HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-07-31, Page 5.r/ 1r:Iv.v.vvtvvvvvvrvvvvvvvvyvvr , e•vvvw'vtvv;rvuvwvvvvw.vvy» i_DUTTER, EGGS AND HONEY WANTED PER CENT. OFF ALL, E Ready= T . lored 1 CLOTHING E w C At the R. Ii. CRO W D ER CO,'S Store 4 pp Oar July Clothing Sale has been a success, Everyone has gone away e ► satisfied that they hatl a bargain. We are satisfied because we have + ► done the Clothing business of WIut hail ir. the past three mouths, The •► reason we are continuing our 20 per cent. discount sale is because we a C want to make more customers during the quiet season, Once a . Ecustomer, always a customer. We are able to clothe the smallest boy or the largest man, with the best outfit at the smallest cost. 4 4 .4 4 4 .4 i 4 4 4g 4 4 4 .4 4 4 4 41 4 4 Gents' Furnishings $0 only Men's Colored Shirts, soft bosom, sizes 14 to 16, worth 75c each. sale 4') 4 DOWN-TO-DATE—Salem Shirts, all latest styles and j colorings, sizes 14 to 18, hard and soft bosoms, 4 Prices $1,00 and $1.25 32 only Men's Working Shirts, all sizes, dark colors, worth GOc, sale . .35 4 12 doz. suits Men's Balbriggan Underwear, sizes 32 to j 46, worth 50c and GOc a garment, sale .39 41 c G doz suits Men's Silk Underwear, worth $1 suit, for .80 ALE ^_SH1R 5 25 only Gents' Shirts and Drawers, worth 35e, sale .2011 �,. 41 only 'Gouts' Shirts and Drawers, worth 25c, sale .15 4 IP. 5 dozen Suits Natural Wool Undershirts and Drawers, worth 75e, sale.55 ► In Collars, Ties, Gloves, Umbrellas, Handkerchiefs, etc., we take the lead. ► Great Bargains in Felt and Straw Hats during sale. E The 12. GROWDER Go. j Men's Outfitters. WlNGHAM OSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAILAl0AAAAAAAAAA Special Clothing Bargains 14 only Men's Tweed Suits, 8 colorings, all sizes, sack coat, worth $7.00, sale $4.50 11 only Men's and Youths' Black and blue Serge Suits, all wool, sizes 85 to 44, worth $8.75, sale $6.00 5 only Boys' 2 -piece Suits, all wool, worth $2.50, sale $1.95 12 pairs only Men's Grey Pants, all sizes, regular $1.65, sale$1.10 G only Men's light Shop Coats, all sizes, worth $1.00, sale. . .75 5 only Men's Black Lustre Coats, worth $1.75, sale.... 1.25 7 only Boys' Wash Suits, all sizes, worth $1 to $1.35, sale.75 [Holiday Attire Gents' White Duck Pants With belt attachment, all sizes, $1 and $1.25 Gents' black and white Vests, washable, removable buttons, all sizes $1 and $1.25 Gents' black and white Caps (coronation) .50 Gents' Shirt Waists, all sizes and colors .. $1,25 to $1.75 Gents' White Shirts, pleated trout (the correct idea) $1, $1.25,. $2.00 We have the correct Ping Peng Tie, all colors, at .50 I M •••••••oo••o•••••••••••••• • G... • • 1 P • • • • • • O • • • • • • • • • • • The time of Salads and Greens and making Pickles is drawing near. You will require a stock of Vinegar. We have all the different kinds. XXX VINEGAR - Guaranteed equal strength, and mellow ripeness. PROOF VINEGAR • The strongest made—it tests absolutely pure. •• + • • • • Al with GRAPE VINEGAR,-____„ -Made from the juice of the grape. Warranted free from acids. CIDER VINEGAR The old reliable—nothing better for table use or making pickles. eta ere. e F 'I•+0++++++++++44+4+++++0+0 ++++++++++4444++++++0+++++ IN'S e) • 4 4 • • O 0 0 • 4 • • O • 0 • • • O • • • • a. THE CORNER DRUG STORE Does your Liver ever/3 yy�� JI g® on strike?. If so, you should rise Iron Tonic Pills. One pill a dose, 50 pills in each box; 3 pills a day for seventeen days, makes you a new man or woman. They tone the heart, stimulate the nerves, increase the appetite, and keep the bowels just right. These pills can be had for 25e a bot just half -a -cent a dose. box—just PURI: ; . � ;> .reed We desire to inform our customers that wo have the very hest quality of Paris Green. Our Paris Green gave such excellent satisfaction last year that we .obtained the same er- quality again this year. It is per- featly fresh and extra strong. As L■ HAMILTON, Yf INCHAM DRUGGIST,- THE WINGUM JULY 