HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-07-10, Page 2'77/114111M"11,111111111Prrlirlri THE WINGIRAI TIMES. Jay 16, 1902,. hetTatideelfeleibT vellum. Moreover, the idea of compete - 'Prevented front coutitatieg to prey upon ILKE WAS CAUSTIC TUE WINE1121 Toms tie414rin 14 el$e tbuS 1 • - E. Ft iittnalorr. Puttee:mot An*Pitoeensrant the drearier and his family, is utterly re- ., pugnant to our sone justiee," Timml.m.y, army to. 13'y the wav, this resolntion assumes $ir Charles Revieveed BritiS that Comp-Its:dim. is a feature of the FOreicirl POIIOY• ' i 711.19ilithilin ma W1991140 IIV MI reit eVe 1!, TOWN DIRECTORY,. , '11, i -4,04i43- '0020 w ' ';'-'7ittA9.106‘ i 111sT elli2itc2r-Sahhatb services at i ' t;:i ,. opuldA lui 1 irw4t.72,4R11, et;e0 P M. tieneml prayer meeting h • en 'Wednesday eveuinge. Rev.Pat- i i Ka 04,14Vie4- l'el I flte139 i4.1, Anil i srek•iZte'rneitelivel}:lits!or. W-:X.Cilullmtuue S.S. Ieenonter ChitMext-Sabbatlt services t 1 :0,114111 and 7 p m. Sunday School at ,t1 4 ..-.. '14'4 S.,,J.,t ', 'h30 p an. Epwortb. League every Biota 1 Ion weduesany evenizves. Rev. Richard. :entente,. wink+, its a :natter of fate, it is I NQ? ien AND .00;VI :VI atITS net even hiuted git in the net. But we -. • According to ea Assoelated Prot.; 14 I- , titi4 nu spiritual etudes and our oilicial i patch from. Wilkesbar, Pa.. Presideet I beanie doing their utmost to discredit I JOU Wilton of the United Mine- liVnilt- 1 the measure, while se noing attain; aid ere' Assoeiation describes tim herd lot ! the tlepeeition iit driving out the (lev- et the tin. ne states " Lila the IS 1 ertment. VVe find them rued with orage wage of the 147,:hhi persoiet eine ; the hoer teats tilt M. Whithey's bide PIX'.1Mti Weollt the mime le e.e.,41 for at Nut- I ixl. his entleovor to win plant and preen i imen then end they me mean eittelenea 1 Their conduct soul a 'vice evould =hut- i more than ;ten der: t year. Tba wa,li,6 t any lead us to entire v /snore the 1 are tin25 less- than ;:.:14} a year." snot, and retaniu awaX from the puns oath The tw,forns, roommt for 01.1 yeeneht- Deventber near, Yet the liter rattse-1 ion. st)r the month of Jinn, wen Oneen- hinees of the eitarch as theY lied voice i 218, eoullureki 'w jilt IF:,:,1 '57.0i13 for ;flute in our conferenees, indicate a wish. Chet last year, an iaCreese. of over Anion:ea Ave, the laymen. of the church, should But there is some attlreeCOU outseuentet now (evert; oureelves to carry the atelier. for the mouth wititit will mehe the inn red measure. What ellen we not Shall erease of over one and a half million clot- we, in the language of the resolution lars. The revenue for the year, lett iit- abeve quoted, nrefuse , in auy way to. eluding what in °instil:elites. is Mee. reeetteize the coining refereitannt" 052,7ee, against ,t2e,123,81e last esteir, an shalt we meekly do the rxent bidding Increase of nearly three millione. , of our leaders who Wine changed front Nithen all the reveuue is in the iucrease so $ 11(.1(1e11y and take up the burden of a will be about three millious anal n half. , prohibittou campaign? These aro the The Statistical Year Book of Canada, Ve8tit'"8 ot tho hour* t just published, gave some useful lorouto, awe 12. 4 INQUISZU. The coiestions here raised by •...Inquir- • ieformation relative to the number a er" are questions of great importaece. papers per population published in the Ir; the renereadunt is as "vile," "iniqui- tous" and "unfair" as haute people al- leged it to be, then the only proper various provinces ut the Dominion. Ontario has one reriolieal for every 8,200 of her populatiou; Qaebee, one for Cutee to pursue 18 to leave it alone. every 8,353; Xaniteho., one for every Ie it had been left out of the late catn- 2,570: ItTovrt Scotia, one for every 5,2801. paigu, there