HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-07-31, Page 6•
N Ej Frani the ,,,-,ece>' Sane i
'well 11'i 11
tomato Paragraphs from our Exchanges
atford's rate of taxation is 24, twills.
$0,00O harvestera will be required in
1rTurtlrweee to take o!P the hereto
The ladies of Gerrie Methodist ebureh
4lizmed nearly $ • 00 by serving meals on
tae Inth of July.
or Cholera Morbus, Cholera
Intentuni, Comore, (loft', Diturheett,
- ate andti Compliant, 1? ,
r ,e'a't' r nt !n r
a C
wlWild' iti t .
u ar to Extraet t t U rry ire
kt t.(tfS y
me prompt. safe and sure cure that has.
been a popular favorite for nearly.Otl
Tom in
The Ethel hotel will be taken over b}
Itc►ngeway of Monhtou on Sept. let,
The price paid .i $4,KO. P. k''. (•aror(len
goes to Mitchell,
A. new alienee in the. weights and
Measures act prohibits the use of a grain
tester having a capacity of less than a
'bushel, the penalty being a fine of from
•gtO to $20, and the inspectors are enforce
lots the law,
Children Cry for
There passed away at her residence
lot 13, 3rd con., Hey,, on Saturday, July
131, one of those old pioneers. Mrs. Me -
4 reggor whose maiden name was Tay-
lor bad reached the good old eget of 80.
fears. Her husband departed this life
some years ago.
lifr. Bolt. Purvis, ex -Warden of the
County of Brave, and one of the oldest
a and most widely known residents of
the township of Kinloss, died at his
benne on the first concession on Sunday
morning, July 20th. Deceased, who
was in his 70th year, had been ill for
several months past, The funeral 'to
Niuloss cemetery was one of the largest
ever seen in' the township.
Burdock Blood BItters is a purely
Vegetable •combination, that in a safe
send natural manner acts directly upon
the Bowels. Liver, Kidneys anti Blood,
cleansing the entire system of ail
impurities, foul humors and obstructions
that poison the blood and create disease.
The case in which F. McCarthy of
Ashfield township is charged with nu -
lawfully taking and keeping in his pos-
session twelve saw logs cast ashore on '
the beach of Lake Huron, and alleged to
be the property of the Cleveland -Sarnia
.Saw Mill, Ce., h is Leenbefore tine T?. -
Iioo'14In " tea e
is f whohassentthe f-
deft for. triathy the county judge. The
t'ef;:1 ; is the t''e logs stere on the
direetetl d
fondant to take them up out of the way.
The defendant has been bound over to
the December sessio.z.
On Wednesday afternoon July 23rd,
at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan
?aivingstou, north of Brussels, Rey. Geo.
1 t n of M I rorth performed the
ceremony which united in marriage Miss
Euphemia Livingston and Mr. Wm. H.
Madsen of Detroit. Miss Annie Living-
ston, a sister of the bride, acted as
bridesmaid. while, the groom was sup-
ported by Fred Lowick of Kiucardiue.
Only the near relatives and friends of the
dlti,, rentingopaatiess.were present: The
ni'n'e• eoi ''tools: the es a Alin(' Iran for
:trclii;e, and •will end it their'hotne
in Detroit. They have the best wishes of
a host of friends.
aanittiae Castoris always bears Oa Shama tu''
of Chas. H. Pletcher.
when Baby was sic1u, °e gave her Castoria.
When she area a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
Whenshehod Children,she gave them Castoria.
After a lingering illness extending
over two years and three mouths Miss
Edith D., youngest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Smith of the 11th con. Cul-
ross, passed over the river on Sunday
morning, July 20th, at the age of twenty-
eight years, eleven months, and sixteen
days. Everything which could be done
by her friouds to relieve her suffering
and restore her to health was done but
nil their efforts were unavailing. She
bore her severe illness with calm resig-
nation and Christian fortitude, and was
ever cheerful
in the midst of herr suffer.
ing. Her gratitude to those who showed
her kindness was unbounded but she
was particularly grateful to those who
sent her flowers.
