HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-07-10, Page 3'rho King emrios lire lesaraimi Of .31000,090 tool °there have opeeulattve itteltratiee Ido life ausountlug to .21,000,000. It la pointed out it is not Outdo alone thet melon it cooler under a tree in sam. Incr. 'The eeolnesa ot the tree itself helog, for its terunveatitre is about 45 degrees, IVAlnlieit, ot all tintee, us that •of the ltudIF' dy is n ftweion inore than einety.eiglit degree& tet) a clamp, Of Otos vents the Me nil pieee Oka cools the tenter in a piteher. !ABSOLUTE SECURITY. ce3a,ine C rt r Little Liver Pillo Must Boer SInnoturo of de/r" See Fa-Sir:410 Wreeeer inctow. *refry eAmal mid no oak" to mew es onieax. _CAPITERS ‘Foniugurr gerTLE BILSOUSHE3• 3. filvER FOS TrinFia LIVER. PLL' SONSTIFATI:Da. FOR SALLOW SEA FOR COMPLEXION , MUSIPAVL al.011ATI11.1.t. :rent I lentexy vegotnere.,4571teieteG CURE I QK HEADACHE. Liver Ms "That's what you need; some! thing to cure your bilious- ness and give you a good digestion. Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure con- stipation and biliousness. Gently laxative, Ali LIA:;eists. 1 etrirt=tir ZI::tta?riirol:1:411 a "autual BUGKINGHAM'SDYEtgit'ars 01440,1161.. 0. /I. P. MALI, & 00., NA10.0.4%. 0.1*. CRAMPS Pain In the Stomach, Diarrhma, • Dysentery, Colic, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infancum, Seasickness, and all kinds of Summer Com- plaint are quickly cured by taking Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. It has been used by thousands for nearly sixty years -and we have yet to hear'a. complaint about its action. A few doses have often cured when attrother remedies have failed. Its action is Pleasant, Rapid, Reliable and Effectual. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry Is the original Bowel Complaint Cure. Refuse &institutes. They're Dangerons. and when 'cited to appear ealraly he- iriit DOM( ,11016t4EY PILL. 404 • • noffd the ituronons. NoW he will bo Itentetwon tint. placed- Under arrelite A DESPICABLE CBIME. svtiteh oeenott Ltio 11.1.f.noeteite Moe ropey, ond a Utile Lott tho Traak- roar moo loitirod, 'Winnipeg, July 4,.. -,There Is gonad - Orebro eeteitemont in 0.N.13, circles in conneetion with the atrIke, Wednes- day night three wireS connoting Wine pipet; with St, Paul were out at some points, and shortly after midnight the switch at northete Junction, about three miles. south of tip cat., were maliciously opened in, such n way that a train going in either di- rection would leave the track. The result wits the derailing of an engine and eix ears. Pour men were 'attir- ed, but none ocrinuslY• WINGHAit 4 Wretob,ed. Rot weather1Expoitinz Pure4rea Stink liVatt-ta-t;-0B-4 Atmo 41*ef Simla Sufrarers. to lin Lillted• Lia:es "Y Mgt reenor Dineentinet nn - hoer* .......... ..... 0000 1.1,03.1/be ; .......... 194 Sgd... . . ..... Ragtaat;Pne tO be Folloved. Dated ut See'y of 1111.111 111111911 ()111 01111(1;1 ea....ele°,EtiZdiQtag. animals to tho United tlocit bootee aro reeognizerti bt the Nene of the Canadian 'etude herd or Ma rea 'fast food 4 pare bred etock, dealra Sta.tes, freattently write me for ;dor- fixated Steette Ooverement, oroi ita SHOULD BE USED IN JULY AND AUGUST, •••••••••-••••••• The exttoortimery veriable spring, and early summer weather or the present year lets been the mused a vest amount of sickness.in overy eon) et our country. Streng mon and women have bion Creneral Superintendent Irann4•11" •vietinIS; the. week, ruudawn end eickly °Berea rowerd of $50n for Infernut- have sunned inte»selv, end Mann tion leadiug to the arrest aud con- outdoes tow mourn ote less eo• near no vietiou 'tho guilty parties, in tho. dear ones. above ease, and a rewaed 01 the samo The nervous1. weals,' ruudewn find amount wilt be given by him for debilitated /Mould now devoto their best. information leading to tbe arrest and energies ttod attention to heeltiohnild. conviction of wily person who may in ;too so As to enat-40 teem to withstAud any way interfere or .thumer with the the enervating effects of the approachiug property of tho 1Te charges hot meteor, that tho wreck was caused by strik- The use of Paine'a Celery Conmoupd ers. will soou bring a retene of tree physical As a rejoinder to Mr. 1Tanna's strength; die .rerves will he fed and harges, atfit Gal . Vice -President of bracol ; the blood will be made