HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-07-17, Page 5i
E \ 1NG1!AM T1 ES. JULY . 11102.
Tryyvvvrivvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvv''vyyvvvav VV I'f M 0. Bulini wale i,t Rror•.•tvis Ant l'tteadety'.
v'i YYY
qE y News
From Or
1 ►,
Mr. ►! , n A u
W J. � t l4 ! f Toronto, ia+ d't r
oe , 1r
of i 1 las iu town'.
tie }ns.1i iter e ! e11 Lt tib nut u
oil WVeduesuat) iiispecting the l uwiuk
I Inaulaiue,31,!t n books,
Will V1
What W1deaWalte Trines Correspondents Communicate -•- Other , t, t
i'r'ky�®��fl ��eir�e P 1r.J•rlauP1111erStanlntsl�ru+tlWcw
liutrey of '1'An•,anto wr, tire,
guest cf heir John V't elute, star lrol,uli►r t
p n
lint I! i 'day
21.pairs Moleskin Overalls, all sizes, regular price $1.00, sole , , . , ... , , , 779e.
Mens Blaolc Ribber Coats with cape, regular :52.50, sale .. $1.75
Iss► Men's Grey Rubber Coats, velvet collars, sizes 3L to 48, •regular
► regular $(h,00, sale ...... $3.50
21 pairs Men's Pauts, all sizes, regular $1,80 a pair, sale prion. , x;1.00
44 Items Clipped From Oiir Exohanges, nesday till butevers.
Mr. Eety of the Welker /wear had al- 1
.11 *same:sTOw x.. miens. 1 abet LO gueeta 00 Ssiuday nigite.
.>3 'e etre hurled to sen rile name of our I'�ev. Geo. McQuillan '11" Dir.. Devil .M11 •tr•s wtLa *s friend, l►ir. J,1 I. Coornbes, in tho list of farewell Ferrous- in Trinity cburett 'on to take the conies itl:tele, his returrie on
J.c•ulday last. Itis suer ssor will. be Rev. Teasley eveuieg befere Ittez a Ptuaru-
n af d
� '��� at p Qui an preached hist lJ e t hu e s ppointea
�i =-- ►• -ter
Twenty per cent discount off all
successful stadeuts au the recent Ontario
Norninie College examination. He will
now hold a profossiolial first elaaaa certi-
ii�ate, a professional specialist's rerun-
trate ' In to 1 s •len a c a
lu t ra sF c awl ,leo a public
school inspector's certificate, Mr.
Ceonibes is t ,be coegratelated on his
sneers its 110 diel not enter the collag
till two mouths of the term had expired,
l duannds, late of Preston. 't'nO polnilatiun eocerduig to his returns
. August Mr. John C. Ma meal), P. °A., Ph is 5-5.
Tallarodlfltllll3 lll1st,
A4 for
rllcr I3hytil goy:, who hes been Mr. Jas. E. Meek lett cu Tuesday for
i! physics '' 'Yt it s
lectureri pl ya,Irs ac 'Toronto Univers 11i, i �a,ba ou t u luras.
sits, has beau raised to the professorship Dir. Freak Wi „ h: arid his Son left for
' have still alar C assort -
in, that department. elaui.tobe last 'kududay,
u3 Among those who were trying the Our ir�eeve,Dir. B2nuru, lias.httcl aleitert
Ment (?f Men's Suits and Boys' two piano examination at Gederich last weep feoau J. Cowan, lie is wall a4ci enjoy.
and three piece suits on band to iu connection with the Toronto censer. tug himself.
choose from, at 20 cents on the
dollar less than ever offered be-
fore. No goods narked up, No
goods marked down. Plain figures
to look at.
Does roar Baby Cry at Ni„lit?
.4 .� If so, it is well to know the great
i velaito of Poison's Nerviliue, a household
.� remedy for stomach pains, cramps',
. tco.haehe, sick headache, and the
.4 manifold isle pentiliar to children. A
l few;dreps of Nerviliue in sweetened
.q we toe makes a pleas:tut drink and never
•4 fails to qui3kly relieve. Nerviliue is as
Mons and Youth's all wool serge suits, a good as the doctor iu elnf'rgonr;ios and
sizes 36 to 44, regular 88.00, salg, $6,40 j costs only 251. a: bottle. Get Nerviline
Men's and Youth's tweed suits, regular, from your cirugeiat to -day,
sale $6,15 two pieces $1,95 4 D reliacnilt, n's Mandrake Pills for Head-
S7.75,A nice range of tiny s Snits, sizes 22 to 28.41 ,.
