O. L.
Bills have been p
ung full particulars
excursion to Sarni
'?assengers will t
trent *MAO iii
Wiaghanm,., and p
Hyde Parke in pla
fag aswas the dos
.The fare by boat 2
is 50 cents. Th
doubt be largely
particulars from b
in another colum
5Itlewalk Co
The Street Conic
the l:ontraait of lay
wallas iii' Witiglitan
awing c o., Of lap
9% cents pt's sem
tractors t>iil comm
few days.
uted this week giv.
f the big L. 0.L.
on. .August 23rd.
e the regulartrain
fare i $0' 05 , field
gingers Will go via
of via Lucan Cross-
on the last excursion.
omit Sarnia to Detroit
excursion will no
iatronized. Get full
is and advistinleilt
99, puts will buy
Oo's window. Re
tat lia.nna
$2.00 and eie.25
ttee tint week let
ig the griiuolithic
u the Purest City.
ou. 'rhe price is
e feot, The con•
lice the work i a
leard'ri; chock -tufting flow going on.
See attYle
Sees G re
Among the visit
week is Mr. Wm.
West and stopped
brother, Mr. Franc
ex -Mayor Visited B
He was surprised
city has made since
is. he says, one of
looking and busiest
Dominion. Mr. 01
, population of ten t
a very few years.
great interest is ta
present and an unu
of Ontario people
West -Bra udon Ti
re in the city this
Clegg, ex -Mayor of
o is on a. trip to the
tr here to visit his
ndon ten years ago.
t the progress the
hat time. Brandon
le most prosperous
little cities in the
(* expects to see a
usauds here within
he East, he says,
en in Manitoba at
'tinily large number
re moving to the
Ithey had lived to
city. As may be a
otei Were revived
Fartn Pr.
Mr. T. a.
Win liken,pas tie
Mr. Weikel ape'
Wiugliatu last wee
lilirchltsieg farni
Ni 4tlity.
tarty Sold.
, real estate agent,
°tinted the sale of
0-zwi• a farm, near
W4 00,000 cash.
a few days iu
with u► view to
croperty in this
Moz'is etilLtrees at 4;e per ceut, on
easy teranitii repitynieiii. Apply to A..
Dulmuaile, heat rhoefe, \Viughutu,.
Honiii Prom
,cur. Rubt..lt1eDonog
Mt;Donogh i( town,,\
Africa with thelast tla
retdrned line vu M4)
eailiated at anon a
and oat aid of the
South Africll,peace ha
CHEAP Coreoe.1.--Another Bale of
mill ends of eetton from 30 up at Isard
Lee Co's.
son of Mr. Jolla
o Went to auutll
ailian contingent,
clay evening. Re
ow, mouths ago,
st contingent t
been dealer
Ladies' Shirt; Waists
5O0 for 450, i5e tor '5.f
i5tf. iUlmie'_1ti 4utl gee i
co and less.
Refeeshmenta, at Races,
'AlcKelvie -W Star restaurant
ilea secured the boot privileges for the
Wednesday aod
le Mr. MeXelvie
for a uu tither of
given good ilatis-
people wile will
oak will be- sure
everything in the
ThUrsday of next NV
has hod 'this pri Oleg
years mallets alway
faCtieee The many
Attend the races nex
Of Secreting the hes
Wingham lc Holiday.
Tuesday was Wi ham's Civic. heti.
day and it was very niet town, The
morning was very isagreeable, with
rain up to noon. le main attraction
for the day was he union Sunday
school excursion t Goderich, and the
number attending is was greatly les-
sened on account o , the wet weather.
Over 500 tickets wer sold at the Wing-.
ham station. On a Goderieh
the exeursionists did tot leave the train
until lunch had be n served. After
dinner the sun cam out and a very
pleasant afternoon as spent at the
county town... The Ingham bowlers
had a genie with th Goderich bowlers
iu the afternoon, am nadea good show-
ing, considering tl t this is the first
season they have eon playing. Mr.
ode shot; Mr. H. 3, royls rink came out
a tic, while Mayor listen(' and Mr. P.