pnrer the Milted Brotherhoon of RailwaY and richer; digestion will be eorrected, Employes, says such work is cn- aud sweet, refreshing sleep wilt take the th•ely ;discountenanced: by the Sti.ike teeee of insomnia, mid hettabllity. • Committee, end in behalf of tho Paine's Celery Compoutel is doing n strikers ho offered it reward, of 850 mervelloes work for the sick and suffer - for the arrest or tha guilty party ing at this time. is the eel:, ,Irce" or parties.. paration thnt possesses value end vutue tooy 74 rt,IY Ntvn Ont. for reortniug the strength- and spent energies of weakly end sick people in Toronto, July 4. -Light was. thrown summer time. The trial of. one bottle. upon the situaticm ou the Cana- win give you happy results. dian Northern Wednesday by • a telegram. received by Mr. rhimps, the local agent of that railway. The telegram was as follows; '•There were uot more then 150 men outt of this number at least fifty per cent. have returned to work. Trouble is dissolving. and we expect to be hav- ing business under normal conditions within twee ty-four hours." The ales - sage is signed by the traffic manager in Winnipeg, • COM.MUNITY OF 1NTkIIESTS." }Ugliest, Ship Mantling Magnate Prefers te Se Cell Morass evehlme. London, July 4. -The committee of the House of Commons appointed to Willie() into the question of subsidies heard William .1. Pirrie, 'chairman of the IIiirland & 'Wolff Shipbuilding Company yesterday. This witness, who figured so prominently in the re- cent. J. Pierpont Morgan. shipping combine, expreseed the 'opinion that subsidies were given merely as a lionnty, and serve to encourage inef- fkimey, and tbat„ even where they could be legitimately bestowed, the ; tendency of subsidies would be to fos- ter individual as against general in- terests. Mr. Pirrie regarded foreign subsidiee as a blessing in disguise, as they stimulated British ship owners to keep more abreast oi the times. Replying to a question of the chair- man, Mr, Pirrio said the Morgan combine, which he preferred to call a "community of interests," was es- tablished purely for commercial pur- poses and on entirely business prin- ciples. Ile was convinted that a dangerous international situation was rapidly approaching at the time the deal was elected, but by the creation of this community of interests the fu- ture of British shipping, as well as of British shipbuilding, was assured. In short, Mr. Pirrie considered the deal to- be in every way satisfactory to the .British. Giving subsidies would only invite retaliation in the most important markets of the • world. Tho extent of state assistance te German shipping was greatly ex- aggerated. Pirrie iLlse said that the feel- : ing against tile combination was due to misapprehension. All they had been doing was to net on the advice of the Prince of Wales, when he said • "England must wake up." !1\i're Pirrie thought that the best way for the Governinent to bele British shin - ping was to deepen the approaches to and otherwise improve the chief ports. Kidney Disorders . Are no respecter of persons. People in every walk elf life are troubled. Have you a Backaeliel If you have it II the first sign that the kidneys are not working peoperlye A neglected Backache leads to serious Kidney Trouble. Check it in time by taking DOAN'S KIDNEY PUS .461ttirs OutAir litioNtir lifttilltea" They eine all kinchi of Kidney Troublei - team Backache to gright's Disease. Street; and he will be brought dotal) a prisoner. Ile/Wants, in an tinkle 300.1 bu *4,3 rot SIAS in his pepee, a ehort time ago, fli•floOloro of charged the bentli with grave erimee, . . :NATIONAL COUNCIL OP WOMEN. • AU the I/elm:Oen to tho ComrontIon ot John. N. n., Mayo .terivell.. TOOLS 224 YEARS OLD 1 matiort la legara to tho xegelation't j ot ten tone''ure free entry for lararldIng is More Nutritiokta and Appetizing Vlsor.. have, anal that- iwo Penvalet4 n't . • BlIropean beolea of recor.d, had been, emend trams that wreak .. . of Mune eitelingt end wandering plittileut I tones/x.41*d the Iodine 000. Fifteen Cent l'aCkage Makes tin, motningeromen'illecievened . irwr aty•Ftvo goals. tens. dreseatt tor, the 0004340W krid a ehareeter a a .1/owe/amid. bante The use of beet in' the hot weather is hue eoeue, .annl jt was ndt so tho grate. 1 tett:reed Whitlow very. itnnueutiy the cense •of iiiiligestit a that I itao twen. lam. nut wheroi x.,. 