` ISIOltMS,.•
`a Pao day lase week, Milton Sharp, 5th
4 line, shot a fine specimen of a blue
crane at the creek that crosses his farm.
'It measured 5 ft. 10 inches from tip to
4 tip and 5 feet from toe to the end of the
1 beak. Mr. Sharp intends to have it pre
Gent's Furnishing Department. 4 sawed.
a Miss Nettie Kellington, 4th line, who
.4 has been on the sick list for several
a months, is still in a delicate state of
Q hles(ealthn, e. but we hope for her early conga-
'o A new cement wall has been built
41 under Jno. Wallace's barn,, 8th line
ee W. Marshall has raised his house and
Salem Shirt waists for men, 3 colorings, all
sizes $1.25 to $1,75. Salem shirts latest colorings
(pleated fronts) (soft fronts or hard bosoms) at $1.00,
;51.25 to $2.00.
men's colored shirt soft or hard bosoms sizes 14 to 1G?:
regular 73e goods sale price 59o.
Balbrigaau Underwear for men 20c, 25o, 35o and 50c.
' SILK UNDERWEAR -81 snits men's silk underwear
to clear per suit 85e.
` Men's working shirts all sizes. In Moleskin Blue Duck,
\SAL�E,M' 111 riTS Oxford shirting, etc„ regular 60c each sale 450.
Ile IIard or soft felt felt all sizes 45c to «3.00 each.
j Straw hats at a big reduction.
AP. We pay for: Roll butter 16c. Tub butter 180. Eggs 14c.
Ivo► Men's Outfitters.
Colin A. Campbell's old stand. Highest price paid for Butter rid Eggs.
► •
The R. 11. GROWDIR Go.
put a cement foundation under it.
4Rev. J. E. Hunter is Lome ou a holi-
day visit. He completed his term on
d the Westmiuster circuit and will go to
Victoria College, Toronto, next fall.
• Miss Rebecca Shurrie, 4th lice, who
41 has not been enjoying yery robust
. health, is improving and we hope the pio-
grecs will continue.
41 ' Gordon and Lizzie Murchison of Rip-
lep have been spending a portion of
j their holidays with the Sherrie family,
4th line, Morris.
t Mr. John Fraser has sold his 100 -acre
farm on the 9th con, of Morris to Mr.
J. H. Fear, who had it rented for the
past few years. The price paid . was.
ns e e
in Roam!)a
1] ,
a .
i♦ Any person requiring a
See our prices in bowls 4c 5c 6c 7c roc.
We have them in all sizes roc I2C 15c 20c 25c.
prices IOC 12C
•• AT
tea pot kindly note our
15c 20C and 25c.
Does -your
Liver ever
If so, you should use Iron Tonic
Pills. One pill• a dose, 60 pills in
' each bot.; 3 pills a day for seventeen
days, makei Yon a new man. or
Woman. .
They tbrie the heart, stimulate the
nerves, inereaso the appetite, and
= keep the bowels just right.
These pills can be had for '25e a
box—just half -a -cent a dose.
es e
We desire to inform our customors
that we have the very best quality
of Paris Green. Our Paris ; Green
gave ruch excellent satisfaction last
year that we obtained the same
quality again this year. It is per -
featly fresh and extra strong.
mow ..._.IRRHAM
$ 1800.
Nerve Wracked end Insotnnions.
Everything goes wrong, head feels
heavy ,and (lull, mind is filled with
strange forebodings, stomach is out of
,dieter. You need a good tonic like
Ferrozone to bring back your lost
appetite and dlbestiotl, and e1eallso the
blood of all impurities. Ferrozone is a
wonderful iuvigorant and strengthener
that will banish gloomy depression and
quickly restore you to a. healthy, vogor-
ons condition of mind and body. Nothing
is so good for the sick, weary and
debilitated as Ferrozoae. Price 50c. per
box, at druggists or Polson & Co., King-
ston. Sold by A. L. Harliltou.
Hamilton's Mandrake Pills Cure Consti-
A severe hailstorm broke a lot of glass
in the Woodstock district.
Mrs, Thomas McCabe 01 Hamilton is
dead from the effects of Paris green
taken on Friday night last.
