HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-07-31, Page 8• RU 'M .ME lit CAMPBELL. $ Summer Goods a clearing out Wash Goods Tia will be the last call for a number of our Summer a ee Fabrics, These prices will make quick work or the lots we have mucked dawn to 10 cents,, 1,000 yards of Fine English Mercerized Sateens, Dimities, Organdies, Linens, Black, White and Fancy Maslins, etc., reeulnr prices were 25e, S00, Sen and 40e,- to clear et .15 1,000yards ofPri is Ginghams and Chambrays, new patterne. • and plain guaranteed fast colors, now on sale at - .10 25 remnants of Prints, from 1 to 4 yards, to clear at - :0$ Embroideries 50 renlnnnts of Ernbrni levies and Insertions, from 't in 5 yards in nn end, regular prices from 9e to 180 a yard: Your choice of 20 piece' for 5e a yard u " 13 .( ie. n cr 70 0, 4r u is it 5 u 12L,,e ca$4101/m111/11a11"0111111WW0,111,11V4,411,161VD/411,1101104-411,16,11/11Wese ., Fall Goods Arriving The first shipments of Fall Goode are here already, consist- ing of Dress Goods and Snitings io the newest shndes and VP weaves; new Shaker F1t+nnels, new Flannels. new. Cottonades, new Shirtings, new Cottons. new Factory Cottons, new Ginehoms for aprons, new Drapery Goods, etc. 4 q We al wave (eery in stock a full line of Carpets, LinoIeums, ' Lace and Damask Curtains, Table Covers, eta. Groceries We earn, n. nice fresh stock of Grnr:eriee and can fill ell ynnr requirements iu this line as well as dry goods. Prompt delivery. $1"l~'ti4 vieeieto11,b 44',1v'l1a'beve•llv01e'1We1•d RITCHIE & COWBELL Successors to M, H. Mcindoo w► gi,44...wwwiii.41. rlf'4►4a.'!a6''OA'd4r i✓i►' kalm,. 1., LX WLNGILAN TU I S, JULY 31, 1902. MINOR LQQAI,S, -Three days agreed harvest weather thie week. -This mouth to. the 28th, it has rained ou PERSONALS. We shall be glad to have contributions to this column from any of our readers. If you have visitors or purpose going away yourself. drop in and tell us, or send us a note to that efiect- Miss Guthliu of Crestline, Ohio, is the guest of Miss Agnew. Miss Bertha Carder of Blyth is visit- ; lug with Win,haui friends. I►7.r. C. M. Newans is spending a week with his fatuity at Loudon. Miss Mary Morrison, of Ingersoll is visiting with Miss Dinsley. Mr. McKenzie,. of Knluniet, Mich. is 'visiting with friends in Calross. Mr. Arch Hislop, M. P. P. for East Huron. was in town on Tuesday. Mr. Chas. Skeates is holidaying with friends in Ingersoll and other places. Mr. Wm. Robertson was in Toronto for a few days this week, visiting his son. Mrs. J. S. Bordon and two daughters are spending two weeks with friends in W'roseter, Mr. Chas. Conery of Guelph was visit- ing within& brother, 12v John Conary this eeeeele;e" Aleict t ..,. • v. "--isle. ani lairs. •. 3. Snitican and chikt- reu are holidaying with relatives and friends iu Chesley. Mr. Thos. Holmes and two grandsons were visiting with Dr. Holmes e.t Brus- sels on Tuesday. Miss Dunkie and Miss Olivia Dunkie, of Elmira, are visiting with their friend, Miss Kirtie Ross. Miss M. Higgins. stenographer in Mayor Va.nstone's office is away for a few weeks' holidays. Dr. R. Agnew of Clinton was visiting with his father, Mr. John Agnew, for a few days this week. TEA What's nicer than a good cup of tea or a glass of nice iced tea? Our Special 50c. Black is the kind you deed. Always Pleases Christie Brown and McCormick's Fancy Biscuits, all kinds of as- sorted Sandwiches, Water Ice frocknell 13ar, Peach turn- overs, Jam -jams, Wine, Arrow I+tdot, Soeial Tea, Fruit, Ginger Bread, and a hundred and one othee varieties always fresh. Cooked Ham, the Ingersoll kind 30e. a lb., Sliced Thin Meats, all kinds, Ingersoll Bo. logna, 10e. a lb„ rr Wheat Os " and " Force, " the two best breakfast foods, fresh every Week. at Tdo e's nolo 1 Store ewe, Seting , t6AXilealertt- 10 out of 28 days. -Regular monthly meeting of the Town Council on iNuutlay evening next, The Times subscription