Pateison lost with their rinks. The
members Of the righlim Club
went up to Getleriel; 'With the intention
of shooting with t members of the
Dungannon Club, Ude the latter did net
show up.
1ar. Butler, Am.:1811st in the diseases
Of theoye ear, noee mid throat. Eyes
tested and' glasses supplied. Mee op-
posite Ste Andrew's church, Lendou,
Will 'Not • Pohl
' The Edncation pep
ed the futin e
names Of the success
first part 'of the Leav
examinations. Stade
know how they cam
forth have to apply f
the High School prim
if they think advisable
to tne local -papers.
h Results.
nae to the crops
ice by the recent The Town Cann l suet in regular see.
not So'meavyas gen- I sioii ou Monday e icing, Mayer Von -
t to hay, which was stout) in the ebair; tmeu:bers all present.
wet wenther pre- Minutes of Iast xn 'ting were react and
cared. ',Phe injury approved.
a conl'lned mainly to The Clerk read a,; ommuuieation from
t, which the. rains Mr. W. Davis, C. .., of Berlin, in re-
lrveFted and which lard to system waterworks. On
fence. This will not moti 11i of Councill. s Bell and Holmes,
lied, but will affect the matter was I ;'1 over until best..
finer, lessening the meeting,
r the past two. weeks The report of the
nt wenther for bar- was -read as follows
and a great deal of
sen, housed.
Crops Not 'I Damnged. • TOWN lCONCH,.
Reports of the
thoughont the pro
orally thought, ese
cnt, the continue
venting it from bei
to the grain crop w
the sort white wh
prevented being I
prevent it being
the quality et to
nutritive velue.
we IWO had. exce
vesting operotious
hay and wheat ha
Noxio Weeds,
The Ontario St ales provide for the
eutting,of noxiou weeds on both high-
ways and occupie or unoccupied lands.
If owners of Knoll ude refuse or neglect
to have such we ds ent or destroyed
before going to see
duty of the mune'
weeds uk, and p
for collecting, the
in default of pay
placed against the
the tax ratei; fur
ant of the land w
to cut (limn or d
weeds is liable to
for each offet o It,1s the duty of every
Utuuicipulity eat) co these provisions,
Albert Senderson,
H. B. Elliott, ptg an
nall, ptg and adv
Jas. Brock, labor, st
Jas. Iteby, labor, str
Louis Small, labor,
John Davidson, teen
And. Hood, labor, st
J. B. Cummings, pot
W. F. Vanstone, ex
, then it beeomes the W. :T. Greer. stipphe
ming 4 9Th
meets . 00
ug, streets.. 24 05
ng booth 4 00
to Toronto, 8 00
8 05
to have such noxious A. RoRg.. Wiggles t: 1 90
visiou is also made
The committee roe Mmetaled the pay -
t t:if such work, and
meta of the above a -aunts except that .
ut the cost is to be
of John Davidson, fich was laid over.
operty together with
•lernlore the Pecan* ibViZ=117 "st: s' 311 52
eefusee or neglects 1,32,1:"4 230 00
troy these noxious Iiiceintes,, town 1E. &I
me of from $5 to $20 truest Lemuel
elm co
25) ee
Cemetery 41 2.8
sinhingleund 4403 in
Bonk cvortirsit 247 41
haw at beginning of y r 1360. 13 08£7
Estimated eeeipts for dance ,
of the year:
.Eron lica ban Parnell $ 350 00
r, The Druggist
For your
Paris Green
And all Insecticides
The Late D . Horsey.
met death in suelt n awful form at item ot onso
man, and the public li e of Canada loses %I! :i.Fg ., ee ee
40 u0
figure. His career, a tending over but '4'1" ue ceuuth/11 Lots
50 OD
ft .D.251
If a Kipling or it Bret I arte had. enema LTI:x{m'etsill':i.ii.Atinicilvi-a4nees 1 12540 27 525481 as
been embodied in sto 7 as A t'YPe. Indebtedeee end: expepditure to ;filly 31st on ,
ered Dr. Horsey, he Mild surely have
salaries ,
*737 20
had experienced OS niftoli of the vieissi- I Printing and advertisi4 as is
tudee awl favors of Annum in his brief p
t 'arm es most men -do (u the course of a , I bide va its
fti50.`11,4girsri,dlights‘ 171 20
his ambitions. He hael run the gamut of staking rend Invested Liemes semlki
le te
long life. Thera Ws S Ito prize. political, 1 (13heriellit'tYures
Of a penniless doctor,eben ten in 'and ruin- I Sj,,h2,°1.4',7Q. tu't 4.5.4 ltd.
