HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-07-31, Page 4Water
Each one guaranteed to
be abseintely perfect..
MOUS, Etc., Etc.
In fact anything you want
in Rubber Goods, we have
it at right prices.
Colin A. Ca�pbell
Knw SxoRI.; Opp. Bank of Hamilton.
Natioe of changes must be left at this
°Mee not later than Saturday noon.
The copy for chauges must be left
not later than Monday evening.
Casual advertisements accepted up
to noon Wednesday: of each week.
TUB WINfillAll ' ,fIr,ll' s,
THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1902.
That the TLMCs is an up -to date news-
paper -
That lawn bowling is very popular in
That the month of July has been very
prolific of weddings this year.
That a large number of Winghamites
will go to Goderich on Tuesday next.
That it dont't pay to ride a wheel on
the sideWaik, wheu the Chief is around.
That the Town Council should have
seats placed under the trees at the town
That the burdocks going to seed on a
number of the vacant lots should be cut
aovbody not hostile to Mr. Ross, teed in f of widely he wine A member. Most of
ills day equally hostile to Sir Oliver, the factories closed clown, title places of
lausiuess ea/lentily (dosed up during; the
funeral hour, The floral offerings were
e-peci€cll> beautiful. The relatives alai
friends will have the sympathy of 0,
said anything of the kind? What
earthly use ie. there in publishiug such
statements, for wlic eau be influenced by
them?--Torbnto Star.
A Bible reader in Erie, 1'a., baareaeh- largo circto oY friends iu their very sud-
tau berellvelueirt,
ell the conviction, after touch study,
that woman have no occasion to be good,
that they du trot, go to heaven. He says
the Bible reveals all that we know of
God and His place of above, and he finds
no mention in the boos: of any woman
having been translated to the place of
eternal rest. -Kingston Whig,
The Vancover World points with
natural pride to the fact that while the
Klondike looms largeriu the public eye,
British Columbia actually produced
more gold last year. The figures are $18,^
000,000 for the Klondike and $20,000,000
for British Columbia. There is some
excuse for the local prejudice which in.
spired that rugged. goatraiu:
For Kootenay, it was Kooteuay,
When Klondike was a pup;
And Kootenay will be Kootenay,,
When KIondike's busted up.
Mr. Whitney rarely misses an oppor-
tunity to say something to make himself
ridiculous. He has just been telling a
newspaper reporter,that Mr. Ross' plain
duty is to resign. If Mr. Ross did so,
upon whom would Sir Oliver Mowat call
to form a Government ? Certainly not
Whitney, for however small Ross'
majority may be, still the fact that he
has one is not disputed -while Whitney
is in a minority thpt promises to shrink
perceptibly, when the story of the "dis-
tillers' gratitude" comes to be told intim
election counts.--Simcoe Reformer,
The Hon, William MacDougall was on
one occasion elected in parliament by a
majority of one. When addressing the
electors after the returns were all in, a
Philistine in the crowd bawled out,
"What about your majority?" The
reply was short, sharp and decisive : "My
majority is all right; it is not large ,but it
is eminently respectable, and will serve
its turn." Cheers greeted the statement,
and Mr. MacDougall had the privilege of
sitting a full term in the house and doing
good work for his constituents.-Goder-
ich Signal.
That two of Wingbam's young busi-
ness men will soon join the racks of the
That the excursion to Sarnia and De-
troit on August 23rd should be welt
That neat Tuesday is Wingham's
Civic Holiday and every place of busi-
ness should be closed.
That the Wingham races on August
13th and 14th will be the best in the his-
tory of the Wingham track.
That two public holidays in one week
are more than the average merchant or
business man cares to have.
That some enterprising citizen should
buy a few boats and have them for hire
on the north branch of the Maitland
That the river on Victoria street walk
should be given auother course. We
have had enough mud and water on
this walk.
That the members of the present
town council merit the gratitude of the
citizens for the satisfactory disposition
of the iron works plant.
That the town park should be suit-
ably named. The town council will no
doubt take the hint and see that the
Matter is promptly attended to.
That the ground in the rear of the
town hall should be levelled up, sodded,
and given a more picturesque appear-
ance. Some of the burdocks` might be
eat, also.