list etill grow- ing, Only 40 cents till let Jnuile•Yi 1903. - Wednesday and Thursday, August 13 and 14, are the dates of the Wingltttul races. -All places of business in Winghatn will be e1o,ed on. Tuesday next-Civio Holiday. -Tee next regular meeting of Camp. Caledonia, S. U. S., will be held Monday evening next, - The employees of the Union factory are taking a half holiday every Saturday duriug July and August. -Neat Tuesday is. Wiugham's Civic Holiday. Reuiember the onion Sunday School excursion to Goderioh. The Congregational charcli property is offered for sale by tender. Read advt.. in another eolulun ut this issue. -John Rogers, painter, and his workmen were in Brussels last week painting Dr. Holmes' new residence -W. C. Bullock, late of the Iron works and now manager of the Indust- rial Fivaueial Co. has gone to San Frau- ciseo. -We have been very busy in our job departmeut for a lumber of weeks. The TIMEs office is the place to get your printing. -The Voters' List for the Township of Howick has been published, and was posted op in the clerk's office on Mon- day, July 21st. -We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Hunter, mother of Mrs. R. J. Tindall, is now very low. It is feared that she cannot recover. -At the prohibition convention in in Toronto this week, it was decided to open tbe referendum campaign on the first Sunday in September. Tot Beldon, of Toronto Junction is visiting friends in town. Miss Dora Lee, of Lucknow was visit- ing friends in Wingham on Sunday. Miss Jennie MacMath has been visit- ing with her grandparents in Dungan- non. Mrs. Ii. M. Tndhope will receive Wednesday and Thursday, first week in September. Mr. and Mr. Geo. Wraith and Miss Millie Turner are visiting with friends on the 10th of Culross. Miss. Geddes, of Detroit is visiting at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John McCracken. Dr. McCallum of Crestline, Ohio, .and Dr. W. Agnew of Dayton, Ohio, are guests of Mr. John Agnew. Mrs.. Jos. A. Gray and children, of Preston, were visiting with relatives and friends in Wingham. and Morris town- ship. ' A.R. SMITH, CHISHOLM BLOCK Of course this is a Bargain Store of New Clothing. it wouldn't be faithful to the public if it were not. Below you will find, a few reasons why you should be here with the buy- ing crowd. I could tell many more reasons why )'OU should come,. but come any way, Nell, l: attended this auction sale which wast held in Toronto last week : SUCKL1N0 & Co, TORONTO, MIDSUMMER SALE OP READ '.T0•WEAR CIawi<iIING. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, J ULY 2330 AND 21Trt, awonuting to 811,000 and commencing Nt 10 It. In. We here received iustrnetions from one of the largest clothing m i n te°, turers in Montreal to sell his entire surplus stook of spring and summer Clothing, consisting of Men's Clothing, Cnlladitn1 Tweed Snits, 1) B., Hali- fax Tweed Suite, D E„ Scotch Tweed Suits, D. B , Fine West of Eugltud Tweed Suits, Blue Worsted Snits, Boys,' Youths' and Children's 2 and 3 piece snits, Knee end Long Petite in Worsted and Tweed, all Styles and grades.. Men's Rain Omits. Fall Tweed and Worsted Pants. The above goods have all been made Ailing Ilia last six mouths. CUP and STYLES ARE of the LATEST PATTERN find TRIMMED UP TO DATE. N. B. -The above offering of Clothing is the best that has been loath) within the past two years and consists of very high olees goods. SUCKLING & CO.', Auctioneers. Am always ready to buy new goods if I ~need them. Was the only one in Wingham that attended the above sale. No space to give quotations, but will give as good bargains as the last sale. we had. of Clothing. The goods are here. Call and see Men's, Youths,' Boys, Suits, Furnishings, etc. steamship ticket agents have an advt. in this issue. Those who contemplate a trip should read this advt. -The friends of John Currie, auc- tioneer, will be sorry to learn that he had