HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-07-10, Page 6From iho .Sanctum IvIlt1 **liar Pareeesetto trete faits cx-atanees ' On Ir'164'ittY, Jii iq Mise Aitetzlalater of sUr. 1)teid B Ole of Tu .r.. extetta. vote mer'i el to ne. R. 3. Xa ,Claetwer. .f j v.W.T.. 'KV" In44.01.V wag rerfirrtceit i.yv.Uv51$. 64-11n.. yitV) 4, at ilrueetic.i. Kilburn's Pais the bov.-eles, ,111,.: mat ,or., tiyhpo ent, Istittnem. as, snit In•af,to•t*.w anti ILI nitvv. tiOnn itt *Alt. organs of digeeteene Dr. Pletelier of 0- tawe gives the fol. leau tog peeventytive for the tattnete ttf The 110PIO of Mr. awl Mrs. Auf rew haste. eon-tL Huron, Was StIdtb.111.11 by the deeth of their ilauelitee, Maly , Ann, et the ag.4 of 31 OATS amt. It ni.eithe. witteti toale pine on. Tuesday, jeue 17th. (,)hildren Cry To7 pNoopels,40.ron& I. 3. E. Riaekall. V. S., of Clhiton, who- Itas been ,t reginent of that pieta, tor /her° tly ou t'w61&". I nnsita of lam ,in. past le e ears. lois said his too rest iu POUM Of le tar atql v'a P0430.4 Ot Ehe drat of L3t'kat & Bell to 1 is plate lard. Thie is atudi,e1 with a vats, taw .or tier, D. B.11. titi /110-Va IT001 *04 41.1.441101,011S. proviug I from ()Innen. A pretty wedding was Ottlebrattal et j si„eA January uo, loot, Huron has Vt. Andrew's Presbytetian church, I yo mops surdipox, Srepheo, 1%Teetainitt, B. 0 , on Sidatetay, Julie 28. i :8 in East 'fitrwanesh, 11 in West. Wits 'when Mr, Frederick Davison, formerly ! warmth, and 1 in 011ettiii. The sources .ot ritlektIOW, Wtia wittet iu marriage to , wee„ stiseesee, eisetioba, Bee City nud Miss litient Mabel, only daughter of 1 leiadoa township respee (tee's,. Mr. end Mts. Robert Polloelt of thee 1 A Usti !Jot Sflkssat. place- Duritec the Itot seesem tile 1 leoll gets over Lit 41114 the draitt on tee system 18 CASTO 411.1 the appe ate is often tote. tlurtieelt Blood Bitters purities mei in- . . * vet...twee IntAnt, to,ub U Ow *Mau Mr. B. $ Coo's of Forawich received 1-e'e1I -1,066 hin)etlro. xvord tirzt, his brother, Ebenezer Cook, Colitienel snrptise is caused at the dot gidlaud, 11fich., had had a parelytio reveintiou of the large number of Boers stroke fuld it was booed that lie would srol in tate feld at the eOliatiS1011 Of the recover from it, bat front later reports war. Tau sarrender of 700 men at Cal - be had lost the passer of speech and. bnt tenet, Cope Oolouy, twinge the total little hopes of his reetovery are enter. timelier a sumuuders up to is500 *tea. Children 07 jr One of the prettiest -weddings of the season was the nuirriage on the efter- neon of June '46 of Bliss Meath% Basan to Mr. ltuebeu Wilkin, both of the 4th. of Mint°. Rev. J. W. Gilpin, aesieted by Rove Dr. Raysou, brother of the britte, solemnized the Indian iu the pres. onee of a large party of guests ut tlw Baron homestead. British Troon Oil Liniment is good or num or bease. iteoevte, pitin. re. dame ewelitug, allays Milanienttiou, .entes ente, burins brats .s, etatuitis, Rift Jeints, Imes or nisei:Is, vhetonatieul, mu. A. huge bottle for 40. coots. Ram interferred with the. pleasure SuakeWliat,, hat yet the weddiug wesit happy ne that was held Wednesdey, Juate :IA, at the holite a Mr. and Sits. Chartee Yereuson, on the fourth comes- siou of Mint %, -wheel their daughter, Ilitise Sara Fergneon was nentied to Mr. Datum. S. MeLelltet of Eurewell. Rev. A. 3. Darroeh. Beptist nriuister of Fare - vett and Kenilsvoith, ti d the nuptial knot in the presence of a large party uf . gueste. Oa Wednesday, Jame 260, a v r en'etty wedding occerred at the home or 311r. and Mrs. Thomas Akine„ ()image URI, it being the inertiage of their daughter Edna to Mr. Joliet:ton MeFtel- , deb (4 i11iUbzutk. Ont. At the hour of o'Cluck us the last etratius of the svse- diug mareh played by Arlse Ett•i McGill died away the contreetiug parties enter- ed the parlor where, in the preseuce (4a large number of triatcls and relatives, their seem). Sews. were 8:deputized by the Rev. A. 13. Dobsen, pastor