Accident in the Cement
Owen Sound.
Works at
Just after the noes went to press on
Wednsday evening of last week, word
was received in Wingham of the fatal
accident in the Sun Portland Cement
Works at Owen Sound, which resulted
in the death of Dr. E. H. Horsey, M. P.,
the principal stockholder and promoter
of the extensive enterprise. Dr. Horsey
was a sou -in-law of Dr. Mac-
donald, M. P. oft his town. Mrs.
Horsey was visiting at her father's
home in town and on receipt
of the sad message Mrs. Horsey, Mrs.
(Dr.) Macdonald, and Dr. J. R. Mac-
donald started to drive to Owen Sound.
About 6 o'clock Mr. William P. Tel-
ford, of Telford & Co., bankers, and one
of the directors of the Gement Company,
visited the mill, and Dr. Horsey conduct-
ed biro through the various departments.
At sit o'cloelt, when closing tune came,
the gentlemen were in the engine room,
in which, in addition to the powerful
engine of 650 horse power, there is an
accessory engine, which is ran when the
big engine is closed down, and, also to
operate various lighter -running sections
of the mill,
Dr. Horsey,had just given instructions
with regard to closing down the smaller
engine and starting up the larger, and
had turned to speak to Mr. Telford,
when the flywheel burst into a hundred
pieces, almost wrecking the building,
and throwing a large section out through
the roof nearly 100 yards distant.
The chief engineer and his assistant
were in the room, and, with Dr. Horsey
and Mr.Telford, were the sole occupants.
WHAT OTHER PAPERS SAY. , When the effects of the bursting had been
The moral of all this recent wet realized, it was found that Dr. Horsey
N eathetis ---keep ducks,--TorontoNews, was stretched on the floor, with his skull
There is no truth in the statementthatshattered back of his ear so badly that
a woman can make a fool of a man; fthe brain was oozing out.
nature has got ahead of her. -Prairie That so prominent a citizen should
City, News f meet suck a fate just as he was about to
2 sett serpent has appeared in the realize his highest expectations in the big
industrial project, has stunned the com-
munity and au indescribable sadness is
pressing down upon the community.
Dr. Horsey was elected to the house
of Commons for North Grey as a Liberal,
in 1900, defeating Charles Gordon by a
majority of 23. Ho was 35 years of age
and was a medical practitioner, with the
good -will of large section of the coin.
enmity, both Liberal and Conservative
Seine years no he represented the Sue
Life Insurance Company in China, japan
and the Philippines, and when Li Hung
Chang visited the country he was chosen
had been proclaimed Xing, remarked by the Government t t 1 "
"What a pull he must have had with
"Machine politicians
Mac b c
Tide ]stall says: poi
weer that �Itune can do what he pleases
laatat Sir Oliver.' They say that Sir Oli-
vet having been n colleegae of his, will
mat him its meny tlirsoluti0ns as he
i,ilnttns yeµ.
I+'ew housekeepers remember, as they
should, that when it Is necessary to
dilute strong tea it should be done. with
water at the boiling point. The poor
flavor of tea, made strong at first and
then reduced, such as is too often serv-
ed at receptions and "at homes," is
usually caused by the addition of hot,
not boiling, water to the first Infusion.
A. lesson in this matter may be bad
from the Russians, who serve the most
delicious tea in the world, and who pre-
pare It first very strong, making It al-
most an essence of tea. This is diluted
to the strength wished, with water
kept boiling in the .samovar. This
water is not allowed to boil and reboil,
but Is renewed as needed. Freshly
boiled water is insisted upon by all
Connoisseurs in teamakiug.
river at Vent County. That serpent has
destroyed more reputations than the
original. serpent which promoted the fall
of our fast parents. -Toronto Globe.
The London Globe quotes a previa-
tial Getman newspaper as shying that
"Sir Wilfrid Meatier has decided that the
pr000eeimi that was arranged for Friday
shall take place as arranged, and that the
Queen and princes shall be present."
This is almost as good as the oft•repeat-
etl story of the French-Canadian habi-
tant, who ori hearing that Albert Edward
Ceilings awl Ventilation.
