HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-07-24, Page 5'YTYVVYVV`VY'V YYVYTTY '7VVV17!I vvrfvrryv v,vyvyvvvvvvyyv
Three : rea l kw; a
.,n,A:,a.,�w.4.•an...,u wnrorwh�aHu-ra:,ww.,
.=Ta!-rwsu'<vwv:'MOX¢=was".-'. x,t-•sia4»f+?:+'.5.:•u..Tyaiu
1 ; pairs Men's Pouts, regular t l.- "z a pair, sale 90,'•
17 pairs I3oye' O11d Pants, regular 85e, salt) 490. •
(i only Boys' Fancy `,•.tufts, i] pieces, Weill t'',11.:10, Salo 0.40.
5 Boys' Snits, size's 2•., "i, 24, 11'2 pieeec, worth $1.50, sale $1.715e
14 pairs Alen's Blue Overalls, regular 75c, sale ,;..e.
5 only Men's light Shop Coats, worth $1,00, ego 750,
7 only Men's Tweed Suits, worth $3.50 and $ ,:1tl, side 84.75.
12 only Children's Blouses, light and dark colors, all shies, regularrice
Soto, sale p
10 only) Children's Blouses, Sailor col]ar, all sizes, good \vasllers, regular
price 45c each, salt) :;O•'.
14 only Children's Wash Suits, for a:;es 4 to 0 yeas, worth ^1 to .;•1.25,
during salts our price, per suit 75e.
smavrrv: cvs.�,avxr_�: nes- ••a�u..xs ,,-.su
Any 25c Tie in the store Clarity; sole, 20a.
Any 50c Tie in the store during sale, 40(3.
Any 2.10 pair of Braces in the store during sale, 20c.
Chaieo of only 50e Cap in the store for 25e.
Choice of auy 15e. Collar in the store during sale, 10e.
Men's Fast Black Cotton So; reg. 25o a pair, sale price 15o.
Boys' Heavy Ribbed Cotton Hose, reg. 25c, sale 17c.
Men's Balbriggan Undershirts aucl Drawers, all sizes, worth 250 for 20c
Men's Colored Silk Undershirts and Drawers, during sale, each 40o. _
Mote's Working Shirts, good fast colors, Worth Me, sale 05c.
Men's two -thread Balbriggan Undershirts and Drawers, sizes 82 to 40,.
worth Zee and. (10c, sale ;10o.
Men's Natural Wool Shirts and Drawers, worth 75e, sale GOc.
000.16.30...1.9.61414,11 SWAVISWISMIllat 11 CIVITALTAILICIMME.
TILE \ IXGIIAM au i, 1902,
tits From
FAILED TO nrzr,Frr IStIa. tl� i.
what \Vit1,G'awl.lko Timos Corr'enpondente 00Sarnatalot 1 e -- Otter ate, tors sa-a :an,,a pass pals eiree 1 tori
41. itorna Clipped From Our Ia:cobanges,
ase, aril Mr..J., si1antfCaro,
Zilch., !vivo ri turned home ;liter mak-
ing a pt. Mint -. (sit among fsioacis in a2uit
around Myth, l elgrave and VViughant..
:dr England combined 14usine s exit.
11.•1.5 to 1p11z.1 .l ni.,g
a tidos y. oat;
eltort-imen cow and calf. fr'in Mr. I1ich.
Corley of Belgravia The r ea veil was
,.;010 . t.
4 t apit;tt Cure foo. Satre Throat
Is to use as it g'•trgle a f'w driers of Pol-
1 i gr'in's Nervitiue In sweetened water, and
4 before retiring 1'nh tha thro,t.:, awl r:;ne3t,
1 vi goraa: iy with .'t.' ervfl:re. 1:x tut ,lin;;
the $Or.11€cs and initomnutti,nt will )lave
disappeared entirely. Nerviline drives
away the pain and mires a )r" tlhi'oat and
hoaree,iess rluit'kly, s.iutply l'o'ess;:to
4 that's what it'd made for. Bug a 25,:.
el bottle from your etreeelst to -day.