31, 1002, News Prom Our Neighbo EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR rs READERS. What Wideawake Times Correspondents Communicate — Items Clipped from Our Exchanges, i•101tioIg. Township council will meet on i•.lotl- day next. This year Jas. Robb, a former resident of the 6th line, living near Langdole North Dakota, has 250 acres of laud under flax. Last year he had 1080 bushels of seed front 57 acres and re- ceived as high has $1,75 for part of it, He should make quite a haul this year at a corresponding rate. A tidy " Costumer " colt has been sold by Walter Forrest, 2ud line, to W. H. Maunders„ recently home froen Idaho, U. S. Donald Halliday, 5th line, has gone to Brussels to take a position iu F B. Hursley's drug store. We wish him ea - cess and believe he will do well. A Good Quarter Dollar's Worth Is contained in a bottle of Poison's Ner- viliue, which cures Rheumatism, Neu- ralgia, Sciatica, Tootht:ehe, Headache, Cramps, Sick Stomach and Indigestion. Mothers find Nerviliue a first class lini- ment for children's, sore throat, hoarse- ness, cold in. the chest, and taken in hot water before retiring is a splendid rem- edy for colds. Don't be without Nehvil- iue; it is the most economical, potent and reliable household liniment made, and costs only 25c. Da. HAMILTON'S PILLS CURE CONSTI- TION. ST. HELENS. Mr. Duncan McDonald recently pur- chased a fine span of horses iu Kincar- dine. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Jas. Weatherhead is on the sick list. Mr.and D S uilhiu is visiting with friends in Michigan. Miss Maggie Garton is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Todd, • Mrs. Hetherington has gone to De- troit where she has procured a position as milliner. Rev. S. M. Whaley left last week for his home near Toronto; during his va- cation Mr. Robt. Barbour will supply in his absence. Mr. Barbour is a former St. Helen's boy and conies back to the old place highly recommended. A Wonderful Tonle and`Strengtleiior. Said a druggist to -day, "No doubt about it, the tonic that gives best results is the biggest seller, and that is FERROZONE. It enriches and purifies the blood, re- stores strength and energy -to the feeble, and is a scientific reconstructor that was always popular. In Chlorosis, Anaemia, Tiredness, Laugour, Brain Fag, Indiges- tion and Dyspepsia its action is prompt, and satisfactory cures always follow. Yes I recommend Ferrozone to my cus- tomers because I believe it is the best tonic and strengthening medicine that money can buy." Large boxes cost 50c. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. IIL1 TII. Rev. J. Edmonds, the new rector of Trinity church moved into the rectory last week. Mr. Edmonds and family are now nicely settled in our village. Mr. R. B. Carter, who has been con- nected with Mr. J. M. Hamilton's drug store for the past two years and a half, left last week for Hagersville where he has secured a situation iu a drug store. Rev. Principal Braudt, of Point Aux Trebles school, Quebec, occupied the palpit of St. Andrew's church on Sunday evening last. Mr. George McLaughlin, of Neepawa, Mauitoba, is in Huron county at present buying a car load of horses to. take out west. Mr. McLaughlin is a cousin of Messrs. John and David McGill and Miss Esther McGill, of Blyth. Mr. W. Symington, who has been very ill with heart trouble since last autumn, died at his residence in Auburn on Sat- urday morning, July 19th. The motion to dismiss the petition against the return of Mr. R. R. Garvey, M.P.P., for Manitoulin, has been with- drawn. hairlits " I have used Ayer's Mair Vigcr tel thirty years. It is elegant for a hair dressing end for ).coping the (lair from splitting at the cods."— J. A. G; eenenfeldcr, Grantfork, Ill. Hair-splitting splits 4$ friendships. If the hail'- , splitting is done on your own head, it loses friends for you, for every hair of your head is a friend. Ayer's Hair Vigor in advance will prevent the splitting. If the splitting has begun, it will stop it. $1.00 6 bottle, MI druzgIsid. If your druggist cannot supply Ton, rend as one dollar anil we will oxprebs you a bottle, lie nerd and give the nines of your nesreet express adico. Adth•es.