7... .nuil. Serieas stuallicli derengeineitte The nen .of henv,v tont riCit needs 1St th • lt'at rod •thet, pear Choreal/ they wove:et. the leaned/Old atilt had a eeek 4411clk - a 'pular, oral that DV 404044 111144 nla . • ',IAA.- • Yuma haat& tie* tractrAtilit 101 lentet •30Ix 7"049' b'glt°44 iteelootod feet Wm' Onno40-1 theme et Oa bombe ter el. ;governing the implartation ot Caned- Purl/Cana ail culiontle Meet 'be regiatt and ra Alti to Digoatlye aateriele foe wtit leg rot. tee erect in ilte Americao beaks or la the 1, len istocir late- tint coantry. benefit of rettell Inereciere• the followine . eumenery of. ' tleate reguiatiorts la Live fltcere Oatemoner. IICI1730N gteevIlitreiretate imparted into the 'Unite': i • ed Stu tee trete Canada unlit be ;ottani- panied be int. atfidavit made, by the omen or importer, deolarian elearly Qr0. \yin; Demand for Expert In, the pyrite -A or whede eald aultuals are struetors Fatming imported,. vite-lai'llether for breeding Mr C. C. james,Deputy Minieter of puepeeee, for taint etroduotiori, far Aorlealturn, bait returned. front "Waste. .0,14etl,eutt'ge"amsee:01;,84),711(sfirt-1..bl° tyr "3°4"• work, fin graziete feeding or elaugh- irigton, wlutret he attendea, the • ter, 11 or. whether they eurin part of convention a +Ito AMOnleon 4%004- onA,)ifivis111.11-co)ifellfailitol,4tintitfitst inod, isettlers' effects, or whether they are ben a rarmorEit Institute Wort -eon.' stAlpgth...for theldels1lit'n‘:tur'k t'Vf'telftYlv):1111.• tior,sete tutered tor teeeporare;etay. ee says. the ',1orcito Globe. The provide() by the regalatioea. naid co/atoll:ten woe entirely succeasful. eft/davit nueet be presented to the colt tnere being many goecipapere, end an lector of Ountome at the. Port of tnatry attexiclance representinem nearly all the who Intl decide 'Whether the aeiniein States el tho Union. cit, wee deenled ere ontitieni to entry utter these re, It:.44.,eti.c,,eotit flutetioee, and hies will notify the eve -mend from tire papers read need. InsPeeter of the Burette of emitted - reperte prewmited. that tit: Ontnerio Biometry la all oesLis lvirere the rjgolq,., 7y.rpor, aa workable and) ns swetre A NEW; 0:30UPATION titer's xegeire an inepaction to be ft•tttal'iltcauk„ it;/,,i,eeIte:le.tn" - made.ze their d If loaf y In find ing iloneese- Horns for lereedino, ra.e, month 'suitablt men to impart expert tug. show and Aide earposee, for egrieulte cal kr.oten dee.to tbe 47v.no- gr,z,v,z. er Ler wed; mut Le intipoctoti. etarr.s.,aontid411ger.i. lcIJAL. Ielr\o'triiirs4on,iaits .Slifiee-lereerse;: at the poet: of entry. . Cattle.- Cattle for breeding per- c poses, miIi. roduction,grazing or t the situationa. Tnete in my trieed whom I will oold tseWlStipation. and lwops the blood at nor- atc4bit.: e°IldFlid$1 dt:t ob. ell:ail:7a' ji'131:r1;1414114La, itohta4tst°40404411k. mid temperatere. If you wialid have a oth,r fois that his beton is eet clear bribe and full peysical N ieor, use 15 cents a package. All grocers. which ho ba,s to do io order to support inerniug. exPdted• 1:lotateete the hard work Malt Breakfast food every his home d'nd educate his boys and the Pink in Ares al dueus O'tedet to enaster bin own ante *-• ject. and the endle'ss love of late= and Condaions which tithe all hitt tinee with leading (By tan Mnotaren.) he ;Mows hiroiself oaly a few Intern -- et :steep ant had reamed las paealet The word, piper:, hie 4 mania not,a, i ail t.:,dtl. to twenty minutes. $oractin104 aed at the sound thereof various pm- ho ehyieLt, one who, ha a a large lactirea Pie oonta up before my eyes, whom I becenee he bee erront for more books. P4'ailke'''rcalettil,xr.;%).,vna.iintlieltritue'l g tivt'lloy°"fmtilitxr. 7'. one breed, '1'heir differed in almost ean buy love to Udell: upon an O whet are all of and a. men with an ineinne beeaule be -d the sepply Of experts. With everything else, sex, large paper editions, hut Us . len work, which, he said, had tar out- - telerds, and circumstanaelel(si, ::det, 12>Tr(-1 aid1'III:: ‘034911y.1171Xenr4 yisigl'nlx.itisi.ipesix.thItyra haps, also fi.;)odrkess, but they were • never eeelly well, but tho trailtat of kinsfull; in thiei - that they 'did not more liberty, and, even if he hats to be Gray iseemla to give thei ratted kr.ow what' it wa,s to lose heart or . t;11° bcdY , ifoedlila Initst be ineiteeted, and must owth of cientifie egricelture, ' be aceerepanied by certifica • sign- Mr, James thinks, there will be a the gr.A Colic c lion of I mi. le nerds Found n a tei s Messac h Li sett s ed by a Canadian official voterinar, piece for almost S, new cc:meal-len Webs' er, Mess.. July 1.