would be some reason to New Bruuswiek, oue for every 0,247; hope for au arousal of tempeemee seete Prince Edward Island, one for every, meat. but iv will be exceedingly dace% 5,730, atul British Collectible ouo for event L will thus. be saeit that ' if not imposeible to do it now. ie easy to be wins after an event. Manitoba ie. the beet informed. Pro- vince, from the newspaper potue of view, It is better to be thoughtful before. in. Canada, Those who rashed temperance questions into polities,. were carried by momentum Seaforth Expositor: It is said that further titan they had anticipated, and misfortunes seldom come siugly. the recoil leaves the !Matter inactive to rareet filso to said, in the experieuce of say the lease-Clintou New Era. Mr. M. G. Cameron of Goderich, streaks of good. fortune are ceming in showers, Last Januar,r he was elected Mayor of Iror StAy Years. Goderich.by acclamation. On the 29th An Old and Well-'triedRemedy-Mrs of 'Ur he was elected M. P. P. for Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been used West Huron. A few clays afterwards for over sixty e-earsbymillionsof mothers he 'was appointed a, Hiug's Connsel, and for their children white teething:, with now the auncenteetnent comes that he perfect success. It soothes the chile, imS been appointed a. member of the swolitieducsothee guns, agar bealist geedey"f(e): commission for the consolidation of the diarrimea, It is pleasant to the taste. Dominion Stetates. We congratulate Sold'hy drnggists in every part of the world. . Twenty-five cents a bottle, Its loirtravefrinoenadonOnbtliiitsegzeirlIl ipt:tntl.:e;:sisdhwse,, valueses inoalenlabia. Be. sure you ask worthy `UL 505' Mrs Wmslow's Soothing Syrup, aud the confidence thus reposed iu take no other kind. The Referendum and the Methodist Vote. To the Editor of the Globe: -As •Methodist layman / am in something of a quandary as.to how should vote up- on this much. discussed question. The =blisters of our church have been ex- pressing disapproval of the measure front the time of its birth. They have been writiug letters to both. the secular and religions press condemning it in strong, even violent language. They, in rare cases, have been campaigning against the Liberal candidates because the latter representatecl its principles and they have pretty generally voted against and the Government. Theo stood too often side by side with the saloonkeeper at the polis to vote for Whitney aud against the referendum and prohibition. And this has been the case not only with Conservative preachers but with those echo call them- selves Liberals as well, while many Lib - era/ ministers voted not at all. They call it "vile." iniquitous, unfair, etc., and have done their utmost to discredit it and the Goverment. Quarterly boards have passed frenzied resolutions calling On prohibitionists everywhere to repud- - fate it, I extract a report from the -Christian Guardian, in part as follows: At each of the three congregations of NeWington circuit, Montreal Conference on Mardh. 23, 1902, after due deliberation, it was moved, seconded and resolved: "By repudiating the referendum now prohibitionists would leave it in the hands of its designers. Therefore WO recommend that prohibitionists refuse ia any' way to tecognize the coming refer. A sufferer From Backache Mr. 1,V. Gilroy, general mereltant, Blen- heim, Ont,,states:-." tem retherenthusi- in the praise of De, Chase's Kidney - Liver Mlle, and believe 1 have good reason to be. For several years I was a great tufferer front kidney nisease, sod bad pen* in my back almost contently. I tried t gteat many remedies, but did not succeed in obtaufieg more than alight tsraporery relief. di- A friend of Mine advised me to try Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, toad I did so, with great satisfattion, had not taken half a box before' began to feel better, and new tealizethet t lewd entirely tecovered. 