another bad turn on Monday. He is now in a very week condition. -George Mnrdie, one of the license commissioners in East Huron, has re- signed and John McDowell has been ap- pointed to fill the vacancy. -Messrs. Taylor and Cleghorn have finished the .work of building a cement wall at the cellar of C. N. Griffin's new store. They have done a good job. -$222.25 were the profits of the ex- cursion to the Model Farm, Guelph, last mouth along the division of the W. G. & B,. Kincardine to Ethel inclusive. -Bills will be printed in a few days giving the full particulars of the L.0 .L. excursion to Sarnia and Detroit, the Mrs. Richard Mills and children, of , date of which is Saturday, August 23rd. Palmerston are visiting with her par - eats, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Petch. Frances 1-Wingham fall fair on September d 1. •completed bel- �' HOLMES & HOLMES .11411.411.1r A. R. Smith, Chisholm bIock3 -Luokuow and Wingleim lawn bowlers played agameon the park yeeter- day afternoon. We gu to press too wooly to get the score. -Harold H, was barred ont of the the free-for-all rata at Winnipeg on Friday lust. fie afterwards raced against time, and broke the half mile track record of 2.12;e, doing it iu 2.01)1/.1. -Mr. Wm Nicholson has been award- ed the contract of'buildiug the new block of stores for Mayor Vaustone'and C. N. Griffiu. Mr, Nicholson expects to coat - mouse work on the building at once. -Part of the shipments out of Wing - ham this week were a carload of hugs to Toronto by W. F. Vats Stone; a car- load of cattle to 'i orouto by D. E. Mc- Donald, and a derleact of wheat by Thos. Gregory. -Holmes & Holmes, railway and• 25tlraud 26th.. Prize lists will be ready Bicyclist on Sidewalk A number of young men in town have been in the habit of riding their bicycles on the sidewalk. On Tuesday Chief Vaniiormau summoned two of the of- fenders before Mayor Vanstone and they were each fined i 1,001 and costs. District Fell Fairs Wingham, Sept. 25-20. Teeswater, Sept 24-25. Dungannon, Oct. 0-10. Blyth, Oct. 7-8. Brussels, Oct. 2-3. Walkerton, Sept. 17-18. Stratford, Sept. 30 -Oct. 1. Listowel, Sept. 30,,.Oet. 1. At Walkerton on Saturday Trobper Stanley Russel of the Canadian Mounted hisarrival, reception on givena ace Rifleswasp home, and presented with. a gold watch by the citizens 'and a gold -headed cane by the fireinen. travel. Apply to-- no o- Kati .w. Congregational Church .�..e t•,'• „1.'t"teleeieletel. ••1'.1..leeeel r� a .4 .i"l."t"i'•!„'�•'�1"i„4'Ie f'!' '�M•'�"1'JFr>j!Ji..� s�o.S..�...1"�'ti� Goole to .us Last, But if Time is Money. Oome to' us .first I. .-,„.............A...-„,,,,,---.T. + Our prices are better than arguments. Our prices • do their own talking. They appeal with stronger force tc �:; :q; the ecoioinicat buyer th:1n lout tale 4i 'I' *I- 4.: This week we are placing into stock something :• veryspecial in t .P '•- ▪ r, �l i /♦dpi J. T. 4./roees.1: 4. A . • These goods are two months late in arriving, but our. • waiting has made the discount big and prices will surprise 1 you. 4 Fancy ! A good strong iron Iced with considerable brass for only $4.5o, others more brassy at $5,eo, $6.5o, $4.00,$lo.00, $12.00, $Iq.,00and a few lines at $ t; .00, fit for a palace. d-• Sale Tenders will be recuiiv •d b the undersigned up to the 155th dny of A gu , 11112, for the pttr- chasce of the Congrego io tl Church property in. the Town of Wingh n ming lot number six 00 the llortheeast cur i , of John and Centro streets, with the hui..ing thereon heretofore nsed as a church. The !highest or no tender necessarily accepted. Dated this 80th day of July, 1002. WM. ROB18hTSON, Wingham. OTERS' LIST, 1901'"'. Mun`l 'panty of the Town o ha , in the County of Notice is •ruby given tit rive trans- mitted or del t led to the,4�1ic t s mentioned in sections 8 an 0 of '.,•Thu On : ` io Voters' List Act," the copies qu ire�diy id sections to be eo