-A. remark- ian, (stating. that me contagiorn disease along this- line, Th 't I.T. S, Department • C A. tn'e ,Iture wasfound to be a most able collection of implemente Used by affectipet cattle, excepting tuberoulo- play the coward, They all played u.p nainers. in 1083 has been diseovered ana ac.tinonryoosis, oxistedt eg,xxclkoinitsdiiit,eure:rt4,5rliosoeoo\ovoithorasno.,ialontnoul)al and played t.he game, they have played and working all the ,time. in bed, be Le encompassed; with books . - doeerted ;shaft 0 f 'tho Stur-7 the distilet in which Um animate have Mr G. C. Creelman, Stperintendent that a happy phra,se was better ;bap d, was re-eleeted becretary-ireasurer it to the end, and, in order to, rein- . tied theY aro gaing to play Big frleede have always iltalic;-ed benign graphite naiee ninety feet be. beer, kepi ler six months preceding Institutes in Ontario, whe ale° atter.d- wen • 1. low the surfece. i , ' the date of impot ..i. ion. pump stock, twenty-five feet long, and- filmitL1071. certifieata uppilee to the enimals in mast present an affidavit that said Tno diseovery ir.elutle.e a. - evooden ' - ' almost intact ; a section of' chain f or., A certificate for cattle ever six mon- nicely weighir.g fif ty pounds and! now tho old ler bree(1.1oll hernesosi Lind for, liming tho scales at but five lbs., and mach cows nell?e, also show that they 9unao bammer,s of ancient make. have been.l.ev Dilate I to tee tuberculin test and fotnd free from tuberculosis, Moro than this, it has benome posi- giving the, date of testing, with tele tively known that the Sturbridge gra. chart of reaotion and a deseription of phito mine, wa,s the first mine of, tiny the (tattle, with ago and inartenn,s. United States.: i _ , , . (inspected at the port. of entry. unit Ant. Liniment )nity be reqtured to. be kind clieeovered and worked in the The discovery was 'recently made ar.y anneal sheeting .symptonei ni tub- by C. E. aed Franois Husbands, of -eruelertie may be eubjected to the eub- I-hiladelphia, expert ;graphite men, . creel ir. test, upan nue true t ion from who arei row operating at the Inine. the chin: ue nu Bureau of eatemta In - For .sornething like 219 years' these Autetry. • - irapiemeet.e have lain in ice cold - bleep.-- A.11.sheep imported nap the writhe deep :IL, 1.1111 ground, and, in United States fur oreeding, graz•ing or the line el ancient tools„ are probably feeding must Ix, ittspeeted and niust mere valuable than any othern in the be ace:nape/tied by a certificate e.gn- country ; . . 1, ' ed by a ear.adien official veterinarian An investigation conducted. by the stating that no contagious disease af- Philadelphia men has developed the feeting etieep. ham eaasted in, the die - filets.. whicle fiest became IIIIOWIl Ont.* trio,- la SVilie6 111C' allinial5 ha" b'en side of Edward' S. Hill, -of Wetts,ter; kept for six menthe preetd.nO the date president of the Maesaehusetts Gra- ot itanortation. The owner or -lin. Phito Company, which townie the pro- porter mast present an affidavit that perty. ( • ...- •teaid eertitieate etitere to the animate Mr Beebe/el and SC/1 believe they ..in qtrenttesi. . . a. tome to him, and that a now writer, of the association. troth 11., en . t. force my courage and that of oth'x recalling Elizabethan days, sweend feriae: tool: part in the programme. . One was a little fellow, but he is the grave; but when iw .was $tricIxe.nr goieg. to lite big .sorne day, who was . &me last year with onnof the deada-' SELF -Ft EDNG PRISONS onee. He had so little strength to. commonly call Boy, a, there edbecaus. net deteases. eve lost. hope more than pet irli ittlaintiaistrteiiIrs e le iji:1;feetti,etio... ore ir.g, ae far ah possible, is an txcellent toTitIrt'cltaroAn°rf ly he had not a edirtplete boy body, for dieease, retorted. with, ferce; the dne- Ms soul was eager to do everythine tore shook their heads and dared not was in htm a bo soul. Unfortunete- fight with, and twice the treadle:non One hundred and eixty-five that the. hardiest boy wants' to do, en:meow:we and we went three times - acres have receritly been