of the Pordwieb Presbyteriau cbtirch. Gen 44.14 Ctsitort,talw t... ...4.41tUrt 01 C7,24.1. ti. when Ushy was sFek, we gm -4 tier Cris. When ALI was a Child, she eried For Cs.stOria. vtluai she became :tis, sue clung to enstarta. Whenshe had Chi hirels,sh gave them Castoria. Agues K. Young of Ripley, aged 17 years and eight mouths. passed away on Wedoesday, June 30th, art tr a lingering illnes with consumption. The deoeesed bore her sufferi ae,,s with patience and Christian fortitude. and was ready to leave this world, of lain and suffering. The expressions of sympathy to the be- reaved mother anti family were nuttier- TTIE WING11.1,31 TINES, JULY In, 19.02. ' This is the new seientific remedy for baeltache lame or weak back, gravel, Bright's ill -sense, diabetes, dropsy, and all kidney, bladder toad urinary troubles of young or old. If your back or kidneys bother you, just try Da. Prrcumess BAt., acne; IN.ID11131F TADIAaS. They'll convince you they're good by curing you Price 60c.* box, at all druggists or sent by mail, Tux Du. Zoe+. Prrc.uent Co. Tor0140, On dutatoss. The regluar meeting o the Culross Mutual Fire lee. Co. was held on Satur. day, June 23, all the members a the Board beiug present. Seventy applicatious for Warm= • were received aud after careful minim titian were accepted ou motion, of Metiers 'ledge Street lige given judgment in I the catie ot Doherty vs. hitlierie and i Manufacturersitisuraime 0a., an aetion 60 roomer $24,t34,76 ireetaect of damage dome lay lire to plata titre pre- ! Petty itt Clinton. The property was tn. I tiered by two policies iseottd by defend- ants, hat the premiums had not been I paid, although thedefendants had reinsured their rink, Held, that no contract ex'.stial between plaintiffe mid ! dotetelentsfor an inaurano4 for the year! lieginniug a1st Oct.,. Itt01. Autiou dietuissed with poste. The a moutit oat of the abOVS Sala thee would IWO Ottelt I 04)11140 by thie, luSuratme companY would have been between:440AV and I 140,0 Deafness Cannot be Cured by Weal applioations AR they cennot reach the (nee:teed portion of the ear. 'moo is only elm way to owe deafnees, emt that is by vonstitntiontel remedies, Deafness is ceased: by an inilemed con- dition -of the tatietaint Rettig of the Bus. mullion Tube. When this tube hi to - flamed yon leave a rumbling soluid or nueerfect bearing, Hod when it te ee- tirely elooed. eleafnees is the resalt, end unless the ientomeetion teat bo taken out aud this tube restoted to its menet commit:ea, beerieg will be destro,yeo for- ever; uhie eases uot of ten aro enueed by eatherh, which 'Is nothing, but en in- flamed condithat of the mncoes. surfaces, We will give One Benalred Dollars for any cet.e of Deafness (caused by es writ) that mew bs wirecl by Hall's Catarrh Cute. Send for eirenlare, free. F. 3. CHENEY clis CO., Toledo, 0 Sold by druggists, 'Me. Ball's Family PAN aro the best. Rod and Aotatt. Two claims for damages done by light- ning were preeented and tis the iuspect- or's report ot moth (awe was favorable the admit were paid. The claims were by Johu Copcdaud of Tueuberry for *601 for it horse which was killed and by I Adnir of Turubary for $16 tor a elle-year-010 etver %hick was killed. The Board utijourned to meet uu the lttstSetuiday -ot July at 2 p. D. MeIseosu, A special meeting of the commit was called by the Reeve at the Town Hall, Teeswater, Jam, 21.s5, 1402, for the pur- pests of taking into coueideration the expeutliture of the great made by the ma, The minutia were taken to 11,fount Comity Cseaucil, mai ether Meatless. Foraest for burial. 