HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-07-17, Page 6From the
Sanctum Mill
P ttrIphS from our excheoges
r dry goeste etore will siker y be Mr. John McDttirneul of the 4tlt oot4-
,.» iu I raseeIL cession of KiU1th s has leen appointed
"lea partnership of tits b taking ern, Judge at the weeteru fair, hi London,
ia° & oseeeel at I"ueenoy hies been on imported Clydesdale and English
yell. Mr. tart+°. ,d. $4410,ll wilt ecu. Shire hursee,
ifie the boeinesa. Rur4oelc Blood Bitters is a purely
1",ritisil'1'rtx) > Oil Liniment is w]tltatst v st:014We combiaitttun, that in o safe
1 • en reined for unit mound. uutuuer Bets directly ttpou
etteeptiton the must tt]'et tt the Bowels, Liver. Kidney s burl Blood,
Out Wounds, 'Ulcers, Opeu eeri'k,
ttlxtautuftt1S u, Bite% lend Stings of In -
etc A. large bottle 25 crate. Get
outs at Tour Druggist's,
King Edward's recovery is going to
tirol a Large number of the oldest heed).
i.tante who were preparing to boast that
they had listed under live British sover-
Children Cry for
Ernest Dill of Exeter, a carpenter at
work on a new building, fell forty feet
to the street below, out' although utt-
,iioeeious ti'in% pinked up, was not beri-
ously %ujnred.
Good health is Impo.sible without
rel.uler, action t.f the Lem els. Hilburn'
Lata—Liver Pills regulate the bowels.
cure eonetipati011. dyspeps'tt, biliousness,
tick headaohes and all affections of the
•organs of digestion. Price 25 cents. AU
Mr.. Henry Young of Hallett. received
a tui.nature menagerie . from his brother,
N. A. Young, of Cypress River,
Manitoba, on Monday. In the collectiou
were two prairie wolvt s, one jack rab-
bit, three gophers and one ;striped gop-
On;Wednesday, Jame 25th, Rev. D, B.
Melte, of Graubrook, spoke the magic
words at the hoarse of the
bride's father, 17th con., Grey, which
made Wm. J. Shields and Miss Mary
E. Machan, both estimable yonug people
of this towushtp. Husband and wife. A
very pleasant evening vas enjoyed.
Maley wec]eliug prostitute were preseuted
to the bride and a wedding spread pro-
vided. that was gotten up in first class
Children Cry for
i'Ieanstng the entire eysteut tit all
intensities, foul Munroe and obstructions
that poisuu the blood and create ttibease.
The Queen's hotel at Brass da was solei
by Sht'tton Bras. last week to Joseph
Qnerrin, of Listowel, for the sunt ot
$7,500. The new proprietor took posses-
siou this week..
The voting on the by-law to take
$30,000 stook in the Huron, Bruce and.
,Grey Eiecerie Beltway, in the towushtp
ut Ashfield on Tuesday, July Sth, re•
suited in the by-law being defeated by
GO majority.
The editor of an exchange bad written
upna long editorial with convincing logic
On, the subject of trading with home
xnerohnuts, but ohm iu the round of
the towel he saw the merchants writing
their letters on baking powder letter
heads and some of them usiro stationery
wocnred at sone cheap John printing Thera isllo form of kidney' tronblr,
house out of town, because it was n t front a backache (town u to Bright's
,cheaper, he went back to leis office and 1 disease, that Doan's Kidney Pills will
tore up ]tis effort. It's a poor rule that not relieve or cure.
If you are troubled with any kind of
doesn't work both ways.I kidney eonrplamt, use Dean's Kidney
To make -money it is necessary to 1 Pi:1s.
have a clear,bright brain a cool head free, At three o'clock- Thursday„ morning
from pain, and strong, vigorous nerves. the harbor lit=he situated on the end of
Milburn's.Heart and nerve Pills invigor- e
ate and brighten the braiu, strengthen
the nerves, and remove all heart, nerve
and brain troubles.