added to the _ a day to enquire, tearing each tine:ate art, told that it Ls now. expected, that 1 aed things that Acme. eardy beys look at the servannsface, He did not farm at nt. Vincent de Paul, and we Paolde, I will Pees them in review. bring him back from the mouth oft the Penite,ntrany will be able to raise would be afraid to do, and his bully die beeause lie would lIgt ;net deOla•I' which ought to have been, to 511i t tuch log that he ,uaust live tot eenthin boys all its own farm produce. a e OW, as Lard as nails, used to fail 1 11 h fellows in the old college. • , So fat its practicable, every per- bo7 t8ealtit-sourre , hon and, put him to 'shame. He wee may at this time mention west an in - And the lean ot tny berees. that 1 truoarnteitnigt. prison 0,sbbiecroutLidon of At -pekoes: to having' prisonnnede for: yeene the, evert of malicious feta firm mate little, frail and deforMed.. geode sold In conapeeirion with their ''' fel e three days of foot ball were oipu- in the background and hardly, whebnieg modesty, which kept hina He wets also afflicted .with an ever - and the plaything a eircuinstaneot. output, is natural and reasonable: cpiver he had been' badly hurt and was allowea him to do twin. then isuggept obietactlimepreenilenglIjp,OrpronSietri.C)sIl_ctoo mt ha.:Jro,Ilizelya• grow the clothing and toed they them- an. 01)11 on In the ,ortionary affairs ir, hospital, and I h•tve known a er selyee onetime. Certainly, a Pent- . ok.et ball go round tire whole field till of life lee never obtruded. hiraself„ and, .. tentiary full of men perfectly able. ,. , . it nauna lihn soine.where on. Um nand. if be spoke, etruld be xeduced to cillene.e by a single -word, when he need to • buy anything that can be grown on lio would jump into the coldest water ' flush and shrink further into leisi. to work, should not ho permitted to the hinds connected with the instie for a swim,. 'but he. had not enoug. 11 i poor twisted shell. A.stranger would ' way, the blood to keep off a .chiri, arid he would nave :said that• there never lived ;eot .. tette* ; end. in the, name workshops of the prison should 'sun- , le . timid. and defencelese a oreateee, but ply most oi the articles; rev -iced by t Lay c, t to wateh a' match r,pi thei wo could have tom that atranger 'that - are now Int a fere way to unearth] a . Sonten- All IS •:, Ot le. tometes‘ . wetteet day, ail then the matron. ho was wrong. Wo knewi thief, II it , Wlate public money is spent' to pro- ne.:xt. day declared he hail a ternorit- were. a matter of conscience thie..gere . very rich bed- of graphite, and it wan breeding. purposes, grazing of teedingt during their inv.estig,ation that the shall be ' aceuznPanied' i'y all aticiat vide for any part of tbe living of a tare He d' • ' • id net cane what he ate, • - tlest and feeblest on mon pot:1d bo op . relies. mentioned, wove discovered.. In veterinary certificate ;stating that 11.0 prisoner, it means that et:Mee' hard- ' bold as a lion, and would,' tether havet ' cold water, ao ay from -the air, the contagious diseaee affecting swine has working, honest man outside of the but nature had forgotten to give him . laid dew.; his life than Yielded. on inch. pu.nip had lain for more thee two _extent.: int the dietriet in whieb. the einem has had to put his hand. in his . the ostrich! digestion with which she In the bitter days of. the past he Would. hundred years, apparently, and is to- •ewiree have been kept, for six months pocket to :support en idle criminal endows other boys,' and he was indit- have rnarched, perhaps .eilently, but . day ir almost a perfect state of pres- preceding the date of importation, and L ho owes' his ability to live off the ft. - L. - . e!ent t t cold, but colds 11304. to lind eertainre cheerfully, to the staket for • . ;ark of others to hio crime. This is the least jot or tittle CI his faith ad, ., a terve:time . the owner or importer must preeent The attain however, hats Corroded It az; affidavit that said certificate ap- an exceedingly undesirable state cf him out the eame day. There wee nor. in the en,sier days of the present he is figured that originally it weighed Plies:. to the animals in question. effairs. Crime shorald not tend to ie.-, little chaP of his time to Persecuted by endured many a moor and also kiss „ . at least fifty pounds. It. has now Quarantine.