42470: e1.10: .
478 29
financial or social beYond -the dream of il,,T4.1=
!water Werke mrifutance
.eeveeses and' successee from the. position 1 County rate J"
Office O. N. W. Telegraph
TN Road
To Success
bd by a political' centilst tiventy.fonr, 1,3,();(tiTillV2ft Helm r
spenkWit snreAS and it Meteeehli8ce 1""Pus 311 51 616897 63 4.
107 02
Is easy for those who are equipped
for the proper transaction of busine00
affairs. Those who get their educa-
tion where attention is given to de-
tails and simple methods will have
the advantage of others. We have ia-
formation for you if you nreinterested
Forest City Business College
12 25
to that of aca.ptein industry, a polish- r,xenirtitrti:. "netls 100 40 * Fall Term opens Sept. 2nil
tier of Parliament shortly past, the turn balanee of year;
COU 3011
Town. xran 400 00- .1. Central Business College •
to publish the Dr. Horsey's rapid ise from political ), 'Water ewer' V' 50
1 writers on the defeat and apparent f ilure were laid in
g Matriculation Aiia, whither he wen at twenty-five as
anxious to an insurance agent, a d amassed wealth
out will hence- rapidly. There was ways see segges. Loco Imp. 3.896, Town' zShare 66 46
115 87
46 ConsolidateAlebt 42.3 00
14 16 B 226 00
11 C 1.20 00
information to tion of the Oriental neibole in his sal se- " 1898 179 84
-pals, who may. queut dealing with reeit and money. He Iwo
baud their lis a largeeplece in`eithe politics and 31(itinkselidated Debt Debi A
We =tottered in the free -f all race probably have filled a- inech larger place
for trade. Those who ,,(i re mire call both politically and ';', commercially. -
in. We have some oh% goods. 75c Toronto Saturday Niga.
and 90e Children's Mines hem 1110 2 e
The Wing
and Thursday of n
be the best ever
Three good races f
four for the second
for each day this
attraction. Some
the country will
that Wednesday a
weee are the days.
That the town was serted on Tues -
m Races.
ces on Wednesday
That Wingham's taxi rate for 1902 is
t week promise to
21 mills.
r the first day and That Wingham. mertiliants give good
The running race bargains.
ing Fund:
13,1 10
2427 50
121 19 517 £6
140. 00
Water power debentures 243 00
Town Hall debenturesr 242 00
Interest on $1000 Sin14 Fund 40 00 13036 18
Local Imp. Contract, 1899 29 28
Bank Loans ") 8S110 00
Bank Overdraft 4 247 41
County Rate e 406 00
Exemption on farm prdperty 24 00
Bal. for school purposenf 3572 01 0078 77
Proposed expenditure*
Salaries . v 010 00
Water Works maintenance 350 00
Roads and Sidewalks 1-,:. 300 00
Printing and advertising 100 00
Town Hull (- 110 CV
Interest 60 00
60 00
230 00
1)1 200 00
503 64
ar will be a great That the Mayor's Act was even ob. nipnliesdltilee.iniLtrigliit.ys
t the best horses in served ou Tuesday.
2473 01
e here. Remember That it pays to advertise in an up -to -
▪ A school that occupies front rank 4*
1. • among the best blisiness colleges on this 4.
.1 continent. Many lending cotnniercial
"'" schools employ our graduates as teach- +
ers. We do our best to place till our 0,0.
▪ graduatesin good po4itionsmid we have .1.
3: been iftore successful tlds -year than in "fe
▪ any previtius year. Those desiring the
best in buidnessetlaication should attend, +
our School.