.44 i r. Ilantilton's Pale e;.11::al.lte the
LOOK HERE, BOYS! 5 dozen Shirts, all enters arta sizes, hard and soft 4
bosoms, which we have been selling at 00o and 75e each,. choice 45c,
STRAW HATS—All sizes, regihlar prices GOc to 75o, sale 40c. • • 41
SALEM SHIRTS—Guaranteed to stand their color, during sale any $1 or ss
$1.25 colored Shirt iu the store, hard or soft bosom, choice 90c.
This is a genuine Bargain Sale
Fri day, Saturday and :Moilndaty
Come with the crowd to where you get- best value ilei your money. -
The R. FI. a
Men's Outfitters.
ER Go.
)4•409+•1••O•••••9••••m•• '0•••4••®•0•••[9••0.0•••••••
with -,4
T1 E
The time of Salads and Greens and making Pickles
is drawing near. You will require a stock of Vinegar.
We have all the different kinds.
Guaranteed equal strength, and mellow
The strongest made—it tests absolutely pure.
Made from the juice of the grape. Warranted free
from acids.
The old reliable—nothing better for table use or
making pickles.
"Stuishiae and S!ldotv5" are the
probabilities reltistt•re l fur this locality.
:tars, Mitchell awl family, of Lucknow
visited tit Navin Grave farm last week.
The many friends of Mr. flo')t. Ter-
rith will be sorry to kern of his ill
health, 1£tt left un Tuesday of this week
for Graveullurst,.where) it is hoped, the
chant;:.' of air and good znedieal attend-
ance will r• store Lim to 11:e neurit.boo d
health. -
Mrs. David Gillies, Jr., of North
Dakota is visiting at Mr. (::too. Mlles.'
While Mr. Damao. McGregor was
cutting a field of hay tor Mr. Joseph
Tiffin, one day last \week, the horses
took fright and rau away breaking the
plower somewhat extensively, fortun-
ately however, the driver and horses es-
caped without injury,.
Mr. Charlie McKinnon and two friends
from Wingham spent Sunday in this
Mr. James Tayldr has added to the
convenience of his lately erected resi-
dence by building a summer kitchen and
Mr. Split Taylor is enlarging his dwel-
ling by erecting a new kitchen.
Hearts that are Diseased
Will never be cured by the false and uu-
natural stimulation of liquor. First, in-
crease your vitality, build up the sys-
tem, strengthen and purify the blood—
then the heart will respond and grow
I'*rrozone is reef e1..what to take it
v P �. y ,
gives you an appetite and a digestion that
will look after everthiug that is eaten.
Ferrozoue improves nutrition, makes
rieh,vitaliziug blood, and is.positively the
most powerful restorative and strength-
ener knowu to science: it, improves the
nerve tone, regulates the heart's action,
makes the feeble strong and the sick
well. Forrozoue will do you untold good
and costs only 50e, at druggists. or Pol-
son & Co., Kingston, Ont. Sold by A, L.
Dr. Hamilton's Pills stimulate the
Thos. Russell of the 6th line has been
offered $200 for a brood mare.
• A new well has been drilled on the
farm of Robt. Currie, 4th line, and an
abundant supply of water obtained at
49 feet. The well at the house is strong.
la: impregnated with snlphur.
The other day Thos Stewart caught a
dandy black bass in the Maitland near
the Bodmin bridge. It )veighed. 4(
pounds, was 21 inches long. 2i2 inches
across its back and five inches in width
This is no fish yarn but a true story.
Harry McArter, wife and sons,
e+ Wilmer and lm r Harrv of Hatrton
were visitors with relatives and friends
here. Mr, McArter has returned to
busiuess but the other members of the
family will continue their stay.