13ellagh—Doneldson—That Mr. Well- Milburn's Heart and. Nerve Pills v')ud. g"'e " '1450111005 05 tile "mutt" et enre anaemia, nervoasuess, sleepless- tnuuey grauteo by the Colony Commit nes. we:dowse, palpitation, tin obbiug, mai whou to be expended mut the per - taint spells, dtzziness, or any conditiou itcadisee treats impoverished blood, dis- oon at each Mum. Carried. ordered uerves or weak heart. :ele. Wenn-tad gave the ituiount grant - A quiet. but pretty wedding was solem- ed by toe Couuty Witten! as $32e.57 aud to be expeuded as foloaws: 575.00 011 tOth e,jii ; *60.00 nu t4th cute by Ilov. A. Stewart. at the reeidence of ou Carrick beam -Lary south of Ausble- , the bride's mother, Mrs. Christina ; ,e, su7 ecu. and mu; on Cooper, Albert street, the contracting —11" -- gruvel road. parties being Iwo of Cliuton's popular yoram busiues veopie—Miss christimi ateckayntz—That Kuntz aud Donaldson extant' tee grouts ULI the 10th S. Cooper of the Than of Ogle Cooper aud 17th cues. laud Itallagu on tau Car- ! C a. and:A. J. Morrish. 11te bride was rick bouudiuy, Mackay on the 2nd con. I aseisted by Miss Era Henderson of Kin - anti Reid tool 13e1Mgh the grant on the cardine, and Dr. Boll of Clinton per- , formed a like tuuctiou sor the groom. gravel wall' Tetai ani°unr' 232437' Carried. nized at mane an Weduesday, 2n1, 01 '1d. ften attacked sudile»1 teams Coli 0, Oranges grant of $100 be supplemented by an - elegem Infautuni, rm. Dr. Fowler's other $100, the Atm to be expended by Children 'Cry for Extrect of 'Wild Strawberry is a prompt Wtn. Reid and Jas. Ballagh, they also 31 MU are o uuta—Donaldson—That the county by indutul and flau • • Distramee, Dyeentery. Cholera Morbus, CASTOR and bUIF vure which should alwaye be to .use road grader for trimmiug edges IAkept in dee house. off gravel road, Canied At the June Session of Grey County' COttliCil at Owen Sound it was decided ley a vote of 9 to 7 to build it House of Refuge costing not over e1G,000. This inoludes the purchase of fifty acres of land end the Government grant of S4,600, Po that the cost to tee couuty is only $1.2,000, Offers for sites have been =ado by Markdale, Mettford and Owen Sound. Meaford has subscribed 21,630, ort condition that the House of Refuge be located in that town. A. very sad accident occurred in De- troit eecently, by ohich Miss Bertha Walwin, who was one of Beyfield's young ladies. lost her life. Miss Wal - win's clothes, by some means whether from a match or a gas stove, caught fire and the ti ernes spread so rapidly that she lost her preftence of nabel and leashed out bete tho street, She ran ne.ariy a block before someone stopped her. The burn- oluthing, Loaned lay the wind, Lure- efel the poor girl most friehtfully, She was takeu to Harper Hospital, and everything that medical science coula suggest Was done, but of no avail. Baeltache, swelling of feet and ank- les, puffing under eyes, freqrtent thirst. scanty, cloudy, highly colored urine and all urinary troubles lead to ttight's ;Us. easet_dropsy, ditibeter„ 21:1. Duos's libl- ssey rills are a sure cure. After eight Teets' illuese with para. Veto of the throat, Mrs. John Bruusdou passed away to her heavenly home on fittthxday evening, AM? 2e. Mrs. Tittles - aim was horn in Scarborough. England, iik the year 1888. When she vms 18 yeart of age her family started for Cau. ada but were shipwrecked in the Bay of Ytticay toad her father drowned. All the *Neaten tend children Ott the vessel 's'ere saved. Deoeated after arriving in Can- ada went to Brampton to reside and tofu Vatts after, in 1860, was married to her sow bereaved husband. Pot it abort One *het her marriage ithe resided in Btampeces and then moved to Mahan, &VW Itilthedtil she rooted OA LOteleabOro *sere sBe resided for the lost 44 yeare, 4*115 WM the mother of eight children, etelosr of whom titled itthtftesey. The month just closed was the coldest Ballagh — Donaldson — That E. G. in 13 years, the temperature averegine Kautz have the road between lots 20 60.3. The sun spots are said to be re- and 21, con. A., graded by machiiie aud sponeible for the frigid weather of the made ready tor gravelling. Carried. past month. The temperatures of °tin r Kuntz — Donaldson —That 11. G. told Junes are as follows :-1881, t,9.6; ituntz have culvert repaired opposite leen, 68.4; 1866, 602; 1863, 60.1; 1839„ lot 20, con. A., and move the same to tbe 68.13; 1867, 66.9; 1861, 69 8; 1843, 68 9; 'proper place, Carried. 