HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-07-17, Page 19
VOL. XXXi.:4O. 1588.
A Great 1
Dissolution $
t This is im fake. It is a
genuine sale, and we are
positive we can save yon
Money on everything you
buy. A few Bargains
Foil SALE.—House and lot on Frances
Men's. Dongola Boots— Street. For particulars apply to H.
Regular $3.25, sale price $2.40 T .._,_ _ __- Hamilton, sr.
Men's Box Calf Boots—
Regular $3,75, sale price $2.90 e Real Estate Topics.. 1
Four specials
While they Last
Table sets, 0 pieces,. , , , 25c, a set
Fancy Glass Butter dishes 100, each
Witter glasses per dozen 25 cents.
Just Opened "o
Package faucy water sets, eight
pieces, -everyone different. The
price will make them sell fast. Come
early and get first choice 'at.
R1 A. Hutchison
Groceries. and Crockery.
Phone No. 59.
WINGIA ,, MAW°, THURSDAY,. SDAY,. JULY • 1 7, 1902.
`year Greer's Sheets,.
Civic Hoiid , August 5th.
Mayor Vensto. issued his proclanna
tion on Monday akiug Tuesday, Aug
ust 5th, HS Wit ;haw's civic holiday
and asks all citiza us to observe the same
This Is the elate of the union Sunday
school excursion .o Goderich and many
WIngharnites wit spend the day et th
county town.
For views and lawn groups try
Ar]ustrong a Co.
Farm I- eIp Scarce.
Farm help was Lever as scarce in On-
tario as at the present tittle,according to
R, M. Porrse, Ass stunt Secretary of the
Ontario lruntigrat-on Department. By
actual count he 1 a On ]land one day
last week 98 npplitious from farmers
Haseba Match.
WIngham and ?alwerston baseball
clubswill play a g ne on .the totvn park
this (Thursday) aft Moon, A fast gam
is expected. Play o commence at 4,30
o'clock. Usual a uission fee.
Purchase a Farm.
The following it rn appeared in the
Morris correspond toe in brit week's
e Brussels Post: Lt.:. week F. S. Scott
sold the 100 now fa in of Richard. Card-
iff, North ilot 17, con. 5, to Francis
Kerney, of-W1ugh1 in, for the sum, of
$5,000, Ifr- Cardi takes off the crop
before giving posy ssion, Fie may take
a prospecting tri to the West, The
purchaser wad a f •neer resident of the
sante liue ou wl oh hie brothers and
mother live, We wish him sucei>;
{ An important eotiug of Wingbam 3
Council, No.114, R T. of T., will be held'
on Tuesday even re' next, Jul ,, ed.L, t there be a full attendance eo t .
R. T. of `', Attention.
.Jely and August clearing sale.
30, 00 and 20c, 2nusliue for 100,
Mr. Ourri Improving.
The TIMES is pleased to report tha im•
provnient in theco adition of Mr, John
Currie, who has leen seriously ill for
the past six weeks, Mr, Currie has so
far improver! that 1-4 is now able to con-
verse with his frien Is, He is, however,
krill be -a very week condition and we
hope now that the . !range for the better
hes come that he nay have a speedy re-
for het
which a `vas unable, to fill.
If 100 Inert cable to me now seeking;Mote s et half price daring July at
positions with fart-ers," he said, ., I Star Photo Studio. J. M, G1ranlAyf.
could place theta -11 iu twenty-four
hours. The wages - Mired are $20 to :125
per mouth for twoiir four Months' en,
'- .. 3.25, " 2.40 0
t' ,
4 2.50, " 1.90
V Ladies' Doug. Boots, button
Regular $3.0. sale price $2.25
., 2.75, ., 2.'15
• " 2,50, " 1.85
" 2.00, " 1.50
Children's Shoes—
Regular $1.40, sale price $1,10
Children's. Shoes, button—
Regular $1.25, sale price $1.00
.t 1:25, '' 1 , .8
Men's Colored Shl
Regular $1.25, sale price $1.00
es 1,00, " .80 •
Men's White Shirts—
Regular $1.00, sale price ..80
N c 'ts ear—
Regular .50, 'sale price .38
Cheap shoes at H nua :• Co's. $1.50
for 994, $1,25 and $ .0 or 75e,
Hurrah fo� Goderich I
The annual unir_] Sunday School ex
oursiou to Gorier eh will be held
Tuesday, August 5th -Civic Holida
W4NTE1i-509 out is red stars black
cherries, at '.Tarsi f e grocery untf
croekery store.