Rev. Dr. Wookey, former pastor of
Zion Congregational Church, Toronto,
was found dead in his room at a New
York hotel. •r ”"
Two bears were seen in one of the
fields on F. Wood's farm, 16th
con. Grey, where his cattle were. They
are still enjoying their liberty.
The Icing journeyed from ondon to
Portsmouth Tuesday and was carried
on board the royal yacht Victoria and
Albert by bluejackets for a sea voyage.
Mr. Robert Ford, who lived in Moore
township, County of Lambtou, about
12 miles from Sarnia, a brother to Mr.
George, Ford, of Listowel, . died sud-
denly on the 2nd Inst, aged 78 years.
Y:.idJW1.Wi.:+�a1rwr. ¢„r. ,+tl:"..nnMvxN.
on Hair
r~+ ete..-e aseehe -•tree .:^ eeze ;:.:_."
cc About a year ago my stair was
coming out very fast, so I bought 1
a bottle of Ayer's Bair Vigor. It
etor.pod tho fallingand made my
A hair grow very rapdly, until now it l
is 45 inches in length." --Mrs. A.
Ileydston, Atchison, bans.
There's another hanger ft
than that of the stomach.
Hair hunger, for instance. 4
Hungry hair needs 'food,
needs hair vigor—Ave
is why w
e s
Ayer's Hair 'Vigor always
restores color, and makes
the hair grow loftg and
heavy. $1.00 r bates. AU Bragg!:a.
It yeatr dreatgitt cannot simply eon',
herd Its et1e dollar and we will express
yen a bottle. I36 sure and give the name
of your neaten axprrse gilled. Address',
J. C.MtBrt'CO.,Leah,Aase.
vatory of music were Misses Pearl Girl-
ley, Pearl CheneW and Rose Clark, of BABY'S OWN TABLETS.
Blyth; Miss Edith Mills of Harlosk, and
11Ziss Aiho Bell of Lonclesboro:
Beep Little Ones well Daring Kut
Mr. John Tatter went to Chicago to Weuttier iz<,ntt
see his brother, Dr. Wm. Potter, who If you �vaut to beep cont litho ones
has been very ill for several weeks, first heariy, rosy adnat fatlt nt life (luring the
with typhoid fever and then blood poison- hot weather give thein Baby's 0 en Tab -
nal;. Dr. Potter resides 'at Galt, Iowa, hers than ulomc+ut tliOOY s
and 1 wasiu's out of order in any way.
hots sigias of be-
r c Ie otit Chicago
f that, a special This medicine cures all kinds of stoui
course in the ]Ioepitails 01 city when aeh and bowed troubles, which carry off
he was stricken with illness. Mr. Potter so many little ones during the simmer
returned home Tuesday evening of last mouths, and is :,the best thing iu the =
week, and when ho left Chicago there world for sieelessness, nervousness, irri-
TtiontlitZsd The Leading Store
was every indication that the doctor
would recover.
tatlon when teething, etc. -It is just the
'medicine for hot weather troubles;
first, because It always dope good, and 1e.
second. because it eau never do guy
rl6nrprl- leg Discovery. hariu--- guaranteed free fromopiates.
Mra. W. E. Bassam, Kiugaton, Out„
Yon will be surprised in trying Catarrh- sags: '- I began ubiug Baby's Own Tab -
ozone to find how gnickly it cures cold iu lets when my tittle girl was about three
the head. The agreeable, peuetretiug mouths old. At that time she bad indi-
vapor traverses every air cell and passage gcation badly; she was vomiting; and
of the nose, throat and lungs. In one had dinrrhoea coustautly and although
breath it carries instant death to the she had an apparently ravenous eppe-
ruillious of germs infesting the Lite, her food did her no good and she
respiratory organs and breaks up a cold was very thin. Nothing helped her un -
91a o
til we began giving her Baby's's Own
112Aritaol will convince
you that Catarrh- Tablets, but after giving her these the
ozoue is the poteut, _satisfactory and vomiting and diarrhoea ceased and she _
pleasant cure for Colds, Catarrh, Deaf- began to improve almost at once. I
cess, Bronchitis, Asthma and Lung have since used. the Tablets for other -
Trouble. Complete outfit, $1.00; small 'raubles and have found them alt that
size 25e. Druggists or N. G. Polson Co., can be d%sired---they are the best modi-
Kiggston, Out. cline I ever used for a chill."