On Thursday, July 3rd, M. Chambers
passed away at the home of his
daughter at St. Paul, Minnesota. Ho
was a great sufferer from cancer in the
(throat. Deceased was the father. of
Peter Barr, 6th line, and her many
frieuds will sympathize with her in her
On Tuesday, July 8th, Jas. C. Dun-
can, 4thline, was happily wedded to
Miss Effie Baker, a sister of John K.
Baker, of Grey township. The cere-
mony was performed at the residence of
Percy Baker, brother of the bride. Mr,
Duncan, who has been in the West for
tho past two years, is teaching at Gold-
en Plains, where lie and Ihis bride pro-
ceeded after the wedding. Tho many
friends of tho happy young couple will
be a unit in the expression of their good
wishes for their future happiness' and
Mr. Thos. Forbes has sold his farm on
the 3rd con. to Mr. R. Johnston.
One of the oldest residents of this
township died on *Wednesday of last.
week in the person of Elizabeth Wad-
dington, relict of the late Charles Proc.
tor. lgra. Proctor had been liding with
her son Rirohard Proctor, since the.deatle'
of her Ihusband1 She ,was , a lady bald' in
high esteem and was aged 76 yoaats. The
ftineh hl• took pl*de to Brandon's cemetery
Friday last.
Toes your
Y...�rer v
ke ?
O 011 strike?
If so, yon should use Iron 'Tonic
Pills. One pill a dose, 50 pills in
each box; 3 pills a day for seventeen
clays, makes you a new man or
They tone the heart, stimulate the
nerves, increase the appetite, and
keep the bowels just right.
Hese pills can be had for 25c a
box—just half-a•cent a dose.
We desire to
that we have
of Paris Green.
stave such excellent
year that we
qualitj+ again
feetly fresh and
inform our customers
the very best quality
Our Paris Green
obtained the same
this year. It is per-
extra strong.
404 q.. 3 •
1 , „ n noting. wino ,uxl f
here fro•fi I'd tai;t•) alt Snk1,'titig n. two F
maths' visit with 311:. }.•' i:'!1 lea-
rnt -a, John and Hires. Betts* and ether
It was gait() a sllr,ziee to the punas
in -,fund (ler,) when it was 1''ern.' I that
Dr, . A,rm:;tr'.ng had viii hie peeper; y and
pr•::ctiec. Br. heel r, , of Tarente is the
earel :e;. r, who eemee eel% A .€ -r.nna lata
ed find i now iu.taluyi in his new fi:'ltl. '
:,v Poilok tit: •'•t . lila:=;ow, on Jane t
20tli, Alm David We.: e.e ed
aivay to lie.r rE•':t at sr a ts'aert aintsee at
t'1e sgs of 7.1 years. ::Mr's. tx iil:in',cni's j
maiden !:ante tans Catht ring t1inillie,
Sae Was a native of the palish cif Dailly, 1
Ayrshire, but 11atl triton a re.4t'ic'nt hi t
Glasgow for tho 1):t.•; Ian—loci of : i• years.
',Ch) de:le;.se•1 woe the cl k,.t s"rtt'r of
Tames tlaralie, Ci+'. ,` township,. wlw, fie-
compel:Lea by a (la u;.ghtnr,
in S ' tl had for tai:' lr7:trey,, of elei tir1g
his sinter ath'1 relatives living; is .math -E
well, I1.'I..neleara• mid ('+`:t`':',Q1v. It
seurns very sad til..( Mr. i-n1il110 t iron:cl
kayo tray.'1l ,:over s 3J.);) miles and !
at the last wigs yet unable to t;let 11i3:ilea:
savaie wed ;:rL ltrcat:e 1
Generally sufZer from Catarrh fou;
should us Inhaler fou
0 o G 'ata rix,.:' ee r ) r
tines daily, and br' cured. The pleas:iut
scented Caitarrhozuu.) vapor tp7alts
through every air p+t'sago of the breath-
ing organa, and r•t?aeit' s the very rot,t of
the disease at mica; it kills the germs,
cleanses and ptu•iti•:s the tnur•ont sur-
faces, chits eradicates every vestige of
catarrh I:l' a short time.