Rooms with low ceilings or with ceil-
ings even with the window tops are
susceptible of more perfect ventilation
than those with high ceilings. In sucb
rooms the leakage at the windows,
which is constantly going on, keeps the
air in motion throughout the room,
whereas if the ceiling is higher only the
lower part of the air is moved, and an
Inverted lake of foul and hot air is left
floating In the space above the window
tops. This lake, under the law of dif-
fusion of gases, keeps actively at work,
fouling the fresh currents circulating
beneath it.
Longevity of Irirlt, Pearants.
It is curious to notice the great num-
ber of centenarians whose deaths are
recorded in the official returns of Irish
rural districts. As an .instance of the
longevity of the Irish peasant it may
be pointed out that the death of per-
sons upward of sixty years of nge reg-
istered in Connaught last year amount-
ed to over 50 per cent of the entire
deaths of the province.
Ile Knew Wall Street.
Upson Dowues-There's a man over
there who owes all his wealth to his
deep knowledge of the ways of Wall
'v inan Luce -Went in and won his
pile, eh?
Upson Downes -No; stayed out and
kept what he had.
o eseor not across
the continent.
The funeral of the late Dr. horsey, M.
P k from his residence Owen
.* took placer
Sound, Friday afternoon. The hearse
was preeeedecl by the 81st Regiment
band, the employees of the cement
works, where ho was killed, and of
Pineapples come into bearing in Ha-
waii when the plants are four months
old and bear in abundance for years.
Lettuce can be planted at any time,
and it develops quickly. The same is
true of celery.
The fellow who never has anything
of importance to say always manages
to say it. -Philadelphia Record.
A pupil prepared in Goderich school
to -4k S64. out of 1100 marks at the recent
7ltrauce examination.
Lackner aG Ferguson, proprietors of
Ohesley Creamery, paid out $4500 to
their patrons during the mouth of June.
A. S. Walker of Dobbiuton, paid Jae.
Ward, 2nd con. Els., $320 for 4 head of
cattle weighing 5020 lbs,, which is X0.87
per owt.
Fifty dollars has been subscribed by
the members of Brussels Odd Fellows'
Lodge towards the proposed Hoene to be
erected for aged or needy brethren.
The convention of the Ontario Alli.
ante for the Suppression of the Liquor
Traffic, tailed to take steps to oraari-
ize for the referendum campaign and the
vote of Dec. 4, is ire session at Toronto
this week.
sive Stock lirarkets.
Toronto, July 2S. -At the Western
cattle yards to -day the receipts were 110
carloads of live stock, including 1,067
cattle, 1,674 sheep turd Iambs, 400 hogs,
I00 calves, and a dozen milch cows.
As far as cattle were concerned, the
market was a fairly good one. Business
was active, and prices generally steady.
Though cable advices show prices for
cattle in the Old Country to be a little
off, there was no perceptible change here
to -day: and good to choice export cattle
sold well at from 5, to 6;4o per Ib;
light shippers bought from 4ea to 5c.
per lb.
Among the receipts to -day was an un-
usual proportion of good cattle, and this
caused an apparent occasional advance
in prices, but values were really steady
and unchanged.
The following are the quotations:
ION to oak for." Who says :to? Has which he was the president, and societies
Shippers, per cwt a 5 25
Do., light 4 25
Butcher, choice do 4 75
Butcher, ordinary to
good 3 50
Butcher, inferior 2 f:0
Stockers 2 50
Choice ewes, per Cwt... 3 00
Yearlings, per cwt .... 4 50
Spring lambs, each ... 2 50
Bucks 2 00
eautrins AND °ALVES.
Cows, each ::5 00
Calves, each,... M 00
a C 75
Choice hogs, rt,t8t. �
G ce ,,,p
Light- huge, per cwt. - G 75
Heavy hogs,.lter cwt 6 5ai
Sows, per cwt 3 50
Stags... 0 00
6 25
5 00
5 50
4 25
4 75
3 73
3 60
5 25
2 75
3 00
45 00
10 00.-,:
Wingham, July 30, 1902.
Corrected every Wednesday afternoon
by Cassels & Carr.