+ Write for catalogue.
* W. 3. ELLIOTT, Principal.
The Thins to January 1st, 1903, for
Wm. Constable,
was robbed of $2
sideboard drawer.
system of waterw
ers, and $20,000 fo
a Hamilton citizen,
which he left in a
voted 8100,000 for a
rks, $73,000 for sew -
good rands. s
d Thursday of next The committee r 'Commended a rate of druggists ref mud themIll011;lyinifi faitseto.oure
date paper like the TI.31
21 mills in the dollar -14N for town ex- E, W. Grove's signature is on each box. 250
That we have had a
The Wingliam
have completed a
excursion via G.
Saturday, iogn
fare from Wheel'
the route will be
ford. Passengers
train froth here
special traiu will
to Buffalo. This
should be Well pat
lag printed contan
w days of fine
weather since our last i
That Wingham Fall ,,ait will be held
'dependent Foresters
ngements for a big on September 25th and With.
stone, that the esttinates for the present
penditure, 6 milli for school purposes '
Moved by Colitis. Holmes and Van -
.0. Be to Buffalo, on That next WeclnesclaA and Thursda,y year, as submittect;by the Finance Com-
mittee, be aclopted;,- Carried.
10th. The retitne are the days of the 'Winnliam races.
a will be $3.70 and That summer will s ''' ii be over and The Street cotimittee reported that
a Listowel to Strut- we have not had much et, rm weather. they had. let the doutraet of laying con-
vill take the regular That Coronation Day leSaturday) will eut walk to the i.*)'orest City Pavement I
not be observed as a hOiday in Wing. Co , London, at 9.$eo per square foot. ,
to Stratford and a
run from Stratford horn. . On motion of ()nuns. Elliott miff Me-
an excursion which Tato°, Prank Paterson was appointed
That Winglaam has lore well -kept
nizecl. Bills are be- to engineer the Constraction of grano-
lawns than any other t wit of its siee iithie sidewalk.
ng full particulars. anyWhore,
Death bf
It is our sad Out
the death of Hai
loved wife of Mr.
Virawattosb. Mrs.
with her sister in
Ana, died quite so
morning. Decease
cote health for malt
reeved hueband, ch
tives will have th
community th
funeral took place o
from her bite, ho
A by-law WaS:itassed authorizing au
That the burdocks hatte been cut On assessment for toiOn purposes of $8518.26;
rs. Shtell. certain lots. The good Ntork should be for school purplees $3722.80; county
member oqbe town comma- A b -law ent ed t rocure a tem-
purposes $400.
s p ss op
Shiell, of East dl was present at the ting on Mon. poroey Imo not ixoeodiog v000.00 for
dell was visiting granolithic sidewalk purposes.
even repro-
(lenlY 51°11da'Y seated on the L. 50. Lei eXeursieal to mayor and treasurer to boirow $500 from
oarnia and Detteat On Jason eura. the Dominion Bank to meet current en -
mu and other Iva- That bills are out arcing the Penditure.
I, O. F. tecursien to Bu alb oa Seter- Council ailjeatned.
sytimathy of the
day. August ldth. Rettirn fare from
r affliction. The
winAnon, 83.70.
day night.
Barton township, Thht Wingliain A by-law was passed authorizing the
Tuesday afternoon
to the Witighain That Josephine street 'ite had another
cleaning. The 'weeds, ass, etc., cht.
The members of the street committee
and w' OW the Cold,
/*lath% trent line Tublets ewe a cold fit
one day. NO On kr Pay. Itrite 25 cents.
are tO be complirtionted.;
That the interest in boitling continues, 'When no one'' cold be found to bury
-Mid that electrie lights re to be placed Win. Lee Of Pe , who died of smallpox,
on the grounds so that t time tor play- Rev. rather TI mas Davis Volunteered
hi the evenings ma be lengthened. an I completed e ask. -
Xing Edward daily increases his walk-
ing exercises, and the improvement in
his condition continues unchecked.
Barrels of bargains
Sale or Boots and Shoes.
In Children's Slippers
see our bargain tables
Every line of Footwear
at reduced prices.