Hamilton's mandrake Pills cure Bilious- These Tablets are readily taken by all
A bpecial meeting of the council
called by the Reeve was held on the af.
tertlgon of Jnly 10 for the purpose of Schenectady, N. Y.
taking some decided action regarding
the building of the proposed new iron
bridge on river at lot 81, cons. 6 and 7.
Members of council all present.
Legal opinion of R. Vanstone, Esq.,
barrister, Wingham, giving his advice
as to what he ,:i ousittered best for the We give below the names of the suc-
oouncll to do under the circumstances, cessful candidates wlio wrote on the Eu -
received and read. trance Examination in the Inspectorate
After due deliberation, and consider- of East Huron on June 25th, 26th and
able disollssion over this important mat- 27th.
ter, it was moved by Mr. Carr, seconded The names are arranged iu two classes:
_ o:
h h iuor c
those who obtained o0 over but less
by Mr. Beecroft, that.the Reeve be em- � • t'
powered to ascertain from the differ- thau GOag are placed' iu the Pass Class;
ent parties. whose tenders were accepted those who obtained 60% or over in the
for the building of the proposed bridge Honor class.
on river, cons. G and 7, if they are pre-
The certificates of successful candi-
pared to go on with their contracts, and dates and the marks of those that failed
if so, that the council take the neces- I were mailed some clays ago. •
sary steps to submit a by-law to the WINGHAM
ratepayers of the municipality for the BOYS, Hexons.—Harry Green, Merton
the issuing of ,,debentures for a sum Hart, Stanley Henning, Geo. Tees.
not to exceed $6,500 for a term of six Pass.—Harry M. Bell, Austin Camp -
children and can be given to the smallest,
"weakest infant by crushing theca to a
powder. Sold at drug stores, or you
can get them post paid at 25 cents a box
by writing direct to the Dr. Williams
'Medicine Co., Brockville, Out., or
At isani .ops
July brings us to the time of year when all Summer
Goods must be creared out regardless of price, and to
make a speedy cleaAance of all lines, we have cut the
prices away down so as to sell out evr..ry dollar's worth
and Barry nothing over.
Please read our list. of reduced prices
raiser themed Muslin, fast colors, new patterns, regular value 15c, cleating reale
price - -
5 pieces white cheek and striped Swiss Muslin, regular price 10e, Blearing safe -n4
One piece white Pique, wide, with red polka dot, regular vatlue 15c, clearing sale n
price - - - - 41
Ladies' White Underskirts, sizes 38, 40, 42, with 14 -inch frill, nitwit Welted and `
trimmed with insertion and embroidery, dust frill, regular $1..a, to clear at :1.0
8 piecesfancy striae(' and figured Muslin, in the new colors, good washers, regular i ! C
Price 20c, to clear at ..- - - �a i�
Corset Covers, nicely made and trimmed with embroidery, good value at 35a, ,
clearing price - - - -'
One dozen Parasols with steel rod and ivory handles, fast black coverings, good 13 0
value at $1.2.5, sale price - - - 1, .
Ladies' Linen Blouses, tucked, and trimmed with lace insertion, regular 70-iro 1 j5
$1.50 to clear at - i
Ladies' White Cotton Drawers, nicely made and trimmed, good quality cotton,
regular value 85c, clearing out at - - - .26
5 pieces _fancy striped Chambray, fast colors, wide, regular value 20 cents, to , 1 6
oleate at - - -
Ladies' Gingham and Chambray Waists, trimmed with insertion, regular value .I Oa
to $1.50, sale price - -
Ladies' White Cambric Night Gowns, nicely trimmed, full length, wide skirt, .75
regular value $1.00, to clear at - - 1 ti
Ladies' White Straw Sailor Hats, latest style, black or white silk bangs, regular 50
price 05c to 75c, they go at ii
Ladies' Oxford Shoes, itt tan or black, new styles, good value at $1.2.5, to clear O f1 /1
out at - - - hp
Good Summer Corsets,
Ladies' Pests
Corset Covers•
Pine fast black Cotton Hose, , tt ,30
Ginghams, fast colors • - .05
Underskirts - .75
I-1. E. ISARD Sc. Co.
Opoasite Bank of Hamilton - Highest price paid far Produce
.I 61 'iWtl► 1, ,IL n &LII (Aglaia ,.A � aI ,I:ISL YI ., W li'IilhWadl6 il5aalaiuuY5itN, f,.I
Annie Law, Rinda Martie, Edith M.
Mulholland, Blanche Sanderson, Emma
—Thos. H. Gibson.