Pare, tweet breath. frse from Ihmaa-
a h s e r i and lel.. li i., aro quick- c nett c 1
e, rr
1-y derived from the use of Catnrrho tune
Cl) owl ete outdo, guartuteed
to cure, costs: 1.00, trial sizes 25 (amts.
Druggists, or N. C. Polson &
Co„o„ Kings-
ton, Ont.
Dr.. Hamilton's Pills stimulate the
BLV- .
Messrs. Me1i:i11an & Co. shipped 84
tubs of batter and 18 cases of eggs from
Blyth last week.
Rev. W. H. Irwin, a former publisher
of the Blyth Standard, conducted the
services in the Methodist church here
on Sunday evening last.
Mr. W. I. McLean, B. A., left last
week for Toronto where' he will be en-
gaged as associate examiner in the jun-
ior leaving examinations for the next
three w.)elfs, ��.l ,. ,
Mr. Arthur Sackson $'sv'Jho learned the
'art of telegraphy at Blyth station, and
who is no)v operator at Stony Creek
Junction, spent a few days . of the past
week visiting with relatives and friends
u t.
Blyth andvicinity.
yt vie ty
Mr. Joseph M. Kelly, student at the
Detroit college of ]nedieipe, is visiting
at the home of his parents here.. He is
accompanied by his friend and fellow -
student, Mr. 'Charles J. Brady.
A pretty wedding took place in Blyth
Methodist church at high noon Wednes-
day of last week, when Miss Ida Taman,
youngest daughter of Mr. John Taman,
and one of Blyth's most popular young
ladies, became the wife of Mr. Alfred
Burt, of Loudon. The interesting mar-
riage ceremony was performed by Rev.
John Holmes, in the presence of a large
gathering of invited guests and friends.
At the appointed hour the bride entered
the church, 'which was beautifully dec-
orated with choice flowers, leaning on
the arm of her brother, Mr. W. W.
Taman, of Exeter, who gave her away.
Mendelssolhu's wedding marob was
played by Miss Maud Goodwiu, of Clin-
ton. The bridesmaid was Miss Eva
Vance, of Mitchell. Miss Rhea Emigh,
niece of the bribe, acted as flower girl.
The groom was assisted by Mr, E. J.
Taman, of Kincardine, brother of the
Henry E. Wilson has been appointed
sub -collector of customs at St. Mary's.
Hcsir Falis
" I tried. Ayer's Hair Vigor to
stop my hair from falling. Ono -
half a bottle cured me."
J. C. Baxter,Br 1 i
a door ood Ill.
Ayer's Hair Vigor is
certainly the .most eco-
nomical preparation of its
kind on the market. A
little of it goes a long way,
It doesn't take much of
it to stop falling of the
hair, make the hair grow,
and restore color to gray
hair. OA ,+ "bottle. Mt dranotsts.
Tf "fear druggist 'cannot. Supply you,
send us Otto thenar and we Will express
yea e bottle: Bo's:ore and give the sable
of your nearest cornrow' office, Addtcss,
J. C. AY1:iL CO.,Tmtell, Mass.
,1.ad 1`otr bl,e bl 7 ileyiay ttzP iscot o!'
plc 12 t,. (kit
It is no rotrtnloli r ^::rr:'!i(n Litt Dr. 1.,,t' ; lt
Williams' Tillie Pith; to tortoni snifr ht is Rj
to health atter Clot tot's, tttd oven the
best at ho'tl,tttti trt ttnr'itA, have sailed to ;
b'netit them.. .ilu)t,tt,r th.,t.t) NOW have' G''
11,011 luittk;<f
John 1 l tl tide \i'1. is Mrs.,lo'lt .