1 often wended' now why pple go after new -hoisted remedies when thls hied and proven, Medicine is so easily &Weed, anel tto certaitt to care," Dr. Clesetes Kidney -Liver Pills have ate *nor. meets wee because they radle.alle tura seri. •INN sad &toned disease, outs pill a, dose, ge darts a bee. All dodos, or Ednieniere Iteemrk Co, Totottee, Dr. Chase's Kildinstilaivar WESTERN FAIR, LONDON. This year Canada'favorite exhibition will be held from Se t. 12th to 20th, a vreek laterthan lastI ear and following both the Ottawa and Toronto shows. Every successive year the managers of the Western Fair make a move forward, and this year, will be no exception in this regard. Preparations are being made which vvill keep the old "Western" Well to the front as the most successful as well as the loading Live Steck and Agricultural show of the Dominion. New and in terestine fifeatnres are being introduced for the firit time. Some bi- portant chauges will t e made in the ar- rangement of exhibits in the Main Build- ing as well as in other departments, This year will see the introduction in the Art Gallery of many works of art of high. merit, by the leading artists of the country. A Ise-ge exhibit is assured in consequence of an improvement in premiums in that department; artists of note have already signified their ititein tion of exhibitieg. It is confidently'. expected that the Machinery and Agrcultnra1 Implemeut Departments will be well filled, some of the largest manufacturers of the United States have made application for space, which has been alldtted them. A Mun- ber of Canadian inhnnfacturers are also anxious to exhibit, Donbtless the grow - mg agricultural wealth of our country oilers great inducements to the meat - factoring OonaernS licrOsS the line. Last year's unpanalled success in the Live Stock Departments will tio doubt be repeated. Exhibits., in the various classes were so numerous, that buildings erected for other purposes had to be turned into stalls, as! well as accommo- dation provided outside the grounds. The piteptate.ef Veil troptetheenghoat Ontario *horrid tend tO melee the.WeSt- ern Fair of 1902 venal to any that has been, se regards the, predttets of both farm and dairy. It is somewhat eatly to refer to the special attractions but We are astaired that tho mattagement have already See - tired some thrilling and highly settee - dotal acrobatic feattwes, and the list is far from being complete yet, a full list evil be advertised in thift paper later on. Asis usual at this time each year, the Office staff ere busily engaged in math* Prize Lists and other advertising matter throughout the peovince. The secretary informs us that he tifill he pleased to mail lists to anyone making applioation. A copy of the newly revised snap of Western Ontario Will also be mailed to any :Wrest. It is a nit* dottiplete ittep, having a fall starginal index, with rail. Veva and Stations speofelly molted to that places ova be easily found. The map has been copyrighted. &eh ershool throughout Westetn ontatio hat been furnished with a taidoient =umber to supply elvish roots. A CONSERVATIVE SECONS Hi., 1 . . , Zs, c.) (1,1,- evenin 4. Ceneral ere -er meetin . 704.N3r4V1403ei . Who Advsneee itedi4 al 'Wanted. to Komi ? 