PAss—John Bell, Avon B. Elliott,
Edwin Gedeke, Horace L. C. Greg;,
Edgar 0. Hargrave, Roy M. Lambkin,
Chas W. MoLaughlin:'
GIRLS, Horsens—Mildred J. E. Gal-
lagher, Janet Winnifred Hunter,
years for payment of same, said by-law bell, Albert Cole, Chester Dunkni, Geo. !Georgena McCurdy, Orval Norma Mc
• to be submitted as early as possible, and A. Elliott, Geo Gregory, Carroll Hole, xP�sS—Norma Cook Mabel C. Dobson,
in event of same being carried, the Maitland Henry, Fred F. Hoinuth, ,
council to proeeed at once to build Adam Isbister, Thos Kelly, Peter Muir, Melissa S. T. Edwards, Maggie Helena
the bridge, if it can be completed in Norman Park, Iii Paterson, M. Alfred Faust, Esther Emma Hyndman, Bertha
time this fall satisfactorily to the coun- Posliff, Oran Russell, Wm Scott, Robt Irene Johnston, Carrie Edith Martin,
oil and the inspector; and in case the Wheeler, Leslie Young. Muriel L.C. Spicks, Georgena Wiggins.
ceutractors are not in a positions to go Gums, HONORS.— Bessie Aitken, BLYTH.
on with their several contracts, that the Mildred Beemor, Harriet Campbell, Boys, HONORS—Wm. Beattie, Bertie
vote ou the by-law be postponed and be Greta Carson, Ethel Davison, Elvaensuing municipal election at the Marsh, Jos. Scott, Whitfield Sellers.
submitted to the people at the next Dodd, Ethel H.Ferguson,Hattie Gannett, Pass --Fred Armstrong, Roy Ball,
Anise. Perrie, Maye Stuarts, Grace E. Willie Buchanan, Clarence J. Cox, Ed-
Wightman. die Mason, Elvin Munro, Geo. Snell.
PASS.—Minnie Barber, Alice Coad, GIRLS, Ho\ORS-Martha' Barr, Pearl
Lilo E. Cook, ltiabel Coultes, Olive R. Chellow, Emma Clark, Rachel Patter -
Cruickshank, Maggie Currie, Lillian son.
Deyell, Ethel Elliott, Della Mitchell, Pass—Mineie Armour, Lily Carr,
I Maud Nookes, Bella D. Powell, Margaret Beatrice McBrien, Edna McDonald.
fixed for holding such election in Janu-
ary, 1b03.
The couucil then adjourned.
avrtOXETEr. ,.
Our teacher, Mr. John Hartley has i Stewart.
taken a wife unto ,,himself in the person BRUSSELS.
of Miss Weir, daughter of Mr. Wm. Boys, Hexons—Archie M. Campbell,
Weir, of the 18thconcession of Howick. Emerson .Dennie, Clarence H. Ham,
.The wedding was at the, homo of the •John McCracken Athol McQuarrie,
bride's., parents on Tuesday and Rev. Clifford Pugh, Harvey Skelton, Leslie
Wm. Hartley, brother of the groom,
tied the nuptial knot. Fr. and Mrs.
Hartley left here ou rth6 qttrioon train
to spend their honeymoon in different
Pass—Thos. Bielby, Robb. Bryans,
Frank Davidson, Rodger Deadman,
The following is the list of candidatc8
passed by .the board of examiners for
West Huron, together with the marks
obtained by each, The total number re-
quired to pass is 500 marks. The num-
ber of candidates writing was 300 and
of these 231. hare -passed. We have not
Willie • G. 1.takgdlittrsoif ` Willie .,limn- • the space: to giver the fell. list, but give
1 r ,
rof Manitoba.r ve s and rice
parts grecs; Rdbt;` 1?`i.lin .ton WM, Lean y
were showered over them while on the p g ' kt 4hosAl which ~yell be ,pf luterest to ottz
Robt. McDonald, ,john Mooney, Samuel readers. • -
platform at the station. Searlett, Manson Taylor, Harvey Young.
GIRLS, Hosous—Gertie Campbell, WEST WaWANOSH.