Mr. M. 0. Dir. ,on, who ,has been r
he Druggist
agent for the G. T R. here for the. past For
few weeks, receive+ word on Wednesday, I your
A New G. T..R.Agent,
$ :r A YEAR IN AD'S A.
to the eifeot that 11. had been appointed
agent at Woodstoc z and he fere for that
place on �'hursdo ' morning. We are
not yet sure as to _-,vho will take Mr, i
Dicksoa'e place as agent here, but it is I
rumored that the sent at Heusall will
on • be transferred t0 ingllam,
Y. bargains. You He1Iebo
...Paris Green
The committee .
e a meeting on Mo
day evening to gee matters. into sha
for the excursion and large bills a
n- p eye on our
will ae.sa).S nut the prise' enteresuug...
Pe duriug Kung's .July and August sale.
dodgers giving fu 1 particulars will be
Purchased Property,
. Barns, hardware
t, purchased Mr
This week Mr. J.
end .coal iner4hr
Cody's residence or Minnie street. Mr
Buns intends me -ting extensive ins
proverneuts • iri t its property, H
will pull down the olcl verandah an
erect *new one of ate latest design and
issued ]n a few d _ys, The fares from
Wiugllanl will be le salve as last year,
viz: 85tt for adult end 45c for children,
and iu accordance Leith the requirement
• of the 0. T. R. n` tickets will be seld a
less than the adveetieed rates. Keep tl
e date in nliud and ay your plans to
d civic holiday iu C_Jderich.
re -
'Inst all lnseeticlties
Moving Tiverton
Rev. A. !�gg// Telegraph E Piio , late pastor of tile; . Office C. l • •U;I, fele raph
Congregational C ureic, here, is this
s week removing hi._ household effects to j
t Tiverton, and is. taking charge of the
le church work at I iuoardine and Tiver-
i ton. Mr. Prior Las bran a resident of 1
Wiaghani for son ,e years and has been tt I .
good citizen. W: are sorry to see 11fr.1
Prier anti faulil
-Urge* IrinaI
Y our
bee Chivy Wlli cur v WAIL hl'-,,,, the t•.�_•« : ',
wishes or many Hands for success in a
their h
;garden Party: R ► thelwnse a cow t of petits. This ids
good property Mid '1xeu it is completed
Mr. Burns will refloat to a suitable ten
Tiro increasing number of farms and town The firemen's artier. party- ou. the
in th,K Office y evidencei•o�eel the f'i ed
Hiatt the town park last T aursrlaly evening was
• well patronized.• The weather was
party who is anxious to sell, ,las lt3arned wiser
they are most likely to !lave their obJeo
aceomplishr d.
V e arealso else re .'
cetviri¢ a Eery farms that are
listed elsewhere in town and since they have
received no attention whatever, are now placed
with us.
We are preparing a large list of properties
for advertising for' sale this coming fll, song
is the time to enter your property' 0 that yo
may receive full benefit of the advertising.
Y'ou will find our rates the lowest And whil
this is
true, we guarantee to satisfy you in th
sale or
exchange, or we will charge nothin
Our insurance
department n of the e tvorlc i
rapidly 1 cU increasing c�
other ieasonn than results the fact that wu
renresertt none but the best companies.
we guarantee ttftiuote ss low a rate for lift
rather cool for a
firemen are well
ca. The
ished splendid mi
to ing. D. E. MoDoi
McDonald in Scotc
e ture of the'eveuil
g was mach enjoy
big grelnophone w
iha9 ,
nuance as any, company doinir bttviti s oaJ
sound,.princilHe8, and without undgnbted
tc , t
$ by r u for
ui'i . , ettin
the g umerabl
$q nine in the fire andgacbident insuroptions, r
Ates sire not low as is consistent with security
and thorough. management.
We 6'uar,uhtettphrotnpt attention to the Collec-
tion of,renOI and accounts,,
Money to loam
: x. hteGinsete,
pfliee over D. X. Gordon's stores State A •
As to clothing, now is the time
to purchase; As we can save
you from to $5 on a snit of
Store for sale, Apply to J. J.
Horntith 86 Son
eae ►ti0rwtiNati d'v�J
'Issued by PaartiC Pr\ nrnsoN,No. 28 Victoria
street. Wincham, Ont. No witnesses required.
A enmplete line of the best Groceries
and Canned Goods that inoney can
buy. • We sell at the lowest possible
prices. , Weston's Bread, Toronto,.
for sale. JOHN GRAY,
Josephine street, north.