- All cattle, elecep and learee euert front the responsibilities of physical ailments and so hindered b rotted away, and weighs ri, little :less _eivine for breediag ..parpesee, grazing, lite:. and honesty should nevett )=Ot d 11` y than five pounds. although in still . or feedieg, 'Whent.not accompnaled ht'.oee'eieepped by 'II ' tale devied for the : teteany of constitution - trethough the required, affidavits and certifica. ' „. . . . , . . . there Wee nothing rotten. about him- • seppeet ea icemen:ale. and thestrengest tattoo- wai not more I; d f hangs together and le a wonderful outriettity. , 1 . The 'Sturbridge' graphite mine was Bost diseovered by aemar. named Old- ham. Ir g these days Innians were plentiful, and the mine need to be arra of their is:trona:bolds. A isubsteutee the found 'a t the mine was made into red paint, and this. together with the graphite, WAX eta. by the l Indians to paint their faces. The relies diaeo'vered are .still at the mint, and will probably be removed St. John, N.B., July 4. -All the later.. 1.7 delegates to the National Council of 1Vomen of Canada, have arrived and to -day the council will be formally opened et the 'York Theatre for the transaction of business. Yesterday afternoon the ladies of the St. John Gold Club served tea at the club house, the event being slightly marred by rain. Last even- ing His Worship afayor and Mrs. nhite entertained at a public re,eip- tion in honor of the visiting dele- gates. The York Theatre was beau- tifully decorated in honor of the event and the, fonetion was marked by brilliancy, the assemblage .of so limey representative .women repro - senting malty callings, philanthropic and educational interests, lending eclat to the affair. IeS'esiteg Cnesiolit. New York, July 4.-A speeret to The 'Times from Tacotna sitys: The Tacoma St t el Company has bad picots etepared mid has chosen a.. site on Tacoma tide fiats for the er- talon of a 250 ton blast furnace, It will be the Hest modern' blast fur- nace erected on the Peellie coast, leen ores and littlest ones Will be brought front the company's pro- perties iti British Columbia, while it will mine its OWII oriel, Rolling niills tted ship -building plant will be constructed by the. same com- pany, which has secured control of the largest iron deposits on Vane eouver and adjacent Wends. As !Unto, is 1 ro4iblo, Vabcouver, July 4.-A Supreme Court \vat -rant bee been issued for the apprehension of William Me Ad- ams, , editor of The Sancfon Pay. Father thinks you should Print this Letter Drotnore, Egremont, Oct. 4511, 1890. gaeLetel Modiehie Co., Goderieli, Out. When I was talon* three years old, I was taken sick with pains it) the chest, and vomiting. At the age of I 0 I weigh- ed ouly 75 poutels. Wi.l8 50 An.1311. at that. age I used te travel for half fare. My father took me to all the dottors he couldhear of, far and near. Soule of them treated me for enlargement of the heart, imine for dyspepeia, some for the liver, others said some. blood vessels lied burst and the tithed was forced intu the storeach.., One doeton. treated me for two years steady He Was gotag to ono nie sure, but hotter/CI of a meet I kept getting tvotse all the time. I nsed to have spells of severe pains, father and othets had to hold tee dowit while I rolled on the lloer stiffer. ing untold misery. ',Some Omits the &dor weight not be half a mile from the house when Ito had to be called beeke Ile could not relieets me, but. steed look- ing over me like the rest. \vas taken to 21 doctors before I beitan your medicine. The espernes bewared hi tuy case can better be imagined than clesnbed. ; blather Would- pay anything tit relieve me. I took your System. enovator arid applietlE,A,McLennati's Liniment, nsing bOth. direeted. .1 be- gan to mend right away. continent the Renovatet steady until lest fed, still gaining it) flesh Rua Streogth. I am alrig Wrong fellow now, weigh 120 ll*e and Work all day long, and ittneverburte inc. Refer)) I could not do any work at all. I have ;treat reason be thitukful, (Ally for yotte remedies I would have 1.)4en. in thy geave before this. At. 11.1cDonvo, litaeteotl'a Itemedies, ostablished in tee, must be detained in guarantee+, for 01113 weak .at the expense of the owner or imporMr, under tte super- vision of the inspector in chary. Ani- mals found to be free from disease at the. exact of this time will be relea,sed. Tramsportetion.