A quiet but pretty wedding was cele-.
brated on Friday, July 22, at Woodbine
%tiottage,. Ashfield, the home of Mr. and
Mrs. James Crozier, their elder daught-
er being united to Melvin W. Howell,.
one of txoderich's well known young
men. The house was prettily decorated
*yr the occasion with evergreens and
flowers. The ceremony took place upon
the lawn at 5.a•1 o'clock, in the presence
of relatives and a few other friends.
»r. T. R. McNair tied the nuptial
knot, and the wedding march was
dyed by Mrs. Maltfaiir. The bride was
handsomely attired fit a costume of old
rens silk, trimmed with lace applique,
anal carried is Bouquet of white roses.
She wore a beautiful ssphire and pearl
br000la, the gift of the groom. After
thy wedding dinner had been partakers'
of, the bridal party drove to town, and
ea the morning the hieppy couple took
'ice T.15 train for a trip to Toronto,
lis and ocher phone.
TUE \V NGIIA.I TUES.. JULY 31, 1902.
\ f A pleasing meeting on the 12th of July
T E N D,. i
• FRom
lin Uoderieli, Hite that probably lrevt'r
jjl i has and ut t} int vet levee an a out tooxtt•
ea erptut, wast bet of Andre v Weddell, of
'London, G'eor'ge Tian leins of Port Art tee
Make Offer for Fast Attain' 0. i am Henry Herto 1, o' Car felt rio'n. The
$tearhship Servios., . . last time these thenen on t together was in
1332, just 50 years oto, in the amttii)endiet+.
OTHER INTERESTS GpNCERNrn !Seine will remember the wining •'x0itei
Ilion' in. Australia, t'ile l so many left
what WEIS then termed Honer t3nnttda, to
seek their fortune s, anal these three nliir%
'net lin a t=aws►• call tl 'l;nlltrrat.t, Aim-
! tralitt, tt Mil'timlf WWII. ttm(1' sWjciv 41 =font['
lather's. friendship. The nee tin ^ ' int
I Saturday, after a septer'atien of 3r, years,
i „'as a re 'union helped., eft name rt3 ti,
I have few penahals soy where.
1 On Tuesday afternoon. July lit, about
4 Ai'oloek, ns three young ladies, ilia
',Weser; i'4ellrtesh, rand Mist; Stolle i1leMil-
lt►, were (hiving house front Senforth
their horse took ft ight and ran away.
They lied proceeded as tar ems whet is
I known as t.nieyte'ti bridge in Mt Killop,
I end just its they were going, over the
bridge the horse rook fright tet: eoniething
and starre=d to rat, the two hiss Akin -
testis holding ouru the reins very pled-
fie-. Soateliow they were thr'e'e'' e u`
before the horse raa very far, bet Miss
McMillen still remained in the buggy,
and the horse coo aimed to run at, tt YeTy
rapid rate, and about a mile and a belt
farther on the horse ran into the .,iirtli
upsetting the buggy sent oceuptult bird,y
smashing the buggy mai, srrmlge to soy,
when found a fust• initiates later by Mr.
McIntosh, m•l.rut.rµr of the young lndi:'s,
miss MoMiilemu was sittine en tl.,s 'ski.: of
the road seemin„ ly niva, ja:•oel and h
horse none the worse for' his fast ma
The young ladies were then token hint tr.
to their iuthe is rt'sidenee, on the 4th'
coneessiou of McICillop, where it Was
found that Miss M.,iMillitillS condition
wvs serious, she being of a ,gee y nervens
. aispoaitiou, and utedieal ai=l was At once
summoned, but about t; u'stlook she died.
No marks or bruises were found on her
person, audit is though; she died f rom
fright, she being very delicate (lime.
The Misses McIntosh wore br,.iseei some-
what, but their emelitiou is out serious.'
Mr. S. S Cooper has been awarded the
contractbnitdiult the neve post o#like
at Clinton. His tender was $0,000.
Jos. r. Sclueerioir, fortnarlj or Mild-
may, Was en.irried on Thursday, July
17th at Lu•iington, Mich„. to Miss
Louise Loyd of Langdon, N D.