Capital • . • • $2,500,000
(Reserve • • . • • • $2,500,000
A General Banking Business Trans-
Fanners' Sale Notes Collected, and
;advances tnade on sante.
Drafts bought and sold oriall points in
' Canada, United States and Europe,
allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards
and added to principal 50th June and 81st
December each year.
• A. E. GIBSON, Manager,
-R. Vanstone, Solicitor.
who Wants a Farm ? .
1 have Over 9,000 acres of choice far lands
sale n '
i t.0 rb 100. 150wind 200I1�
tn dine, lots in
Kinloss, Greenock, Barco, Kincardine, Huron
and Ashfield 'Townships. Good lands with
good buildings to bo sold cheap on easy terinsv
Also a good blacksmith shop (dwellingin con-
nection) doing a good but.iness, for salcheap,
A hotel doing1, good business for sale cheap.
Also a wogonsltop. A general store with large
Inone.'live v to Loan at Do. Also a per cent. 1P r furrther par.
ticulars apply to
T. A. McKielazut
insurance Agent. *olvrootf.
See Halsey x^,ark's ae.vertisement.
Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran-
teed to cure headache.
Appeal Agai st Assessment.
The Bell Telepl no Co. and the G
N. W. Telegrapl . Co, have appeale
against the decis on of the Winghe
Court of Revisio in the matter o
their assessment Judge Doyle ha
set Monday, Jul 28th, at the town hal
here for .the hear g of these appeals.
jrden party, but tics 1
Teased with the at-
unknow band furs..
during the even -1
aId, piper, and Miss I
It dancing was a few-.
;� s programme that
d. Jas. McKelvie's
s t
a other prominent
a nC
L I to
tair]neen t.
'Those holding skeys-. on • our parlor
Saila .Sot N will please bring -them iri�>a.nd try
tlidir`hiok. G. D. ZING.
`'Q -bout -Ne spaper Men.
Tne many frier s of Robe. Holmes,
M P., for West ron and, editor of the
Clinton New Er , will, be pleased to
hear that he is uo recovering from his
illness, which we a mild, but lingering
of typhoid ever. He spent sev-
eral weeks at the esideuce of his father,
near St. Catharin=s and the change and
rest has been ry beneficial.....Mr.
R. S. Pelton has , isposed of the Atwood o
Bee to his brothe- iu-law and will take s
Stratford Herald, .Mr.
is offering the Walker-
Miele dress goods, new and up to date
selling at Brost, during King's Jelly and
Angust dale.
Dislocated H' Shoulder.
141:x, Geo. Bryce, of Turnberry met
with a severe aoeide t one clay last week.
Ile wee learltu;, a co v into town and had
the rope fastened to his. hand. The
eninu►1 beotune frig tened aud gave Mr.
Bryce -snob a pith t at he fell with great
force trgaiust tl stn) e. on the side of the
road and dislocated ne of his shoulders.
We hope to hear. of - r. Bryce's speedy
Jfecove . ""'1,6
Farm far sale at a bargain, Apply to
D. Stewart.
Tall rain.
stalk of spring wheat ' measuring
five feet eleven and a -half inches was
brought to the Tru s office yesterday
morning by Mr. F J. Carr. It was
rows, oh the farm o Mr. Arch. Martin,
f East Wawanosh, and is certainly a
ample of extraord ary • growth. Mr
Martin has a field o eight or ten acres,
from which the stal was taken. Who
can beat this for ta grain2
a position on the
L. H. McNamara
ton Herald for st
Buy Corsets, Belts, LOCO, Ribbons,
Hosiery and Gloves at King's clearing
sale. Belts from 3c np.
Chapman s C,
Mr. J. B. Camey
N. Y., has taken a
Chapman's sieve fat
i' Cameron comes ver
ed and held a goorl
d best factories it GI
m man is now workia
i • gloves and mitts
s Mr. Murray will r
1 a large meeting o
is to be held in Ii
20c, to 25e. prize butter! We offer
for the best 3 tubs or boxes of butter
delivered during July, do., 40., and 8e.,
respectively over highest market price.
Guo. E. KING.
Ladies Lok Younger,
`Which is the
Take the troub
love Factory.
n, of Gloversyill
situation in W.