Flour per 10011,s.. , ...... , 1 65 to 2
Fall Wheat 0 77 to 0
Spring Wheat 0 00 to 0
Oats, .. 0 40 to 0
Barley .... .,..., ........ 0 45 to 0
Peas 0 70 to 0
Turkeys, drawn 0 00 to 0
Geese, " . 0 05 to 0
Ducks, per pair 0 40 to 0
Butter ... ........ 0 16 to 0
Flags per doz 0 14 to 0 14
Wood per cord , . , . 2 00 to 2
Hay old, per ton 8 00 to 8
Hay, new, per ton.... (i 00 to 6 00
Potatoes, per bushel 0 60 to 0.60
Tallow per lb .. , . 0 Q5 to 0 06
Lard .. 0 it to 0 16
Dried Apples per lb 0 05 to 0 06
Wool 0 13 to 0 15
Live Hogs, per cwt. 6 50 to 650
Chickens 0 30 to 0 40
Accounts, Routs and Notes Collected. Cou-
veyancing done.
OFFICE -Over D. M. Gordon's store.
RESIDENCE -Leopold street.
If you wat a Buggy,
come and see the most
up to - date, most highly
finished and high-grade
Buggies in town.
It will pay you
To see me before placing your
Fire Insurance. You can save
money by insuring in purely
Canadian Stock Companies, out-
side the combine.
Farm loans at lowest rates.
At home Friday afternoons and
Saturdays. Corner Minnie and
Patrick streets, Wingham.
Abner Cosells
:0 ••••••t••••••••••• ► r••• •••••••••••..+ •••••0••••••••••••• 000,•r•••••••
Our clubbing rates with different
newspapers are as follows: -
Times and Weekly Globe $1 60
Times and Weekly Mail 1 75
Times and Family Herald and
Weekly Star 1 75
Times and Weekly Snn 1 75
Times and Montreal Witness 1 60
Times and Western Advertiser 1 50
Times and Farmers' Advocate 1 85
Times and Toronto Daily Star 2 50
Times and Daily Globe 4 25
We could extend the list, but it is not
neeessary. We can give you clubbing
rates on any newspaper or magazine.
THE Tines,
• 000400••••••••••••••••••••• se•••••0•••••••••••••••••c0000•••••p•0000 I.00MQ•M•••
1• During
• the Month of AUGUST :
•• •
• '
• From Friday, August lst, to Saturday, August 30th, Clearing sale •
•• •of Summer Goods. Seasonable Goods at Greatly Reduced Prices.•
•• •
• •
•-'" •i
50e White Dress Muslins for - .35 Applique Trimmings •
• 25e .,- .18 Chenille Trimmings At •
15o - Gimp Trimmings Clearing Sale •
• 20e Black Figured Muslins for ^ 15 Prices•
• 15e " " - .10 Sequin Trimmings•
• 25e Organdies reduced " to - .17 •
•g $1,00 Shirt Waists, now .75 •'
• 15c White P. K. reduced to .11 •
• 12-e Colored P. IC, reduced to - .10 .75 Shirt Waists, now - .56 •
• 12�c White Duck reduced to - .10 .50 Shirt Waists, now ^ •38 •
• 10c Colored Duck reduced to .08 LADIES' SUMMER HATS AT HALF PRICE! •
• 50e Wool Delaines, sale price - .38•
.12 Children's Hats At Reduced Prices
• 15e Prints reduced to 0 Boys' Hats Men's Hats
• 12�c ,. ,.
• lOc �� _ '08 pgHIT1•al'V1;AR AT LADIES' •
• 20e Dress Muslins now - •115 CLEARING SALE Corset Carers •
• 15e :�10 PRIG>aS Underskirts •
i 121e •,
Dress Muslims for ,05 Muslin Embroideries Deduced Prices •
• 12. e Fancy Ginghams - .10 Muslin Insertions 0
i lOc - - -
OS Lawn Ewbroideries •
20e Art Muslins, sale price .15
J to clear
e 15e " "
.11 Lawn Insertions •
12 ,e "
lOe 0$ Umbrellas and Parasols- a splendid assortment.