It is our sad duty this week to record
the death of Mary Ellen Day, wife of
Mr. Jatuett Parish. of Constsam e, Millon'
took place on Wednesday of last week,
Deeeased was sick only a. few slays, and
Beer demise Nino quite unexpected. Slee
was. aged 43 years.
Children Cry for
CATO U .•. _.
The Stretford Herald days.—A poste
card has been received he the city from
Duncan M. Ferguson ainl some other
Oieuadiau Merchants. The picture is
printed right on the ailed, • which has a
sensitiz=ed surface,. It was taken in Ber-
lin, Germany, and f elehed hi five mitn-
There isno form of kidney trouble,
from a backache down to Bright's
disease, that Dottu's Kidney Pills wilt
not relieve or cure,
It you are troubled with any kind of
kidney r;oulplarut, use Dottie* Kidney
Jonathan well
the - Miller
, genial,
known heavy weight, of Goderich, will
have to take a back seat as a North
Carolina youth of 17 years has arisen
and iu that position measures 6 feet 2
inches while he bangs down the scales at
about 630 pounds, Lewis Lewark is the
• name of this broth aft boy. Anybody
Lew,si is on will likely stay there for
the balance of the season unless gather-
ed up by the undertaker.
a - CIi. A. W. CHASE'S
Is s.nt direct to the'diseased
parts b7 the Improved Blower.
Heals the ulcers, clears the air
passages, stops droppings inthe
throat and permanently cures
Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower
free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase
Medicine Co.. Toronto and Build*.
It cannot be said that the postoflice in
Clinton has moved about very much,
for the building, at present occupied has
been used continuously for at least 25
years, having been erected expressly for
a postoffice and residence by the late
Thos. Fair. Iu the Lat;ral Qtrdacr of
things, it will o t be used a groat deal
longer in view of the new one to be
erected, but imagine- the large number
;,tt • ' t Imo p' z:ed within it'Walls
ell them-° ye rs.
We are called upon this week to re-
cord the death of Mrs. Brennan, wife of
Mr. Peter Brennan. of the 5th con.,
Huller t. Deceased had been ailing for
some time, amid her death was not un-
expected. She was a native of Ontario,
being born near Toronto, but over 40
ago a„o settled in E,ullett with her.
husband, She was a woman highly es-
teemed, a member of the Roman Cath-
olic church, and leaves a husband and
two sons to mourn her demise.
Word WES received in Brussels on
Monday, July 21st, of the demise of
Catherine, beloved wife of W. H. Moss,
ofToiinito, formerly well known citizens
Of B.ri ssels. She had been laid up with
nervous prostration but her demise was
quite a shock to her friends Mrs. Moss
was 01 years of age. She visited here
last summer and Was looking well. Mrs.
J. Leckie went to Toronto on Wednes-
day to attend the funeral. Mr. Moss
will be deeply sympathized with. They
lend no children.
British Troop Oil Liniment is without
exception the most effective remedy for
Cuts, Wounds, Ulcers, Open Sorest
rheumatism. Bites and Stings of In-
sects, etc. A large bottle 25 cents. Get
one at your Druggist's.
Militia orders issued last week an-
nounce that Capt. J. W. Shaw of Clin-
ton has resigned his commission to ac-
cept the position of medical officer in
the 33rd regiment. Capt. Shaw suc-
ceeds Dr IIolmes of Goderich, who hav-
ing reached the age limit, retired recent-
ly after a long and useful period of ser-
vice. It is Also announced that the
provisional Second Lieutei:aut S.
J. Ad
Boyd and supernumery Second Lieuten-
ant W. Bridges, having left limits, their
names are remoeed from the list of offi-
cers of the active Militia.
Aylmer Express: We made our ap-
pearance on the street yesterday for the
first time this season in our last year's
$2.50 suit. That we have grown con•
siderably during the past year was made
evident by the fact that the coat sleeves
were a little short and the pant legs had
a tendency to creep upwards. Many of
of our friends did not know us, and we
even succeeded in passing several of our
creditors unrecognized. We should like
very touch to buy another suit 'this
summer so we will not be compelled to
go to bed when we have this one washed.