- All cars used in the transportation of aninals mut be finst thoroughly cleaned end then dieinfected by whiteeweehing With a ot (pees for commence sake. He was devoted to an unpopuler cau,se, and he put constraint upon himself to epeak "'- for it to work for it, and, eveto t. fight for it, and through ell its revert- • tt-t- Iindifferent. If be could conceal ill- ises and disappointments be Was ever eve, he. dicta to the point of deceit, the men in that glem he was the. only hopeful and enthusiastic. Out of all :11.eiltlint'f':er:s.:Id3t:e•t6%.raip°11:tialivt$73:0'otuxs:11,Lheia0111?3;.1.t.v.:111: was shivering in fever, and making The Toeonto G•lobt het 011e of its AN UNTOUCHED .TERSITORY tending- he wan perfectly fit when, ho he wa,s, I thiek, the- bravest,. tor there are ;many forms of cottrage,'yett among whom a coward cotild not live, !swallowing retitle when his throat weakling in body, and out of them all would not allow, bread to pees, pre the greateet( at all is spiritual. , fOliOW3 Oh the, letter published in out that De hardly felt anything when mixture of limo and, carbolic acid be- Wettnesday's WSW,: ha was in a,n eig ny of pain. He wctid I which our correeponden.'s la ,tei of Saskatchewan, tot ' then he was disgusted. tvith the 11183 have bled to uenth one night thee nn. The territory . open upend, Mid never made a moan, treats to -de:, is 114.000 square aillee made. over him; an,' when he broke hi.1 ' had not a boy heard him moving, and in extent, and yoe has (Illy 100 natlee , a.rm. encl. day at u gaine he never gave Of railway within. it. Ice eituation a, groat, and declared, when the dee- is by no means boreal. Pritne Albert, , tors were handling., him, that he -way the chief Were in the territory. 14 in al bit :sore, ,but it might have bent it 1 a bent tine ewe:, 1 ati t ude as lau niIn lot worse; and, yet, ner far as: I could L Liverpeol: Hamburg, Bremen and Der - observe, he had ,ehe most sensitive mutate.. than Copanhagen. S. Peter, - lin. It is a more ;southern coin - nerves, as well as the keenest imagine- leire,„ , leneecow. Glasgow or Edieburg. non. While I have heard iStrong The miect northei ly boueslary of. . he vier.. gtoanino, thee pain, and able- :ttrritory. indeed, is three deercee fur - bodied men. in a. Otate. of abject funk thar eolith thn.n St. Petensbure. In in danger, I never knew Boy to mike itt traYel'aPd by rivers as nationl 1.1 , e n,...oan, nutter what he. might, and I ag the Rhtne. The troneportation t do not believe he. knew what fear wan whith comparatively gballow rivers 1 ive next person is a woman whom afford. elthough suited to laaropeer. !Providence teemed; to nee hardly, for countries, with their pat iota era ;elle luta been born it rich manna day: - peony paid laborere, isnot apparen.tly ghter, and .e,be, had married it rich %lilted to new Countries, where lebo... a beautiful home. It eeenaed as if elle Irene's. SOIL and they had, begun life. in is ecerce and more highly paid. Its I wi,,s to have no drudgery and little rivers have therefore played no pate, • care, but only easy davs and a plea- . , . , In the development 6t Saskatebewan, tame t cti v iron ment .f or tlIO Yedrs to 'I - -I "Vii 1 1 • - fuel and a pit -- I ()elite, 'When the trash came and 1 hey thorn. of freight there it tor saying Ii were left penniless, her husband ob- what the future may Foe. The non Is - Inoue a .situation at little, more than -en brevet) et the Saekatobewan cats the salary of a workingman. end they ntrounh a eoi I field, so that the ellel otent to a workingman's hot.. It ea aesured, atal para of the necessary coedi., On ! ; was bete, an•,3. not in their original L. the metentime,howover. The work i \vas never eo encompeesed with charm- • honte, that I was their guest, -and' I of development will be done by the ing impasture. The one sitting room railways. M already stated. there W.5 drawing-roora, and 'dining -room are aboat 100 miles of railway it :In and library, and, smoking. room, ihtid Saskatchewan. Kansas, whose eree is breahnosteroem, all in tern, and 'db. brit 81,848 square Miles,bas 8.719 miles weys perfectly, so that you could not square. miles, has 2,731 miles; Iowa, of rullwaY: North Dakota, 76,172 go to your hedereom. and return, bet 55,697 equitre miles, 9,18a miles; , else that t had boon bolero, it seem, Y ou foundi that room to be. something 849 niile,s. 