Potter. a J ttivwsell l;Clea':i in Virellaurl- It..
port, (Jot. Speakieg abunt her ilJnr•s3 It
to a rep c)vt I .•lire Pot ti r F,ri+t: " Al'ontt 1.
tlirt'e rani., ,';.k) 1 •,utY,n',Afront severe
ireacl:islrc, owl palpitation •of tho heart.
1. Was vert \v. ilk and heel a eolisiftnt
fa ns rti rot weariness \v:.n'll no amount t
or s! til) 0,o,.,,,, o t N'oun's At its::lit I poor- 1
slur€d freqty and, would wa]:'i up in the
uuu)rtling ill a ver 4 ' af' ,-t.J1 rt. Condition, a
1'o Ina se hlla'tert, wo : r• in.- lr.,uble bo..
canto aggravated with Eli,).•_, ailments so
('etn:nu:t t) ztiy s•rx. 1 \v;t:•la:Aiictrtl vit:i
tilt s and so bac( v:. r.' toy that a'.- !
though at ctiferent titan's .I haat trent=,
nletlt from five tloot•ty.N t?„',; i';3tl•:'ri to I
e.ire in':. I then went. CJ tato hospital in.;
Ilautiiten, and although it received the .„
boost triattili"tat that ct'nbl i7' given there, I •
w'ttS Lt, b . ctt'd. I retort -tool to t -tool It.,nt i ^.'
1. �i
\t h mu oli A .- :told„orfs coal it WAS tilOil a
J (cCtcli' . that I would try I)r. \,'illinin:,' �
Pink !'gb its
1,+ 1, 1 t,:,. 1 )t a �u');,1; awl •l:;:tu ,
taking thio, and ta t ereat !entitle; -1
toot) they vary s,llm in r•.'1 to hoop, tun. J
and 1.,n1, -t' their coatitlu'•1 u'e- !toy auL:r'-
tit' returned,t::,''1""s'' eiou; ,
. t.l .1.. oral violent ' �,
poli,ltati•)!. of 1i;:' )n art die:app':''[roil, ! e
lay wei„ltt inertias l incl all the trtnll,]r.; ;
that mad'. troy lift. so' totiso..ralde vanish -
It v: ili givrt me grea` pleusiere if i ty 1
c•:tpol.'u'ueo NV1111011(1 SO:tlik other suffiear I
to try these pills, as I ant sure tli.'y will I
hr bino•fit hsl."
I)r. Williams' Pitt% Pals are e7'tally
yalutibL' to both met( tied woapieii. They
Care rhep.nintisttt, s'tttica, itidney;
tr,nt:,le, uearaleia, 0-utse;apt iota -heart i
ailments, femnlo wrr:tl,uta;,, salrl restore',
the snow r:i' health ret hide and Sal/Ow ;
cheeks, Tliert' are many iniitatiotit of j
chis groat medicine thiol the i1(lrt•iratirr'
sit-tnitl nl'yays s.e that', .the fall. name, !
” Dr. • Williams' Pink P]11s for P,,1a t
People," is on the wrapper around every' i
box, Sold by ell medicine dialers or
t by mail box 1
post paid at s )' a
t l ,(c. l 11.4 1' .
six bnsav fur'2,50 by writingdira(t• ro j �+
the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- I
e, Out.
11111.7$'4E L 3. • I
Ono day recently Mrs. .7. J. Gilpin
amputated the eucl of the third' firer on
bar right hand in a very simple manner.
She had raised up the window sash to
put in the wire fly sercen when like a
flash down came the sash with. a crash,
and catching the finger instantaneously
severed the end of the digit. • •
Tuesday of last week the Ownership
of the Queen's hotel, Brussels, passed
from Stretton Bros. to Joseph .Querrin
incl the latter is now in charge. The
uew proprietor is contemplating a num-
ber of improvements to put the house in
favorable b comparison with the best
houses in the country.