• 17c Spot Muslin, white, for . - .22;1 Must .go. w
a 15e " - .11 Wool Carpets, Union Carpets, Hemp Carpets, 0
is 20e Cretonnes reduced to .15 at sale prices. w
• 15e 11
a lOe , " - .08 Men's Summer Underwear at sale prices.
• ••
pepageOo•Ebeocee ceeewes•'•••••O•N••eeses•Cm••••0.0pegoesemecoseme®•oposeopossee.
• •
a m1;ramtac•®®0000000000000000e 0000000000000000•0004100000000000011000.0000000000000. 0
Coal and Wood
We have now on band a
large stock of both Coal and Wood.
Orders left with us will receive
prompt attention.
Flour and Feed
This is the place to buy your
Flour, Feed, Hay, Seeds, ete.
We will be pleased to fill your
'Phone 32.
-The 'Ilexes office is the place to get
neat job rintiu Best work at reason- It�
able prices.
e •l••1••E•4•I d4e eesoee4-1-e ee 4eeeei- aiel -'r , ee teteee++i•+44 r ,.r, -+++.:•lee.
4 y
7 25 i'•
i 00 .4.
7 00
2 00
All Stuffed Up
That's the condition of many sufferers
from cetera', especially in the morning. 4,
Great difficulty is experienced ha clear-
ing the head and throat.
No wonder catarrh causes headache,
impairs the taste, smell and hearing,
pollutes the breath, deranges the stoin<
ach and affects the appetite.
To euro catarrh, treatment must be
constitutional -alterative and tome.
"I was i11 for tour menthe with catarrh
in the head and throat. 'lad a bad cough
and raised blood. I bad become dis-
couraged when my husband bought a bottle
01 Hood's Sarsaparilla and persuaded ins
to try it. I advise all to take it. It has
Cured and built me up." Mas, Ikon Iry
nor.rit, West Liscomb, N. 8.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Lutea Catarrh -wit soothes and strength- a.
ens the rnucous nienzbrane and builds
up the whole system.
A very large stock to select frotn and we will sell
very cheap all through July.
Jeweler and Optician. Headquarters for repairs.
a +a a e 4 •i•e+++F..;.te e :'4'+4 : a , aapt•ee e4•ee4'4•d+e•l+d+44•F+•F:44f;
For the nextmonth we will make a
special sale of' all lines of Upholstered
Goods. In Parlor Suites, Odd Pieces
and Chairs we have something that
every home needs. See these goods
before buying Furniture elsewhere.
Watch this space next week for some-
thing we have to say about Iron Beds.
Furniture Dealers and Undertakers.
Thomas's bazaar 1 BUTTON BLOCK
This store is growing in popularity every day, and the
reason it grows so rapidly is because our goods are of the
very best quality. The prices are always pleasing on
account of their lowness.
Washboard, Genuine Globe for 1Se.
Butter Bowls, reg. 350. for.... 25e.
Butter Spades for ... .. . Flo.
Butter Ladles for 10e.
Mop Sticks at 10e.
Tabs from 50e. up
Towel rollers, nicely finished for 15e.
Bread board for 35c.
Sweet Koine Soap, 4e. per bar or
7 bars for................... 25c.
a Bars, 23a lbs. Laundry Soap for 25e.
8 cakes Pala( Leaf Soap.... ,....,IOC.
Baby's Own Soap, pet box 25e.
I.1 leek Ileauty Tar Soap, 2 Cakes5e.
Large Covered Steatners for , .. , 30c.
A Quart Dipper .................. 5c.
Callender 12c.
Dust Pati • 7c.
Pie Tins, Sc . 5e.
Small Tin Kettle for Oil Stove... 17c.
12 qt. Tin Dish Pan for 1"re•
14 qt. Tin Dish Pan for ..... 23c
10 qt. Milk Can ... 10e.
Salmon, 3 Daus for 25e.
Corn Starch, 4 packages for 256.
Exraets all ;laversper
v bottle .,,. fie.
Rising Sun Stove polish for 0504
ll Bird i I3'rc toed, for .... 7c.
Baking' Powder, 2 lbs. for 256.
Grand Mogul Tea, per lb 25c.