delivered or ti mit of the, list made Tnr•suant to said A ,f persons appearing by the last revised•,. nent Roll of the said Municipality to 1j eel to vote in the said Municipality at le etio ' .fo• Members of the Legislative A', 6i tbly an at Municipal Elec. tions ; and th the said its tkvas first posted up at my otllcejpat wingham, tat the 28th day of July, 11,022,, nd rennins there fti}•inspection. Electory„are called upon to exi nue said list, Hold if a6'v ommisions or any oth • errors are found,i�iserein to take immediate oceedings to lia�,e the said errors corrected step; 1•dirtg to luw,h 2• Vetted, Clerk's Ofilce Winghain 7nly" 1902. Clerk, '1'owu of Wingha. HOLMES & HOLMES -Railway and Stefuaship Ticket Agency and General Exchange Office. WINGHAM, ONT. Finest and shortest Routes to Clov, :nd, Ohio, ' and 411 points. Wingham to C1eve1 d - 3441115, Return 16.95 Wing'lmin to Detre - x'2.50, Return 4.10 To Muskoka Lal es bet finest scenic route: Wingliarn to Must. li4i' - 14.35, Return 17.25 All these rates aro First Class. Second Class rates lower still. Stop - over privileges allowed. Lowest rates to Europe. Everybody should street. . Mr. Frank Bugle:man, of Toronto, Grand Councillor of the R. T. of T. spent a few days this week with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mason and son, John, leave to -day on a trip to Detroit and Toledo. They took the boat from Kincardine. Mrs. T. A. Mills, Mrs. W. H. Hele and Miss Hele, of Wingham were guests at the residence of Dr. Carder on. Fri- day. -Blyth Standard. Mrs (Dr.) W. T. Holloway has re- turned home afrer a few weeks' visit with relatives and friends in London, Paris and Exeter. Mrs. S. Merrifield returned home on Tuesday after a visit with relatives and friends in Exeter. She was accompanied home by Mrs. R. Gidley, who will visit here. Mr. McCallum of town and Mrs. Hawkins of Belgrave went to the "Soo" this week via boat from Kincardine. se to, and when:. may had Kr:t'.rv.-In Morris, on .Tnly lltb, the wife iYinghnni, Ont. from the Secretary, Mr. Wm. Robert- of Mr. Michael Kelly, Tr , a daughter. son. MCCTAINIENT,-In Howick on 'July 10th, the wife of A. McOlernent; a son, -The families of Messrs. C. N. of DTcl:. JolutD-In ich: Teesawasouter on July 19th, the wife Frzr.nr..-In Culross, on July 21st, the wife of Noble Fizell; a son. 1Lt.LxEnns.-In ',Wirier', on July 10th, the wife of W. H. Maunders: a daughter. PATTIiiRSON.-In East Wawauosh, on July 2nd, the wife of Mr. Alps. Patterson: a son. Twrroit.-Iu East• Wawanosh, on July 27th, the wife of Thos. Taylor, Tr; a son. 1iAIRIRILI> TLnnn1E--THonsre -At the residence of the brides father, West,Oxford, nem! Inger- soll, on Ttily lath, by Rev. E. R. Butt, H.11, Tudhope, of Wingham, to Miss Margaret S., daughter of W. R. Thornton.. Hunsov-Lrvrvrsgov....-In fere.- on Tu1y the 3.05 p. in. train to Toronto. It is of Detroit to :fila, J:nplienim, daughter of atilr. well patronized and the chances are that and Mrs. Duncan Livingstone of urey. G. T. R. will continue the afternoon How r,e-Coos err -At t11 residence of the passenger train south when the winter ete,Nair, Melvin Howe11. of Godprlelr, to Miss time table is adopted. Ella Crozier, daughter of Jacob Crozier. DIED -The C. P. R. and G. T. R. have an- G0LT E'r.-In Morris, oh Titly 30th, Margaret nounced cheap rates to various points Hunts t., retest of the late Joseph trolley, aged 75yen'I s and 5 Clays. from Wingham on Tuesday next -civic Moarusov. In Kincardine, on July 20th, 1902, holiday: The rate is single fare, good Christntu }tont on, ~•slice sf the late Wm. :dorriron armed ,u ~pars ,� months end 11 docs. Griffin and W. Hele held avery success- ful picnic on Monday afternoon on the banks of the north branch of the Mait- land river. -Mr. A. Dulmage, real estate agent, has sold Mrs. Gnest's house on Frances street to Mr. John Cloakey. He has also sold Mrs. Agnes Scott's fatten in Howick to Mr. Henry Wood. -Our citizens seem well satisfied with 23rd, by Rev. G. Ballantyne, Wm, 1'i. Hudson bridesparents, A htield, rely 22nd, by T. It. going on August 4th and returning Aug- STanr.Tare.