Ellie Hausulcl, Maude Jackson, Annie
Mrs. R. Laing and children, of the B . McQnarrie, Pearl Sharpe, Bertha
line of Howick woe the guests of Ross, Argo Ross.
friends in town ou Sunday night. Rees—JennieArinstroug, Emma. Bar -
Mrs. Demes Forsyth, of Toronto is ron, Edith Blake, Elsie Currie, Mary
visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dark. Mabel Davidson, Ethel Dennison,
John Sanderson. Lulu Danford, Mamie McAllister, Vera
iilebonald, Emily Mason, Aileen Scott,
Mise dean Davidson visited with Birdie Shannon, Anna~ Richardson, Mary
friends at lt2orrisbank on Wednesday. Sloss,' Lillian R. Simpson, Florence
Chester Harris, sou of Robert Harris, R
Howick St., who has been on the sick Thompson,
list for about two. weeks, is keeping WRUIETER,
about the same, Boers, Rexene—Alex. Findlay, Alvin
Miss 1lfirle Mann of 7'ecswater is the . Gallagher, Joseph Greer, Albert L. Het-
guest of her aunt, Mrs. Geo, Allen, C.P. hien, Geo. Lane, Clayton Lowry. Olive Crawford 615, Willa Saundby
B. station, for a Week or so, Pass -•Harry Calder, Jas. 0. Dane, 088, Stuart Pairbairn• 730, lay Fairbairn
Mr. and Mrs. '1dalcoim Allen of Color. Thoa. Kirby, Leonard 0. Mc1 eivie,'Wm 1617,
ado are guests of Mrs. Allen, the form- I 0 Nic1le1
Br's mother, who is still not able 10 be
out since site took ill.
The toll beam of the dean is up iso:i',
and another week ought to finish it.
Beuj. Stafford aiid family were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Stafford,
on Main street over Sunday.
S. S. No. 1.—Hattie Ryan 550, Gladys
Pentland 581.
No. 2. --Mabel Wilsou 618.
No, 3,•--•'3etsy McAllister 575, Mary
Murray 785, Sadie 'White 633, Gregory
Stuart 655.
Separate School.—Katie Brophey 601,
Wm. Brophey 570, tIichael Cummins
585, Joseph Kinahae, 600, Rauselotu
Leddy 659.
S. 5, No, 16 -,-Minnie Carter 603, Rena
Patterson 621,
`GIRLS, MNofts—Florence Ellioti;, Ira. ST. nr:Lu:vs r, s.
Sella Portune, Lizzie Aliller 833, Bona Sheriff 730,
PASS—Nellie 13laelt, Hdna Bd s , Donald Clark 853, Myrtle Phillips 744,
llfar Hu feu Pit be i , Iaa'tvreneO Mary Crawford 631, Stuart Miller 780.
Mr. Whitney has had a oiie•derftil •
escape from getting into ofilte.—Peter-
born Examiner.
It is said that the Toronto man whose
wife gave birth to triplets proposes to
ask for a. recount.—St. Thomas Times.
Canada appears to be on the way to. a .
bumper harvest, which would mean
another very prosperous business year.
It all comes out of the ground. ---Ottawa
The official returns will show that
Canada's trade in the past year passed
the $400,000,000 mark. This is an aver-
age of $70 ner head, a wonderful re-
cord for a young country, and still more
wonderful when we consider that the
figure has nearly doubled in five or six
years.—London Advertiser..
Sto?ss t .o Cough
mad works off the Cold.
Laxative Bromo-Quinine 'Tablets care a cold in
one day. No Oure.no Pay. Price 25 cents.
Sir Michael Ilieks-Beach, Chanoellor
of the British Exchequer, has resigned.
It is officially announced that the cor-
onation will take place between August
8 and 12.
Lord Kitchener reached tendon on:
Saturday, and was accorded a Iusgnifi.
cent welcome.
Application has been made fee the
appointment of a. magistrate and a
constable for Ethel.
T11e Department of Ag;ridulture liar
arranged for a tefrig a rotor oar servit;e •
on both the Gaud Trunk and 0. P. R.
for cheese shipments.
—Joshua Sanford, the well -digger, is
making all reasonable progress towards
recovery from the resuit of the terrible
experience Of four days underground.
He has been removed from the Skelly
farm to Paris, where he can receive
more attention from the doctor.
and people agree that Scott's )Znitr%
sion of cod-liver oil is the best thiirg
tc5 take' for "don't feel well and
don't know why," especially belies
---they like it—mesh and wag'
dory't mind it, but babie=s actna
enjoy it.
reiA' [t Y6kNaMtC
$etivr i. 4OwNt ' cs[ii,a,tii�' wItOifl*,
DC. and $'.tie; all de 1,
y p i t ...