Rory as cutter. Al
highly recommen
All departments contain litany lines
educed to less than. cost during King's
Learing sale,
J. The Directors of t
r cultural Society hel
d- day evening last.
sition in one of the
fully revised and
ersville Mr. Chap -
made in it.
g on a new lino of Printed and ready
r railroad men and the course of .
present the factory at fair this year 011 S
railroad men, which Promises to be
ronto next week. The tory of the societ;
factory it canal/ig to its full capacity Friday night all
sympathy for
President of the
seriously ill and
that he woilld s
and It is hard ti
We are pleased
gloves are such
keep up with the orders,
o learn that Wingham
nvorites with the public,
MONEY To Loex.—Money to loan
notes. and notes discounted at reason
able rates. Money advanced on mort
ages, with privilege of paying at th
nd of any year. Notes and account
collected. Office—Beaver Block; Wing -
fall Fair.
e Turnberry Agri
a meeting on Fri -
The prize list was
several alterations
The lists will be
for distribution in
w weeks. The fall
tetuber 25th and 26th
1]e best in the hie-
At the meeting on s
0 directors expressed
Ir. John Currie, the e
ociety, who has been
11 expressed the hope b
n fully recover.
20e olf all springy nit •now, try us
Llargust stock 10 5,Jw Ileses.a, & Co.
MONEY To LOAN at 414, per cent. on
easy tering of rep13 uaeut, Apply to A.
Dunnage, ieettt elloek, Wheehau],
, GI
Very successf
tions were held
and Gerrie on
res w
the day, some
1 places. Some 2
the G. T. R. for
same numbers f
was a fine one f.
they were largely
a were at Goderich
rious 12th
Orange demonstrm
'u Goderich, Brussel
aturday of last week
re rather )el
divided for
oivar to the diiferen
0 tickets were sold a
col .%,
new home.-
Abqut 25 yards A
big sauritice.
R. T. of 1
. At the dean-lu1uul
1`t U,
t election of officers
t elected for the e�
]i er carpet ata l
OlVDl'.it & Co. -
. Officers.
• a '
.1 n]' s. '
meeting O
t Wing- b
T, of Z, for the
rhe following were
shit) s term • Pdlf rt
russets and about tl
On le
r Gorlevrich. The. day
• the celebrations, and
tteuded. People who
y.they never saw as.
t many people iii, ti e county town at a
demonstration. ' le G. T. R. carried
nearly 8,000 passe 'ers on the 12th. The
day was a very qu :t ono in Wingham,
and the only bit .- excitement we had
was in the morn' g when the special
trains were leavi g, and again in the
evening when the rains return 1
councillor, A. E. Lloyd; past councillor,
Hulsey Park; vine councillor, Miss Cora
Brandon; chaplain, N. J. Kerswell;!
rec. sec., Frank K unfitly; fin. sec„ Nor -1
.mare Brandon; T� las, John Par];;; audi.1
tors, Rev. N. S. B rt+vsh and Jno. Ke,.,,.
herald, Milted chain; dep. herald,
Miss Martha Bonn u; guard, Mrs. Jnc.
Haines;. -sentinel, ercy Russell; press
reporter, Waiter: all; organist, M' s
Edith Hall.
for ' rd purposes,
1 cheap at th i
8t . �,/�
„/ Corn and corn cho
and raps seed for
o. Hats and s clothing rat Wtnghaul Trtldiug
for 490, to T. A. Mills.
HANNA & Co..
—The TINES office is the place to get Barn -Raising
able prices.
Straw hats
in two, $1.00, 75c al
n job printing. Best work at reaso
u -
Crops irn omen County,
A oorresponden writes to the Toronto
Globe as follows ] the crops m Huron
county :—" All resorts from the coun-
try are bright ant' cheery. Wheat and
barley are said to be all that could be
desired, in many oases the best for years.
A few farmers -also say, " Well, just,
fair," but most replies are, " Very good,
indeed." Whil . re weather is not yet
settled, a good p rt of the hay has been
safely gathered, and with a few more
days of sunshi there will be little
room for gram. ing on that score. A
arge crop of pies is in view, and
mall fruits, exc pt berries, are abund-
ant. 5.11 that is eedod for the remainel-
r of the seasol is fair weather. The
vet June has be I somewhat of a draw-
er*, but a mod rately fair July will
make 110 for all t at.