The. pleasure of the eventful 12th
was sadly marred early in the ceed-
ings by the unfortunate accident that
befell B. Gerry by- which both bones of
his left log were broken about half way
between the knee and the ankle. His
big toe on the left foot was also dislocat-
ed and a couple of the'other toes slightly
damaged. Mr. Gerry was one of the
marshals and his horse slipped and in
falling on the rider's leg the damage
above mentioned was speedily done..
On Wednesday, 10th inst., a very
pretty house wedding took place at the
home of David B. Moore, in the presence
of a large namber of relatives and friends
of the contracting parties. The bride
was Miss Lizzie B., second daughter of
the host and hostess, aucl the groom D
A. McQuarrie, of the mercantile firm of
McQuarrie & Grimshaw, of the growing
town of Rainy River, in New Ontario.
Promptly at 11 o'clock, to the strains of
Mendlesshou's wedding march, played by
Miss Jennie Habkirk, the bridal party
took their places in front of a bank of
palms and ferns and under a beautiful
floral bell. The little maid of honor
was Miss Annie Moore, of Toronto,
niece of the bride. The cerehnony was
performed by Rev: D. B. McRae, of
Craubrook, in the absence of Rev. Jno.
Ross, B.A., of whose congregation the
bride was au esteemed member.
Mr. John F. Stewart of 305 King
street west, Toronto, died on Sunday in
Montreal General Hospital while under-
going an operation. Tho first intimation
his family received ,of ,l)ie, illuess iveis a
message on Saturday night stating he
was about to undergo an operation, De-
ceased was a salesman for the 'Toronto
Upholsterers' Safety Co., and had been
in Montreal several weeks looking after
the firm's affairs there. He was about
52 years of age, and had been in business
in Clifford and Brussels, boot had held
his present position since the business
was owned by Hess Bros. Deceased
leaves a tirWOW, who is a sister of Mr.
John teazle of Brussels, and two sons,
The funeral to the Brussels cemetery on
Tuesday afternoon was very largely at-
Mr. Angus lIoIIenzie had a very sue•
oessful barn raishig on Tuesday of last
Mrs. Duhtoan AMoKinnon returned to
her hotno in Algoma last week,.
after a pleasant visit with friends au
Cnlrossand. Kinloss. She was acoom-
panfed by Mrs. Margaret .Iteniietly and
misslllary ],fes innon. •
el wt. i:.,
dN '•�%
..t+::,,.>.�.<a,m..A..�e�rt�m..a;,.:A.�a�rA.•.w.�s=:car: ---� �.:.-�t�t�rw,.�,
We i)()lfghlt to-) heavily in I..'tdigs' Sh;i't' W.L1:4t`i ant1
Whitt -wear. 'rt.' •• a C inay Lav .still gi
s�} ,,, y(,. sold •Li lilt 4. kd ri� Lave still � i}i )E El
varitct.y t() choo';e from. If values w:11 t:O it, the i:lltl:.r"
mentioned p;o:x.ls should lil()ve out E-:+,lickl\`.
i7 ,�
Coo l': early, lt;;for:. some of the b•:.st things are, gone.
wwr'ra::.x:cma vaysp�,ry (gas:airy%ram=_ w,-_z„N�a�,.z.+.tnc+.t�,., %•^-V+a,4+�.:•a-;^7.,+,wv�Mr.�� +nxs'a•'s.:.•'�z+a�..M VMM
WA; t., IL -.•,+'1 T 11'k� !'Lt' It
s;y1..,,, ft: •:O,.. . 1.•74 sat,: ,,1, ,11`t
V u ,:r;]r.� •"tLe,U•]al^e, .3'li'31•'PI'nit.r,
s' -td ,::'itis .: 1. diol' r tta:i CIO:4 tern,
a r!=atla t• v:•i'r,�rld! t ..ilc .