1V511".1 !Hobbs, Astor. Dr. Prowler, n. 8. Sup- Je10-0 l' ' "I/ namel( ne. Alt About tag yralich mom: outlet:flee ] Wry t aefel 11 , S.7., 1 PagsByrenux Datmet-r—so,bboa. ser - wenn air. rt,{1 ys• I rti, Tors, ContelaIn- ; . Ma;A0 1 V1e(5 at 11 a ut LtU4I 7 p m, Sunday Oti of voreigst <>Mee subset's- le no, .Solicen e:30 p un General prayer to Germany -Lord -eruct/toren !meeting ou IV:edam:do ee mines. Rev. 514 London, July 4. --When the vote for in aerie. ; :Pa 4- a D. Porrie, pastor and ". Su Sr. P.9,1g.'S Onnuon, 50 I dent. ,11/4"1-tvn.m.4 noun) of Cominees yesterdatt 1,111,1' • kII. • ; day Selma at 2 n',0 p m. • General prayer titebsoraign. Office came up in the ! bath selvices 1 a ni mid p ni. Sun - icy name ia for considevaIde (rne- I f„131.5, $uperintaiiieut, noon, the uoverniaelit's foreigu pen ee ea, ee imeeting on Wednesday twenine, Rev. WIn. Lanes, iueunthelit. F. Slioro, S. S. eism. nen Cherie 'Oleo (naivete:el D eq • - (INIV as 0 services aCasemexevrmserCutmeu.-Sabbath t 11 a m and 7 p Sunday , Radical) said he watuted. to itnow if there had beeu any real metal:teams I .1:74V School at 12 m. Midweek meeting:oh with Fiume., looking to the nettle- I Weclnesda,y eveuings .,tit o'clock. Gavin meat of the French shore (Newtotand- Wilson, S.S. Supt.; A. E. Prior, pastor. SALVATIOA.B.5tY-4(4viee at 7 and 11 CCL that lir Wdelt recogiiition of I're,:st (7)' m and 3 and 8 p re on SundaK, and N , land t dispute, end be feether (leder- righte ta the Ilinteelane of 1 anion every (wetting daring the wee at 8 endangered the traditional friendship ) o'clock at the barracks. of Great Britain mut Ilatly. 'lle new i enn7rd l' . Poter Oraton-In 11.1atedonald. Block. se iehl htnes., neot...M. Arrangements between France and - 1 Office hours front 8 a. in to WO p aly, he further asserted, had entirtdy Peter Fisher, postemster, upset tho British sitifatem in the 1 Meorrertes' LesTrinee-Library and free reading room ill the Town Hall, will be open every afternoon front 2 to 5:45 o'clock and every evening from 7 to 9:30 o'clock. Miss Millie Robertson, librariau. Tow x COUNCIL -R. lianstone, Mayor; Wm. Meknes; Thos. Bell., Bobt. Mo- Indoo, J J. Elliott, W. V. VauStone, A. J. Irwin, Coancillors; .3. B. Fer- guson, Clerk and Treasurer; William Clegg, Assessor, Wm. Robertson, Col. lector.. • Board meets first Monday eveu. ing in each month at 8 o'clock, Sonaor,BOAND,-H. Kerr, (chairman), Thos, Abraham, J. J. Elliott, J. 3% Horvath, Wni. Moore, Thos. Bell, Win, Button, C. N. Griffin. Secretary, Wra. Robertson; Treasurer, .1". B. Ferguson. Meetings second Tuesday evening m each mouth. Poetic SCHOOL 1.4,ne.cuenS.-A. H. Musgrove, Principal,' E. 0. Coultes, Miss Reyuolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Cornyn, Miss MeLeau, Miss Matheson Miss Reid, and Miss Cummings. BOARD OP HEALTH -Mayor Vaustone, (chair/nail), 0. Reading, Thos Greg- ory, Dr. Remedy, J. B. Ferguson, Sec- retary.; Dr, 3, R, Macdonald, Medical Health Officer . Medi terranean and Eastern Europe. They had been made iti order to put I the screws on Great 3ritain. The feebleness. of the Govetunentn policy in China showed the absence of a presiding mind. Sir (-harks ,also referred to the hostility to Ruesie involved in the Japanese &11a/we and he advocates that a clear definition of the respec- tive interests of Groat Britain and 'Russia could poseibly be seeured by some sort of an ;Arrangement with the Czar himself. Continuing, sir Charles asked if there was any secret understanding with Connally regarding her access to the Persien Gulf, Luta urged (he fostering of friendship with France. tir Oharies concluded with moving rednction of the ealary of the Foreign Secretary, Lord Lansdowne. Than= Gibson Bowles (Conserva- tive), seconded the -motion. )le said ho regretted the subserviency of the Foreign Office towards (1 ermany, de- claring that she was the disturbing influenve in Chine., and that Mae er- or William's telegram to Mr. Xru- ger was hu-gely responsi ble for the feeling Which produced the Boer war. During the course of 8. general re- rly, the LTfider Secretary for the Foreign OfEce, Lora Cranborne, de- clared that the great questions af- fecting Newfoundland were not being allowed to sleep. They were perpetu- ally