1842, 66.4; 1833, 60.3; 1836, 60.3 The Donaldson—Ballagh—That the council year 1810 was railed "the year -without a grant the sum of 215 for gravelling op - summer." Every month in that sum- posite lots 11 and Ie. cons. 14 an Ai, the neer brought froet aud snow. The tem- !same to be expended by E. G. huntz. perature from May to September was !Carried. 33, 7.2 below the average. Indian corn Kuutz—Ballagh—That a grant of 240 did not ripen aud ninny of the fruits and be made to gravel opposite lot 9, con. 6, grains were reel -tailed or cut off altogetlx- te be expended by Henry Mackay. ; Carried. Donaldson—llacitay that a grant dOH. A. 19. CHASE'S , $40 be made to cat hill oppositt Wits m's tb?AJIhH L,Ut(C • II • and Simpson's lots on the end con. tnd I.•nt dIreot to tho4elselmed parts by the Improved Mow. a sum not to exceed $20 to repair the Heals the skers, Oeare Olt tat ; 30th side road, cons. 3 and 4, the seine ptwagee. amps droppings In the 1 throat and permanently Mae* to be expended by Reid and. BalIagh, fr CZNrhalannitrrersesit and to be finished ouor before the 20th steoetiateeCo,. torome add haft& }of September. Carried. - Kuntz—Donaldson—That this council A week ago I, Id. McCateheon, a ' grant the sum of 215 for graveling op. • teacherin it. St. Thomite School, receivea , pOSite lot II, 00».12, the same to be ex. word that his father, W. H. "A:Catch- vended by jas, Donaldson. Carried.. eon. of llibbert was unwell. He went Beide-Donaldson—That Mr, Rivers to his home, the father having gtue to get three eet of tile moulds for this comaChieao be have the tenefit of t'ae lest oil, sizes 8, 15 and 27 inches, also three aurgerY ren1°Ving an ntsttnati("1 14 extra bottoms, one for each size, and the throet, which- eaused rieollen gleaf. tut oil tretteurer pAy xr, /wets viseleg The opetation took plane, and th ltt.Lt1the gads are rectiv..d. Prices not to be was nimble to survive the ehock. The more than factory prices as quoted to boby arrival at Mitehell Priday tntrri.• this euuncii by 01, sawyer lug._ ce, Youeg man, you can't do it. You can't make your way through this world without work. hten have tried it before ycn. They have loafed Around the street corners, told windy stories and all that bun they have never sueeeeded. Yon are no smarter .thau other boys. Your wits will not bring you euceees in Yoa bad better leara a tested trade than become a °tarmac loafer producing nothiug for youtself, nothing to help the world aloug, This world has little use for boys who ere not willieg to pull off tseir coats and Win their way to fame and femme, The good things of life are not handed oat to idlers ou giver plasters. -13n. ing. Deceased was well known allover The reeve and clerk to sign this Motion Western Ontatio, haviag travelled and attach the corporate seal. Carried. twelve years for John Abell, the uell. • g nig known implement manufacturer of Tor- do new adjeurn.—Carried. onto, and six years tear the Sawyer - Massey Company, of Heenilten. The family lived in Listowel fifteen leers Ititeeen to eel( end Others and 1» Hihluit Aix "All" eTalte cute of your lieelth; yOtt haVo chew' was i)()tli itt /leetern Ontario, near no right to neglect it and thus beetnue 11 Belleville; was 60 years old, a Frtte, beeden to yourself met perhaes 10 mason, and a member of the A.O.D.W. oihetoi-" Wh.e" liver $.k.e",1 111100812f the kitineve atitietzVe. en t toe newels Be leaves a widow, seven Bona and thtli3 eebsetpereit, IM. Chase`a, Kidney -Liver daughters. j. M. MoCatoheett, St. pills will promptly set yout filtering end Thomas, is the oldest. Wolter is in excretory syStent la parrot order, ancl Galt, William itt St. pant, Minn., Sat. intuit!, trod dittitr foginheall and tha 'cala016•13g 01114" riernoe oevottet.010,pai. vn:t.inYs Tote, at home. MI cents is hot •- i .ewindlere in the Country. v,rbe other etty as it train