% J. C. AYLIR CO., Lowell, Mass. Other (tufa,. Neil Livingstone, who has been iu Nevada, U. S., has returned to Delta, B. C. Be is a former resident of 7th con, of Grey. Miss Mary Livingstone, of Toronto; and Misses Maggie and Annie Living- stone, of Detroit, are hero for a visit for a month. Dr, McLellan, of Chicago, was renew- ing old friendships on the 16th con., recently, He was a one time resident of Grey and attended and taught school on the 16th about 90 years ago. The Trustees of S. S. No, 8, Grey, have engaged the services of Mr. Evison of Oshawa as teacher succeeding Mr. Eastman. There were 15 applications. Miss Margaret Brown of the North Boundary' whose health is at times in- terfered with by epileptic fits, has gene to the House of Refuge, Clinton as a paying inmate, We hope the medical attention, &c., received there will prove beneficial. The officers for Roe's church Epworth League are :—Hon. President, Miss Susie Pearson; Secretary, L. Freiu; Treasurer, John Pearson; Organist, Miss Lizzie Bryaus. A new programme for the coming six months is iu the hands of the members. • TURN BEItitY, Minutes of Council meeting held in Belmore, July 26th, 1902. Members all present, The reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last• meeting were read and approved ou motion of Messrs. Couplaud and Musgrove. Reports:—Tire Reeve reported having examined the hill west of Zetland ou Wuwauosh boundary with representa- tive of Wawauosh Council. They .had. let a job at 103 c. per yard to Hugh. Mc- Kinnon, each Council to pay half, also let a job cleaning out ditch on 10th con- cession to T, A. Graham at 15c. per rod. Mr. Lovell reported having let a job on B. line to A Magee at $1,47, also let a job of cutting hill on B. line to A. Ma- gee at $3.00, also a job gravelling 30 rods to A. Magee at 40c. per rod. Mr. Musgrove reported having let a job of gravelling 42 rods on B. line to Joseph W. Walker at 50c. per rod, also a job of gravelling on 4th con. to Win. Holmes at $10.50. Mr. Mitchell reported having let a on East t gravel road to Robt. Hupfer at $10.00, also a job of gravelling 50 yards on B. line to Wm. Willis at 43c. per yd., F. Wright to in- spect work at $1.00 a day, contractor to pay half, Mr. Coupland reported having let a job • gravelling Eadie's swamp to Ed. Johnston at 230. a yd. The Treasurer laid his half yearly re- port before the Council which showed a balance of $524.82 on hand. Moved by Mr. Mitchel, seconded by Mr. Couplaud, that the Treasurer's report be adopted and filed. Carried. A petition signed by 20 ratepayers was laid before the Council asking to hays --street south of river ou Wingham town plot opened for public travel. Moved by Mr. Musgrove, seconded by Mr. Lovell that we leave the matter pe- titioned for over for further inquiry. Carried. Musgrove—Coupland.—That By-law No. 9, be read and passed to provide funds for the municipal grant to schools. Carried. The following accounts were passed and cheques issused; John S. McTavish, $3.00, equalizing U. S. S. No, 11; Muni- cipal World, $1.40, collector's roll and express charges; Thos. Wright. $5.75, work on roads; Wen. Wright, $2.50, work on roads; T. Hall, $1.50 advertising Court of Revision; H. B. Elliott, $14.50, advertising and printing voters' list; Duff & Stewart, $179.29, lumber and and rep. Woods' bridge; A. Magee, $16.40, work on roads; jos. W. Walker, $21.00, grayelliug: Win. Holmes, $10.50, gravelling; Robt, Hupfer, $11.00, work on roads; Ed. Johnston, ,;12,65, gravell- ing; John Lamonby, $1.00, rent; Geo. $7.00,r Cruickshank,ol.ou tiv roads; Juo. Porter $12.00, work on roads anroad machine; Alfred Elliott, $13.00. tile; Jos. Breckenridge, $4.66, gravel and damages ; Mrs. Eadie, $12.74, gravel; S. Wilson, $1.08, gravel; Win. Chand- ler, $1.27, gravel; Louis