-In Dederick township, of Daly i nst 6th. eerd. W, Sterling, age& iv years, 5 months and They were ticketed by Holmes & ' 11 days - Holmes, -Mr. W. S. Robertson, son of Mr. BfS 5Ax.e.In Pelett, on ,rule 23rd, Ann Brennan, o of MrrP. Brennan, aged 59 Mr. Morley Park wasvisitingat his Win. Robertson, of town was taken i11 yearand 8month=, bomb here for a few days this week. in a. doctor's office in Toronto last week. gn ELLIOTT �iictloe ti eeiaa�' Ja,�Ju7ltiotisrei<Mar- 1; Ile lert here this morning for Brandon, He was removed to the general hospital years. at which place he intends locating. Wei and is now improving. We hope soon SvalTvnTnr.5111 Auburn, o1 July 19th, Mr. Win. Symington. wish him snecess in his western home. 1 to report his complete recovery, ?Lry I9 -In le ~ -toss. on Tuly 20th Robb. Purvis r Mrs. A. Dawson has returned home ` • •Up to the time of going to press 11is ;0t11 yt-Warder. of the County of Brtue, in cur. from St, Catharines, where she had been the contract for the hieing of tbe new for several weeks, nursing her daughter, granolithic walks in Winghaln had. not Mrs. McLeod. We are pleased to learn bean let. The Street Cotnniittee hope that Mrs. McLeod has felly recovered. ! to have this work commenced in the Walter Burgess, In.te of the North End lac/arse of a few flays. 1 grocery left last week for Woodstock to -Mims Frances Gray, datyghter of Night calls at Button Llock, or Fifth commence his dnties'at the told storage Mr. John Gray, eagle home sick frteu . doot sonth of School House. Shop op - building in that place. The Timm; 'Toronto last week and has been very " Pdaite Macdonald block. wishes this young gran seccess in his new low for the past few days. At the.time position. of going to press we were pleased to Mr. W. A. Raymo, Inspector for the learn of a alight inil$rovement and it is , ALKER OROS. & BUTTON UNDERTAKERS, WiNGHAM. Anglo-AnterieanT'irelnanrafiee Co.* wits 1 now thought that she will recover., , itt town on Thursday and Friday last. This company carries a large risk on the Canada F'tirtir}oto Mantifaettit'ers fac- tories and Mr.ttttytttna was inspeotfng the factories here, as well as a. large number of other risks eariried by the company in Witlglaam. Mr. Abner Cotten* is the log agent. The dry* good's house of Rnnians, Carson, tkkKee and Co. of London have placed their affairs in the hands of Mews..Andrew Darling, Toronto, and" G. C. Gibson, X. C., Loudon, m re- ee1 ertt feet creditors. llf655t'5. (.:arson and Mages moved front Lietowe1 to I London a few Months ago. Cook's Cotton Root Compound It suecesshilly used anenthiy by 6Yer 1J�0:000 Lailgie& safe, etfeetual. Leines,ask oui�Nud. Tmike �notith r,Ofalgist fot l Iii tnret,piil ntaM d 1a'iitatiOnd are dangerous, ?riot. No. x,11 per box, 7..t1,10degreesssteetger.E8per box. No. 1 or 2. mailed en eeeipt of pride and two i -teal: d,S r alt. a sill win 6 0 m '1'}i �Ce b'tM responsiblepa ndiggieir and n Owed niended by ill 1!fm t sed 2 ere meta its Wft1gliam by A. re Handitote Colin A. evempbell, R. A. Dottglsss and 3.11 bsvis Draggiets. 188 BAXTE DRESS` D MAN MAKER SUITS Apprenti West CIALTY. Vented: of Patrick St. N OIL1L\1. NOTICE OF CLOSING. We, the undersigned lawyers, of Wingliam, agree to close our offices during the months of July and August as follows: --On Saturdays at 2 p.311. and on other days at 4 p. in. A notice of this to appear in both local newspapers. R. VANSTONE. J. A. MORTON. DICKINSON & HOLMES. HOLMES, CLARKE & HOLMES. BALL BROS., I nSIDENCI3-PATilmk S•r. R. Groovy's former residence, where night calls will receive prompt attention. • Furniture Dealers And Undertakers ee• 'I• • ee- R' TENDERS WANTED Sealed Tenders will be received by the