Itt the death of Mr. John N. Ross,
•which, took plane at the family resi-
dence, Lucknow, on Suuday, July 6th.
there is. removed from our midst one Of
tke• oldest; atl.,l,,let 1grtfi)vu residents of
t )i»;ee.. , Deeeaaed had been a resi-
"'deist of LtYc'h'uatt^ for over quarter of a
Century,. and for several years heel been
prominently identified wvitn our mad -
mord affairs, having held the office of as-
sessor and collector for along time. He
was born in 18:20 on the Island of Maur.
itius on the Indian Ocean, and was in
his 73r1 year at the time of his death.
The folllowing may prove useful to
our readers: A liniment that is very
simple tontake, bat is very efficacious
in results, is composed of kerosine, cam-
phor of
phot �nm and sweet oil. Put- a P
kerosine into a quart bottle, add as
much camphor gum as as will
dissolve, adding a little more cam-
pher and gum day by day for three
days; then add half a pint of Sweet oil,
shake thoroughly, cors: well and put in
03nu13l_ C:antnria a144,44w73 be rr*< the Signaturi
of Chas. Li, FU,;te:h:r.
When Ileby was sick. we gave '.•er Cs1storia.
Whet; she was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became :hiss, she dun.; to Castoria.
When she had Chiidreu,shegave them Castoria,
TIE 11'IN(11A)1 TIME: JiJX 1
The inunigeatiou iutu Canada fQr the • V le"Y t1RPR�S112 R PORTSit
sumo, year eudinet June Nth wire llecl
it ,otlo, telt int'reatle oY la,ilao. A fury CO'E IN >aORriot,!kf OlIER'$ RACK,
Neettertei returns. are Jet tQ corn!) W
but the Statement iso tar (showa t.wt of
the uewoounrs, 24,095 cera frQn4 the
States, 2:1,535 num laurupe, and l7,Oirt
t>•uut *num.
rul,ttl;r ti;uurr�
"how many s ;'.us family quarrels.
inaritiiges pelt Ux bplae and ltitearoteee Mt
w4.Ip aught, have been preveutud be tt
t enth burn ut pita. ` t�`itll tl±e 434444
tutu kitluet a bl. ugblslt, and torpid, diaes-
thuu la. itutlan•ru Litt teutttur rttthla,t.
.Sat 1)r- Uuaso'b Et•tuey-i4vvl, larks by
luwhboratLL g. the autluu LIE tatese urstnis
ensure good digestion anti sound. lteut,n.
One pitta (tube, 25 ceute at box.
Ou itsriday, July 4th, Miss Sara Code,
at very highly esteemed young, !arty at
Trowbridge, paid Nature's debt, after
a soniewlutt leugtll.ened. Muses, toted 37
years and 11 days. Miss. Ootie oonduet-
ed a dressmakiug business iu Brussels
for bQIne time mid had a Large cirole ot
friends. elle paeseti away from serest
triulnphiug in the faith el Iter cltiiilhoud.
People iu the country who are an-
noyed by the flies should remember that
clusters of fragrant clovor wltieli grows
by nearly every roadside, if hung in a
room and allowed to dry and shed its
fuiut fragrant perfume tltrettglt the air,
will drive away inure flies than sticky
saucers- of molasses. and other fly traps
and fly papers eau ever collect.
Tuesday morning' of last week Win.
Ce. Bell and Miss Elizabeth Clerenda,
daughter of Henry Fogel, all of Grey
township, were uuited in the holy estate
of tuatrtmouy by Rev. R. Pant, at Vic-
toria Cottage, 13nasse]s.
Wm. A. Husband, who recently re-
signed as clerk and treasurer of Preston,
had held the position for 46 years. Ou
Tuesday evening of last week Ile was
presented with a leather upholstered.
chair by the Preston council.
For Cholera Morbus, Cholera
Infantn►n, Cramps, Co1Le, Di:wncte:t.
Dysentery, and Sutnmer Complaint, Dr.
Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is
a prompt, safe and sure cure that leas
been a popular favorite for nearly 60
There are 1,600 boot and shoe fac-
tories it. the United States, employing
112,000 men, using $170,000,000 worth
of materials a year and turning out
products worth at whclesale $261,000,-
The Rev. Mr. Livingston has been in
Windsor since July 1, 1898, and iu that
time he has manial. at the parsonage
1.098 couples. Ir* additiou to these he
has tied many a nuptial kuot in the
homes of members of his congregation
Deafness Canrot be Cured
A mass of strange syulptome are often
reported as reltev'ed ilk• Uv. Pitt her e
$.tekaeue l ttlut'y To blots, s"tuptuwt-
thcat urn geuet'at•ly eul(autuu to taloa
rllSethbcii 51001 IltuSU .of .the !atones thud
blowier. `ride, however, is not lie ell
u,•prisihee when we cuusitter the. frit(
that lite ittdueyss, tilt urinary triter, tamm
the bowels aro the gletit waste (life s id
the sybtuut, lint the •perfeot turktug .of
these tiegautl ;mews the ell inn:item ot
tilt Witte of Ilieta.ria) that retained and
realist/flied would evert s' trutsblu i.a, t':'
titrecttous. It is doe then to this rid-
dance of the system by the ki(ttlry nod
bowels of wva..rti uu(t citengtsrous sub-
stances,'kind awl solid, teat• toilet iv
obtained by so nxigiv inttattces ft'out
eymptouts they are not utivertittd to
Mr's 1). M. Iitq", 'S"1et„rile. St., 'Meg -
nem, says,--''B4Olteclie and Kitiva'y
trouble 1. wive ,ad t..1' Sonet tittle; Ole
attatits being lieletaiftre hitter:tined end
Ihte to 11 Metter"}' 11.*111b141,„ T got utt rupuut-
mendetu►,t a bottle of j)r. Pitt'io,r's
Baokiu:1w Kidney Teeters: .of Colin
Cxtnpbette drto gi;t, atal ate pleased to
stay to day tatty are 0 good medicine,
Tnev aote•t Wen r,ith pie and gave toe
comfort quickly. I used but the one
bottle and aid pleased to pay it gaud
word for then es they deserve
Ile vu aloos1ug 1)e. }atelier's lltiokeehe
1iiciuey Tabl,rax see that Dr. ]:'itchi'e'r
ptertruir end sigpa are are on the peek -
nue, othertt leo yin are being in pusC4
Mari prairie withthe world's tjrain
yield; �-.
ft dew: not always fall to true lot
of ,t tl•overtltix'nt to N itnt:ss the good;
acmuitrt of missionary zeal; but !sere
let thenada wet aro oonstautly .soaping
N beet' we leave town ;, and Mr. McNeill
reports that the rC551.lt of the forward
Polies of the 'Minister of algrit shut,)
oi' ulresdy in the fl•riit ,section led
tet mere in the older portion- of Oa-
i'lric' to itbandon their former slovext-
lin isle mid tee go la for slain cultiva-
tion ;
txltiva-tion; while at the shover district's the
frt:it g;owa'l r,s thetxt'iolvet sq appre-
t'i•t .s wait t heti been dense to It. lee them
t'lut; tll'''y !heve b'Com. l:vitlg Oxpon-
a'nts of tho Isis me policy, . t
'i'ai recur) putt maintitin I)rofitable
apple cultivation after following out
tite ww•ptk; necessary, everything de-
li ncls upon ilia veriot•s' cultivated.. The
grower runttt prcduco whet ill, marv::t
requires th, market will no Mager be
con tea to. ad Ipt ]molt to !:lia wwhints
ef• tl,.t grower. No ,natter stow male
thy or prelltio a to s, uvty b2 if the
!resit be nett of tits right variety, it
t3 :-a1tT, le'Se, f
t7ndoebteclly winter varletie • are
those that are paying !vest.
!lin Voir variet!!es of appia.•r ih•tt aro
revolving the most attention now are
ald wins tenGremlins. and
11 wins, Davis,y ,
,t.1pil,4. 'AS those varieties clover only
the fall enol Winter months, it ie .Cer-
tainly tot• wise to overlook entirely
the early .sort e dioceses) there must
spring op a market for the earlier
novel as soon us 'the others itavo got
the, market securely.