H. Bosnian, $6.00, gravel and clatnages; Jtlo. Ring, $5.28, gravel; Jas. McDougall, $5.40, gravel; Win. Mines, $2.10, gravel; Jeff. Musgrove, $5.46, gravel and damages; Jno. Ansley, G6c., gravel; S. Vanstone, $7.00, gravel; Robt. Watson, $1.80, gravel; Jim. Marshall, $6.76, gravel and damages; W. H. Armstrong, $1.44, gravel; Mathias Willis, $1.32, gravel; Win. Sanderson, $4.50, gravel; Win. Ir- vine, $2.90, gravel and damages; Eman- uel Bolt, $2.70; Wn1. Yea, $1.00, dam- ages. Lovell--Mitchell—That this meeting do now adjourn to meet in the Clerk's office, Mitevale, on Saturday, Aug. 30, 1902 at 10 o'clock, a. in. Carried. 3i o. Etntonss, Ciork, BAf3 Y' r OWN TABLET.8. I''or Weak aa1( Sickly C itf Wen During the Hot Weather, Tltonsttnds of children die during the hot weather mouths, because slimmer complaints .anti stomach txo It hI.e s conte soddenly, and mothers do not have nicais at broad to promptly check and gore ihein. Baby's -Own Tablets will promtitly cure all stomach told bowsl tronbl and are a great relief to teething e d. ren The Tablets are sold under -posi- tive guarantee thpt they watt - neither opiate nor harulft drm.t. shed to a powder they can •o give lulu absolnte safety toa thew b( rn b .e. Mrs. IS. Ver., guson, 105 ;Musel • .n., Montreal says; " I have used •s 's Own Tablets acid have Nand the i the best Medicine I have ever given my children. My baby lies always been small and delicate tout suffered so ranch last summer with his teeth that I dill not think he would live. Then he was attacked with dyseutry, a feverish skin and cough. As the dont- or's medicine did not help 'him, I sent for Baby's Owu Tablets and they did him a )wonderful amount of good. - »d he is now getting on splendidly. I gladly give may experience for the benefit of other mothers," If your druggist does not keep these tablets they will be sent by mail post paid at 25 oents a .boy by writing direct to the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,Ont., or Sche- nectady, N. Y. WItOXETER. The garden party held at Mr. F. V, Dickson's was a snccess.t There Was a good crowd and the receipts amounted to nearly $30, after paying expenses. The greatest feature of the evening was the tug of war between: the single and married meu. The single men won the test, the others very sore firms Mr. Patterson is building a new side- walk on Mill street. A son of Mr. Geo. Hyslop, of Owen Sound, is visiting at .Tas. Balautyne's. Mrs. R. Black of Blifevale was in the village Sunday and took home her daughter, Ellen, who had been visiting at lier grand parents. e Mr. John Wendt was in Mildmay on Sunday visiting los parents. Miss R. Wendt of Mildmay is at ,. pre5ent visiting her brother, Sohn Wendt and will likely stay a week or two. Robt. McLeod, while helping to drive a beast, was kicked so that he is con- fined to his bed. A Mr McAllister is in the village tak- ing orders for pictures. Miss Merle Mann of Teeswater called on Mrs. J. Brethauer last week. Rev Mr. Shaw and family of Ben miller, were guests of Mr. John Bray last Friday. Mr. Dtvid Myles has a job of pulling flax, and started work last Wednesday with the assistance of some boys. Mr. Douglas got in a car of coal this week. Mr. Esty of the Walker House was in Brussels on Tuesday and secured his license. Mr. Black has had a few bees draw- ing gravel to fill in above the dam this week. Mrs. John Simmons of Brussels, who has been visiting in the village at Mr. C. Simmons,' left for home on Tuesday. Mr. B. Simmons, who has been visit- ing friends here, returned to Toronto last week. Pleasant Cure for Weak Lungs. The best remedy for sore, weak lungs, is the soothing vapor of Catitrrhozone which traverser every air cell and passage of the breathing organs. It treats remote parts that cough mixtures and sprays can't approach, and kills thousands of germs at every breath. Catarrhozone drives away pain, congestion and inflammation; it makes breathing easy and regular, and exerts