tinder - signed up to August loth for tin, re -shingling of Eadie's Church, Turnberry. Ttnndererer is to furnish the material, and must state quality of shingles he will use on the job. Tho job is to be completed by the hist of September, and contractor is to 1 einove old shingles from the roof and also remove refuse from the premises when job is completed. The size of the build- ing is 88x48 The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. JOSEPH GaAY Glenantan. GEO. FORTUNE', Jr, Wingham. MISS DELiA SPARLING A. T. C. M. Teacher of Plano, Theory and Pletcher Music Method, Simplex and Kindergarten. Pupils prepared for Conservatory examina- tions. The Wingham. Trading Co., Ltd. SELLS GOOD MERCHANDISE AT RICHT PRICES Our aim is to sell the best goods we can get for the' least money. We have New Table Linens from 20c to $1.25 a yard. New Towelings from 5c to 12,,c a yard. New Shirtings from 5c to 15e a yard. New Cottons from 5c to l0c .a yard'. New Cottonades, Denims, Moleskins. New Tweed and Worsted Sailings, $10 to $20 a suit.. New Shirts, Ties, Collars, Braces, Socks, Sweaters,. . Shirts and Drawers, Bats, Caps, F9annellettes,. Wrapperettes, American Ducks fur ladies' skirts,, Boys' Suits, Blouses, etc. New White Quilts, Damask, Chenile and Lace Curtains. New Art Musllns 3c, Silkalenes 12?1c to 15e a yard. Seteens in black and colors, We cannot tell you in this small space about i fir Clothing,Ca.rpets,Oilcloths, Underclothing, stacks of Prints, stacks of Ureas Goods, Black Serges, lovely Embroideries at 5c a yard, stacks of Gloves, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, etc., etc. Successors to T. A. •MILLS. WINGHAM. THE 1,se Anc qq fi Carpet Remnants and left -Over Pieces These are the short ends and left over pieces of the Carpet& we bought for spring trade. • The lengths vary from 5 to 20 yards of a 'pattern, and,, all told, there are 30 pieces in Axminsters, Wool and Union Carpets. Now is the time to secure it big Carpet Bargain. Bring room measurements with you ; we'll do the rest. Clearance of Summer Goods We're rushing business in this department. No wonder, when you consider the tempting prices we're offering. Think of buying 8 yards of' pretty Muslin. Linen or Pique for $1.00 just the price you pay for ordinary print 1 Fine White Skirts, splendidly made, nicely tucked, some have inser- tion. Sale price 75c. A nice range of Night Gowns from 75e up. You can buy a good fitting Corset Cover for 15e. Our Parasol and Umbrella sale is attracting lots of buyers, We have' still a good assortment. You can buy a good Parasol, with fancy handle,. for 90e, 1T WILL PAY `i: oil EEBT IN Ton END The, Canada Business Cotie e CHATHAM, Of T. ffsa {Rsued it' ti?rnual list Of students Miner& during lett y' eat. The number is 31101 What do you think of it The nturiber for the lrevion, year Was 804: rine for the year nreeveding thet, , ,J 0. Does this no ni roni showing anti he eressilg demand not tell yen something 2 EMI Tenn Opens Tuesday, Sept. Ind If interested, write for list end han•deolne catalogue. 0. & CU., Chltiiam, Ont. BUSINESS IS BOOMING IN Read ya,! =!lade Ciothin People wonder how''it is possible for us to sell a well -made, well lined English Serge Suit for $5,75. They are good fitters and splendid wearers. Better buy a suit, Men's good Cotton Underwear, a. snap, at 45e a. suit. Men's Fine Silk Neckwear, to tie in four-in-hand or bow shape ; silk all round, fine imported foulard quality, fancy scroll patterns, in light and dart: shades, regular priee 25e, sale price 15e. We sell the famous Crompton Corsets. They are perfect fitting, and. guaranteed to give satisfaetion. We are the sole agents in town for Lion 13rand Clothing tend Black Cat Rose. It.'is just these brands and many other good ones that aro mak- ing the Gorden Store famous. We want your ?t"od i e and will pay you big priees for it. M. Gordon Direct Importer. �r,