Three new snbssorlbers, if they'd pay in
advance, would make us unspeakably
happy,. and save us a great deal of
inconvenience. We have no idea that
and of our present shbecribers who are
are in arrears think enough of us to help
us out.
Good )te tE'&i Is Impossible without
regular action of the bowels: Milburn
Laxa-Livors Piga regulate the bowels,
cure constipation, dyspepsia, biliousness,
elicit headaches and all affections of the
organs of digestion. Price 25 cents. All
'F'O B
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Mrs. Wilhelm of Milverton was on
Tuesday afternoon, July 21, the sad in-
telligence that her son Ezra, a yonng
man of about 23 years, had been
drowned by falling frotn the (look
where he had been working at Duluth,
Minn. Mother and daughter are en-
tirely prostrated with grief.
W n. Henderson of the 4th con-
cession of McKie lop, departed this life
on Thursday evening, July 17. Mrs.
Henderson had reached the hood age of
74 years. She had been in delicate
health for several mouths, but the end
came unexpectedly and -very peacefully
at last. A short time before her death
she was able to sit up in bed and con-
verse with various members of the
family who were at leer bedside and she
went Off as if iu sleep. }her unii_rlex
hams was Janet Itiih'itk. She was
the third daughter of t1leItttp Wm. Hab
kirk, and her mother's name was Janet
Scott, who was a sister of Mr. Jas'
Scott of Har• yrhey. Mrs. Hendersom
was a sister of Mr. George HAbkirk of
McKillop. She was a native of Gra
hamslaw, Roxboroshire, Scotland. She
came to Canada with her parents auc
other members of the family la 1831,
and settled in MoKillop. She war,
married CO Mr. Henderson OI ill
1S48, a id
has ever since resided ou the farm where
she died, She leaves a family of six
sons and three daughters.
• Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
and that is by constitutional recondite..
Deafness is caused by ren hifi,isned coins
dition of the mucous lining of the Bus-
tricbian Tube. When this • tube is in-
flamed you have tt rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it is en-
tirely closed, deafness is the result, and
unless the inflammation an be taken
out and this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed for-
ever; nine cases out of ten are caused
by catarrh, which is nothing but an in-
dented condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot, be cured by Hail's Catarrh
Cure. Send for eircnlare free.
• E. J. C><HENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 75c,
Hull's Family Pills ere the best.
For the benefit of those who
are complaining of the weather this
year, we take the following from the
Seaforth Expositor Almanac of 1800.
The season here referred to it
jest 13 years ago, and will no
doubt be remembered by many.
it says: " The Seam of 1880 was
peculiar, and like its predecessor
noted for an exdess of moisture. The
winter was mild and spring came in
early. The first three weeks of May
were hot and forcing. The weather
then became wet and continue.l until tt give the company a new lease of life.
the end of June, then there was a brief i It is the belief of the company that
dry spell that ran into duly, when an-
C.Y,ii,'a. Towles* 1."crrms Port of net •;tool.
YON. N.na.-Nm.-INQ ►liv Cun,md.rntlon of not
Iueporia' u+nl Vassal no fiat pros
Moots In tuuferenya-w lin Pro-
ride. Uun,t srryt.e ii' Iseroris-
fttl-h'i'=re' 1•oalilau..
Montreal, July Y."a, --1t was an-
noUnced yesterday on otlicial an,
thority that tit" Canecihin Pacific
Railway have tendered for fast At-
lantic steamship seri lee.
Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, who
made this amtot:ntenttnt. router cat
that if successful th.' company were
in a position to previct! a szrv'ice
which duty felt satir,ited would prove
satisfactory to the people of Canada
both as regtirds passmpe's and
freight. Time president of 1 he Cann -
dime Pacific did mo: feel at utterly to
:aces in o details with rest—act to the
Odder that had been =wade; lmut in the
enures of the 'text few days fmtrthcr
particulates will be fortlt"ommitag.
it is tu,drrstoocl that the Caemid men
Ftu•ific offer is not the only one that
is tnge+gimeg the attention of the con-
feronce, and treat all the tenders IT-
cvive4 ipule.for a sol stemItlittl
subsidy front the Irititeriat"end Can-
adian Gote.n liens. The amount of
the Wisely net t,tit`ned is a n+ Ilion
and a half dollars, the proportion of
ttto-Iitirds htin•.t tactns i.y Caned
and ern" -t bir=d ray Grew, lirit•ain,
`I'Ie' f,e'in a in railway circles here
is thaat tit lures' nt is tut exceptional-
-1Y' fat o tm,b'e time for' the ret tie nient
once •fo • all of th^. int, t line isroblem.