'Taking the least of these South baketa. 7d,885 square miles. 2, - ed to Ur half e d ' ' d therefore, and Atithy a liberal t Loa nt each eeneeion Whet it ought to be, and tbere ie tonsideritiele rem for rail - ell by soiree skillful witchery ()Levens- cinnamon. way development in Sa,sketebewon.The • 'I • corn -mks • whieh have f - !I:neatest, toed If we ,se.evect ourselves The fetid yea"; ite the Meek the weet! the great.est field of e a wae the, pleaoaeter fot the watt of their enterprise apPoar to have weeder oerentony., arid if eervatits did: net ap- takers to supply the NirkUlti an the „ pear it gaVel tftl the, greater frotdorn. airgitt tereitoryin cettattitatt will 'there Viet lied .the beightePt talk, With no fore'see ti i great deal -of cold 'steel 6 ahadow oi conmlaint, and the one suU., ject the istupidest than wofild Ana t ha tt chonfot tnnobing tin waif the . dietieter which bad befallen, the fetidly , fottniece. She wait, as hri4htt Out .del fore the animals are placed therein. Shippers. mast see that this is done before. the animals aro loaded; as un- less these 'regulations art) complied with the ears will not ba edmitted, to the United States, The regelations the Treasury Dept.' tho V. S. direct. as follows,- Registration.- No animal for 1>reed- ing purposes shall be admitted free of duty unlese the imporor turnishes. COI tifiCAIth Of the record. and pedigree in the form hereafter given, showing the animal to bo pure „bred and that it hoe beeni admitted. to fun registry in. the Ameeican h.nat of record. es.tab- I halted tor that br,eed. and that its sire and dem, and grandsiree and grand - dams were all recorded in a book of recent e.stablished for the same breed. AL. effidevit -by the owner,. agent or importer that such arainal is the iden- tical animal deseribed hi the ,said eer- tifieate of record' aral pedigree, meet bo picesainted. 'Ordeal the. certifieate of record nod pedigree is produe.ad the animal ehall Ire, considered dutiable.. ease such enetificate, Ls nut at hand la the time of the arrival of the, aniteale, duties Abell be estitnated thereon' and de - ponied, ard the animals. 'delivered to the importer, who may within ten deny file a written etipulation, with the collector, to produce the requieite eer tifieate within: six menthe from tho date of entry; whereupon 1 inal ot Oho, entry will be !suspended heti! the pr•eduetiori or the e,ertifieate oe oxpirattet.f.of th.s six triotiths. Upon the peoduelion of the certificate ite deo Soon! within six. menthe from the char; cif (retry the ainetint deposited shell be refunded I : • • Form of Record wnd Pedigree tit be ae.ed for Iniportar.t Animals: - Pedigree of Sire Sire Nto •ba •••• •.4 •Nit .11. led X0 fikkit. I No • dant Site Not!' Dam laid aercent -lin fame its the nett •tvw 1888, aro the Only Medicines tit (Amens .; % f No.......e .. ot three year,S. Tha eitilwity rate ie ' which Mete Said int theit brerita,Witheirt I berchy tertity that the, Orme° ... .0 that guarter tit the Dondefori IS, itt advertising. Address :MacLeod Medicine eettreet pedigree ot No deed, otte of the trent picteresoue In C h Th I. thi tittt ti i ure bred and has du: trial episodes raow being stetted 0., GOderic , Ont. a se t ,s T. • 4)p11111)))14. of LeatlIng Pitysinialts, Thom tonna the stunt wizen* in r t by W. T. r‘truzig 01 grmr, 1144.1raito14 bonunr- bui s 1 14 viol 1)041 loud n I hare • .14. T. OA:NIPIOILL, ZL L,, otetinnan Be ea feinaot, Ont. Pre.. rein. For sale by drneelsts, or by -mall ,n, *1i 10. Ill' Z1 100. 1.9 • N Inteaditettiring Chemiet, innate , 4)ntar u. Are just what every weak, nervous:, run- down woman need to make het ateorig aed IVetili Tey cure those feet. logs of smothering and sinking that tortle•tort - at times, make the heart beat strong and, regular, give. sweet, • tefeesh. ing sleep *a banish aches tatel -Dere vousness. They, infuse /taw. • and enefigy into.", dispirited,heaItit%,, shatterettwonten, .who hartit x101•11 tie think theee „ rib tUrei tor trietna They earn Nervoitseast, Steotesattetati Nee'Vena Prostration, lain Fag, 11'104 end Ditty Spells, ListlestaeaAs Meets of La Orippe and Pever, men* , ' General Debility And all tedublett itritinite tionittio*rtainis.6.4ovittonieiSylmiteinotitio, s sot tit two, •Ctio. 111111111101, iiitiftitekototio tati10.1w