a marvelous influence on Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Ca- tarrh, Deafness, and Lung Trouble. Ca.tarrhozoue cures at once, is delightful to inhale, and simple to use. Price $1.00; small size 25e. Druggists, or Polson & Co., Kingston, Out. Da, II ASIrLTON'S PILLS CURE CON- STIPATIon. r.Isro LL. Harristou base ball team drove over hero on Friday last and were defeated by a score of 26 to 0. Listowel has now arranged for a series of games with Palmerston. Miss Ruby Rothwell of Toronto is spending the holidays with her friends her The Listowel lacrosse teals were de- feated in Mitchell on Thursday last. Mrs. (Dr.) Douglas anti her mother. Mrs. Erskine, of Moncton, are visiting friends iu town. The sacred concert given by Mr. New- ton Large and Miss Stock, of London, in the Methodist Church, was a success and was appreciated by the residents of this town, who always turn out well when they are sure of such a treat. The U. B. church held their re -opening on Sunday. The choir under the leader- ship of Mr. Alf. Jasper and assisted by Mr. J. H. Stuart, Mr. Dunn and Dr. W. A. McDowell, aided materially in tlhe success of the exercises. The plan of the now S. A, barracks, Listowel, hes been. prepared. The new barracks will be built of brick and will be an imposing structure, costing $2,000. The contract is expected to be let and work commenced early is August. Mr. Mervyn Hay, of the Imperial Bank, Galt, who has been spending a few days at his home here, left last week to spend the remainder of his holidays at Oliphant, WARD'S The Leading Store. u $ 1 Reduced prices Ladies' Shirt Was -i -s and Whilewear We bought too heavily in Ladies' Shirt Waists and Whitpwear. We've sold a lot and have still a good variety to choose from. If values will do it, the under- mentioned goods should move out quickly. Come early, before some of the best things are gone, 39c Ladles' Shirt Waists, nicely ramie, latest style, fast colors, reg 50e, sale price .50 75c Ladies' fine white Cambric Underskirts, • wide, with embroidery and dust frill, regular price $1.00, sale - .75 750 A choice lot of Shirt Waists in linens, prints and neuslirts, regular value $1.00, to clear at - - - - .7:. 25c One dozen Corset Covers, gond finality cotton, fine trimmings, rl.g Sic, sale 25c Two dozen Ladies' fine Cambric Draw- ers, nicely trimmed, good value at tlie, sale price 7bc A lino or Wrappers, fast colors, well made, good value (tt $1.00, to clear at .75 350 Ladies' White Sailor Hats, with black or white bands, regular value 50.., to clear at. - - - - .51 $1.50 A line of nice Shirt Wnists,white or col- ored, with insertion trimming, reg. ular value $2.00, sale price - $1.50 25C - 75c Two dozen Ladies' Night Gowns, full, wide skirt, lucked and nicely trim- mcci, regular price $1.00, to clear at .75 50c One dozen Shirt Waists, assorted Pat- terns, fast colors, well made, regular 75e, sale price - - - fie 190 Three dozen Corset Covers, fine cambric nicely made and trimmed, regular price 2:k, they go at - - ,le ,$1.00 A special line of Shirt Waists, whiter colored, new style, good value at $133r sale price - 41400 $ 1.00 Three dozen Ladies' fine whit,. Cambric Skirts, with deep frill, tucked, aide trimming, reg $1.25, sale price - $1.00 $1.25 Ladies' fine Shirt Waists. in linen, lawn and chsinbreys, regular price $1.50, your choice for - - $1,25 $1.00 One dozen Ladles' Black Paraf.ols, with steel rod, nice handles, reg $1.25, sale 1.00 $1.00 15 pair Ladies Chocolate Don••ola Shoes, turn sate, good value et $1.2.,, to clear 1.03 25c Summer Corsets, all sizes, strong, reg don extra fine ribbed Cashmere Hose, ul(u' value 35c, sale price - •r seamless, fast black, good value35c for 25 It E. ISARD & Co. 0pllosite Bank of Hamilton Highest price paid ftir Produce Listowel is booming this seaso l in the building line there beim about a dozen new houses in the course of erection. The recent hot weather has driven many of the residents of this towu to the lakes. Stoles- tire