(a"t'ou'r i ailitt men hat I'ritlit.-
ed 1 hat Ate establishment of the
Korth At' antic Steamship or;gm'niia-
tion. which lets absorbed so ninny
of the prin'•ipai existing Atlantic
lines. is cottlnctin the business with.
no regat•d whateves to the interests of
tlr' m'silways of Can•idim.. The line
which the Canadian Pacific Co. has
in Sew, will, it is said, .consist of new
SiOe131+t•r8, which, as regards etuip-
intnt and spend, would be in advance
of any now a ,float. It is realized
that in this would lie the lop of sue-
-cessful competition'for th Atlantic
passenger service, which would he
a- very important .'.^in'.nt hi the
production of :. ,,.:.us.
I ltlt'r-fisnlpat •r Continuo) 's Position.
Mr. D. W. Ca'npbeli, Aranager of
the Elder -Dempster Company, who •
has just return 'd frOin I'n;lepd, said
to-day: "1 went over for a coafcr-
el^e with Sir Alfred ;lopes, tine head
of the Ender -Dempster Company...
T here is, as the cabin's have- stated,
large negotiations on, but at pre-
sent it would be prori octad to nutt e
a statement of the proposals Oa
either .side. The Lritish public view
with a good deal of alarm the forma-
lion of the North Atlahtic pool by
Mr. Morgan, ansi applaud the deter -
amination of ilia Eider -Dempster Com-
pany, the Alietni:, the Cunard and
other cotnpani••s that have rciuseil to
We. go foto it. 1, c . I'or the.•cs^nt
T at
least. have decided to stay out Of
the combine. . nye believe the people
of Vaned t are with us In. this. In
lcnglar.d I foun''f ihs Canadian Minis-
ters anxious that a Trr'olosltl for ser-
vices :'h sad he submitted to them
by tit e 1 ldet-Po:tepstee Company and
the Allan Lias. Thy;; ecns.:t u ncc
.witS a proposal en the part of the"
tiro lines toe several )services, one in
''Fel trod, to the Cape and to Au;-
trai m.. • I cannot state exactly what
theses proposals were, but the ciuc;s-
tions of service •and subsidies are
now being considered. We beli-'ve
that the sttbsidived service in Eng-
inestang should be for 1.8 -'.not boats. .1
do not believe that 23 or 25 Knot
steamers should be put on yet. I
do not ilt'ac ft would Posy the (,ov-
erntutnt to offer sufficient subsidy for
such a service. The country is not
ready for it. I think," too, thser-
vice 'huuld be given to the All, n
and the fluor -Dempster Companies
o insure success. Any oibinr com-
pany comin'f in, the C.P.R. or any
olh r, would have to meet us, • We
are established here now and are
not going to leave. the St. 7 awrence
without a steep gie. Any other coin-
patiy wolrid have the two lines to
compete with. '1•o insure the success,
of the Past line protect, I believe the
two lines I have mentioned will have
.to be cl'alt with."
A \.w caw. rle'.«I',
Windsor, July 25.—Well drillers,
acting for the United Gas and Oil
Company of Windsor, have struck a
gas and oil gusher on a farm in
ip. two miles
east of
the village of Wheatley. It is said
to he a rich find, and is expected to
thehere ise:a gavelis, beltand inits theagevicinity
ts havofe
tv '
other unfavorable change took place, lcasncin
all time farms in the neighbor-
and frequent and heavy rains were the ; hood, comprising upward=' of 2,000
rule until October, making the worst ; a=rcs. 1,116,.,=11Y has agreed to
hay and harvest time the country had Lic'i eve;irifodrfll fig tfgtdonc' anti
known. In October and well on into 8100 per acre it gas is struck'. If
oil is also found the farmer is to re-
ceive one out of every 10 barrels that
are taken front the well.