ti T 70 t:f r n • L1.4' 1 i :tt (sowns, f1111,
•tl.• , 1 t rt. WO, :We+11+711-
7' it
ai --
7'tt a, ,a gt.' Yt, , •;1, ', t,tt i ;.t .:1
Oreo .' ..'n tdtirt '.Vn 4r:,, ts,Yertt•d p1.t-
�,, lj ,rin•: , .'.Juts, earth node. i,•; atom'
;,:tle price
r oc;:'a int nt tthfrt \+ta.t, in t n:.n+, .
print.:lyd atre-11.1:•-, r•", dyer vela a t ').•,
tu..'.er at - - - - .71
25 0
Cue (1..5'77 •C:,:=t C . - r:, )'rut. '1.,.iity
cotton, 111,' tri:n,luSt'`:, rpt; !re. 'willt.2�•
Tv. -o t1°'„'n l:rt', °(T)nrv-
rr'. , u'lytrit:ll;ad,ge,ti uht'atarse,
Fal,: i,ri('t - - ...
i•o e
A inn n: l\ rads er fw.t (nln.•u, w.''l
ala '
good value at •+t.O'). t•! clear at .es
Ladles' ~White ::r or ,Tld3 v'•lt 1,11•:1:
or white bands, regular value 10v, to. •
• Blear 7t, - - - 115
t$it ..50
A line o: nice Shirt W aists,tw kite or eel -
0 -ea, wittt insertion tritluning, re;:.
utile value 1e ea, sale price - $1.40
S,n:nm,'r Corsets alt siw.si, strong, reg-
ebalar velueUs, tale price
Three IIO,z"): Corset. (,)s 'r• eau. c . rnha•ta
nits..)`. aurae end 1211411: y
pri''1 .4%th.;v.uet
ay• ,-
.A sorn;al line of - t lY W'aa-,ty white nr
e. 'rn A 4. t' •er
style, ,gotal. rattle at x1.25,
. 1,;ds• uri,'n • - - 1si.ray
Tl,: re 'toren p.: d:t'.s' ear, white flnmbric
Harts, with, h deon frill. incited, Nettle
tt'i111r,1..i.,, • reg $14.3, al .•Slit' l,l'IE'ts ...(CS
.v& 5
Lari'^4 filo shirt `\.a pts, In litieh, lawn
011(1 a t,itlei'ys, te„ orator preen 51,11(1,
'your choice for ;51.21
•. 1..o•
0;u: dozen Ladle 1.190clt Patarniswith
st,,et , J+t, 11:Ce 1:::-„ullkN, rex 51. d,, s:elo' 1.11
15 ',lair Ladies Cholndate Donaela Shoes,
turn 1011', good vuute at 5l.2.,, to etcau'
0 doz extra. duo ribbed Casshtnsre'Ho c,
seamless, fast black, gvo:l vain,)lltie ft,r.25
I. 1. ISA
.4,qamosiotte.zsion2.11.24,0,43'. mom,
�.,► Co.
Opposite Bank of Hamilton.' Highest ploidy paid la Produce
E..ST W41 WAI(o ir.
Mr. Chris .Tohnston was in St. Thomas
last week attending the funeral of his
brother, William.
Mr. John Ross, son of Mr. Thos. Ross,
of East Witsvanosk, was calling ou his
old. Clinton friends on Saturday. Thir-
teen years ago he was one of the most
clever students of Clinton Collegiate,
and ten years ago went west, teaching
in various spools until he- became one
of the leading teachers iu Edmonton
Collegiate Institute. He 'was • recently
selected as Principal of the Dawson City
Public Schools, to which duties are
joined that of Inspector of all the
schools in the Klondike district, at a
salary of $3600 a year. I'Ie enters on his
duties on the kith of August, and left
this week for the west, as he will stop
for a short time at Regina. That he
will prove successful in his new Position
goes without saying—all Huron boys do
—but Mr. Ross' experience in the west
already, together with the training he
got at Clinton Collegtate, speciaily
qualifies him for the more responsible
duties he is about to eater on. One of
the schools Mr. Rosstaught during his
residence west, was in the midst of the
Mormon settlement, and his testimothy
is decidedly favorable to this class of
settlers; he says they do not practice
polygamy in Canada at all, though prob-
ably some of thera had plural wives bo -
fore leaving the States.—Clinton 'Now
At the last meeting of the Presbytery
of London, held in Ailsa Craig, Rev. J.