Cough and works off the Cafd. Laxative Bropno-Quinine Tablets cure a cold in Cue any. li1u dt,au...0 ray. krrce l.. CcL(e. Norman. Reid, a Toronto lad, was drowned wnlle attempting to swim across illimicu creek. The freedom of Edinburgh was con- ferred un Sir Whiirid Laidler and the other colonial Premiers. Nearly one hundred British war -ships will take part in the coronation leylew oft Sphtheau, August 11. The Llma Cheese Co. sold the first of ' July make, 443 oozes, to livagauu Bros., Montreal, at, 9•'bc. a pound. Amos Rowe, late collector of customs at Calgary, and formerly prem./titer Ut The evani peg Times, is dead. 4 Mr. E. Bossenberry, of Zurich, has sold his pacer, Sidney Pointer, ion sume- wheie in the neigh burilood of $t;00. At the London bowling tournament J. eireig's Seaforth rink tuck second money iu the association match, while D. Ross' Brussels rink won the consol- ation. There' is no, forza of. kidney treuble; from a _backache sown to 1:3rhbht's disease, $hat 'Doan's kidney Pills will not relieve or cure. • bl w' kind of If you aro troubled with any kidney complaint, use Doan's Kidney Pills. The annual statement of the C. P. R. shows gross earnings for twelve months up to June 30 of $37,503,034, working ex- penses $23,417,142, net profits $14,055,- 412, an increase of net profits over 1001 of $1,076,537. Mr. 0, D. Swanson, of Downie, while doing some repairs on the roof of itis barn, stepped on a loose shingle and slid from the roof peak of his barn 24 feet to the ground and had a miraculous escape from instant death. Margaret A. Stewart, wife of Mr. Robert S. Smith, died in Atwood on July 22, from king trouble, Deceased, who was a daughter of the late Mr. Win. Stewart, Was married to Mr. Smith in 1894, to whom were born three little bright boys. She was barn in Atwood, and lived her girlhood life there. Canadian Horses. Lieut. -Cul. Dant, the head cf the British Army Remount Commission, who has beeu in Canada for the past 16 months, gives some figures of deep interest to horsebreeders. He said: "Frain Ap it 1, 1001, to July, 1902, I may say that the purchase of horses, their keep', railway freight, and all other expenses, has amounted to $1,618,066. The approximate number of horses pur- chased in the various provinces was as follows: Ontario 7,715 Quebec............ 2,225 Maritime Provinces .116 Northwest Territories . 886 Making a total of 10,041 horses. Of these 10,717 were shipted to Africa and England, and the remaining 224 were either sold or died before being shipp ed "In addition to the above number pur- chased in Canada, we also obtained 2,664 horses iu the Unit( d States, which were shipped to Toronto by the Imperial Re- mount Commission in the United States. Of these 1,608 were shipped to England, 33 died while in Canada, and the remain- d.ir were sold by auction at Toronto, and Montreal by order of the War Office." He added that in future 500 horses would be bought annually in Canada. For (Ivor Sixty Tears. An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs- Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been used for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers for their children while teething, with perfeet success. It soothes the chile, softens the gurus, allays all pain, etife, wind colic, and is the te. st remedy fee, diarrhma. n - diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the . world. Twenty-five �� outy-five ccl.ts a bottle. Its Value is incalculable. Be sure you ask for Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. The Manitoba (government returns show that 20,000 sten will be required to assist in the harvest in that Province and the Territories. up from any sickness, no matter what sort, begin with a little Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil, It is food, and more than food: it helps you dip:st what. ever food you can bear. pram rel 15Cr 6AMpLl Ace thy Sy, tCo`rr r nowrpet ours„ ata. Yc5ON't'M6, Sec, 8nd $tale; 611 druggitis,