November .the weather Was all that
could be desired, and a great deal of
plowing; and ditching was accomplished,
In July rust struck the potatoes, which
proved on clay land an almost eotn. f
Arbitrator'=► Award.
piece fanfare, and on dryer soils about a' Ilarniiton, July 25. --Judge Sni-
third crop Pons 'ltd oat retort tli t der's award in the toll roads arbitra-
seed. Barley and oats did not fill wets i tion was its follows: Hamilton and
owing to excess of moisture. flay t Stony Creek, consolidation road,
abundant, but badly saved." I $24,000; =Barton and (Danford road,
county pays $15,000 for the MOunt
It ObStinutementete eaSO of temente , Hope division, and $3,000 for the'
Mr. W.D. Johnston, Tillsonbnrgrt Ont, ? Mount Albion division; the city Pays
'ivritees that his father was entirely curet: $1,800' as its share; Hamilton and
of a long standing and obstinate •case of days ns
a, a Ane sten read Wentworth
eczema by the use of Dr. Chase's Ora.
meet. Itis leg and foot was a itis:Pts OL arbitrated on), county pays $10,000;
sores that refused to heal and he suffered 11lanYilton and 1'crw lelamlroro toad,
terribly from the itching and stinging;. i to be papayeid for $1,000 '1h amounts tai y► a
Though he used a great many reuledce:to
and was treated by first date dot tots no 551 10d.130. The county „Alford $i30,
permanent relief was obtained until lee 000 for the roads last Winter. hot
used Dr. Ch'ase's Ointment. tt the mpactes asked about $70,000.
To make money it is necessary to
have a clear,beighe brain a cool /mutt tree,
from pain, and strong, vigorous nerves,
M.ilburn's Heart and nerve Pill, invigor-
ate anal brighten the brain, strengthen
the nerves, aucl remove ,ail heart, naive
and brain troubles.
A Story of SIr John.
Otteeea rev.ute: Aa incident in eon.
-teflon wit:.a:. Line M oDo::ale.,'yhich
a3 never atea•• ,
pp. A.d in print, is worth
telling, and, what is more, it is :nat.
The Prime Minister had gone iuto the
Kingston post•offid to see his c.l,l fricud
and suppt rter, then postmaster, lair:
Robert Shannon, On coming out, the
caretaker. a mah named Dunbar, stood
ready to open rho door. Stopping in the
Libby just within, the Premier put his
hand on his fo, e.tt.ad and . said to him-
self aloud: •
"There's something I'• e f=orgotten,,,
"Yes, sir; you've forgotten to raise
my pay."
Nu w•, Dunbar had ha=rem petitioning the
meutber and nriuister (for Sir John was
both) during several months for an in-
crease of pee- without rnrtliz,ng his tles-
he. No one could better epptaciate time
ready wit of the &newer that fiewoout
on the heels of his own reu'aah than •Sir
John MacDonald, who, wieIi a merry
twinkle iu his eye. smiled incl said:
„Dauber, you shall ger, it."
A Wonderful Preparation
"Rokco Cereal Coffee," pure, whole.
some, nourishing, highly recommended
by leading physicians. Rocko is equal
to 40c. coffee, but only costs } the price
and. is used at meals instead of poison-
ous teas and coffee. By. constant use
you vim, vigor, vitalityehergy, health
andstrength, and is a positive cure for
dyspepsia, indigestion, etc. 10c. pack-
s es>*15c. lb. or 2 lbs. for 25c. For
wale by ALL GROCERS.
For wile is Winghum by IA`a1ES N Tls.
Are in. See our ,
$16, $18 AND $20
Before buying else-
where. Also a special
line of PANTINCS. Every.
thing you want in the
''tailoring lice can be
had and satisfac pion
Hiunt Ant' TAILon.
hat is
Castoria is for , Inilnts and Children.. Castello, Is a
harmless substitute for Castor Oil, U'aregoric, Drops
and Soothing Syrups. it contains neither Opium,.
l Xorphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant.
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