before the Foreign 015ce Of both Countries. The Government would be exceedingly glad to settle the New- foundland question, but it was very difficult because of a complexity of interests aver which the British Gov-, ernment had no canteen The question of the relations be- tween Great Britain. etnd Italy was very important, continued Lord Cranborne. Great I3ritain's interna- tional friendships were never aggres- sive, not' intended to be ap,gressive. Her friendship with Italy belonged to that clnss. . It was,. based on some- thing stronger than tee/lace, namely identity of interests and sylnpathies. The agreement with Japan, Lord Cranhorne asserted, was founded on mutual interests. Lord Cranborne further remarked that he did not. be- lieve China was likely to be mislecl by the advances of various powers. She knew it was the true Policy Of Great Britain to maintain. the integ- rity of China., and increase her re- sources, He was not in the slightest afraid, therefore, of the small ad- vantages wh Leh it was thought had been gained by other powers. - Lord Cranborne quoted the denial of Germ an Imperial C hancel I or, Count Von Beelow, that Germany had exclusive rights in Shan Tubg, and Claimed therefore that the door _ remained open. If you have any .need in the jewelry line, however small, Tars rupee THY; Wilt h18. -3 just write us about it. Gqq€,ccfgcc4844C6fR, f.f_6(51F $iiilli4,;>;0?;;;`4;0i;05i$4g:Vi;g0P ilziO3 6 4 "te 1E, C. LARKE5 In the Shaw Block hii the alt It is early, quite early, to talk of spring goods, But we have made ready to meet your wants when the time comes. We're bound to be in the forefront. We are determined to win your tailoring account on sheer merit. Every gar- ment two turn out is a strong bid for btzsiness. Its style -its workmanship -its fit -its finish -all appeal to the good taste and ambitions of the careful dresser. MMOgIltflg-Mtf - 1 • 1 , I. 1114 ....I 61.011.1.,kh Write us a Letter. *),1115-6 • As a result of washouts, the Grand Trunle Railroad was unable to run - Our Catalogue contains photographs of many hundreds of our choicest pieces, and iritl be seat very likely send a team to the Do- t you free, minion Rifle Association meeting ittZ Ottawa in August to compete for the e We guarantee safe delivery Fauna prize. Wednesday the 1,0 -year -Old daugh- -prepay charges and cheer - ter of Charles Adiey of Union, neat- s fully refund mOney if you so St. Thomas, was drowned fn pond. s The mother of the child witnessed desire. the tragedy, but could render no as- sistance. DIAMOND. HALL, Police Magistrate I<ingsford, ot . Toronto, Thursday morning sentenc- Established1854. ed Pat Downes to five years in the -Kingston Penitcntiary. Downes is tt Ryrie Eris os 9 yottnit Man who was recently Con- victed of a, criminal assault upon 'Yon& and Adel/aide Site small bey. *robe C. Berm. proprietor of the - Ilevere House, Brockville, met with an accident 'Wednesday night, and his . recovery is doubtful. He fell from one of the windows in the rear of his • hotel, a distance of about 20 feet, and was unconscious when picked up. Since he left Parlaiment • Mi- chael Devitt has become a. lop - ions and violent letter writer in the Nectioftal prase; Thursday he bitrr- trains Thursday between eJetroit and Chicago. . s New Zealand and Australia will 1n 13nr icat.ctrell !Pt. 5Tvllit;i7 ton st a. t thelo, alt of English Catholics to the throne and the person of the sovereign was expressed. ream, le the thittppirese, Washington, July 4. ---The President has formally declared the restorer tion of pectee in the Philippine Archie pelago; ho has placed the felaticiff un- der comil plete civc ontrol and has ex- troded general amnesty tts the vines who have been in rebellion, taretase taste eettret. TORONTO. Defoe. Nur, Wood' s rhototodbie, The' Great English kemedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medichte ditmovered. Ste jockages guaranteed to etre all torms o Sexual Weeknese, all eiIeets of itbrifte or eXoest, Mental Worry, Exeessite Mei of TO- bitoce, Oplute or Stith/A/Mts. Mailed eh Aceipt of price. one package EL six* $5., One Will 202a8e; StZ wig cure. -Pamphlets tree to any Address. The Wood Coinpasty, Windsor, Ont. Wood's Shosphodirte is sold in Wingham by Colin A. Campbell,. A. L. Hamilton. it. A. Douglas's, mad J. B. Davis, Deepens. TO CON srmrlervzs, The undersigtea lumber been restored to Utah by simple /itemise after ourfering for several years with a sevete lute affeetion. and that dread eiseiiee Cominetipturie 1 anxious to make 'known to his fence+, aufferens the means july 4eenhe„ Itarirey, M. of Imre. To them/ Who deeire it, he will eheer, 11.0g Begs there itr need for witmeigerdee, .!;figifte4 virgg pre pan ver tho Ord pox outbreak cattatimptham Altt inta, oaten? . iteenehts bete. The number of cases in the las and im threat soar Aloha int He Village la 15, The dieettee tattle hopes Ssuffertill tvgsti thissaatepevogitlor from tituniltent * month ago. Thi 414111At enstilhont hothdre, and' mar areve; diskette. to mitt* coittrol. n Nessinit, trill please addreas, Rat% ION WARD A. WILSON', Etookira, Neer York, *), 'se ea al PIANO AND THEORY. MISS SARA LOUISE MOORE, L.C.M. and member of the Associated Musicians of Ontario, is prepared to receive a Hmitecl num- ber of pupils for instruction on Plano and in Theory. Special attention given to pupils preparing for examinations. Besidence-opposite R. 0. Church, Wingham. J. J. Elliott, V. S. Honorary Graduate of Ontario 'Veterinary Opllege. Office and Infirmary corner of Victoria and Minnie Sts. Wingham. Day and night calls prlomptly attended to. Telephone connection. FARMERS and anyone having live stook or other articles they wish to dispose of, should adver• tise the same for sale in the Times. Our large circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if you do not got a customer. We can't guarantee that you will Sell because yott may ask more for the article or stock than it is worth. Send your advertisement to the Triers and try this plan of disposing of your stock and other articles. Public Telephone Stations 'Place the vast facilities of the Telephone System at the . disposal of eVeryOne. Are Convenient for the use of non -subscribers. The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada • I t LIMITED A (1.11.W.S7.11ce "DUNLOP". All kinds Of Rubber Tire for all kinds of Vehicieg. Dunlop Pieycle Tires Pneumatic, Carriage Tires SolidRubber Carriage Tires ineelid Chair Tires Tires for Baby Cerriagets. The bunko Tire Co" Limited tottesTa. Trademark 4ST 4.1111:SECDD 1872 THE WIN6110 TIRES 18 PUBLISZED EveRy FRIDAY MORNING The Times Office* Deaver Biagi; WINGIfent, ONTAIno. edTviire!, eat.‘t4otiPLITIL,.71-: N *I auper annum itt o paper tliscon filmed till all arrears are paid, except et the option 4)5 nils publisher. ..e.oviifreanue gam/. - Legal and. ether caetuti tvivtetiseiteeris se per lionparee tine fer first tea 'time eci per Mei for tectt subsequent inZatiVtisernents iu local eolumns aro el:newel ( 44. pt I me for gist insertion, aind 5 cone per lbw for each latbeequent ingertion. Advertisement:4 of Lost, Found, Strayed, Farms for Sole or to Rent, and eimilor, *LIM for first month and ell cents for euch Huh:eel/wet month. Coseentee VATes-Thefollowitig el141Wki oar ratehe e tin. tinsertion of advertisements 1 for speesialderriods p :- 1 ra. flmo. 2iro. 2 Mn 1°1:trlfeall11111+V0.1X) 0.).Ut) 16.01 A28.to111.15tm4:en1 4iarV`00le?10out2u0 Advertieemeots without SPC.C1,143 directions, will be ineerted till forbid and chargeti tweets), hies. Tranelent advertioniente must be paid for 311 advance. TFIII Jan