H. Brtice, B. A., of Toronto, was or-
dained to the'ui.itiistry and •desigrtatetl
es a missionary to Ronan, China. The
reason of the ordination being held in
Ailsa Craig lies the in fat;( that th-• e
joint congregation of that place and
Carlyle (Rev. W. H. Geddes, pastor)
has recently decided to contribute ., $1500
annually for five years toward the sup-
port of one of the missionary candidates
who had offered for service. The for-
eign mission eouhmitteo was highly
pleased with the proposition, consider-
ing the strength of the congregation,
and at once allotted the above named
gentleman. In the raising of this fund
n0 canvass was made, but instead sub-
scription cards Were issued to the niemb-
ors, with a short explanation of the pro-
posed pian, Which had been previously
submitted from the pulpit, with
the approval ()Me joint session. These
carets were returned with the above re-
stilt. 'Thepastor asked the people ,from
the start .to make the .matter a subject
for prayer, believing that apart front
the. direct resnit.the congregation \vottld
reap n,spiritthttl:benol1Ji. This And' will
not represent the td)tte] mis5iobarr giv-
lugs of the coLgregat3W , lke1hgX or tot
special object. It is,littereotimg• to, note,
also that the nehghbori"ri , griiration of
Nairn and .Beechwood JtlsMiliott,,
pastor,) has for some years been con-
tributing a substantial portion of the
salary of Rev. J. A. Mbomou, also of
the Henan staff. Their last payment
for this purpose was over A$i1a0,00.; This
plan of individual congregational sup-
port for the foreign missionary appears
to be steadily .gaining throughout the.
Christian church. and bidsfair tot.
prove a great impetus to the morerapid
spread of the Christian faith amongst
the people 'lvho have theretofore lived
and cited in ignorance of its saving
The Rev. W. H. Geddes referred to
above was formerly pastor of Calvin
Presbyterian church in this township_
His old friends will be pleased to learn.
of his success nt his present charge.
Stoles tile C4n,gh
and works off tho Cul[.
Latative Broinn•Ctttutine Tablets cure a olid In
one clay. 1 o Curt no, Par. Price 21 cents,
Stratford is likely to have a tax rate
of 24 mills.
Immigration front Great Britain to
Canada, which has averaged about 11,-
002 yearly for Ave years past, increased
17,000 last year.
Lily Stacey, a young girl employed it:
the Stormont Cott. n Mills ,at Ceruwail
in tl 'la and Ii`'
was' caught a i;hp�t.l.l c}1y .>,,
her scalp torn off.
The revenue from Chinese immigra-
tion to Canada for the year ending 5'ime
30 atnoe.nts to $314,972, compared with
$178,104 during the previous year, The
poll lox last year was iuereased'frohn $50
to x100; the number wlio paid the tax
was 3,525, compared with 2,51S in 1900.
]no escaping the get is of CChstiml'Tp-
64 11; hill thtyhrf with health. f•3tealtit.
isour• oiil iltleatl .
�' y s of �illitlg theta.,
Scott's ilitilsi n of eod-liver oil
will give you that '(health, if any.
thing twi11.
POI leikt* tiANtpl.t *AV IF.
itat'itr ***air, CWTM,4 , *MOW*:„6c, MU] $1.00; mi druggist*.