Top grafting hes received a ,great
deal of attention this spring. The
at eraga farmer thinks there le some
mystery about: grafting, .so It is very
gratifying this year to fled him
amena.blt. to culture on the point. it
is gratifying to discover 'how many
farmers are taking up grafting, for
where it has boon put into practice
by local applications as they *cannot .. -- it has been eminently suecessiul. Qno
tenet the diseased portion of the ear. Ontario farmer who hid nrsver grafted
There hi only dna way to euro deafness, 'a �+ �+ a tree in Lias life, after hearing Mr.
anti that is by eonstftutioual remedies TO .J Ai � 11 0 c. il + M*Neill!e lcoture sorne time ago top
Deafness iti ceased by au inflamed ct)u- ___ gra! to 1 a large number in his orchard
ditiou of the ixlRCgnn' lining of the Los- Cart of' Crcherde,— Insect Pesto,— and his losses were linden three per
Malden Tube. when this tuba is in-
flamed cent. of tho number grafted. Grafting•. Gratin '
you have a rumbling &Quad or g should be made a part of
imperfect hearing, and. when it is.en- In the older parts. of Ontario. fueh every boy's cduoation. ' Notwith-
tixely closed, deafness is the result, and as ti,'c counties of Middlesex,. L'ertle standing all the care the nurseryman
unless rhe inflammation cAu be taken Oxford and Drina, its well as tt esor- ` 11i►a mail? inive to his the eerious varieties mistakes if
out and this tube restored to its normal
tier* of Huron, where iha most appir•s fox, no other; reason every lute should
condition, heariug will be destroyed for -grew le times gone by to -clay thorn 1 know how to perform so .simple an op-
eration as. grafting.. •
Treess have individualism just as
animals Have; and for reasons that o E
wo cannot explain one tree with ap-
parently no bettor chance than an -1
other growing by its side, of the seine 'es -asses -
variety, wilt be, prolific while the
other is oolnporatively barren.
The best orchards of the future will
he thcisa that are planted with some
hardy vigorous stock like ou r Tallman
Sweet, a Macmahon's White; and
when these have formed a stock ahead
at two or three. years old thy may be
top grate from .selected trees.
As the nuxscryman practices propa-'
gation iia exercises no discrimination
becatraa his cuttings are i.roni produc-
tive axis non-productive trees alike,
and more often than not they are
take Isom, trce:9 that have not come
into bearing at all, consequently he
mast perpetuate a gocd many poor
p:ct>:.t:pi. 't �..
The man who tcpgrafU'has an op-
ever; niue cases out of ten are caused is rt glutei neglect of young tree plunt-
by catarrh, which is nothing but aur in- ing as well as of pruning,. and the net -
1 mucous surfaces.
flamed condition of the to c, •a , . , d:utnutiott in the
We will give Clue Hundred Dollars for q.t,entity of apples growwn and a de -
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) ' cline in tho quuhty of the fruit pro-
thttt cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh dt.eed. 'Newt in Grey, in the north -
Cure. Send for circulars, free. teener') part of Durham, and in the
F. J. CHEZ EY & CO., Toledo, O. county of Northumberland, th 1 young
Sold by druggists, 7u -e. orchards are just about equal to the
Hall's Family Pills are the best. older ones in number, showing that
planting is there going on vigorously.
A lane old gentleman who died on It. the former cases there is no doubt
July 7th was David Henderson, fete the tree- are planted •from .some tw••en-
and generous in Itis nitercourse, ]tit d <i ase no exactve to t knowledge, y years oof, and.there, when per -
and sociable in his nature, cordial and hip_, but little experience, in varieties
constant in his friendship, not a ss e :k —when early apples were in demand,
of cant or hypocrisy in his composition- wwll�i: th : soil was new. when insect
pest, and fungous diseases were rare,
He had been for seine years in maul- end wnen th., anis ,Chill required was
cipal politics having been reeve t f simply tc't. k the fruit. 'Under 1 ho"e
Huron township and as suck was a . circumstances the business of apple
member of the Ciltmty Council. 'sir, growing was execedingly pro fitablo;
but tiers 5 cn cat n_ a g'.tt:, of • ,the
Henderson was an untmmpromisiug mealier varieties.. They were net t,
Liberal of the old school but political, suiteble. for the c•tport-trade, for that pertuntty to examine a thousand
as Soon as the haute mai was sup- ,
Imes were no barrier to his friendship.tLct s, and, ..olcetinai the best can tcp
plied tiros was no lute— her call for graft ]tis wwh+it± orchard wwicli the. St. Thomas Times: Morgau Wood, then Th_ ,coil last somohing of its fident ('npectation of having nearly all
who is a preacher, but does not want to vergae freshness; the trees would not hie trees approach very near in merit
be called "Rev.," has had another grew is(' well ; and with the ineroneed that one ill, fin -thousand that he
ma a quad- z
$1,000 tacked on to his salary and now .