Anything you can mention i1�' our
- '$15,000 airy goods stock will be sacrificed 0
sire of one and tell. g
• of' Prof. e
Doronwend's priv':te show rooms at the
Brunswick Hotel 1Vingharn, on • Friday
only, July 25, tied see the many in.
veutious in Styles of Human -Hair Cov-
ovrings, Wigs, Ban ;a, Switches, etc., and
nspect his new ptat.ent structure, 0
JULY BARGAINS. -- The Wingham h
Tr•ldiug Company are , selling 75c shirt e
waists for 35c each. Raisins 50 a lb.
Capital paid up, $2,000,000.00.
Reserve Fund, $1,600,000.00.
President• --Dons STzAART,
Vice-President—A, G. RAMS Y.
e during King's July and August sale.
Off to a West.
Tusday of this •eek was one of tho
xcursion days r. Manitoba and th
West and a ]hila. r of people left Wing
ain thatnieornin; via C. P. R. for diff
rent points in t e West. Among thos
'who left Wingh towe noticed the fol
lowing :—Miss s maim Bosnian and two
nieces, Misses L .na and Lila Campbell
for Winnipeg to other points; 11lessrs
Win, Meld John Legg for Winnipeg and
othee places, 1 hese gentlemen are
away on a prosp Ming tour. Mr. Wln.
Clegg has not vi- ted theWest for many
years, Mr. Sam Gracey is going as far
west as Calgary , Id will visit a brother
I in thatplace. i Herb. H. Wightman
Will spend a cou le of months tit differ.
out places in tl . -West. Mrs. N pokes
'anal the two Mi see Nookes will spend
tame months Winnipeg tenet other -
places. :sirs, bton goes `to Winnipeg
and poitlts w - t, A few passengers
oamo down !'r• i Luoknow and points
north and too the C. P, It, litre for diff-
erent points itt ho West.
Shipments from
past week on bothrailroad lines have
been very heavy.
1)r. Butler, specialist in the diseases
f the eye, ear, nose and throat Eyes
ested and glasses supplied. Office op-
osnte St. Andrew': church, London
his Week.
Ingham during the c
n Friday last Mr.
W. F. VanStone of a double deck
e car load of sheep to she Old Country and
- on Monday he shipeed a double deck car
- load of hogs and a car load of cattle to
e Toronto. On Monday Mr. John Scott,. S
of Listowel shipper four ear loads of
cattle front here t Toronto. On .the ta
, sante day Messrs. 0 rrie & Rintoul ship. e
. ped a car load of s uendid heavy horses c
to Ottawa. This w s one of the best lot to
of heavy horses tha • ever left Win tharn, a.
In the lot were Mu horses that weighed si
over 1,600 lbs. eael • This is the second. T.
lot of horses that tl 's first have sent to re
few weeks. They Si
of heavy horses to in
day of this week, At ta
's farm on Monday Id
re 40 berme and 51 T
r. Joe Mitchell went 111
arses to Ottawa. Bs-- B
six ear loads of salt, 't'r
s of fnrnitare and a hi
and eggs' have been di
basalt this y eek, ie
Qanadia►>,� Foresters.
At the regular eting of Court Mait.
, C. O. F„ on Friday evening last,
Mr, W. G. Strobl of Gerrie, one of the
rganizers of the Order and Mr. Wm.
egg, 01 Sault 5 e Marie, Mich., is for-
ger resident of Gerrie, paid the Court, a
isit. After the fleeting the members
pjoyed toe ocean i, etc. at Scott's res-
aurant. The n embers of the Court
were pleased to 11 ve a visit from these
entlemen,� At t e ne-t nnecting of the
ono, of sly 4 th,,Mr. D. M. Gordon,
tie Of the doleg tes to the High Court
11 give the In duce of his report of
gh Oottrt oceedings, Menthefe
Will make i a poiut to tittend. the
ex; meeting.
•Jdhn Proctor, Geo. Beach Wm, Gibson,M,P. o
a 1,. T. Wood, M.P., A.1`d. Lee (Toronto). Dl
General Manager—J. TUUNBULL.
Savings Hank—(tours 10 to 5; Saturday, 10
ep1. Deposits of $1 and ttpu'ardsreeeived. In-
terser allowed, and computed on the OOtir No-
re ber and 01�rt May each year And added to t
principaseeing :Peeoaits also received at current
rates of interest,
aerates on Great Britain and the blasted
States Bought and sold. C
Travellers are notified that the Banker nam- 0
Ilton and its Branches issue Circular Bates of
National Provineial hank of Engiand, Limiters, WI
Which eon be Cash Wititont char*e or trout. it
bis In any part Of the wtti•Id.