Dee.sivesiesee is storkrd with it extensive assortment o t all recedsites feriae/it- int:, affording facilitive not equalled in the type and appropriate CULT1 for all stylet; of Post - county for turitims out first team work. Large ors, Hand. %Ile, etc., and the latest 1,i01,(11 of choice faucY type for the finer classes of mane Ing. VERT HOT WLAfHEU igs••••• Own—Mr. Proiniced by -Rev. Mr. Hicks for the Month oF 4 Lay , A Veutes dietarbanc; neutral on the 2r.d.extendine its. in0'lice beyond, the middle of the mor.th. Tim effects a tine Verus period will he very merited el:erten' the regular Vulcan, (storm period, eatendunenfrom the 4th to the 10th. Oa 'the 4th and. 5th 1110041. is 'al, her extreme declination north, in! Ile-rim:cone at 11011A Ittsetnt. Those tact, ;shadow* a W0.1.111, wave an great inten- ;say, a low) atato a barometric pros - ear*, a bighl era' cent of atmospheric; humidity wad some wicked, stanza of thurider, wind, rain and hail. The . 10th day of July is not strictly withint the limite of a :item, "taloa, bat it is tee date MY which thy xnoon troasen tho celeetial equator -and. le covered by the combined lufbeences -of the Verne and Mercury periods. Donee the reactionary ettornee due about tho lith to lith will meet probably de- velop en and touching the 10th, lilx- ee,seittele wenn lveatlis.er will exist peen te the etorm erenneations at ib7,si tame. The, oppasitiom 01 Um planet Saturn fate ea the 17,...b., and unless ling:tent and general electrical storms occur to break up the concentration of Solar energy, a prolonged terni; of in- tensely warm weather will continue threugh all the central part of ;the meeth. On June 10th, the date of the titan and devastating etorme ils many factious, we passed between Uranus and the sun. On July 17th we will Nee between Saturn ad the sun, aud en August, 0 we, will sail in between the aim and great Jointer. If wee do' not have ;such a broken up order dur- leg July and Augu.st, but it proe longed heat, with little electrical phe- nomena, general and Severe drought will prevail over .most nart s or the country up to the. September equinox and the. present ;seismic state of un- met will be peolengeci. no central Moffatt storm. periodfor the Montill covers t110 15th to the 20th, being central an the 17th, the datt of Sat- = tin oppoettion. with earth end, own We may therefore expect lonte uotiible disturbances between 'Wednesday, the 1.61.11. and Monday, 20t11. If these die- terbateea do not take the farm of heavy electrical storms phenomenal heat will prevail and seismic. porter - Initiates will probably cc:limn:de cn, or near the 20th, The 22nd to the. 24th, itolusive, will bring a reaction from high to a lower barometer, the- tem- peraturt will rise to higher readitga and sternainees, with lightning,threat- ersing *loads and rain in mealy loottli- ties will be natural, all -reaching the et:imitating steges on and touching the 24th. Tho last atorm: period for July will culminate durine the clos- ing days ot the month, low barometer, cloudiness With; probable rain and thunderstorms being its transit from weat to east as July goes out. . II. B. ELLIOTT, Proprietor and Pablielter T P. KENNEDY, M. 1).. M. 0. P. 14.0 V.5 Colondier of tho British Medical Assoeia- tion.) Gold Medallist in Medicine. Specie' attention paid to diseases of Women and Child rem Office hours -1 to 4 p, re. :7 to 9 p. DR. AlACDO,a,TALD, Centre Street Ontario. DR. A.GNE W, Physician, Surgeon, etc. Office-Macdoluad Block, over J. E. Davis' Drug Store. Night mils answered at the entice. RVAN8TONE, AL. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC Private met Company funds to loan at lowest rate of intereet. No commissional/erg/el. art - gages, town and farm property bought and sold. Office, Beaver Block. Winghunt. rA. MORTON', BARRISTER, &c., WI/wham, Ont. E. 14. Dm/curses •nvI. DICKINSON & HOLMES BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Rte. • Mcnver TO Loan. Omen: Moyer Block, Wingham. ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons ot Ontario. Office over Post Office, Wingham. Office closed (very Wednesday afternoon during June, July and Augest, TV T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., 11'• L.D.S. Nev method for painless ex- traction. No Cocaine. Special attention to `the care and regulation of children's teeth. Moderate prices, and all work carefully' and skilfully performed. Met in Beaver Block, Wingham. Office closed every Wednesday afternoon during June, July and August. JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSTJRANCE AGENT, Ont, JOHN CURRIE, Writeamet, ONT. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Beteg of Farm Stock and Farm Implements a specialty. All orders left at Tee TIMES office promptly attended to. Teems reasonable. eteeenenea E. ESTELLE GRIFFIN WINGEtAlif TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE. Pupil% prepared for Conservatory. of Music enamlnations. VIOLIN AND GUITAR. MISS CARRIE MOORE of London Conservatory of Music, be pre- pared sifter Oct. 1st to receive a limitee num- ber of pupils for instruction on Violin and Ge/ice-opposite R. C. Church, Wingletee, jOle PRINTING, includbq Books, Pamphlets, restore, Bib Heeds, renters, &c., &e., executed in the best style of he art, at moderate prices, and on short notice. BOOKBINDINO.-We are pleased to announce that any Books or Magazines left with us for Binding, will leave our prompt attention Prices for Binding in any style will be given on application to TOM TIMES OPTICS, Wingham. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. GRAND TItUATLWAY SYSTEM. TlIMEIM 'LEAVE YOU London 0.50 a.m.... 8.10p.m. Toronto & East -9 6.58 a.m.... &Oaten. Kitearcline..11,10 a.mL40 Anemia Atom Kincardine ....0.60 a.m9.00 nazi.... 8.06 p.m. London 11.10 a.ra.... 7.55 pan. Palmerston 11.10 a.m. Toronto & 1.40 pan.- 8.88 pan, M. O. DIMON', Agent, Wingham, OAXAMAXPACISID RADAVAX. %%Ants LEAVE reit t, Toronto and lotst 8.57 a.m.... 3413 pan. Teeswater 1.17 p,m....10.48 p.M. AIiTtIVX *ROM 'reearlater...... 6.57 mut 8 58 p.M. Tort:intro and rsist 117 p.m. - .10.48 plat J.R. BEEMER, Agent, Witethera. -IT PAYS . A Few Points (From the Philo.delphia. Record.) t Itt metrimony the minister is e geed, ore. to tie two. A fast Miar.I is very slew ' wheli1 it camas te paying hL'r debts. The girl whcl hag too mate .ealtors is troubled with a air -plus. It dine not follow that an argument le legical becaune, it is theological. It may sound funny, but floating debts the generally what sink n cor- esera,tiote One swallow; may not make; a sum- mer, but a grasshopper cant mane a ispring. A sure eigm is one that roads "No Trieste" , An old bncbelor ;sapn the beet peti dogs come in glass eases. . . Flattery is aIwaye *dished out la other people' never to 1351( ALT ep,ndiclate who, its knifed at the polis i apif to feel somewhat out up. ItisIIW ax IMIS3e. Imatte.t4 for, a man+ to make hie ,wife believe that he doesn't 'WO' veryf much. ." „ There is a noted difference in the style and fit of Pants we make that always brings peo. ple back for another pair. Then there is the low price and better quality of cloth put in thern—cloth that wears See our new goods and prices. WEBSTER & CO. TnAbg Manta Catt/DREfalillitfrNatalke. Aayste sending it stet& and description may TO ADVERTISE tiggit:eiregiViteatt;'*onleitilq swat free oldest agate' for secure/ailment/A, inte teem tureugh Munn &-c,o. marl *Him notice, WItheat chite 0. Itttho IN Tlit Stiettlifit Jlmerkan. " 1 • it „„,f „fly mani1,11.;,1!.;011.4trylli 11,7er/tilt:knit i174:(111601: oe flIoe, 52511 eneWastenacou.