number of trees there ca 4 se' sc.e(i for. his grafting. { M
ropiest tucr-'•lsc in fun^rous disease and I
hat is
Castoria is for Infants anti Children. Castoria is iti
substitute for Castor 011, Paregoric, Drops
harmlesssr* st
and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium,
Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant,
its guarantee is thirty years' use by Minions of
Mothers. Castoria destroys •Worms and allays Feverish.-
floss, Castoria cures Diarrhea and Wind Colic. Castoria
relieves. Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and
Flatulency, Castoria, .assimilates the rood, regulates
the Stomach and Bowels er Infants and Children, giving
healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's
Panacea—The Mother's Friend.
"Cantoria is an excellent medicine for
children. Mothers have repeatedly told me
of its good effect upon their children.”
DR. G. C. os000n, towdll, .)lass.
"Cnstoria Is so web adapted to children.
that t recommend it as superior to any pre-
seriptiou.known to nae."
II. A. ARCHER, N. D. Brooklyn, N. Y•
gets $5,000 a year for ministering to
'insect pests, Not only was theta a Oust reason why top grafting cannot
be recommended to the average farm
the north pier at Kincardine was struck Plymouth Congregational :church in inning, off in the demand for the par- er ind•
iseriminatcly is that he cannot
by lightning and burned. Upward of Cleveland. He doseu't object to being • tia.uiar variety they were growing. but always indt:o.d, to do the wworle at
100 gallons of coal oil was in the build- i called "Dr." He wvas o alar in ioi- there was an increased difficulty in the prol)1r time or iu the proper man-
ing, and the efforts of the firemen were popular groaning any variety ; hand farmers
onto a few years ago, but was induced got the idea tint there was net money ncr. Ile cannot always to trusted in
nt:ltva:livg.. to cross the line because of some critic- to be got out of apples, and thee; .let tho matter cf tetion. And he is
the!.- orchards run wild, they allowed too apt to be careleless and indifferent,
Rey. W. W. Stoddart, a well-known ism front members of his flock there, it lce.•arlrg the greater number of his
Goderieli boy, is now formally in charge moxior s insects to multiply and fou -
of the:Ptesbyterian congregation at Leb-
aucia, lteutucky. At a meeting of the
Presbytery ou the 13th ulto, be was ex-
amined and ordained as a minister, and
installed as pastor of the Lebauon church.
To prove to you thab Dr.
Chlse's Otntmentisnccrtain
incl absolute euro for each
1 o itching,
-6 and every form t g,
bleeding and protruding piles,
the manufacturers have guaranteed it, See tes-
timonials in the daily press and ask your neigh-
bors what they think orit. You can use it and
get rourmonev back if not cured. Mc a box. at
all dealers or EnM4NSON,B4TES & Co., Toronto,
E)r. Chase's Ointment
A happy home was made cheerless
and desolate when Mrs. Edward Daw-
son of the Lake Shore, south, died on
is said. Auyway, he is a clever an
popular preacher who can command a
$5,000 salary.
gou.s ciseases to run their tourse, with
the inevitable result that the orch-
erds' mere almost ruined. In the Geor-
glen ay district,,
dtffic.ult to persuade farmers that or -
Go, L Health for Capital chat ds can be made to pay ; but every
Maintaining good health is to the one eshorld understand that to be a
majority : of people the most vital socccssful apple grower he must
question in the world and nature affords choose writable varieties, adopt clean
no more efficient strengthener for the or*' a ivatien, pursue .systematic pruning
systent and restorative for the nerves spray at the proper time in the proper
than Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Naturally, mousier with thl proper ,elutions, and
gradually, and. certainly it forms new, dircet careful attention to cover crops.
red corpuscles in the blood, creates new, "Whero ignorance is bliss 'tis folly to
healthy nerve cells and pots into the Witt'," itt not in the science of horticul-
system the soap, energy and vitality that tore. This the Dominion Depart-,
defies disease, mem OI Agriculture is trying to instil
into tip minds of fruit growers by
means of lecture; and object lessons.