drew into a couutry swim& a few limns' journey wet of Toronto, two WU ATM tip iii Et . buggy aud cunglit the train. They 'woo utudbespettered and evidently in hurry,. They worn swindlere, and we understand they made- quite a bit of money in the tomMunity tle.1 were hewing so aufklettly that afternop. They were .Worlthig the old genie of mil- itia wortblees, wetchee mei 4liwolorY 50 I . farmers, repreNeatiog themselvoem I ona. 1 merciel trevellere for a eweary hous ., which,haying failed in business, left them Minuted without mouey end fur frtmt home. They were conipelled to ratite numey enough in order to get baelt to Toronto, and xneetiug,' a filmier they maid offer to sell Mtn an eighty duller watch for forty. Before leaving the num they would sell the watth to hint even if they got only five dollars for it. The perchaser was led to believe that he WOS the only luau in l the Protium who wes getting the great bargain, as they were .compelled by their eecessitiee to make the sale, and with the proreeds they would teaeh the city end find en eager market 104004 the leading jewel - ere for all the goods they had. Having fOttna Otte dupe they would seek an- other ouce oat of sight of the first one. When the purchasers began to g0 into the villages to geo their watehes valued, and found thern worth about a dollar a pound the swindlers jumped into :m- othr county aud operated there. It is surprising that beach frauds, al. though exposed aver and over agnin in the newspapers of Ontario, clot be worked year after year. The (buy of the press, no doubt, is to keep on expes- bag such ewindies. The linty of the Goyernineut is to .seek to so perfect the Provincial police system that the people in oue mutate, will benefit those in every other, Those who pt6petrate [these swindles are geoerally very honest - i seeming men, adherents of the same Ichuxolt andf 11 , f the 1"t' cal lender as the fernier t try are seek. ing to defraud. They are Clever confi. deuce men,' and only those who are fore- warned are likely to resist the traps they set. it Stiatuisting met, These are the enervating days, when, HS emstebody has said, men, drill) by the suestroke as if the Day a Pim had dawned. They are fraught with danger iv people whose syeloute are poorly eustained; mid this leads us tn soy, in the iuterest the less robust cif our renders, that the f ull etreet of Hood's Stirseparilla is suck as to sintgest the pt ppriety of oaliing this medicine some- thing besidea blood purifier aud tonic, —say, • a susteining diet. It makes it mneh easier to bear the heat, oesures refreshing sleep, and will without any doubt avert muele siolouss at this dine of year. R. T. of T. District Meeting. The semiounual meeting of the Huron District Council, Royal Tenip- tars of Temperance, was held at Wing - ham ou juue 24th. The District Coun- cillor, Mrs. Ooliu Campbell, occupied the chair. There were representatives from Goderich, Varus. Winghtun, Exe- ter, Seaforth and Farquhar. The morn- ing session was taken up with appoint - tug committees and general routine bus- iness. The afternoon session was caned to order at 1.30 pan. The report of the Dislaict Secretary showed a membership (4 278, and theliDistrict treasurer reported all bills paid and a cash balance on hand. Report of the Temperance Com- mittee; In reference to the matter of prohibition as to be taken ou Dec. 4, we would say we regret that the Legis- lattere did uot see fit to great the changes ty the vote taken at the great convention held in Toronto, Feb., 1002. and would recommend that we abide by the decision of the Ontario branch of the Dominion Alliance Convention to be held in Toronto on July 29th as the ac- tion we as iudividnale shall take. Carried. State of the order: We are pleased to note the slight increase ih membership; `still, we regret that it is not larger. No council has disbanded and one new council has beeu organized, in Clinton. The District Councillor Was instructed to