W. OOBl1Ot1LDt Agent
E. L. DICKINSON* Soliditof, R
The old fashio d barn -raising as a
iman -slayer " can' be beat." The list
of fatal accidents reported at barn -
it. is growing. Th se who have ever
lived in the corm y mid attended a
raising do not neer to be told how it
happens. The ne ghbors for miles
around come to hel a farmer who has
decided that he nee s a new barn. The
men choose sides tend there is a race to
get up the bents, -'71us inevitable result
is haste and carelee nes& Some part of
the structure giee: way, because im-
properly secured au 1 falls, ernshing the
life out of some aoor fellow and per-
chance =lining ot ers. Then the jollity
that reigns at eveyy sort of " bee" in the
country ttirns to °truing. All these
accidents are due t the foolish practice
of choosing sides and racing. It is a
good thing for nei hors in the country
to lend one :motile a hand in the larger
operations of far rug, but the barn -
raising as at pre ut universally con.
ducted is a menac to useful lives.—To-
route Saturday Ni ht.
0 Huron B1 od Will Tell.
' Brandon, Manit +a, hes recently been
. appointed secret -ry of the Grain Ex-
change of .'Nfatuteda, and the Northwest
' Territories, with ieselquarters in Winni-
peg. Mr, Foivie • Was offered this posi-
I tion some years Igo at $2,500, but de.
!clined it as he co iSiderect the salary not
sufficient. His present engagentent is
for $3,000 a year atid an annual increase
lot ..5.250. In add*ion to this position Ise
lis president of a -tail insurance company;
large fire insur ;nee company, and owns •
a large ranch in the Medicine Hat clis.
trict. Mr. F'ow>r is a native of Tucker -
formerly of Tn. kersinith, and later of
Witighain. lie is else a nephew of
Iltessts. Thomas end Joseph Powler, of
the Anton, road, .Ttiokerstnith. He left
Wingluon whet quite a lad, with his
father and othm members of the family
about 4.0 years a to. Me has been grad.
coining ' the front for several'
years and is nowenne Of Alanitoba's lead.
The Mont
To Success
• Is easy for those who are equipped
for the proper transaction of best ess
. affairs. Those who get their erduca
. lion where attention is liven t0 de-
' tails and sinip1A methods will have
the advantage of others. We have in-
formation foryouif you are interested
Forest t Cit
y Business College
Y. M.C. A. Building, London Ont.
i L
T, Principal.
•t•'i�•3elea S •leech • ieee '.•lea 0 Y Y. Y 'Y Y''
Business Education .1.
--1 •
Provided you get a strictly first. -class
+' Business Education stunt as can be
had in the well.knrown
I Central Business College,
i 1You risk nothing by attending this
.1 College. This is the school, whose
4. graduates are in strong demand as
* teachers in business colleges a d
*. prominent business firms.
bookkeepers and stenogtaphers for •
* Write for catalogue.
an take a number of cattle, high and
low land, good m iss and good water
Apply to Muanee WILSON, Wingbain
Free En rtainments
Prof. Daniels, with Prof. A. M.
In•ieves, proprie r cit, the Pride of the
'alley Medicines. writ give a free miter -
Wilma on the market stellar° every
vening till July pet. Everybody veal -
bine to come ouser., and listen to the lea-
ns, also see tl e wonderful perform.
ngers, jugglers end acrobetio workers.
member that tl 0 Pride of the VeIley
edicities are an 'old and reliable set of
edicines, The", are sure cure for ca.
diley troubles raid all blood diseases.
hey mire 'when °there fail. For sele
all druggiste ind Medicine dealers,
met fail to se red, Daniels in 1.15
=aerial burni and healnig act with
s Century Malt Ointment; also Ted.
Ottawa in the pa
Will ship a car loa
Pilot Mound on P
head of cattle.
in obarge of the
sides the above
several car boa
quantity of but
shipped ftool. NV"
The name to January lst 003, for
12 yds. challie b1.00 guaranteed
to wash. HANN.A. cIs 00.
Men and boys' suits will be sold. at
prices that will pey you to investigate
during King's July and August sale.
Take Laxatite Brom° Quinine Tablets. Al
druggists refund the 9110710y if it fails to cure
E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 2.'ic
Clearing Sale
0 F
'tee NOW ba
t Greer's
Mg citizens tun utobt wealthy -men, ne 'YOU:WANT TO SA V8
Por some years Otter settling in Ma vf 0
Who. he WAS 011 Agefl in farming and (irk 13LTY NOW !
thresbing.—Seaforth Expositor.