One of the very oldest settlers of sir A. McNeill, acting chief fruit jn-
Mitchell passed away suddenly on Fri- swam, is engaged in this work, and
trees ungrafted to a serious detri-
ment: of the symmetry of the orchard.
Department of Agriculture, Ottawa,
however it is not June.24, 1902.L
i ea
July 5th. She had been married only day evening in the person of Thomas hb�s to �grctv15 IOU ot nit succi fully, pro
a few years and her death is a severe! Worth. He was born in Cornwall, Eng- fit .s ly, and ready for gale. ile ro-
blov to her husband and the hosts of a land, March 6, 1816, and came to Can- rcitgut a inecting ir, a central !seal-'
friends she made since she came to ada in 1830, settling on the farm now ity and •spends from half an hour to
occupied by sir. James IsTethercott: an hour in-dlecview-
turing and vie -
a sate place for future use. For burns, Heron township. East Mitchell Road, Fullerton. The erirg all sects of ec guts, tions put r•o him,
On Wednesday of last week at the by growers and others. Then be pro -
sets, bruises, stiff neck or joints, sonoplace was then a wilderness. Some cent!& with his audience to a nearby
tont bunions and a few other ills to home of the bride's parents, Con. 8, Bin- years after, 1850 we think it was, he orchard, where he commences 'an ex -
moved. with his family to Mitchell, peditie in soarcl2 of noxto'tt insects,
where he remained until his death. Itis an l fergi. Baying discovered a pest
(micd.perhaps by a magnifying glass)
'Which flesh is heir, relief is said to be loss, Miss Kate Stewart was was mar-
;ilimst magical when the linimentis rip -
i tied to Mr. Arch. McMillan of Dakota,
formerly of Lucknow. Req. G. M.
plied, wile predeceased him by 17 years he nest per-
to prepare his or-
Dnun performed the ceremony in the Iliwas aged 86 years aid 4 months and Beaux mixture, and then aprayra ibe
i h 4 I C{ i8 n ry forDunn
of about one hundeed and fort t g
yinfe l s parts with the force: trump,
was father of Mrs. W. R. Davis, of
CAST + :ire guests, taking carr: to demonstrate as well as
��Rik 1 Mitchell. to explain the difference between
Cumplaiuts about the earliness ot bass Last Thursday afternoon a couple of Is g,
The Globe on Monday republished the fishing are being made to the Ontario
following among a number of paragraphs Pisherles Department. Many anglers
from. its issue of July 6th, 1852: "A pub- deelaro that they have caught fish since
Lie eiileetiug of the inhabitants of the the season opened on Jane iritis, whi:Ch
united counties of Huton, Perth and had not spawned. It is likely that the
Bruee was held in Goderich on the 20th date of the opening of the season will
ult. to consider the merits of two lines be changed to July 1.
of railroad, one connecting Goderich
Witis. Buffalo, via Stratford, Paris , and
Brantford, and the other connecting
Toronto with Goderich vitt Guelph and
Stratford, and to determine which of
these roads the united counties would
(rapport. There 'were about 1,300 people
present. Bach line was ably represent-
ed, The Buffalo line was represented
by the mayor of that city. The Toronto
tad Guelph line by Dr. Clarke and Mr.
Daggett. 'fir. Jones, Cotntnissioner of
the Canada Company, was appointed
�,n. A fedolutiost was adopted in
furor of the Daffalo and Brantford line
o Grated*, and also a resolution re.