communicate with the Grand Secretary re the coming of Mr. and Mrs. Davidson to this district in the month of October. It was With re- gret that the dietriet accepted the resigs ntatiota of Ur. jimmies, Exetee, District Secretary. Miss B. Penhate Was ap- pOiuted to the Mike of secretary :and Wes instructed to forward the thanks of this district to Mr. jimmies for his verv 1E4100 and faithful 13.51ie.0 as score- taryolso the sympathy of the members in his affliction. Mr. and lkirs Davidson, organizers of the HeyaI Template, who were present and ad- dressed the meeting, also favored ns with instrumental mut 'metal Maid on the manoclolin and Maker: Mr. Me- i:1101nm gave an excellent report of the .proteedings of the Grand Council in rebruarr. Mr. IL Park of Wieghtten Was OPPOi»tati tO attend the Dominion Alliance Ceeiventien tet be held in July. A hearty Vote' of thanks Wall tehael'td the Winghttin Gottuoil for their kind re- eeption and gehetal hospitality extended tor the delegates from the le Wens cetire• cils. The iteettion closed to meet at the call of the District Couneillor, at a time mid place to lie fixed by theDistrict Exe. atetive, Cox. A Wonderful Preparation "Rokco Cowed Coffee," put:le whole. some, nourishing, high' y reetnumended by healing- physiehms. Rocko is equal In 41Jts eoffee, lett only teens e the pricy atta is used at meals histead of poison. otis teas and volley, 137 Con51511315 use 1SOK00 ORREAL 001.0Fill4 will give you eine. vigor. vitality, energy, heel th and strengthened is a positive cure for dyspepeite indigestion, etc. 10c, pack- ages. Vic. lb. or 2 lbs. for 26c. For tette by ALL, GROCERS. vor sale in Wingbam by jAIVLES XcICEL 45 cents The TIMES will be sent to new . sub- scribers till the 1st of January, 1903, for 60c. 75 cents nomerereSISISSISISOSSIINSHMHISSIMIIIIMS,115, 9polbot4., 77777777777777 • e- e ee•,eetzte.,Ala 4\ ge tabiePreparationfor A6 - SiaittiN illeTOOLiandflegula- iing the toularks andBoweis of .0rotnotesDigestion,Cheerfu1- nessandRest.Cont6ins neither OpuntMorphine nor Ivraveral. Now SEE THAT ItHE FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE .2W4v.Pe. efil4-1:1AVVV=PATZIR #11070447 nrot4' ithrar.ria • Beluga Soar-. ofarairsvs # svik - arrOano*.rodoe Pfirrn - felifi;;a0640%;04, Aperrect Remedy for coustipo. tion, Sour stom.ech,Diarrhoca, Worms ,Couvuls to us ,Fcveri sh. ness endLoss Or SrAr. Tac Simile Signature of 'NEW 'YORK. 44z.. Is ON TITZ WRA'''PE OF EVERY BOTTLE OW ertetot- 44' CXACT COPY Or WAITE:FL 7 77 MARigaMiatiPe;',Gvi erties OMM.IMMOIMOM.MomoOMM*Mam*o.IMMIndoMM•••••••••4***1.1...... 1 The TIMES and Weekly Glebe to new subscribers till Jantiary 1st, 1003, for 850 75 cents The TIMES and Family Herald and Weekly Star to new subscribers till January Ist, 5903, for 85c. Two prem. itnn pictures with the Star. Papers sent anywhere in Canada or the United States for the above amounts. SUBSCRIBE NOW. OUR BEAUTIFUL NEW SPRING. GOODS Are in. See our $16, $18 AND $20 SUIT1NOS Before buying else. where. Also a special line of PANTINOS, Every thing 'yoU want in the Tailoring line can be had and satisfaetion guaranteed. 1. MAXWELL Hum ART VAXant, imatiounitormourtraesenwmaworlowommorwroa Ortetorlo, is pit up in oneeke bottles) may. It lo net sold la bulk, Don't allowmete to toll. you anything elso en the plea oe prorate, that is "juct as goal" anal "will answer army ;sr, pose," .04rilro that you got 0 -11 -13.1! -0 -R -I -Ii. r.teita of /arz:E..e.7.---- Ths tat- {Ivstsso one of • ' erseptie --.'f'ereffta=rMEUGELMMEI Printing When You Need Bill Heads, Statements: Envelopes, Memo Heads, Note Heads, Letter Heads, Wedding; Invitations, Visiting Cards, Shipping Tags, Circulars, Business Cards, Dodgers, Posters,. Books or anything in the printing line, leave your order at the home office. We are constantly adding the newest faces of type, have good workmen, and we can satisfy you. with our Printing as regards quality and price. THE TIMES, Iffinghain, a - Ontario,