uteri ire' atd'sn and Coanoil of the
ratted regress& to take stook id that litre
• to bite amt of not lea ewer ft1b11000 "
A well-dressed young woman entered
a Boston oar the other day and took a
seat next to a lean. Presently she
leaned forward and began to tie up her
shoe -lacing. It proved rather difficult
to do with her gloves on, but after a
while the passengers witnessing the per-
formance saw the feat accomplished and
the lady sit back calmly' gazing out of
the widow as if " she was always tying
her shoe " in electric cars. At the nett
stop the man beside her resp to get off',
but to ! there Cane a struggle and 'thou
horror, mutual and general. The two'
were fastened, not exactly hand and foot,
but shoe and shoe! So diligently' had
the lady tied the knots that the lacing
had to be out by it ready pocket-knife
• hower►v or sprinkling, and actual
rather mature age drove up to a certain spr:.; tog: for while spraying with
hotel here in town,about four m., p`. e it' is salvation to a plant, tree
to or filet tb. Flowering ur sprinkling
and after the landlord ushered them in mems se ry often destruction. All
and their horse had been put away, they insecticides and funeicities shout l wall
nett inquired where a minister could to on wit;"ration In the most delicate
found. A messenger was immediatelq Sjpurayr,'d. ciherwise the trees may 1>c in -
despatched and It was not long before Mr. Mt'Ncill fovea in his recent tour
the joyful news was proclaimed that tincotgb the counties already named a
they wished to become man and wife. gti1"1'4i bellet that. there were! no in"
The ininister, Who could not proceed [c4t.s this year: doing any damage.
p ill , ,gttffier soon discovered d hosts. of
insects. The oyster"shell bark louse
is very prevalent; 'the cigar case
tb??arca itt domes districts were quite
nurr,erons; the tent eateepili,ar wets in
evil nc•a but not setlawtly 1 and tho
shirt sleeves, well known in town, he tanker worm in some loosilties was
went bade to make the once married very pier,tiful; but for multitude the
man happy with his maiden bride. bird moth simply swarmed. 7'he roe
suit of tinting these pests %here they
After a' light supper wilioh can only to wero supposed to be consttiUugtis by
accounted for by the enoitentent they tlxt]t abeetce so struck the farmers
had undergone, they took the 6:45 train that. Air. bleNeili could hsvo sold. a
otrlrnollrfor a northeftt town. The mutes'vredi•
an object magnifiers
thon atvitneve
big of last Week was not in it with this : be forgottete; it was netuto .study :in
one. Their nanees were John Peaty of its etcsi tangible toren; it was that
practical' experimenting which leads to
the conservation of the desert into
a fruitful field, and clothc4 the din
without witnesses, looked around for
that much needed article, and finding a
young lady not dressed to attend a inar•
riage feast, and a nniarried pian, in his
A Wonderful Preparation
"ltokeo (let•.':,I 1'ufien," ;,iter, whole.
sotto..nourishing. highly r••rrnlended
:►y eliding ;Ore -elide es itu.l.tr is equal
.a, 11h cv„f.'o- brit only er'—th } the pi•1CP
,tris is marl :tt ne'..1 it sU•:ui of poison-
ing tame anti a„0'... 11% eoast;ttt (Ise
ltO1:(25) (te:tIE.a1, Coisle:ele will give
•ut vin,, vigin•. v iti° i,+. • :,' xi,y, stealth
tel.tren!_t.n. 44 i.;, ;n, -it cart' for
i” c;/.; iiia- fu.l+t; t:•"t., ae. ]tic. peek-
go-. 1.'.. lb. 'n' 2 I1,.,. for 2.5c. lr'gr'
•1' lit .4lit, (3ittullaa-
For sale in Wingham il- T S ME.t
"Ste ELVI1.
IJaborne treed Mira Wildon of -Hay.
before the eittbarf'asaed couple oottld be I flet. Th. Gifford performed the Leers.
separated.. l atony, --Clinton New ETA:
Are in. See our
$1 6, $18 AND $20
Not only the best
but the cheapest.
e •
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As an advertising medium is a most profitable -
and sure way to reach the public. Up-to-date
business men have long since recognized this
fact and are taking advantage of it.
Before buying else-
where. Also a special
line of PANT$NGS• Bvery-
thing you. want in the
Tailoring line can be
had and satisfaction
guaranteed. -
1Ytat1 Ant TAILOR.
. Good. Printing
Is absolutely essentialto the man who would
succeed lin the business world. That is the
only kind we do.
Large firms invariably judge their customers
by the kind of printed matter they use. Order
yours from the TIMES and you will stand bn. .
safe ground.
Orders sent by mail will be promptly executed.
W nghar
- Ontario I